Three-Body (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I told you to investigate the abnormal things
she did before her suicide.
All you recorded are trivial stuff.
These are her preparations
for the wedding,
like the date of the wedding photos
and the time for the wedding day.
It's no use.
I also recorded that
she stopped the experiment
of Superstring Theory.
I knew that, too.
It must be stopped.
She was preparing for the wedding,
and had no time for her experiment.
Okay. I gotta go.
(Wang Miao)
(Shen Yufei)
Are you okay?
Can't you sleep?
You haven't slept well for two days.
Never mind. I'm fine.
What did
the so-called farmer
It wasn't settled.
How about I consult my colleague
in the psychiatry department
about your symptoms?
Maybe we will know the reason.
I went to a gathering
at the Frontiers of Science
the other day.
Many scholars were discussing
the farmer hypothesis.
I told you that yesterday.
This one and the shooter hypothesis.
I didn't understand why
(Frontiers of Science)
they were discussing these hypotheses.
But I got it now.
When scientists find the phenomenon
that can't be explained
by modern science in their research,
they may think of shooters and farmers.
It's almost become their instinct.
You can't understand it
until you really see it.
I don't want to see it.
There are so many troubles
in our lives.
I don't want to know your hypotheses.
Go to bed.
Stop it.
I'm gonna go to the lab.
Why? It's late.
Never mind. Good night.
(Yesterday morning,)
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
(in Suffolk County, Blue Island,
North America, exploded.)
(16 researchers)
(were killed and wounded)
(in the explosion,)
(including Dr. Nicholas Brown,)
(a prominent physicist in high energy,)
(Dr. John Kratah,
an expert in nuclear physics.)
(The two of them died
of their injuries.)
(Call from Shen Yufei)
(Their deaths were announced.)
(This is the third
recent laboratory accident)
- (happened in North America.)
- Hello?
(In addition, we also heard that)
(William Ty Angel,)
(a scientist in frontier science,)
(a month ago,)
(claimed to have seen
an unscientific phenomenon.)
(We don't know)
(whether his claim is related to)
(the recent spate
of accidental deaths of scientists.)
At the end of time ♪
Spring comes and she leaves ♪
Why stop again ♪
At the end of time ♪
Spring comes and she leaves ♪
I can't tell the lie ♪
Fireworks in the air ♪
At the night when nobody repented ♪
Fell slowly ♪
At the end of time ♪
Waves roar a song ♪
Who gave everything they had ♪
At the end of the beginning ♪
You asked me what was freedom ♪
Who lost what they owned ♪
=Episode 4=
Mr. Wang.
Mr. Wang.
Mr. Wang.
Mr. Wang.
Why are you sleeping here?
It's only 8:30.
Why did you come to work so early?
Since the reaction chamber malfunctioned,
I've been checking it every morning.
That's how I did at your age.
These things were all I thought about.
Mr. Wang.
You are my role model.
You proposed to produce
the Flying Blade.
No one thought you could make it.
But only after a dozen years,
you have made
this ultrastrong nanomaterial,
Flying Blade, in reality.
Even in the field of applied physics,
there are very few
doer researchers like you.
I was naive.
I thought molecules can be stacked
one by one
by using the molecular structure,
like laying out bricks
for a wall.
But I never thought that
this method,
with massive resource consumption,
made the Flying Blade become precious.
We can't put it into mass production.
It's no different from
not producing it.
How does the chamber operate?
It has been operating
for more than a year.
There are some malfunctions
in operating,
such as reduced sensor sensitivity
and increased error.
It should be shut down for maintenance.
But you told us it can't be turned off.
It's pivotal to complete the third batch
of synthetic combinations.
So all engineers
are working to
equip more and more
supplementary correction device on it.
These added devices
also need to be overhauled now.
So most engineers want to
suspend the operation
of the reaction chamber.
This listed all the errors
and their codes.
(Registration Form
for Reaction Chamber Use)
It's overloaded.
try to stop it.
How long would it take to
completely overhaul the sensors?
Four to five days.
If we work fast,
it will take only three days.
I promise.
Stop your research.
What did you see?
You look okay.
At our last classmate reunion party
Right in front of my eyes.
The countdown keeps going
second by second.
Stop your research.
Tell me what you know.
Stop your research.
Just try it.
Stop our research.
Shut down its operation for maintenance.
Follow the schedule you promised.
Yes, Mr. Wang.
Our team will give you
an updated schedule right away.
We can stop the operation
this afternoon.
Stop it right now.
I'm going to tell everyone.
(Vacuum Gas 2 Radio Frequency)
(Stopped running)
Previous to this,
maybe you've never thought
that you might be a turkey scientist.
The turkeys on the farm
are meant to die on Thanksgiving Day.
(From Shen Yufei)
(Shen Yufei)
What will happen
at the end of the countdown?
Shen Yufei, are you listening?
It's just nanomaterial,
not the particle accelerator.
My research is
in the applied physics field.
Is it worth your attention?
Whether it is worth the attention
is not for us to decide.
That's enough.
Do you think
these little tricks can fool me?
Do you think
I'm going to stop my research?
I admit that
I can't explain
how you're doing it now.
But that's only because I haven’t
snoop behind the curtain
of your shameful illusionist.
You’re saying
you want to see the countdown
on a greater scale?
So what if you show it
at a bigger scale?
You can still play tricks.
Modern technology allows
people to project a hologram
into the sky.
With a laser powerful enough,
we can project an image
onto the surface of the moon.
As you told me before,
if it were shooters and farmers
who did it,
tell them to play tricks
at a scale that humans cannot.
The question is whether you can take it.
I want to help you
avoid Yang Dong's fate.
Don't scare me with Yang Dong.
Will you accept my challenge?
What are you going to do?
I'll send you a website address.
(A new message from Shen Yufei)
(From Shen Yufei)
Morse Code.
What do you mean?
Professor Wang.
Are you planning to restart
your nanomaterial project?
Of course.
Three days from now.
Then the countdown
will continue.
Somewhere you can
observe the cosmic microwave background.
Three days from now,
that's the 14th,
the entire universe
will flicker for you
from one to five in the morning.
What's wrong with you?
Are you in a bad mood?
If you disturb my work and life
like this again,
I will call the police.
You know what?
I'm a policeman.
Does this research center belong to you?
It belongs to our country.
It's the National Center
for Nanoscience and Technology.
Get off work after six.
It's too early, huh?
They lack research spirit.
There's a notice posted outside.
The reaction chamber has stopped
for maintenance.
What can I do for you?
Tell me
about your countdown thing.
What are you talking about?
(Zhou Nan, chief ophthalmologist
of Beijing Tongren Hospital,)
(affiliated to
Capital Medical University)
The countdown in front of you.
My symptom is diagnosed
as muscae volitantes.
I feel something in my eyes.
Doesn't it count down?
Second by second.
That's flash.
One of the symptoms
of muscae volitantes.
Why are you suddenly being so patient
with my questions today?
Shi Qiang, I'm not the criminal
interrogated by you
Take it easy.
I treat criminals even more rudely.
I want to work with you.
There's nothing
we can work on together.
The countdown in front of you
has something to do
with Shen Yufei, right?
I'll give you a clue.
Yang Dong
also stopped her experiment
before suicide.
What a coincidence.
There are more coincidences.
The scientists who committed suicide
all contacted Shen Yufei.
Now, she is contacting you.
You can work with me.
Take my protection.
That's your own choice.
If you really suspect Shen Yufei,
you can arrest her.
You said everyone she contacted
killed themselves.
Did she kill them?
You can't prove it. There's no proof.
Protect me, huh?
If Shen Yufei wants me to die now,
you can't stop her at all.
What did she say about that?
How did she threaten you?
She said I'm a turkey.
You are a turkey too.
Professor Wang.
Are you planning to
restart your nanomaterial project?
Of course.
Three days from now.
Then the countdown
will continue.
Somewhere you can
observe the cosmic microwave background.
Three days from now,
that's the 14th,
the entire universe
will flicker for you
from one to five in the morning.
What's wrong with you? You look pale.
Don't get me started.
My child had eczema.
He cried all night.
I tried to calm him down
and couldn't sleep at all.
My sister told me
there is an effective eczema medicine
in the hospital where she works.
Really? What's the name of it?
Ms. Ye.
Granny, did you buy sugar for us?
Of course. Here you are.
Thank you, Granny.
They like to play at my home.
It's Sunday.
But their parents have to work overtime,
so they left them to me.
Have you finished your picture?
Shall we give it a title?
Let's call it Duckling in the Sun.
Sounds good.
Let me write it for you.
Thank you, Granny.
in the
June 12th,
by Nannan.
What do you want to eat for lunch?
Eggplant? Braised eggplant, right?
How about you?
Your mom told me that
you shouldn’t eat so much meat.
It's hard to digest.
How about some fishie instead?
I brought a fishie.
That's great.
Well, it's time
for cartoons.
Cartoon time!
(Zhu Wujie, I'll give you)
(another chance to redeem.)
(Yes, sir.)
Let it go.
Even if Dong were alive,
she wouldn't have had children.
Marriage and children
are not her pursuit.
But weren't they already
planning to get married?
Maybe she changed her mind
and wanted to be a real woman.
she didn't get out of her own world.
Ms. Ye, I'm sorry
to reopen your sores.
Never mind.
If you are not here,
I'll still think about her.
Have a seat.
I’m going to soak the vegetables
for a while.
These days, they use
so many pesticides.
When I cook it for children,
I have to soak it
for at least two hours.
Give me back the remote.
Be careful.
Give me back. The remote.
Slow down.
That's Dong's room.
When Dong was a child,
she lived with me
in Northeast China.
She really liked the forest
and nature.
When we returned to Beijing,
she also decorated our home
with some elements of the forest
and nature.
Her bed is lined with ura sedge
from Northeast China.
I don't know if she slept well on it.
What is the background
of this photo?
That's the antenna.
A product of that time.
The momentum
of revolution is unstoppable ♪
Advance! Advance ♪
In the direction of victory ♪
Three red flags are fluttering
in the wind ♪
♪600 million people are striving
for national prosperity ♪
Working diligently to make
this beautiful country stronger ♪
Resolved to build their mother country
into a paradise ♪
(Yang Dong’s Birch-bark Notebook)
It’s okay.
Those are pictures Dong drew
when she was a child.
Is it made of birch-bark?
The brich-bark
faded from silver-white
to dark-yellow because of time.
You even dated the pictures for her.
It was drawn in 1982.
She was three.
Usually, children of that age
draw abstract lines
and shapes
to express their feelings.
I didn't teach Dong
from simple to complex.
I exposed her too early to
some very abstract, very extreme topics.
That's normal in families
of researchers.
But she expressed an interest
in abstract thinking
at an early age.
I wanted to stop her.
I told her
that field wasn't easy for researchers.
Guess what she said?
What about Madame Curie?
I told her,
Madame Curie was never really
deep into that field.
Her success
ascribed to her persistence and hard work,
but without her,
someone else would have done her work.
I discovered that
she really was different
from other kids.
For example,
when it comes to a new formula,
other children might say,
"What a wonderful formula!"
But she would say
What a beautiful formula!
It was like she was looking
at a pretty flower.
Then I realized that
she may see figures and formulas
in a different way than others do.
Are these records also Yang Dong's?
Those were her father's.
She listened to all of them
and finally picked a record by Bach
and repeatedly listened to it.
I was confused.
The music played by Bach
may not attract children,
especially girls.
At first, I thought she was attracted
by this kind of music on a whim,
but when I asked her
how she felt about the music
Do you like listening to this music?
I can see in the music
a giant
is building a large, complex house.
Bit by bit, he is building it slowly.
When the music is over,
the house is done.
You educated Yang Dong
very well.
I'm a terrible mother.
Her world was too simple.
All she had were ethereal theories.
Once they collapsed,
she had nothing
to lean on to keep on living.
Physics doesn't exist.
Ms. Ye, I can't agree with you.
events are happening
that are beyond our imagination.
It's an unprecedented challenge
to theories in the field.
She's not the only scientist
to wade in this field.
But she was the only woman.
Women should be like water,
flowing through
Nanny, I'm hungry.
Nanny, I'm hungry.
Ms. Ye, sorry for
bothering you.
Let's have lunch together.
Well, let me walk you out.
Ms. Ye.
I would like to ask you one more thing.
Do you know
where I can observe
the cosmic microwave background?
There are two places
in China that work on it.
One is
the Urumqi Observatory.
I remember it was a project
by the Chinese Academy of Sciences'
Space Environment Observation Center.
The other one is nearby.
This radio astronomy observatory
located in the suburbs of Beijing,
which is run
by the Chinese Academy of Sciences
and Peking University's Joint Center
for Astrophysics.
It's for receiving data from satellites.
I have a former student working there.
When do you want to go there?
Early morning on the 14th.
I'll make a call for you.
I'm Ye Wenjie.
Well, my friend wants to
go to your observatory tomorrow.
Will you be there?
That's great.
Alright. Alright.
My student's name is Sha Ruishan.
(Bulaotun Village, Miyun Reservoir North Shore)
He will be on the night shift tomorrow.
It's the address.
It's not your field of research, right?
I have some things to figure out.
You look pale.
Recently, I haven't slept very well.
I'll be fine after some rest.
Wait a minute.
A few days ago,
an old friend from the base
brought a gift for me.
(Red Ginseng)
Here you are.
No, Ms. Ye.
It's cultivated,
not very precious.
I have high blood pressure
and can't eat it.
Take it.
You can slice it
and make it into ginseng tea.
You're still young,
but you have to take care of yourself.
Take it.
Thank you, Ms. Ye.
I'll take it.
Professor Wang.
Professor Wang, where are you going?
Stop stalking me.
No taxis are available now.
The drivers are changing their shifts.
Do you need a ride?
It didn't stop.
I want to ask you something.
Did you go to visit Yang Dong's mother?
It's not a duty for her normal friend.
Let alone you are not friends.
I know you educated people
often infatuate with
reachless muse.
Is Yang Dong like this in your heart?
Goddess, right?
Can you respect her?
Speak no ill of the dead.
I have nothing to do with Yang Dong.
You're shameless.
How can you offense her
to achieve your goal?
Come on.
What did you guys talk about? Tell me.
Why should I tell you?
Ms. Ye is over-calmed.
Calmness is a necessary quality
for a scientist.
As a mother, she is over-calmed.
Cut the crap.
The daughter she brought up
committed suicide.
Shouldn't she be overwhelmed?
But at her daughter's funeral,
she was too calm,
as if nothing special had happened.
Think about
your daughter.
I don't think something was wrong.
If you are good at
observation and judgment,
polices will lose their jobs.
If you're really so talented,
why do you need me?
My greatest talent
is find you.
No taxi. You can't get it.
What are you doing?
Let's go. Dinner's on me.
That's great.
(Integrated information service
and rescue system)
(for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games)
What else did Ye Wenjie say to you?
No more.
Did she give it to you?
Her old friend in the base
brought it to her.
your conversation
can be concluded that
Yang Dong
was a special woman,
That's a very emotional conclusion.
No reference value.
I'm not your scout.
I thought
you invited me to dinner
to show your sincerity
for working with me.
I'm sorry you're making a mistake.
I want to get rid of you.
I have answered your questions
in detail.
So if you're going to stalk me again,
I'll have to call the police.
Come on.
I'm a policeman.
you have said it many times.
You didn't have to pay for my dinner.
you must have something else to tell me,
or you may have something to ask me.
Am I right?
Go ahead.
You said that everyone
who connected Shen Yufei
committed suicide.
Is Yang Dong among them?
The European Combat Zone informed us
to attend a video meeting
of global combat zones
15 minutes from now.
Is it a team?
This is an astronomical observation
team from Helsinki.
Nine in total.
Oh my god.
Set the video conference.
(The European Combat Zone is connected)
The African Combat Zone is connected.
This is the North American Section.
We just received the report that
nine more scientists
committed suicide.
It was a physics research team
from Helsinki
accelerator experiments.
We tried to intervene,
we were too late.
Nine more scientists
in one day.
There are so many scientists
who have contacted Shen Yufei.
Why are you only
investigating Yang Dong?
I have investigated all of them.
Would you be interested in the results?
I'm not interested in anyone.
I told you.
I've only met Yang Dong once
and know little about her research.
Among the dead scientists,
she was the closest to me,
so I had a reaction.
How could my reaction have anything
to do with your investigation?
Why are you so excited?
Don't you want to know
how Shen Yufei
contacted Yang Dong?
I think you want to know about it.
Scientists committed suicide before
(According to the preliminary proof,
the victim was Yang Dong.)
(Professor David
of Gadayork University)
(committed suicide a month ago.)
They all contacted Shen Yufei.
I've investigated
Yang Dong's relationships
and social circle.
But I haven't found any connection
between her and Shen Yufei.
Until eight months ago,
Yang Dong picked up a call
from Shen Yufei's company.
So I went to the cafe
where Yang Dong often went
to investigate
and got its hard disk
of video monitoring.
I finally found
the video of their meeting.
What did they talk about?
It's a silent video.
I saw Shen Yufei
giving a folder to Yang Dong.
But we didn't find it
in her things.
It's not weird.
They are scientists
and have common topics.
It's normal for them
to talk about something.
But five days after they met,
Yang Dong committed suicide.
Are you scared now?
I'm not.
Fear springs from ignorance.
Braveness springs from ignorance, too.
Scientists who committed suicide
all contacted Shen Yufei.
Now, she is contacting you.
What will happen
at the end of the countdown?
As you told me before,
if it were shooters and farmers who did it,
tell them to play tricks
at a scale that humans cannot.
Three days from now.
that's the fourteenth,
the entire universe
will flicker for you
from one to five in the morning.
Dr. Shen,
has it ever occurred to you
that such a statement can kill?
The turkeys on the farm
are meant to die on Thanksgiving Day.
Doudou, why are you at home?
Classes were over.
I totally forgot that.
I just broke a glass by accident.
I'm not scaring you, am I?
Our school will hold a lecture
on Friday.
My teacher knew you are a physicist
and wanted you to be here.
I'll try to make it.
You can go back to your room
and do your homework.
What do you think about
the farmer hypothesis
and shooter hypothesis?
That's the Frontiers of Science.
I thought
human science has no boundaries.
Think about ancient Chinese mythology
and ancient Greek mythology.
They were all farmers
that people imagined.
Maybe they were scared of them,
but now
those can be explained with science.
To put it bluntly,
fear springs from ignorance.
Did Yang Dong have fear?
She had nothing to fear.
Her world
was only about physics.
Physics doesn't exist.
That was terrible news for her.
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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