The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Emma? Hi, Mommy.
You know you're not supposed to swim unless one of us is out here with you.
You okay? Yep.
Emma was swimming by herself.
We're right here.
We weren't right here.
Well, you're the one who can't swim, Meredith.
She's fine.
- Okay.
Who wants to go fishing? - Me.
- Okay - Just careful of the hook.
- You are so fucking controlling.
- Can you not do this in front of her? Okay.
Emma, hey, why don't you run back up to the house, get Daddy another beer.
Yeah? Neil, you've had enough.
Go on, Emma.
Are you kidding me? You second-guess every thing I say or do with that kid.
God, you are scared of the world.
That is going to fuck up our kid.
- Stop swearing.
- Oh, sorry.
What, you're afraid of words now too, huh? Neil, your temper is out of control.
- Oh, relax.
Fucking hell.
- It is.
Do you wanna see out of control? 'Cause I can fucking show you out of control.
You're scaring me.
Ah! - Damn it.
- Sorry.
I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.
- Fuck this.
Neil! Neil! Ah.
How could I have been so wrong about him? Local Middlebury man, Neil Coleman, is no longer a person of interest in the death of his wife, Meredith Coleman, whose drowning has shocked and saddened this tight-knit community.
Coleman maintained his innocence throughout.
Of course you did.
And today, officials determined the death was consistent with an accident.
You fucking think you got away with it, don't you? "Meredith Coleman, loving wife and mother, survived by her husband, Neil, her daughter, Emma, and sister, Hillary Lathan, a resident of Middlebury.
" Bingo.
I bet you know something, Hillary.
So how do I find you? "Dog lover, morning gardener, Middlebury proud.
" Bingo.
"395 Little Harbor Road, Middlebury.
" Bingo.
I found the body, Miss Anna.
What? - I found him in the bushes.
- Oh.
I'm guessing after he fell, he staggered over there before he passed.
He smells pretty loud, doesn't he? Yeah.
Yes, Buell, he does.
Well, mystery solved.
Ay! - I so did not mean to scare you.
- What are you doing here? Well, I wanted to see how the support group went.
And I was going to text you, but then I was like, that's not something you text.
And so, of course, I'm I'm I'm dropping by, which I did promise that I would not do anymore.
I probably should have called you.
Um, where are you going? Um, I'm To another support group, actually.
- Yeah.
There's one starting in - Oh.
Oh gosh, it's like right now.
Do you want me to come with you? Or is that not allowed? Um, no.
That It's not allowed.
They were really clear about that.
They said just it's not allowed.
No guests.
Of course, totally.
That that makes a lot of sense.
Well, have fun.
No Not fun.
I know this is not fun, because you're doing the work.
And I support it, and I support you going to the support group.
So Thanks, Sloane.
Can I help you? Hi.
I'm sorry to bother you.
Are you Meredith Coleman's sister? I'm s sorry.
Who who are you? I'm Anna.
Uh, I was a friend of Meredith's.
She took, like, pottery classes forever.
From pottery class.
Come on in.
I hope you like casserole.
I love casserole.
Look how pretty she was.
Emma looks so much like her.
I think so too.
Everyone used to say she looked like Neil, but I never saw it.
Are you close with Neil? I mean, I don't really know him that well.
I am not close with Neil.
This could be none of my business, but, um, sometimes in pottery class, Meredith used to complain about Neil's temper.
Did you ever see that side of him? Never saw a temper, but I wouldn't be surprised if he had one.
I never trusted him.
I think he was cheating on Meredith.
Really? I mean, come on.
A guy who looks like that, you think he wants to spend Saturday night changing diapers? The only one I care about is Emma.
I haven't seen her since they left Middlebury.
Obviously doesn't want Emma to have a relationship with me.
Little girl's been through so much.
Such a tragedy to lose your mother.
Not just that tragedy.
You know, the tragedy after that tragedy.
There was another tragedy? Emma's teacher at St.
Phillip's, she died weeks after Meredith.
I'm sorry.
I don't think I can do this anymore.
Of course.
Um, well Thank you s so much for your time.
Your casserole.
Can I help you? Yes, hi.
Um, my husband and I are considering moving to Middlebury.
Oh, how nice.
And, um, we have, uh, a son who's in the third grade, and I just had a a few questions about St.
Uh, mostly safety concerns.
Of course.
The safety of our students is our utmost priority.
It's just I had heard about a tragedy involving one of the teachers? Ms.
That was just awful.
May I ask what happened? Well, they were on a class field trip to the lighthouse Her mom used to chaperone all the field trips, so now I try and make sure I do it.
So, what happened to Ms.
Patrick? Somehow, poor thing, she she fell.
Oh God.
My stomach hurts.
Did you go to the nurse? - She said I was lying.
- Are you lying? I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know? It hurts sometimes.
Does it hurt right now? I don't know.
Sorry, uh, by chance, on that field trip, was Neil Coleman a chaperone? It did one time before.
How do you know Mr.
Coleman? Uh Who did you say you were again? Can I have one? No, uh I, uh Careful.
You don't wanna fall into the sea.
Thank you.
Um, do you work here? All my life.
So you were here the day that teacher died.
I was.
Horrible business.
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? Are you a reporter? Yes.
Then why aren't you recording this? So, do you happen to remember My name is Wallace Falkner, and I am the lighthouse operator.
Um, getting back to the day that the teacher died Hmm.
do you happen to remember if there was a chaperone here with the class? We get so many schools that come through and visit, I couldn't possibly remember something like that.
Uh, okay.
Um thank you for your time.
When will this air? Soon.
Probably t tonight.
This nice lady's gonna take our picture.
Gather around.
Okay, kids.
Hold it.
Got it.
All right.
The bus leaves in 15 minutes.
Excuse me.
Yeah? Do you take a picture of every class that comes through here? I do.
I send it to the school as a souvenir.
Do you keep a copy for yourself? No.
Thank you for your time.
I keep the negatives.
This was the Grovenor's School for Boys.
Guess she wouldn't be in this one.
Can we just do one more? I'm tired.
It's getting late.
It's very important.
Here we go.
That's her.
This is the one.
Hold it.
- Got it.
- All right, kids.
Bus leaves at 2:00.
You can run around till then.
Do you wanna go somewhere a little more private? - Yeah.
- Come on.
- Hey.
- Yes? You can tell me if this is too soon for you.
What? - Because of your wife.
- Oh no, don't worry about that.
Oh! I can't help it.
She just died.
I thought you wanted us to be together.
- I do.
- Well, this makes that easier.
Doesn't it? Wait.
Did you have something to do with Meredith's death? Uh No, no, no.
D don't touch me.
Well, where are you going? To the police.
- No, you're not.
- No! The sextant is the unsung hero of celestial navigation.
It allows us to measure the angle between the horizon and celestial bodies.
Wherever you go, women end up dead.
What? Can I have this? For five dollars.
Who are you? Oh.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
That's Lisa's body.
He's got Lisa's body in there.
Oh God.
Are you fucking following me? - The fuck? - I know what you did.
What? What are you Hey.
Hey, look.
Stop it.
Stop it.
Are you insane? You killed your wife.
- What? - And Emma's teacher.
- What are you talking about? - And you killed Lisa.
Anna, how many times do I have to tell you? Lisa is not dead.
And how dare you say I had anything to do with what happened to my wife.
She drowned.
- And you were a suspect.
- Yeah, and I was cleared.
Because it was an accident.
Do you know what? I don't have to defend myself to you.
I lost my wife.
I miss her every single day.
I would've thought you of all people would know what that's like.
To suffer a loss that's so huge it feels like the world is just gone in an instant.
What do you think that was like for Emma? And then, 12 days later, after her mother's funeral, her teacher slips and falls out of a fucking lighthouse! I mean, Jesus Christ! How much can one family take? Where did you get those scars? You're unbelievable.
Fine, okay.
That is from my neighbor's dog, when I was a kid.
And this is from when I donated my kidney to my brother.
And it didn't take, and then he died.
Is there something else miserable from my life you want me to remember? Neil, I believe you.
I mean, I want to believe you, but I need to see inside the bag.
Knock yourself out.
What the fuck is this? It's my ventriloquist dummy.
What? When my wife died, I wanted to die too.
I thought about it believe me, but it wouldn't have been fair to Emma.
And then you hear the expression "laughter's the best medicine," and you just think, "What the fuck else do I have to lose?" I mean, actually, I guess I could've tried becoming a drunk.
But how's that working out for you, Anna? Coleman, you're on deck.
Please don't tell anyone about this.
The last thing I need is a bunch of my neighbors knowing I do these dumb open mic nights.
- Hello? - Hi.
I'm trying to reach Douglas Whitaker's assistant.
Uh, this is she.
This is the FBI Department of Records.
We have the results of the background checks you requested.
- Yes? - Nothing came up on Lisa Maines.
We did, however, get something on Rex Bakke.
- What is it? - Looks like his sheet goes back Shh.
After you.

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