ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Prank Call

[opening theme music playing]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped
face and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra,
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
As lord of the ThunderCats,
I, Lion-O, will not give up
against the forces of darkness!
Light up, TV.
Stop being dark!
Come on, hurry it up. Could have run to
the store and bought a new TV by now.
Are there TV stores
on Third Earth?
I don't know, probably.
Don't worry, Cheetara.
I think I got it.
- [thud]
- All right, Lion-O,
we tried hitting it,
- but it's time to break out the old
- [gasping]
Television manual.
Yeah! Check out
the schematics.
- Ooh!
- Ah-ha!
I was just hitting it
with the wrong thing.
- And to think we almost read a user manual.
- [music playing]
That would have been
super boring.
- Faster.
- [WilyKat] Speaking of super boring,
that show looks real snoozy.
- We're gonna explore outside.
- So long, geezers.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Pretty dangerous
out there for a couple of kids.
I bet Lion-O would love
to be your chaperone.
[gasps] Heck yeah, I would!
[both] No way, that stinks!
Wait. Why'd you say your thing?
This'll be fun.
Just us cool kids hanging out,
getting into trouble.
Fun stuff!
Not if you're a chaperone.
Chaperone means
you're an adult.
Yeah, it means, you're
basically the same as Tygra.
You take that back!
Oh, come on. You can do
worse than being like me.
[mockingly] No, I couldn't.
No one could.
[normal voice]
Let's go, kittens.
You sure you wanna send baby
king out to watch them?
Baby king?
I'm basically a man.
It's not like being an adult comes
with a manual or something.
Ugh, Tygra
I'm out. Bye!
Now that it's just us
cool guys,
you'll see, Snarf and I know all the
funnest stuff to do out in the wilds.
I don't know.
Oh, yeah? Well, how about
surfing the Jade Lagoon!
Eh, this is all right.
Swinging across
a bottomless gorge!
Probably has a bottom.
[chuckles] And then I
arm-wrestled the caveman,
and he gave me
the time capsule.
What? That's crazy!
You know, Lion-O, you almost make
being a chaperone seem cool.
- Almost.
- Almost?
Oh, yeah,
getting close, Lion-O.
Now, what do you say we ride razor
slugs from Double Bass Mountain?
What's that?
[Lion-O] Uh, let's see here.
"Danger! Evil!
Bad stuff inside."
Well, we oughta
leave that alone.
- [Snarf] Mmm
- Okay, whatever you say
[annoyingly] I never walked
though an evil door!
- Let's go!
- [both] Whoo-hoo! Lion-O rules!
[Lion-O] Hmm. Spooky crystal.
That does actually
look like bad stuff.
- So
- Oh, what does it do?
- I wonder if you have to
- [crystal rings]
- [both] Ooh! [laughing]
- [crystal rings]
[both] Do the sounds. Do the sounds.
Do the sounds.
Careful now. We don't have
a manual for this thing.
I just love manuals!
[chuckles nervously] Not that
I'd ever wanna read a manual.
Do evil crystals
even have manuals?
[crystal rings]
[Mumm-Ra] Who dares call
the tomb of Mumm-Ra?
Oh, I think we called someone.
Uh, hello? Hello? Uh
Go for Mumm-Ra.
- What gives, Snarf?
- I think Snarf is right, guys.
Mumm-Ra is that gross evil creep
who used to rule Third Earth.
[both] Until we kicked
his bony butt?
- Uh, right.
- [Mumm-Ra] Is anyone there?
Did someone just
call my butt bony?
Uh, yeah, it is I, uh,
the evil plumber.
Oh! It's about time
you got back to me.
My cauldron's been leaking
all day.
What are you doing?
[whispering] We're prank calling him.
This'll be great.
[whimpers in delight]
Oh, quit acting like
Tygra, Snarf.
Have you tried [giggles]
unscrewing your cauldron's legs?
Unscrew the legs?
All right
I'll just loosen this one, and
- [thud]
- Ow!
It fell on my foot, and now
my potions have spilled.
- I I think it's seeping through my floor.
- [all laughing]
Okay, okay, that cinches it.
You are the best
chaperone ever.
[squeals] High-five!
[Mumm-Ra] Wait!
You're not the evil plumber.
You sound more like
- Uh-oh.
- You fool!
[kittens screaming]
Lion-O, help!
[Snarf meowing]
[evil laugh]
I've been looking for this
crystal for centuries.
And here you led me
right to it.
Wait a second. The crystal makes
phone calls and teleports?
I don't know how
this thing works.
It's not like it
comes with a manual.
Where are WilyKit
and WilyKat?
I said I don't know!
But I hope
it's somewhere awful.
All I know is that by sunset, I'll have
absorbed enough evil from the crystal
to restore my full power
and overthrow the planet!
[laughs evilly]
Oh, yeah? We'll see what the Sword
of Omens has to say about that!
Hey, where'd he go?
- Looking for me?
- Ah, nuts!
He's in the sky.
The one place I can't go.
[chuckles] Well, thanks
for the thing, dufus.
I'm outta here!
- Aw, come on!
- [Snarf coughing]
I'm supposed to be
the best chaperone ever!
[laughs evilly]
Bingo! That lightning is centered
right over Mumm-Ra's dumb pyramid.
Let's go save them kittens!
Before Tygra finds out.
Oh, boy, this is not good.
What's going on, Panthro?
- [Panthro] See that?
- [beeping]
It's an electrical build-up
centered on Mumm-Ra's pyramid.
[electrical shock]
If this keeps up, it could
tear the planet apart.
Uh, I really don't wanna
lose a second planet.
Yeah, probably
make us look pretty bad.
Looks like we better go
stop whatever it is then.
[all] Yeah!
I'm just glad Lion-O and the Thunderkittens
are safely away from the danger.
Ha! As if this whole thing doesn't
scream "Lion-O flubs it again."
Okay, this is it, Snarf.
Hey, Mumm-Ra, give us back
those Thunderkittens, or else,
I don't know,
we'll think of something.
[laughs evilly]
Foolish boy,
I thought you'd stop by.
Too bad I'm way up here,
and you're dumb.
That's what you think.
This time, I'm prepared
for you to be in the sky.
- Ah! Lion-O!
- [clang]
- Wha
- [Mumm-Ra] Oh, hey.
Looks like I'm so close to full power
that your sword can't hurt me anymore.
- [laughs evilly]
- [Lion-O groans]
You haven't won yet, Mumm-Ra!
[chuckles] Hey, guys.
Lion-O? You're supposed to be
watching the Thunderkittens.
Told you he'd flub it.
[stammers] No, I can explain.
I was watching them,
but I'll get them back,
I promise.
Enough! I command silence!
[all screaming]
- [stuttering] Guys?
- You like that?
One of my new powers.
Now, if you miss
those Thunderkittens so much,
why don't you join them?
[WilyKit] Hey, is that Lion-O?
- Kittens?
- Lion-O.
- Hey, sweet. You're here.
- Where are we?
Another temple dealy I think. But
this one's underground or something.
- We can't get out.
- But, now that you're here,
we can call the other ThunderCats
with the Sword of Omens, right?
- Right? Right?
- Right?
I don't have a plan.
And we can't call the others because
Mumm-Ra turned them to stone.
What? We're trapped here
You mean, we'll never
surf the Jade Lagoon again?
Or find out if the bottomless
gorge has a bottom?
And it's all my fault!
I wanted to prove
a chaperone could be fun,
but the main job of a chaperone is
knowing not to mess with evil crystals!
You know, like
Like this one.
[blowing noses]
Can I have a tissue?
Where'd you get these?
This old book we found.
At last, the ritual
is almost complete.
My full power shall be restored
the moment the sun sets.
Give or take a few minutes, I think.
You know, it actually would
be nice to have a manual.
You mean, this manual?
That's right. It turns out the
crystal leads to another crystal.
And that one still has
the user manual.
It doesn't matter.
You can't stop the ritual now.
[laughs evilly]
[clears throat]
You're clearly too late.
Hey, Crystal.
This is Crystal.
How may I help you?
Ooh, voice activated.
That's fun.
Delete all evil functionality.
Deleting evil.
No! No! No! My power!
- Hey!
- [all exclaim]
You geezers done with your nap?
Let's get that crystal.
ThunderCats HO!
No! Stop! Hard reboot.
Activate backup evil?
[WilyKit] Eat smoke bomb,
- It's time for your mummy butt-spanking.
- Ah! [exclaims]
I'll teach you
to spank a mummy!
Gimme that crystal.
No, no, no, no, no.
Curse my clammy hands!
Sorry, Mumm-Ra. You should
have read the manual.
[crystal shatters]
We did it!
My cauldron! My crystal!
My carpet!
You Thunderjerks
will pay for this.
Hey, Dumb-Ra, I know a fantastic
evil plumber if you need one.
[laughs] Nice one, dude.
Ha-ha. Now let's
get outta this dump.
Hey, good job.
I mean, bad job at first,
but then, good job.
I'm just glad everyone is safe and
Lion-O learned a valuable lesson.
I sure did.
Don't mess with evil crystals
just to look cool.
That'll have to do.
Unless you already
read the manual.
Then you can prank
Mumm-Ra all day.
[both] Yeah!
Best chaperone ever!
Huh? What?
[closing theme music playing]
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