Thirty Nine (2022) s01e04 Episode Script


I'm so excited.
Are you here on a blind date or what?
Hey, your lips look way too sexy.
Pull up your top a little.
This is how you're supposed to dress
when you go to a nightclub.
-Gosh, seriously.
-What's taking her so long?
-I know, right?
-My gosh, come on.
I'm sorry. I ran over as fast as I could.
What are you…
It's all right.
What matters is that she's here.
-Okay. Let's go.
-Let's go.
-Let's go inside.
Come on.
This is so exciting. My heart's racing.
We're going to a nightclub.
-What's wrong?
Cut me some slack.
I barely managed to get out.
My professor was glaring at me.
I put my life on the line to come here.
Don't worry about it.
At least Mi-jo will make sure
we look pretty in the future.
I just wanted to go
to a nightclub for the first time.
Was that too much to ask for?
Don't bother.
We're never going to a nightclub again.
Don't even try to take me.
You were the one who suggested it.
Anyway, let's just drink soju
like we always do.
Don't be angry.
We can try again next time.
Not with you guys.
You can go with me.
No, thanks.
I promise I'll dress up nicely.
Forget it.
Here. Let's drink.
My glass is empty.
The birthday girl shouldn't be
holding an empty glass. Here.
Your CT scans showed cysts
in your pancreas and liver,
so we carried out an extra test
to check if it was pancreatic cancer.
the CA19-9 levels were high,
and your PET scans showed
high metabolic activity of cancer cells
in your pancreas and liver.
Your final biopsy also tells us
that you do have cancer.
In other words,
you have stage four pancreatic cancer.
If it's stage four,
how likely is it…
that I'll live?
You can tell me.
Patients with stage four pancreatic cancer
have an average survival rate
of 0.8 percent.
How long do I have…
until I'm no longer able
to eat or go to the bathroom on my own?
One year if you undergo chemotherapy.
If you don't, you have about six months.
I know…
I know he said 0.8 percent but--
I'm not getting chemo.
Let's go.
Why won't you get treated?
Didn't you hear him?
The survival rate is 0.8 percent.
It still means there's
a possibility that you might live.
How do you know?
I might not make it.
Still, you should try everything--
Don't you know?
You know what chemotherapy does to people.
I don't want to die
living the rest of my life in a hospital.
Why do you keep implying
you're going to die?
It's not your life.
If you were me, you'd do the same.
You can still discuss it.
Why would I discuss it with anyone?
It's my life.
What about your parents?
What about me and Joo-hee?
Don't bring up my parents.
That's not fair.
I'm going to go to Yangpyeong
and discuss this with your parents.
You have no business going there!
Let's drop it. This is making me dizzy.
I'll decide for myself.
It's not that simple.
Why are you being so stubborn?
I just heard
that I'll be dead in six months.
So I'm pretty serious.
You're not going to die!
I won fourth place in the lottery.
I'm getting 7,500,000 won.
Let's meet up tonight.
Meet me at Chinatown.
Let's go.
Gosh, I needed a break.
-You must be tired.
-My shoulders hurt.
Let me massage them for you.
-Please be gentle.
-Did it hurt?
Stay there. I'll answer it.
-I'll be right back.
You've reached Chinatown.
Oh, hello.
I'll order the most expensive dish.
Something delicious.
Oh, is it your birthday?
No, not exactly.
I actually won the lottery.
That's amazing.
I'll have to cook you
something really nice.
Is someone having a birthday party here?
No, it's not a birthday party.
You deserve a birthday party though.
I'll make you something nice.
Bring your friends.
I'll close up that day.
Why would you do that?
Birthdays come around every year.
I'll just go somewhere
and have beer with a few of my friends.
Come on. You should drink here.
Look. It's packed with beer.
No, it's okay.
None of us can drink that much anyway.
Don't worry about it.
My gosh, this is crazy.
I won 7,500,000 won!
Can I see it?
I've never seen a winning ticket.
It's at home.
Gosh, that's too bad.
What did you dream of
the day before you bought the ticket?
Apparently, my friend kept
peeing and pooping in his dream.
Gosh, that's gross.
-Did you really not dream of anything?
My gosh, stop asking.
I really didn't dream of anything.
Don't tell her today.
How am I going to hide it?
Look at her. Look how happy she looks.
You should take a look at yourself too.
I want to say something,
but you'll probably give me shit about it.
That they look good together?
See? We totally click.
So stop fussing over chemo.
If you were a guy,
I would've married you for sure.
I don't want to marry someone
who won't get treatment.
Well, I don't want to marry
a golf fanatic.
If you were my significant other,
I wouldn't have gotten sick.
You have no idea how excited I was.
I mean, you guys know me.
I normally don't get lucky
with this kind of stuff.
I've written so many online reviews,
but I never once won a prize.
I also sent tons of letters
to radio channels,
but not once did my letter get chosen.
So I seriously can't believe
that I got lucky this time.
Maybe it all added up and came at once.
Gosh, look at how excited you are.
Come on.
Oh, right.
What are you going to do
with the 7,500,000 won?
Well, I'm going to pay for tonight.
Then I'll get my mom a gift
and save the rest.
Save it? Just spend it all.
Don't be absurd.
I'm single with no kids.
I should save up.
You already have tons of savings accounts.
Why save more?
Buy yourself a handbag.
What for? I have no one to show it off to.
Carry it around and meet other people.
Gosh, stop nagging.
Let's drink. Cheers.
Chan-young, why aren't you drinking?
A glass won't hurt.
What's the matter?
She doesn't seem well today.
Really? What's wrong? Are you sick?
No, it's nothing.
You guys need to stop.
-I mean, come on.
I'm always the last
to learn about important things.
When did that ever happen?
I don't exactly keep records,
but that's just how it is.
Chan-young is sick.
It's bad.
Hey, stop it.
We're here to congratulate Joo-hee.
Don't ruin it.
Just tell me.
Remember that day when I went
to see you at the department store?
Yes. You were acting weird that day.
I went to discuss things with you,
but you had plans
with your mother the next day.
Why can't you just tell me?
Is it serious?
I have cancer.
My mom had cancer too.
But she's all better now.
In my case…
it's pretty bad.
How bad?
How bad is it?
I have about six months left.
What do you mean?
To live.
You'd better not be joking.
If it is, I'll kill…
I'll get upset.
Joo-hee, will you try
and convince Chan-young?
She's refusing chemo.
You guys are serious.
From now on,
let's meet near Chan-young's place.
My mom is all better now.
We don't need to meet in my neighborhood.
The driver is almost here.
You can go.
I'm going to take a cab. I'm tired.
Let me drop you off at your place.
Hey, that's enough.
It's not like I'm dying today.
Will you stop saying that?
Okay, fine. I'll stop.
There's a cab.
See you.
Don't worry about the clinic.
I just read your text.
Were there a lot of patients?
I had to treat my patients and yours.
You must be exhausted.
Where are you?
Joo-hee's neighborhood.
I'm about to head home.
Where are you?
I'm at the clinic.
Why are you still there?
I wanted to avoid traffic.
Can you wait for me?
I bet you had a hectic day.
Let's have tea.
How were…
Chan-young's test results?
Pancreatic cancer.
It's stage four.
That's bad.
Chan-young is refusing
to undergo chemotherapy.
I understand why,
but she can't just sit back
and do nothing.
It must be hard.
I'm not sure how I can help.
This isn't related to you.
I'm upset.
I was worried about you all day.
I wondered if you two had arrived
at the hospital on time,
if the test results came out okay,
and how hard it must be for you
to watch your friend suffer.
I was really worried.
So it's upsetting to hear you say
that it isn't related to me.
You were…
worried about me?
Of course.
Like I told you already,
I like you.
is hard.
To be honest,
my heart skips a beat
whenever you…
say things like that.
My heart flutters.
But at the same time,
my friend is really sick.
It makes me so sad.
It's so hard.
I feel comfortable
for the first time today.
Where did I put my wallet?
Gosh, I hope I didn't lose it.
What? Is someone still working?
Mom, I'm heading home.
Can you pay for my cab fare
later at home? I lost my wallet.
You sound awfully happy
for someone who lost her wallet.
I know, right? I feel really happy.
I don't know why though. I have no idea.
Dad, I'm home.
Did you report
that your card went missing?
What took you so long to find out
that you had lost your wallet?
I had dinner with a friend
near the clinic,
and we went to have coffee,
but I didn't have my wallet.
My friend paid for dinner.
How about some soju?
Sounds good.
You two are unbelievable.
Hurry up and report that it went missing.
Think of everything in your wallet.
It might be at the clinic.
Why didn't you go there?
I couldn't. I couldn't go inside.
Why not?
I just couldn't. I'll tell you next time.
Dad, what should we eat?
-Shall we drink?
Let's eat first.
I told you I don't want to get a divorce.
Fine. Then let's just talk to our lawyer.
-I'm going to sleep in Ju-won's room.
What do you mean?
You told me
that you knew everything.
What does that mean?
Why did you say that?
It's making me feel uneasy.
Don't get me wrong.
The reason I want a divorce
is solely for my sake.
Nothing else.
Can you be clearer?
It's not because of Ju-won.
I only stayed with you because of Ju-won.
-I wanted him to be well and healthy.
-What do you mean?
You know what I mean.
Lower your voice. You'll wake Ju-won.
I don't get what you mean.
You were never a loving mother to Ju-won.
What are you talking about?
You're the only one who can't see
how cold you are to him.
You think of him as a burden.
And when you're drunk,
you look at him like you resent him.
-Do I?
He did nothing wrong.
Let's talk next time.
I'm done talking.
Let's just get a divorce quietly.
-I get that you love me.
I'm grateful for that.
if you hadn't gotten pregnant,
I wouldn't have married you.
Are you saying
you stayed married for Ju-won?
Then just stay married.
Why do you want a divorce all of a sudden?
Because of that wench?
Watch what you say.
Ju-won, Chan-young, and I are all victims.
You owe everyone an apology.
I'll take custody of Ju-won.
You can have everything else
including the house and the land.
It seems like you know everything.
So why take Ju-won?
He's not even your son.
He came into my life,
which means he's mine.
If you tell Ju-won,
I'll make sure you leave with nothing.
You have no right to raise Ju-won.
Are you serious?
Maybe you were mistaken.
No. I have a visual acuity
of 1.0 and 1.2.
-Hey, Dad.
This is what he was doing.
He was hugging her like this.
Then he patted her.
Judging by the way he patted her,
I could tell that they were pretty close.
It wasn't awkward at all.
My gut tells me
that they're already a thing.
Is he a decent guy?
He's totally a catch.
Mom, the moment you see him,
you'll be able to tell right away
that he's honest and upright.
I think he's going to be
a great son-in-law.
Hey, wait.
What if he goes back to the States
and takes Mi-jo with him?
If he was going to go back,
he wouldn't have taken the KMLE.
I'm sure he got a Korean medical license
with plans to settle down here.
I should go to the clinic
and check him out.
No, you shouldn't.
You know Mi-jo.
If she finds out that we know,
she might just back away from everything.
Yes, you have a point.
Honey, don't go there.
Just let her be.
Don't do anything rash.
What can I help you with today?
I'm here because of my athlete's foot.
-Let's take a look.
Let me take a look.
Your foot seems fine.
I think it was the other foot.
Let's see.
I'm not sure what you mean. It looks fine.
You really are an excellent doctor.
-It's fully treated, right?
I'm surprised you noticed.
Hey, Mi-hyeon.
Gosh, you're unbelievable.
What are you doing here?
I was worried about your wallet,
so I came to check.
He's Dr. Cha's father?
Hello, sir. My name is Kim Seon-u.
Goodness, you don't need
to address me so formally.
"Dr. Cha" sounds a bit too formal as well.
Right, Ms. Cha?
That's even worse coming from you.
-My gosh. Come with me.
-No, wait. Hey.
I'm sorry.
-Goodbye, sir.
-I'm so sorry.
What's the matter with you?
Is that for me?
Yes, it's healthy.
Give me something healthy and delicious.
It's delicious.
Don't you have work?
The competent Dr. Kim is there.
We're getting more patients
without me there. Sit.
Let's eat.
When are you going to the States?
Just leave already.
I'm trying to find a place to stay.
But I don't like any of them.
They're so expensive.
I'll pay. Just go. Please.
I'll deal with it.
Hey, I'm bored.
Should we go to the hospital?
-Do you have a death wish?
I think my condition is
getting worse because of you.
Will you just leave?
Do you not feel well?
You make me feel unwell.
Where are you going?
A private lesson.
Oh, a private lesson?
I guess you won't be able
to work for a while. Right?
You'd better not
say anything to the actors.
Have fun here.
Wait for me.
I'll be your driver until I go to the US.
I'll be your manager.
-You need to give me some time.
I'm confused too.
So give me some time to think.
If I give you time to think,
will you get treated?
I've made up my mind.
I want to live a normal life
while I'm still alive.
That's what I want, so drop it.
Just live your life.
If you keep doing this,
it makes me think
that I'm really going to die soon.
Did I upset you?
Then stop the car.
I'm going to take a cab.
If you're bored,
go see Joo-hee at the department store.
She's probably crying her eyes out.
Hey, can you give me five more minutes?
Okay. I'll be right there.
NOVEMBER 10, 2018
Ji-yeon, take my photo.
Let's go.
You look so pretty.
-Do I look like Miss Korea?
-My gosh.
-Look. What are you doing?
-This place looks great.
Let's take one here.
-Hey, come on.
-Let's open the cake.
Thank you so much for coming, you guys.
-Happy birthday.
-Happy birthday.
-Happy birthday.
You're here.
We wanted to surprise you.
He's so good-looking.
You should've told me.
-Come sit down.
-Excuse me, everyone.
-My goodness.
-What is it?
What did she get?
It's beautiful.
-That looks expensive.
-It's so pretty.
-I love that brand.
-It's really pretty.
He's the chief chef at Hanguk Hotel.
Hyeon-jun, can you also
introduce me to a hotel chef?
Italian cuisine or Korean cuisine?
I like Japanese cuisine.
Japanese cuisine?
The chefs there aren't
as charming as I am.
-How about Western cuisine?
-Western cuisine?
I guess the chefs there aren't that bad.
But Chinese cuisine is the best.
-It's the best.
-I'll go with Chinese.
Chinese cuisine?
Joo-hee, are you on your way
to see Chan-young right now?
I thought I'd join you.
You're already in front of her studio?
Okay. I'll be right there.
Oh, gosh.
I didn't know you were here, Jin-seok.
What's all this?
They're mushrooms, probiotics,
and some other stuff
that are good for your health.
I got some for Chan-young
while getting some for my mom.
But why did you buy so much?
I've been lethargic.
That's probably why. Give them to Mi-jo.
I bought enough for everyone.
I should go now. I need to meet Mi-jo.
Why don't you eat with…
Did… Did you eat?
She's on a diet.
Yes. I'm on a diet.
-Oh, okay.
-See you next time, Jin-seok.
-I'll see you. Bye.
Hey, Joo-hee.
Don't come.
I also just left
because Jin-seok was inside.
Jin-seok is there?
Chan-young shouldn't get stressed.
They also need time to sort things out.
Where are you headed now?
Should I go see you?
Mi-jo, I'm actually really tired
because I cried so much.
I think I should go home and sleep.
Okay. Get some rest.
I don't want you getting sick as well.
You too. Take good care of yourself.
Good night.
Good night.
I thought you went home early.
No, I just had to go somewhere.
-Let's go.
-Where to?
You'll see.
Come in.
Why are you nervous?
Just tell me why we're here.
If I'm not up for it--
-Just come.
Come on.
-Take your shoes off.
Come inside. Come on.
Let's play a game. A 10,000-won bet.
I'm not in the mood to play games.
Come with me. Take off your shoes.
Why are you
suddenly making me play a game?
Just one round. Sit down.
If you don't like it,
we'll just go for a run.
Would you rather play a game
or go for a hardcore run?
It's a lot more comfortable
and nicer than an internet café.
Don't you think so?
It is comfortable.
Apparently, this game is really fun.
I heard it's popular.
Oh, wait.
You also need to take your money out.
If I bet money, I'll become competitive.
Just don't cry after you lose.
You'd better not
ask me for your money back.
It won't work.
I quit playing games a long time ago.
But I guess I could use your money
to run the clinic.
How much was it?
-Ten thousand won.
-Ten thousand?
Let's double it.
-Gosh, that hurts.
-Are you okay?
What was that?
Come on.
-Hey, pause.
-No way.
I'm winning.
How are you so good?
Did you play games and not study?
Look who's talking.
I haven't tried this hard to win in ages.
Aren't you hungry?
Yes, a little.
What did you eat at internet cafés?
Cup noodles.
Triangular gimbap.
Oh, fish cake bars.
I'm not even surprised.
Let's see.
Don't get excited yet.
I told you that you won't regret it.
-Should I heat the fish cake bars?
-But not too hot.
You know how to eat fish cake bars.
There we go.
Why are you making me repeat myself?
You're like a brother to me now.
You don't make my heart flutter.
I'll deal with everything.
Don't let it bother you.
I'm just giving you a heads up.
Why now?
Why not earlier?
I'm sorry.
I haven't even told my son yet,
and my parents are going to be furious.
Can't you just tell me
I'm making the right choice?
Just stay married.
It's pointless.
I can't take responsibility anymore.
You don't need to take responsibility.
I'm not a kid.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I asked you to get a divorce.
I didn't mean it.
I'm really sorry. So please just stop.
Chan-young, I have…
a secret to tell you.
Me too.
If we bet on whose secret is
more shocking and sad,
I bet I'll win.
No, I'll win.
Go ahead.
It's about Ju-won.
What about him? Is he sick?
I found out when he was four
that he wasn't my son.
Remember when I used to drink
all the time? That was when.
I don't believe this.
Does Ju-won know?
No, he doesn't.
And I want to keep it that way.
But I guess he'll find out one day.
So what?
You're suddenly going to get a divorce
because of that?
I'm going to raise him.
He's still my son.
I don't care about genes.
I changed his diapers and fed him.
That makes me his dad.
How did you manage
to endure it all, Jin-seok?
I should've…
done this a long time ago.
But Ju-won was too young.
I mean, he's still young.
I guess…
this is why I like you.
You're not even that good-looking.
Let's get one thing straight.
I'm decent-looking.
It's your turn to tell me
your shocking and sad secret.
What is it?
Come on.
I have pancreatic cancer.
It's stage four.
The survival rate…
is 0.8 percent.
What? You? Why?
Why you?
I told you I'd win.
So Jin-seok…
Don't get a divorce.
Why is this happening to you?
I'm sorry.
Out of ingredients?
I guess business is flourishing.
Did he forget to turn off the lights?
You're a chef. You could've
cooked something better for yourself.
Why were you drinking alone?
No reason.
Did you get your money?
I didn't go to the bank yet.
Tomorrow is my day off,
so maybe I'll go tomorrow.
Why did you look so upset yesterday?
You look a lot more upset right now.
Today is my girlfriend's birthday.
Then what are you doing here?
You should be spending time with her.
That was my plan…
but things got awkward for her.
Before I opened this restaurant,
I used to work at Hanguk Hotel.
I guess she prefers me as a hotel chef.
Her friends still think
I work at the hotel.
It didn't bother me,
but Hye-jin seemed so sorry about it,
and it made me feel bad.
Hotel chefs do seem a bit cooler.
It's because she's still young.
Later on, she'll understand.
Oh, cheers.
was supposed to be
a really exciting day for me,
but I ended up
hearing something really sad.
You know Chan-young, right?
She was here last time.
The girl with short hair.
Oh, right. She's cool.
Chan-young, that cool friend of mine…
is terminally ill.
Stage four pancreatic cancer is just…
We should meet up and drink sometimes.
I'll talk about my girlfriend.
You can talk about your friend.
If we talk about it like this,
it might make us feel better.
Why aren't you using honorifics?
-When did I do that?
-Just now.
You talked to me without honorifics.
I was pretty much just talking to myself.
My gosh, you're so sensitive.
What's wrong?
Am I acting like an older sister again?
No, that was…
I should've known better.
I'm sorry.
Sure. Let's meet up
and drink like this sometimes.
We're neighbors, and I'm a regular here.
So it wouldn't be too bad.
You didn't use honorifics just now either.
You completely left it out.
My gosh, you know how to hold a grudge.
Gosh, seriously.
-Let's drink.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, ma'am.
Good night.
I hope you get a good night's sleep.
I want to…
thank you so much for today.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks to you,
I was able to organize my thoughts.
I set that game up just for you,
so you're welcome whenever.
Tell me beforehand if you crave anything.
I'll go get it from the convenience store.
Okay. Goodbye, then.
Drive safely.
I will.
Why did you want me
to come from the clinic?
Do you have a big announcement to make?
This is going to be serious.
I want you all to brace yourselves.
Why are you guys smiling?
I'm serious.
Yes, we know. We're concentrating.
Yes, that's right.
I'm not going to the States.
There's something I need to do here.
What do you need to do?
Can you be more specific?
Stop smiling.
-I'm being serious.
-Was I smiling?
I don't know why I was smiling.
My sabbatical is
going to be a bit different.
Whatever it is, you can do it here.
Spend a great sabbatical.
Do whatever you need to do
to get some good rest.
So what is it that you're going to do?
Why do you think she decided to stay?
Stop it.
During my sabbatical,
I'm going to take care of my friend.
is terminally ill.
I'm here for you.
I'll help you with anything you need.
Don't cry. I'm right here.
It must've been hard to decide.
You made the right choice.
You should take care of your friend.
I'll get you some tonics.
You need energy to do that.
That's right.
Let's all meet up
at Chan-young's studio today.
I went to the bank.
You know what that means, right?
The lottery?
Joo-hee must be so happy.
You guys are so annoying.
I'm going to change my number.
I'm asking you one last time.
Are you going to get chemo or not?
I'm telling you for the last time. No.
Ask me one more time, and we're done.
What was that?
They won't leave me alone.
Both Mi-jo and Joo-hee are unbelievable.
Thanks to you guys, I'm not bored.
I'll take this.
I'll take everything from here to there.
I want this in 245mm,
this in 230mm,
and this in 235mm.
Okay, I'll have them ready for you.
Why were you so desperate to meet me?
Are you getting married?
Did you bring an invitation?
I wish.
I've been drinking more these days
because my mom keeps nagging at me.
-How's your girlfriend?
-We broke up ages ago.
You broke up again? Gosh, what's with you?
What's going on?
Did you cause trouble?
Why are you so serious?
Listen carefully. Don't get shocked.
I think…
I saw So-won.
What's so shocking about that?
Where did you see her?
I thought I was mistaken,
so I went back to check.
But I think it was her.
Where did you see her?
At a hostess bar.
She probably went with her friends.
Or maybe with her colleagues.
Don't you get what I mean?
I'm serious for a reason.
What do you mean?
She was there
as a hostess.
Are you crazy?
How could you say something like that?
I couldn't believe it either.
That's why I went back.
Where is it? Lead the way.
What is all that?
-What is that?
-They're heavy.
-Hurry up and take them.
-Okay. Goodness.
-What's this?
I'm so tired.
-My gosh.
-Goodness, what is this?
Do you guys gather together every day
and discuss how to make fun of me?
What is all this?
Joo-hee, did you get your lottery money?
I want you to focus.
Yes, of course. We're focusing.
How much did you get?
Did you get everything?
I'm not going to receive the money.
I mean, I'm going to think
that I didn't win the lottery.
-What? Why?
Are you intimidated?
My gosh.
It's not even tens of millions of won.
Give me the ticket.
I'll go with you tomorrow.
-It's gone.
-What's gone?
-The lottery ticket.
-You lost it?
You crazy brat.
Hey. Have you lost it too?
What's wrong with you?
You really shredded it?
Why would you… I don't believe this.
Seven million won is a lot.
Think of your monthly wage.
I know it's big money.
The three of us could've gone on a trip
to Southeast Asia with that money.
Then why did you do that?
That was the biggest piece of luck
I had ever gotten
in my entire life.
I decided to give that luck to you.
Live four more years.
That ticket came in fourth place.
I'll try.
I'll take that luck from you.
I love our energy today.
You and I are both amazing friends.
Guys, take this out.
What is it?
Okay. Let's all sit down.
What is all this?
Did you buy me a gift
because I won the lottery?
No. Who cares about your lottery?
Hey! I made a noble sacrifice!
I admit you did something amazing.
Chan-young, I want you to decide.
Decide what?
You too, Joo-hee.
Decide what?
I've already made my decision.
You need to decide whether
we're going to have fun
in the time we have together
or be serious and sad.
I decided that I'm going to have fun.
It's your turn to choose.
You're already eliminated.
I'm just sad about the lottery ticket.
My gosh, you guys are nuts.
But why did you get
these outfits and shoes?
Let's go to a nightclub.
Look at you crying and laughing.
And seriously? A nightclub?
Are you guys crazy?
We didn't get to go on Joo-hee's birthday.
I was poorly dressed,
so they didn't let us in.
Yes, it was all because of you.
Gosh, that makes me so angry.
What's done is done.
So instead of looking back,
let's just do everything
that we've always wanted to do.
What about the States?
Right. What about your sabbatical?
During my sabbatical…
I'll be taking care of Chan-young.
we can do anything.
Let's do everything
that you've dreamed of.
I won't ask you to get treatment.
So just do me one favor.
I want you to be…
the happiest terminally ill person…
the world has ever seen.
Which one's mine?
This one. This is yours.
-This is Joo-hee's.
-What's mine?
This is yours.
You asked me to be
the happiest terminally ill person.
Is this the most expensive one?
Why would I do that?
You can't even wear it for long.
-I can't believe you just said that.
-Isn't this bag pretty?
Hey, this looks a little big for me.
You've gained weight.
-It'll fit.
-No, I didn't.
They're a set.
They go together?
Yes. It's gorgeous, isn't it?
-Let's go dance.
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
What's she doing? Come.
-What? Come on.
-Come here.
Why isn't she coming?
-Get over here.
-Come on.
Come over here.
We began spending the limited time
we had with Chan-young
with laughter and excitement.
-Who is he?
-Does anyone know him?
-Who are you?
-Do you know him?
-Who is he?
He's good-looking.
So-won, let's go.
Is he your boyfriend?
Get up. Let's go. Come on.
Let's go.
What's going on?
Go where?
Let's go home.
I have no home.
Get up. Come on.
-Let me go.
-Who are you?
Let go of me! Let go!
Come here.
-Let's go.
-What's going on?
Why are we leaving already?
My gosh, did you get drunk drinking Coke?
What kind of dance was that?
I might die of embarrassment
before I even die of my illness.
Anything's dancing
if you're in the groove.
She's right.
That's what you call a funky chicken.
You have two left feet.
That was so embarrassing.
-No one's ever said that to me before.
-My dance was pretty nice.
-I went like this.
You're hopeless, Joo-hee.
That was our choice.
You're my hope.
To live like there's no tomorrow.
It wasn't too bad.
-Like there's no sadness.
-I'm totally feeling it.
That's how we decided to spend each day.
-Come on.
-Let go of me.
-Let's go.
-Isn't that Seon-u?
-Let me go.
-Just come with me.
-Let go of me.
No. You're coming with me. Please.
-Let's go back inside.
-No, wait.
No, wait. So-won.
Wait. So-won!
Just when we had decided to have fun…
he looked…
very sad.
Subtitle translation by: Ja-won Lee
Are you unwell?
I guess IQ has nothing to do with dating.
She should keep trying aggressively, okay?
Let's get lunch.
I have some lifelong wishes.
Mi-jo. Joo-hee.
I'll find you a boyfriend.
Gosh, I'm so proud of you.
You did such a good job.
Just cry.
I'm scared, Mi-jo.
It's scary.
Ripped and synced by
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