Thin Ice (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Del 4

It's the largest oil well in the world.
Someone wants rid of the competition.
Russia will need Greenland's permission
to exploit it.
If Denmark signs,
Greenland will have to follow.
You mean our main witness
just fell and died?
Did you like Nakinngi?
- We were friends.
This oil doesn't change anything!
- With that, we could finally rule ourselves.
You'll pass down as the Minister
who lost Greenland.
Your independence can't go against the environment.
This oil reserve affects the whole world,
not just Greenland.
Connect 9!
Connect 15!
- 15.
Connect 17.
- 17.
Power running.
This is sector 5. All internet
and telecommunications should be up and running.
You're saying Swedish taxpayers
should bear Greenland's economy?
Along with every other Nordic country.
We must give them an option.
- It's an extremely bad timing.
What you mean?
- You haven't seen this yet.
What's this?
These publications claim
you're dishonest and corrupted.
"False tax returns"?
It's a bunch of lies, obviously.
But people read it
and it's all over the net.
Opposition rub their hands!
This is hurting us!
The fact that you focus on the treaty
while a Swedish crew is still missing doesn't help at all!
Is there any truth in all this?
- No.
Ok, we'll try to keep this quiet
with a statement from the Cabinet.
But, please, try to be a bit more sensitive.
Please, welcome Liv Hermanson.
She'll be staying with us.
By all indications, The Russians are the ones
behind everything that's happened.
We have no solid evidence but
everything points in that direction.
Our friends from the US did an extensive research
but they found no trace of the missing crew.
Do you recognize this man?
Have you seen this man?
- You're sure? - Yes.
We know someone on the ship
was posing as a crew member.
Hi identity is extremely important for us.
But remember and I can't stress this enough
stay open to all possibilities.
If Russia is really behind this
consequences can be unpredictable.
No one seems to know this man. Any luck?
- Nothing either.
Excuse me.
Have you seen this man here?
Around the time when the ship
was in port to refuel.
No, I'm sorry.
Do you scan all passports?
- Yes, we do.
Could I see all passports, please?
- Let me see that again
Can it be him?
Andrej Sokolov.
- Can you print that?
I see why Katarina wanted you.
Oh, fuck!
- What's going on?
I have to go.
- Right now?
Right now.
We found him!
Andrej Sokolov.
- Look at here
He checked into the hotel
a few days before the ship sailed.
I'll send it to the Americans,
they'll check their database.
How do we proceed?
We're dealing with the Russians again.
Weather has improved,
we got images from the satellite.
- Hi.
Am I interrupting?
- No, please.
I'm just reading my confession
on how I cheated on my husband.
It's all fake news everything.
That's exactly what I wanted to mention.
Hey, where were you?
- Answering some emails.
Hi, how are you?
- Hi.
You were about to say something.
- Yes
US intelligence has been looking
into these posts about you.
There is clear increase in 'Bot' activity,
which means it is organized and deliberate.
Any clue on who's organizing it?
This is very delicate and normally
I would not share such information
but it does appear to be
originating from Russia.
Can I get a public confirmation?
- Not officially
but our data does point
to a number of fake profiles
which then promote thousands
or more fakes.
It's been easier to identify these flash internet attacks
ever since the Cambridge Analytica incident.
Either way, you are under attack.
And it's working.
Even my Cabinet is worried
I look too cold-hearted after these attacks.
You know why they come at you like this.
They want me to retract the treaty.
Its because you're a woman.
If a man refused to back down
from his policy after a terrorist attack
do you think that
he would be called "cold-hearted"?
You got a point there.
- You heard of "needle in a haystack"?
It was Justus, a colleague.
- From Scorebysund?
He got a call from a man named Nanu,
saying someone caught Kimmernaq.
- Who's Kimmernaq?
The daughter of Marius,
Minister of Mineral Resources.
What was she doing there?
- She was shooting a documentary.
Where are they?
- In Ittoqqortoormiit. We must go.
No, I need you here.
It could be related to the crew's disappearance.
- I'm coming too.
Ok, I'll get you a helicopter.
This is Kimmernaq. Leave a message
- Dammit!
What is it?
- I can't reach Kimmernaq.
She's making a film in Ittoqqortoormiit.
I'll submit my proposal to the Council now.
- Ok.
Ville Berger wants to see you
at the helipad in 30 minutes.
- The crew's families are on their way.
He knows I can't leave now!
- I told him but he insisted.
We're here outside Tasiilaq airport,
surrounded by families in shock.
Ville Berger, are you surprised
the Foreign Minister is not here too?
It's a shame Elsa couldn't find the time.
In such hard times
it's important to be sensitive.
Have you spoken to the Minister?
- No, she was too busy.
Alright. Good morning.
- Morning.
I hope everybody had the time
to call back home
and reply to the emails that piled up
during the blackout.
The Swedish Foreign Minister,
Elsa Engström,
has requested to submit
a proposal to the Council.
Thank you.
Well, we need to spend
the next few days
to ensure that the massive amount of oil
found off Greenland stays in the ground.
A simple way would be to sign our treaty,
but that would leave Greenland feeling robbed
of the single opportunity
to become a real nation, with a real economy.
And we can't do that to a nation
that is already struggling.
We need to share the burden.
It has been attempted before.
In 2007, Ecuador found oil
under the Amazonian rain forest
and offered to forego the economical boost
from drilling
if the world would pay
a certain amount to the country.
The world leaders did not react.
So Ecuador drilled for the oil
and destroyed 4000 square miles
of the Amazonian jungle.
That was 13 years ago
and now
we are closing into the deadline
for the entire planet.
We are the only people
that can avert the disaster
of making the earth uninhabitable.
Can we please discuss this?
You want our nations to devote
our resources to Greenland and then what?
Get nothing in return?
You get a sounder planet in return.
Would you kindly, Miss Engström, cut the crap?
What do you want us to offer?
It's a wide area to search.
It's just a stamp.
The whole area goes for 1,200 km in all directions.
Imagine how big it is
the oil reserve under it.
Yes it's a lot of oil.
With all due respect
I can't go back home and say
we're gonna spend Canadian tax money
to build a society in Greenland.
Because that, my friends,
would be a political suicide.
Well, this proposal
is a big deal for Denmark.
It needs to be discussed
intensively at home.
It is, after all,
an internal Danish question.
Ville Berger brought here the families himself.
Brilliant for the company but Gustav is furious.
He wants you there.
We're in the middle of this.
- I think you should go.
Excuse me relatives of the missing Swedish crew
have arrived in Tasiilaq.
I must be excused.
Could I ask for an hour's break?
Yes. One hour break.
- Thank you.
It's good to have the internet finally back on.
- Yes.
It's like a call center over there.
But it's good to have
the internet back on.
I'm in a difficult situation.
I need to get home but
I can't leave this meeting it's quite a dilemma.
Why don't we talk about it in the lobby?
- I said it from the start.
Under circumstances like these,
things get out of hand.
Bojan, this is not the place to discuss.
Take a look at these emails, will you?
Are those my emails?
- You tell me.
I just received this
from an anonymous hacker.
Let's hope he didn't send them
to the media or your lovely wife.
What do you want?
You're the chairman.
Put an end to this council
so we can go home.
It's in everybody's best interest.
Hi I'm Viktor's mother.
It's a disgrace how the media treat you.
I'm very sorry about Viktor.
I wish I never sent him there.
Thank you to everyone
who came here today.
It's a tough time and therefore
it's even more important
that we support each other
and pray for our loved ones.
Pray the Lord so he will protect them.
Pray that they stay safe.
In times like these,
God can be a shelter and a fortress.
According to the phone company,
the line went down on the last call.
Around here.
- Can't they be more specific?
Here phones are connected to a tower.
If you want an exact location,
the phone must be between two towers.
What do we do then?
- We do it the old way.
What is it?
A snowmobile.
There's no one around.
Maybe but no Greenlander
would leave his snowmobile in no man's land
unless he's forced to.
Elsa, what happened inside?
A comment, please!
See those marks?
- What do they tell us?
This snowmobile was chased by someone.
- And then they turned around?
A sled was tied to this one
but it was dragged away by the others.
The sled marks are deeper over there.
It was heavier when they left than when they came.
They took away this snowmobile's driver.
I bet you're a great hunter.
Can you follow these traces?
- A storm is coming.
Then we have to hurry
before it's covered with snow.
It's too dangerous, think of your baby.
- Then what the hell do we do?
I know a hunting lodge not very far.
We can stay there
till the storm is gone.
Here she is.
What's going on?
We are done.
- What?!
Elsa, I cannot second the motion
of granting Greenland this kind of financial support.
This Council cannot interfere in
what is an internal Danish matter.
What about proposing it to the Danish parliament
I'm sorry, none of us can pay Greenland
or move private companies or whatever it is you're trying to imply.
This is not our business.
I can't believe this
- Dear Minister, you are not being realistic.
Listen up, let's have a break.
We meet back here after dinner at 7 o'clock.
This is ridiculous!
What can we do?
I'm very sorry about this
- Of course they say no!
Who cares about Greenland?!
- It's not like that
It's is, Martin
that's exactly what it is!
Probably a Russian spy,
ex military.
He took part in the occupation of Crimea.
- How do you know?
The US have a file on him.
A dangerous man
with plenty on his conscience.
You've reached Kimmernaq.
I can't pick up. Leave a message.
Hi, Aaja!
- Where's dad?
He went to Ittoqqortoormiit.
Can I sleep at your place?
- Yes, if he isn't back before night.
You have ice-cream?
- I'll get you one.
And soda?
- If you don't tell your father.
I promise!
And my mother?
She's not well right now.
But you have a home, a good dad
and most of all
you get to spend time with me.
But who's going to keep dad some company?
What you mean?
- I have friends, my mom has friends
but dad is always working
and he don't have friends.
Why, are you moving out?
- Let's go get ice-cream.
Thank God we found it!
I'm freezing!
Let's go inside right away!
No, Liv!
Liv, stop!
- It's him!
We cannot dig now!
- I must see!
I understand but
Liv, no!
Sit down!
Will they come?
There's no signal it's the storm.
We must tell them!
We must get forensics here!
We have to know who that man is!
- Not until the storm is gone!
Lie down.
Ok, what now?
- You tell me.
Maybe put Greenland aside and focus
on what we came here to do:
have the Council sign the treaty.
Maybe you could get the Russians on board.
- What?
Hi, honey!
- Sorry to disturb you, the kids wanna talk to you.
Are they ok?
- They had a tough day.
Hey, girls!
What happened today?
Someone in school said
you're a fucking bitch
They put it on the internet.
- It's all over the net, mom.
I'm sorry
- Did you see what they wrote?
They're all lies,
don't believe one word!
We know they're all lies.
You must be very angry and sad.
My dear
- I'm going out jogging, I'll be back later.
- Yes I'm so glad you called!
Don't worry about anything.
I love the three of you.
- We love you too.
Love you.
We believe she's being held hostage.
Along with a man named Nanu and his son.
I'm very sorry.
I'll keep you informed the whole time.
Who could have done this?
That's what we're trying to find out.
What if I knew something
that might help
If you have any information at all
They wanted the drilling deal
to stay secret
I couldn't it must be them!
Them who?
- The Russians.
Can I take you something?
No, thank you,
I'm still waiting for my company.
- Hi.
What's going on?
You jog with your coat on?
It's so cold that I decided to take a walk.
Great, can I join you?
Of course.
- Where do we go?
Just around
- Ok.
- How dare you, Liam Skjöld?!
Dare what
- Don't fucking lie to me!
What you're up to?
Up to what?
The Russians are attacking me
and you flirt with one of their delegates?!
It's not that she took a fancy
She doesn't fancy you, Liam
she's using you to get to me.
It's not like that!
Elsa it's nothing serious.
I'm using her to find out
what the Russians are up to.
You're no spy, Liam!
You couldn't even keep this from me!
Hi is Aaja here?
- Hi, angel!
I missed you!
- The grown-ups need to talk.
I wanna stay with mom.
- Not now, dear.
She's my daughter!
I know but she's in our care tonight.
I'm taking her home now!
- I'm sorry, Ina.
You're not well now.
We'll take good care of her
until you're better.
I'm sure you understand
how important it is.
You think I'm no good, don't you?
I'm her mother, you know?!
Don't let her see you like this.
Get well.
Mati Mati, please
Why can't I go with mom?
Mom's not well now.
Aaja, we love you and so do your parents.
You know that.
- But I wanna stay with my mom!
It's gonna be alright.
You'll be with mom soon.
Alright everyone welcome.
I've given our situation
quite some thought
and we seem to be miles away
from consensus.
This Council is about cooperation
and yet it's been disturbed
by constant atrocities.
I suggest we simply end this meeting now
and all go home.
We have done more damage here than good.
You! That man is responsible
for everything that's happened around here!
He made a deal with Greenland authorities!
Now he wants to cancel the agreement
by kidnapping my daughter!
You son of a bitch!
Give me back my daughter!
You son of a bitch!
You give her back!
Ok, order, please order!
This is getting out of hand
but this proves my point.
No one will be able to arrange
a travel for tonight.
So we'll all meet again in the morning.
You should all expect
to be leaving tomorrow.
Elsa, is the meeting over?
- I couldn't say
Is it because of the Russians?
An international crisis
I'm sorry, I must consult my my staff
I see but what you think
about all the rumors about you?
Lies, fake news and slander
all from Russia, according to my sources.
What about the latest Reuters' interview?
- What interview?
With your kids' biological mother.
She claims she never agreed to the adoption.
- Ok, Elsa, we have to go.
You could tell your side of the story.
I wanna help you!
What did he say about me?
Thank you.
Thanks for stopping me out there
I wasn't thinking straight.
We'll be alright,
I spent many nights in here.
While hunting?
- Yes I grew up in a place nearby.
A little further is
the best place to catch seals.
My father often brought me here.
What was that?
- Fuck
What are you doing?
- Polar bears also like this place.
I must secure the cabin.
For polar bears, this isn't a crime scene
it's a buffet.
I've been looking for them
for long years.
I finally found the adoption agency
but they wouldn't help me.
How did it happen?
- We all had to escape, because of the civil war.
It wasn't just us,
thousands had to flee.
In the middle of that chaos,
I lost track of my daughters.
What happened next?
I really thought I was going to find them.
I searched every town and every village
but with no luck.
Why didn't you contact the authorities?
I had no money and
no papers for them.
So how can you be sure
that it's your daughters?
A mother knows I know.
Is there anything unclear about the adoption?
- Absolutely not!
That woman is very convincing.
They're my daughters!
I had no idea
Ok the US think it's the Russians.
They're campaigning against me.
It appears so
but we need to be sure.
Have some rest.
We'll talk again later.
He don't like both fire and humans.
If we see one approaching,
we'll shoot it.
Let me check.
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