The Worst of Evil (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Fucking hell.
Oh, boy.
This is all because of you, fucker.
It's his first time.
Take your time and try again.
Aim right, motherfucker.
Kill him.
Are you fucking missing
on accident or on purpose?
Damn it.
God damn it
Son of a bitch.
Killing someone's not easy.
You need experience.
Kwon Seungho graduated from Chudong
Elementary School, which closed in 1984.
He went to Sangun Middle School,
which closed in 1987,
so there aren't any alumni groups.
As for Gwangju Jeil High School,
he dropped out, so his name
isn't in the student records.
Nothing can be verified.
Well, I guess so.
The girl you ran into, Yu Euijeong
You said she's with SMPA, right?
She's in the Security Division.
What would they look into us for?
Well, that's what she said.
And who's someone she knows? Seungho.
What if she's using him to spy on us?
Then according to you, shit
we'd already be in prison for murder.
- Am I wrong?
- His father really was a drug addict.
That's why the two met.
So you're leaning toward
that idea, right?
And the Busan guys leaving this behind
was a coincidence too?
Look, Boss.
Ever since Kwon Seungho appeared,
a cop named Yu Euijeong showed up,
and this thing popped up.
And when we were attacked,
he showed up at the perfect time
and took care of things.
- Don't you think that's strange?
- Hey.
He ran into them by coincidence
while on patrol with Yongdae.
See? By coincidence again.
If there are too many coincidences,
shouldn't you be suspicious?
God damn it. What the fuck
do you want us to do?
If one thing's off, it's no good.
Isn't that our rule?
Where are you going?
You can't go out tonight.
Why not?
What did you say?
Nothing, sir.
Shit, you've been drinking?
Why couldn't you shoot?
I'm sorry.
It's okay. You did great.
Just to be sure, though
You're not going to call the police
because of guilt or some shit, right?
Call the police? Me?
I mean, you're friends
with that policewoman.
I thought maybe you were
going to call her and cry.
"Hey, those bastards told me
to kill someone."
Sir, please stop.
I don't want to hear it.
You think you have a choice, you fuck?
To wear gold watches on this wrist
instead of handcuffs,
I've been racking my brain
my whole fucking life.
So you're Taeho's cousin. I get it.
But you're not one of us.
What do you mean "one of us"?
What? Is it because I'm not from Gangnam?
Oh, boy.
Chief Seo.
Put him back on patrol.
Hey, Kwon Seungho.
I'm not from Gangnam either.
If we arrest them for this,
our investigation has to stop.
Let's just identify the victim
and keep this quiet for now.
But didn't Detective Park
cause a huge disturbance among them?
They seem to be suspicious of him again.
We have to gain
their trust back.
Just this once,
we'd like your help.
Just what do you want help with?
Inspector Yu,
you are the only police officer
who can meet Jung Gicheul.
- Here's the list of the companies.
- Okay.
Hi, Gicheul. It's me, Euijeong.
I asked Seungho for your number.
I see.
Do you want to grab a drink?
Who are you meeting?
You wait here.
Let's sit down.
What the fuck?
Dohyung, what's going on?
Why is Euijeong meeting Jung Gicheul?
Your wife is helping us.
With what?
She's going to tell Jung Gicheul
that he can trust Kwon Seungho
and it's okay to keep him close.
Why does Euijeong have to
This investigation we're doing
is dangerous.
Why drag Euijeong into this?
This isn't right.
She agreed to do this.
- Dohyung.
- Listen.
We didn't ask your wife to do this.
We asked
the talented Inspector Yu Euijeong
of SMPA's Security Division for help.
Junmo, I think
we can rely on Inspector Yu.
How did you know my mom was ill?
I know a guy with the police.
When I ran into you that day,
it was so unexpected,
and I was rude.
No, you weren't.
By the way, you've become
even more handsome.
You still have this?
I thought I should give it to you someday.
Do you remember?
Do you like it?
If you find something nice
at the church shop,
get one for me too.
I'll get you something even better.
Something more expensive.
- Hold on.
- What's wrong?
What do you think
would've happened to us
if it wasn't for my mother?
I hope you're being nice to Seungho.
He's been through a lot
since he was a kid.
Please take good care of him.
It must be hard
taking care of your mother.
It's okay.
I'll try to stop by whenever I'm free.
Thanks, but it's really fine.
You're busy too.
By the way, does your husband
ever visit your mother?
The caregiver thought
that I was her son-in-law.
If he brings up your husband,
just say you had a divorce
and end it there.
Actually, I got divorced.
But only some of my family know about it.
Everyone I know is a cop,
so I was afraid it'd spread
and cause a mess.
I didn't even tell my mom either.
Well, things happen in life.
It's okay.
Did you know Euijeong
had a divorce?
No, I didn't.
Don't tell the others I met Euijeong.
We've known her
since we were young, so we're fine.
But it'll bother the other guys.
She's a cop, after all.
Yes, Boss.
Welcome back, Boss.
And I think I'll see her often
from now on,
so keep that in mind.
Yes, Boss.
That's enough patrolling for now.
Hi, Dad.
Kwon Seungho.
Yes, Boss.
Get dressed.
What's going on, sir?
Euijeong's mother has passed away.
Wait, Boss.
I've been thinking,
and I think you should go by yourself.
I think it'll look better to go in alone
to comfort Euijeong.
I can pay my respects
on my own later.
Are you okay?
We used to attend the same church.
He knew Mom well too.
- This is my wife.
- Hello.
Thanks for coming.
I'm sure she's resting
in heaven right now.
How did you know?
I didn't even contact you.
I told you. I know someone
with the police.
Thanks for coming too, Seungho.
Can you solve this for me?
Uncle's here.
Let's go solve it.
Gicheul, why don't we go out
and get some fresh air?
It breaks my heart to see you alone.
You shouldn't be lonely.
It makes me resent your husband.
He finally shows up now?
This is my husband.
And this is my church friend.
I've met her church friends
at our wedding
and housewarming party.
But I haven't met you before.
Seeing that you came immediately,
you must be a really close friend.
I visited her mother
at the hospital a few days ago.
And she told me
she liked her son-in-law
more than her two sons.
When was the last time
you visited her in the hospital?
I know you're divorced,
but did it ever cross your mind
that she wanted to see her son-in-law
before she passed away?
Honestly, do you even have
the right to mourn?
Gicheul, stop.
You don't talk about
another family's business,
especially if it's the grieving family.
You should stop too.
Guests are still coming,
so wrap it up and come back in.
I'll get going.
Thanks for coming.
You too, Seungho.
I'll pray a lot for your mother.
If things get tough, call me anytime.
I'm going to use the restroom.
Hey, Junmo!
Why didn't you report to us?
I should at least pay my last respects
to my mother-in-law.
Do you want to give up
on our operation here?
I'm really sorry, Junmo.
I will
I will stay until she's laid to rest.
God damn it.
I'm really sorry.
Does the food taste all right?
Yes, ma'am. It's delicious.
How's work?
It's good. I'm just trying to do my best.
Of course, you should.
Be confident.
- I will.
- Do what you have to do
- Yes.
- and what you want to do.
Yes, ma'am.
Euijeong's father and brothers disapprove,
but don't worry about it.
Euijeong really likes you, Junmo.
And I like seeing you smile.
That's what's important, right?
As we share laughs and time together,
we'll become family.
Thank you.
Seungho, do you keep up
with how your mother's doing?
I heard she had a baby
with some dude,
and she's living a happy life.
You don't resent her
for not looking for you?
Resent her?
I'm not sure.
Even if it was me,
I would've hated
to even think about our family.
Damn it.
My father would beat my mother so much.
So in high school, I ran away from home
with my sibling and mother.
I said I'd kill him
if he tried to find us.
But that asshole
he came looking with no fear.
So he was killed.
Not by me. By my mother.
I want to be successful.
At first,
I came to work for you
just to get revenge for Taeho.
But now,
I want to be successful like you.
I don't want to live
as a drug addict's son.
Hear me?
In Gangnam
The man who made it in Gangnam,
Kwon Seungho.
That's who I want to be.
I'll help you.
Please help me, Boss.
But you have to do something for me.
Sure, I'll do anything.
What is it?
To make sure things
work out with Euijeong,
I need your help.
And your support.
Okay, sir. I will.
I'll help you.
You see,
I'd ride on boats
in the Pacific for a year at a time.
But it's felt a bit stifling,
and I miss the smell of the ocean.
When you go on your next fishing trip,
could you take me with you?
Just like that photo over there,
I want to go fishing with you.
It's a hobby for us three at the top.
And you already want to join?
Well, why not?
Didn't Euijeong ask you
to take good care of me?
Please let me join you.
We'll play it by ear.
Okay, Boss.
Thank you, sir.
I'll do my best.
To call, press one.
To leave a message,
press two.
- Please, leave your message.
Hey, Euijeong.
It's me.
Euijeong, I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry I couldn't visit your mother.
I'm just
I'm so sorry for causing such a mess.
And I'm sorry for being so foolish.
And I'm just
I'm sorry I'm not good enough.
I'm just sorry for everything.
I'm sorry.
I love you.
Anyone got a lighter?
I'm good, sir.
It's hard, isn't it?
You always have to follow Boss's schedule,
and at night, you don't have a store
of your own to hang out in.
It's okay, sir.
Don't worry.
Around next spring,
Boss will probably give you
a store to run.
Thank you, sir.
You look cute when you smile.
- Seungho.
- Yes, sir?
I'm younger than you,
but doesn't it bother you
that I speak casually?
No. It's okay, sir.
Is that so?
What did you do with Boss yesterday?
Where did you go?
Didn't Boss tell you about it?
He did.
What did he say?
Do I have to tell you
what Boss said to me?
He told me everything, so you can tell me.
We went to Taeho's columbarium.
Well, why does that have to be
such a big secret?
You should always tell me
about things like that. Okay?
Thank you, sir.
For doing it for me the other night.
I hope we can continue to get along.
Choose who you follow wisely.
I guess I will, sir.
Since we're both not from Gangnam, right?
It seemed the higher-ups had
a way of making big money.
We should figure that out soon too.
We should, sir.
Oh, I was going to fold.
- Sorry.
-Stay focused.
I'll raise.
You're going bet?
You got nothing.
I'll bet and see.
Who are you?
Who the hell are you?
Is that Kang Geon from Busan?
Hi, Geon. Did you come by yourself?
What brings you here?
Let's start a war together.
Is that me?
I've never seen this bastard before.
I think this photo was edited.
What asshole did this?
What kind of crazy bastard
would dare to make such a thing?
Jung Gicheul of Gangnam Union.
Help me out
and take Nonhyeon-dong and Yeoksam-dong.
What the hell?
You know me, right?
We need to talk.
- You fucking
- Hey, wait.
I wasn't finished talking.
Have you guys eaten yet?
When you play pool,
Chinese food's the best.
I can buy you some.
- How much?
- It's 18,000 won.
- It's 18,000?
- Yes.
Hold on.
You're in Gangnam Cartel, aren't you?
What do you want?
Nice to meet you.
Without any elders in the organization,
everyone's around people of the same age,
so that must cause a lot of conflicts.
Since you're so successful,
my boss wants to speak with you.
You're doing well for yourself, young man.
This is a nice bar.
But how long do you think
you can maintain such a rich life?
Imagine yourself in two, three,
and even 10 years.
Nothing's going to change.
You'll still have to bow down
to people your age,
and you'll still be looked down on.
This entire gang is abnormal.
It all depends on one guy,
Jung Gicheul,
and his charisma.
What will you do
if he gets stabbed to death one day?
Our gang controls 50% of Seoul,
and we're willing to take you in.
We're a nationwide organization
that's rapidly expanding.
You're not the only one
we're trying to recruit.
Even if you turn us down,
someone will take our offer and join us.
So think wisely.
For the time being,
all you have to do for us is
checking what Jung Gicheul is up to,
where he's going,
and with who.
Just tell us about those things
in real time.
- Fuck, I'm screwed.
- Hey.
Gicheul, I need to go to the hospital now.
Hyeok was sent to the ER.
Fuck, they said it's vaginal bleeding.
What if it hurts the baby?
What are you saying?
I don't think I can go fishing tomorrow.
You two go without me.
- Hey
- I'm really sorry.
Hey, wait.
Call us.
Boss, I don't think
just the two of us can do it.
We'll need at least one person
to keep watch at the port.
Let's bring one of the guys.
- We won't tell him what we're doing.
- Okay.
- We'll make him wait at the port.
- Got it.
I'll get Chief Seo ready then.
Come on, Boss. Don't be like this.
I said we wouldn't tell him about it.
Still, it's too soon for him.
Yes, Boss.
If we take Seungho with us,
we'll be able to see
if he brings a cop or not.
All right, Boss.
Kwon Seungho.
- Sir?
- Did you wash up?
Yes, sir.
Don't drink tonight. Go to bed early.
Is something up, sir?
Again with the fucking questions.
We're fishing tomorrow, so get ready.
Yes, sir. I understand.
May I ask why we changed cars?
To make sure we're not being followed?
Is it even possible to to go fishing
in the middle of the night?
- Hello?
- Hi, Boss.
I got a flat tire, so I'm stuck here.
I apologize.
Man, that skid almost killed me.
I'm going to call for help.
Could you go on ahead first?
All right.
What the hell?
I'll let them go ahead.
- Just step on it!
- Damn it.
Fucking hell!
That fucker!
Are you all right?
What the fuck is going on?
Come on. Go.
Hurry! Move!
Over there!
You motherfuckers!
Let go of me!
Get them!
Hurry up!
Fucking hell!
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