Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e04 Episode Script

Luna llena

If they find us here, they'll kill me.
They won't find us.
There is no water.
No one is going to throw out those outsiders.
They are on their land and they can
draw out all the water they want.
Get them!
We're going to close that well!
-Our well has nothing to do with your source.
This is Almudena, the eldest.
Felix is your fiance.
We could go to Madrid
before we're married.
I was told to come.
-It was me.
I want you to fix this dress.
If I was you, I would leave
here and not look back.
Open a business, spend it all,
travel the world.
That's only an advance.
Double, if you sign.
That guy, Felix
I feel nothing for him.
I haven't even seen him since I was a child.
You don't have to give me any explanations.
We have no commitment.
I won't let you hurt her.
Don't come near her again.
We're going to burn down the house!
I don't want to see her
in the brothel again.
If you need her to fix the dress,
let her do it at the shop.
I'm taking it to the capital,
so they can finish it.
Then, pay me.
Stop it!
Your money.
What does your brother think
about your dealings with Lobo?
Oh, yeah!
You haven't told him.
You've betrayed me.
-You never count on me.
Leave this house and
don't come back.
You can't do whatever you want
with me, whenever it suits you.
I'm not your toy.
But I like this.
The fields, the horses.
I'm not made for marriage.
Whoever doesn't want to get married,
is off to the convent.
Sell me the ravine.
Thank you for your offer, but I'm not interested.
I'm leaving. It's time for me to fly
without my older brother.
I've decided not to get married.
Marry the man your father
chose for you.
I'm not that man
and never will be.
Alright, that's enough.
Neighbors, I know the rumor has
been circulating for years.
Bur perhaps now it will
become a reality.
It's possible
that the train will reach our land.
(Everyone cheers)
Ok, calm down. Relax.
I've only said that it's possible.
The railway company
will pay a visit to our town.
Well they're not coming in vain.
Mr. lobo, you can make it happen.
You know I will do whatever I can.
But this is everyone's business.
We must make a good impression.
Of course. The train would
be this town's salvation.
Calatayud was a dump until
the train arrived.
And now, it even has theaters.
Imagine theaters.
We're competing with many
other towns, so we must stand out.
We could clean the streets
and display flowers.
Very good idea.
Yes, sir.
And also
we could clean ourselves up a bit,
now that there is water.
Or we could bring the delegation
to Rosario's.
Your girls are very convincing.
We must show ourselves as
what we are.
A peaceful and helpful town.
Stand back, make room!
Notify the doctor and bring water.
They stole everything.
Everything, everything.
That doesn't matter now, Adriano.
Relax, you'll be okay. Drink.
I tried to fight back.
"So you'll learn, not to
shoot honest people"
said that ragged asshole.
My god. They cut off his finger.
Why did you stand up to them?
We must clean the wound quickly
to avoid further damage.
Adriano, where was it?
-This isn't the time for questions.
Let's take him to my office.
Don't worry, we're going to save
that hand.
Just what we needed.
Bandits around here.
You must catch them Mr. Lobo.
They're gonna screw up the train.
Watch your language, my son.
I assure you that whoever did this
will lose more than a finger.
Cesar, you have to go look
Why? Is he ok?
What's happened?
No, no, he's ok, better than us.
At Rosario's place.
Like a king.
He still hasn't left town.
He has played and
lost all his money.
Cesar, you have to go find him.
And convince him to give us a
hand with the well.
My brother is old enough, and
he decides what to do with his life.
Cesar, even if you leave the well as new
we won't make it.
Why won't we make it?
We're committed to the Swiss,
to send them 2 barrels on the 30th..
Even if the water comes out, right now,
there's not enough flow to fill them.
Why did you make a commitment?
Because I didn't know they would tear
down the well. Did you?
Then think.
That is your job after all.
There is one possibility, but
It's a bit daring.
Sit down.
We would have to pierce this layer that
separates us from the main aquifer.
We can.
It's more than 10 meters of rock.
No, we can't.
It would take many men for that.
Or gunpowder.
Thanks for coming, Elena.
Poor Rosa,
she's going to miss the only interesting thing
that's happened in this house in years.
It's going to be a boring dinner
with a lot of boring people.
Tata, people from Madrid.
Luis Sagasta is coming.
One of the richest bankers in the country.
If he's handsome too
Elena, lower the cleavage.
How is Adriano?
Fortunately, better.
By the way, your fiance is a
great doctor.
It's obvious he knows what he's doing.
He saved Adriano's hand.
Is there anymore news from town?
Do you know anything
about the outsiders?
I don't have much to do with them,
but I guess they're still there.
It's my turn.
See you later?
You'll have to let me rest
a little, darling.
Don't you want to have some fun with me?
I'm sorry gorgeous,
I want to try the new girl.
Did you find a gold mine?
Oh, the boy is leaving to America!
And me to ruin, without my best client.
Between the new girl and the train,
this place will be filled.
You could buy the town from Lobo.
And when you come back rich from America,
you can buy it from me.
I still have to buy the ticket.
Do you know of any jobs available?
Other than farming.
Or with animals.
I hate bugs.
Nor with a pickaxe.
I'd rather die than work with a pickaxe.
I don't think the English have a crown prince.
But they won't give him that job.
Always saying things
with a double meaning.
What do you have there?
-It's just a scratch.
It's just a scratch, Rosario.
Let me see that.
There's a gentleman here.
If it is what I think,
you'll bring me to ruin.
What if it spreads around town?
You're no doctor or know
about those things.
(Cristina hums)
How nice of you, to take a bath for me.
You know that I belong to Lobo.
And you know that you can't
resist me any longer.
I propose a deal.
I'll give you the best time of your life
and you'll buy me the ticket to America.
With Lobo's money?
You'd like that, huh?.
I'd love it.
That way you can get rid of me.
I'm starting to become an obsession.
I don't know which one of
you is more foolish.
This way, if you please.
Sorry, you caught us off guard.
We were not expecting you so soon.
I see.
Don't worry, the fault is mine.
I thought it would take longer.
If you don't mind waiting here
for Mr. Lobo?
Very well.
Would you like a drink?
Come. Good boy, come.
He's untamable.
And you are?
Mr. Luis Sagasta!
On the floor?
Mr. Lobo, I presume.
I regret that you have met me in such
an undignified position.
I've told you a thousand times that
I don't want this dog in the house.
Well, it's not the dog's fault.
Let alone his master.
Whose name is?
-She's my daughter, Isabel.
You must forgive us, but you know that
around these lands we are still a bit wild.
Come on, let's go.
Fancy a drink?
-Yes, yes.
Come in.
Hello, good day.
We want to make an order.
Well, it won't be here.
Okay, listen.
We know the risk you're taking,
and for being dangerous goods
we thought that your share
should be higher.
Haven't I been clear enough?
Haven't we?
Nobody has to know.
What is this about?
25 kilos of gunpowder.
Are you starting a war, or what?
For a controlled explosion.
No. No way, no.
Well, don't worry.
We'll go to the quarry of San Roque.
It's five days away, and it's not that much.
they never say no to good money.
Did you say 25 kilos?
A hard liquor.
Like this land.
Yes, I've had the chance to find out.
Your daughter has quiet a grip.
Are all the women around here like that?
Let's not pretend that I invited you to my
house without wanting anything from you.
I know what you want.
For the train to come
through your town.
You see.
There are two natural paths.
The one that crosses Tierra de Lobos is shorter,
but also more rugged.
Yes, yes, yes.
In every town I visit
they all tell me the best path is "over there".
I shouldn't, but I'll tell you in advance.
The train will stop here.
Mr. Sagasta you must change the path.
The train and what it means is
not appropriate here.
But the train is progress
and modernity.
Don't fool yourself.
The people of this town aren't ready for progress.
They've always lived
with their backs to it.
And honestly, we haven't done too bad.
Besides, I don't want things
to change around here.
If you choose this way,
you will only find hostility.
Not to mention, insecurity.
I'm sorry.
But the decision has been made.
Nothing can be done about it.
(Wolf howling)
Are you alright, sir?
I'm delighted to see you.
Let's see what you have in th cart.
Another drink?
-Another one for me.
You're two days late.
And people here don't drink water.
I got robbed.
The bandits?
If they stay around here, we're screwed.
Well, go back for more.
I'll run out in 3 days.
I won't go again.
-Don't do this to me.
I'll pay you to take an armed man with you.
Lets see. Who's willing to go with Juan?
Did anyone hear me?
20 nights of credit for the brave one.
With those bandits out there
I'm not going.
Those assholes don't let anyone pass.
I'm not going Rosario.
Alone or accompanied.
I'll pay very well.
Doesn't anyone have any balls?
I'll go if you buy me the ticket to America.
Good day.
Good day.
-Didn't you hear?
They've stolen again.
Give us the merchandise,
we don't have all day.
Are you deaf?
How much did Lobo pay you?
I'll pay you with lead!
I told you I don't have it.
Let's go, he really means it.
Never point a gun at a man if
you're not ready to kill him.
And you don't have to take
everything so literally.
Is everything ok?
Everything's ok.
What do we have to buy for the party?
Good morning.
Elena, how is everything?
Good morning.
-Mr. Damian.
If everything goes smoothly
by mid next year, we could connect
with the track in Badajoz.
Save the material!
I'll take care of them.
You! Throw that in here!
All of that is useless to you.
Shut up, old man!
Let's see what you have that I can use.
Wallets, watches, bags. Come on!
What do you want?
Steel, grandpa?
Take the horses.
I will denounce you to the
competent authority!
How gallant of you,
to offer me a ride to the city.
I haven't offered.
Of course, on the other hand
you save on a helper.
In purity you should give me a share
of what you'll make.
That in purity. In no purity,
I'm content if you just bring me along.
What do you have in there?
Goodbye, Elena.
You're leaving?
Yes, but not with her.
I'm just taking her to the city.
I've decided to have a change of scenery.
Something more cosmopolitan.
Do not linger.
That girl is cute.
Too bad about her hair
and her nose.
And her ears,
her ears don't
How long is the trip to America?
20 days.
In 20 days, my hives will be gone.
Gonorrhea, Rosario said.
She's a doctor now.
A doctor of life, that she is indeed.
Don't start, Lola, please.
You're right.
I'm coming with you to America.
There must be many lonely indians.
But no brothels.
Surely, I would
need a protector.
So the youngest Bravo is leaving.
Better that way.
May he take as much
peace as he brings.
They attacked Mr. Sagasta.
Just what we needed!
Hey, where are you going with that?
I must help Mr. Lobo catch them.
Eat something first and then
Mother, mother!
By god! We just found out.
If there's anything you need
They had to attack Mr. Sagasta.
Goodbye train.
Quiet and keep watching out.
We have to be careful.
Look what happened to Adriano.
My mistake.
Come on.
There is nothing we can do here, Cesar.
We don't have the material, or the
gunpowder, or the money, or the men.
A retreat in time
-Is a defeat.
I've put as much effort into this as you,
a more intellectual effort, but
effort, nonetheless.
But it won't happen.
I'm going back to Switzerland.
I'll speak on your behalf,
but don't kid yourself.
The Swiss do not forgive a delay.
-And how will you get to Switzerland?
By train, as much as I can,
and the rest of the way by carriage.
And the train would cost you money.
Yes, it's quite expensive.
Especially in France.
No, Cesar, no!
Please, Cesar, no!
Yes, Frenchy, yes.
Cesar, it's all of my savings.
I have no more. I'm not like you.
(Wolf howling)
It was just a robbery
and the most important thing
is that no one got hurt.
I told you, this land is tough.
It's going to be difficult
to go on with your work.
When you've been in the tropics
no land seems tough.
I promise you that we'll
catch those bandits.
You'll see, when the train comes,
this will stop being a lawless territory.
Have you seen the banker?
What is he like?
Is he handsome?
-Lovely, like a prince.
Don't listen to her,
I'm sure he's a geezer.
What's wrong, Almudena?.
You're being introduced formally
to your fiance.
You're supposed to be happy.
I am.
It's just that I have a headache.
Misses, your father grows impatient.
Come on.
I can't go out there like this.
But you look so beautiful.
But Rosa!
Well, go on.
You look radiant Isabel.
And you little lady go to bed.
You'll have time for parties.
Go on!
I'm not comfortable, plus I can't breathe.
One is not a lady if one isn't uncomfortable
since one wakes up until bedtime.
Today it's worth it Isabel,
you look gorgeous.
The three of you.
At last, my daughters
grace us with their presence.
I want to announce the engagement
of my daughter Almudena
to Mr. Felix Saavedra.
Of course, you are all invited.
Mr. Luis, let me introduce you
to my oldest daughter, Almudena.
You already know Isabel.
And this is Nieves.
My daughter Rosa is too young
to come down.
Each more beautiful.
You look so changed.
Nothing to do with the girl
from yesterday.
I'm not this one,
I'm the one from yesterday.
You on the other hand, standing up
and without shaking, suits you better.
If you'll excuse me.
After the robbery
we can say goodbye to the train.
Mr. Lobo will catch those bandits,
you'll see.
What do those people want?
Good day.
We don't have anything to give you to drink.
We're looking for 6 strong men
willing to work.
The work is hard but the pay is
2 pesetas and 3 meals per day.
Who's interested?
No one needs money?
If they work for you,
they'll never work for Lobo again
We can't.
We tried everything, and we tried well,
but we failed.
Come on, give me back my money.
I see you like to lead a good lifestyle.
I could contribute to your luxuries
if you can ensure my interests.
Don't get offended Mr. Lobo but
money is something that I
have too much of in my life.
There must be some way for
you to reconsider your decision.
Yet, there is something
that despite my years
I lack.
It's love.
What you're asking from me Mr. Lobo
is too great a favor for a stranger.
On the other hand,
if we were family.
By my balls, I will bring
back that gunpowder.
How will you find those thieves?
It's crazy! They could be anywhere
in another country.
They wouldn't be the first to cross
the border.
Are you coming?
I'd rather wait here.
Standing guard!
I like this piece for the wedding rings.
If you fancy any piece
in particular
for your entrance, for example.
Whatever you or my
father say will be fine.
I don't think that music is what
your father worries about.
Excuse me.
I want to touch
up before dinner.
(Bottles clanking)
(Bottles clanking)
Careful with that thing!
-What are you doing there?
Didn't you stay back in the city?
I couldn't stay there.
The city isn't the place for me.
No way! If you come back with me,
Rosario will kill me.
I'll tell her I came back walking.
Lola, get down from there!
I'll come down.
But it's my fault.
Don't torture yourself when you discover
that they've killed me and raped me
and scattered little pieces of
my body in the cold dark woods.
It's my fault.
I should've stayed back in the city
as whatever as a beggar.
The suitcase.
Go on, get up there.
You know what?
I don't know if I want to
be a whore anymore.
This carrier thing is well paid,
and it's a breeze.
Son of bitch.
Easy, little bull.
It's too early to be smoking a cigar father.
Child, come here.
Sit down.
Felix is so funny.
He asked me to play Schubert
for the entrance of the bride.
He's a nice guy,
but too cheesy.
A malicious person could
say he's not into women.
Yes, he's a little soft.
Now that Almudena is engaged,
you're next in line.
But father
don't be in such a hurry,
and think about what I told you.
You'll need someone to take care
of you and the store.
It has been decided.
You will get married.
With whom?
With Mr. Sagasta.
With the old man?
Father, don't joke.
Have you ever seen me joke?
He's a rotten old man.
He's a very important man.
And you will be a complete lady at his side,
in Madrid.
No. I can't.
I die of disgust just thinking about
him touching me.
It's a fact, Isabel.
So, start getting used to the idea.
You are selling me! As if I was
one of those women at the brothel.
Sir, please.
You will have to kill me first.
Don't put me to the test.
(Crunching noise)
No, no, no!
Who are you?
I'm Lola.
I'm Roman's assistant.
Where's Roman?
I don't know.
We were robbed.
Did you see them?
Yes, but I don't know where they are.
When father makes a decision
Isabel! Isabel!
Call Anibal! Call Anibal!
Someone help us!
Isabel! Isabel!
Untie the rope! Hurry!
What were you thinking?!
I'm not going to let you.
Can't always keep an eye on me
Who told me to get out of the brothel?
Sounds familiar.
Over here!
Are you ok?
You didn't get very far without me, huh?
Sons of bitches!
I'm going to kill them all.
If you don't mind,
cover your little pistol first.
Leave it. He must be stifled.
They went that way.
Hey, you're not thinking of
going after those bandits?
-What do you want?
Isabel is too young.
You could find her a more
appropriate suitor.
How dare you question
my decision Anibal?
I do what I want with what's mine and my
daughters are no exception.
Is that clear?
Yes, sir.
Now, leave.
I fear that Isabel won't make
it to her wedding alive.
Worry about yourself.
And let my daughter be.
(Wolf howling)
Don't cry.
Don't worry about anything.
Do you hear me?
I'm going to fix it.
Thank you.
Everything itches!
The doctor, may he rest in peace,
had a very good remedy.
It would be good for the chafed skin
on your back. I have a jar.
Now that I think about it,
it would be good for my hives.
Whatever they say,
it's not gonorrhea, Cesar.
Is she always like this?
Be thankful that the
wine is gone.
Those are inventions of Rosario.
She thinks she's a doctor now.
Gonorrhea, she said.
Roman, my horse.
(Voices and laughter)
Don't throw me out.
Not today, please.
Anibal, forgive me.
I know I've been bad to you.
It's just that life in this house
has been difficult.
But thanks to you,
everything is going much better.
I've never told you, but
you're very important to me.
What's wrong, Nieves?
You're acting strange.
Lola, it's your time.
Come on.
Just as we said, from behind.
Get away from the cart.
You can't leave a lady in the woods
without anything to eat or drink.
I hope you gave my husband
what he deserved.
You come to get what's yours, right?
Relax, there is still wine left.
Come on.
The horses, Roman.
If you weren't so ugly
Look, my hat.
Roman, what are you doing?
I'm going to take a leak.
Sure, honey.
Stop it.
On second thought
For the last time.
They almost killed you.
Are you going to tell me what happened?
Forget it.
Good morning.
Get down from there.
What do you have in there?
We recovered everything the bandits
have stolen.
I distracted them with my charms.
One can say that I recovered it
on my own.
Everything is confiscated.
We will give it back to their
respective owners.
You'll say you did your job, right?
And how do we know that
you're not the bandits?
The alcohol and the gunpowder is ours.
You can take the rest away.
It's not worth it.
Learn from your brother, loudmouth.
Have a good trip.
Take care.
My sister isn't feeling well,
and asked to excused.
I hope it's nothing serious.
She didn't expect to get engaged.
It will cost her to get used to the idea.
I better go.
Will you come with me for a walk?
I was so delighted with yesterday's dinner
-I see.
It's very rare to see men of the world here.
Men that are so
That are so
I got a little jealous that
you didn't notice me.
How do you think I can overlook
such beauty?
It occurs to me that your sister
-Yes, yes, I know.
I know I should be happy for her, but
But she doesn't know
how to satisfy a man.
I, on the other hand
Oh, forgive me, I know I shouldn't
be saying these things, I'm sorry.
Mr. Sagasta, please.
Mr. Sagasta!
Get away from her!
Are you alright?
What's happening here?
My daughter has been
violated in my own home.
How I enjoy the countryside people.
You all are so melodramatic.
You are a damn son of a bitch,
you will regret this.
What do you intend to do?
Whip me as if I were one of your cowboys?
It's your daughter you should
be angry with, and not with me.
Get out of here right now if you don't
want me to put two bullets in you.
Get out.
Do all you can now, Lobo.
When the train arrives
your days as chief will be over.
Don't think it won't.
This is very good, huh?.
Wouldn't you want to make another trip?
Thanks, but no.
This is enough to get to Buenos Aires.
And then?
God will tell.
If he has anything to say.
Go on.
Help yourself, you saved my business.
Get more soup.
Everybody out!
Come on, out!
What the hell is this?
I have orders to close the place.
Health issues.
Come on!
This is absurd.
My girls are healthy.
Don't touch me!
Remove your hands!
If you want to touch, pay, you scoundrel.
Not you.
You can stay.
Come on!
None of this would happen if
you chose your company better.
What is that supposed to mean?
-Go on, shut up.
Get out of here. Go!
Let's go.
-Don't touch me.
Can't we fix this another way?
It's out of my hands.
Good afternoon.
(Door opens)
Don't look at me that way, father.
I am the victim.
-You've ruined everything.
My business, my plans for your sister
If you weren't my daughter
-You don't have to lose anything.
That banker defiled my honor.
-And you can force him to
-To what?
To marry you?
Is that what you pursued
with your little games?
How can you be so stupid?
Do you really think that
a banker from the city,
gives a shit what people say
about him in these godforsaken lands?
You have defiled your
reputation, not his.
Nobody in their right mind
will want to marry you now.
You must force him to marry me
-I won't waste more time with you, Nieves.
Today you'll go to the convent
of the Poor Clares.
Your support will be paid for life.
So, please, go pack your things.
You say with this gunpowder
we'll break off the rock.
When you add it,
it multiplies the shock wave.
Its called the reverse chimney effect,
or the Jean Marie Raymond principle.
And who calls it that?
Just me, at the moment.
But when the Academy of Science
recognizes it
I'll be famous.
Come on, let's go.
When you get the gunpowder,
be extremely careful.
No, no, no.
I will guide you.
The chinese man who invented gunpowder,
died in the tests he was doing.
He was completely destroyed.
Not even a finger could be found.
It's general knowledge.
The gunpowder!
how did it ignite by itself?
It's impossible.
What was that?
It knocked me down.
It left me confused.
I'll kill her.
I'll kill her!
-I'll kill her!
You can take it.
I don't think they'll let me keep photos.
It's all my fault.
You should've let me die.
Don't talk nonsense.
This isn't definite.
When have you seen father change his mind?
Just behave.
We'll tell Rosa to talk to him.
Just watch her convince him.
And if she can't convince him
I'll go to the convent with you
so you won't be alone.
Within a few years you can come live with Felix and I.
Father couldn't refuse.
I have something to do.
The new equipment will arrive in a few days.
So, until then, we're at a halt.
Excuse me,
Miss Nieves is waiting for you.
Well, you go on,
I'll be there in no time.
Haven't you had enough scandal?
Are you trying to ruin me?
-No, by god, not at all.
Mr. Sagasta.
I came to apologize.
You don't have to do that.
I've decided to join a convent.
I have told my father already.
There's something perverse in me.
Something lustful.
I must fight it.
But that is crazy.
It would be a great sin for such a
beautiful flower
to wither away in a convent.
How dare you set foot in my home again?
I wouldn't be here if I didn't
have a powerful reason.
You don't say.
I came to ask something of you.
Of me?
What do you want?
The hand of your daughter, Nieves.
What did you say?
I think the spring is a great
time for a wedding.
You know, because of the
flowers, and all that.
My friend, Lobo.
Now that we're going to be family
we can talk about
the train once again.
But sit down.
Don't ask me how.
But it seems now, that Mr Sagasta
is going to marry Nieves.
Mr. Mayor.
Mr. Lobo.
I have the duty to inform you
that the train will not be
passing through these lands.
Silence! The Mayor is speaking!
You can imagine
that we've done everything possible
and the impossible,
to make it happen.
I know how you all feel.
But I, as major land owner, am the
one who has lost most in this matter.
But I assure you,
that with or without the train
this land is going to succeed.
And to cheer us up a little,
a round of drinks on me.
Thank you.
You pretend to be stern
but you're a saint.
Don't do anything crazy again.
Thank you so much.
How can you be so unbroken?
Unbroken? This morning I was
going to die in a convent.
But father is marrying you to
-A millionaire.
You can keep it.
I'll buy more in Paris.
He's too old, Nieves.
Even better.
He'll last what, 4 years?
2 if I push him.
Rich widows are the only
women who are truly free.
What about love?
Love and marriage are
two different things.
You can have both, but
not necessarily together.
If you don't get used to the idea,
you'll end up going mad.
This is absurd.
It's impossible to make it alone.
Cesar, stop, for god's sake.
One man can only dig
1 cubic meter of dirt every 5 hours.
Even if you work 24 hours straight,
it won't be enough.
Listen, Swiss.
Help me or shut up.
We have visitors.
Come up.
They closed the brothel.
And someone has told them
that you needed help.
As long as the pay is reasonable.
It is.
Let's see.
The strongest.
You, come with me.
You too, with the blue.
Here he comes.
It was a pleasure working for you.
You want your pay, right?
Take it. Come on.
Take it, go ahead.
You made the mistake of letting
those pieces of shit steal from you.
Those who work for me
don't make mistakes.
Give us another chance.
Whatever whatever.
I swear, we won't fail you this time.
Maybe you can help me after all.
(Rosa coughs)
Are you okay?
It sounds bad, right?
It only happens to me sometimes.
If they find you here
What a couple of days you missed!
No, I heard everything from Tata.
Nieves is crazy, right?
But in the end she always
gets what she wants.
But the old man is horrible.
You haven't seen him well.
Maybe, but he'll give her
everything she wants.
I'm going to die, without having
ever been kissed by a boy.
You're not going to
You have to take advantage of it
you, since you can.
(Church bell chiming)
I know that you're still angry
because of the missed opportunity with the train.
I'm not anymore.
Here you have them.
My god!
Yes, it's them, yes.
And this is the bastard that cut off my finger.
Because of this scum
they have taken us for a lawless land.
Long live Mr. Lobo!
Long live!
Fail me again
It was a pleasure watching you work.
You all worked really well.
I'm sure you can use your
muscles for other things.
Right now I'm focused
on pulling this off.
And I have no money
to pay for anything extra.
Who says you have to pay?
But, no.
Your brother's not so lazy.
She's a lucky girl.
I hope she'll take advantage.
(Someone whistling a song)
(Children laughing)
What are you doing here?
I've seen father.
The spring of the Bravo bothers
is now open.
You'll tell me anything that has
to do with the Bravos.
Love is beautiful at first.
But everything changes with time.
We could keep seeing each other.
I knew you were a slut.
The three of us could have some fun.
Your daughter is dying.
Rosa will remain isolated.
Let go of me.
Let me go!
If we're going to steal Lobo's safe.
We have more important things
to focus on.
You always come to me.
One of the two isn't needed.
What do you want boy?
To work for Lobo.
A young lady, alone
Have you ever thought of
getting married again?
It exploded, it's hopeless
Do you prefer to fight or should
I cut your throat right now?
Let's solve this once and for all.
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