The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

School of Fish

(music playing)
(birds chirping)
Well, Gubbles, are you ready
for your first day of school?
Yeah, uh-huh.
You know, you could just stay home
with your Mickey-Wickey Papa.
-(horn beeping)
(water gurgles, splashes)
(gasps) Oh, that's the bus. Okay, okay.
I'll see you after school, buddy.
Goodbye, Gubbles, Bye. I love you!
-(water splashes)
-(door hisses)
(all scream)
Goodbye, buddy.
(sobs) Oh.
-(wheels squeaking)
(kids laughing, cheering)
Aw, I wonder how he's doing
on his first day.
Oh, I remember mine
like it was just yesterday.
-Hi, doggy!
-(fan whirs)
(Mickey screaming)
-(crashing, clattering)
-(Mickey screams)
-(all laughing)
(Mickey screams)
School is terrifying.
Gubbles is in trouble.
(eagle screeching)
(water gurgling)
-(gubbles chuckles)
-(banging on window)
Hey, Gubbles, are you okay in there?
(sobbing) Gubbles, Gubbles!
-Oh, there you are.
(glass squeaking)
-(all laugh)
-(gubbles groans softly)
-(school bell ringing)
-(door opens)
(all laughing)
-Hi, Gubbles.
-(blabbers angrily)
Oh, I know, but school can be
a very scary place for a little guppy.
-(blabbers angrily)
-Don't you worry.
Your papa will be here all day
to protect you.
You won't even know I'm here!
(gubbles exclaims, groans)
(sharpener whirs)
(wall breaks)
-(all laugh)
(kids cheering, laughing)
(school bell ringing)
-Huh? (gasps)
-(horror music playing)
-(sighs in relief)
-(fish laughing like Mickey)
-(gubbles sighs in relief, chuckles)
Is my little Gubby-Wubby ready for some
fishy num-nums?
Here comes the submarine.
(all laughing)
-(gubbles struggling)
-(cloth ripping)
(gasps) Looks like somebody
needs a little nap.
(all laughing)
-(all laughing)
-Gubbles, wait! Come back.
-(dog barking)
-(screams) I don't wanna play this game!
-(Mickey screaming)
-(teeth chattering)
-(circular saw sound)
No, Gubbles. This is big boy business.
You're just a little guppy.
-Say what!
-(dog whimpers)
(all cheer)
Well, I guess I don't need to worry
about you, after all.
-You're not a little guppy anymore.
-(gasps) Aw.
(giggles) I think it's time
for Mickey-Wickey Papa to
Huh, Micky Mouse to let
his little Gubbles go.
(all cheer)
Ah, just to clarify, I'll still pick you
up after school, okay?
-Okay, that's cool.
Just making sure 'cause,
you know, I wasn't sure if
Okay, well, see you later, Gubbles.
See you.
Gubbles, I'll see you later, pal.
Gubbles, you out there?
Gubbles? Gubbles? Gubbles!
(music playing)
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
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