Tokyo Swindlers (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Wh-Whoa! Whoa, whoa!
Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa! Whoa, wait! Whoa!
Stop! Stop, stop, stop, stop. Stop!
Whoa, okay, don't!
Look, Kaede-san.
It's not like
I'm asking you a huge favor.
Just that I don't want you
to be able to refuse it.
Yeah, whatever. I'll do whatever.
Anything you want!
Hey! You need to be more respectful.
Oh my God!
Wait! Wait, wait.
-You gonna do what we say?
-I will! Give me a chance!
-You gonna do it?
-Yes! Don't do it, please!
Oh God! Oh God!
With this, we can use him to get Kawai
out of the temple whenever we want to.
The expression on a person's face when
they're backed into a corner is exquisite.
I am curious what expression he'd have
on his face if you had let him fall.
Die Hard, the movie.
Have you ever seen it?
Uh, yes.
There's a scene at the end
where Hans, the main antagonist,
falls from the building.
Of course, most of it was CGI,
but Hans was dropped
from a height of 13 meters.
The crew explained to him
"Three, two, one, go,"
and then they would let go.
But what they actually did was,
"Three, two,
and let go.
That's how they were able
to capture that expression.
An exquisite, realistic mix
of surprise and fear.
Hans Gruber,
he was a great villain.
Brilliant-minded, formidable, diabolical,
but still a gentleman.
He was an attractive character filled
with both pathos and a sense of humor.
That movie became a classic
because of Hans.
It was all because of what Hans did
and who he was.
Not because of that stupid hero.
I don't really remember it well.
It seems that Goto-san was able
to make contact with Abiru Holdings.
I think it's best
that we speed up solidifying the imposter.
The information should be
reaching Sekiyo about now.
I agree. I'll touch base with Reiko-san.
And what about Takeshita-san?
He hasn't been in touch recently.
Not even to beg me for money.
But his job is almost done with,
so I'm not worried.
Land swindlers
are members of real estate fraud groups
who pose as property owners
trying to sell their land.
These fraud groups
steal large sums of money
using deceit and forged documents.
Land fraud groups contain
a leader, negotiator, informer,
legal advisor, document forger,
and imposter recruiter.
Each group member must possess precise
and highly-advanced criminal techniques.
How is it going? Have you found
a new plot of land for us yet?
No, not yet, but
Just between us,
a potential equal to Oimachi
Actually, not equal to.
A bigger thing has come up.
-Is it ours yet?
-I'm still working on a few things.
The landowner's been known to be stubborn.
She's been holding on tight to the land.
Our entire division is doing what we can.
I see. It's not possible
to play rough like we used to.
You and I had a lot of tricks
up our sleeve, didn't we?
We certainly did.
Well in order for us
to climb even higher than we are,
there's no room for us
to be stumbling around in the dark.
Don't worry, I'm fully aware of that.
The chairman is going out of town
next week. Kazakhstan for a month.
He's obsessed with this project right now.
But my prediction,
I don't think it's going to go smoothly.
I think he'll probably need
more than a month.
-Make sure that by then, it's figured out.
You have my word.
Excuse me.
-President, you're scheduled to leave now.
-Then I will leave you to it.
Are you all right?
You don't look
like you're all right to me.
On my way.
-You're sure about that?
-I'm sure.
Although the information
came out of nowhere,
what's certain is
that the asset manager of the temple
is offering to sell the land
to a company called Abiru Holdings.
Real estate business,
resort development. Apparel?
Why sell to this dull company?
-Have we dealt with them in the past?
-We have not.
Their turnover last year was 15 billion.
We found no problems
that might cause issues in the deal
when we ran a credit check on them.
Excuse me.
Look, do you see this female advisor here?
She's married to Diet Member Tabuse
of the Liberal Democratic Party.
He supports construction interests.
I believe we can trust Abiru.
We need to hurry.
If we know this information,
there is a high chance
that other companies do as well.
Tokyu Corp leads development
around Yamanote Line stations
What? You haven't
made a move yet, have you?
I thought maybe
I should check with you first.
Idiot! Go contact them right now!
Ah, yes, yes! I'm sorry.
You heard him.
What? I'm busy working.
Which work?
At the banquet,
or looking for an imposter?
Doing both.
What's the situation over there?
Sekiyo's like a moth to the flame
with the trap we set.
So we've started
making the documents, but
But you need a photo
for the driver's license and passport.
Yes. There will likely
be some movement next week,
so if you could get on that
as soon as possible.
All right. I gotta go.
Hey, Takumi-kun, which parts should
I black out on this sales contract?
Oh, um,
all the parts about the price.
Here, here, and also here.
Ten billion! Insane.
It's like the biggest deal
you've ever had.
I guess it is.
You've been working very hard.
You have as well.
You can have this if you want.
I pressed the wrong button
when I tried to get coffee.
Oh no, it's okay, really.
That's very kind of you.
-Your son?
Apologies, I glanced at your phone.
-How old?
-He just turned ten.
-Oh my.
That makes him a year younger than my son.
You have one too?
I did. I really miss him.
He passed away five years ago.
Hey, can I show you a photo of Ryuto?
Oh, of course. That'd be great.
One moment.
If I'm going to show you a photo,
I want you to see the cutest one.
Which one's the best?
Ah. This one.
What a smile!
He was so shy as an only child.
He complained about
not wanting to go to elementary school.
But once he got there,
he couldn't get enough of it.
You know, my son was the exact same way.
He was?
My son was popular with other kids.
They all wanted him to join
the soccer club and play with them.
He was pretty terrible at first.
He worked very hard at it.
Eventually, he got good enough
to play some matches.
He had a match. It was a Sunday game.
But on his way there
he was hit by a car.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, That was too much, wasn't it?
Can you tell me your son's name?
Does Kenta-kun do anything for fun?
Perhaps a sport?
He's just been hospitalized a while.
He's ill.
I'm sorry for prying.
It must be rough.
I'm thinking maybe it would be a good idea
if I went back to Chiba Prison.
For Tsujimoto Masami?
Yes. If I could talk with him some more,
I feel like maybe
I could uncover something.
-What could you find?
-Mm, I don't know.
I think Tsujimoto Takumi hasn't completely
cut ties with his family just yet.
This letter, for example. He submitted
a change of address application.
Or maybe
I could check the grave
of his deceased wife and son.
They're still his family and it's almost
the anniversary of their deaths.
He might show up. It's worth a shot.
Or not.
The Takumi of today
might have decided to throw away
everything holding him in his past
the moment he decided
to become a land swindler.
-Tatsu-san, would you do the same?
Like, what if, hypothetically,
the same thing suddenly happened
to your wife and daughter?
If you threw away your past,
would you block them from your mind?
Why would you ask me that question?
I'm not married, I don't have children.
I'm not able to answer that question,
so I asked you.
You have an entire family.
I'm curious what you'd do.
No, I would never
be able to do something like that.
And why? Why is that?
It's not something I just wouldn't.
Because you really
love your family, right?
You're being presumptuous.
You're telling me you don't have a family
photo under all that clutter on your desk.
-Mm, I'm not the type.
-You're lying, let's look.
You can stop now.
Look at that.
I knew you had one.
I don't think it would be that easy.
He wouldn't be able to forget them.
Am I right?
-Tatsu-san, can I have a word?
-Of course.
It's about the murder victim
that the First Division is investigating.
Isn't this the same land shark
who was involved
in the fraud case you were working on?
Oh, Hayashi Toshikatsu. That's right.
Yeah, I thought so.
So, what's going on with that?
Well, he was discovered yesterday,
so there's not much of anything
going on at the moment.
Hello, Haba speaking.
Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yes.
Yeah, I'm on it.
Wait, where are you going?
I'll leave Tsujimoto's father
in your capable hands.
Hello, sir. Forensics is almost done.
It's this way.
Tatsu-san? What are you doing here?
Well, I thought this might
have something to do with the fraud case
I'm investigating at the moment,
so I decided to stop by.
Definitely a murder?
The body's being sent to a forensic
autopsy, but it's strangulation.
-Right here?
-We can't make that call.
There doesn't seem to be
evidence of a fight.
I was talking to forensics
and everything seems too clean.
I mean, the victim
seems to have slept here a lot.
He didn't seem the type
to clean up after himself often.
The floor, however, is oddly spotless.
Uh, maybe the traces of a fight
were erased after?
Not positive yet.
Hang on.
Hey, do you mind?
Go ahead.
"G, Ahiru"?
Yes, we can be there.
That timing works for us.
Yes. I'll let you know the number
of people we're bringing from our side.
Yes, thank you.
We'll be in touch. Goodbye.
-Did you touch base?
-They put me through to President Abiru.
-What did he say?
He said that he wants
to get together to talk.
He also said there have been inquiries
from other companies, as expected,
though it seems we'll be
the first company to talk directly.
Great. What day?
We're scheduled for November 8th,
at 3 p.m., five days from now.
They couldn't schedule before?
President Abiru said
he could meet any day,
but that day was best for the landowner
and the other people involved.
The landowner?
The female priest landowner?
Yes, um
The landowner, Kawai Natsumi,
the judicial scrivener,
and the financial advisor,
and the real estate consultant who manages
the temple's assets will be all be there.
Okay, we'll need to show up
with a decent team too.
-Gather a team immediately.
-Yes, sir.
How much should we prepare?
We can't go empty-handed, I'm assuming.
What about we rework the plan
based on the Oimachi project
as close as we can?
-Right away.
Did he say anything
about a specific price?
Just that he wanted to wait
until we directly meet with him.
Typical answer.
-What's your quote?
I estimate that ten billion yen
or 11 billion yen
will be the baseline for negotiation.
-That seems right.
-Excuse me.
Uh, Yamauchi, Haraguchi, Takasu,
Yashiki and Ninomiya! Conference room.
Yes, sir.
Ten billion
-Hello, everyone.
-Hi, Takumi-kun.
We got a meeting with Sekiyo
coming up on the agenda.
When will that be?
We're scheduled for November 8th,
3 p.m., at Abiru's place.
-I'll put it in the calendar.
-Why the look? Aren't you glad?
Nah, it's not that.
We can't say
they've fallen into our trap just yet.
And Takumi-san's work
is just about to begin.
That said, we've made strides forward.
Oh, thanks very much.
Reiko-san sent a photo. It's the imposter
candidate she's been working on.
Ha! A cleaning lady?
What do you think?
She doesn't have the same
features, but she has the right vibe.
-I think so too.
-You both think that? I can't tell.
She looks like
a middle-aged poor lady to me.
Oh, it's Reiko-chan.
-Hello, all.
-How's it going?
Hey, Reiko-chan, we three were
just chatting it up about the imposter.
Can you please give us
information on her background?
Give me a minute.
I'm completely exhausted
from listening to her talk all day.
That's good.
Taniguchi Yoshie, 51.
A single mother working as a cleaner
at hotels and inns in Atami.
She was running a restaurant with her
husband, whom she divorced a few years ago
after he had an affair with a friend of
hers who was helping with the restaurant.
They eloped. The restaurant went under
and she is repaying the debt for it.
She is currently
about 12.5 million in debt.
That's about all I've got.
She is obviously pretty desperate.
Takumi-kun, you were right. Circumstances
are similar to the little nun.
There were other women
who seem to have bad circumstances,
but I narrowed it down to Taniguchi
because she needs money right now.
What do you mean?
Her only son has been in the hospital
for a long time
with a congenital heart disease
and she doesn't have
enough money for his treatment.
That's perfect.
A mother would become a devil
or even a demon for her son.
-It's the same for my family.
-So, how much does she need?
Five million yen for now.
Hmm. The going rate is three million,
but maybe we could sweeten up the pot.
-How is her memory?
-She doesn't seem stupid.
But like you said,
I think she would have the determination
to do anything she could for her son.
Takumi-san, what are your thoughts?
I'd have to meet her first to be sure,
but my gut feeling is she'd work.
Well, then, it's decided.
We don't have time to waste.
We won't bring her along to the meeting
we have with Sekiyo next week.
All good. For the forged passport
and driver's license,
I think editing this photo
would work for us.
-I'll send it to Nagai-kun.
-Wait a minute.
It's still in the future, but eventually,
there'll be an in-person meeting.
What are we gonna do about her hair?
She'll shave it?
That won't be a problem.
She has alopecia from years of hardship.
Well, that's convenient.
I thought that might end up
being our biggest obstacle.
-They say a woman's hair is her life.
-That's old.
But it is
a pretty big obstacle to overcome.
I'm raising my payment fee
because this is a lot of effort.
Have you had the chance
to convince her to be an imposter yet?
I'll get to it in a few days.
-All right, I'll talk to you guys later.
-I'll leave you to it.
-That reminds me.
-I'll make up some new business cards.
-Oh, that'd be great.
Will you leave the name
up to me again?
Yeah, sure.
Huh? Really?
Tatsu-san, you think the land shark in
this article has something to do with it?
Not sure.
Though, in the case with Harrison
and the others I was working on,
this man was indirectly involved.
And you said that "G" is Goto?
If they're targeting new land
to make a deal somewhere,
might be possible.
-Okay, what do you think "Ahiru" is?
-No clue.
It says "visit."
is it a meeting?
Wait a minute.
Ahiru real estate.
Oh. Ahiru Real Estate in Hiroshima,
specializing in detached houses.
Well, that probably
doesn't have anything to do with this.
-What is it?
I just imagined Golgo 13 walking around
looking all tough and carrying a duck.
Come again?
Golgo's alias is G.
Ahiru is a domestic duck, right?
The image popped into my head
of Golgo with his mad face
and a "Quack! Quack!"
Ah, hmm, hmm. Okay, I get it. Okay.
Hey! What about that meeting
with Tsujimoto Masami?
In the morning. First thing.
Then, uh, we can both
call it a night. Sound good?
Yep. Good work today, sir.
-By the way, what area do you live in?
In Tsurukawa.
Wow, that's definitely far.
-And you own a house?
For a while now.
That's amazing.
Why would that be amazing?
I got it second-hand.
It's a good walk from the station.
Yeah, I've got mad respect
for you for that.
Because the idea of buying a house
won't even be a speck in the minds
of young guys these days. At all.
My ex, he was
in the Secondary Riot Police Unit.
We were preparing to get married,
but when I asked him
what we were going to do about housing,
he said, "Huh? What about police housing?"
That actually
came out of his mouth.
And so that's why we're through.
Ah. You broke up.
Um, so, um, does your wife work?
No, she's a housewife.
Ah, mad respect for her too then.
Because it means she's supportive
of her detective husband,
devoted to his work, and taking care
of the entire family full time.
She doesn't do anything
out of the ordinary.
Yes, but she still sounds perfect.
Invite me over sometime soon.
My house? No, I don't think so.
I wanna see your place.
As a future reference for me.
All right, have a good evening.
Good night.
-Want me to make something?
-No, thanks.
I'll be heading to bed soon.
Yuri said
that she'll come by next week.
Are you feeling any better?
I'm okay. My numbers have calmed down,
so it should be all right.
You're retiring in less
than six months. Please don't overdo it.
Good night. I'm going to bed.
Uh, how does going on a trip sound?
-Would you like that?
Once I retire, we'll have
some more free time around here,
so I thought maybe we could go with Yuri
and your family.
Okinawa or somewhere like that.
Why so sudden?
I'll have retirement allowance. We could
splurge a bit more if you want to?
I'll call Yuri and ask her in the morning.
Worst case, it could just be you and me.
I I didn't mean "worst case", at all.
It wouldn't be a worst-case scenario.
You okay?
Everything all right?
I'm fine. It's nothing.
Happy memories with my family?
Yes. What is the happiest memory you have?
What memories with your family
were your happiest? Can you recall?
The happiest memory
I can't
I killed my family.
I'm sorry. This must be hard.
Because, it's almost the anniversary
of their deaths, right?
We're looking for Takumi-san.
Your son might be involved in a certain
case we're investigating right now.
And we think he might visit their graves.
Especially on the anniversary
of their deaths.
He didn't bury them
in the Tsujimoto family grave,
so I thought about where he might have
had a grave built for his wife and son.
I thought perhaps
he might have
had it built somewhere close.
Near a good memory.
It could be anywhere.
Anything come to mind?
The year before
before I caused their deaths,
we made a nice memory.
We went on a trip to Izu
for summer vacation.
It was spur-of-the-moment
and all the hotels were full.
We stayed in a tiny bed and breakfast,
which was nice.
Where in Izu?
I think
in Inatori.
That trip had a lot of good memories.
On the last night there,
we decided to do some fireworks
on the beach.
Then Toshimi, my grandson, said
I wanna stay forever!
But But I
It's all my fault.
-Inatori in Izu?
-Yes, I'm going now to investigate.
It seems there are quite a few sites,
so I'm not sure I'll find it.
-Any luck for you? Anything pop up?
Uh, I'm in the same boat.
Okay. I'll call you when I find something.
Oh, h-hello.
My wife wanted me to,
uh, give this to you.
What? Oh, thank you.
-I wonder what it is?
-She said it's homemade jam.
Remember, she has a blueberry bush
growing in the backyard.
-Please thank her for me.
-How's your wife doing?
Mine? Well, uh
We've become a little like roommates.
Everyone's the same.
-Excuse me.
Is the Tsujimoto family grave around here?
This place is too big
to remember any specific names.
Hmm, the microchips look good.
Nagai-kun, sorry, but could you blend in
the border of her head a little more?
-Also, add more shadow?
-Hey, boss.
What the hell are you doing?
said to clean the room.Ow!
Why'd you do that?
Who the hell is your boss?
-Takumi or Harrison?
-No, no, it's you!
Why would you hand me something like that?
We are working on a ten billion yen deal.
Do you understand that or not?
Do your job
and bring me something better, okay?
Yes, sir.
This is mommy's new friend, Reiko-san.
I heard you've been doing your best.
-Here's a reward.
-We can't accept that.
Let me do this much.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome, Kenta-kun.
Middle will be Aoyagi,
Head of the Development Division.
Will Abiru be sitting in front?
Abiru-san is only the broker.
Sekiyo thinks that the final decision will
be made by Kawai-san, so that'll be me.
Are you doing the price negotiations?
How much are you starting with?
You're wild.
Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt.
-You've been sitting here for a while.
Other customers would like
to use the table as well, so if possible
Sorry about that.
I'm on official business.
Oh. Uh, yes, sir. I apologize.
There's a big business negotiation
to sell land.
I would like for you to be there
and to pretend to be the landowner.
You want me to do something illegal?
I'll give you five million yen.
This is to think about it a little bit.
Accept the job and I'll pay you
the remaining 4.5.
You don't have enough
for the surgery, do you?
I understand.
I'll take care of the rest.
You did it. This one's good.
Thank you!
Thank you!
-Thank God.
-I'm so glad.
Yashiki. Buy as many beers
as you can with that.
Are you sure?
It's a pre-celebration before the battle.
Don't drink too much.
-Yes, sir!
-Thank you, sir.
-Um, Boss, sorry, may I have a lemon sour?
May I have a shochu and green tea?
-I would love a whiskey on the rocks.
-Get what you want. Hurry up and order!
Okay, what does everybody want?
Actually, text me what you want.
For you.
Oh. It's not mine.
-I didn't order that.
-Oh, it's on the house.
It's free service.
Thank you for all you do for us.
I wish you the best.
I appreciate that.
Any open table in the back.
-Are you good with coffee?
-Yeah, sure.
One iced, one hot coffee, please.
Coming up.
Now is not the time for coffee.
Shouldn't we get going?
It's already past three o'clock.
Let's make them wait a while.
We're in control. Let's keep them
in suspense a little longer.
You're beginning
to act like Harrison more every day.
You think that?
Yeah. I hear that Reiko-chan
is wooing that cleaning lady.
She finally
contacted me yesterday.
She says she'll bring her
to Tokyo next week.
And Take-chan? What's his story?
I can't get a hold of him at all.
That's not good.
That guy's doing too much.
What's Harrison say?
That Takeshita-san's work is almost done,
so it's not a problem.
Technically, he's not wrong, but
What about you?
What do you think about it?
In this line of work,
we each have a role to play.
-Takeshita-san will finish his job.
-That's not what I meant. Harrison.
Hmm? What do you mean?
You've heard? About Hayashi's death?
He's dead? When did that happen?
Last week.
I gave him his referral fee
for our intro to Abiru,
and the day after that he was dead.
I think Harrison is who murdered him.
Not directly, of course. He hired someone.
That man is insane.
After that job in Ebisu,
that old man died in a weird way too.
That was probably Harrison.
Just between you and me,
once this job is over,
I think I'm finished.
I don't need more money. I've made enough.
I'd like living quietly with my family.
It's all I want.
look out for Harrison.
I found it!
It doesn't have the name Tsujimoto on it,
but I'm pretty sure this is it.
I'll confirm with the temple
and call you back.
-Time to go.
-Good. That sounds great.
Let's go.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
What? I'm busy right now.
I'll call you back.
Long time no see,
It's Harrison Yamanaka.
I'm impressed.
You've made it this far already.
But it all ends now.
A very important ceremonial meeting
is about to begin for us.
I'm sorry,
but we can't have you interrupt it.
It's this way.
Thank you for your patience.
Jinnai-sama and Mamiya-sama have arrived.
Hello. Sorry we're so late.
Please forgive us, gentlemen.
I'm Aoyagi from Sekiyo House,
Head of the Development Division.
Pleased to meet you.
I'm the judicial scrivener for Kawai-san,
and I'm also her financial advisor.
My name is Jinnai.
I manage Kawai-sama's assets
at Jinnai-sama's request.
My name is Mamiya.
Pleased to meet you.
-Thank you.
Well, shall we start?
Is Kawai-sama on her way,
or did she get stuck?
Ah, yes, about that.
Unfortunately she came down with a fever
this morning and won't be making it.
That's unfortunate.
Regarding the matters at hand,
Kawai-san has placed all of her trust
upon us with this,
so you have nothing to worry about.
Do you think
we'll be able to meet her at some point?
That will depend
on how things go today.
We haven't even started
our negotiations yet.
It might happen that we never see each
other's faces in our lives ever again.
Forgive me. I was presumptuous.
Well, then, shall we get started?
We've been able to visit the land site.
The location for this plot of land
is absolutely incredible.
We've been fortunate to personally visit
several times ourselves.
-We agree.
We are planning to give this
our active consideration.
Everyone here,
representatives at Sekiyo House,
would like to share
what our intentions are with this land.
We plan to make use
of the 3,200 square meter space
by naming it the Takanawa Project
and building a large commercial facility
and office building.
It's too soon to show us your plans.
-Don't we have something to decide first?
-Excuse me?
I'm sure you've already heard
from Abiru-sama
that Kawai-sama has already concluded
a purchase contract with Abiru Holdings
regarding this land.
We have.
I've brought the purchase contract
with me today. Please have a look.
It's been a while.
New Nambu M60?
I heard that detectives these days mostly
carry a Sakura or a Smith & Wesson gun.
You're a loyal man.
-I'm old-school.
-I can see that.
And you've been in the Second
Investigation Division your whole career.
Not many chances to use your gun.
I've been chasing white-collar criminals
like you my entire career, so, yeah.
In the end,
I would never have imagined
that I would be shot with my own gun.
Aren't you going to shoot me?
Didn't you bring me here to die?
-Isn't that it?
The police get very nervous
when one of their own is killed.
And I would never
take a risk like that on purpose.
You're going to jump from there.
You're committing suicide, Shimomura-san.
Copies of Kawai-sama's
identification papers
and registered seal certificate.
Please have a look at them.
let's talk about the purchase price
for the land.
Please share with us
the price of what you're all thinking.
First, I would like to remind everyone
that this is a group of lands that are
rarely seen within the Yamanote Line.
Second, it is close
to Shinagawa Station and Sengoku Station.
Also, a new Yamanote Line station
will be open in two years.
Large-scale development by JR and Tokyu
has begun around the stations
in conjunction with this,
and the area is expected
-Ah, confirmed to be great.
Ordinarily, such expectations
should probably be reflected in the price,
but the seller says
to keep it in a reasonable range,
and has left it up to us to decide.
-What's the price?
-Fourteen billion yen.
Fourteen billion?
A charming little second-hand house,
bought for 32.7 million yen
on loan 25 years ago.
One might call it a small and quaint home,
filled with fun.
It seems your daughter
and your grandchildren are visiting.
If you change your mind and don't jump,
I'll make the call to have your family
killed right now, and your house burned.
If you take my offer and jump,
no harm will come to your family.
This I promise you.
There's only one way
your family gets out of this alive.
You piece of shit, Harrison!
Fourteen billion.
This is the price I deduced
after looking at the market value.
We do have buyers at that price,
considering what the land is
and it's location.
All the same, Kawai-sama
is quite a generous person.
How does 12 billion yen sound?
-Please give us a moment.
-Of course.
Please take off your shoes.
They'll prevent your suicide note
from blowing away in the wind.
-You're well-prepared.
I've even copied your handwriting.
-What did I write?
-Just cliché things.
Words of gratitude to your family,
worries about your physical health,
your life after retirement.
It's generally pretty accurate.
Could you tell me one final thing?
Um, is there any way
you would consider
an offer of 10.8 billion yen?
After Kawai-san already lowered
the price below the going rate,
you're over here trying to haggle us?
Maybe you shouldn't get too greedy.
That's not
I didn't mean to offend anyone.
Didn't you say you've gotten inquiries
from not only Mitsui and Tokyu,
but also Nomura and Mori?
Yes. Many.
We're here to sell to a group
that can make a quick decision.
Give us a moment please.
How did you figure out
that I was chasing you?
That I was investigating the company?
And all of my personal information?
I'll keep that to myself.
I'm sworn to secrecy.
Sworn to secrecy, my ass.
Your only rule is
dead men tell no tales.
And dead men
won't be able to hear anything.
You don't need to hear
any more information.
You have an informant
on the inside, don't you?
Are you sure you want to know that?
Do you really want that
to be your last memory on Earth?
It's Haba, isn't it?
How much?
-He was surprisingly reasonable.
Time to start the main event.
Try again.
How's 11.4 billion yen?
11.8. Anything under that
would be difficult.
Indeed. It would.
11.8 billion yen.
I'm not sure.
How about this?
Why don't we split the difference
at 11.2 billion?
Furthermore, we will pay
for the demolition of the building.
So 11.2 billion.
Let's strike a deal. How is that?
Thank you very much.
However, there will be a condition.
What's the matter?
That's understandable.
You don't have to feel ashamed of that.
It's only natural as a human being.
You will be dying in exchange
for saving your family's lives.
Your death will be admirable.
You're a monster.
Don't pretend to be human.
Then let me help you.
However, there will be a condition.
Kawai-sama is in a rush to sell.
Please submit the real estate purchase
application by tomorrow, end of day.
We'll provide the letter of intent
for selling on the same day.
And after that is completed,
we'll have the payment and contract
signing within two weeks.
-In two two weeks?
That might not be doable.
Because the amount is so high,
it will have to be approved
at an internal meeting.
We understand that,
but if you dilly-dally,
another company might swoop it up.
Kawai-san is in a rush to sell.
We understand that, but we couldn't.
It wouldn't be possible for any company
to get an internal approval so quickly.
We accept this condition.
Just pretend you have a blindfold on.
You don't have to do anything.
I'll push you.
How should we start?
Let's go with that.
Don't think you can grab my hand.
Don't think about
taking me down with you in your fall.
For your family's sake.
All right.
Let's settle on 11.2 billion.
However, because a bulk payment
at this price is unusual,
some adjustments will be necessary.
We will make efforts
to meet your expectations.
Thank you.
Furthermore, we have a condition as well.
As I am the person
responsible at Sekiyo House,
I cannot accept giving the go on
this contract just with this one meeting.
-What condition do you have for us?
-We want to meet Kawai-sama.
We need to meet before we sign.
we would like a tour with her.
In her presence, a tour of the property,
including her home, the Kouan-ji Temple.
We'll make it happen.
We will discuss
with Kawai-sama immediately.
We do have one more further condition.
We'll meet with Kawai-sama
only after you receive
internal approval from your company.
Until then.
Oh, hello?
Tatsu-san, can you hear me?
Are you there?
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