Titletown High (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

I'm Not Distracted

[mellow guitar music playing]
[Jake] There's a tough decision
we have to make.
I stay here at Valdosta
and just be a part of the team
and the community,
but I don't get to play,
or I can try to go
to another school and play.
There's also the other part of me
in my mind that says,
"You know how there's signs from God?
Is this one of them?
Or maybe I shouldn't be
playing football this year."
The thing that makes it really hard
is having to go and tell
my teammates my decision.
[Propst] Get in the weight room.
In the weight room!
Move! Get your ass over here.
Sit your big ass down the middle.
All right, listen up.
Jake wanted to talk to you,
sort of tell you what he's
what the situation is,
and then I'll finish up
after you get through, Jake.
[Jake] You guys know I don't like talking.
Um, I wanna start by saying I'm sorry.
Um, I apologize.
I did not mean for it to happen like this.
I wanted to play.
I wanted to win a State Championship here.
Um, came here, didn't really know anybody,
and I can't thank you guys enough.
I'll be going to Grayson High School.
I know you guys
will be in good hands with Amari.
Amari grew up before our eyes,
especially the Lowndes game.
There was adversity in the game.
He bounced back and turned the page.
So I mean, that's huge for you guys.
So, I appreciate you guys all,
and I just can't thank you enough
for accepting me.
I want what's best
for this guy right here.
Just like if it was one of you.
He hasn't been treated fairly here.
A lot of it was me.
People after me all the time.
And it ain't got anything to do with Jake.
For us, turns the page to Amari and Sam,
and we'll be fine.
- Thank you, Jake.
- Okay.
Let's go eat breakfast. Let's go!
- They should have given it
- Cool, man.
Hey, bro.
[Jake] I know that I made
the right decision to leave,
but saying goodbye is never easy.
When you heading out?
I think tomorrow morning.
- You met your coaches yet?
- No, sir.
Just go be who you are
and what you were here.
And if people don't love you,
something's wrong with 'em.
- 'Cause you're an amazing human being.
- Thank you. I appreciate it.
I ain't gonna start crying,
but I hate you leaving, man.
- You know what I mean?
- Yes, sir.
- I love you.
- Love you too.
Stay a part of everything.
Stay a part of my life.
- Promise?
- Yes, sir.
[Sutton] You don't meet
kids like him every day.
To get to be a part of his life
for the time that I was, I feel blessed.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Thank you, seriously.
- Come eat one last breakfast with us.
- Okay.
Just I miss him already.
Just being honest about it.
Just a good kid. A good young man.
They don't come around
like that all the time.
Him flashing in here
and then him flashing out,
and knowing what could have been, also.
There's a lot of things involved in that,
but it still, to me,
goes back to the number-one part of it.
It's just who he is as a person.
There's just a void already
from him being gone, just that quick.
Dude, it's pretty messed up
that Jake went to another school.
Like, he can go play at another school,
but he can't play here.
For real, that's just so unfair.
It's, like
that does not make sense to me.
[Sam] Now that Jake's gone,
I feel like I should be getting
a lot more reps.
'Cause, I mean
Do you think you're better than Amari?
- Yeah.
- So you
I just don't know the plays yet so far.
You ready to go play some arcade games?
It's good It's on me. I got you.
[boy] Oh!
[Sam] Hit the receiver! What are you
[Amari] Touchdown, baby.
No, you just scratched me.
- You gotta throw it harder.
- [bleep]
Damn, boy, you good!
Bro, you're almost as good at that
as sliding into Amari's girl's DMs, bro.
[game klaxon wails]
That [bleep] not so icey, bro.
- You cheated.
- I didn't cheat!
Morgan's my homegirl, too, bro,
and you over there cheating on her.
[Amari] All I said was, "Wassup?"
So, y'all both sly dog, bro.
I didn't want Morgan.
[Grayson] Just saying it sounded like it.
What he say?
- Not in a bad way.
- "What you trying to do?"
Exact words.
[laughs dramatically]
- Okay, so is that who you want?
- [Peak] Who?
- You!
- I don't want Morgan.
[Amari] That what you want?
I never wanted Morgan.
- We'll let you guys settle this [bleep].
- All right, bro.
That's right. We gotta talk, man.
- You was trying to talk to my girl.
- But I don't want that girl, bruh.
I was trying to test her loyalty for you.
Y'all were arguing
'cause she said you cheated.
So I'm like, I'm finna hit up
and see how loyal she is,
what she gon' fall for.
We supposed to be like this.
I'm, like, "He trying talk to my girl?"
That drove me crazy.
I don't want your girl, bruh.
But I mean, like, Region finna come.
At Region and playoffs,
you can't let
these females get in your head.
You get on the field at practice,
you have a bad practice
'cause you're thinking
about what happened earlier.
You can't let it get in your head, bruh.
We just gotta lock in, bud.
- All right.
- From this point forward.
For sure.
All right. Cool, bruh.
- Mm-hmm.
- For sure.
All right, Wildcat fans, this is it.
The push for the playoffs.
We gotta start winning
some ballgames, and if we do,
we'll have a shot
at the State Championship.
[upbeat pop song plays]
[Grayson] You should definitely do these.
Hippie? I was thinking hippie,
not gonna lie.
That sounds clean! It looks like you.
Don't wear the hat.
No. Don't wear the hat.
Take it off.
[girl] Stop!
[Lenley] Catch it.
You're supposed to catch.
[boy] You look
like the pumpkin carved you.
You pumpkin head!
- I win.
- You guys like my new self-tanner?
- Whoa!
- [all laughing]
[all exclaiming]
[Zoey] Ow!
- I told you they were heavy.
- That actually hurt.
- It's a chainsaw.
- Let me hit you with it.
[Grayson] It's hard, man.
I'm juggling a relationship with Lenley.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [fireworks explode]
And I got stuff going on with Zoey.
There's only one of me. It's just
Good luck, Grayson.
[Propst] All right.
So, your superintendent,
who hired me,
just told me, in that office in there,
that he's got a lot of confidence in us
and really wants us to win.
Now, he You know,
if you think about his position
He goes out on a limb
and hires me from a rival school,
pays me a lot of money to be here,
and the results need to show up.
The computer rankings still have you
ranked higher than anybody in this region.
Don't discard the Valdosta Wildcats.
Sky's the limit.
[coach blows whistle] Good! Look!
Look. Right there. Right there.
- [whistle blowing]
- [players grunting]
I've been doing pretty good
at practice, working my ass off.
You just want to get in
and do your thing, prove yourself.
[coach] Everybody up! Ready, set, hit!
Grayson Leavy is
a sophomore for us.
He's one of those players, you look
You don't have any idea he's a sophomore.
You'd think he was a senior.
[whistle blows]
[Kent] Pads down.
Good hammer, bring that hammer.
Stay wide, stay wide.
[Propst] You're very close to starting.
- You understand?
- Yes, sir.
Very close. By the end of the year,
you probably will if you keep working.
- Yes, sir.
- You're strong. You're a strong kid.
If you get another inch on you,
you're gonna be a big-time player
at that defensive end position.
I'm talking about a possible SEC guy.
- Yes, sir.
- Let's go.
- [Tajh] Yo! Yo!
- Yo!
[indistinct chatter]
Y'all are both gonna eat.
[Amari] We all go
to Coach Propst's house before the game.
I was just happy to be over there.
He also makes sure
we're eating right before the game
and not filling our bodies up
with bad nutrition.
Good old chocolate milk.
[girl 1] Please tell me
you know how to do this.
I know how to work out the problems,
I just can't find the third piece.
So, what y'all doing?
Homework or something?
[Sherman] Yeah, I gotta do math.
[girl 2 speaking]
Tajh, he's back with Morgan.
Who's Morgan, Amari?
Tell Coach Propst about Morgan.
[girl 1 gasps]
Who's Morgan?
That's what I call my football.
- [Stefnie] It isn't.
- That's a lie.
Look, I'm gonna give you the real spill.
All coaches gonna think
a girl is a distraction for a player.
I mean, it's easy to say I'm distracted,
but I don't think I'm distracted.
[Propst] What's the three branches
of government?
- [laughter]
- [girl 1] You gonna put me on the spot?
Judicial, legislative, executive.
Shut up, before I slap you.
- [boy] Oh my God.
- [all laughing]
Sherman, who's the Speaker of the House?
I really don't know, Coach.
[girl 1] Exactly.
We don't get taught that.
Nancy Pelosi?
[all cheering]
All right. Hey, listen. Y'all gonna
Let's get ready for bed now.
Let's get ready for bed.
It's 9:26 now
and we gotta get ready to go to bed.
[Beckham] Time for excuses is over.
The one and three Wildcats
have no room for error,
and they need to get things
turned around tonight.
[Kent] We got something to prove.
You should think
you got something to prove every night.
Versus Lowndes, we were nervous.
Versus Colquitt, we were nervous.
It's time to flip the switch
and get your ass in that mindset.
You can make big leaps tonight.
We're getting better.
We are. We're getting better.
We're a better football team
than we were two weeks ago.
Let's start tonight destroying somebody,
and let's start getting ready
to win a State Championship.
- Okay?
- [players] Yes, sir.
- Ready to go? Ready to go?
- Yes, sir! Yes, sir!
Let's go. Let's go.
[commentator] Couple minutes away
from kickoff, and here come the Cats!
Amari Jones takes the shotgun snap,
swings it out in the flat
to Terrell Denson.
Picks up a nice block
and picks up first down yardage.
Hey! Wildcat, keep left,
Wildcat, keep left! All right? Go!
Takes the snap,
hands it up the middle to Terrell Denson.
It's wide open,
and he's into the end zone,
- and that's a Wildcat touchdown!
- [cheering]
That puts the Wildcats up
after the PAT, seven to nothing.
You good?
What number's Grayson? Is Grayson 33?
- Thirty-six?
- Thirty-three. He isn't!
Quarterback takes the shotgun snap
and gets immediate pressure
from the left side of the Cat defense.
Big hit by Grayson Leavy.
[Zoey] Yeah!
All you can ask for is a chance,
and Grayson Leavy got his tonight,
and man oh man, is he taking advantage.
What a night by Grayson Leavy!
[Kent] Good, Leavy, thank you. Good job.
Valdosta defense getting back
to their old hard-nosed defensive ways,
allowing Amari Jones
to get it done through the air.
And also that Wildcat offense
getting it done on the ground,
en route to a 41-0 win
over the Westside Wolverines.
Good job, Coach.
Up next for your Wildcats,
we welcome in Northside,
and we begin Region 16A Region Play.
Any time we do anything, there's confetti.
[Kent] I'm glad
I don't see y'all in here dancing
and throwing [bleep] around
and throwing water bottles,
'cause y'all should understand
that you did what you were supposed to do.
- Does everybody got me?
- [all] Yes, sir!
Listen, enjoy this win,
but understand,
Sunday our ass is back to work.
It's Region,
which means a whole new season starts now.
In your mind,
it might as well be playoffs now,
'cause every game matters.
[woman] How was school?
How are your grades, first of all,
'cause I haven't received
any emails, no any progress reports.
Dunno why you looking crazy,
'cause I'm dead serious.
And if I don't get no grades,
you not cheering at all.
My grades are good.
- Do you tell the truth all the time?
- [laughing] Not all the time, but
[laughing] So, I need to see your grades.
Me and my mama have a good relationship,
but sometimes she can be real strict,
and sometimes she can play.
I know not to call her my friend
'cause she don't play that.
Well, what's going on
with you and Mari-Mar?
He ain't really tell me what he want,
'cause he been having so much pressure.
He been stressing.
He feels like the whole team
puts so much pressure on him,
and he takes it out on me.
What do you mean, he takes it out on you?
I double text him, call him.
He won't answer, he won't text back.
Just, like, little stuff.
I just be, like, "Oh, well.
I just need to stop blowing up his phone.
I just need to back off
and let him chill."
Now since he's the starting quarterback,
everything has changed.
Like, you
He is not on the phone all the time.
You were always complaining about,
"Coach this, Coach this, Coach this."
If he puts
all of his attention into football,
and that's what's important to him,
you're definitely gonna get hurt.
I just feel like
I put more effort into, like
supporting him than he does to me,
because, like, football takes up
a lot of time. There's no days off.
That's no excuse
for why he can't give you attention.
But I need you
to focus other places, completely,
because I don't want you getting hurt.
I can say he tries
to give me some attention,
but it's not the attention I want.
It's, like, a quick attention. "Hey. Hi."
What kind of attention do you want?
- Just, like
- Plenty?
- not just all football!
- [chuckles]
Well, tell me,
what kind of attention you want?
'Cause what kind of attention
can he give you?
Show me he loves me more. Like, he
I don't know
about this love situation now.
[Morgan laughs]
- Now that I don't know.
- [chuckling]
I'm so serious.
[students chatter]
[man over PA] Good afternoon.
Please be reminded
to please keep your phones turned off.
Kenny, are you depressed
that Jake went to whatever
- Wherever he went, without you?
- [girl] To Grayson? Uh-huh.
I am very sad about him moving.
I reworked my whole school
walking path, just to see him.
- [girl] Didn't you
- And say hi to him.
You saw when I said "hi" to him.
I gave him a Twix
[Amari] You got some ranch?
[Grayson] So, how are y'all doing?
We're doing good,
other than when she wanna be toxic.
Is it you that's toxic?
Or is it her that's toxic?
She starts arguments for entertainment,
just so she can laugh.
Me and Morgan,
you know, we go back and forth a lot.
She's kinda moody.
She get mad, like,
when I don't wanna talk to her 25/8.
Dating her is like a job.
It just comes with a lot.
You see what she posted
on Snapchat yesterday?
What did I post?
This what she posted.
I didn't say that. Wait
- "I'm single. Put me on." Cool, right?
- I did not say that.
I said, "Me too then."
She said,
"What's up? No, I will beat you up!"
- I said, "No, I'm single."
- I was just playing.
No, we don't break up
'cause we think it's fun to make up.
We just break up
'cause he be doing stupid stuff.
It just be, like,
distancing our self from each other.
[rock music playing]
Through the smoke ♪
- No one stands alone ♪
- No one stands alone ♪
Through the fire, we fight hard ♪
No one stands alone ♪
- No.
- [man speaking]
Is it more important to be healthy
when the Region starts?
Those are the games that determine
what seed you are for the post-season.
No question. Once you make the playoffs,
anything can happen
and any team can win it
based on your mentality
of how you approach the playoffs.
We're two and three going into the Region.
The Region starts a whole new season.
[Sutton] Rocker, rhythm. Rocker, rhythm.
Even if you lived in the gutter,
you still on the outside in the gutter.
[Amari] I never told you I was
I didn't tell you I was from the gutter.
[player] He's a military brat.
That's too much, man.
Don't have nothing to do with football.
That's the immaturity
that gets us fricking chewed out.
You got a lot more to worry about
than whatever y'all were talking about.
Mess up a play right now
and see how much of me you fixing to get.
- [whistle blowing]
- Drop, drop, drop, get the ball back
Oh, your feet are dead!
- Speed your fricking feet up!
- Gotcha, Coach.
- Gimme 10 for cussing.
- Who, me?
I heard the F-bomb
when you missed that throw.
I know you weren't talking
about duck hunting.
[man speaking]
How's the season going for you so far?
It's going great.
Bonding with new guys.
But it's a great season so far.
I'm not in a joking mood right now.
Okay, lock it in then, shit.
Are you taking over as the quarterback?
How's that feel?
[Amari] Yes, sir. At Valdosta,
it's great taking over as quarterback.
These guys have supported me
ever since I got here,
so I feel comfortable.
- [whistle blowing]
- [coach] Let's go ball!
You out here, boy. [bleep], bruh?
You throwing high
or else to the ground and [bleep].
- I didn't throw it to
- Come on.
I didn't see the defender, bitch.
- All them bad passes, bruh.
- What you mean "all them bad passes"?
I mean, Amari was,
like, distracted by Morgan.
Whatever happened in school with them,
I guess he let it get in his head
when he get to practice.
He think about it.
- Some plays you're meant to save me.
- Yeah, some plays
- You don't think
- It been a lot Too much lately.
- Gronkowski be saving Brady.
- It been too much lately, bruh.
- Gronkowski save Brady.
- Right. That's Gronkowski, bruh.
No, I don't feel like she's a distraction.
She sometimes get hurt feelings
when she be bored,
'cause I don't text back.
But she she's supportive.
He's another
that needs to be talked to about it.
Listen, girls gonna come a dime a dozen.
I'm gonna talk to him like a grown man.
He can leave that girl alone,
just leave her alone.
[indistinct chatter]
When we walk by
You know how we walk down the stairs
- to our third-period class and stuff?
- Yes.
Like, I was, like, "Hey!"
I was, like, "Hey, Christian!"
And he just walked right past me.
You know how the courtyard goes like this,
and they come from weightlifting?
He was staring at me as I was walking,
so I look back to wave and he looks away.
He ignores my wave.
I was like, "Don't do that!"
But it's whatever.
Okay, honestly,
how do you feel about Grayson?
- Honestly?
- Yeah.
It's not, like Okay, right now,
if Grayson is with Lenley, I support that.
"You do that. Go with Lenley."
I'm not gonna be mad at Lenley.
But I'm not the type of person
that's like, "He's mine. Get away."
But all I'm saying is that
[giggles] if he ever needed me,
ever needed anything,
I would probably drop everything
to help him immediately.
I'd be like, "Yeah."
- Have you ever watched The Notebook?
- [laughs] Yes.
- That's The Notebook, right there.
- Mmm.
I do believe in soulmates,
and I do believe
in God bringing people together,
and I believe that maybe
Zoey and Grayson are soulmates.
They always come back to each other.
They're like magnets. [chuckles]
Do you still love Grayson?
Yeah, I love Grayson.
Oh, whoa! That was That was quick.
Do you know it's love, though?
You're, like, in
I mean, Grayson's said it too.
He's, like, "I'll never stop loving you."
It's not I don't know.
- You can love a person in a different way.
- Like as friends.
- Yeah.
- But you guys aren't friends.
- Yeah.
- You're friends.
But you don't love him like a friend.
Um, yeah?
- More than a friend.
- I don't know.
- Oh, you don't know.
- Yeah. Wait, what?
- I don't know either.
- [laughs]
- Has he said, "I love you"?
- Yeah.
That's what my mom and dad
say to each other.
[Grayson] So mean to me today.
Like, what did I do?
- [Lenley] You are usually rude to me, so
- I'm never rude to you.
All my friends come to my house
and you don't go downstairs by yourself.
That's 'cause if I see your stepdad,
he wants to shoot me.
He doesn't even know about us.
- How
- Because I lied.
Don't Did you say I'm gay?
I keep getting in trouble
because you keep eating my food.
- I never eat your food.
- Yes.
I never eat your food.
You're just against me today.
- [Lenley laughs]
- Just the world versus Grayson today.
[Lenley] Yeah. It is.
[Amari] Morgan's a big complainer
about texting back.
Like, 6:58,
she expect me to text back 6:59.
That ain't how things
That ain't how my time operate.
[Morgan] When I'm not mad at Amari,
it's okay for him not to text back.
But when I'm mad, he better text back.
Bump all that football stuff.
He better text me back.
[Amari] I mean, I love Morgan.
You know, I do.
But, at the end of the day,
I love football.
Football my main boo thing.
I ain't saying Morgan my side boo thing,
but she come after my football boo thing.
So, like, she gotta understand
that she come after football.
She gotta understand that.
[commentator] Region Play
and the real hunt for the playoffs
starts tonight against Northside,
and if you're just joining us,
it's been a grind for the Cats.
- [grunts]
- [whistle blowing]
- [announcer] There's a flag on the play.
- That's twice on Peak!
[commentator] We're up
seven-to-nothing against Northside,
who always plays us tough.
Coach, we cannot take a sack right here.
[Morgan] Where's Amari?
Oh, I see him.
[bleep] Time out, time out, time out!
[whistle blowing]
Son of a bitch!
- [announcer] at the 28-yard line.
- Damn it!
Damn, that's the thing you can't do.
Try to get a field goal right here.
Lord Jesus!
Is Amari still in? Or is this defense?
[crowd groans]
Left. No good.
[crowd boos]
We ain't worth a [bleep].
[reporter] Going into halftime,
I know that you're frustrated.
Can you give me a little insight?
Uh, just not playing good on offense.
You know,
just quarterbacks missing throws,
two holdings on Peak.
[reporter] This talk you're gonna give,
what's it gonna sound like?
- [Propst] Not gonna be real nice.
- Thanks, Coach.
Sit down, offense! Sit down!
We can't execute a play!
Not one play!
The score should be
it should be 35-nothing.
The worst offensive half
of football I have seen in my life!
Y'all can't maintain a block
more than a second.
More than one second.
How can you weigh 300 pounds up front,
and you can't block?!
'Cause you can't execute.
Terrible quarterback play.
[bleep] quarterback play.
Take it out of the quarterback's hands,
'cause he can't play right now!
He ain't made a play!
[commentator] Late in the third quarter,
the Cats find themselves
on the one-yard line.
We need a touchdown now!
[Propst] Ball! Ball! Ball!
He fumbled the ball.
- [Propst] The whistle ain't blown!
- [Sutton] He's hurt too.
[whistle blowing]
[Sutton] Get Sam. Sam, go get loose!
They didn't even get a touchdown,
did they? Why they right there?
He hit my elbow.
I don't care!
Land on the ball!
- [Amari moans in pain]
- Let me see.
No, it hurts
'cause of your [bleep] fumble!
- I got
- You don't fumble!
- I got hit, Coach.
- I don't give a [bleep] damn!
What's that matter?!
[Amari] You can't check on me first?
That's when I knew
that's the type of coach he is.
I can't show no more injuries.
Sir, he hit my elbow
That's so baby. That's baby.
You want me to put Sam in
to score next time? Can you go?
- Yes. I'm gone.
- Go then!
His coach said he's not supposed
to be talking to you before the game.
Why are you on the phone
with him before the game?
Isn't that gonna mess up his time?
- [Propst] Don't do that!
- [loud thud]
He spend all his time on football, though.
I come first. Well, school comes first,
but then I'm next, then football.
I don't care what nobody say.
[Sutton] Quit doing that.
Either hold your arm up
or get out of the game.
[Amari] I'm good.
[Propst] He can't throw
'cause he's worried about his arm.
There ain't a damn thing wrong with him.
He got the [bleep]
knocked out of him, that's all.
Sam, have you been throwing?
Have you thrown? Throw some more.
Play Sam, Coach. Play Sam.
I'd rather play him.
I'm so pissed off at Amari right now.
He ain't got a clue what he's doing.
I'm telling you, he's lost in the rain.
And it's all because
he [bleep] get on that phone
all day today, with his phone.
All day today.
All day arguing with his girlfriend.
All day, all last night.
I'm done with him.
I'm done with his bull [bleep] crap.
[Sutton] Come on, Sam.
Time to welcome yourself
to Valdosta right here.
- [crowd cheering]
- [whistles]
[Phil] Go Sam.
Go Sam.
Hey, H dive, swarm left.
[Sam] H, H, H!
Sam Brown takes the shotgun snap,
runs hard up the middle,
picking up another first down,
and, more importantly,
chewing time off that clock.
[players grunting]
[announcer] And the final score,
Valdosta 14, Northside nothing.
[commentator] Valdosta Wildcats
are the winners tonight over Northside.
Quarterback Amari Jones
under a lot of pressure all night.
It's clear the Wildcat offense
has a lot of work to do.
[Propst] A win's a win, I get it,
but I'm gonna say it like I say it,
we gotta get better quarterback play.
At the end of the day,
it's quarterback play.
One thing I like about your mama,
she's even pissed off at you.
That's one thing I like.
She's even mad. She ain't happy with you.
You want me to read you
what she texted my wife during the game?
She said, "Man your ass up."
That's exactly what come in the damn text.
I wish all mothers were like your mother.
But we'll just open
the damn quarterback spot up.
So, whoever completes
more balls in practice next week
is gonna be the starting quarterback.
We gotta get it fixed.
It's now or never, now.
[slow music playing]
[Propst] Amari!
Where's your food? Right there?
Yes, sir.
Come on. We'll eat in a minute.
I got something I wanna talk to you about.
Don't leave without getting
something on that from the trainer.
Okay. Just put it right here.
After school, I got a text
from my mom saying, "Can you talk?"
And when I get that message,
it's either I got a bad test grade
or I done did something wrong at school.
I know I didn't get a bad test grade.
All right. [sighs]
Now, we know going forward where you are.
You're the guy
that's gonna either lead us, or
Being successful or not being successful.
You know, I think you've persevered
through some things, and that's good.
And what I'm here to talk to you about,
and why I wanted your mama to hear this,
is because I am concerned,
with the type of kid you are
Is this girlfriend situation.
And, Mom, it's not a good situation.
You cannot be my quarterback
and continue down this path.
[dramatic music plays]
It's a little dream ♪
But it's the little things
That are big in a small town ♪
My kind of living
Ain't made for the city ♪
No, it don't slow down one bit ♪
And all we got is some mom-and-pops ♪
Smoking ribs in a tin-roofed pit ♪
Yeah, I got a few good friends ♪
Yeah, I got a beautiful wife ♪
Yeah, I got a picket fence ♪
Yeah, it's a beautiful life ♪
Where a little bit of money
Goes a long, long way ♪
And a little bit of seed
Makes a whole lot of grain ♪
A little piece of heaven's
Where I'm trying to stay ♪
'Cause yeah, at the end of the day ♪
It's a tire swing by a river stream ♪
That's running down behind my house ♪
Yeah, it's a little dream ♪
But it's the little things
That are big in a small town ♪
Hell yeah ♪
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