The Young Montalbano (2012) s01e04 Episode Script

Mortally Wounded

Mortally Wounded
Good morning.
Good morning, you sleep well?
I had to fight all night
for sheets and blankets
and from 3 on,
you tried to ste
al my pillow.
You're not used to sleeping
in company, right? - Okay.
From one point of view it should
reassure you. - I don't know.
Maybe the others don't remain
asleep, but I use the bathroom first.
And I'm very well.
Hello? - Good morning, I was looking
for Salvo. - I'll call him.
Who are you?
I'm his father.
Tell him to call me when he can.
Good day, Miss
Livia. Have a good day.
Doctor! - Dindo!
Doctor Don't overload
the motor, it is dangerous.
I do it so people eat.
I always bring something new to
eat. - But it becomes dangerous.
What are you doing? - Giving you the rest.
Giving me the rest as a tip?
The next time
bring some Trapani sauce,
the one from Company Caruso
with the green cap. So long Dindo.
Who was that? - Dindo
the boy from the supermarket.
He remained a little child.
Porto - We talk later. - Yes?
He usually talks a lot,
but today he did not want to do it.
You're my first Sicilian
boyfriend. - Really?
Come back this weekend?
Ah! - What?
This "but".
You have a guilty conscience!
You know that sooner or later
you will need to come to me and Boccadasse.
I know, but I'm very busy
with work.
When I have a little time,
I'll come and find you.
Enjoy your trip.
Commissioner, this case
is easily answered.
But this is a democracy.
"The lady is a Briguccio P. ..?"
"Every citizen may respond to
the referendum. "- He's taking it.
He doesn't like it.
Hello, Catarella. Good morning.
Have you seen Dr. Augello? -Yes.
He's in his office. - In my . . . ?
No, in his. I'll call him.
No, thank you.
Thank you.
Mimi, you know
Mrs. Briguccio? - Elena? Yes.
You know her so well? - We
made friends in the gym.
A healthy friendship between sportsmen
because maybe you're sporting!
Don't break my balls!
Why don't you ask her?
Do you know about the referendum?
No. - There are posters
throughout Vigata where one wonders
if Mrs. Elena Briguccio
is or is not a "P".
That "P" stands for what
I'm thinking? - You are perceptive!
I had not realized it, I thought
"Fishwife", "professor".
Are you kidding me?
I would never dare.
I'll check.
Sorry, you know her well,
how you would respond to the referendum?
When I return, I'll give you an answer.
Good morning. - Good morning, Fazio.
Welcome back. - Thanks.
There is a lot of activity this morning!
Doctor! - Fazio, welcome back!
How are you?
Well, thank you.
I'm ready for service.
I am reborn!
It 's safe? - Can't you see?
I'm healthy as a fish! - How healthy
is a fish? What do the doctors say?
The usual things! - You could stand
another couple of weeks.
Do not talk to me about home and rest,
I'm discouraged.
You can't understand.
You're young and not married.
Okay, but nothing stressful.
As soon as you feel fatigued,
I'll put you in an office, a quiet one.
I'm sorry, Doctor.
Fazio, sorry, too,
I could make you feel bad again.
What do you want? - He called,
the Mayor, City Hall has problems.
So let's go.
Cuckold, open this door!
What's going on?
Son of a bitch, open up!
If you quit, I'll say no more.
Your hours are numbered.
Who is this?
Xavier Briguccio.
It must be rough with the flyers
of his wife. - Get him out of here.
Mr. Briguccio, calm down,
go to the bar and let it rest. - Yes
What would you do if he wrote
that your wife is a "P"?
Maybe it doesn't make sense.
Maybe it is a generic "P".
A generic "P"! - Come on.
I want to talk to the mayor.
If you talk now, you won't be calm.
No, I want to talk now.
Sit down. - You saved me
and Deputy Mayor Guarnotta.
Thanks in advance.
Sit down. - What's going on?
Why Briguccio wants to talk
with me? - It 's an old story.
Deputy Mayor Guarnotta and I
fought in the same
party, but with different issues.
The Deputy Mayor and I have opinions
not shared by Briguccio.
When De Gasperi
No, Mr. Mayor.
Why was Briguccio
here today?
You are aware of the referendum
popular? - The, uh - Yes
Briguccio believes
that the libel of his wife
is just a political issue.
Do you think that we are behind the document
that defines "cuckold"?
Commissioner, that's absurd.
Yeah, it's crazy! - He's right.
What does Mr. Briguccio want
you to do? - Remove the flyers.
It 'a sensible request.
We said we would do it
even without
his stormy request.
The fee for posting of the
leaflets has not been paid .
So what? - So - We
had to explain the problem to him.
The removal
will take a few days.
That doesn't remove them immediately.
We have only 8 municipal guards.
I am very busy
with daily business.
I see.
He, hearing the situation,
began to insult us.
As if it were up to us!
Would we do such a thing?
Want to make a complaint
for assault?
No, sir!
We do not do things like that.
There are about 100 posters.
I've never seen so many people
willing to vote in a referendum.
This is called direct democracy.
What do the first results say?
For now, all votes are "yes".
Poor Elena is unquestionably
a - Do you think she is or not?
There is at least a 15 year age difference
between Elena and Xavier Briguccio.
She is 30 years old and he is about 45,
a merchant, loves politics.
Everything divides them, and then
in the town, rumors make it worse.
- What?
Impotent. - The poor lady
is "forced" to betray her husband.
Yes, forced.
She must find companionship where she can.
Maybe in the sports,
among sportsmen like you.
This I would not tell you ever. -
The husband knows of companions?
He knows, but he's always been patient
because there were only rumors.
But now, with this referendum,
as a politician he is ruined.
Could it be a political maneuver
by his opponents?
Yes, but it could also be
the punishment of a lover.
Elena never has lasting
It's her way of remaining
faithful to her husband.
Oh, a "one-night-stand" girl.
- Sometimes you are very vulgar.
But it is so. - In my opinion, this
story is bullshit.
Let's get back to taking
care of serious business.
Who is it?
Who is it?
The wife of my dentist.
And maybe you're dentist.
No, I would never.
Santa Adelina!
What the fuck!
Hello? - Hello, Salvo, I thought
you weren't there. - Hello, Livia!
How are you?
The trip went well?
Yes, I went directly
to work. You must be tired.
Now that I have told you everything,
you can rest well. - Sure.
So goodnight. - Goodnight,
Livia. - Did you call your father?
I was going to now,
but you called me.
Okay, good night.
Good night.
Who is it at this hour?
Hello? - Doctor, Gerlando Piccolo
was shot in his home.
Where? Give me the address.
I don't need to,
Gallo is coming to pick you up.
Paterno and Fazio are there
already? Fazio at this hour?
Fazio took the call
because I had gone to the toilet.
Okay, I'm coming.
Paterno, what the fuck are you doing? Are you
drinking? - No, this is the granddaughter of the victim.
and upset. - Where's
the body? - Upstairs.
You climb the exterior staircase.
You wait here. - Why?
Don't ask useless questions.
Fazio I don't want you to come out
at this time of night.
I got the call.
No excuses,
you should not be tempting fate.
Okay, sit down.
This is Gerlando Piccolo, 67,
widowed, 6-year-old retired
and for most of his life,
worked as a broker. And naked.
There's a revolver. - Yes,
He was killed, but not with that.
His niece shot it.
Who? - The murderer.
There is another thing unclear.
Who was sleeping next to him?
The bed is unmade
from both sides.
Fazio, continue here.
- Okay.
Commissioner Montalbano.
- Pleasure. Grace.
Grace, what's in the room
above, The locked room?
The office of my uncle Gerlando,
but I can't get into it.
The Office? - Where he received
people. - Which people?
Those that came
to borrow money.
Were there many such people? I don't
know, they didn't go through the house.
To enter the office, customers
went by the staircase
arriving at the door
which is always closed.
Only my uncle had the key.
Paterno, get the keys
and check the room with Fazio.
Have you always lived here?
My parents died in a car accident
when I was 5 years old.
Uncle Gerlando is the brother of my mother.
He and my aunt Titina took me
into their home. - Were you happy here?
They loved you? - They
needed me to do the cleaning.
Were you sent to school?
No, I do not know how to read or write.
My aunt was ill. When I was 15,
she died. - What did she die of?
Heart, and from that day, my uncle
has changed towards me.
He started to buy me clothes,
to take me to town with him.
He embraced me.
He became affectionate with me.
You have a boyfriend?
- Me? No!
Doctor, I apologize,
but we have opened the office.
If you want to check, I'll wait
here. - Okay. Be right back. - Ok.
Gerlando used this staircase
for his customers.
Which customers?
- He was a loan shark.
The safe is locked.
Take a look at the card file,
it must have the names of customers.
There is no other material.
I'll go back to the girl.
- Okay.
Have a little more vermouth.
Stay there.
Grace, tell me
what happened tonight.
Yes, my uncle Gerlando,
like every night at 10:00 PM,
turned off the television
and went to sleep.
I took the broom and dustpan
and I swept the kitchen.
Then I went to bed.
Who shut the door?
- He did.
Before coming to eat,
he locked it with the keys
and then put them on a nail
attached to the door. - They are there.
There are no signs of forced entry,
the killer may have had a copy.
You use the singular? When he was shot, he
couldn't have been alone. - He was alone.
I had just gone to bed. I heard
a bang and I woke up.
I thought that my uncle had
felt sick and scared.
He ate very little
and had some dizziness.
I went upstairs
no shoes, barefoot
I saw the light was on in his room.
The first thing I saw
My uncle was on the bed
with the blood on his mouth, chest
and head and on the headboard.
Then I heard a noise
and saw someone running.
Then I remembered the
pistol he had in the drawer.
I got it
and I shot him through the window.
I shot him when he
was in the yard.
Then I went down below
to chase him,
but couldn't see him
because it was dark.
I went back upstairs and even then
I knew that my uncle had died.
I had dropped the gun on the ground.
I was powerless.
The last thing I did
was to call you.
Gallo, let's go.
What is it?
Look what's here.
The blood of the murderer.
She must have hit him
in the back.
Put someone here to protect this,
I'll wait outside. - I'll do it immediately.
Doctor, excuse me, I wanted to update
you on the Piccolo case. - Not now.
We'll talk later.
Sit down, order something
to eat, but something light.
Grilled fish, boiled
ham You can drink the wine? - Yes
It 's better not, the wine is bad.
I agree!
Fazio, you're pale.
No, I'm fine.
But if you look at me that way,
I feel bad.
We drink a glass of wine?
Sure. - Okay.
But soon!
Tell me. - We put the seals on
the house of Gerlando Piccolo.
The niece did not know where to go
and Paterno and his wife
have taken her in.
Bravo, Paterno!
You told the judge that the bed
was used by two people?
Yes and do you know what
Judge Tommaseo said?
He believes that it is a
homosexual crime of passion.
Piccolo could have brought one home.
After getting what he wanted
he robbed and then shot him.
What did Grace say in that regard?
She said that her uncle always had
female companions
but women she has never seen,
passed from the outside staircase.
When finished,
left by the same route.
Then her uncle closed the gate.
As we found it. - Yes
But Grace also said he
uses the entire bed
It does not necessarily mean
that his uncle had company.
He ate very little
and often had the illness
which made him shake when he was
in bed. - Hey! What are you doing?
Go away!
What are you laughing at, fool?
Paterno, how is Grace?
After interrogation by judge
Tommaseo, she was exhausted.
I called a doctor. He gave her
an injection to put her to sleep.
We pity her.
Let me ask you something.
She said something about
the gun? - I don't understand.
Does it seem odd that she said
"I've seen Uncle's assassin"
or whether it took a cool head
to take a gun and shoot?
I asked the same question.
She said she is not
afraid of anything
and that their uncle had taught her
to shoot. - He feared retaliation.
Maybe. - And to feel comfortable,
he used his niece as a defense.
It may be so.
Hello? - I speak "in person"
with her, doctor? - Yes, tell me.
Briguccio shot someone. - Who?
- Charles Manifa.
He killed him? - No,
he was hit in osso pizziddo.
Where's osso pizziddo?
Where it belongs.
And serious? - No, Augello
took him to the hospital
and now the judge
wants to question him.
Okay, I'll be right there.
Doctor, I have found this busiate
of pasta in the refrigerator.
You eat with
Trapani pesto, right?
Now you check the fridge?
And I really like the pesto.
Too bad for you! But I am a
serious person and I never will.
I eat the busiate as I prefer,
OK, but I forgot to bring
pesto. - better!
Preparing them for you with my sauce.
This woman is terrible.
What is osso pizziddo? - I don't
know. - Where was Manifa hit?
At his home.
I meant in that part of the body.
He was shot in the ankle.
And all morning
Tell me everything.
How is Manifa?
He's in the hospital and is in shock.
He doesn't talk
and we couldn't question him.
What do you think has happened?
There are two hypotheses. The first is that
an idiot, in revenge for Elena,
has attacked these posters
without regard to effect.
The second one wants to
destroy Briguccio's nerves.
A political issue.
Briguccio is the strongest opponent
of Mayor Tortorici.
As regards the first hypothesis,
the lover left
Do you know who attended Mrs. Elena
in this last period?
Why do you call her "Mrs."?
How should I call her?
You say "Mrs." in a certain
way as if to say, "bitch".
The what? I would never!
- Sure.
I have to find out about Elena's
relationships, but I'm sure Briguccio
shot the wrong person.
- Yeah, it was better to shoot you.
It seems that Charles Manifa, even if he is
a handsome man, is a faithful man.
And married, no children, loves his
wife, teaches Italian in high school
and is a scholar well known abroad.
Trust me, I know these things.
It 's impossible that Elena
has had an affair with Manifa.
The Manifas and the Briguccios
knew each other? - Do you not know?
What? - They
live in the same landing.
Don't you have anything helpful to say?
- Who would have told me? Catarella?
Do you know if Briguccio was
questioned by the prosecutor?
He told us that Manifa
tried, but Elena refused him
and he retaliated
with the posters.
Excuse me, Mrs. "Pinuccia"
is here, she can wait?
Briguccio, please.
Elena! Please be seated.
I came to testify of my own free will
and to explain the behavior of
my husband, Xavier. - Yes, tell us.
We know that you and the Manifas
are neighbors. - Yes, sir.
Just yesterday my other anguish
has turned into a nightmare.
Carlo Manifa
tried to rape me.
He lured me into his house with
the excuse of a book. I Just entered
he pushed me on the couch and tried
to strip me, but I defended myself.
And thank God,
I fled to my house. - Yes
I suppose she has told everything
to her husband, right? - No.
To avoid dramatic consequences,
I did not say anything to Xavier
But Manifa, in revenge for my
refusal, did the flyers.
Xavier got mad and I had
to tell the truth.
Also see these.
And confronted with this evidence,
Xavier lost control.
As you see, he is not able to
answer. Manifa just gives the numbers.
What does he say? - I mean
literally, "39-18-19".
He repeats them until he is exhausted.
I thought I'd play them on the lottery.
You never know!
You've done well.
Is there a phone here?
Yes, just down the hall.
It looks like a phone number.
But operatore 12 told me
that there is no listing in Vigata.
It belongs to another telephone
district. I'll get Fazio to check.
I need to speak with Manifa's wife.
- She's not in Vigata. - Where is she?
She went to visit an American friend
in Denver, and will return tomorrow.
Commissioner, the keys are always left
with me because I do the cleaning
and I water the plants.
We were very scared
when we heard the shot.
Mrs. Briguccio at home? - No, she
went to her father in Montelusa.
Come in. To the left is the study,
on this side are the kitchen
Okay, thanks, you can go.
We can do it alone.
"Myth and History in the Bible."
"The Pentateuch."
Here, he wrote this.
"Exegesis of Genesis," Carlo Manifa.
There's fuck-all.
There are few issues on the agenda
and 39-18-19
is not written anywhere.
To find anything here,
would take a long time.
Okay, let's go.
Gallo, Paterna, Fazio, come here!
Fazio, contact numbers of customers
who were in the card file
Try to talk to them.
We need information.
Paterno, speaks as much as possible
with Grace, becomes her friend.
Perhaps some details will
come to mind. You can go.
Doctor, I? - I called
you too? - Yes, you did?
You'll be in the office,
Whatever you say.
Commissioner, what do you seek?
The Trapani pesto? - Yes
Dindo didn't bring it to you,
true? - He has forgotten.
Dindo is large,
but thinks like a child.
He stops working and goes around
for the campaign. He just disappears!
And I get calls from customers
who want to protest.
He's a nice guy, don't be angry
with him. - I can not blame him.
But I hope he returns soon.
He left his moped.
The Trapani pesto is gone?
The Caruso Company is on strike.
They make no deliveries. - What do you say?
There is the strike on pesto?
But I can give you the Bolognese sauce. - No, the sauce
A hot one,
this Genoese pesto.
Never mind, I'll eat out.
I'm sorry. - Don't worry.
Adelina will not make the pesto,
But this sauce is heavenly on busiate.
Brothers, please call
the number you see on the screen
and we will send you a free Bible
because the salvation of man
is this sacred text.
- Bible for free? It 's a bargain!
We want everyone to hear
the counsel of the Word of God
Friends, we read together
the Bible. Deuteronomy 20-19-20
Montalbano, you really are an asshole!
"When you shall besiege
a city a long time "
Hotel Pirandello, talk to me.
I am Inspector Montalbano.
Do your rooms have Bibles?
Genesis, Chapter 39,
verses 18 and 19.
"But as soon as I screamed for help,
he left his cloak beside me
and ran out of the house." Joseph and the
Potiphar's wife. - What do you say?
I understand what those numbers mean.
They are verses from Genesis.
Manifa is an expert in biblical texts.
He wants to tell us the story of
Joseph and Potiphar's wife.
If you must tell . . . Do it tomorrow!
Joseph worked for Potiphar
who was one of the captains of Pharaoh.
The Bible says his appearance was beautiful
and then his wife became infatuated with him.
It advanced to the point that many times
she invited him to stay with her.
But Joseph never consented.
Never? - Never.
But once she lost
control and jumped on him.
Joseph managed to escape
and she, in revenge for this
last rejection, told her husband
Joseph had tried to rape her
and as proof she showed the clothes
that he had left in the chamber.
Potiphar had Joseph put
in prison. End of story.
Now you'll also tell me
The Parable of the Prodigal Son?
You really don't understand?
- No.
With this history,
Manifa wanted to tell the truth.
He is the victim,
not Mrs. Briguccio.
Excuse me, if Elena has done this,
who printed and posted
posters of the referendum?
Mimi, what are you doing? Where are you?
Good evening.
Go back to bed. I'm just going
out to buy milk for breakfast.
Just to buy milk.
Not even any snacks?
Unless, you don't like the way I look,
don't tell anyone.
If her husband finds out,
I'd be drilled to death without anesthesia.
I feel good.
I don't know . . .
You read the Bible and have a good night.
So long.
Elena Briguccio fell in love with
a man she couldn't have.
And Carlo Manifa,
always pretended not to notice.
Manifa's wife went away and Elena
took advantage of the opportunity.
Yes, but Manifa refused
but this time,
for her, the
offense was unbearable.
She decided to take revenge.
She convinced one of her fans
with a printer and PC
to prepare these posters.
But an odd thing.
A 25-year-old at the gym has fallen in love with Elena.
The son of
Advocate Petruzzello.
You know that young people use the PC.
She convinced her husband that Manifa
tried to rape her.
Maybe even convinced him
this story of the referendum
was Manifa's revenge.
Xavier Briguccio
just had to shoot Manifa.
But it wasn't prudent.
- Exactly.
Tomorrow I'm going to talk
with the boy in love with Elena.
Only he may have written
and printed the posters.
Good morning, doctor. Garfish
wants to talk to you. - Pass him through.
I can not.
Mr. Aguglia is in your office.
You're still there?
Good morning, Commissioner.
Hello, be comfortable. - Thanks.
Tell me. - Remember that Dindo
did not come to work?
He did not come even this morning.
Not even for his
moped? - No.
It 's very strange.
- That's why I'm here.
I want to make a complaint.
- Okay. Paterno.
Commissioner. - Mr. Aguglia
wants to file a complaint.
You're looking for Dindo.
- He's gone?
Sometimes he's like a child. Perhaps
he got lost following a butterfly.
Then find them both. Thank you.
Goodbye. - Goodbye.
Follow me. You're welcome.
Can I?
Come, Fazio.
Tell me. - Names that I've taken
from Piccolo's card file
relate to customers
with minimal debt.
Ranging from 100,000 Lira
to 20-30 million.
I think he had customers
with larger debts.
There must be
another file.
Whatever else Piccolo was, alive
he was a bad man. - What?
In every country they
do the same thing.
They should make a monument
to whoever killed him.
If you owed one hundred,
in six months it increased to a thousand.
He didn't take just the money.
What do you mean?
He took advantage of all
females who were in need.
First he wanted a loan payment
then the interest in actions.
You spoke with someone
else? - Only with one.
She is ashamed and nervous.
She especially doesn't want to
bring harm to the murderer.
I understand. If Piccolo
took advantage of the females
add some distraught husband or
brother to the list of suspects.
We must add
even the little victims.
If I may say, I don't think this
was a robbery escalated into murder.
Do you think it was?
No. - Me neither.
Do you think they're stupid because
they're young? - I dare not.
Did Piccolo know what to do
if anyone rebelled?
Someone was sent and they paid.
Who is it? - I don't know, but
it must be someone who doesn't joke.
I'll find out all in 24 hours.
- I'm sure you will.
Also call the locksmith, Lachino.
Open Piccolo's safe.
Maybe we need the other
files. - We have the keys.
What are you doing, eating?
It was a snack.
I was very hungry,
but I'll make it disappear immediately.
And last bite.
They are the whims of the throat.
- Good.
Meet Ugo Petruzzello.
Doctor, the spoon.
Pleasure, Salvo Montalbano.
He has already confessed everything.
I didn't think it was serious. Elena
told me it was a game.
In prison?
What do you say?
Petruzzello, think of
those of your age!
Gallo, take the boy
into my office. - Come.
After his deposition, I'll have to ask
for an arrest warrant for Elena.
If it's okay, I'll take care of it.
It's a bit of a delicate situation.
I do it for Elena. - Sure.
Enjoy. - Thanks.
It 's good.
It was good.
Put everything away. We give a
bad impression. - I'll wash the dishes.
I'm sorry I'm late. My
wife left to go shopping.
As soon as she comes back.
Do not panic, Paterna.
I have to talk to Grace.
- Come in.
He laughs. - It's Francesco.
This is the commissioner. Come.
Hello, Grace. How are you?
Good morning, Commissioner. I'm fine.
I can not thank Officer
Paterno and his wife enough.
How beautiful these children are.
It 's true.
I must ask you something.
Your uncle Gerlando
knew a person.
Maybe he was in business with him.
It could be his tax collector.
Have you ever met this
person? - No, I told you.
All those who came to
my uncle's office
ascended the staircase.
I've never met anyone.
have you found something?
There are 200,000 Lira.
This must be the file that
Fazio said must be here.
In fact, there are loans
50 million and up.
Looks like a Swiss bank account.
There are only 200,000 Lira.
They found any money in Piccolo's
clothes? - 300,000 Lira.
He had more money in his pockets
than in that safe?
If it was a robbery, he would have
taken that money. That wasn't done.
Doctor, the photos arrived
from Montelusa. - Yes
At last, the photographer
has been most thorough.
Remember when she stepped
on these pictures?
I saw the broken glass
and stepped over as you did.
You avoided them like I did.
Instead Grace told us
when she got up, she was barefooted.
The light was on.
We have also seen her.
Grace is very used
to walking barefoot.
She will have very tough calluses.
This may be so, but check.
Just send Paterno to
my office. Come with me. - Yes
Commissioner, I'm here.
By chance did you notice
if Grace limps?
She is a magician.
Yesterday evening she complained
she had twinges in
the soles of her feet.
Her feet were bleeding and
were filled with pieces of glass.
My wife has taken them out,
one at a time with the tweezers.
I'm sorry. An anonymous phone call
alerted us to a corpse
Contrada Pizzutello.
- Come on.
People come here to make love
in the car. - Be Romantic?
I noticed that we are very close to
the house of Gerlando Piccolo?
It 's true. It's just
over a kilometer away.
And Dindo.
Who could have done this
to this innocent creature?
It was Grace.
She did so involuntarily after
Dindo shot Gerlando.
Dindo was a murderer?
If things are as I think,
there must be a gun around here
with which Dindo shot Gerlando.
Let's find it . . .
Doctor, Montalbano.
Oh, for heaven's sake, who else could
ruin my day also over the air?
What do you want? - Have you looked
at the corpse of Gerlando Piccolo?
Yes, inside and out.
What can you tell me? - Nothing.
They killed him with one shot.
You will find the details in my report.
He would have lived healthy
up to 100 years.
He had just finished having fun
with someone. - Immediately before?
No, after!
He began to make love in death.
Any more fucking questions?
- Never mind.
Come to Pizzutello Contrada.
There's more work for you. Idiot.
Doctor, we can't find the gun.
I'll go back to the police station. You
follow up with the lab and the doctor.
Compare the
fingerprints of Dindo
with what we found
in Piccolo's room.
Compare also the blood of Dindo
with what was in front of the house.
In 15 minutes go to your house.
Get her up.
Bring her to the Piccolo house.
Don't tell her anything of Dindo.
Come in.
A problem?
No. The lady Briguccio is here
to make a voluntary confession.
- So I'll leave you in peace.
No, Madam.
I can not understand.
For your own personal vendetta,
you sent a man to the hospital
and almost the cemetery.
You imprison your husband,
although he accepted
your betrayal.
You used a boy
and you are totally shameless. Why?
you do not understand women.
Ask Dr. Augello.
He understands everything.
Write, Gallo. Write.
We need to rebuild
what happened.
Paterno, go in the bedroom
and make noise.
You were in your room asleep.
- Yes - Let's go.
You must do exactly
what you did that night.
Wait, Grace.
The glass door was open?
- Yes
The light in the corridor,
was it on or off? - It was turned off.
How did you run in the dark?
I know the house by heart.
This door was?
It was wide open.
From the corridor I saw
that the light was on.
Okay, enter.
I saw my uncle lying here.
He had blood on his mouth.
I thought I had misheard.
Then I bent over him
and saw that he'd been shot.
Then what happened? - I looked
up because of a noise.
I saw a man
coming out from behind the door
where he had hidden
when I arrived. - Here? - Yes
You said you were barefoot. - Yes,
I called twice, to my uncle.
Paterno, you be the murderer.
Go down the stairs
and through the yard.
Show me how you saw
him and did the shooting. - Okay.
I shot him.
The times correspond.
Now explain something to me. If it was dark
in the house and in the yard,
how did you know you could hit him
from here? - I heard the footsteps.
I fired at random. I didn't expect
to hit anything. - But you shot well.
He went into hiding nearby
to bleed to death.
He's dead?
Now what do I do?
They can not get anything.
But maybe you knew
who murdered your uncle.
Dindo was,
the boy from the supermarket.
It was Dindo? That brought
us our groceries?
He had nothing to do with it!
He was naive.
I killed him? I killed him?
I killed him.
Stay here with her.
I killed him. No!
I killed him.
I come from Contrada Pizzutello.
I want to see the girl.
It 's quite obvious.
After the discovery
of the body of Dindo Salvatore Trupia
now I know for sure.
What evidence do you have?
The night he was killed
Piccolo Gerlando had
a carnal congress with Trupia.
It 's impossible. What does he say?
The Doctor confirms that Pasquano
Piccolo had just had sex.
It happened.
Piccolo rises at the appointed time.
Goes down, goes to open the door
and lets in Trupia.
I know
because he brought the money.
He get's in
and does not close the door.
Afterward, they
argue. Trupia enraged,
kills him and snatches the money.
- Mr. Judge, does not explain everything.
Do not make me waste time.
Trupia then tries to escape
but the niece wakes
and shoots him.
Trupia is left to bleed to death.
He does this because if he went to the hospital
they would realize that he is linked
to the murder of Piccolo.
My intuition will be confirmed
with fingerprints and blood.
If you do not mind, I
will question his niece.
She's inside? - Yes, but you are
assuming many things unclear.
Montalbano, don't worry.
Everything will become clear.
Miss, your uncle was gay?
No, he liked women.
In the village everyone knew
he was not homosexual.
Young lady, you absolutely know that
your uncle frequented only women?
I never saw those who came in the
night. - There may be men?
I can not exclude that
there were men.
Your Honor, this is absurd.
You know about bisexuality?
This kind of perverted practice
today is very widespread.
You are young,
but I have seen many bisexuals.
Make no distinction whatsoever.
In Sicily
would you say they are . . . promiscuous.
Come in.
It's Mr. Aguglia.
Send him in.
Good morning, Mr. Aguglia.
When can I
get my scooter?
Patience, have a few days
I'm sorry that I do not seem
to show concern for Dindo.
I know that's not the case.
Listen, Commissioner.
Yesterday evening I saw
the interview with the judge.
For the sake of truth
I must tell you something.
The judge said
only lies about Dindo.
We know. - Dindo did not go
with either boys or with girls.
He would not steal money
even from a loan shark.
He could not steal
even a toothpick.
At the supermarket, he
could take what he wanted,
but if he needed something,
he asked and paid.
He was an honest man.
I know.
Do you know where Dindo lived?
Yes, with his father near the port.
Good morning.
Good morning.
I am Inspector Montalbano.
Are you the father of Dindo?
Yes, I'm his father.
Sit down.
Dindo was very late and perhaps
because of this I'm a little worried.
Sorry to get so . . .
I am sick, widowed and
I never had much money.
Do not worry. I'm just here
for information on Dindo.
I know only that he was killed.
The story of us poor people
is not made by us poor.
They make the television shows.
Were you living together here?
Why? Did you fight?
No. How can you argue
with an innocent creature?
When he began to work in the
supermarket four years ago,
he said he wanted to live alone and
I gave him the room next to me.
You saw him often?
Over the past two months he had changed.
How can you say
if you did not see him?
There was no need. For
three months he was singing out loud,
the morning when he woke up and in
the evening when he returned from work.
May I go in?
Take the key.
It 's the one near the door.
I'm curious,
Why they called Dindo?
Because he liked the bells.
When playing, he moved
his head and say "ding, dong".
"Din, Don."
"The most beautiful fairy tales."
Doctor, is something wrong?
You know the tale of Bluebeard?
No, sir.
But I can ask an expert.
No, thank you. Tell me. - Let's
talk about the Piccolo murder.
I can't accept the way in
which the court has settled the case.
Why should Dindo
kill Piccolo?
The story of a
sexual encounter is absurd.
I know, but we know only that Dindo
Gerlando wanted to kill Piccolo.
It's so.
The ransacked room was
just to fake the theft.
Someone put the gun in Dindo's hand
because he couldn't own a gun.
Whoever armed him, convinced
him that Piccolo deserved death.
Yes, but there's one thing to clarify.
How Dindo entered the house?
There are no signs of forced
entry on the door.
Someone gave him
a duplicate key.
Only someone who moves freely in
the house would have duplicate keys.
In addition to Grace,
who could come and go freely?
The man who collected
the money for Piccolo.
Then get to work.
Find the first and last name
of this distinguished gentleman.
We're booked by Calogero. - You really
want to take me to the restaurant now?
Fazio, any news?
Yes, I found an informant.
You found out the name of the debt collector?
Yes, but he does not confess.
Does he want money? - No,
he wants to meet you tonight.
You have to meet
where there are whores.
This thing does not convince
me either. I'll tell him
No, no, I'll go there alone.
Safe? - Yes, don't worry.
See you.
See you later.
your face is like a policeman.
At least I have a face.
How long should I wait
to see yours?
Where are you?
At school you ate
all the rice balls with meat sauce
You were my mother.
Gege Gullotta!
Are you still the same old fool!
When I heard that you were
the new commissioner of Vigata
I did not believe it.
- How is your sister?
And beautiful as the sun, but I know that you're
involved with a woman from the North.
You know it all.
I am informed. Your father?
Ages, but it's okay.
You're not with him?
I never lived with him.
Why should I have to live with him now?
What do you do for a living?
Do you remember Di Vincenzo?
She was our teacher. She said
I was an unruly child.
With her we were all good.
This is my home.
The girls work
protected and safeguarded.
It was meant to be. You were
to become a lawyer.
I had to become a criminal.
Do you know about the debt
collector of Gerlando Piccolo?
Come with me. I'll take you
to someone you can trust.
Hi, Donna Rosalia.
Hello, Gege.
This is Inspector Montalbano.
Pleasure. Take a seat.
I'm sorry to bother you
at this time. - Don't worry.
Old age has stolen sleep.
The Commissioner wanted to ask
of the debt of Gerlando Piccolo.
Commissioner, I worked 30 years.
I worked in the workshop
and in the store.
I worked for Gerlando Piccolo.
He paid well. I became rich.
When I realized what he was asking of the
customers, it disgusted me and I left.
He collected women,
especially the young ones.
He was sick.
It 's true. I didn't want to do anything.
I want to die a good person.
When I said Gege
you wanted the name of
Piccolo's debt collector, I thought
that was the right thing to do.
I understand.
So tell me this name.
His name is Alfonso Arica.
His soul is as black as hell.
Thanks, Gege. - Stop it.
If you stay here, you know where to find me.
But no preaching.
Don't bullshit me.
Say hello to your sister.
I salute you. Don't worry.
Take care of yourself.
You too.
You have a friend, Gege.
Alfonso Arica, alias Rosario Arica,
alias Assunta D'Agostino.
Born in Vigata 40 years.
He has a sister and a brother.
His brother emigrated to Germany.
You OK, Doctor?
You seem distracted.
I'm not distracted. Go on.
I am interested in the details.
I'm done.
Arica is not a reliable person.
He's a gambler.
He deals in theft and violence.
This is the photo.
What a beauty!
Do you want him found
and brought in here.
- Go with Gallo.
Whatever you say.
If you like fairy tales,
I'll give you a more current edition.
It's a book from
when you were little? - No.
It belonged to Dindo. Remember him?
- Yes, the boy
the supermarket.
- I remember him.
They killed him.
They killed him?
Yes, you had to see where he lived.
You got the book over there?
- Yes.
He was a lover of fairy tales.
He especially liked "Bluebeard",
the tale of Perrault.
The rich and horrible Bluebeard
married girls, abused and
then killed them. - Yes
Then came the gentleman
who killed the old tormentor
and lived happily ever after
with his last wife.
Dindo had written on each page
the word "justice".
Maybe he was
struck by something,
or would like
to be a hero.
The gentleman who killed Bluebeard
and freed the girl.
- I thought so too.
There is one thing . . .
I'm not convinced.
Lately Dindo
had begun to sing.
He had never done this before. Why
would a wretch who lived in that place
start singing without
having ever done so before?
Come in.
Hello, sir. -
Hello, Gallo. Good. Good.
Do you have news of Alfonso Arica?
The neighbors have not seen
him for a week.
They say he always leaves
like this and is away for days.
If you want, I'll go back and see if
No need.
For now it's OK.
You're safe? - Yes, If I need
you, I'll call you. - OK.
Hello, Cingoli. How are you?
- Hey, Montalbano.
Hello. I'm fine. You?
Well. I need a favor.
Tell me. - You can put in
a phone tap?
Oh, Mimi.
Fazio hasn't arrived yet?
He had a checkup with the
cardiologist, but he's coming.
I'm going out. If you need me, call me.
Commissioner, I made coffee.
Thanks. - You're welcome.
Francis, go with your mother.
Grace, I'm here to tell you something.
If you want, you can return to your home.
You give me good news.
I would go on living there even
in view of what's happened.
I'll accompany you. - If you're
worried about something, call me.
I'm not afraid of anything.
What should I be afraid of now?
Alfonso Arica.
Perhaps he will return.
For Gerlando Piccolo's files?
Yes, they're worth a fortune.
Tomorrow I'll ask for authorization
to confiscate them.
So you can rest easy.
Okay. Thank you.
What will you do?
I'll return to my home.
for being concerned about me.
Hello. - Cingoli is on the phone.
Put him on? - OK
Hello, Cingoli. Tell me all.
He called the girl.
It was a male voice.
She said that she had gone home
and there was no surveillance.
He said she had to give him two things.
He said that he would go
to her after midnight.
Thank you. You were very helpful.
Gallo, Paterna. Go back home
to eat and after, come here.
Tell your families
that you'll be busy tonight.
What is it?
I'll tell you later. - Hello, Doctor.
Any news on when Piccolo?
How was your check-up?
May I speak?
I came to submit
my retirement.
I must retire.
You decided suddenly?
Actually, no.
When I had the illness, the doctors
said I had to stay home.
But I could not
just stay at home.
You continued to work as
if nothing had happened.
Bravo, congratulations!
The tests I did today have shown
frightening facts. They are not good.
I understand.
The hospital has already sent
the note to the police.
You would have known
in a few days.
So I decided to tell him myself.
You have done well.
You know that I am very sorry,
but I have no alternative.
Tell me the truth.
Is the Piccolo case about to close?
If all goes well, the story
may end tonight.
I do not like to leave in the middle
of things I have started.
Before retiring, you must allow me
to take part in the capture
of that animal
that killed Dindo. - I can not.
It 's useless to insist. I can not.
If something happens,
what do I say to your family?
You say we captured Dindo's killer.
Please, Doctor.
But you take Gallo's place.
You stay in the car and do nothing.
You must swear it.
I swear.
Thank you, Doctor.
Hello, Livia.
Hello, Salvo.
He was in Vigata
and came to see you.
I called to talk with you,
but I found Livia.
We can go to Calogero.
No - No, I can't.
I must leave now.
It 's a very important thing.
Can't it wait?
No. - It does not matter.
See you again.
I've seen you.
I can go home happy.
But you have to come
see my vines.
You've got to see them.
You've never seen them.
I'm glad I stopped by.
I met your beautiful girl.
Thanks for your hospitality.
Can I hug you?
Thanks. I wait for your visit.
We will come. - Thanks.
I'll walk with you.
- Yes. Thanks, Livia.
What do you expect, sir?
Alfonso Arica. The debt collector.
Arica is here? - I think so,
but I must have some confirmation.
Grace came here to be a servant
when she was five.
The aunt died and she
became her uncle's lover.
But Gerlando's was sick sex
and she hated him.
He kept her at home
like a prisoner.
The only chance to save her
was a person who
frequented the house.
Alfonso Arica. - The tax collector.
Between Arica and Grace
a relationship was born.
The two had an idea.
Kill Gerlando, inherit the money
and continue his business.
They needed another person to
kill him without arousing suspicion.
They picked poor Dindo.
The idea was Grace's. She began being
kind to him and he was willing.
When he falls in love, she rejects him
because she's a prisoner of her uncle.
Dindo wants to do justice and
she convinces him to kill her uncle.
Arica brings the gun. That night
Grace leaves the door open.
The gun is there. She goes into the
uncle's bedroom to have sex with him.
She wants to be certain
that Dindo shoots.
So he finds her
in bed with her uncle.
Dindo shoots.
But when he sees the body,
he realizes what he has
done and goes crazy.
He started to break the pictures and
statue of the Madonna. Then he runs away.
Grace is afraid and doesn't know what to do
because Dindo knows the whole story.
She takes the gun from her uncle,
chases Dindo and shoots.
Dindo wanted to surrender. Why
didn't he ask someone for help
when he was injured?
When the bullet hits him,
he becomes an adult.
I do not understand. -
Before he was a boy in love.
Then he realized
he had been set up.
That bullet killed
not only his body.
It also revealed
Grace's betrayal.
He decided to let himself die.
Grace and Arica had already
decided that the killing of Dindo
would be safe,
and possible.
Grace sees that Dindo stops and
turns in the light of the courtyard.
She sees the blood on the ground,
but does not know he's mortally wounded.
It makes her nervous and she makes
the only error in a brilliant plan.
She opens the safe
and takes the money.
Leaving only two notes
of 100,000 Lira.
Dindo was to take
the gun. Perhaps he didn't.
Grace thinks that Arica
will be blamed for the gun.
So he hides in the house
with the money.
When we searched the house we searched
nothing beyond the room and office
because it wasn't necessary. - How do
you know about the weapon? - I guessed.
I had a tap put on
Gerland's phone.
When she got home, Grace called Arica.
He said she has to give him two things.
In my opinion, they are the gun
and money. Now we are waiting.
We're here for the night.
We'll embrace and celebrate,
as soon as Arica leaves,
and we arrest him.
If we find the gun and money,
he's in trouble. - Commissioner.
I am a fool.
I felt pity for the girl.
She was in my house with
my children. - Who imagined
the woman was capable
of such a diabolical plan?
I'm an idiot. -
Someone's coming.
He's here.
Fazio cannot leave the car.
Okay? Paterno, come with me.
Arica's been in there
for two hours.
He must come out here.
Are you ready?
Arica, stop! Police!
I told you to stop.
Commissioner, we're losing him.
You get him. Fazio!
Fazio, how are you?
That was a thrill! Did you get him?
Yes, but how are you? - OK.
You see, I didn't get out of the car?
Please Fazio!
So, where were you going?
What's this?
Ahh, a gun and money.
Bravo. You know you're a goner?
I know you don't believe me,
but she arranged it all.
Fazio, are you really alright?
Yes, I'm not a kid anymore.
I remain calm,
otherwise I'll be ill.
Yes, but tomorrow you stay at home,
not back in the police station.
Can I come and take my
things? - No jokes. You may come.
Then stay home.
Take this.
And this.
I used it only once,
many years ago
to shoot in the air
as a warning.
It should work.
Good night, sir.
Goodnight, Fazio.
Did you sleep a little?
Yes, But you're tired.
I no longer sleep.
My father was pleased
to meet you.
He wanted to talk.
He said your relationship
is complicated.
He hoped that your transfer
here would have allowed
him to see you more.
Instead he figured out that if you don't look
at him, you won't ever seek him out.
He has feelings of guilt
to have left you alone
after the death of your mother.
I was not alone.
I lived with my uncles.
He said he worked very hard in that
period and there was never time.
Were you shocked
by his betrayal.
Things did not go
as he told you.
When I was little,
I really missed my father.
One day I decided not to go
to school and went to find him
in Syracuse, where he worked.
It was the worst idea of my life.
I never imagined
to see what I saw.
You found him with another companion?
We had a complicated
relationship as you said.
He lived with this woman
who already had two children by another.
He created another family
when he already had one in Vigata.
I'm sorry.
At first I hated him because
I thought he had betrayed
the memory of my mother.
But then I thought better of it and
realized that he had betrayed me.
I had forgotten
about the outsiders.
Now things are back to normal.
That woman died.
The children went away
and he returned to Vigata
as if nothing had happened.
Now he doesn't
want to be alone.
With age, one becomes fragile.
What harm would there be?
No harm.
But I still feel very sad
about the child I was.
I can not forgive him
for not having felt sorry for me.
Excuse me Doctor. -
Fazio, please. Come in.
I came to get my stuff
and say goodbye. - You have done well.
My son is also here. Join us.
It's alright?
How are you?
I'll stay a few days
and then back to Rome.
In two weeks I take the oath.
I hope that dad will not be
there because it excites him.
These emotions do not hurt.
- My son wanted to speak with you.
- Certainly.
- No, Dad. Forget it.
- Why? What's wrong?
Can I participate in
this talk too?
No, forget it.
Okay. I'll tell you.
He must take up his post soon
and wants to apply for my position.
You weren't supposed to say.
- Why?
No problem.
I know you're a good boy.
I'll ask the Police
of Montelusa and we can hope.
Thank you, Doctor.
You're welcome.
Just don't raise hell
like your father. - Promise?
It 's a promise.
Yes - Okay.
OK, smile some more.
So you get us all in?
A little closer. There we are.
What are you doing? Crying?
- Doctor, I am moved.
Farewells bother me very much.
Do you have a CLIX?
A what?
- A tissue.
Keep it.
Thanks. - Are you ready?
by genew
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