The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

American Adventure

[upbeat music playing]
The trip we're on is all about
American adventure,
but I think
the most interesting part about it
is the fact that we're all
from mixed ethnic backgrounds.
-Brazil, Puerto Rico, the Philippines.
I'm not even American, only on paper.
[girls laughing]
[Luis] With over 1.3 million
vacation rentals in the United States,
we are on a mission to find properties
that showcase America's
rugged individualism.
So we found three iconic properties
that will fulfill your need for adventure.
We'll start at this luxury lodge
here in Alaska.
To this gorgeous cattle ranch
here in Montana.
To a classic American road trip
in this van.
[opening theme music playing]
[upbeat music playing]
[Luis] All right, girls. I'm going
to take you into remote Alaska.
To me, nothing screams adventure
like Alaska.
Three hundred and sixty-five million
acres of wilderness.
So we're going to a luxury property
60 miles away from Anchorage
on a private lake that is only
accessible by seaplane.
[Megan] Wait, are you kidding me?
Is that a rental?
[Luis] Yes, welcome
to Tordrillo Mountain Lodge, guys.
[Jo] This is crazy.
[Luis] Literally, we're 60 miles away
from anything.
[upbeat music playing]
Tordrillo Mountain Lodge
is an adventurous paradise.
Sat on the remote Judd Lake,
the property combines
the rugged Alaskan wilderness
with five-star accommodations.
The main lodge has six bedrooms,
seven bathrooms,
sleeps 12 guests,
and costs $2,000 per person per night.
This price covers all of your meals
and activities,
including the famed Via Ferrata
a steel cable mountain climbing experience
that I cannot wait to share
with Jo and Megan.
-Hi. How are you doing?
-Hi, guys, welcome.
Oh my God. What a plane ride.
-I'm Tommy. Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
Get you guys to the lodge. Welcome.
[Luis] I've been reading
all about you guys.
[Tommy] Well, you're at Judd Lake.
Welcome, out here in the wilderness.
This is it, huh? This is beautiful.
[Luis] When you pay for luxury,
you expect nothing but the best,
and here at Tordrillo,
that is exactly what you get.
Your adventure guide
is an Olympic gold medalist.
Out here, we're pretty much, uh,
recreation specialists.
We have rafting, heli-biking,
heli-fishing, and then water sports.
Got great salmon runs all around us.
We've got mountains to heli-ski and hike,
Via Ferrata, all within ten minutes.
Wanna take a look inside?
-Yes, please.
-Yeah, let's go.
This is ridiculous.
[Jo] Luis, this patio right now?
[Luis] Look at those mountains.
[door opens]
[Jo] It's so ski-vibey.
[Megan] Wow.
It's so warm.
You have a bar right here.
You have your wines.
Then this
ah, this is the main living room.
-It's so cozy. Look at this.
-[Luis] Ooh, look at this room.
-[Jo] Wow.
It's huge!
Wow, this is amazing.
[Megan] The amount of seating in here.
It's very nice.
[Jo] Do you see there's a patio outside?
[Luis] Look at that Jacuzzi.
[Jo] If there's heaven, it's this.
[uplifting music playing]
Oh, look. It's beautiful. Cozy.
-[Jo] Look up.
-[Megan] Are those moose antlers?
-[Jo] Yeah.
-[Luis] Yes, they are.
Oh, so this is like a nice suite.
-This is cool.
-A little suite with a nice bathroom.
[Megan] I do love the fact
that there's no headboard.
There's just nature.
-[Jo] True. The view is the headboard.
-[Megan] Yes!
I know we love this room,
but I just want to remind you guys,
twenty-two hours of sunlight
in the summer,
which means when you're trying
to go to sleep, blackout curtains.
[Luis] Beautiful terrace.
-This is nice, this bathroom.
-[Megan] This room!
-[Jo] Gorgeous.
-Oh, wow. Look at this entrance.
-Oh my Go oh!
[Megan] Wow, is that sled bed?
-[Jo] A bed sled.
-[Luis] That's super creative.
[Megan] That is awesome.
-[Jo gasps] Beautiful.
Do you see these mystery stairs
going to the second bed in this room?
-That's fun.
[Megan] I'll scout.
[Luis] Mm, flowers. Yes.
Look at these roses, guys. [whistles]
-[Megan] There's roses?
-One for you.
-They're real.
One for you, and they're real.
That's so nice. Thank you.
[Jo] Full-size bed and a king-size bed.
[Luis] Oh, this is so nice.
[Jo] This makes me feel like a kid.
-Thanks for bringing us. Look at us.
-Brava! Brava!
-[Jo] We love you!
-[Megan chuckling]
[upbeat music playing]
[Luis] Tordrillo Lodge is known
as an adventurer's paradise.
They literally have everything,
from water sports on the private lake
to cooking classes with an executive chef
-Oh yeah, take a bath.
-There it is.
to heli-cocktails
made with actual glacier ice.
This is some serious drink.
[Megan] Okay, my favorite part
about Alaskan design
is no matter how difficult it is,
they make it happen.
We're 65 miles away from any sort
of civilization,
and no matter what, they figure it out.
Like this. This is the main lodge.
And all of these logs
were brought over here
by an airplane flying over this lake,
dropping it into the water,
fishing it out,
and constructing it from the ground up.
My friends, that is Alaska.
[uplifting music playing]
[Luis] So listen, normally we'd be
eating dinner right now,
but I wanted to take advantage
of the extra daylight hours
to show Megan and Jo
some of the natural wonders
we have exclusive access to.
[Megan] Look at all the salmon!
-This is ridiculous.
-[Jo] Oh my
Something like this that's special,
you gotta come to Alaska to experience it.
And that's what makes this so great
and so unique and so luxurious.
This lodge might be remote,
but it includes exquisite fresh cuisine
paired with a wine list
of over 500 bottles.
You guys are enjoying
the best of Alaska here.
-We haven't done the Via Ferrata yet.
-No. I've been talking about that.
You gotta eat all that food
'cause tomorrow's gonna be awesome.
-To luxury adventure.
-We need a full category of just that.
[peaceful guitar music playing]
-[Megan] How beautiful.
-[Jo] What time is it?
-Can you hit me with the time?
-It is 10:22, my friend.
-10:22 p.m., ladies and gentlemen.
-[Megan laughing]
[peaceful guitar music continues]
[night chirping]
Good morning. We have just woken up,
had breakfast, walked, um, maybe 20 feet,
and now we're in the gear room,
getting prepped for Via Ferrata life.
You know, the best news
is for people like Luis,
who never pack anything,
they have everything for you.
That's why he chose this place,
not because it was luxurious,
just because he'd have
everything that he needs.
That's not his jacket.
Those aren't his shoes.
-This isn't my hair. This isn't my
-He's basically just it's a rental.
[Tommy] We'll head up to the Via Ferrata.
We're headed to the
We're going really high.
-Gosh, that's where we're going?
-[Jo] Oh no!
[Luis] Guys, about 20 minutes away
is the most exclusive adventure
that can only be done
by guests of the lodge,
the Via Ferrata.
It is located in Tordrillo mountain range,
about 4,000 feet above sea level
alongside a massive 500-foot-tall glacier.
I like we're doing this. Here we go.
-Via Ferrata.
-[exciting music playing]
-[Tommy] Look ahead, grab that.
Once you get up above the black thing,
unclip one and go over, climb up.
-[Megan] Luis, are you sure this is safe?
-[Luis] Stay clipped in, you'll be safe.
So this mountain climbing experience
is a series of 1,200 feet of steel cables
that take climbers over 900 feet
of elevation.
[Jo] This is getting a little scary.
[Megan] Guys, pace yourselves.
We're just getting started,
so go slow, okay?
[Jo] That's like a thousand-foot drop-off.
Are you serious?
Yeah, look behind you.
[Jo] Megan, baby girl, be careful.
One step at a time.
[Megan] It gets crazier the more you go.
[Jo] This is like life.
You can't turn back.
This is amazing, man.
I feel like an astronaut who just landed
onto a new planet.
[exciting music playing]
Wow, look at that picture.
I'm taking it with my mind.
-[Megan] How much further?
-[Tommy] We got the big bridge coming up.
-[Jo] How long is the bridge?
-[Tommy] Like 70 feet across.
-[Megan] 70?
-[Jo] 70 feet?
-[Tommy] Yeah. 70.
-[Jo] What?
[Luis] You thought it was
all about climbing.
Now we have to walk over this bridge.
-[Megan] What? 
-[Jo] This is not a bridge.
This is a rope in the sky.
[Luis] It is the only bridge.
Call it what you want.
We're crossing it
'cause we're not turning back now.
[Megan] We're gonna tightrope-walk
a thousand feet high?
-[Luis] You go first.
-[Megan] What?
[Jo] This is not okay.
[Tommy] Step down on the rungs there.
[Megan] Whoo!
[Tommy] There you go.
[Megan] Okay, big breaths.
[Tommy] Yeah, Megan, it's good
to be nervous. It's good to have fear.
It keeps you alive.
[Megan] Whoa!
[Luis] Nice.
[upbeat music playing]
[Megan] Brava!
You're gonna love this.
This is great.
Once you pass this rock,
it's a straight shot down.
[Jo] It looks definitely intense up here.
-[Megan] Yeah, girl.
-[Tommy] Beautiful.
[Luis] This is amazing.
This is not a bad place to be
you know, a bit on the edge.
What a life.
[Jo and Megan cheering]
-[Megan grunts]
-[Luis] Beautiful.
-[Megan] Can't believe we did this.
-[Jo] 4,200 feet.
-[Megan] Is that the top?
-[Luis] It is.
Go right to it.
[Megan] Oh my God, look down!
[all cheering and laughing]
[Luis shouting] Yeah! We made it!
[Jo] Look, we survived!
[Luis] Guys, this is
what it's all about right here.
What a life.
[upbeat music playing]
[Luis laughing]
[Megan] This is beautiful.
I mean, this is something you only see
in movies, in Western movies.
So for my budget property,
we're headed to the Bridger Mountains
outside of Clyde Park, Montana.
-Luis, you're going to love this.
-Me? Why?
Yes, because you're all about
living the movie,
and when you think about American movies,
you cannot skip over Westerns.
-[Jo] Mm-mm.
[Megan] There it is. G Bar M Ranch.
What's more adventurous and American
than being a cowboy?
And the host of this property, you guys,
is a real-life cowboy.
[Luis] Wow, that's great.
[Megan] Him and his family have lived
on this ranch since 1901.
We're here.
[Western music playing]
[cows mooing]
[horses grunting]
[Megan] How quaint.
This is nice.
-[Jo] This is awesome.
[Megan] The G Bar M Ranch is
a real working cattle ranch
operating on over 6,000 acres,
and it's been a working guest ranch
since 1932.
The main lodge has five bedrooms,
each with their own bathroom
that can be rented individually,
So if you don't wanna rent
the whole place, you can come solo
and meet and live amongst
fellow travelers.
For only $270 a night,
this adventure includes your room,
all meals,
and unlimited horseback riding
in 70,000 acres of Montana countryside.
-This is an American log cabin.
[Megan] This looks like Lincoln Logs.
This looks like my childhood.
[horse neighs]
[gasps] I think that's Mike.
[Mike] Welcome to our ranch.
-[Megan] Wow!
-[Jo] You look great on that horse.
[Mike] That's my mode of transportation.
-What's their name?
-This is Joker.
-[Luis] Hi, Joker.
-Hi, Joker. I'm Megan.
-[Luis] How you doing, sir?
-Pleased to meet you guys.
So my grandmother and my grandfather
started this deal in 1932.
-[Jo] Always to be a guest ranch?
-[Mike] Yeah.
And we've been continuous since 1932.
What's the main thing you would tell us
to prepare ourselves
for the cowboy lifestyle?
If you got a bike, ride it a lot,
because as we get on these horses,
-if everything hurts, we're just right.
-[all laughing]
Go on in and and look around.
I'll be right back.
-[Megan] Amazing.
-[all] Thanks, Mike.
[Luis] That guy's the real deal.
True cowboy.
[Megan] This is so cute.
I love this porch.
[Jo chuckles] See where we're sleeping.
-How cozy is this place?
-[Megan] I love it already.
This is the communal space.
The fireplace here, this is a big yes.
Real, real stone.
-The cowboy is the original DIYer.
[upbeat music playing]
[Megan] Look at this kitchen.
[gasps] Look at this.
Is this welcome cookies?
-Hey! I'm Maria. Hello.
-[Jo] Did you make these cookies for us?
-I did.
[Jo] How many people are you cooking for,
on average?
[Maria] About 20, with the hired help.
-Can I cook with you later?
-[Jo] You made her trip.
[Luis] This is crazy.
[Jo] This place is Do you see
the saddle too? This is craftsmanship.
Try to pick it up. One, two, three.
-[grunting] Oh my God!
[upbeat music playing]
When people book a vacation rental,
they're looking for an authentic
Every room in this place,
it's so real with handmade quilts,
rustic furniture, and the core that comes
straight from this working ranch.
There's something about corner bedrooms
that just makes it much nicer.
[Megan] A claw-foot in a cowboy ranch?
I'm not leaving.
[Megan] The main lodge is gonna be
a great place to eat and sleep,
but a rental like this is not
really about the house you're staying in.
-It's about the world outside.
-[Megan] Wow!
This barn is incredible, Mike.
[Mike] Well, this was built in the '40s.
-That's got a lot of years on it.
-That is a lot.
-A lot of history here.
This door, it's so crazy.
This is what designers try and replicate.
Like, farmhouse doors and and all of it,
it's crazy.
I've seen this done so many times,
but not authentically.
You know, there's a big demand for that.
Uh, so people are tearing
these barns down for the material,
and these old barns are in danger.
Change is the only thing that's constant.
[horses neighing]
[Megan] This your favorite part
of the property?
[Mike] Yep, you bet.
We try to keep about 35 to 40
head of saddle horses.
Okay, let's start with the basics.
What is a cowboy?
A cowboy is an idiot
somebody put on a horse.
And his job is to take care of livestock.
And if he does it well, he's not an idiot.
-[all laughing]
-That is a cowboy. Yup. You bet.
[Western music playing]
[Jo] Look at all of these saddles.
Mike told us about the tack room,
and this is my first time in here.
And it's amazing.
There's a saddle up there
that his grandmother used to use
to go to school and back,
that he later used
to go to school and back.
Some of these saddles, he said,
even come from the 1800s.
Like, each one of these saddles
has a lot of history, which I love.
[relaxing music playing]
[coyote howls in distance]
[upbeat music playing]
[Mike whistling]
[horses neighing]
[Mike] Perfect. There you go.
-I tell my girls, put some muscle in it.
-[Megan] Yes.
This is what a cowboy breakfast
looks like.
Orange juice, milk, biscuits,
pancakes, muffins,
bacon, fruits, nine fried eggs, and
oh, and coffee.
And, uh, then you're ready to go.
[Western music playing]
Let's go see what's happening
in the cow pastures.
[Megan] This is the kind of adventure
that makes me love
staying in a vacation rental.
Okay, so Mike matched us with the horses
based off our personalities.
I'm so far behind, because my horse
is grazing while it's walking.
All right, babe. Let's go. Whoo!
Amazing job.
[Luis] Whoo! Ow!
[Megan] How many acres are on this land?
[Mike] Uh, we run cattle
on about 70,000 acres.
[Megan] Holy moly.
The cool thing about G Bar M Ranch
is that it's not just
about horseback rides,
because Mike wants his guests to actually
be part of the day-to-day work on a ranch.
So when he found these cattle
out of place,
we were the ones to help drive them
back to the herd.
-[Western music playing]
-[cows mooing]
[Luis] Hello, cows.
We're just gonna go to another place.
-It's like renting a vacation rental.
-[Mike] There you go.
[cows mooing]
-[Megan] Keep going straight. Straight.
-[Jo] This is just amazing.
-[Mike] There we go.
-[Megan] Yes! Great job!
-[Jo, laughing] She took your directions.
-[Luis laughs]
[cows mooing]
[Luis] Mike, that was amazing.
I'm falling in love with America
more and more.
I spent over 12 years selling
luxury real estate in New York City,
only to understand that none of that
was real luxury.
This is the real luxury.
This beautiful space,
this beautiful lifestyle.
I'm taken. Montana has stolen my heart.
[Western music playing]
[bell clanging]
All right.
[Megan] Finding this property, I was
looking at a lot of different places.
But I did come across a lot
of dude ranches.
I found you because you are
the most authentic.
You know, my mission statement
is to to have you guys go home
with a better understanding
of where your food comes from,
and a better understanding
of what it takes to produce that food.
We really need to get some humanity
back in what we're doing.
-I'm glad you brought us here.
-[Luis] Yeah.
-Me, too.
-I really am.
This has been
a hell of an American adventure.
[all laughing]
We've made it to Moab, Utah,
where I've never seen a tinier airport.
Or a tinier baggage claim.
-Look at this.
-Look at this.
Daniel, they just pushed out our luggage.
-[Luis grunts] That's my luggage.
-Oh, wow.
[Luis laughing]
Off to a rocky start.
[upbeat music playing]
[Luis] This is pretty amazing.
It feels, at first, a bit like Montana,
but the mountains are different.
There's only rock formations.
This is, like, the home
of adventure outdoor sports.
This is mountain biking.
This is, like, camping central.
[Jo] We've left the prairies of Montana
to travel to the desert of the southwest.
Now, we're in Moab, Utah,
and the unique property I chose
is gonna be such a surprise
to Megan and Luis.
I can't wait to see what they think.
[upbeat music playing]
-[Luis] Ooh.
-[Jo] Here it is!
[all exclaiming]
[Megan] Wow.
-Nice, Jo!
-Okay, welcome home.
This is our property
for the next two days.
-[Megan] Yeah.
-[Luis] I love that.
-[Megan] This is beautiful.
-[Jo] I know.
Okay, Mercedes.
-[Jo] I had to splurge for my friends.
-That screams adventure.
[Jo] This is the Storyteller Overland
4x4 adventure van.
but it's
small enough to go off-road easily.
It has two beds,
one portable toilet,
and sleeps up to four guests.
It rents for $250 a night.
-[Jo] This is Tim. He owns this van.
-Hi. Megan.
-Oh, cool.
-I'm Jo. Nice to finally meet you.
This van looks so much bigger in person.
They do look bigger,
but they're very easy to drive.
[Jo] Have you actually lived in this van?
-[Jo] For how long?
About two, three months at a time.
Two-three months?
We're stressing about two nights.
Right. Well, I'll put that all at ease.
[Tim] This is as close to home
as you can get in a van.
-Can we see the inside?
Please. Can't wait for you to see.
Let's see where home is
for the next few days.
[laughing] Look at the bed!
-[Megan] God.
-[Luis] Yes.
[Jo] That looks so comfortable.
This is where you're gonna get comfy
for the next couple days.
So we have your kitchen here.
[Jo] This kitchen is so cute.
I cannot wait to use it.
We have your groove lounge.
-[Luis] What is a groove lounge?
-That's gonna be your dining area.
It's also your bed.
So right here, in this area,
is gonna be your halo shower,
right down here.
-Look down. Just look down. Luis
-Oh my God!
[Tim] This is your toilet and shower pan.
-Do we take a situation there?
-You take it outside, right?
You're gonna have the best view
while taking care of business.
But how do you shower here?
Is it long enough to go outside?
No, let me show you.
Take your two Velcro straps here.
That drops down.
-[Jo] Right on!
-[Luis] Nice!
It's big enough to do what you need to do.
And you get a nice hot shower.
-The Inspector Gadget of interiors.
-Hold on. This is crazy.
Your friendship
is about to get real tight.
-And that's what I wanted.
So, keys are all ready to go.
They're up front.
Any more questions
before you guys hit the road?
-I think we're good. Just wish us luck.
-No, we're good. Yes!
-[Tim] You're gonna enjoy it.
-[Jo] Thanks, Tim.
So, what do you guys think
of the the home?
I think it's great. This has more storage
than any New York City apartment.
-He's not lying.
-Look at that.
-It has a walk-in closet.
-It is really huge.
In van life lingo, it's called the garage.
When you said camping,
I was a little scared.
With three feet,
I feel like I could be at home. Look.
-Running water!
-Running water in a moving van?
-Fully stocked fridge, stove, a microwave.
-[Jo] Ooh!
-This kitchen is Megan-approved?
[Jo] Okay, good.
-[Luis] Ooh!
Okay, it's a small space.
-Not childproof.
-Are you okay?
Get down. Sit down. Put your seat belt on.
Yeah. Where's my seat belt?
[Jo] My friends, the van life experience
starts now.
Buckle up. The van life's twister.
Van life is about hitting the open road
and living out of your van
while exploring amazing places.
It's a huge trend on social media
with its own hashtag,
where van lifers share tips and tricks.
Can't believe I'm driving this home.
-[Megan] On wheels!
-[Luis] We have a mattress here.
Well, we do have a campsite,
so we'll eventually end up there.
And you guys are gonna flip out
when you see the campsite!
[upbeat music playing]
-Megan, look at your right.
-Oh, my goodness.
[Jo] When you see this,
you realize how big the country is.
-[Luis] Wow.
-[Megan] Humongous.
-Look behind you.
Look how it goes down.
These cliffs start below us.
-[Megan] Right.
-[Jo] Spectacular views.
Okay, get ready,
because this view is crazy.
Welcome to Mineral Bottom Canyon.
[singer] Whoa ♪
Whoa ♪
Whoa ♪
-[Megan] Oh my God!
-[Jo] Look at this!
This is so much crazier in person.
[Luis] Can we go down there?
-[Jo] We have to.
-[Luis] What do you mean?
[Jo] The way to this campsite
is through this road.
-[Luis] No.
-[Megan] This is the road to our campsite?
Are you gonna be able to make those turns?
[Jo] Let's hope.
I think I'm gonna try biking down there.
-We have the bikes right here.
-Wanna do that?
-This is mountain bike territory.
I say we go down there on bikes.
-I say, you go do that.
-What were you gonna do?
-Leave our house on the top of the hill?
-[Megan laughs] Someone's gotta drive it.
-[Jo] Oh my God, Luis!
-[Megan] Oh my gosh!
[Jo] There he goes.
-[Megan] He's going fast.
-[Luis] Oh, this is amazing!
-[Jo] Okay, we'll meet you down there!
-[Luis] Okay!
[Jo] Super slow. Just
-Oh my God.
-This is where it gets scary.
-You see this? You can't
-[Megan] Oh my God!
Look. There's a car wreck
on the side of the cliff.
-This is so scary!
-Go a little bit closer to it,
because I feel like we'll be
at the bottom of the ditch too.
[Jo] My foot's been on the brake
the whole time.
[both scream]
I think that's the kitchen.
You think Luis made it?
-[upbeat music playing]
-[Megan] Look, he's alive.
-[Jo] He made it.
[uplifting music playing]
[Luis] Oh, this is great.
-Wow! Wow, look at this! [laughing]
-[Jo] You like it?
[Luis] This is the sickest location
I have ever seen.
This is beautiful, Jo.
Super private, and it's free.
We didn't pay any money to get this.
It's first-come, first-serve.
People don't even know it exists.
-[coyote howls]
-[Megan] Look how pretty the sunset is.
-[Jo] Gorgeous.
-[Luis] Incredible.
It is beautiful, but I have been
holding my bladder for, like,
two and a half hours.
Go get the toilet.
-You want me to get the toilet?
-[Jo and Luis] Yes.
Oh my God, just hide your thing.
I have high hygiene standards.
Why wouldn't you pee in this view?
-[Megan] Oh my God!
-You okay?
This is ridiculous!
This is the weirdest experience.
[Luis] Choose your spot.
We'll turn around.
[Megan] I will never forget
my first camping experience.
She's leaving with the toilet.
[Jo] Megan, do you have toilet paper?
-That's a good question.
-[Megan] I didn't bring that!
-Can you bring me some?
-Okay. I'll get you toilet paper.
Hold on, hold on!
[upbeat music playing]
Being down here and seeing
all these rocks above us
-[Luis] It humbles.
-[Jo] It totally does.
Megan, how are you doing?
[Megan] So good, you guys are about
to smell it in a second.
So I'm making risotto in a one pot,
because one pots are huge for van life.
-You're doing a risotto?
-You only have that at fancy restaurants.
[Megan] I have everything I need to cook,
all running on ten hours of battery power
that can recharge itself when you drive.
When you think about camping,
I think it's gonna be a lot harder.
But this is this is pretty luxury for
Don't tell anyone about that.
[upbeat music playing]
[Jo] Gotta change the groove lounge.
Now we have two couches.
-Oh my gosh!
-This is like a diner table.
Wow, this looks incredible.
Man, you outdid yourself.
-To this life.
-[Jo] Oh my God. This is so good.
-[Megan] Yeah.
[Luis] What a life.
[tranquil guitar music playing]
[Luis] This comforter, it's it's cold.
This is like sleeping with a pizza napkin.
[girls laughing]
[Jo] Why don't you just jump in
and warm up with us?
Come on in, Luis.
[Jo laughing]
[Luis] I'm done with this nonsense.
[laughing] Oh my God!
-Watch your head.
-Our cover's off.
-He slept in jeans.
-[Megan laughing]
[tranquil guitar music playing]
What a way to wake up.
[Jo] There's actually decent
water pressure. Pass me the soap.
Hang on.
Have you ever stepped out
from your bedroom
Brushing your teeth with this view?
[Luis] Wow.
[Jo] Okay, here's the beauty about staying
in this type of vacation rental.
You wake up in one state
and end up sleeping in another,
which is exactly what we're about to do.
In just a few hours,
we're gonna be driving
into the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.
-[Megan] Colorado!
-[Luis] Yeah!
-We're going right to Colorado.
-[girls cheering]
[Megan] We are in the Rockies, my friends.
This is out-of-my-mind gorgeous.
-[Luis] Beautiful.
-[Jo] We drove through the state line.
-Now you see you're in a different state.
-[Jo] We made it. Whoo!
-[Megan] Nice.
This is it. Campsite, day two.
Holy heck.
[Jo] This is our home for the night.
[horses neighing]
-Oh my gosh!
-Look at the horses!
-[Luis] How are you doing, boys?
-So we have neighbors on this property?
Oh my gosh. Look at this.
They're greeting us.
Now that we've done two full days
in the van, what do you think?
When we started this trip,
I was a little apprehensive
because I thought
it would be inconvenient.
And I was wondering when we would
get there and where we were going.
But after two days on the road like this,
I don't care where we're going.
-Because I realized it doesn't matter.
The the drive from Utah to here
was incredible in and of itself.
The American cowboy was the spirit.
The American experience is the road trip.
[Luis] And Alaska
was the ultimate exploration.
Our American adventure journey
took us across the nation
to places we could have never imagined.
Oh, yeah.
[Megan] My favorite property
was the adventure van.
Being in such a confined space
forces you to be close
with the people you're traveling with,
and the places we could go were unlimited.
[Luis] Ow!
My pick was G Bar M Ranch.
Literally two epic days of being taught
on how to be a cowboy. Wow.
To luxury adventure.
[Jo] My favorite has to be
Tordrillo Mountain Lodge.
Scaling the Via Ferrata
was so extreme and so incredible.
I'll never forget it.
[Megan] I wish this trip would never end.
[Luis] Off to our next adventure.
[Jo] Can't believe we did this!
["All Around the World" playing]
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
[horn honks]
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