Theodosia (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

An Accidental Odyssey

[dramatic music]
This again? What's going on?
The Eye has changed
you, Theodosia.
Changed? But how?
Who are you?
You face a world
of power and peril.
A world of magic.
You must be strong.
You must protect.
Protect? But protect what?
Wait, don't go! I have
so many questions.
Theo, wake up.
And mum and dad call
me a snoozehead?
You're going to miss breakfast.
- I was dreaming.
- Wait, no, not dreaming.
It was a vision.
It was a vision.
- I had a vision.
- Of delicious breakfast?
Believe it or not,
Henry, there are actually
more important things in
this world than breakfast.
Like what?
- [sighs]
- Like protecting the museum.
Which is your problem because
Because there's bad
magic everywhere.
Or do you want to be
shabtified like Safiya?
- Yeah. Maybe not.
- Okay, I'll help.
[soft mystical music]

So half this stuff's magic?
[sighs] Yep.
[objects whooshing softly]
And dangerous.
We don't want any of the
visitors touching anything
and getting cursed.
Which is why we need to put
all the magic stuff away
or protect it.
So less "battling the
forces of darkness"
and more "tidying up"?
Just go with it.
I don't like the look of you.
Yep, you're going
in a safe place.
Less chewing, more
working, baby brother.
Hey. Don't call me baby.
No one will touch you in here.
And this amulet should stop
any magic from escaping.
Good boy.
Ow, no, what are you doing?
No, I'm sorry, that's
that's my muffin.
- Theo, wait up.
- Mmm. Tasty.
But we need less snacking
and more making things safe.
Come on, Henry.
[exciting mystical music]

[birds chirping,
indistinct chatter]
That's our floor covered.
Mission accomplished.
[cart wheels rumbling]
[mystical music]

What is that?
Don't you know an Egyptian
false or "ka" door
when you see one?
Magnificent, isn't it?
[softly] Dangerous, more like.
It's drenched in magic.
We need to make it safe.
Anyway, what're you both
hanging around here for?
Shouldn't you be in lessons?
I'd have thought
you'd have wanted
to see your father, at least.
He's waiting for you.
A quite remarkable recovery.
- Wait, Dad's up?
- Well, why didn't you say so?
Let's go.
Achilles wanted to humiliate
Hector at that point,
so that's why he chose to
do what he did because
- Dad.
- Ah.
[grunts] Squeezy does it, Theo.
[clears throat]
Look, I'm really
sorry about the whole
"turning you into
a shabti" thing.
- Is this seat taken?
- Ah, it's all yours.
[energetic music]

Watch this.
- [laughs]
- Whoa!
That's proper magic.
Thanks, Artie, but
it's just a trick.
I'm off to learn
some real magic.
Hey. What about my apple?
[indistinct chatter]
Is this okay to eat?
It's not, like, made
of wood or something?
It's your apple, Artie.
I just borrowed
it for the trick.
Well, how do I know
it's the same apple?
- You could have switched it.
- [chuckles]
You mean like that?
You're good.
I know someone who's better.
She can do things
I could never do.
Someone seems a little jealous.
I should be, after all the
practice I've put in, but
with this girl, it's different.
[gentle music]
She seems good.
She's put a spell
on you. [chuckles]
Bye, Artie.
Enjoy your apple.
[mystical music]

My knowledge of Ancient Greek,
it's always been
my Achilles' elbow.
So I thought we'd start there.
What do you say, troops? A
little light translation?
Yeah, great idea, Dad,
but, you know, since
I'm already fluent,
do you think I
could kind of finish
that really important
job I was just doing?
Mm, I'm sure Henry could use
your help, he's really rusty.
It's all Greek to me.
[quirky music]
Draper's here, Mr. Throckmorton,
see about the display
backing for the roman coins.
I asked him to come
this afternoon.
Theo, you've always
done well in Greek.
Okay if I leave you in charge?
Her? In charge?
Okay, does your dad know
she curses innocent people?
Listen, I would love to
stay and chat but, you know,
I've got a cursed
door to deal with.
- Unbelievable.
- How dare she interrupt
when I was just in the
middle of ignoring her?
You can ignore me if you like.
Hey. Wait up.
- Hey.
- Oh.
School over already?
Ah, I wish.
What're you doing here anyway?
- I came to see you.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- [laughs]
The other day was
intense, wasn't it?
- Just a little bit.
- [chuckles]
You know, if you ever
need a magic trainee
or apprentice or whatever
Thanks, but I mean,
I've barely got the
hang of it myself.
See? And that's exactly why
you shouldn't be
doing it on your own.
[gentle music]
There she is.
Still normal size, I see.
No thanks to our magical maven.
At least she hasn't turned
you into a pottery princess.
I did try and warn you.
So it's my fault?
Maybe we should step back a bit.
If you'd had just
worn the amulet.
Look, accessories are what
separate us from the animals.
[ominous whooshing]
- Wait, move!
- Stop leaning on that!
[tense music]
Help me.
What do you want me to do?
They were both wearing
the amulets like you said.
Can you hear me?
- What?
- How?
- The door.
- We came through that door.
Hey! Let us through!
Will? Henry? Can you hear me?
What have you done?
But I thought these things
were supposed to protect us?
Well, there's nothing in the
spellbook at all about this.
The magic must've
been too powerful.
That's just great.
You don't get how
awful being cursed is.
Think of the worst thing
you can imagine, okay,
and then double it.
Like being stuck here
with the two of you?
This isn't a curse,
anyway. It's different.
It's much more
powerful than that.
[softly] Dad's
coming. Act natural.
- Hello, hello.
- Breaktime already, is it?
Help me pick a display
backing for the roman coins.
Um, I like this one.
I think it would make the
silver denarii stand out.
- Mm-hmm.
- What do you think, Safiya?
You have to tell him.
- Shh.
- Tell me what?
Is everything okay?
Where's Henry got to?
Oh, you know Henry, he
Got sucked through
that magical door
where he's probably been
shrunk or turned into a snake
or much, much worse.
We were just chatting
about Egyptian mythology.
- That's all, actually.
- I see.
Well, I think that might be
enough excitement for one day.
So if you could
get back to class,
continue with your work, please.
Ah, ah, ah, ah.
You need to rein it in, Theo.
We won't impress Rami by
filling his niece's head
with your magic nonsense.
Train has already
left the station.
What was that?
I said back to the translation.
Good. Good girl.
[thumping on door]
Theo! Safiya!
- It's no good.
- They can't hear us.
Where are we?
There must be another
trap door in the museum.
But this isn't the museum.
It's not cold or mildewy enough.
We've been magicked here.
Seriously? Oh, man.
Something like this would make
a vanishing trick a breeze.
- What should we do?
- I don't know.
Head towards the light?
[dramatic music]
- Mummy! Mummy!
- Dude.
- She can't hear you.
- No, an actual mummy.
Really gross, but
also very cool.
- Just like an Egyptian tomb.
- How'd it get here?
We're in Egypt? Actual Egypt?
- No way.
- Completely way.
I always dreamed
of seeing Egypt.
That's a good look. [Laughs]
Real magic is the best.
These walls are amazing.
Careful, you're starting
to sound like my sister.
I can see why she's
so into it now.
Look at the detail.
Great, I'm stuck with
another history spod.
Think about it.
The people who made this
could do real magic.
Yeah, but they didn't
have electric light.
Science is the new magic.
[quirky percussive music]

Wait, are we in a desert?
[laughs] An actual desert!
- It's epic.
- [laughs]
I can't believe I'm really here.
Welcome to the
Valley of the Kings.
This is near Mum and Dad's
dig. I know just where to go.
You do?
Shouldn't we stay close
to the magic door thing
in case it opens?
Do you want to see Egypt or not?
Yeah, but I don't wanna
be trapped here forever.
It's not gonna take long.
And trust me, you're
gonna love it.
[laughs] Come on!
[both laughing]
[upbeat music]

Step away from the books.
[sighs] Just nothing.
Nothing, and nothing.
Stop that. We need to
actually do something.
Look, knowledge is
a powerful weapon.
I'm arming myself.
- Fine.
- In that case, how can I help?
By going back to class
and covering for me.
I've got this.
Egyptian royalty, remember?
My great-great-great-
oh, you get the idea
My very great grandad
is supposed to have designed
the Pyramid of Khufu.
Egypt is kind of my thing.
So you're an expert on Ancient
Egyptian Ka doors, are you?
- Well
- [chuckles]
Egyptian Ka doors, not so much.
- What even are they?
- [sighs] Look.
Tell you what, how
about you leave me
to see what I can
find in these books?
I can read, you know.
[quirky percussive music]

- Ta-da.
- [indistinct chatter]
I thought we were going
to see the Pyramids?
Oh, they're miles away at Giza.
But besides, got
one of the wonders
of the world right here.
[inhales] Falafel.
You're telling me we
walked all the way here
in the hot sun for this?
Well, I just thought
- Oh, man.
- They smell incredible.
You any good at haggling?
- Mate, I'm amazing.
- [chuckles]

It says here that Ka
doors were how spirits
travelled from the worlds
of the living to the dead.
That much we knew already.
Yeah, I mean, duh, obviously
It seems like a sort
of portal or gateway.
Did you say portal?
- It's probably nothing.
- No, go on.
My mum would tell me bedtime
stories about a magic portal.
See, now, we're
getting somewhere.
She loves talking
about the Pharaohs.
"Our long-lost cousins,"
she calls them.
She said they had a magic portal
that could whisk them
off to faraway lands.
- Sounds pretty cool.
- Yeah.
The only downside was
if you stayed too long,
you'd be trapped on the wrong
side of wherever forever.
But it's just an old
fairy tale, right?
Okay, Dad'll be finished
with the fabrics soon.
Can you cover for me?
What are you gonna do?
Try and open that magic portal.
Good luck.
Amazing job on the
haggling, Will.
I'm loving the extra falafel.
Not really my color.
What do you get for the
girl that has everything?
Want my advice?
Play it cool with Safiya.
Be a bit more
[both laugh]
If you could see yourself.
If you can find the
ball, we pay double,
if not, we get a freebie.
That's why they call
me The Great Houdini.
Yeah, I'm still working
on my stage name.
You know who'd
love one of these?
Both: Theo.
You know my sister pretty well.
She's pretty easy to read.
Said nobody. Ever.
[bell tolling]
[horses whinnying]
[upbeat music]
[soft dramatic music]

Stop leaning on that!
There's some Ancient
Greek for you, Dad.

Oh, stupid, normal-length arms.
[grunts] A bit more to the left.
- [clears throat]
- Oh, Clive.
Can you lend me
a hand or a foot?
I'll take that as a no.
[percussive music]
Everyone, watch this hat.
Something strange might happen.
Three, two, one.
[crowd gasps, chatters]
Thank you very much. Thank you.
Thank you. But wait.
There's more.
For my next trick
Apparently, I'm going going
to turn my hand into stone.
My hand.
- Stone?
- Yeah.
Okay. Let's get out of here.
Um, sorry, folks. Time
for a show intermission.
- We need to go home now.
- Tomb time?
No magic portal?
Not yet.
Actually, I could
really use your help.
Clearly, but is this the
best time for a makeover?
[both laugh]
All right, if you put your hand
on this symbol
here, then I can
Wait, what about the
pull of the portal?
- What about it?
- We won't be much use
to Will and Henry if we
get dragged through too.
Wait. You're right.
No need to sound so surprised.
Okay, time for a new plan.
- Hurry up, Henry.
- It's getting worse.
Think yourself lucky.
I can't feel my
hands or feet at all.
[both grunting, straining]
Hold up. I'm full of falafel.
[laughs] I'm "falafull."
You're "falafoolish."
You really want
to end up a statue
for the rest of eternity?
[grunts] We gotta move!
Fingers crossed that's secure.
Fingers crossed? What
You're ready?
Actually, maybe this
isn't such a good idea.
Okay, let's go then.
On three, okay?
One, two, three.
[portal whooshes]
I can see them.
Will! Henry!
Theo. Help.
Come on, Henry.
We've got this. Just
a few more steps.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Grab my hand!
Almost there.
- I can't move.
- Henry, you have to move.
Oh, you're so close!
[ropes squeaking]
What is taking so long?
What do we do?
There's no way we can move them.
They're turning into stone.
Okay, we can if
we work together.
Yes, we have to.
Okay. If it'll help the boys.
You ready?
- As I'll ever be.
- Okay.
[ropes squeaking]
Are you okay?
What even happened?
- [grunts]
- It's all right, I've got you.
[statue rumbles]
- No, no, no!
- The portal is gonna close!
No! No, it can't!
[both panting]
The magic's gone.
Don't reckon we'll be
going through that again.
- Whew.
- That sounded worse
than Theo singing. [Laughter]
Safiya, you
you saved my life.
Not exactly playing it cool.
Finished for the day, have we?
Ah, you must be
Will the magician.
Did you make their
schoolwork disappear?
Oh, about the
tra-translation, we
"Speak, Memory of
the cunning hero,
"the wanderer, blown off
course time and again
after he plundered
Troy's sacred heights."
- Shall I go on?
- Excellent work.
Well done, Safiya.
Well, after a
performance like that,
I suppose I owe you all some
time off for good behavior.
Have fun.
[light music]
A girl can like nice
clothes and be smart.
Well, you saved
our skins, again.
Look, I'm really, really sorry
about what happened yesterday.
Let's start over. Friends?
I would like that.
- So come on, you two.
- How was Egypt?
How did you know?
It's written all
over your "fez."
- Hey, no need to snatch.
- I actually got that for you.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Oh, thanks, Henry.
I love it.
And, uh, I thought of
you when I saw this.
Yay, presents.
[upbeat music]
Huh, a shabti. That's funny.
Well, you shouldn't have.
You, uh, really,
really shouldn't have.
Well, today's been epic.
Teleported. [Laughs] To Egypt.
I mean, sure we nearly
got turned into stone
Because magic's dangerous.
That's why I need to master it.
I mean, who knows
what's out there?
Who knows what it could do?
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