This Town (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I had words come into my head.
I have to go back and stand there
to get the feeling sometimes.
Then I always step back.
Leave him alone.
I will never see him again!
I swear by Almighty God.
My dad took delivery of all the
ingredients needed to make bombs.
I will not be
part of your plans to murder people.
You'll be needing this. There's
going to be another wee bang.
Fiona, last night I wrote a poem
that could also be a song.
It's about you.
They call this harmony.
You'll do the tune,
and I'll sort of talk and growl.
And I need to think of a way
of getting Jeannie back.
The acoustics in this
place are amazing!
A recording studio made by God.
Your dad says God can help me.
Then my dad's your man.
He's my man.
Gregory, what are you doing back
It's going to be OK, Dad,
cos I'm a soldier,
and I have a plan.
You're in a lot of trouble, Bardy.
They have your name
for the train station.
I need to give them a big fish
so they let you
and your dad off the hook.
I'm not made for this kind of work!
EAMONN: Kieran Doherty was
just 25 years old.
He died today of starvation.
Consider that.
Think how the body craves.
And how strong the resolve must be.
Kieran Doherty refused
food for 73 days.
Consider that.
73 days
where every voice in your head is
begging your soul to give in.
That is the spirit at large
among our people.
That spirit of defiance
and outrage
and anger
can only be inspired
by the most despotic injustice.
Innocents shot in the back,
shot walking to school.
Houses broken into in the night
by soldiers.
Mothers humiliated, fathers dragged
away to camps for no reason
other than their belief in justice
and freedom.
And now our volunteers locked up
like common criminals.
All that happening to people like us
just a few miles across
a narrow stretch of sea.
Ordinary men and women
made giants and heroes
by the infamy of occupation.
How we respond to our oppression
will be remembered forever in songs
like the songs you sing, Bardy boy.
You speak very well, Eamonn.
I hope that the boy
listens as well as you speak.
She's ready.
Let's go.
Right proudly high over
Dublin Town
They hung out the flag of war
The world did gaze with deep amaze
At those fearless men but true
Who bore the fight
that freedom's light
Might shine through
the foggy dew. ♪
Jesus, I've a question.
I made that promise that
I made in your name for a reason.
Not because I wanted to.
I did it to save a boy.
I imagine you'll know him.
You know what he's like -
helpless, like a
Well, he's not really like anything.
Anyway, I made the promise that
I made in your name
to save him from a beating.
Now I need your permission
to break that promise.
How do you feel, Bardon?
I feel OK.
So why did you just forget
to indicate?
The last thing we want is to be
picked up for a traffic offence.
Do you want some music?
You like music.
..hangs up the phone
When you're in love with
a beautiful woman
You go it alone ♪
Tell me, how's your music thing
It's going OK.
You're doing music with Dante.
He is a strange boy.
Yeah. I'm talking for a reason.
To be calm,
you have to think of other things.
It relaxes you.
I don't like this stuff
on the radio.
All right.
What do you like?
Our own stuff.
Tell me about the music
you're making.
Ska. Two-tone.
Never heard of it.
It's a mix of things.
Black and white.
Are you telling me no Irish ballads?
A bit of everything
from Birmingham and Coventry.
We're mixing everything up.
What? So, you're going to be
famous, are you, Bardon?
One way or another.
I bought my baby a red radio
He played it all day
a-go-go a-go-go
He liked to dance to it
down in the streets
He said he loved me
but he loved the beat
It's just the same old show
On my radio
On my radio, on my radio,
on my radio ♪
What's happened
to your promise to Jesus?
I had a very open
conversation with him.
He knows ya.
And he likes ya.
He knows me through my dad,
most probably.
Anyway, he said it's OK.
He said I only made the promise to
stay away from ya to save ya.
And to break a bad promise
for a good reason is OK.
So, I can see you again.
What do you think?
Jeannie, I don't want to talk,
because I'm saving my voice.
Now that I am a singer as well
as a poet, I've made a resolution
to only use 700 words a day,
to save my vocal cords.
How many have you used today?
Not counting since I met you.
So, don't talk, listen.
The main reason I needed to see you,
my dad fixes factory roofs.
I go with him sometimes.
He's working on a place in Coventry.
I was there today.
And it's fucking perfect!
Perfect for what?
For us to record in.
To record my songs,
I need a place that is as much
like Coventry Cathedral as possible.
this place is like a cathedral.
And it's empty for six months.
It's in Coventry, so Bardon's got
no excuse for not turning up.
Come on, or we'll miss the bus.
When we get to the street,
we've had a volunteer disable
the lampposts
directly outside the exchange.
Park in the darkness.
Kill your lights before you park.
Once we park, we get out
and go our separate ways.
There's a phone box on
the Alcester Road.
We checked. It's working.
You know the code word.
After you've made a call, go
to your pub where people know you.
I don't go to any pubs. I'm still
studying, you know? You are?
Still handing in my essays,
like a good boy.
Then, that's good. That's OK.
Keep everything
else in your life normal.
Yeah! Normal! Yeah!
Jesus! You'll blow us all to hell!
Let's just drive through.
There's a fucking great hole
in the road!
Well, find another way, then.
The exchange is on a dead end.
This is the only way in.
Well, that's real bad luck. Right?
Fucking awful bit of bad luck.
In this town they dig up the roads
all the time.
I need to call command.
The fuck making a call!
This timer is set.
30 minutes,
this van gets blown to hell.
Let's just find a police station
and park outside.
I can't just pull a target out of
the fucking air
without speaking to command!
They want no civilian casualties.
Wait! Who the fuck is that?
Dad, just tell me where to drive
and I'll drive.
The boy sounds anxious.
We go back and unload.
Terry, disable the timer.
They dug a hole right where
we wanted to go.
Awful, awful bad luck.
Baaaaah! ♪
So what do you think?
You're right.
It's a cathedraaaal!
We can record everything here.
Ba! ♪
So, now that we have a place
to record and rehearse
all that we need, to turn my dream
into reality
is somebody who knows
what the fuck they are doing.
Get up in the morning,
slaving for bread, sir
So that every mouth can be fed
Poor me Israelite
My wife and my kids,
they packed up and leave me
"Darling," she said,
"I was yours to be seen"
Poor me Israelites
Shirt them a-tear up,
trousers are gone
I don't want to end up like
Bonnie and Clyde
Poor me Israelites ♪
The wanderer returns!
Her Majesty finally had the good
sense to get rid of me.
You know, when I hugged you
I felt something touch my heart.
Ah, yes!
Here it is.
You have a use for this,
in our peaceful city?
I've decided I want to make money.
Lots of money.
And in order to make money, I need
to do the things that I'm good at.
Before I left, I was capable.
But now I've been trained
to a higher level,
and I think I can take on
some high-level work.
And you want to work for me?
I've heard you're setting up
a powder room.
I don't want to be part of that.
You heard that from who?
Come on, Robbie, it's me.
I asked you a question.
So, next, you're going to shout,
"Heard it from fucking who?"
And pull out your gun and start
screaming and shouting
until I get scared and say, "Oh,
I heard it from Wire, Mr Carmen!"
And you'll snarl and fire a round
into the ceiling,
as if Wire's a dead man.
But you can spare me the theatre,
because you know that Wire told me
about your plans,
cos he knows he can trust me.
And you know you can trust me,
cos I've seen you sobbing
like a kid and shaking like a leaf.
I know where all your horrors
are buried.
I know what scares you.
Don't treat me like staff.
No smoking.
Fuck off.
I've been gone for three years.
I don't want to work for ya,
but I do need information about
who's out there in the city
I can trust.
And I want to get permission, from
those whose permission I will need,
to do the work I want to do.
You don't need permission
from the Zulus.
There are people in this city more
powerful than them,
and you know who I mean.
Our friends in Sparkhill.
I have no friends in Sparkhill.
Every construction contract that
goes on in this city
goes through the hands of
our Irish friends in Sparkhill.
Including the contractors
doing this place.
I don't dig up roads
I don't sell cement
I don't deal in bricks.
I'm going to rob banks, Mr Carmen.
I'm going to rob airports
and safe deposit boxes.
So I need to know which banks
I should avoid,
which cargo flights I should leave
and which boxes I should not open.
Before I start breaking the law in
this city, I need to know the rules.
Most important of all, I don't want
to upset anyone in Sparkhill.
I have no friends in Sparkhill
I do have a dialogue with
some of them.
I would like to start
a similar dialogue.
And why would they talk to you?
You're an ex-soldier
That was dismissed with
dishonour for being Catholic
and having Irish family.
And there may even be things
that I know about how the British
Army operates in Belfast
that might be of interest to them.
Are you fucking insane?
No, Robbie. I'm in a rush.
You would involve
yourself in that lethal shit?
I owe my former employers nothing.
But thanks to them, I do have
a lot of secrets in my head.
So next time you're speaking to the
people in Sparkhill, tell them that.
Tell them that I'm planning
to start my operation
and I'm interested in doing a deal.
A deal? With the Ra?
They will use you for their own
and then they will put you
under the fucking motorway!
As long as they put me
under the fast lane, it's OK.
If I can't have you
I keep hearing encouraging
stories about your kid brother.
He can give a beating,
and he can take a beating.
My brother has given and taken
all the beatings he ever will.
You and I will do business,
but you will leave the boy
in the hands of the angels
and devils of music.
My brother has decided
he wants to be a rock star.
So much trouble in the world
Bless my eyes this morning
Jah, sun is on the rise once again
The way earthly things are going
Anything can happen
You see men sailing
on their ego trip
Blast off on their spaceship
Million miles from reality
No care for you,
no care for me ♪
I've come for the audition.
The advert said you're
forming a band.
We're waiting for
our lead singer to arrive.
He's just messing about
while we wait.
So much trouble in the world ♪
Did you come far?
Sutton Coldfield.
All you gotta do ♪
What instrument do you play?
Drums. Do you have drums?
One more time, yeah. ♪
Dante! Yeah?
We have a drummer
with no drums here for an audition.
Hello, Dante.
Look, if this is really
embarrassing I'll just leave.
You play drums?
No, not really.
I thought drums might be
easiest to fake.
You just hit 'em with a stick.
That's probably
a really stupid thing to say.
But, Dante, I think you're going
to be successful
and I want to be
a part of it somehow.
Did you like the song I gave you?
Yeah. I loved it.
That's part of the reason I came.
I think you've got something.
I wrote it for my nan.
Oh. That was just a demo.
We can record it properly
now we have our studio.
But, Fiona, the thing is, when I put
that advert up at college,
I meant we need people who can
really play.
I'm serious about this.
I've decided this is my life.
I want somebody to join us
who knows more than we do,
somebody who will help us
do it properly.
At the beginning, I just wanted to
write a song to give to you.
But now it's not about you
any more.
This is what I want to do
with my whole life,
so I have to take it seriously
and do it right.
And then, when we're good enough,
I want you to be in the audience.
And you can dance.
What have you done to your hair?
I understand.
I've written a new song.
You can stay and listen,
if you like.
No, it's OK.
I want to be professional.
Yeah, you said.
I get it!
What happened to your word count?
You're much better
when you say nothing.
I'm speaking again.
My dad said my voice sounds better
when it's rough.
Who was that?
And why was she crying?
Oh, Dante!
Was she here to audition?
That was the famous girl
from Sutton Coldfield.
The girl you love?
I think Dante has a new love.
Music. OK.
Here is the second song
that I've written,
and it's even better than the first.
I'll show you
but it needs your voice, Bardon.
I wrote it for your mum.
It's called Estella.
And it goes like this
When she smiles,
she screws up her face
Looks like the sun's shining in
her eyes
But when she cries
She floods the place
You have to swim to survive
And when she sings
You hold your heart, you feel like
it will burst out of your chest
BOTH: # But when she drinks
You hold your glass
Cos she won't stop
until there's nothing left
BOTH: # You're much stronger
Than anyone I know
Even though you
Don't think so ♪
We'll go from the top.
What key are we in? A.
When she smiles
She screws up her face
Looks like the sun's shining in
her eyes
But when she cries
She floods the place
You have to swim to survive
And when she sings
You hold your heart, you feel like
it will burst out of your chest
But when she drinks
You hold your glass
Cos she won't stop
until there's nothing left
You're much stronger
Than anyone I know
Even though you
Don't think so
You're much stronger
Than anyone I know
Even though you
Don't think so
Never had a tenner
that she wouldn't give away
Never had a bad word to say
Never forget that you've got
people on your side
Even when it all starts to slide
And when the weather gets so heavy
That you can't see
I've never been alone
because of you
And you will never be
because of me
You're much stronger
Than anyone I know
Even though you
Don't think so ♪
I have not heard from you
for a while.
And I was wondering if you are OK.
I hope you're taking
care of yourself.
I am always here if you need me.
..even when it all starts
to slide
And when the weather gets so heavy
That you can't see
Remember I've never been alone
because of you
And you will never be
because of me ♪
Come on, Dante,
let's get the bus home.
I don't get the bus home.
Please don't tell her,
it's too weird.
What's weird?
It's not weird.
What's not weird?
I'm staying at
Bardon's mum's flat for a bit,
so I can be near the studio.
Dante sleeps on a settee
where he can overlook
the M6 fucking motorway.
What part of that isn't weird?
I make her breakfast
and water down her vodka.
And listen to her drunken stories.
And listen to her sing.
And then a song comes to me.
You have to sing what you do.
You have to sing your life.
You should write
a song about your life, Bardon.
Something about telling your dad
to leave you alone.
What the fuck
do you know about my life, Dante?
I know things, Bardon.
I've found something
that I know everything about.
I know if you're going
to sing my songs,
you've got to sing without fear.
Oh, and by the way,
I've decided Estella's
going to sing backing vocals for us.
OK, I'm going.
Dante, please tell me that last part
was a joke.
I don't think Dante does jokes.
Not about music. Not any more.
Even Miss Sutton Coldfield
couldn't divert him.
He's giving this everything.
So, what happens to him when nothing
happens for us?
Oh, shit! I've missed my last bus.
It's all right.
I've got to go to Birmingham anyway.
We'll hitch a lift.
Sun is shining, the weather
is sweet
Make you want to move
your dancing feet
To the rescue, here I am
Want you to know, y'all,
where I stand ♪
Hey, do you want to come in
for a cup of tea or something?
No. I've got a meeting.
What are you? A businessman?
What meeting?
You really, really don't want
to know.
Is Dante right?
Are you doing something dangerous?
Ooh, come here! is sweet
Make you want to move
your dancing feet ♪
Right, fuck off, then.
To the rescue, here I am
Want you to know
just if you can
Where I stand
Know, know, know,
know where I stand
When the morning gathers
the rainbow
Want you to know I'm a rainbow,
So, to the rescue here I am
Want you to know just if you can
Where I stand
Know, know, know, know, know
Friday morning,
Saturday evening,
So to the rescue ♪
OK, first the good news.
I told the others I want you to do
backing vocals for the band,
and they said it was
a brilliant idea.
Also, I've made you breakfast.
Oh, God.
The bad news is,
you've been burgled.
They broke in while you were asleep.
You must have been sleeping
very deeply.
What are you talking about?
They made a mess.
I cleared it up. But
things have been taken.
They must have known
it was benefit day.
Your handbag is empty,
your purse has gone.
Nothing else to steal.
You must have been sleeping
very deeply.
I must have been dead.
I could hardly take
those rings off myself.
How did I not feel it?
How do I not feel?
Why don't you eat
the breakfast I made?
A day dawns when you know
you can't go on like this.
It's a line from one of my songs.
Why don't we make that day today?
That one's yours.
Sit down by it.
You need a good reason
to be sat by the canal
at six o'clock in the morning.
Before you start,
I want to say thanks.
What for?
For getting the road outside
the telephone exchange dug up.
Did they buy it as a coincidence?
The man who sets the detonators
is called Terry.
He's suspicious as hell.
Well, that's unfortunate.
But I'll deal with it.
What does that mean?
You mean the boys at the Branch
will have him face down in a canal?
It means I'll deal with it.
Caught a fish, Bardy.
What? Float's gone under.
Reel it in. Fuck's sake!
No, reel it in.
Yeah, yeah. Other way.
Fuck, I have no idea what I'm doing!
Not so hard.
You're going the wrong way.
Bardy! Fucking hell.
Well, you lost the fish.
I don't give a fuck.
I don't know how to be a fisherman,
and I don't know how to be
an undercover fucking grass.
Well, to be honest,
the two activities are very similar.
You put bait on a hook and you wait.
Am I the bait or the hook?
You are the bait, I am the hook.
Well, my line's tangled to fuck.
Well, already, you've given me
the bomb maker's name as Terry.
That's good.
The Branch will have him
on their directory.
Was he tall, short, fat, thin?
Skinny. Brown hair.
OK. That'll be enough.
Already I'm of use.
Last night another hunger striker
died cos of the cause.
A cause I fundamentally believe
is just and good
Bardy, don't bring good, bad
and justice into this.
We're both just saving our arses.
It's this or 30 years.
If I'm caught, I'm dead.
You won't get caught.
We'll both soon be free
to live our lives.
Just stay calm and do as I say.
Stay close to your dad,
and go to the Gate Hangs Well pub.
Listen out for mention of someone
named Lemongrass. Lemongrass?
If you hear the name,
they've taken the bait.
You can go now, Bardy.
I'll untangle the line for you.
Actually, how's my brother?
Your mad fucking brother
is blissfully unaware of
the awful truth.
But he does seem to have
the uncanny ability
to hear the truth in my voice.
MUSIC: Hong Kong Garden
by Siouxsie And The Banshees
Harmful elements in the air
Cymbals crashing everywhere
Reap the fields
of rice and reeds ♪
You the girl who was with Dante?
Yeah. He told me you work here.
Did he send you here?
No. No, I sent myself.
Made a fool of myself, didn't I?
When you left,
you had tears in your eyes.
Poor me. Do you sing?
Not much.
Pretty useless all round.
How'd he make you cry?
By telling me the truth.
Yeah, he does that.
Mostly I don't care
what people think.
But I actually got my hair cut.
Looks really good.
Do you dance?
That I can do.
I'm guessing Dante
wasn't ever your boyfriend,
because he's not really human.
What planet is he from,
do you think?
He can write, though. Yeah.
He recorded a song for me.
You are the girl
from Sutton Coldfield.
Oh, is that who I am?
He kept talking about you.
He said he loved you.
I was just fuel for his poetry.
You say you made a fool of yourself.
you don't look foolish at all.
In fact, the other night when
I saw you on those stairs,
I thought, "Wow."
The image complete.
My breakfast.
You are a dark horse.
It's OK in here?
Police leave us alone.
Premises are owned by a guy
called Carmen.
He owns half the city.
How difficult is it
to learn the drums?
We need a drummer,
drummers are easy to find.
But what we really need is someone
who knows the record business.
Somebody who knows what people like,
what records people are buying.
People who buy records are boring.
I'd rather learn the drums.
We fuck this up,
I don't think Dante will survive.
So I don't want to fuck it up.
Dante says you run this shop
on your own.
So you must know
the independent labels.
You do gigs here.
Talent scouts come.
Worst people on earth.
But you know them.
Are you saying
you want me to work for you?
I'm saying I want us
to work for you.
Either we're going to fly
or we're going to crash and burn,
but we are going to do it
You're fucking mad, Virgil.
We Zulus have a golden rule.
A fucking strict policy.
Even Carmen has the same rule.
Don't fuck with Sparkhill
and don't fuck with the Ra.
I just need the room for an hour.
I want 'em to see that I have
associates who care for my welfare.
Soon as you come back to town,
every boat in Birmingham
is fucking rocking.
Just make sure nobody breaks into it
or steals the car.
If it was anybody but you, Virgil,
I would not even think about having
those fuckers in here.
If they even know your name,
you're on a list.
Should I bring you drinks?
IRA don't drink alcohol
until after six.
No rum or whiskey until ten.
Show 'em in for me, will you?
Here we fucking go.
We got a message you wanted to
meet representatives of
the recreation committee of the
Sparkhill Gaelic Football Club.
I used to play in Belfast.
But the side I played for
dropped me.
Yes, we know.
We know everything about you.
Shoe size? Size nine.
Afraid of spiders.
Three tours of duty,
Belfast, Derry, Drumcree.
Front-foot fucker.
Discharged on grounds
of psychiatric disorder.
But do you know the real reason
I was discharged?
Just assume we know everything.
The message said
you might have something for us.
Well, I'm hoping that going forward,
I can have a favourable
relationship with you.
What do you have for us, Virgil?
It is more a question of knowing how
much they know and how they know it.
How much who knows about what?
Your boys went to the exchange
but the council had dug a hole
in the road.
It wasn't a coincidence.
You have an informant in Coventry.
The Brits have gave him
the code name
I know who it is.
But I don't know for sure
who you are.
For all I know, you could be
the informants yourselves.
So I need to meet your boss.
I will offer up the name for free
as a gesture to begin our
relationship in a cordial way.
We'll be in touch.
Don't go far.
Don't be going anywhere.
I will be here, among my friends
who are very kind to me.
You're very fortunate, then.
We're working-class people
who share a common goal.
Hmm. You are my brothers and
I'm happy to be working with you.
You're in this now.
There's no getting out.
That was quick.
Is that good or bad?
Either I'll be dead within 24 hours
or I've got their attention.
Is that the little fucker?
Yeah, that's him.
Fuck off! Fuck off!
No, mate, no!
Hey! No!
Oh, fuck!
You ransack the home of my wife?
You steal the rings
I gave her from her fucking fingers?
We didn't know
she was connected to the Gate pub.
We didn't know!
Well, now you do.
And now it's too late to save your
only physical means of propulsion.
No! No! No! No! No, Dad, no!
This is not Belfast.
And they did Mum no harm.
No! No! Please!
You're done! You're done!
Now we do what we agreed.
You little shits better
leave my mother alone,
or next time it'll be
a bullet in the fucking head
courtesy of the Coventry Battalion,
Irish Republican Army.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Tell me where you sold the rings.
Who's that?
Hello, Mum.
I've got something for you.
How did you get them back?
We found the burglars.
Who's we? Me and Dad.
And what form of persuasion
did you use?
what do you think of my playing?
I asked you a question, Bardon.
I thought you might say thank you.
Bardon, these are the chords for
Good Golly Miss Molly.
Dante, will you shut up?
Did you use a gun
as a form of persuasion, Bardon?
Did you lay hold of a gun belonging
to the organisation, Bardon?
I thought you might say thank you.
Go with him.
Basically, most songs are A minor,
C, F and G.
Usually in the same order.
Nearly all rock music is just that.
I can do Blue Suede Shoes.
What the fuck, Dante?
What the fuck is it all about?
Like words,
like a map.
Or like stones across a river
where the river is the beat.
Lately, when I close my eyes
I can see music.
I can actually see it.
I see shapes and colours and faces.
It's like my head is
a fucking circus.
Even my dreams now are pieces
of music with pictures.
And sometimes I'm scared of
what I see.
Fucking scared.
I think you and me need a drink.
Get on the ground!
Armed police! Get on the ground!
Right, you! Right, get up!
Get in the car! Get in!
Oh, heaven
Heaven is mine
Oh, heaven, heaven
Heaven is mine
Heaven, heaven
Heaven is mine
Oh, I wanna go to heaven
Heaven is mine
I wanna go to heaven
Heaven is mine
Yeah, I wanna go to heaven
Heaven is mine ♪
Hello, Jeff, it's Fiona.
Somebody dropped off a tape
I think you should listen to.
Do you wanna go, do you wanna go,
do you wanna go?
Heaven is mine
Because I wanna go,
I wanna go, I wanna go
Heaven is mine
Oh, do you wanna go,
do you wanna go, do you wanna go?
Heaven is mine
Oh, heaven, heaven
Heaven is mine
Oh, heaven, heaven
Heaven is mine
Oh, heaven, heaven
Heaven is mine
Oh, heaven
Heaven is mine
Oh, I wanna go to heaven
Heaven is mine
Do you wanna go to heaven?
Heaven is mine
Do you wanna go to heaven?
Heaven is mine ♪
Heaven is mine
Heaven is mine
Heaven is that high place
Heaven is mine
Heaven is that high place
Heaven is mine
Oh, heaven is that high place. ♪
Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord.
I am going to talk to you
about temptation.
Yeah, Dante told me what happened.
But I got them back.
But you're not wearing them?
I don't approve of the way
they were retrieved.
And I don't any more like
what they represent.
See, this place look innocent
and sweet but
after dark, this is where
the drugs deals is done.
Without vodka,
I need a bit of a lift.
How is my son?
In the past, has he tended to become
obsessed by things?
Identifying birds.
He set up a bird table
on a 22nd-floor window ledge
and it fall onto someone's car.
And then there was space
and spacemen.
That lasted for a while.
But he is an angel.
I want to make sure he's OK.
That's because
you are an angel as well.
And this angel knows that
if she sets off for home tonight,
she will detour to a shop
that sells booze.
And when I wake up tomorrow there'll
be another black hole in my life.
And you know?
You know it when you know it.
And you know that's true.
Then don't go home.
I told you before,
it's not what you think.
This is my church.
What the fuck are you doing?
It used to be
the words would come and
and I would put them
in the right order and that was OK.
It was like having a job
in an office.
But now music comes, but it comes
like pictures that are alive,
and crashing waves, and some of them
I can't look at but I have to look.
It's like having a job in hell.
And tonight they arrested Bardon.
Police with guns came.
They won't let him out ever.
I need him.
Without him, I can't get
this stuff out of my head
and onto a tape. Not ever.
Dante, they're not going to keep him
forever. How do you know?
They'll let him go day after
tomorrow for lack of evidence.
Look, I didn't want to
have to tell you any of this.
It was me that set Bardon up
to be lifted.
He was attracting
too much suspicion.
So having him arrested
should remove some of that.
And, yeah, they give him
a bit of a beating
but it's just to make it look real,
and then they'll let him go.
You set it up?
Yeah, I did.
I'm trying to save his life.
He's my fucking lead singer!
Yeah, and if it wasn't for me,
he'd be your lead singer
mixed into concrete.
And telling you that got you
to get off the edge, didn't it,
you stupid fucking bastard?
I wasn't going to jump.
I was just praying.
Go to church, like normal people.
We're not normal people.
Yeah, well, no-one is.
Not round here.
Shall we go get a drink?
Let's go home.
OK. Come on.
You're back early.
You're in bed early.
What you doing here, Dante?
What's Estella's cigarette lighter
doing here?
You look a bit tired, Dad.
You should probably go back to bed.
I'm going to bed as well.
You staying for good?
I'm back to make a decision.
I'm happy for you, Dad.
I am.
But just make sure that
you lift her up,
and don't let her drag you down.
Hendrix, Holiday, Joplin, Morrison.
Vicious, Williams, Bonham.
Did the words come at you like hail?
Did the music
make the words fail you?
A mountain in your head
with music streams
drowning your day
and flooding your dreams.
Should I rise with it?
Like a car in a tsunami.
Will I go with the tide,
or will I go
Gone already, that's for sure.
So in for a penny,
no desire for a cure.
Let it come, let it flow.
Let college go to hell.
Add to the previous list
this Brummie rudeboy, as well.
Heaven or hell.
I don't care.
Let it come.
Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without this dream in my heart
Without a love
Of my own. ♪
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