Tomo-chan Is a Girl! (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

The Reason for Her Smile/I Want to Be Playful Like a Girl/Heroes Fall a Lot

"Tomo–chan Is a Girl!"
"Reason to Smile"
Morning, Misuzu–chan! Isn't it a fine day?
Yay, she didn't ignore me today!
Who are you again?
Your classmate, Tanabe!
I wanna see her smile.
Misuzu–chan never seems cheerful.
That deadpan look is great but I wonder
what it'll take for her to flash a smile?
What're you on about?
She smiles as much as the next person.
What!? No way!
In fact, she's always sneering
when she comes up to me.
That nasty piece of work.
You have it so good.
"Tanabe's imagination" "Reality"
Being old friends has its perks!
Say, Gundo smiles a lot, right?
Does she? I haven't seen much of it.
What does that mean?
How should I know?
Could Misuzu still be into Jun?
Did you know mechanical pencils
can stab rather well?
A wise decision.
Oh right, Misuzu–chan!
I heard a funny story
What's with the tape?
Misuzu–chan did it!
Bet you must've set her off.
You never learn.
I said nothing.
Huh? Then why'd she
I only tried to peck her cheek.
You're lucky she stopped at the tape.
Misuzu–chan, what will it take
to see a smile?
Ah, so that's what you've been trying to do.
Tanabe–kun, do you like me?
I love you!
Then don't beat around
the bush and come at me.
Do that
and I'll turn you down with a smile.
What a gal
I hear you smile a lot around Jun.
Does that mean
It's not whatever you're thinking.
But let's see
I suppose in a way you could
say that I'm fond of him.
Junichiro always takes matters so seriously.
Even when he's goofing off around you,
the inside of his head is forever
swirling with all the wrong assumptions.
He's such an entertaining guy.
Oh, there's that smile.
"I Want to Play Around with the Girls"
Geez, stop that!
I wanna hug a girl like that.
Tomo, are you finally out of the closet?
What do you mean finally?
I just want some friendly skinship,
hand holding,
all those gal pal things, you know?
You're rather affable towards girls,
so I thought you wouldn't
hesitate to do that.
I've tried it before.
Once I figured we've become close enough
I'd put my arm around
their shoulder and stuff.
But once I do that my friends start
putting some distance between us.
Why's that?
Those poor souls.
That reminds me, haven't we known
each other for 10 years now?
Our mums go way back so we've
been together our whole lives.
Not that I can remember.
I'd say we're at the stage where
the two of us should try those things.
Just once! Let's give it a go just this once!
I'll be gentle!
I would have agreed any other day,
but the way you went about it put me off.
What's that?
You want hugsies, yes?
Must be Misuzu's work.
You sure about it?
The heck is this!?
She's thin
Smells good
So this is a girl!?
Maybe I'm not a girl after all.
Calm down.
That one's special.
If Carol's special then
what are other girls like?
You're pretty girly too, Mifune!
Wha What's with the sneak attack!
How about you, Ogawa?
W–What's your game!?
Tomo–chan! Let's partner up.
Morning, Tomo–chan!
O–Oh Morning.
Mornin', Misuzu!
Someone's in a bad mood.
Guess she's still mad.
I can't tell the difference.
You better learn this if
you're gonna be her friend.
Misuzu's expression is
a little bit off when she's upset.
She also behaves a little bit differently.
"Upset" "Not upset"
She's got a different aura about her.
Something like that.
You've taught me nothing.
Why is she upset?
I think it was after I mentioned
wanting more girly skinship.
But she wouldn't get mad over that.
It might be my fault.
I'm sorry.
I always makes blunders when I get too happy.
Was I bothering Tomo–chan too?
I see that you're aware of it.
There's nothing for you to aplogise for.
The fault lies with
A certain someone who keeps troubling her
in a bid for attention.
What a child.
I suppose so.
I'm sorry I've been giving you a hard time.
I've been unfairly making you
the target of my grievances.
I see.
You're awfully honest today.
That's because I'm not a child.
Did something happen?
The skinship you've been
eager for yesterday
I wouldn't mind if we did some of that.
You goof, you could've just said so!
Aren't we best buds?
This is actually rather unpleasant.
Want me to choke you right now?
That reminds me.
Why don't you ever hug Junichiro?
Well, I would if I could
It's not that easy.
He has no sense of personal
space when it comes to you.
So what's stopping you from
being the same way with him?
Don't tell me you've
never thought about this?
You're kidding me.
There's Jun!
Here I go!
What's up, Jun?
Let's go home.
What the hell, Jun?
Listen here.
We don't do those things anymore
now that we're in high school.
You freaking do that to me all the time!
Have I really?
You damn well have!
Alright, so I may have done it.
It's fine when I do it but it's
kind of wrong for you to.
Got that?
Like hell I do!
You shitty! Shitty! Asshat!
I love Tomo–chan too
but Jun–kun doesn't play fair.
Your point being?
I'm saying
I want to be your number one.
I meant friend.
I got that.
"Heroes Often Stumble"
Hey, Tomo! Wake up!
What's the ruckus?
About time you did.
I see you're still not an early riser.
Dude, the heck are you in my room!?
Your old man told me to wake you.
Whatever, just get out!
C'mon Tomo, why're you even mad?
Can it, stupid!
Hey you two!
What's with the ruckus?
You've gone and woke me up too.
Sorry, Mum.
Mornin' auntie!
That's A–ke–mi–sa–n to you!
Sorry, I thought the time was right.
What's that supposed to mean?
Did you make this?
Don't they look good?
They look novel.
You think so?
The fish is hard.
I used dried sardines!
The bones have calcium
so I put lots in there.
Might be a good workout for my jaw too.
By the way,
I don't see the old man eating with you.
Him? It's business as usual for him.
The man prefers sleeping
and eating in the dojo.
He hardly shows his face around the house.
We've been practically living
separate lives now.
Even after we got together
How could he still be too shy
to look me in the eye!?
What good is that big, burly body for?
Is he some chaste maiden!?
There she goes again.
"Aizawa Dojo"
How dare you be late for practice!?
I hope you know what's coming!
Sorry, Goro.
I held them up.
He couldn't handle seeing me after so long.
My old man's always been
like that around Mum.
Talk about uncool.
Is that how you see him?
Are guys who are awkward around girls uncool?
Of course they are.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
However, he does stand up
for Mum when it matters.
Seems that whenever she was in
trouble during their student days,
he'd be the first person to run to her.
That so?
Sorry, Tomo–chan.
I need Misuzu–chan for some love advice,
so we'll be spending lunch together today!
There you have it.
You can have lunch with Junichiro.
How come? Let me join in.
Got it?
Take a hint.
What're you getting at?
They're together today!
I had a feeling that was the case.
So it's true?
Lunch is much more relaxing
when it's just the two of us!
What's that on your head?
How am I supposed to be relaxed?
So what did you want to talk about?
One sec, he'll be here soon.
Thanks for waiting, Carol!
You called him.
I sure did.
Umm, you are
Misuzu Gundo.
Nice to meet you.
T–The pleasure's mine.
I am Carol's how do you put it
Friend, for what it's worth.
Thank you!
Please be good to her!
You must be a nightmare to deal with.
Seems so.
Let's have lunch.
You're doing this now?
Sorry, she always does
things at her own pace.
She can be a little odd
but she's a very nice girl.
I hope you'll keep being friends.
Carol's very dear to me.
We've been together since we were young.
I suppose you could say that
she's my precious little sister.
See what I'm getting at?
I understand now. This won't be easy.
Oh dear, that's no good.
Look at the mess you're making.
I have to go now.
Don't give Gundo–san any trouble, okay?
Got it!
See you later, Gundo–san!
Please take care of Carol!
Uh huh
This is what I'm dealing with.
It's different from Tomo's,
but I can see you share her problem.
You think so?
Here's my thanks for today.
Say "Ahh"
You can't be serious?
You're no fuhn.
Sho, whad shwould I do?
Let's see
You can start
by taking life more seriously.
Got it!
Where the hell were you two!?
Do you know the shame I went through?
I'm back.
Had enough?
Do you have a moment?
Someone's been making a pass at Ogawa?
Apparently so.
You are pretty cute.
Isn't that great?
Cu I mean, that's no good!
It's some guy she met at a mixer.
You guys go to mixers and stuff!?
That's not the issue here!
Plus, like, we were there
to keep the numbers even!
We may have gone to the wrong person.
So, is there a problem?
Thing is, he's a third year here
and leads a bunch of scary dudes.
He's infamous for going after girls.
He approaches all sorts of girls
even though he isn't serious about them.
Whoever turns him down
apparently gets harassed.
Sounds like a piece of shit.
Leave him to me.
Not like that!
I just want you to watch me
when I turn him down!
I knew we asked the wrong person.
Ogawa says she's not interested.
Can we leave it at that?
Who're you?
Wait, you're a girl?
Yeah, I am. So what?
Damn, you're tall!
Nope. You're not my type so butt out of this.
How many should I break?
Break how many of what!?
P–Please keep this civil. Seriously.
You brought a tough looking friend?
Aren't you overreacting?
You must have the wrong idea.
I only wanted to play a little
since you seemed easy.
I–I'm sorry
I hope you'll remember how you
tried to take me for a chump.
Hey shithead, over here.
You're still here? Whaddaya want?
I didn't want to hit you
with your back turned.
I won't hurt you too bad.
Huh? What're you
Sorry Ogawa, I had enough.
Won't he come after us
for doing that to him!?
Why're you taking this lightly?
You should apologise now!
No problem.
He should be coming for me first.
And if he doesn't,
I'll be sure to protect you.
No worries.
What's with the signals she's sending!?
She's a stud!
Five guys against one girl? You for real?
That's so sick of you. I like it.
Shut up, don't even think of her as a girl.
She's as strong as a gorilla.
You're exaggerating.
That red–headed bitch better be
ready for what's coming.
What was her name Aizawa, I think.
Alright, let's do this, you bastards!
We'll show that she–gorilla who's
Y–You okay!?
The hell did you do that for?
Who the heck are you?
A freshman?
Junichiro Kubota from class 1–A.
Don't even bother remembering that.
There you are.
Wanna fight?
Please forgive us!
What was up with them?
I didn't rough him up that bad.
The others were hurt too.
So why're you hurt?
I stumbled.
That so.
You sure have been doing that
a lot since middle school.
It's no big deal.
I'll make you more sardine rice balls
to keep those bones strong!
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