Thunder in My Heart (2021) s01e04 Episode Script


The notice period is two months.
I know, but some stuff came up
concerning work,
that changed my financial situation.
I can't consider that,
the contract is there for a reason,
to be respected.
-Otherwise, you don't write one.
-I know that.
But I know a nice lady
that can replace me in four weeks.
So if you meet and like her,
that'll be great.
-And I can get my deposition back.
-Not so fast.
I must inspect the flat first,
if there are any damages.
Yes. But it looks great.
-Yeah, it looks great.
I've taken great care of it.
-Did you get fired?
-Who said that?
Mum did.
No, I didn't get fired, but
They There was a burglar,
in the middle of the day,
he took all the buns, all the dough,
all the money, everything.
Everybody cried. It was horrible.
I wasn't there,
but I heard it was horrible.
You're lying.
-Just tell me!
-Oh, I'm sorry.
-It's okay, I was kidding.
It's okay if you don't have a job.
Dad doesn't have one.
-You don't have a job either.
-But I'm a kid!
Yes, come on.
-Should I carry you, like a baby?
-Yes, you're my favourite.
Hello, you've reached Stefan's phone.
Leave a message after the tone.
Hi I wanted to
ask if you get my messages
and if you can meet me,
we need to talk about the money.
I might lose my flat now.
So please call me back soon.
-Did you have a good time?
-Yeah, it was great.
-Have you talked to dad?
-I called maybe 30 times,
and texted 20 times, but no answer.
What if he's dead?
Or killed himself
because we are angry at him.
Of course not.
Okay, how do you know?
I just do.
It would never happen, Sigrid.
Are you looking
for a particular flavour?
Eh I don't know.
I haven't used snuff before.
I haven't
I'm looking for some kind of rush.
-Are you okay?
-I'm good.
I'm sorry.
-Hello Sigge, this is Sam.
-Hello. Hi Sam.
-What are you doing?
-I'm buying something to eat.
-And you?
-I'm at a party.
-There's a good vibe.
At a vantage point near you.
It's pretty exclusive, only me.
-I think you should come over.
-Oh yeah?
You scared me. That was fast.
-Are you using snuff?
-Do you like it?
-Yes, kind of.
What is it?
Is it him?
-You know, Edvin.
Aha yes.
What do you do
when it gets sort of runny?
You remove it.
-So gross, can you take it?
-I don't want it!
-Take it!
-No, I don't want it.
-Argh. Throw it away.
-Take it!
-Okay, I'll take it. Let go.
Damn it.
-Great job!
-Thanks a lot.
-I use a trick.
You should stare at the microwave
until it's done.
Everyone else walks around,
doing other stuff.
That makes it gross.
What? It's true.
-Do you miss him?
-Who do you think? Edvin.
Do you know what I miss?
I miss sleeping with him.
When you really know a person,
someone you can have sex with.
Get it?
I don't want to get to know someone
I'll never meet again.
You can sleep with me. Just kidding.
But I could do it. As a friend.
Can I tell you something?
I had a dream about you a while ago.
-Was it a sex dream?
-Was it good?
-It was, actually.
-Was I good?
-You were so good.
-Was I?
-It was a good dream.
So your dream is sleeping with me.
That's good.
-I had one dream about you, once.
It's not my dream
to have sex with you. Relax.
-Okay then.
Calm down.
I couldn't even take us seriously
in that kind of situation.
Imagine us like this
-What are you doing?
Look. I told you.
Are you uncomfortable?
-Are you?
-It was just a little new.
-And a little sensual.
-You haven't seen me being sensual.
-What are you like then?
-I'm not going to show you.
It would be weird for you too,
if I came close to you like this
-Look, you back away as well.
I'm sorry.
-Another chance?
-I'm not uncomfortable at all.
-I can see that.
-Should I get a condom?
-I have a hormonal IUD.
-What did you say?
-I have a hormonal IUD.
But let's use a condom anyway,
who knows what diseases you have.
Excuse me?
I should be the sceptical one.
Fuck you.
In a minute.
Thanks for the fuck.
Thanks for the fuck.
Who says that?
I say that.
Do you have a sweater?
To sleep in?
I'm leaving. You'll stay here
watching baba, right?
-Hi Sigge.
I'm meeting Rebecka.
There's nothing between you, right?
-You two made out, but
You haven't had sex?
I don't even want to know.
I just
I'm falling in love with her.
And if there's something between you,
you just have to say it.
There's nothing between us.
I promise.
-So nothing?
-No, nothing.
See you. If I come back.
-Eh yalla.
-You didn't lock?
I wanted him to come in.
Where is Eva?
She visits her brother in Gothenburg.
-I get it if you hate me.
-Why would I do that?
There must be a thousand reasons.
You snore, that is really annoying.
No fan of speaking
on the phone, either.
And you're a mighty sore loser.
Anything else?
Will you leave her?
Yes, I will.
I don't think I know
how to break up with someone.
I guess you say
Just being honest.
About what you feel.
Just being honest.
How's your dad doing now?
The usual.
Not well.
Does he get angry?
Has he beaten you, or?
He doesn't talk much anymore.
Sometimes he wants to talk about mum,
and we comfort him.
-Did you think that?
Eh no.
I just wondered.
-Did your dad beat you?
No or, no.
He hasn't hit me with his fists,
he hasn't abused me.
Or anything.
What did he do?
Maybe chased me around the house.
Or pulled my hair, or pushed me.
He threw shoes at me once,
but he didn't hit me,
I was too fast.
Never mind. We'll drop it.
Is that why
you don't take his calls?
-I've seen you reject his calls.
He always made me believe
that everyone outside our family
is weird, and wants to hurt us.
It makes it hard to
I don't want to live like that,
it's hard to say to him.
I was up really late,
I couldn't sleep
the other night, and I read about
being the child
of narcissistic parents
and I recognised many things.
I thought it was him.
He doesn't text me back.
Maybe it's better
to get some distance.
I guess, but he's stolen my savings,
-What? How much?
-40 000.
-I'm not even sad about the money.
He knows I'll lose my flat now,
or I might.
And he can't even call me
or answer when I call, or anything.
It feels like he doesn't care
about me at all, for real.
And all
I'm thinking of
how much I've loved him
protected him and defended him,
even lied for him.
And then he hurts me
more than anyone
and like
I'm so mad at him.
I don't understand who does this
to their child.
Sometimes I stay up really late,
thinking about how much I hate him.
He might be alone somewhere
eating a sandwich or something.
Nobody likes him and he's all alone.
Like a normal person.
It makes me feel so guilty.
-Do you listen to this too?
-This song.
-It's your playlist.
Come. I always wanted
to dance with someone to this.
What is it?
I never heard anyone call me that
since mum.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. It was nice.
Okay, good.
Hi, you've reached
Antonia's mobile,
Leave a message if you want
Anyway No, we're out of helium.
Damn it!
Hi! I'm on my way to you.
I'm just getting my charger.
But If you're home,
maybe we could hang out.
I have to tell you something.
-Hi! Oh, I'm sorry.
-Who the hell was that?
Take it easy.
-Can I walk you down?
Hi. I'm so sorry.
That was really weird.
But it's good to meet you,
Antonia talks a lot about you.
-Have you talked to people about us?
-No. I haven't.
-I'll call. Should I walk you down?
-Shit, she seemed nice.
-That's not funny.
I'm sorry.
Were you in a fight,
or what happened?
-I just want to tell you about
-Can you give me a moment?
-I just wanted to say, a really
-Can you just shut up?
-I get that it's tough.
But sometimes,
I have my own shit to deal with.
Your life isn't the worst
in the world, Sigge.
And your parents are perfect,
so who fucking cares
if they live together or not.
Have you ever thought about
that maybe you should read the room
before talking about yourself.
-Damn, you're so unfair.
-Do you know what's unfair?
Being such a fucking narcissist,
destroying everything around you
and you don't even notice!
And you stand there
feeling so damn sorry for yourself!
How is Antonia?
Maybe you could ask that
any fucking time.
Okay, how are you then?
You don't even answer me.
Should I beg you to open up to me?
Being a narcissist
is a personality disorder,
you can't just throw that
at someone!
And if all you said is true,
Sam wouldn't hang out with me,
and he sees me
much more than you.
Maybe there's a reason for that!
It's not strange that Janice left
if you treated her like this.
Sam doesn't see all this
because you make him so horny.
I'm a better friend,
because I'm always honest.
Are you kidding me?
You know what? Fuck this.
We had never become friends
if we hadn't been in the same class.
-No, maybe not.
Good. Give back my key, please.
-So we'll never meet again?
I'm not kidding. Give me my key.
-Give it.
-Who are we gonna hang out with?
-Thanks, but I have other friends.
-I have no other friends!
I wonder why!
I don't know which ones are yours
Smart to
-Leave now.
-I just need my charger.
-Can you just leave?
Leave now. Hurry.
You've reached Janice.
I can't take your call now.
But please leave a message
or send me a text
and I'll call you back.
Will you sleep next to her now?
So disgusting.
-Hi Sigge, it's Sam.
-I know.
-What are you doing?
I'm watching a kid's show.
-Alfie Atkins.
-What are you doing?
-I'm also watching it now.
We can watch something else
if you want.
No. You're cosy.
Why are you friends with me?
There are many reasons.
You're fun.
I could write a long list of things
that I like about you.
It's not that I make you horny?
-No, what do you mean?
-Never mind.
Should we have phone sex?
What? No!
What? Did you think so?
-Do you want that?
Yes, but not anymore.
Why are you friends with me?
What? I answered.
Okay, so I make you horny.
Absolutely not.
-Come on.
-Because you're kind.
-Only kind?
Just kidding. I don't know.
I'm embarrassed.
-I said I would write
-Yes, I'll write a list.
-I don't get this.
-Me neither.
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