Thou Shalt Not Steal (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

[dramatic Western-style theme music]
[moody accordion plays]
[moody piano arpeggio]
[car approaching]
[Robyn VO] Thou shalt not kill.
Ringer taught me
if you kill a roo, you gotta eat a roo.
That's what we live by.
Killing's not a sport.
It's serious business.
If some bastard breaks the law
and shoots a man, what should he do?
Well, he should bloody eat him.
[whip cracks]
["Yo Yo Heart" by Vicky Simms
plays over car stereo]
- [sighs]
- [fly buzzing]
Yo yo, yo yo, yo yo heart ♪
Time has come for us to part ♪
Gotta go because I know ♪
- [buzzing stops]
- You only have a yo yo heart ♪
- [fly buzzing]
- You dangle me upon a string ♪
My love didn't mean a thing ♪
My life dangled on a string ♪
- [gasps] Oh!
- [Gidge] Sorry!
- [song continues]
- [Gidge sighs]
Sorry, it was a--
See? A fly.
[Gidge exhales softly]
What do you reckon's
the most painful way to die?
I think it's gotta be between
being burnt alive or drowning?
You wanna find out?
Hey, why don't we, um
why don't we fill up?
You know, I can drive
and you can get some sleep.
[surprised chuckle]
Don't you want to find your dad?
It's been seventeen years. He can wait.
Just let me sleep.
You're grumpy when you're tired.
[Gidge, grunting]
I'm gonna go make a call.
[car door closes]
- [Gidge whistles along]
- Yo yo, yo yo, yo yo heart ♪
Time has come for us to part ♪
Gotta go because I know ♪
You only have a yo yo heart ♪
You only have a yo yo heart ♪
You only have a yo yo heart ♪
[instrumental break plays]
- [song ends]
- [phone ringing]
Um, excuse me, can I
can I use your telephone?
[barbershop quartet song
plays over jukebox]
Why do you do what you do? ♪
When you do ♪
It makes me feel so blue ♪
So I ask you too ♪
Why do you do what you do? ♪
Why do you hold me ♪
[song continues]
Oi, young buck.
[coins clink]
Change this shit.
Put something good on, would ya?
Oh, no, ah, that's okay.
I think, you know, some other people have
got some songs queued. But thank you.
- [jukebox powers down]
- [music stops]
[man] Oi, what the fuck do you think you're doing?
It's the young buck's birthday,
and he's gonna play a song.
[man] Ah, fuck ya.
[soft chuckle]
[coin rattles]
- [man] Tuna mornay.
- [Gidge chuckles uneasily]
[displeased grunt]
["Old Time Timber Men"
by Gordon Parsons plays on jukebox]
Barkeep, two tinnies and
a room with your finest sheila
for the birthday boy.
- It's not my birthday.
- Just fuckin' with ya.
There's no good-lookin' sheilas
around here.
And I'll grab, uh, two shots.
From the bottom shelf.
[Gidge] Look, I-I My name's Gidge.
Oh. We-- I mean--
[clears throat]
It's really not my birthday.
It's your birthday, come on.
We gotta celebrate.
- Well, I--
- Don't be shy. Let's do it.
[shot glasses clink]
Oh. I I don't need this.
Go on, have a little sippy.
[stammering] I mean, okay.
- [men laugh]
- [spits]
- [man] Off his bloody tits
- Oh!
You're right, big rocks. Come on, here.
Wash it down, wash it down.
Wash it down.
Go on.
[man] Light weight.
- [uneasy Western-style music]
- [crow cawing]
[slow, curious music]
Radio check.
[Robert, over radio] Maxine? Over.
Would you like a coffee? Over.
How do you take it? Over.
Black. Two sugars.
Copy that. Over.
[man, over radio]
Get off my fucking channel.
Oh, you don't bloody own it. Over.
[grunts wearily]
Thank you.
Sorry about, uh, last night.
I've got this, uh [sniffs]
this condition, you see.
It's it's why I can't drive.
[man, over radio]
Hey, Maxine? You out there?
Yeah. Who's this?
[man] Heard you're lookin'
for your taxi, yeah?
Yeah. You seen it?
[man] Uh, it's got a cracked windscreen.
I saw it parked at the roadhouse
north of the border.
Uh, do I get a bit of a reward or what?
[Maxine] That's the one.
Hop in.
Oh, no, I reckon, uh [sighs]
No, I reckon we should wait for 'em.
It's only the one road.
You know, let 'em come to us.
And then, you know,
you haven't had any sleep.
Then there's the, uh,
the wear on the tyres.
And, you know,
towing the caravan, it's
takes its toll on the old girl--
Well, what the fuck are we gonna do?
I was wondering, um
what could I, uh
get for this?
You know, from you.
For this, Robert,
you could get anything you want.
Shall we duck in the caravan?
Yep. Alright. Um
[squirts water]
[flies buzzing]
- Oh!
- [rumbling, clattering]
[caravan rattling]
[lively instrumental music]
What the bloody hell's goin' on? Over.
Change of plan.
[Robert] What?!
What about my money that I paid you?!
It can wait.
What's that--? You bloody pull up!
Pull up now, I want to get in front. Over.
When we get there.
[lively music continues]
[women, harmonising] Over ♪
Over and out. ♪
[song ends]
[quietly] Yeah. Wind the window down.
- Not your taxi, is it?
- Why?
Well, Maxine's lookin' for it.
Hey, hey
Hey, wait, listen, it's alright.
Hey. Listen.
Come over to me truck
for a bit of a cuddle
and I won't tell her you're here.
Let me just go get cleaned up first?
Yeah, alright. Suit yourself.
[tense instrumental music]
Yeah, uh quick splash.
You seen my friend?
That your taxi, is it, love?
How old are you?
[fast-paced mariachi music]
- Changed my mind.
- No, no, no, no, no, no. Hey, hey.
Just relax, it's
No, no--
Oh! [splutters]
[grunts, splutters]
[music continues]
[car door opens]
- [car engine starts]
- [car door closes]
[engine revs]
[music intensifies]
[music ends]
[strumming chords]
[Gidge clears throat]
How about some words?
- Mmm.
- Alright?
[inhales sharply]
- [man plays tune on guitar]
- [Gidge taps rhythmically]
I met this fella ♪
He ne never had a beer ♪
Some folks say ♪
[man] That he was proper ♪
Quee-ee-eer ♪
We retreated to our room ♪
On a sunny day ♪
Proceeded to embrace each other ♪
In the most sensual ♪
Of way-y-ys ♪
Alright, alright.
Ha. That's great.
- Say, "Big nuts."
- Uh
[camera whirrs]
Alright, alright. I got the best idea
for an album cover. Here.
Gimme that.
Hm, um
[camera whirrs]
["Stranger In My Country"
by Vic Simms plays]
[crow cawing]
Looks like she left ya, young buck.
- Not to worry. I'll give ya a ride.
- [groans]
[Vic Simms] Stranger in my country ♪
Stranger in my land ♪
Today to somewhere, no account ♪
[Robert] Where's the temp gauge sitting?
[Maxine] Somewhere between fuck and you.
Listen if she gets too hot,
she's gonna cark it.
You better pull up now. Over.
- No can do.
- Until that day for guys like me ♪
I'm a stranger in my land ♪
Well, forgive me if it seems as though ♪
But I am not mistaken ♪
'Cause I'm the one who you forgot ♪
[truck revving]
..we were put down ♪
Cast aside ♪
[truck accelerating]
[song continues]
[engine struggling]
[Robyn grunts]
[exclaims in frustration]
[engine putters, then stops]
[smacks wheel] Fuck!
[ignition puttering]
Come on!
[ignition puttering]
[truck approaching,
hydraulic brakes squealing]
[brakes hissing]
[truck door opens, then closes]
[flies buzzing]
- [Robyn yelps]
- [man exclaims]
[both grunting, straining]
[Robyn grunts]
- Just calm down.
- [Robyn screams]
Just calm down. Stop it.
- [Robyn screams] No!
- Just--
[Robyn screams]
You're fucked!
[panting heavily]
You've probably got a wife at home.
Yeah, I got kids.
I got two daughters.
Around the same age as you.
Listen, I
[smacks lips, sighs]
I don't want anything, okay?
But Maxine does.
She wants her taxi back.
And that taxi, that's not safe.
So please.
Let me give you a ride.
[sniffs] Suit yourself.
[tense mariachi music]
[truck engine starts up]
[truck driving away]
[music ends]
[sombre music]
[horn tooting]
[tooting continues]
[car approaching]
How ya goin'?
[flies buzzing]
What, ya headin' south?
You goin' to Coober Pedy?
I'm goin' to Coober Pedy.
[tense music builds]
[caravan rattling]
[rattling stops]
[car door opens, then closes]
[Maxine] Fuck!
[flies buzzing]
[caravan door opens, then closes]
Well, I wandered so aimless ♪
Life filled with sin ♪
I wouldn't let my dear Saviour in ♪
Then Jesus came ♪
Like a stranger in the night ♪
Praise the Lord ♪
I saw the light ♪
[up-tempo] Well, I saw the li-i-ight ♪
I saw the li-i-ight ♪
No more darkness ♪
No more at night ♪
Now I'm so happy ♪
No sorrow in sight ♪
Praise the Lord-- ♪
Oh-- No, no, no, no, that's a pre--!
It's a pre 1944 Martin!
- [Maxine wails wildly]
- Not my--! Please! Maxine, no!
- Ohhh!
- [continues wailing]
- [Robert] Where are you goin'?
- I'm hitching a ride.
Oh, come on, don't be stupid.
I've got my car right here.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
You know I can't drive.
It's dangerous out there.
That girl's got your money.
Well, my son'll know where it is.
I can make him tell me.
[man] Whew!
[Andy Golledge, over car stereo]
Baby, that's no lie ♪
[man] Fuckin' handle the pipes
on that fella!
- Man, I must be fit to die ♪
- [man sighs]
You like fishin'?
Nah? My dad was a fisherman.
Deadset fuckwit of a bloke, though.
Mum as well. She's a fuckin' idiot.
She stayed with him.
Sister's a bit much the same.
But she's with a fuckwit of a boyfriend,
he's just like my old man.
It's funny how that happens.
What, you got any nutters in your family?
Ah, fuck.
[imitates siren whooping]
This should be a laugh.
[imitates siren whooping]
[indistinct police radio chatter]
- Good afternoon, mate.
- G'day.
Australian Federal Police.
My name is Detective Burke.
- How's it going?
- Yeah, good.
We're, uh, looking for
this young girl here.
You haven't see her, have ya?
[man] Nah, mate, haven't seen her
[female officer]
Australian Federal Police.
Where have you travelled from?
- Darwin.
- Oh, yeah. Where are you headed?
You, uh, seen this girl
on the road at all?
Maybe driving a taxi?
Nah, I can't say I have.
How about you?
Have you seen this girl?
You speak?
- Yes.
- And?
No, sorry, I can't say that we have.
I'm gonna take a quick look
in your caravan.
[Burke] Why don't ya pop the boot, mate?
[man] Mate, the cable's fucked.
I can't even get in there myself.
That's why I got everything here
stacked up to the brim.
I did see a couple kids
down at the roadhouse earlier.
- Right.
- Young black girl and a young white fella.
Might be worth goin' down there
and having a look.
A lot of twisted characters around here
on the road, ya know?
- Really?
- Yeah.
Thanks for that, mate.
No worries, mate.
[car engine starts up]
[car driving]
Can we go?
[female officer] Almost done!
[Burke] Come on, Trace.
Give this lovely couple some privacy,
ya perv.
Bet, uh, you two have done a few laps
in this old beast, ay?
I mean, it's a simple life, you know.
But, uh the oyster's your highway.
I mean the highway's your oyster.
You know what I mean.
- All clear.
- [Maxine] Ah.
- Sorry for the inconvenience.
- [Maxine] Yeah.
- [Robert] No worries.
- [Maxine] Shall we, then?
[Robert] Yep.
[Tracey] Just one thing
[Tracey] That gun in there?
That should be kept in a safe.
- Oh, yes, absolutely. Um
- Yeah.
Yeah, that's a really good idea.
We'll-- I'll do that.
- Yeah. Thanks.
- Cheers.
What was in the fridge?
- Sausages.
- Yum.
[camera whirrs]
Oh! Memories for another day, Robyn.
Thanks for keepin' us company.
I appreciate it.
Gets pretty lonely out here.
What are you doin' with that?
How did you know my name's Robyn?
It's all good.
You don't you don't need the gun.
That cop back there.
He said there was me
and another white fella.
Where's Gidge?!
[tyres screech]
[dramatic music swells]
Let me out!
I'll just go up here and show you a spot
me old man used to take me fishin'.
I'll shoot you!
You know if you shoot me,
you'll never see ya mate again.
[Robyn grunts]
Doesn't have any slugs in it anyway.
- Oh--
- [gun fires]
[horn blares continuously]
[horn continues]
[engine hissing]
[soft exhale]
[horn continues]
[horn ceases]
[muffled struggling]
["Ngurrapanya Tjayla"
by Isaac Yamma plays]
You're an idiot.
["Ngurrapanya Tjayla" continues]
Sometimes thou didn't mean to kill.
These commandments,
they're only guidelines after all.
For some bastards,
a bullet to the head is the only way.
["Ngurrapanya Tjayla" continues]
[song ends]
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