Thicker Than Water (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

The Plan

["Stranger" by Gabriels playing]
Was a second glance ♪
[Fara] After Walid died
From the one in the flame ♪
we all blamed each other.
Without the sound of experience ♪
All these memories ♪
Killing all my energy ♪
Shattered glass broken
And another chance ♪
Yasmina was racked with guilt.
As we remember hopes and dreams ♪
The assassination was so talked about,
we were treated like we had the plague.
Only my mother, who had lost everything,
still had the support of the estate.
Lina was grounded.
Lord, forgive me ♪
Locked in the house,
only allowed out to go to the shops.
But fully loved up.
You're a lunatic, you're totally mank.
Plus, I saw your pictures on Insta,
I hate you, bye.
[overlapping chatter]
[Fara] Souhila tried to stay strong
for her girls.
Thanks. That's kind.
My daughter. Where's my daughter?
Imène! Imène!
[Fara] Strong, but a little paranoid.
- [Souhila] Listen, I'm sure it was Oumar.
- Well, why would he want to do that?
Especially now.
[Souhila] He's a psychopath!
With everything he's done.
[Fara] Calm down.
He's already pressured us.
He just wants his gear back. That's all.
[woman] Are you lost?
Come with me.
Oh, Imène. Are you okay?
- [Souhila] Thank you.
- No problem.
[Fara] The little girl got lost,
following a woman
wearing the same headscarf as her mom.
Nothing to do with Oumar.
- Here you go. Are you okay?
- Got it. Great.
[Fara] Who meanwhile was working
for the local residents.
Here you go. Hold this. They're too heavy.
[Fara] Like all good gangsters,
he worked on his image.
Here you go. There's more to come here.
I wish that I could hold you ♪
[woman] Thank you.
[Fara] I looked at the problem
from every angle.
Remember what I told you? ♪
I didn't know how we could pay that debt
Now we're just strangers ♪
without putting ourselves in real danger.
Two distant strangers ♪
- After several nights of research
- [reporter] The Ministry of Interior
has reported a record drug seizure
- of around 115 tons
- [Fara] I finally found a clue.
destroyed in refugee centers.
The Ministry congratulates the police
Now we're just strangers ♪
Two distant strangers ♪
You're just a stranger ♪
[Fara] But I couldn't do it on my own.
Yeah, this is where the feds
dump the seized drugs.
What do you mean?
I can find out the date
when they next destroy them at work.
What are you on about?
We'll check the place out, get the gear,
and give it back to Oumar.
Hold on. You want to rob the dump?
It's not a robbery.
Nobody's gonna miss the drugs.
That's even worse.
You want to steal from the police?
No, I looked into it.
The feds just dump the gear
and leave it behind.
We can grab it before it's burned.
Of course we're not doing
the whole balaclava and gun thing.
We'll do it smart.
You're totally out of your mind.
Oh, no. Count me out.
- What's your thought?
- I don't see how we can be any help.
We're not gangsters,
we'll end up in prison.
Or even worse, dead in prison.
[Yasmina sighs]
[Souhila] The capital of Japan?
- [Imène] I don't know.
- [Lina] Tokyo.
- The capital of of Portugal?
- [Imène and Lina] Lisbon.
The capital of Morocco.
- Marrakesh.
- [Imène] Rabat.
[Souhila] Very good, my love.
Okay, get ready.
We're going to the market.
So, the living room is my bedroom now?
We can't make Grandma sleep
on the sofa, so get used to it.
So that means what? I'll have to listen
to quiz shows every morning or what?
That's how it's going to be.
Don't like it, go back to school.
Then you can get a good job,
find an apartment and do your own thing.
So I'm a prisoner.
I can never go out again, is that it?
- It's all over.
- Well, yes. That's exactly it.
Enough already, I'm sorry!
[Souhila] Oh, well, apology not accepted!
Now get up, put your things away,
and get out of those pajamas.
It's legal.
But it's just for a privileged few.
So we're the ones who are privileged?
Well, yeah, it's a network thing.
You work at the market,
- you know everyone.
- [scoffs]
You have your beauty salon.
You meet gold diggers.
Yeah, I see shitloads of them.
[Yasmina] You
Well, you, you don't do any work.
But you're a Kabyle.
Call your uncles who own a betting shop.
Yeah, right. That's over now, Yasmina.
The Chinese beat us at that game.
Oh, no problem.
What's great about this business
is that if you eat, I eat.
- And the more I eat, the more you eat.
- And why are you looking at me?
- You've been pregnant for two years.
- Oh, sod off.
- [laughter]
- You think that's funny, do you?
- Oh, come on.
- Well?
- [women clears throat]
- Are you serious?
I've put money in,
and you all have more than me.
If I wasn't sure about this,
I wouldn't be telling you.
- How well do you know your colleague?
- Well.
We've worked together for 15 years.
She bought herself a riad in Marrakesh,
a house in Mykonos,
and now she has her eye on Dubai.
Hey, girls, imagine.
You could finally get your liposuction.
And if we get organized,
you can use your fat on her ass.
- [chuckles]
- What about me?
And you, if there's any more,
we'll add some inches
to your husband's dick.
I'll bring you the money tomorrow morning.
Now there's a businesswoman.
But, you know, girls, please
not one word to your men.
Your mouth and pussy lips sealed.
- [woman 1] All right.
- [woman 2] Okay.
- [Alban] Anything else?
- [man] What about the Uyghurs?
[Philippe] Oh, Uyghurs, Syria,
all of that, too far away, too overdone.
- We need something local, right?
- [Alban] Yes, that's true.
[Philippe] I don't know,
neighbor conflicts,
robberies, home invasions.
There's the drug-police story.
Go on.
We offer to film them
while they destroy cocaine.
We can do a bespoke report on them.
We show them as honest,
heroic, and professional.
We bury the hatchet
and work collaboratively with them again.
Philippe, what are your thoughts?
Well, if madam wants to clean up the mess
she made for the network, I'm all for it.
[Alban] Okay. We'll do it. Next.
There's an update on the police officer
who was hit.
- [Alban] Allahu Akbar?
- [woman] No.
According to my source at the cops,
the car was full of coke.
Who's the suspect?
- [woman] I should have a name soon.
- [Philippe] I hope it's not my dealer.
[Philippe laughs]
- [Alban] Okay. Art? Culture?
- [woman] Sexual harassment.
Apparently, there's a list
being published.
[Philippe] You're shaking, I can feel it.
[bird squawking]
[water boiling]
[door opens]
[solemn music]
[glasses clink]
Hold on.
Selim's name is gonna be
all over the media.
You're gonna hear a bunch of stuff,
but don't listen to any of it. Okay?
[Fara] Hmm?
We're the only ones who really know Selim.
[Louiza] Mm-hmm.
- It'll be okay.
- [sighs]
And here's your birth certificate.
Your file is complete.
Thank you.
A three-month of wait. Goodbye.
[Yasmina] Goodbye, sir.
Next person.
I want to update a family record.
- Oh, shit. What are you doing here?
- [Fara] I know how you can help.
The recycle center managed by the council.
- Yes.
- Who handles recruitment?
- My colleagues in the waste management.
- Great.
We need someone on the inside
to look at it.
Who? You?
I'm a news presenter. They would know.
Okay. Slow down.
You're not as famous as you think.
- [Ali] Oh! Look who it is.
- [woman] It is her, I told you.
You really are as beautiful
as in the telly.
- [Fara] Thank you.
- Ali, nice to meet you.
- She's had a cut.
- Hi there! Hello, Fara!
- Hiya!
- [Ali] What are you doing?
Leave her alone,
or she'll never come back.
- Have a good day! See you soon.
- Have a good day! See you soon.
[women] Bye!
- Bye!
- See you soon.
- This is great. There's a quota.
- A nice change from 24 News.
That's my colleague. You see him?
He's your colleague. Really?
He might help us.
Huh? He's not bad.
Yeah. Yeah, sure. It's fine.
Who are you thinking should go
to the rubbish dump?
Not you, anyway. You're leaving?
- No, it's not mine.
- [Fara] Sure, take me for a fool.
We'll get Lina in to scout the place.
- Lina?
- Talk to him.
Okay, thanks again.
- [Alban] Yeah, not bad.
- Alban?
- Write this for us.
- Alban?
- Excuse me. Excuse me.
- Can you come?
I'll call you back.
- [phone clacks]
- I have a name.
- Selim Zahiri.
- Is it confirmed?
- Twice, yeah.
- Okay, great.
- Find out where he's from, what he does
- Yeah. Okay.
- How old he is, all of that. Okay?
- I'll get on it.
[Alban] More information.
Marta, did you hear? Selim Zahiri, okay?
[woman] Can you tell me anything
about Selim Zahiri?
[door slams]
[tense music]
Anti-Narcotics Office.
No one touch anything.
We'll be carrying out a search.
Wanna bring me down?
You're going down with me.
How did you get hold of the video?
By email.
And who sent it?
Confidential source.
Not for much longer.
What exactly do you want?
Let's say there's a lot of coincidences.
A police officer gets hit
during a pursuit.
A few days later,
a video of my informant is released.
And as it happens,
well, the news presenter, she is
she is the sister of the main suspect
in this case.
Fara Bentayeb is Selim Zahiri's sister.
[Samuel] She clearly never introduced you
to her little brother.
Does 24 News know about the two of you,
or is that also
from your confidential source, huh?
Officer, let's keep this polite.
When you and your clowns are done,
get out of here.
If you're gonna be like that,
no problem.
We won't be long, huh?
Camera four, close on Fara, please.
I can't wait to go skiing.
Well, the last time, I strained
a testicle, can you believe it?
- [Philippe laughs, voice fades]
- [indistinct crew chatter]
Yeah, my girlfriend didn't believe me.
She had to check it out.
[Philippe laughs]
[woman] Fara, Philippe, we're good to go.
We're live in five, four, three, two
- Well, hello, everyone. Hello, Fara.
- Well, hello, Philippe.
Our top story today,
the suspect in the hit-and-run case
at Porte Maillot has been identified.
Selim Zahiri, 31 years old,
has not yet been arrested.
[Fara] The police
are actively searching for him.
A few days ago, law enforcement agents
were sent to his home.
[tense music]
[inaudible shouting]
The suspect is currently on the run.
[Fara] An arrest warrant
has been issued by the authorities,
and a search warrant has also been issued
in France and Belgium
- What's she doing?
- where he may also be at this time.
- [sighs]
- [Fara] According to our sources
- It's her job.
- the man, who is of Algerian descent,
has no criminal record.
But the police have found
a substantial amount of cocaine
- hidden in his burned-out car
- Souhila, you knew?
which had been abandoned
in Villiers-le-Bel.
'Course not.
We don't know at this moment
if he is part of an organized network.
[background chatter]
[Fara] The promotion had turned out
to be a poison chalice.
Having pointed the finger at Walid
- All right, Fara
- I found myself denouncing my brother,
in front of millions of viewers.
the lead-out story.
[doorbell rings]
- Hi, Nesrine. How are you?
- Salam alaykum, Souhila.
I'm fine, thank you.
- Uh, right.
- Is your back any better?
Yes, it's fine. It's fine.
- [Lina] Hello.
- But can I just talk to you for a second?
- I'll be right there.
- How are you?
[Nesrine] Hello, Lina.
- Get ready. I'm coming.
- Okay.
Have you watched the news?
- They have found cocaine in the car!
- Shh!
Of course I saw.
- Did you know Selim was dealing?
- Lina, stop talking.
- Are you sure you didn't know?
- No, I didn't know.
- You're lying.
- I'm not lying.
So what if they find out
that we set the car alight?
They won't find out! All right. Enough.
- What's the bag for?
- I'm going to Fara's. She told you.
Yes, she told me, but
So what, she's your friend now?
I'm done with that shit sofa.
Do you get it? My back hurts.
- Can I trust you, Lina?
- Yes, Mom.
- No going out.
- Yeah. Okay.
All right. I'm yours now.
Actually, uh, I came to tell you,
Rashli doesn't want me to come here.
- I can't see you anymore.
- But
Your brother,
the whole thing with Walid, it's
Forgive me.
But, Nesrine, you know me.
May God help you.
[breathes deeply]
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Uh, what are you grinning about?
- Yeah.
- I recruited my neighbors,
- my sisters-in-law, and my mates.
- That's good.
When do I get my share?
Soon, soon. Don't worry.
- Okay.
- Stop doing this at work.
- Where do you wanna do it?
- I'll find somewhere more intimate.
Oh, really?
Can you get someone a job
at the recycle center?
- When?
- It's urgent.
- I'll keep you posted.
- Thanks.
It's all right.
Like, Kiaté, bruv. Can you imagine?
Hey, Lina, you're going to the gala!
It doesn't mean anything.
He could dump me any time.
He must have loads of girls, you know.
Will you stay positive, please, Lina?
Your Kiaté can be replaced at any time.
Let me explain. I don't think you get it.
See all that there? It's all in your head.
- Okay.
- That's LA.
- LA, motherfucker!
- [laughter]
You want it, you got it.
- Feel me? Okay.
- Okay. Okay. Okay.
Imagine an amazing mansion.
Swimming. A Mexican mowing the lawn.
A Filipina cleaning the mansion.
- [chuckles]
- You go out, a car collection.
- Porsche, Ferrari, Lambo.
- There's even a horse.
Okay, guys, I got it now. I see it.
My driver drops me off at the show
by Balmain. Front row.
- Kim Kardashian, Bella Hadid.
- Ah.
Okay, that's my life.
What about Nour da Silva Santos?
Because by then,
I'll be married to Neymar.
- Awesome.
- And who have I married, then, bruv?
- The horse, bruv. You said it.
- [laughs]
Okay, who will I marry?
- [Oumar] You were great.
- What did you expect?
In that gown,
you look like the drug baron's queen.
What did you say?
I could press charges for harassment,
Mr. Diawara,
- I'd love that, yeah.
- [chuckles]
[phone ringing]
- Hello?
- Pull the plug.
What do you mean "pull the plug"?
They want to cancel the next delivery.
The feds are on your ass.
[Oumar] Don't worry, I'm handling it.
Tell him it's all under control.
[man] Listen to me. It smells bad.
I said, it's all under control.
[man] I hope so, for your sake.
Ever since your kid messed up,
they don't trust us.
[suspenseful music]
Are you okay?
Yeah, all good.
[woman] Good. I have a client
I'd like you to meet tonight.
- Who's paying for the food, you bastards?
- [laughter]
Samuel, talk to your colleagues,
those cheap pieces of shit.
[cop 1] It's all good.
[cop 2] You can laugh.
All you ever eat is kebabs.
[cop 1] Uh, shoes on, you Brit.
- Did anyone order sushi?
- [laughter]
- [woman] A little racist humor?
- Yeah. You got a problem talking to me?
[man] Hey, guys.
The police is better than that.
So, Delbak, you think you're a star?
- [Delbak] Star of what?
- [woman] We need to discuss the video.
Follow us.
- Oh, shut up.
- You busting our balls or what?
- [overlapping chatter]
- Hey, calm down. A little respect, okay?
[Reda] Put your hand down already.
Don't talk to me.
He's not going anywhere.
He's staying with us.
- He's coming with us.
- Okay.
- What's your problem now, mate?
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Leave him alone.
- I'll go with them. I'll go with them.
[Reda] There's no "it's okay"
with this guy.
- After you.
- [overlapping mutter]
Make sure I stay in the loop
on the case, okay?
- Okay.
- [cop 4] Don't worry, Samuel.
It'll work out.
- You in your cheap-ass suit.
- You two are yanking our chains, mate.
They have to justify their salaries,
like usual.
[Fara sighs]
[Alban] When were you planning
to tell me about your brother?
Not here.
Were you gonna hide it from me
for much longer?
You said his name
in front of millions of people.
What's got into you?
They're my brother's fuckups, not mine.
I have a right to know.
You should've told me.
What was I supposed to say?
"Sorry, my darling,
can we skip today's headline,
'cause the dealer
who ran into the feds is my brother"?
You have a duty to be transparent.
With the network. With the public.
- And with me.
- Maybe. But do you think
Do you really think
if I'd been transparent,
they'd let me keep presenting the news?
- Be honest.
- At least you'd have a chance.
They think they already gave me a chance
when they gave me this job.
[chief] You were caught on film.
Caught on a phone!
And then you, and your band of idiots
show up at the news station like cowboys,
and you carry out a search
without the court's approval!
What were you thinking?
You! I'm talking to you, mate!
We're the headline. Well done.
[exhales deeply]
I have to suspend you
as investigation is ongoing.
Hold on.
I'm this close to getting them.
I'm gonna bring them all down.
This is months and months of work.
You can't do this.
No, no. I've got no other option.
Know what you're going to do?
You're gonna go back home,
and don't rock the boat.
Anti-corruption are all over you, mate.
Don't throw it all away.
Get out of this place.
Go get your head straight, you hear?
Keep your head down.
[line rings]
[ringing continues]
[Alban] This is Alban, leave a message.
[Fara] I just wanted to say
I'm sorry, I
I'd like to tell you everything,
but it's not that simple.
If you still want to see me, uh,
I can meet you tonight.
Let me know. And Nebghik Rabbek.
[pop music]
- Good evening. You are?
- Good evening.
Uh, Lina.
- I'm Bryann Kiaté's guest.
- That's great.
That'll be the first table
in front of the stage. That way.
- Thanks.
- Enjoy.
[photographer] Aurélien!
[photographers clamoring]
- [cameras clicking]
- [photographers shouting]
[photographers] Gad!
You done?
- Thank you. Thank you.
- [photographer] Gad, thank you.
Uh, Gad, sorry to bother you.
My mother loves you.
Oh, right.
If she were here, she'd die.
And I'm trying not to shout.
No, don't scream. Don't scream.
It'll be embarrassing, I promise.
- You good?
- Yeah.
- What's your name?
- Lina.
Nice to meet you, Lina.
- Nice to meet you.
- Can I ask you a small favor, Lina?
- Uh, yeah, you can.
- Listen.
I'd like to make that girl over there
internationally jealous.
Put your arm in here. Go on. Take my arm.
Please. If you want.
- Yeah, sure.
- You okay with this? All right.
- And now, stay. No, stay like that.
- Okay.
- You don't mind doing this for me? Sure?
- No.
- Yes.
- Okay, stay like that.
Like we know each other.
- Okay.
- What brings you here?
- It's a first date.
- No.
- Yeah.
- Really?
Yeah. I'm so stressed.
[Gad] I hope he won't get jealous,
because Right.
[Lina] No, I don't think so.
He's right there.
- [Gad] That's him?
- [Lina] Yes.
[Gad] No way, he's your date?
- [Lina] He is.
- How are you doing?
- Wow.
- You okay?
- Oh, wow. Oh, yeah.
- Good to see you.
Congrats on the transfer.
It's quite something you pulled there.
You you, um I'll be watching Saturday.
- Sure.
- Hey, do the
- Mm! Hey, hmm, huh?
- [laughter]
- That's cool. That's cool.
- Thanks.
- You take care of her, yeah?
- No problem.
- Say hi to your mom.
- Yeah, will do.
- Till next time.
- [Gad] Yeah.
- You look amazing, really.
- Thank you.
- Shall we sit?
- Oh, you're going all out.
You really think so?
- Hello. Nice to meet you.
- [woman] Good evening.
It's down to you. You told me to go big.
Well, yeah. You really knocked me out.
- Knocked you out? Really?
- [laughs]
Tell me about you.
You don't really say much
in your text messages,
you know that, don't you?
- What do you want to know?
- Well, you tell me.
If you had a Wikipedia page,
what would it say?
- Uh, her name is Lina.
- Mm.
- Born 25th of June, 2005.
- Okay.
She lives in a council estate
with her mother and her sister.
Her dad left when she was little,
and her mother's on her case
pretty much every day.
- You seem like someone who gets ahead.
- [chuckles]
But you know something?
My dad left me as well when I was little.
So I guess that's something counts
we have in common.
And honestly
- Hey. Don't steal food.
- But it's okay to steal money?
- Sorry, what did you say?
- Nothing.
I'm just repeating
what Uncle and Auntie said yesterday.
Oh, yeah? What did they say?
They said you were scamming people.
Really big ones. Massive.
- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
Now I've snitched, can I have a biscuit?
- Sure, go ahead.
- Thanks.
[phone buzzes]
[indistinct chatter in distance]
I ask you to welcome
and make as much noise as possible
for an artist that we all love, Slimane!
- Slimane?
- Yes.
- I love him!
- Do you like him?
Good evening, everyone.
I hope you are all doing well.
Uh, it's an honor
to open this event tonight.
Please give it up for my pianist, Meir,
who is accompanying me.
[mellow piano music playing]
[singing "Toi"]
[Kiaté] I love that guy.
He's such a great singer.
You know he's eliminated from The Voice.
To think I'm not the producer
of that show, it gets me.
- How are you?
- [Arthur] Hi, how are you doing?
Good evening.
Wow. I saw the ratings.
- Not bad, right?
- Oh, you know.
- It's crazy.
- We can't complain. It's a hit.
Yeah, only you could do that.
Put celebrities
in a basement full of spiders.
Believe it or not, my mother comes up
with all these ideas.
Introduce us.
Sure, she's over there,
on the journalists' table.
- [Alban] Really? Your mom? That's sweet.
- Yeah, I brought her here tonight.
Oh, I see you got my message.
- How are you?
- How are you?
- I'm happy you came.
- Yes.
- [Arthur, Fara] Good evening.
- Let me introduce you. Arthur, it's Fara.
- Very happy to finally meet.
- The feeling's mutual.
- She's a fan of yours.
- Hey.
- It's true.
- [chuckles]
[Arthur] That's okay. Nice to hear.
I'll leave you to get acquainted.
I'll get some drinks.
So you're the one who dreamed
of being a news presenter on TF1?
- Yes, it's a goal of mine.
- It's good to have ambition.
The network owner will be along here soon.
- I could introduce you.
- It'd be my pleasure.
[gloomy music]
[tense upbeat music]
[background chatter]
[Fara] I'm sorry.
I just
screwed up.
You're not the problem. It's me.
I'm afraid of being judged.
I don't judge you.
I'm always here for you.
You can count on me.
I'll get to know you.
Sounds like a pop song.
- Really? Silly.
- [both laugh]
It's sweet.
Right. You're touching me in public.
- Looks like you're making things official.
- Hey!
What's wrong?
- That's my niece.
- Oh, right.
- [Fara] Yeah.
- [Alban] Where?
There. With the big hairdo.
Oh, yeah.
What is she doing?
She's supposed to be at my place.
And with a footballer.
With the transfer, you know, and all that
- Hello?
- [Fara] Lina?
Well, hi.
- [Lina] Fine, you?
- Uh, where are you?
Uh, at the corner shop,
just near your place.
- [Lina] Why?
- Huh.
Just tell me. I know you're lying to me.
[Fara] Look to your left.
Yes, how about you?
[indistinct chatter]
- [Oumar] How are you, my love?
- [woman] How are you?
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Hi there.
- You all right?
Nice to meet you.
- [Fara] Oumar was there.
- [Oumar] How's it all going?
[Fara] Like so many gangsters
of his caliber,
it was easy to have one foot
in the estate,
- and the other in high society.
- [Fara on phone] Hey.
Come here.
[Oumar] How's it going? Are you training?
- Fucking move before I kick your ass.
- Okay.
Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'll be right back.
- Where is he? Are you sure?
[Oumar] Is he the person
who you wanted to meet?
Come here.
- Hey. What the hell are you doing?
- What the hell are you doing here?
What, does your mom know you're here?
- No. So what?
- Huh?
- What's the problem? I can do what I like.
- What do you mean, do what you want?
- Huh?
- Good evening.
Good evening.
- Alban.
- Lina.
- A pleasure.
- Lina, my
Alban, my editor-in-chief and
and boyfriend.
Her mother, she doesn't know she's here.
Lina, she'll be concerned,
so we're going home.
- No, I'm staying.
- No, we are going.
Auntie, I'm not here on my own.
- I'm staying with Kiaté.
- I don't care. Move,
before I kick you out. Go!
- We're leaving. Just call me, okay?
- Okay. Right.
- Okay?
- Should I call you an Uber?
No, thank you. Walk.
- But I haven't even said goodbye!
- Well, goodbye. I don't care, move!
- Move it, please.
- You don't understand.
I've had enough of this family.
You telling me what to do.
- You behave.
- I've had enough of you, my mom, everyone!
Do you know what?
I don't give a damn about my mom.
I don't care. You got that?
Now let me live my life,
I'm going back in there.
- Don't tell me what to do!
- Come back now!
So that guy who shook your hand
at the table?
He set Ma's house on fire.
When we burned the car for Selim,
we burned that guy's gear
worth 1.5 million.
What are we going to do, then?
We'll figure it out,
and you're gonna help. Come.
Leaving already?
That's a real shame, we just met.
Hey, Lina?
Mm. With the money he makes,
do the right thing and pay me back.
Let's keep her out of this.
[Oumar] That'll be up to you.
Let's go.
[tense music]
[ominous music]
[chuckles softly]
[closing theme music]
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