The World of the Married (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I love you.
You know that, right?
I do.
My son, my house,
and my life.
In no way will I lose out on
any of what's mine.
Lee Tae-oh. Only that bastard
will be carved out of my life.
Your house is held as security
and your account is managed
by your husband's business,
but you still aim big.
I'll get them back
by any means necessary.
If there's already been
a transfer of ownership,
you might end up with nothing.
All right.
What happens next is important.
In a divorce, secrecy is key.
Your husband must not know
what you're up to.
Control your emotions.
Play him like a fool.
If you can't manage that,
then you'll be better off
staying married to him.
Jun-yeong must be going through
a hard time, too.
Well, he did love his grandmother.
It's also his first time experiencing
the death of someone he's close to.
I'll look after him, so don't worry.
You should stay strong.
Take it easy at work if you must.
I'm worried
that the grief will eat you up.
I'm sorry…
that I accused you
of cheating on me.
It must've come from
all the love I have for you.
You know how it is for married couples.
I guess I wanted
to see if you still love me.
Hold on.
I hate to do this,
but it's a patient.
I'm trying to get closer to her
without being suspicious.
We've been by each other's places.
I came to you in trust
because you and Chairman Yeo
are acquainted.
I'm afraid the standard STD test
shows you have gonorrhea.
Antibiotics will clean it right up though.
Gosh, at this age.
How embarrassing.
There's no need to be.
It's common among adults.
So in other words,
there's more than one way to get it.
Other than sexual intercourse?
The bacteria can be transmitted
because your immune system
is compromised from exhaustion or stress
and one can also get it at a sauna or spa.
Aren't I right, doctor?
Are you sure we can trust this doctor?
You saw the other day
how she introduced her husband to me.
She's quick at reading situations,
so I'm sure
she won't make a big deal out of it.
Don't worry.
Other than sexual intercourse,
the chances of getting gonorrhea are slim.
In 99 percent of all cases,
the bacteria are spread
through sexual intercourse.
Trust me. It'll be fine.
There she is.
I'm sure the doctor cleared things up--
Thank you for the detailed explanation.
I'm a doctor.
I have a duty to inform my patients
of their condition and treatment options.
Why you thought I'd cover up
your friend's affair is beyond me.
If that's all, then have a good day.
Right. I see that…
I got you all wrong.
Chairman Yeo, I mean Da-kyung's father,
is here talking to Seon-u.
It seems serious by the looks of it.
How should I know
what they're talking about?
Your principles as a doctor?
Well, I apologize
if my actions offended you.
However, you're not just a doctor,
but also a wife.
Some truths are better
when kept from your spouse.
I can't agree
since I'm one to never tolerate lies
within a marriage.
Are you saying that you know
every aspect of your husband's life?
I know everything
that's going on in his life.
He's not that good
at hiding things, you see.
I see you have Tae-oh on a short leash.
Oh, wait.
I heard your daughter
is seeing someone.
Oh, dear. I didn't mean
to disclose her secret.
The relationship seems serious,
so I assumed that you'd know.
If that were true, she would've told me.
Due to her spoiled upbringing,
she can be naive and gullible at times.
However, she's quite smart too.
Obviously not as smart as you though.
-Take care, then.
-Chairman Yeo.
It's good to see you.
I hope the burial went well.
It did thanks to you.
-Keep your chin up.
-Thank you, sir.
I appreciate the talk.
Take care, sir.
What brings you here?
I was actually just passing by.
What did you two talk about?
Why won't you answer me?
Who's the guy you're seeing?
Bring him home sometime
and introduce us to him.
There's no need for that.
It's nothing serious.
That's not true according to the one
who saw you with him.
Who on earth saw me?
All right, fine.
Just end the relationship
if it's not serious.
I'll find someone decent for you
and set you up on a blind date. Okay?
What's wrong with you?
I helped persuade your dad
to let you move out,
but now we learn
you've been casually dating.
You're putting me
in a tough spot with him.
Don't you know how scary your dad can be?
I'm an adult now.
Dad, please respect my privacy.
-Agree to the blind date
or move back home.
Nothing good can come out
from a woman living alone.
By the way,
you've put on a little weight.
You should shed it off.
Hi, Mom.
I bet you're tired.
I'm fine.
-Over here.
What a long day, right?
Can I give you guys a ride home?
Thank you.
Hasn't it been exhausting
raising her alone after the divorce?
It's not like I have a choice.
Just like everyone else,
I'm trying to make do.
Hasn't it been hard for her
living without her father?
I think she's gotten used to it now.
She doesn't even ask about him anymore.
Thank you for the lift home.
You know why I came by
the office that night,
don't you?
I'm sorry,
but I don't understand
what you mean by that.
I see.
I apologize for wasting your time then.
Good night.
-Are you kidding me?
-What did I do?
I don't know!
Stop it! I did what I can.
That's not the case.
Leave. Just leave, damn it!
Get out!
Damn it!
God damn it!
Damn it!
I saw your husband leave her place.
There seems to have been an argument.
I'll try and find out more about it.
Is something bothering you?
Not really. I just wanted a glass of wine.
What on earth were you thinking?
You know,
this isn't just because
we lost the funding.
You should've just let it slide
to protect your patient.
The patient wanted information,
and the wife was my patient.
Are you telling me you didn't know
that she was the wife
of the hospital's top patron?
Seriously though,
was your conscience and duty as a doctor
necessary in this case?
Let's be honest, you saw yourself in her.
A woman with a cheating husband.
If you ask me,
it looks like you're taking big risks.
No, that would be you.
You're playing both sides.
When will it end?
I know you'd never disclose
private information,
but a hospital is where
many people come and go.
I had to make sure.
You must know how small Gosan can be.
Please make sure
that my family's affair stays a secret.
I always uphold
doctor-patient confidentiality,
so there's no need to worry.
Do you…
resent me?
Maybe it would've been better
not to know.
I'm not getting divorced.
Those who don't know better
will probably think
that I'm staying with him for the money,
but how can one boil down
all those years of marriage to money?
Is the marriage you built enough for you
to live the rest of your life
forgiving your husband?
All he did was have fun with some skank.
There's nothing to forgive if you ask me.
For men, sex is like…
discharging excretion.
I'm the one who made him who he is today.
His background, wealth,
and even his personality.
Getting a divorce
will only turn my life's long work
into a waste of time.
Can you please pick up?
Are you going somewhere?
Yes. It looks like
something came up at work.
The employees can't handle it
on their own.
At this late hour?
Sorry about this.
Don't wait up for me.
Thank you.
He just left the house.
Can you confirm his whereabouts?
I'm sorry about this,
but I need to head home early today.
Sure, go ahead.
Sorry again.
A car
and a place to live.
Nicely done.
You must've scored a sugar daddy.
Why are you here?
It's over between us.
Is that what you thought?
That's too bad since I never agreed to it.
Get lost.
Come on.
So that crazy lady
really is a hospital associate director.
It's her, isn't it?
So what gives?
Are you dating her?
She's the doctor who treated me.
My life has nothing to do with her,
so mind your own business.
Get out of my life.
Are you out of your mind?
Did something go wrong?
Why aren't you picking up?
Hey, why are you still up?
You left in such a hurry so I was worried.
How did it go?
The urgent issues were taken care of,
but it'll take a bit longer
to wrap things up.
Will it take all night?
It seems that way.
Gosh, you must be exhausted.
Get some shut-eye when you can.
Of course. Thanks for that.
I love you.
Me too.
You must've been lost in thought
not to have heard me.
Oh, I just had a few things on my mind.
Are you just getting home?
Is something troubling you?
Of course not.
I'm just getting my workout in.
I saw what you saw.
At the parking lot.
So I'm busted.
That applies more to Tae-oh.
Talk about bad timing.
Where do I go from here?
How can I help?
Is divorce the answer?
I just don't know.
If I turn a blind eye,
my family could keep living
as we have been.
However, I don't think
I'll be able to handle the unfairness.
I feel like my whole life
is being questioned.
And as a woman,
I feel like I'm no longer desirable.
That's absurd.
How silly of me.
I can't believe
I'm talking to you about this.
We can even grab a few drinks if you want.
Maybe next time.
Thank you, Je-hyuk.
You're late than usual.
Right, and I'm exhausted.
Of course, I ate. Look at the time.
Thanks for bearing with me.
I'll see you in two weeks.
During that time,
please be mindful of your diet.
-Thank you.
-My pleasure.
-Have a safe trip home.
-Thank you.
I'm here to see Dr. Ji Seon-u.
She's the associate director…
There she is.
Shall we talk inside
or out here?
This is what you want, right?
Where's Hyeon-seo?
Why are you asking for her?
This is all you need anyway.
Footage of your husband
walking into that woman's house?
It's recorded right here.
I want fair trade.
Get it?
This is a hospital.
-What do you think you're doing?
Who has more to lose at this point?
What is it that you want?
I want 20 million won.
Then, 30 million won.
I have none to give to a prick like you.
Have it ready by next week.
That is, if you don't want people to know
that you had your husband followed.
Is she all right?
Why? You think I locked her up somewhere?
My dear Hyeon-seo…
hates your guts.
She wants to take the money
and end things.
You have until next week.
You said you could gather evidence,
so what happened?
It seems like you don't have what it takes
to lead this war.
At this rate, the divorce will hurt you
more than it will benefit you.
Dr. Ji.
What is it?
Your husband must've sent this.
I hope you like my gift.
Why did you send this to me?
Consider it as a comforting gesture
from a friend.
Don't feel burdened by it though.
It's also to show appreciation
toward my client.
Tae-oh is still my client, after all.
Thank you anyway.
In my case,
I never think too deeply
when my mind's clouded with thoughts.
I put off making tough decisions too.
Life never goes as you plan it
and there's never a solid answer.
Letting yourself go with the flow
isn't all that bad.
Have you ever been betrayed
by someone close to you?
Do you trust the man you married?
The EKG and the endocrine function test
results showed nothing unusual.
And your allergy test…
There was nothing unusual as well.
So another dead end regarding my issues.
Rather than an internal illness,
I'm guessing it's more psychological.
Why don't you consult with a psychiatrist?
I know my symptoms better than anyone.
Forget the consultation
and prescribe me my regular pills.
Most people are under the false impression
that they're well aware of their problems.
It'd be better for you
to seek out a specialist.
What about you then, doctor?
You have the same symptoms as me.
-Mr. Ha--
-Don't try to solve your problem alone
and seek out help from an expert.
Point your toes
and look up at the ceiling.
Lift your spine
one vertebra at a time.
Focus on strengthening the core.
And come back to
your original resting position.
Look straight ahead,
bring your knee to hover,
and then push back the leg. Slowly.
Look straight ahead.
Relax your shoulders.
Align your hips.
Remember to not lift your toes.
Push back as slowly as possible.
Relax your shoulders.
Align your hips, please.
And push up.
Let's try that again.
I have three older sisters, you know.
It's why…
I can tell from behind
when a woman is pregnant.
I had my suspicions when I heard
that it's your last week working here.
What a joke.
I don't understand
what you're talking about,
but if it's because
I'll no longer be teaching,
please get a refund.
I only turned a blind eye
because you were Director Lee's plaything.
But this
changes everything.
I can't just sit back and say nothing.
Go ahead.
Tell her everything.
It's actually what I want.
But you won't be able to.
Trying to be the loyal friend
after deceiving her?
That's what I call a joke.
And what if she knows?
Do you think
she'll let you take her place?
It'd actually be better
to let you give birth
and raise your baby out of wedlock.
Hasn't it ever crossed your mind
that Seon-u might be playing dumb
when in fact she knows everything?
I bet Tae-oh's been dragging it out.
Well, you know what they say.
Stupidity has no cure.
Why don't we eat out today?
It'll be nice to freshen things up.
We'll go someplace nice.
I'll text you the address,
so meet me there later.
What do you have for me?
You must be going someplace nice.
Have you received any calls
from the investor yet?
What's with all the questions today?
I apologize, sir.
You know
why I came by the office that night,
don't you?
Da-kyung, hop in.
What brings you by unannounced?
Isn't it obvious?
I missed my daughter, that's why.
You saw me, so bye.
-I'm busy today.
How can I leave when you look that upset?
Come on, let's go shopping.
I need some clothes anyway.
Come on.
What do you think?
Does it look good on me?
Are you really not going to buy that item?
I said I'd buy it for you.
It's fine. I don't need it.
It'll look amazing on you
once you slim down a little.
Can you stop it with my weight?
My gosh, look how adorable that is.
Oh, dear. Hello, guys.
My goodness. Yes, hello.
They're so pretty.
Da-kyung, get over here
and help me choose.
Why are you buying these?
Is someone pregnant?
My friend's son in college jumped the gun
so she'll become a grandmother next month.
I don't care how immature you are.
It's daring for 20-year-old students
to get pregnant.
Not only is my friend now a granny,
but she also has to babysit.
To her, it's the end of the world.
Just pick something out.
Da-kyung, just so you know,
I don't want to be a granny so soon.
Got it?
Over here.
Could I get this gift wrapped?
My goodness. Look how sweet this is.
This must go at the bottom.
You could've waited inside.
Anyway, what do you think?
Isn't it nice to get out for a change?
Jun-yeong's probably thrilled
and I'm glad to not have to cook.
So you're excited to enjoy a fancy meal?
I'm not a kid, you know.
That doesn't excite me anymore.
Then what does?
It's been a while
since we came out to dine like this.
this place looks nice.
You know what's good, don't you?
Of course, I booked us a table
at the trendiest restaurant.
Let's head inside.
My gosh.
Dr. Ji!
I can't believe I ran into you.
You must already be done with your dinner.
Actually, we were leaving
because they didn't have tables
for walk-ins today.
I see. Then…
why don't you join us?
We reserved a table, you see.
My gosh.
I don't want to put you out.
We've been thinking about how to
show our gratitude
for your appearance at the funeral.
You should join us
if it's not too uncomfortable.
Shall we, then?
I was panicking slightly
because my husband will be here
any minute now.
You're okay with this, right?
Right, of course.
Honey, over here.
Over here!
How's your dating life coming along?
Oh, dear. Here you go.
Our daughter is one to be quite friendly,
so she has a wide range of friends.
It's why many get
the wrong impression about her.
Anyway, she says she isn't seeing anyone.
-Is that so?
Then I guess I heard wrong.
I have homework to do. See you at home.
Sure thing.
I'm sorry about this.
I'll be excusing myself too.
You have no idea
how fond he is of his son.
They go everywhere together.
A son holds a special place
in a father's heart.
Considering how handsome he is,
countless women must've
flirted with Director Lee.
Of course, there were many.
But Tae-oh has always been
a devoted family man.
Besides, even if it leads
to the unthinkable,
to men,
I believe it's the same
as discharging excretion.
You're right.
Almost all men slip up once or twice.
You know that Chairman Choi's wife decided
to let it pass this time, right?
He agreed to give her a building
for her understanding.
You're one loose-lipped doctor.
Doesn't doctor-patient confidentiality
ring a bell?
You said he was getting a divorce
in two months
and that you decided to raise the baby.
That's why I thought
you introduced him to your parents.
I'm sorry I put you in a tight spot,
Ms. Yeo.
Who is it?
Who is it?
It's me.
What on earth happened?
I'm sorry to ask,
but may I come in?
I made up my mind…
to have an abortion.
I'm not financially well off
and I have no parents to help me out.
On top of that, the baby's father
beats the crap out of me.
I'm not worthy.
My child…
will only be miserable.
There's no need to look at me like that.
I actually feel relieved
now that my mind is set.
Besides, my life is important to me too.
I don't want to be shackled down
by motherhood at this age.
You're lucky
you don't have to worry about such things.
You also have supportive parents
and will soon be married.
What is it? Is something wrong?
You see,
my boyfriend's married.
What do I do?
I'm going out of my mind.
But I thought he said
he was soon getting a divorce.
He said he would get one tomorrow
if he could
and that he can't stand her anymore.
His wife is the problem though.
She could very well
hold out on the divorce
even after knowing the truth.
That's how brazen she is.
What is she like exactly?
She looks down on people
thinking she's superior.
Arrogant is how I'd put her.
I can see why the husband
doesn't want to live with her.
Yes, he even said that he's not
sexually attracted to her anymore.
When they do have sex at times,
it's out of his sense of duty.
It's sort of obvious though.
I mean, she's too old now.
Isn't it too late in the evening for that?
You must be tired.
I'm almost done.
I'll head upstairs first then.
Did you find the answer
you were searching for?
Not yet.
Why don't we meet up tomorrow for a drink?
Where's your mom?
Have some fruit instead.
No more chips.
Your lipstick's too red.
Is it weird?
I'm just saying.
What do you think?
Didn't you say you're attending a seminar?
It's a bit too much.
I haven't been out in a while,
so I got dolled up.
Both my men don't like it though.
It's not bad, just a little too much.
I made dinner,
so just microwave them before you eat.
Will do.
I hear he's signing with a different team.
He's not a bad player though.
He was pretty good.
He'll be missed.
It's all about the money in a pro league.
You're here early.
You look incredible today.
You always look dashing, to be honest.
Can you pour me a glass?
Never in my wildest dreams
did I imagine this.
What do you mean?
Spending time with you like this
all alone in a restaurant.
And it's not as bad as I thought it'd be.
"Not as bad"?
That tells me I should work harder.
Why do people cheat on their spouses?
There are two types of men in this world.
Men who cheat
and men who get caught cheating.
We can't overpower our instincts.
Men aren't
the only ones with instincts.
My house is still under renovation,
so I'll be staying at a hotel for now.
Sure, I'll see you at the hospital soon.
Got it.
No way.
Why won't you believe me?
My jealously is what led to that mess.
Men always rank themselves
when in a group.
You might not show it,
but I'm well aware of
where on the social ladder
my husband is.
You provoked him that day
because the ranking you had settled on
was starting to shift
and that made you insecure.
Saying that it was because of me
is only an excuse.
Don't you agree?
He doesn't deserve
someone like you.
I'm sure you're aware
of my feelings for you.
Yes, somewhat.
But still, you agreed to drinks.
isn't a bad way
to get your revenge on Tae-oh.
Turn me down if you want to.
Either way, the choice is yours.
What are you doing here?
Why didn't you call first?
Let's break up.
My hands were tied yesterday evening.
-Calm down for a second--
-I had an abortion.
We don't need to see each other anymore.
You're leaving already?
I thought we'd go for round two.
I have a job to get to.
At 4 a.m.?
Also, I have a family waiting for me.
You just had to kill the mood.
So about Ye-rim.
Should I tell her
or will you do it yourself?
Tell her what?
Then can I be the one to tell Tae-oh?
If you wish to.
But you…
have no intention of
ending it with Ye-rim.
Save the revenge for Tae-oh, will you?
Women stay faithful in a marriage
not because they don't know how to cheat.
We hold back
because we know that fidelity
must be guaranteed in a marriage.
So it'll be in your best interest
to cut this out.
Look into
TO Pictures' breakdown of funds
and the status
of Tae-oh's private accounts.
You will report your findings to me.
Hold on.
Am I being blackmailed?
Don't try to solve your problem alone
and seek out help from an expert.
I found this
at your husband's birthday party.
I'm pretty sure
that it'll be of help to you.
Hey, use your own fork.
-I don't have one.
-Wait, there's my dad.
Hold on a second, guys. I should film him.
If you won't believe me,
I'll go to your father right now
and tell him about us.
Are you insane?
My son,
my house,
and my life.
In no way will I lose out on
any of what's mine.
Lee Tae-oh. Only that bastard
will be carved out of my life.
Joining us is a new specialist
in neuropsychiatry.
I'm Kim Yun-gi.
Have you noticed
anything different about Seon-u lately?
I thought the flowers you sent
helped patched things up.
Tae-oh doesn't know, does he?
Don't worry though.
I haven't told him anything yet.
You should break up with that guy, too.
Don't let him control your life.
I see your parents
are still unaware of your pregnancy.
This is why you should not touch
what belongs to others.
Were you always this low?
When you chose
to have fun with another woman,
you should've been ready
to cut ties with your child.
I couldn't help it.
Falling in love isn't a crime!
Subtitle translation by Hye-lim Park
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