Together: Treble Winners (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

[Dias] Boys, if we focus on ourselves,
we can beat them all.
Because we've done it,
and we want to do it again.
And that's when we get big.
[reporter] Is this the most important game
of the season so far?
[commentator 1]
Teams that go on to win titles,
this is the kind of game
they find a way to win.
[commentator 2] Oh,
a terrible back pass and City will score.
That is incredible!
[commentator 1]
The League reigning champions
have no intention
of relinquishing their crown.
[commentator 2] On to De Bruyne,
across the face of the goal.
[commentator 1] Erling Haaland! 3-1 City!
Nothing less than massive,
this win, for Manchester City
who move back to the top
of the Premier League table
for the first time since November 5th.
[dynamic music playing]
[pundit] It doesn't come
as a massive surprise to me
that Manchester City
just upped it to another level.
Here's my new apprentice.
Full-back, left-back.
It's not easy. It's not easy.
[pundit] You saw a lot that this is why
you play Bernardo Silva at left-back,
so he can move into midfield,
he can be that extra man
in the pivot with Rodri.
-Twelve years I've been doing this.
-It's tough, it's tough.
See, now they're appreciating.
They appreciate it.
When they have to be put in certain roles,
they appreciate it.
Me as a number ten? No problem.
What's going on here?
Any chance for some filming or what?
[Haaland mimics Stones] The Louvre!
You seen that video? That makes me laugh.
Of all the places you've visited,
which sights have been the most memorable?
The The Louvre?
That's how you say it? How do you say it?
-[French accent] Louvre.
-[mimics Stones] The Louvre.
[Stones laughs]
[mimics Stones] The Louvre.
[mimics Stones] Put that in the Louvre.
On a scale of one to ten,
how are we this morning?
[mimics Stones] I'm absolutely buzzin'.
-[host] Sorry, is John Stones in the room?
[Stones] Love it, Erl.
Thank you, mate.
-Technique's on point.
-[as Stones] The Louvre.
Done, okay.
We have a great time together.
We play good football together.
[man 1] I need a refreshment here.
[Yorkshire accent] Anybody fancy a Polo?
[man 2] You're best off asking Ally.
Go back. Try again.
Third take.
[Yorkshire accent] Ally. Fancy a Polo?
[man 2] Erl, what are you bringing
next game, sir?
Might go for the pastilles, honestly.
-[man 2] The what?
-The pastilles.
-[man 2] What pastilles?
-The fruit pastilles.
[pundit] How does Pep Guardiola ensure
that for the next three games
that it wasn't about
this cup final against Arsenal?
Have you seen Tyler?
Have you seen?
[pundit] How does he ensure
that the players are focused
between now and the rest of the season?
Steph Curry.
Yes! This is perfect!
You make a mistake? No problem. Run.
This is when the pressure comes
and the games get massive.
And the last two seasons we've come over
every hurdle that we've faced
and this year we wanna do the same.
Definitely the aim
is to look at the next game.
It's not easy.
All of us, in a way, we look ahead.
You have to. You have to visualize.
But in the end, you must focus
so much on the present.
Come on boys! Come on boys!
[player] Let's go.
Come on, Phil, eh?
On the diagonals from me or from Kyle,
but even sometimes
if the ball comes from the other side,
the diagonal, normal one.
Ninety-two, four more.
[match commentary plays on phone]
[commentary and cheering on phone]
[commentator] A 4-2 victory for Arsenal
that doesn't begin to tell the story
[Walker] Nothing's changed.
Nothing's changed.
-[man] Come on!
-[alarm buzzes]
[commentator 1] Recent title races
with Liverpool
have required near perfection.
Only a victory today will return
the Blues to the top once again.
Grealish into the penalty area.
Forced away from goal. Plays a good ball.
Bernardo Silva hits it
into the back of the net!
Bernardo Silva
lashing a left foot drive
into the roof of Keylor Navas's net.
Keep going, lads. Keep going.
[indistinct chatter]
Keep going. Keep going.
The pass you played to Gündo was top.
[indistinct chatter]
[Rodri] Hey, guys. One thing.
Watch out with the counter attacks.
Sometimes we are very confident.
Careful, guys.
[commentator 2]
Looking to release it for Foden.
This is Foden, leaves it for Haaland.
And they've missed.
What a horrible miss for Manchester City.
[commentator 1] City coming forward
with Foden. Foden inside.
Hits the shot.
Navas parries, Haaland hits the bar.
Haaland hits it over.
And I've seen many, many a game
down the years
when chances like this go missing,
and the team who missed them then concede.
Six and a half minutes to go.
Forest definitely looking a bit braver.
Definitely committing more forward.
And they're making good progress here.
Into the penalty area they go!
And it's turned in by Chris Wood!
Oh my goodness!
[Gündoğan] Not just expectations
from outside,
also the expectations that we have
for ourselves are just so high
that naturally when you have a draw,
it feels like a loss.
That game definitely felt like a loss
and when I think back,
it feels like from now on,
you have to win every single game,
you know,
to still be able to win the title.
We don't want it. We don't want it.
We don't want this Premier League.
We don't want it.
Three goals in line!
[indistinct background chatter]
We don't want the Premier League.
What are we doing, guys?
[muted background chatter]
We missed one. We missed two.
I'm not blaming anyone, guys.
But if we want to win
this Premier League,
we have to grab it like this!
[Rodri exhales]
[Walker] We get there and fold.
We go and win at the Emirates,
and it means all now.
[shouting in background]
[shouting continues]
What effect might this have
on Manchester City?
Suddenly, they must be so deflated.
[pundit] You saw
how disappointed they were
and hopefully for City's sake
it'll get them thinking,
"Right, we need to really focus
on what we're doing here.
[reporter] Arsenal have won again,
so now it's over to Manchester City.
Can Bournemouth provide
another twist in the title race?
Boys, for a long time, I just see noise.
I see noise everywhere.
I see noise from United.
I see noise from Arsenal.
And honestly, I think we're forgetting
the most important thing.
We're forgetting about
focusing just on ourselves.
Just on what we can do.
Just on what we can do on the pitch.
[commentator] Foden's drifted in.
Haaland back off the bar
and touched in by Álvarez.
[Dias] Focus on ourselves.
I don't care about Arsenal.
I don't care about United.
[commentator] Haaland finishes off.
And Manchester City have that second.
[Dias] I don't care about Madrid
or whoever might come
in the Champions League.
If we focus on ourselves,
we can do it.
We can beat them all.
Show ourselves out there
how much we want to win it again.
Because we've done it.
[commentator] Poor pass.
Foden will surely cash in.
He does!
[Dias] And the best thing we have
is that now we've done it,
and they think, "Oh, they're tired."
And we want to do it again,
and that's when we get big.
That's when we get huge.
That's when we make our legacy.
Individually, and as a team.
We f do it again
and again and again.
Let's go!
[commentator] That one's rifled in
and Manchester City
close the gap at the top.
Back to winning ways on the south coast.
Final score,
Bournemouth one, Manchester City four.
[indistinct speech]
[exhales sharply]
[indistinct speech]
[Silva] It's too cold.
[Alex] Don't slip.
[indistinct speech]
[Grealish cheers]
This is my grandmother's exercise.
Come on.
[music plays quietly over speaker]
Like a class.
Don't bother.
[crowd cheering and singing]
[Caldeira] As a Brazilian,
you hear a lot about how the FA Cup
embraces the entirety of the country.
It gives everybody a chance.
[Winter] I mean, the FA Cup is chaos,
it's history, it's passion.
It's David against Goliath.
It's Manchester City,
this world-renowned club,
going to Bristol City.
It actually sums up
what the Cup's all about.
[commentator] Not immune to Cup shocks,
they did have a seismic one
when they were beaten by League One Wigan
a few years ago.
Here's Mahrez.
And then across to Foden.
Doesn't look like
there will be one tonight.
For the fifth year,
Pep Guardiola takes Manchester City
into the last eight of this competition.
Some interesting months ahead
for Pep Guardiola and his squad.
[indistinct chatter]
Well done.
[producer] In Argentina you have mate.
We have Bovril here.
What this is?
Oh, them Bovrils at Bristol City.
Now we're talkin'.
[background chatter]
[Foden] Oh, I remember this.
[laughs] Bovril. Oh, gosh.
[producer] It's like a beef drink.
It's not teas on the plane.
It's Bovrils we're getting.
-[Grealish] Give me my Bovril back.
I don't know what it is with everyone.
As soon as it pops up, half a dozen cups,
and before you know it, they're all gone.
[Phillips] I might take some home
in a bag.
[Grealish] Mate, I seen you
bring two up at halftime.
[Phillips] Get the rest in here
and take 'em back.
Fifteen, eighteen degrees,
and everyone's drinking Bovril.
[Grealish] How good is it?
Manu, you ever had a Bovril?
Try this.
-[man] Do you like gravy?
-[Grealish] D'you like gravy?
I don't really think Manu liked it.
He said, "Yeah" to get me away.
I was offering 'em to everyone saying,
"Do you like it, or what?"
Oh, it's
It's like a soup.
It's like a soup. It's like a soup.
How good is it?
I think the lads loved it though.
I think Jack had
about three of them, yeah.
I definitely took a few as well.
They were unbelievable.
I took eight home with me.
I gave 'em out to people.
A Bovvy.
-They're so good.
-[producer] I love the name. Bovril.
I ain't had one for years,
I reckon about ten years.
[in Spanish] I didn't try it,
but I don't think it's anything like mate.
[indistinct chatter]
-[man 1] In the treatment room?
-[man 2] Already, yeah.
[chatter and laughter]
The aim of the game
is you've gotta get it above the white
onto the gray bit, bounce back.
Take as many touches.
You gotta keep it up.
Three lives.
It is mine and Riyad's game.
[mellow music playing]
Oops. Bad touch, Jack.
He's always taking it
on his chest as well.
I call that cheating.
Honestly, every time.
I kill Riyad at this.
Nah, d'you know what?
It's actually evens, I swear down.
Everyone thinks
Riyad's got the best touch, but ask him.
It's 50-50.
[Grealish laughs]
Match point.
Yeah, Jack loves he wants to win.
He's got a really good touch
as well, Jack,
so the games are really close and tight.
[Foden] We're crazy for football
and we enjoy it
and it's something
we look forward to every day.
You're getting tired.
You caught all the ones at the start.
Riyad, are you all right today?
[Mahrez] We play every day.
Two touches, one touch.
In the dressing room or outside.
This team is just like every day playing.
It's tough. Too much.
The quality is too much!
Come on, Jack.
Riyad, let it go. It's enough.
Ah, Philly, Philly, Philly, Philly!
Oh, Philly, Philly!
-[Foden] Outrageous.
-[Grealish] Go back on your side.
[Foden] How many attempts
did that take him?
Are you gonna put that one in
and miss out all the bad ones?
Be honest. Are you gonna put that in
because he did one good touch?
Now you see who's who.
Give me the trophy to hold.
[reporter] It's City against Newcastle
in the Premier League today.
Both managers know
just how important it is.
[commentator] And still he goes.
Phil Foden has got the goal.
Trippier can only poke it away so far.
Just when they needed that.
[Pep] Vamos, eh, guys? Really good.
Crucial lead.
It's gonna be a tough game today.
[commentator] Studied look of focus
and concentration and Haaland delivers.
One of those days where Manchester City
are just relieved
to get out of here with the result.
[chanting] Haaland! Haaland!
[excited chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
I don't know.
Think of the smallest player in our team,
and then put my head on him.
[mellow music playing]
[man] It's Bernardo!
[Haaland] Yeah.
But what's with the photo?
It looks like it has been edited.
It's Bernardo's body. Look at the shoes.
When you see me
right next to Ruben and Nathan,
oh my God.
[man] I thought Akanji was a bit taller.
I saw,
a lot of friends of mine sent it to me.
I was like, "What is this?"
-[Alex] Erling's head on your body.
[Alex] We made it right, Manu.
-[Akanji] Do you like it, Ben?
-I'm all over that.
[Ant] Put his trainers on.
He doesn't wear his boots.
[crowd singing and cheering]
[intense music playing]
[Onuoha] The first leg,
where it finished 1-1,
there were times City were comfortable,
but times they really weren't.
[commentator] Schlager, giving it away.
And Mahrez! 1-0 to Manchester City.
They try again. Another ball into the box.
They've got the equalizer!
All to play for in Manchester.
Remember the faces that we had
after the game there?
Remember in the locker room,
the faces we had?
The energy was a disaster.
Now we have the energy.
This is today, now. Now.
Fire inside to do it.
And the second thing.
My first words that I said yesterday.
It's just about winning one game.
No more than that.
[alarm drones]
Everyone have a round of applause.
[Gedra] There was
a bit of an eyebrow raised
after that draw
against Leipzig in Germany.
But then, the home match
[commentator] Here he goes.
He's got there.
He's nearly scored as well.
He can be really aggressive,
play with a lot of intensity,
creates a lot of chances,
scores a lot of goals.
[commentator] The unmistakable
Haaland strikes!
A really special night.
An important night as well,
Champions League.
[commentator] Here's de Bruyne.
Trying to it's De Bruyne!
It's 2-0! It's Haaland again!
Two in two minutes for him.
[fans cheering]
Does it cross the line? It does now.
That performance was outstanding,
what Erling did that night.
[dramatic music playing]
[commentator] Gündoğan turning,
twisting, shooting. Scores.
Manchester City,
sublime, running away with this.
For Haaland and then Akanji.
He's got four now.
A really special moment for me,
and such a nice game
and especially in the Champions League.
Come on, it's so nice.
[music intensifies]
[fans cheering]
[commentator] Haaland again!
He's got another. This is incredible!
[Haaland] And scoring five goals
in one game is, of course, special.
In Dortmund, I remember scoring four goals
against Hertha Berlin and got subbed off.
I was like [groans]
I'd love to score five goals
because five,
I don't know, five's so nice to score.
Of course, six, seven, eight, nine is
ten is nice, but five is just
[Onuoha] If you wanna talk about
statements within a season,
and the belief is,
if you can beat a team 7-0 at home,
then who'd you fear
that's left in the competition?
[Winter] The five goals,
and you looked and you thought,
they really are powering on
in the Premier League,
powering on in Europe.
FA Cup as well.
And I think then it was probably
people started looking at the possibility
of a Treble and thought,
"Actually, it could be on."
[dramatic music fades]
[pundit 1] No one wants to draw Man City.
Now they've put a marker down in the sand,
no one wants Man City in that draw.
[pundit 2] You can say that again.
-Txiki working hard.
-[man] Huh?
Txiki working hard,
thinking about the draw.
You know?
[calmly] So stressed.
Football is so difficult.
[indistinct chatter]
[man] Great to see so many representatives
from all the clubs here with us today.
Welcome to the House of European Football
in Nyon, Switzerland
for the UEFA Champions League
Quarter-Final and Semi-Final draw.
The Round of 16 came to
a thrilling conclusion on Wednesday.
Manchester City FC.
[Giorgio Marchetti]
Then we have Manchester City,
still unbeaten
in this Champions League season.
Led and powered by Erling Haaland,
only the third player
to score five goals in a match.
FC Bayern Munich.
-[players cheering]
-[Marchetti] City will now face FC Bayern.
Not bad.
Not bad.
[Winter] I mean, that draw in Nyon
was like an assault course
that was laid out
in front of Manchester City.
Bayern Munich, mighty Bayern.
And Real Madrid.
If Manchester City are going to do this,
no one can say that any of these trophies
was given to them.
[commentator] Kompany,
had a look, had a hit. Goal!
[fans cheering]
Captain fantastic!
[Kompany] The challenge for you boys
is now to be even better.
It's difficult to say
you've won the English Treble,
but you haven't won Champions League yet.
And that's your goal now.
[reporter] It's a very special game
of football tomorrow.
Vincent Kompany's returning
to the Etihad Stadium managing Burnley.
[Gündoğan] It was funny to see him
on the sideline coaching a team.
And because I played with him
four or five years, I think.
How are you doing, lad? You okay?
[Blackburn] He's an iconic figure here.
You know, he's got
the statue outside the stadium,
which is very much deserved
for his 11 years as a player.
A real legend.
Obviously, he's doing great, you know.
His side is dominating the Championship.
Even as an active player,
he was already preparing himself,
you know, to be a top coach one day,
and this is
what I think is happening right now.
I'm very pleased for him.
[Pep] The rhythm with
and without the ball, guys.
The rhythm with the ball
and without is the difference
between Premier League and Championship.
Use the rhythm. The rhythm of the ball.
[Haaland] Yeah, Ben is such a good guy
and I can say that he's so small
and I'm so tall.
That's how it is, and [laughs]
'Cause sometimes he stands there
in the tunnel and then
[players] Come on, boys!
[Haaland] Everybody starts to scream,
"Yeah, come on, boys, let's go."
Then I just take his hand and he's like,
"What's going on?
What's going on?" [laughs]
And he actually starts walking with me.
So yeah,
we have a lot of good banter together
and for me, that's really important.
Did you get that? Did you?
[Alex laughs]
Will you clip it and give it me?
[commentator] Mahrez finds Foden,
and Foden finds the post.
Guess who's there?
And Álvarez is onto it.
And holding off the challenge
[fans cheering]
[pundit 1] City are gradually
getting better.
[pundit 2] So, you're saying then,
Man City could have
a storming end to this season.
[reporter] Let's get to Manchester City,
unbeaten in the last six,
winning five,
scoring 14 goals in those games.
They can narrow the gap at the top
to five points if they beat Liverpool.
And just a little bit round the corner.
Those little half volleys.
[reporter] Here's what we know
about Haaland.
He picked up a groin injury
in that game against Burnley,
the FA Cup Quarter-Final.
[pundit 1] How important will Haaland be
if Man City are gonna win this game?
[pundit 2] You're talking about
the top goal scorer in the League
-[pundit 1] They're not a one-man team.
-[pundit 2] He finishes everything.
[Tom] They've got work to do.
[Donough] Hard to see
how Saturday would be.
[Tom] No, at this stage
[Tom] It seems difficult.
[man] Yeah,
just bring the ball back. [laughs]
[Tom] It's always gonna be
a tough one to clear today.
I don't like I hate to not play.
I was so nervous in that game.
[Gündoğan] He's the man
that has scored the most goals for us.
And obviously,
every time he's missing a game,
it's a big miss for us.
[commentator] 19 points between them.
This is the biggest gap Liverpool
have ever been behind Manchester City
when they've faced them in a League match.
We know that we have players like Julián,
you know, who can step up
and just perform
like they're in the team for forever.
-Oh, you're here?
-[man] Oh, who are you?
[indistinct chatter]
[Haaland] Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.
Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.
He's gonna score today.
He's gonna score.
We're gonna win.
He's nervous.
[Haaland groans]
[Pep] I wanna see the team
that we have done the last years.
It's playing every single game
to win the Premier League.
Until the last breath.
It doesn't matter what happen.
Fight for the win the Premier League.
They will push us to our limits,
and you have to handle it.
Because until the last breath, guys,
we're going to fight
for this Premier League.
We are one draw away from Arsenal, guys.
One draw.
You can convince me that in 10, 11 games
they cannot draw one game?
Come on, guys. Do our job.
Let's do our job,
and after that, we'll see what happens.
Be brothers outside.
Defend each other. Yes?
[commentator] This season,
the gap is 19 points
separating Manchester City and Liverpool.
A gap
Delivered to Salah!
City want a flag,
but it's not been raised.
And he's done it again!
Gets away from van Dijk.
Gündoğan knew where Grealish was.
Álvarez equalizing!
When your number 9 is not available,
your number 19 steps up.
[chanting] City! City!
[indistinct chatter]
You were beautiful, but you became crazy,
and they punished you.
Gündo, I know you played
really well, guys, really good.
But that's a question
of business, guys.
Stay in the game all the time.
Whatever happens, guys,
you have to hold that,
the knowing that we have to do it.
Be incredible positive. We have to do it.
Okay? Yes?
[players shout encouragement]
[commentator] De Bruyne in the middle.
Kevin de Bruyne!
Manchester City score!
Within a minute of the restart!
[producer] You told Kevin that he'd score.
I had a good feeling on Kevin that day.
So, well said by me and well done by him.
[commentator] Mahrez
Blocked by Alexander-Arnold,
and it falls on a plate
for Ilkay Gündoğan.
[fans cheering]
-[fans whooping]
[commentator] De Bruyne,
still got energy in the legs.
Jack Grealish! He's deserved that today!
It's been a wonderful performance
from Manchester City's number 10.
[Grealish] This one meant a lot as well.
I don't know why I felt like all I needed
was a goal to just top it off.
I got an assist, I'd done certain stuff,
and, yeah, I just feel like I needed,
you know, that goal,
just to top the performance off really.
I'm so happy we won.
I was so nervous in the first half.
Second half I was more confident.
[upbeat music playing]
You were good today!
[indistinct chatter]
You could have had a hat-trick!
[music fades]
[Pep] Kalvin,
the ball İlkay is giving you outside,
you follow that.
You can take your chances
towards the line, to get behind.
That's why we need two players
to cover the Dutch.
[pundit] Going into Champions League,
especially the Quarter-Finals,
I think that City have to be very aware
of the threats of Bayern as well.
They have some unbelievable players
and some great speed
and qualities as well.
That European trophy is what the club
and the supporters really want.
[Pep] Inside, guys!
[players shout and chatter]
[coach] I love Manchester!
[crowd singing]
[pundit] This is a great game.
Two top teams, two top tacticians.
Man City have been so close,
they'll be desperate for it.
I'm curious how it plays out.
The margins are fine.
We've seen it with City.
Can they get it right? It's a big one.
[Dias] We've got a special feeling,
a special taste
when it comes to this stage,
and now is the time to be together
and to be producing.
This is the moment to go through.
I think our team gets fed
by these moments.
That's a very good characteristic to have.
[commentator] It is a heavyweight contest
in every sense of the word.
This is what the Champions League
is all about.
Ladies and gentlemen, here we go again.
Sixth time in a row, sixth year in a row.
We are here again.
We don't play against Bayern Munich,
forget about it, guys.
If we don't,
we aren't going to play the semifinal
against Real Madrid or Chelsea.
We will play for us,
against us, against ourselves.
When we play at home this season,
we are a machine.
I had the feeling that the meeting,
I have to do it
because they pay me
a lot of money, guys, to do something.
But I couldn't say anything because
you know exactly what you have to do.
Be smart.
Don't let them breathe.
From minute one, until the end.
Okay, guys?
[commentator] It's a quarter-final tie
which would grace the final itself,
as two of the favorites
to win the competition meet head-on,
here at the Etihad Stadium.
[whistle blows]
[intense music playing]
[commentator] Rodri.
Maybe a shooting chance.
[man] That's it.
[commentator] Oh! What about that?
[fans cheering]
It's a goal to take your breath away.
The Champions League.
And it's the first time he's ever scored
a Champions League goal,
and what a way to do it.
Manchester City one, Bayern Munich nil.
The body language is down!
It's difficult.
When you go inside, the opposite side
because they come with you,
they come here, he's there.
They will not pass us the opposite side.
From here, try to go
the opposite side, and after go.
Ready, guys?
[sound distorts and echoes]
[Silva] First half, very tight
[pulsing music playing]
but little details decide the games.
[commentator] Upamecano's lost out
to Grealish.
On it goes to Haaland. Promising for City.
Pulls it across to Bernardo Silva!
[fans cheering]
[music continues]
[Silva] It was a beautiful night,
a beautiful game for us.
[commentator] Álvarez.
The target is Stones. Haaland!
[fans cheering]
Dreamland in the Champions League
for Manchester City,
who can smell the semi-final!
-[music ends]
-[Haaland shouts]
[Silva] Even though we won 3-0,
the gap wasn't that big
if you look at the quality
of the performance of the teams.
[Dias] We didn't even celebrate it much
after the game
'cause we were just tired.
M-O-M, John?
-I don't know how, lad.
-Is your dad doing commentary?
[Silva] Getting that advantage
against such a tough team,
it was It was good.
'Cause we knew
how tough it would be to go to Bayern.
It was definitely a special moment.
Because also you and all of us know
that we're playing against
a very good team.
You're winning 3-0, but [exhales]
in the end it means nothing.
You know you have to go there
and you have to beat them.
Any more wind,
Bernardo's hair's gonna fly off.
[reporter] Bayern Munich
against Manchester City,
Manchester City three to the good
already in that tie.
[pundit 1] Absolutely no chance.
No chance of a comeback.
Fruit Pastilles!
[pundit 2] Oh no,
there's a lot at stake for them here,
particularly for Thomas Tuchel
to make sure
that they don't get humiliated.
[intense music playing]
[fans singing]
[commentator] What a place,
what a stadium.
And what a situation we have.
Two fantastic sides
who've scored plenty of goals.
Manchester City who were magnificent
in the first leg at the Etihad.
But here in Munich tonight
to finish the job.
We go again, guys. We go again.
Competitive, guys, again. Vamos.
Everyone ready to go, everyone.
Ready to go?
[coach] Guys, there is no more.
Let's get to work.
[Dias] Let's go, boys.
-Come on.
-Come on, guys. Come on.
Prepare, boys.
Prepare for the first 15, 20 minutes.
Difficult, come on.
Enjoy the pressure, guys.
Enjoy the pressure.
Don't go to the future, please.
In your minds, the future is
the Champions League semifinal.
Forget about it, guys.
Three-zero at home
is not enough in these stages.
It's not enough.
Stay in the present 95 minutes.
In the present, whatever happen.
You know they will press you.
They will push you.
Don't think the result is enough.
It's not enough.
Never in this stage against these teams.
It's clear?
Do it together, guys. Do it together.
[players cheering]
[crowd singing]
[tense music playing]
[whistle blows]
[Silva] We didn't play as well
as we probably usually do,
but that's part of the competition.
[commentator] Bayern coming back again
with Goretzka, Musiala
Sané is on. Here's Leroy Sané
for his big chance of the night
Oh, he's missed it.
What an opportunity for the former
Manchester City man, Leroy Sané.
You don't get desperate.
If they control the game more than you
and they're creating a few chances,
that's okay, that's part of it.
Because they're good.
-[commentator] Has he given a penalty?
-[crowd shouting and whistling]
[Silva] They're one of the best teams
and you have to accept it.
[crowd noise grows louder]
[commentator] He's put it over the bar!
[crowd shouting]
And it's reignited the crowd
inside the Allianz.
[music intensifies]
[Silva] In this competition sometimes,
you need to do what you need to do.
Go there, go there, go there.
Gündo, if not possible,
back, another pass, another pass here.
With Bernie. Bernie, go to byline.
Go there with Kevin, go.
John from behind here and the other side.
Make lots of passes.
They'll defend when we have the ball.
It's the best way to defend.
[Stones] I took a touch in the box
and looked up,
and we kind of say
to put it down the line,
allow us time to squeeze up the pitch
and kind of make it compact.
But, no, I saw Erling in a great spot,
tried to put some put it high
so he had time to kind of get set,
'cause I know that Erling's so strong
and he's great at pinning his defenders,
so it came down soft
so he could take a good touch.
[tense music playing]
Now De Bruyne.
Upamecano's fallen over.
Haaland's in, scores!
[fans cheering]
Erling Haaland back in Munich
and powering Manchester City
into the semi-finals
of the Champions League.
And yeah, it came off quite well, I think.
The decisions that the team made
in these two games against Bayern
show how experienced and how ready
we are for this competition now.
[commentator] And Kimmich scores.
So they do get a goal tonight,
Bayern Munich.
Manchester City are into the semi-finals
of the Champions League
for the fifth time.
[indistinct chatter]
[animated background chatter]
[Silva] If you look at
the beautiful quality of the game,
I don't think we were perfect,
but in terms of decision making
and being intelligent in tough moments,
we were perfect
and this competition is about that.
Yeah, onto the semi-final.
[coach] Heel flicks on the way back.
[players chatter]
[producer] What is it like working
as that whole goal keeping unit?
[in Portuguese] I think success
is also part of the collective work.
[coach] Good save, Eddie.
Was that your face, Eddie?
[Ortega] It's difficult to explain
for people who don't know
how the feelings are in this group.
You can see it,
we make a lot of jokes to each other.
[Ortega] I think we have
a good connection to each other.
[man] This'll be on his Instagram.
Shoot, shoot!
[man] Get that on his Instagram.
I'm always laughing, always smiling. Um
I know when it's the right time
to have a laugh
and when it's gotta be serious.
[players shouting]
[man] Hey! Catch coming!
[Carson] Hat-trick!
I used to be good, you know,
Julián, back in the day.
[in Portuguese] Scott is an amazing lad.
He makes me laugh a lot.
I remember exactly how it was
the first time I met Scott.
I was having breakfast, and Scott arrives,
and I say, "Look, I guess we have
a new coach or fitness coach!"
[Alex] Tell me
what Scott's nickname for you is.
Nettle Tanned. Stephen Nettle Tanned.
It's Stephen Nettle Tanned in goal.
Stephen Nettle Tanned?
I typed in "Stefan Ortega Moreno"
into English translation
and "Stephen Nettle Tanned" came up so
He thinks it's so funny. [chuckles]
Ever since then it's just stuck
and even the other lads are
Nettle Tanned,
that's what he just gets called.
[coach] Yes.
[Gary Neville] Huge game
at both ends of the table.
[commentator] Ward-Prowse with the corner.
Surely. Yes, it's there!
Oh, lovely.
[reporter] Massive result for Southampton.
A three-all draw against the leaders.
They'd led 2-0, they'd led 3-1,
and in the end,
Arsenal snatched a dramatic draw,
which leaves Manchester City
five points behind Arsenal
with two games in hand,
and you feel Arsenal must beat City
at the Etihad on Wednesday night.
[Pep] We'll start to talk about the Treble
when you've won the Premier League
and after we've won the FA Cup
before the final Champions League.
So we are more closer
to don't do it than do it.
So, the best is focus
to compete against Sheffield United.
[reporter] Are you getting excited?
About the Treble? Not at all.
-[reporter] Thank you.
[Ortega] From the hotel room
you had a look to the stadium
and yeah, I remember on this day,
I was a bit nervous.
It's unbelievable.
The stadium, the supporters,
the history and everything else.
[Rodri] Don't play crazy.
We move with the ball, guys, yeah?
Then we will score,
then we will control the game. Vamos.
Guys, for the old guys,
one year ago, we were here.
One year ago.
And at halftime, I took the tactics board
and put it down.
We were three-zero down against Liverpool.
Do you think I wasn't happy?
You weren't happy with yourselves, guys.
You weren't happy with your performance.
It was flat.
I don't know how many finals FA Cup
that you have played in your career.
I played once.
And I wanna play this one, eh, guys?
One 95 minutes.
Yeah? All together?
[team cheering]
When the game starts, it was like,
just calm down Stefan, just enjoy.
[commentator] Norwood's corner.
Headed towards goal,
it comes down to Ndiaye.
It's a big save by Ortega!
[dramatic music playing]
Jebbison trying to get clear
-[crowd cheering, booing]
Against Mahrez.
-[fans cheering]
-It's in there.
Haaland is on his bike.
Charging towards
the edge of the penalty area,
Mahrez might go all the way here.
And he couldn't resist the invitation.
In towards Mahrez And it's a hat-trick!
[fans cheering]
Riyad Mahrez!
The Treble chase remains very much alive.
It's a crucial seven-day period
for these champions
and so far Pep Guardiola
has steered City through
to a Champions League semi-final
and now an FA Cup Final.
[Grealish] Vamos!
You were brilliant
in all the concepts, guys. In all.
Don't forget, three days ago,
we were in a tough game in Germany,
so congratulations.
The final FA Cup.
You are in semifinal Champions League.
On Wednesday, guys,
you know exactly, more than me,
that if we beat them like we are going to,
we will be champion,
almost, almost, almost, almost champions
of the Premier League, guys.
We're going to take a picture
to remember that moment
because we're in the final
of the FA Cup, guys.
-Come on!
[pundit 1] I bet they can't wait
to play Arsenal.
I bet they're so excited, mate.
A huge night
for everyone in the Premier League,
especially for Man City.
[reporter] It's in Man City's hands
for the first time.
So, the Champions League is
the question mark.
-[pundit 1] Getting over Real Madrid.
-[Pep] One more!
[pundit 1] It hasn't been
talked about much
because Arsenal have been
in such great form
and have been at the top of the table
for most of it, but the Treble's on.
[pundit 2] You'd better believe it.
You better believe it.
[music fades]
[mellow electronic music playing]
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