Tiger & Dragon (2005) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I hope you'll excuse my silly stories…
Can I brag instead?
Recently I got a new girlfriend.
Oh, not her.
Although she's also not bad.
But according to my personal writer,
she'd be too much to handle.
I'm joking.
My yakuza brother told me that.
Hello? Tora-volta?
My name ain't Tora-volta!
Stop calling me
during your break time, stupid!
I told you, I'm busy!
-Is it a girl?
-Yeah, sorry.
Huh? That's my choice!
Hi, Gin-gin!
Stop right here!
This is my girlfriend. Cute, right?
Isn't she really cute?
Her name is Risa.
She works at a boutique in Urahara.
I told you I'm busy!
You called me, Gin Gin.
I don't know!
That's none of your business!
Huh? I'll talk to you later. Hanging up.
-Was that your girlfriend?
-Yeah, sorry.
Girls are so annoying, right?
May I stretch my legs?
Excuse me.
Oh yes, and my yakuza brother, Tora-volta.
He's quite handsome,
but he has no sense of humor at all.
Yet, he became a rakugoka's pupil.
200,000 yen?
Think about it. If he pays 100,000
a month, he won't be finished till 2008!
It means you can't leave
the organization until 2008!
The boss is saying this because he cares.
Yamazaki, go inform Yanaka.
And so let's raise it to 200,000 yen.
I'll pay 200,000 yen for each story.
That's fine, right?
Isn't that too much? You can learn two
stories a month and pay 100,000 per story.
That's too much!
Are you underestimating me?
-That's fine with me, but…
-200,000 a month…
That's tough.
How about this, Kotora?
Give me the whole sum in advance,
and I'll teach you at your own pace.
Don't get cocky!
This is the master's son, Ryuji.
He's apparently a genius in rakugo.
But he's got zero fashion sense.
Got anything weirder?
For less than 1,000 yen.
Get out of here!
This isn't some cheap party store!
Mr. Cameraman,
pan a little more to the right.
A little more…
She's really cute.
I'm sorry for talking
so much about myself.
I just love myself!
And why not? Seems like
I won't appear as much today.
Huh? What's with the mood here?
Do I have to say something?
Tiger and Dragon!
Master! Master!
A strange guy's in the audience.
Be careful.
-The guy who looks like a peeled egg?
-That's the one.
-Where's his seat?
-Middle of the front row.
He's sitting there reading
instead of listening!
Hey! That was my car!
Sorry! Then my car--
Yours is the orange one!
-This one.
-I told you before.
You made a big mistake,
so each of you pay 1,000 dollars.
-Pay up!
-Okay, I'll pay.
-I only have a 10,000 dollar bill!
-Give it!
Kotora! It's your turn!
Pay up, or I'll drown you
in the Sumida River!
No, no! It's just a game!
He won an amateur rakugo contest.
Now he thinks he's some top critic.
I don't like him.
he's famous among the rakugo aficionados
for having an eye
for up-and-coming talents.
I wonder who he came to see today.
Could it be me?
-It might be me.
I had the chance
to see you perform "Manju Kowai."
Is that right?
When it comes to spirit,
you stand out among the new performers.
And you've paced the climax very well.
You turned a potentially
offensive joke into something funny
and managed not to cross the line.
It was brilliant,
which is uncommon for a new rakugoka.
-Just say it if you have a problem!
-He's praising you.
Really praising you.
However, if you ask me,
that was not rakugo at all.
It was more gangster talk.
-Thank you.
-That wasn't praise.
If you aren't confident in the classics,
go tell your own stories.
What you did was sacrilege.
It was plagiarizing. You're a thief!
Put the soba down before you talk.
Oh, look who it is.
The second son of Hayashiyate Donbei,
Sorry, but I'm retired.
Glad to hear that!
You weren't making any progress anyway.
Your "Shinagawa Shinju" had been
compared with that of Master Shincho.
But if you ask me, you're lower
than a slug on Shincho's tombstone!
I'm already retired,
so nothing you say can hurt me!
Here's my business card.
I posted a review of your performance on
my website, so please read and study it.
Are you here again, Aoshima Yukio?
It's Awashima!
What is this? It feels gross!
Oh, it's just soba.
Jumptei-Jump, a.k.a. Awashima Yukio.
I heard he's quite talented at rakugo.
The famous Master Shincho
wanted to teach him, but he refused,
saying he was already
a top-notch rakugo storyteller!
That's incredible, Kotora.
You have a follower.
I had two.
-That's my piece.
-All I did was touch it.
"Kotora is the new performer of the year."
"Actually, he's already arrived."
"I've fallen for Kotora.
Everyone has great taste!"
"I bet he's good in bed."
You've seen me in bed?
-Not me! People wrote that stuff.
-What the hell am I?
Talking about me arriving.
Am I a chick's period or something?
You have to think of something wittier!
You're an up-and-coming-- Sorry.
Well, if you become famous
and take over my dad's name,
I won't have to do rakugo again.
Take over the master's name?
I'm leaving, Ugly Cow!
-Former ugly cow!
-That's better.
You better keep watch of the store!
It's not like we'll have any customers.
Is business bad as usual?
Very bad. All we sold today
was one stupid tin badge.
If we don't get magazine coverage
or something, we'll surely go broke.
He's here!
Boss Kataoka!
He's the god of street fashion!
He collaborated with an unknown designer
and made sneakers that sold millions!
He discovered some rising stars!
Famous restaurants even consult him!
He worked with shops
to publish photo books.
And he designed the café on Meiji-dori.
The party was full of celebrities!
There's even a rumor that he
made up the word "collaborate"!
If he recognizes you, you're
without a doubt gonna make it big!
So what is it that he really does?
I guess we won't make it big after all…
I'll go bring him here.
No, don't!
I will ask again once more.
Are you sure I'm the one you want?
Why do you want to study with
our master and not of Master Shincho?
Because we have conflicting personalities.
How bold,
you Giant Old Grandfather's Clock!
It's 3 o'clock!
Also, as your other pupils aren't good,
it will be easier for me to succeed.
-What did you just say?
-No, no. Save that for later.
you're willing to start
from the very bottom?
We have to think of a name for you…
Um, there's Donta,
Dontsuku, Donburi,
and you were… Donguri?
It's Udon, sir.
You're the one who named him!
How about Chandongon?
-He turned it down!
I'm sorry,
but the name Jumptei-Jump
is already loved by my fans!
-A question!
-What is it?
It's not for you!
-Who is she?
That girl?
I'm not sure…
I'm Megumi.
Nice to meet you!
What's wrong? He turned red!
-Maybe he's a virgin?
-Shut up!
Are you really?
After all,
rakugo is my lover.
How cute!
Wow, we're gonna be on reality TV!
Is this jounetsu tairiku?
When you enter such a store,
you become a street fashion designer!
I hate being labeled like that.
All I do is walk the streets
and feel the vibes
of what'll be the next big thing.
I'm sorry.
I generally hate being categorized.
I can't understand a word he's saying.
I totally get what you mean!
Oh, this will be big!
-For real?
-This is fantastic!
What's so fantastic?
I find this uncool style very refreshing.
Refreshingly fantastic!
Isn't it?
But they don't sell at all!
-Business card?
-I have one!
Did you guys hear?
The Boss is here! Oh my god!
Oh sorry, this is Chibi-
who runs a record store nearby.
There'll be a party at my club soon.
Why don't you come?
I'll put your name on the VIP guest list.
I don't believe this!
Art, fashion, music…
I'm breaking down all the barriers.
I want to collaborate with guys
who share my ideal.
What do you think, Ryu-chan?
I'll do it! Ryu-chan will do it for sure!
-What about rakugo?
-I'll contact you.
He completely ignored you.
I spoke with the Boss
and gave him my business card!
Ryu-chan, this will be your big break!
It's a collaboration!
Let the festivities begin!
I don't really get what's going on,
but congrats.
Forget about rakugo.
Yay! We did it!
I'm back!
Welcome home.
What's wrong?
What's going on? Why is he there?
He's going to train here for a month.
-He'll be your roommate.
-Thank you for letting me use your bath!
-Why are you using their bath?
Tora-chan! You're home late today!
-Do you want a beer?
-Go back to your company dormitory!
Can you get me a beer, too?
Ma'am, you're just too nice!
This house is full of strangers!
I'm not blood-related either.
Hey, Tora-chan!
Can I go over there?
Of course not, you idiot!
Hey, Tora-chan…
Are we going out?
-No, we're not!
-But we did it twice!
Quiet. You're going to wake him up!
Don't worry, he's a virgin.
Isn't that funny? It's the first time
I've ever seen a real virgin!
Go to sleep!
Aren't you getting up early tomorrow?
I'm Yanaka from Dragon Soda…
Oh, come on in.
-Excuse me!
-Did you get my e-mail?
Yes, sir.
But are you sure you want me?
I looked around at other shops,
but they were all too neat and boring.
Your designs are more… daring.
Here's a draft of the flyers.
"Dragon Night"?
You feel it, don't you?
There's a rave
at a club in Aoyama every Saturday,
After this, we'll bring magazines
and stores into the picture.
I want you to design some wristbands.
It'll be what you need to get in.
The "ticket," so to speak.
They can't get into the club
without buying a band from my store.
-Is that what you mean?
-Yup, exactly.
Could you just design
a couple samples for me in your style?
It's here! It's here!
It's here!
Thank you for the meal!
The miso soup is so good today!
Megumi's family sent us these green onions
that they grow on their own farm!
No wonder the green onions are so slender!
Are you gonna settle down here or what?
Hey you, Master Shonen Jump!
At least say good morning!
You're skipping breakfast again?
I'm all right.
Who are you calling Shonen Jump?
-Watch your mouth, punk.
-Hold it, Kotora. Awashima.
Awashima, listen.
Eating with everyone
and laughing at your brothers' jokes
is part of your training.
I'll have some coffee then, please.
My brain works slower
when I eat in the morning.
Oh really…
Kotora, I should start you
on a new story soon.
Hang on.
Hang on…
-Don't look!
-Oh, sorry.
Could you teach me
a funny one like "Manju Kowai"?
Shall we try "Cha no yu"?
What's "Cha no yu"?
There once was a man from Kuramae
who was obsessed with making money
and did not have a single hobby…
Stop it.
Four-eyes! You make me lose my appetite!
So what's it about?
A man like you who's obsessed with money
grew old and decided
that he wanted a hobby.
So he takes up the tea ceremony,
which no one around--
Oh, I'm sorry. I'll be telling it today,
so listen carefully.
-Sorry if I offended you.
What story will you tell, Awashima?
I'm still at the bottom,
so perhaps I'll tell "Manju Kowai."
You're letting him perform?
You're too soft on him!
Enough. Just finish eating.
All right, I have
a tearful reunion special to shoot today.
It's a no-brainer,
so I'm eating breakfast!
There once was a man from Kuramae
who was obsessed with making money
and did not have a single hobby…
He's telling "Cha no yu."
…he retired and turned
his business over to his son…
I make it big as a fashion designer!
Hey! He's telling "Cha no yu"!
"Yes! It's Sadakichi.
Negishi is so lonely
compared to Kuramae, right?"
That jerk!
He's trying to compete with you, Master!
-Should we drag him away?
-Hold on.
Let's see how good he is.
She was scratching the koto!
"You don't scratch a koto, you play it!"
Well, her nails weren't long enough,
so she added fake nails.
Then she closed her eyes like this and…
Scratch, scratch…
Scratch, scratch…
Instead of smoking all day,
why don't you take up a hobby?
Well, there is something
that I am interested in taking up.
-What is it?
-The art of the tea ceremony.
I saw the young master
stirring inside the bowl and drinking it!
It's a refined hobby. You should do it.
Yes, but I learned it so long ago.
I forgot how to do it.
Forgot what?
All of it.
Then you just don't know it.
Of course not, Sadakichi!
I'll remember if I did it again.
I think you're supposed
to put some green powder into this bowl…
Perhaps it's green soybean flour?
Oh, yes! Green soybean flour!
Even after moving to the mountains,
the snobs wouldn't understand.
And now you stir it around.
I want to try it.
Don't rush things. As you stir it like so,
there should be foam.
That's odd.
Odd… When the young master
at Kuramae did it, it foamed really fast.
Yours is hardly foaming.
Maybe I forgot to add
in some medicine that makes it foam.
The bark of a soapberry tree?
The bark of a soapberry tree!
It's starting to bubble.
Now we don't even have to stir it!
Then you just take some of the foam,
and put it in here.
Have a sip.
You first, sir.
Drink. It's rude to hold back
during a tea ceremony.
Drink up.
-But I don't know the proper etiquette…
-Of course!
I haven't taught you the etiquette.
Of course!
You put it…
on your palm like so.
Then you turn it like this three times.
You turn it?
And then you bring it to your mouth.
But there are so many bubbles…
You have to…
blow them…
to the other side.
How refined.
The new guy's acting is pretty powerful.
Not my cup of tea, though.
"Refined, isn't it?"
"Yes, sir. I didn't realize
that refined things made your tummy boil!"
"I see you've learned
to appreciate refinedness, too!"
I'm sorry.
Maybe Master will tell a different story.
We've been waiting for you, Don-chan!
Thank you all for coming
to see me perform.
There is a beautiful word in Japanese,
"furyu," which means refinedness…
Wow! It's so up-and-coming!
Now this is fantastic!
Most sweatbands are made
of towel-like material
so, I decided to go with mesh instead!
So it's a sweatband
that doesn't soak up sweat? Fantastic!
Well, "furyu" is remarkable
to those who understand
its true meaning…
But to those who have no clue,
it's nothing more than a nuisance…
Hey! Don-chan is telling "Cha no yu", too!
"There once was a man…"
It's "Cha no yu" again! What's going on?
-Sir! Excuse me a moment!
-If it isn't the master of the tofu store!
-Stop jabbering and hurry up.
I know!
You seem to be in a rush.
You've been very kind
to me over the years,
but we're moving.
I'm moving too!
But your business is doing so well!
So is yours! Didn't you call
a carpenter to your place a few days ago?
Listen. I got a letter from the big boss.
-He invited me to a tea ceremony.
-You too?
You got the letter too?
You know how tea ceremonies
have so many tedious rules and etiquette
from beginning to end?
I didn't want to be
embarrassed in front of everyone…
I refused to go today,
so he asked me to come tomorrow.
There is no other way out
unless I move away.
My family even held a meeting over it!
My grandmother said
this family has never been shamed,
and she can't have my ignorance
bring shame to the entire family!
I decided to move to a town
where tea ceremonies wouldn't haunt me!
Don-chan's storytelling is
on another level!
"I bet the teacher next door
has received a letter as well!"
"At least a teacher will know
the proper manners to a tea ceremony!"
"Excuse us!"
Excuse us!
Oh dear… My house is a mess right now.
-Excuse us!
-You seem quite busy.
See, I have to move for a weird reason…
Moving seems to be in vogue these days.
The big boss sent you a letter, didn't he?
You don't want to make a fool of yourself,
so you're moving, right?
Are you a fortuneteller or what?
You don't know
tea ceremony etiquette, either?
I do know how to drink from the cup, but…
That's great! We won't have to move!
But there's so much more
that you need to know!
It'll be fine! Let's go!
And so, the three decided
to watch and copy the retiree…
But the retiree was planning
to copy his three guests.
Neither party was dependable!
Go ahead.
So we're supposed to cringe
and roll our heads around like that.
You're next.
How refined.
-We're home!
-We're home!
Long time no see!
Hey! You're here!
It's a collaboration!
Boss Kataoka is producing these!
-For real?
-He gave me an official offer!
If he likes my designs,
he'll order 2,000 of these per month!
That's great!
Master! Take a look!
We can wear them
when we go to bars in Ginza
and use them to seduce women!
Where's Awashima?
-He's upstairs.
-Tell him to come down.
Don-chan! Why don't you
at least tell Ryuji what you think?
No, thanks.
What are these?
Not bad at all.
How refined.
Hey. Are you making fun of me?
I sure am.
What's the point of giving
my opinion of someone's stupid hobby?
I told you, it's not just a hobby!
Then don't come back to this house
until you make it as a businessman!
-You stubborn--
-Stop, Ryuji! You too, Master!
Sayuri-chan is crying!
Never mind, she's not.
Sorry, I'm new at this,
so I got the timing wrong…
You heard two…
different renditions of "Cha no yu" today.
What did you think?
Can I speak frankly?
Go ahead.
Awashima's performance made me laugh.
But the one I want to listen to again
was yours.
Is that so?
As you can see, a classic story can change
completely depending on the storyteller.
That's what makes it so interesting.
There's no one right version.
So Kotora,
it all depends on how you'll arrange it.
I won't make any changes.
After listening to him, I realized
that being young or
inexperienced can't be an excuse.
This time,
I want to do a classic as it is.
I will do it.
I see.
Do your best.
Anyway, Awashima…
I'm sorry,
but there isn't a thing I can teach you.
You have excellent skills.
That's important.
You surely made classics your own.
But you…
You don't have the right attitude
when it comes to learning.
I don't have time to waste on
someone who has no interest in learning.
I'm sorry,
but I'll have to ask you
to leave this house.
Thank you very much, sir.
Wait up!
I liked your "Cha no yu."
That's all I wanted to say.
Let's compete and see
who'll become the main act first.
I'll come watch you again.
Everyone just wants the sweet bean jelly!
It's a waste to spend so much
on the dessert for the tea ceremony.
They decided to make their own
cheap sweets by boiling sweet potatoes
with sugar and honey.
They didn't have any sesame oil,
so they used some lantern oil to coat it.
On the outside, the sweets
looked fine, but they tasted awful.
They called it Rikyu Manju and…
"Kotora's finished!"
"What a disappointment.
It's humdrum classical rakugo."
"Stupid of me for
even thinking he had talent."
"But I still bet he's good in bed."
They don't know
what they're talking about!
You think you finally arrived,
then it's all over… just like a period.
I still don't understand the punchline.
The guests who eat
the sweets go to the toilet
and throw them out the window,
hitting a farmer in the face,
and he says,
"They're having another tea ceremony."
Is that funny?
-Well, it does make sense.
-How come?
The guests had been pretending to eat them
but were actually throwing them away.
The farmer had seen it lots of times,
so he said
"They're having one again."
-You're smart.
-You just got it?
I still don't.
Why go all the way to the bathroom?
When I get bad food,
I tell them it's crap!
I'm actually doing them a service.
What do you guys think of this?
It's lame.
What's wrong with him?
Seems like Kataoka
hasn't given approval yet.
He is an amazing person.
But he doesn't give me real feedback.
Every time we have a meeting, people
come in and start saying this and that.
He keeps telling me stuff like
"It's so up-and-coming!" "Fantastic!"
At first I was excited,
but in the end, nothing's been decided.
I'm just confused now.
I know I'm lame!
Even though I'm lame,
I insist on my style!
But if it goes like this, I'll end up
making something that I'm not happy with.
I don't think…
this is any good, either.
I think I'm getting confused, too.
I figured I'd never get better if I just
kept doing what's easiest for me.
So, I decided to go back to the basics,
and then people say that I'm done for.
Do you think your oden tastes good?
Of course! Don't you think tonight's oden
is the best I've made this whole year?
Humans are so simple.
Even if the oden tastes like shit,
you still eat it
when the cook has so much confidence.
Give me that brown thing that looks
like it's been sitting on the toilet.
It's kinchaku fried tofu!
Watching Donta makes me think…
Is something up with him?
How do you feel, Donta-san?
Sisters separated for so many years…
Well, you said the other day
that Donta actually loves rakugo.
But he doesn't do it now.
He thinks he should
go on TV to become famous
and then do rakugo later
once he gets that fame.
He's crying too much.
I don't know whether I should do originals
and then move on to classical works…
Or just be stubborn
and stick to classics like Master.
I've got to make up my mind.
-Let's go to a brothel or something!
Because that's what a yakuza might say…
I'll hang in there a little longer.
Oh! Right.
I forgot…
Megumi's number.
-No! Not now!
-It's fine…
-It's fine!
-Come on!
-Why not keep it?
-No, really!
-Just hold on to it! Idiot!
Damn! I've had…
That's weak! No points for you!
Uchimura would never accept that reaction!
Who the hell is Uchimura?
It's Ryuji from Dragon Soda.
I brought more wristband samples.
Sorry, can you come back tomorrow?
No one else is here now.
I came for your opinion.
It's an image
of the Urahara Dragon in flames!
Of course it serves
as a ticket for the event,
and it's made of sturdy fabric
so it can be worn daily.
How much will it cost?
Even accounting for the entrance fee,
since it's only a wristband,
3,500 yen each.
-That'll put you in the red!
-That's fine,
as long as it helps promote Dragon Soda.
Okay. Let's go with this one.
It's really up-and-coming and fantastic!
Tiger, tiger, jirettaiga!
"Furyu," or refinedness, is
nothing but a nuisance to those
who do not understand what it is…
"Cha no yu" again?
These things called fads
are such a hassle.
Just a while ago, anything new and cool
would have been called "radical."
But nowadays, people use words like
"up-and-coming" and "fantastic."
That means the audience who've come to see
this "up-and-coming" rakugo
are totally "fantastic!"
The shopkeeper Ryu…
-We've been waiting for this!
-I haven't even started!
What are you laughing at?
Well, the shopkeeper Ryu
had finally gotten a customer,
someone who you would call
a "showman" in these times.
Well, the showman
decided to host this event.
In English,
it would be called "Dragon Night."
To spice things up,
he decided to have Ryu make
wrist sashes to be wrapped around
the wrists of the attendees.
This was the biggest break
that Ryu ever caught.
So he tried to produce the best
wrist sash that he could think of.
Stop it! Ex-cow!
Unfortunately for Ryu,
he had absolutely no money.
And on top of that, his father was
stubborn and up to his neck in debt!
The only person he could turn to
was his older brother, Anrakutei Bonta.
Don't tell Dad.
You did help me out the last time.
Let me act like your
older brother once in a while.
Don't underestimate a celebrity!
This isn't enough!
That's my thank-you letter. Read it.
So he had no choice
but send his worker Risa to get help.
This is my girlfriend.
-Pleased to meet you.
-What's your name?
It's Risa.
Is that so? Risa-chan?
What a cute girl you found for yourself!
You are very sophisticated and handsome!
How old are you?
But you don't look it!
You don't look your age at all!
You look so young!
How much do you need?
So he's got the money,
and he's got the design.
He seals the deal, and ten days later,
he receives the final product.
-What's wrong?
What the heck? It's completely different.
Turns out the showman
had asked someone else
to redesign the wrist sashes.
Ryu could not accept this,
so he went to the showman to complain.
Sir! Sir!
What's the meaning of this?
I don't get it!
Sorry, I had it fixed a little.
A little?
It came out completely different!
We had to keep the cost down,
and since it's my first time
working with you…
I asked her to help
because she's good at designing.
You could at least have
told me in advance.
I'll definitely do so in the future.
But I think this is all for the better!
The people around here love it.
Things like this aren't
uncommon in our line of work.
Well, his client was in fact
the most powerful showman in Edo,
and he was already deep in debt.
Clenching his fists,
Ryu had no choice but to go back.
As Dragon Night approached,
the shop that had been empty for so long
began to fill up with customers.
Everyone claimed it was
"up-and-coming" and "fantastic."
This is incredible, Ryu-chan!
It's the Boss Effect!
I know you can't accept it,
but all you have to do
is keep the new customers.
Takeshi! Long time no see!
-How have you been?
It's Ryuji!
Do I have to wear a name tag or what?
Where's Tora-chan?
I'm supposed to meet him here.
He's not here yet.
This isn't your style, Ryuji-kun.
It's so plain and ordinary.
It's lame, but I like this one better!
The other one sucks, right?
Thank you Megu--
-Yay! Takeshi!
-Hug me!
What are you doing, Ryuji?
What's going on?
I've brought them back.
Here's all the money we made up till now.
I've thought about this.
I can't stand the idea of a product
that I can't accept selling at my store.
What the hell?
Who got you the new customers?
It's fine!
I don't mind having no customers.
I'm leaving.
Just go collaborate
with some other lame-ass guy!
So Ryu turned down a great opportunity,
just to maintain his integrity.
The story itself ends here.
However, a stupid man who heard the story
decided he wanted a part in it too.
Sir, not that wristband.
Why not? I bought this at Dragon Soda.
Sorry, they don't sell it anymore.
Why not? This is Dragon Night after all!
What's going on?
Remember me?
We met at Ryu's shop. Tell him I said hi.
Hold it!
Just tell me one thing.
Back when you looked at Ryuji's clothes
and said they were "up-and-coming,"
did you really mean it?
Did I say that?
That's just spur of the moment.
Every time you say something's going
to "arrive" or is "done for,"
it affects people out there.
You know why?
They're desperate!
They desperately want to be something,
come up with something cool,
or create something interesting.
They're wearing themselves
down doing that!
You hear me?
Take responsibility for your words!
Sorry about that. One last thing for you.
Rakugo seems to be
the up-and-coming thing these days.
I can never be like my big brother.
But I won't ever be like my dad either!
I'll design what I like
and make them sell!
Straightforward, right?
So am I.
I'll tell stories I want to tell
and make people laugh.
You're straightforward, too.
Am I?
You sure are.
-You are.
-Don't butt in!
Why not?
And so in Aoyama,
"Dragon Night" was held every Saturday,
a wild event
that would last till the morning.
Well, there was an old temple nearby,
and all the youngsters passed by
the graveyard after the party.
Early Sunday morning,
as the priest swept the grounds…
Who needs this crap! It's so lame!
It must have been "Dragon Night" again.
Yes! It's not really "Cha no yu,"
but that was great!
Here's your green tea float!
I still wonder
about the shopkeeper Ryu and his father.
A stubborn father with a debt.
That's without a doubt--
I can't disclose that information!
The lesson fee.
It's the exact amount.
I heard Awashima-kun found a good teacher.
He came to watch me today.
His teacher is Takadatei Babahiko,
a.k.a. The Praise-Killer Babahiko.
He's known for flattering
his pupils too much.
Strict teaching doesn't work
for all people, you know.
I have even more good news!
What is it?
Dontsuku's being promoted
to second billing,
so we are promoting you as well!
Second billing?
It's going to get even harder from here,
so work harder.
Master. You're wearing this wrong.
Oh yeah.
It's too small to fit on my wrist.
This month's money.
I wanted to hold onto it a little longer.
-I've grown--
-Don't play cute with me!
I'll sink you in the Sumida River!
Where's the envelope?
Oh no! I forgot again!
-Let's go to the river.
-No! Don't!
-Come on, we're going! Come!
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