Tomodachi Game (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Seriously? That's So Cringe!

I'm really not the one who
told Yutori-chan's secret
Please, will you believe me, Tenji-san?
Of course I will.
After all, I'm the one who revealed it.
Sawaragi Shiho likes
Katagiri Yuichi.
And the same Sawaragi
Shiho used to date
Mikasa Tenji.
I wrote both the first secret,
and the second one, too.
Actually, Sawaragi Shiho
has had plastic surgery.
Shibe Makoto took
baths with his mother
until junior high.
Katagiri Yuichi once
didn't take a bath
for a week.
As for the other two,
Shibe likes Shiho-chan,
and Yuichi said he would cooperate with her,
so they both probably bad-mouthed
each other to get her out of first place.
Bad-Mouthing So Far
Sawaragi Shiho likes Katagiri Yuichi.
And the same Sawaragi Shiho used to date Mikasa Tenji.
Actually, Sawaragi Shiho has had plastic surgery.
Shibe Makoto took baths with his mother until junior high.
Katagiri Yuichi once didn't take a bath for a week.
Kokorogi Yutori engaged in compensated dating in junior high.
But I'm the one who told the biggest secrets,
and I did it all to destroy her friendships!
parent and child crooks
Episode 4: Seriously? That's So Cringe!
Episode 4: Seriously? That's So Cringe!
They've all stopped.
Yes, but this is how Bad-Mouth Sugoroku
is meant to be played.
The seeds of doubt sown in the first game
are beginning to sprout.
Soon, they'll all hate each other.
And if there is a traitor in the group,
it will be nearly impossible
to restore their friendships.
what's taking so long?
hurry up and vote
hurry tf up
hurry up lol
jealous girls are scary
where's the bad-mouthing
nothin yet?
I'm hear
I've got goosebumps lol
well this turned into a huge mess lmao
I believe Shiho-sama!
so slow
Tenji-san, you believed me when I said
I didn't bad-mouth Yutori, right?
Yeah, that's right.
Who do you think bad-mouthed her, then?
If you start looking for a villain too,
we'll never be able to
restore our friendships!
I-I'm sorry.
I was already expecting that question.
Kokorogi-san's feelings toward
Shiho-chan are already destroyed.
Next, I have to destroy Shiho-chan's
feelings toward Kokorogi-san.
But since you're being set up, I can
understand why you'd worry about it.
You know, and I'm just saying this
because I'm on your side,
but what if Kokorogi-san wrote that herself?
N-No way!
Of course that's just a guess, and I don't
want to believe it's true either,
but looking at that, it makes you wonder.
You might have already noticed,
but I think Kokorogi-san likes Yuichi, too.
And now she's figured out
that you also like him.
Kokorogi-san has no self-confidence,
and she knows that Shibe and I like you, too.
She knows that she'd never win
Yuichi if she's up against you.
So maybe she revealed her own secret
and cried like that to elicit
sympathy from Yuichi.
Then she accused you of writing it,
making you look bad.
T-That's really overthinking it.
Yeah, you're right. Sorry.
But if it's true, I'd feel bad for Yuichi.
Yuichi is really innocent and sweet, right?
If a weak girl started pleading for his help,
I doubt he'd be able to refuse,
even if he really liked someone else.
For Yuichi, that would be really unpleasant.
You might be right,
but then why would you
tell me something like that?
I told you why.
I'm on your side, Shiho-chan.
I don't want to see you get
hurt any more. That's all.
Okay. I'll think about it.
That might not be enough to blow up
your friendship with Kokorogi-san,
but I think the fuse is lit, at least.
Still, Yuichi, you truly are wicked.
Not only are you putting
Shiho-chan through this,
you're forcing me to feel this way!
Hey, cut out the PDA. Hurry up
and get back to the game!
Yeah, you're right.
Sorry Tenji, but could you go first?
Huh? Oh, sure.
Oh, well. It would only draw
suspicion if I seemed reluctant.
Let's see, what should I write next?
Now that I've lit the fuse, maybe something
to fan the flames of Shiho-chan's anger
and totally destroy her friendship
with Kokorogi-san
No, wait—
Period 05 Spaces Moved Debt Amount (game 2 only)
13 spaces - 1,800,000 yen
9 spaces - 1,000,000 yen
8 spaces - 1,200,000 yen
7 spaces - 1,200,000 yen
5 spaces - 700,000 yen
Currently I'm so far behind I stand out,
and they might suspect something because
I haven't gotten a single bad-mouth yet.
Should I write something
about myself this time?
As long as I track our rankings
and stay mindful of who I write about,
I shouldn't raise suspicion.
And maybe I can use this bad-mouth
to my own advantage
Oh. The three minutes aren't up yet.
- The game is played in periods
- Each period, you bad-mouth someone
- Write it down on the bad-mouth card in the private room
- Once you enter the private room, you can't leave for three minutes
- You can write as many things as you want about each person
- You may submit a blank bad-mouth card
- You may lie (if the lie is revealed, you'll be forced back to the start)
- The number of spaces you move is determined by the god survey
I'm done—
That's enough!
Yuichi slapped Shiho-chan?!
S-Sorry, Sawaragi, but that's your bad.
How could you say that Kokorogi
wrote that one herself?
There's no way!
She told Kokorogi-san
the same thing I told her?
You don't get it, Yuichi.
When a woman really wants something,
she'll play dirty to get it.
Isn't that right, Yutori?
You're right.
Like the way some people use
plastic surgery to get pretty!
Just look at this!
Huh. So you're going to keep on about that?
I kept quiet because I really
didn't want to remember it,
but I didn't get plastic
surgery to "get pretty."
I got into trouble a long time ago
and got a scar on my face.
The surgery was to cover it up.
I-Is that what happened?
Yutori, if you don't believe me,
then I don't care anymore.
what about votes?
nasty bad-mouth!
u mad
now things are heating up lol
what're the results tho?
get her lmaooo
hurry up and vote
did they forget the game?
get on with it
I bet the next one will be big lol
hurry tf up!!
But if you keep attacking me like this,
then I'll stop trusting you, too!
Fine. I don't care
as long as Yuichi still believes me.
You promised that you'd believe me
no matter what, right, Yuichi?
Uh, yeah.
It's over now.
Kokorogi-san and Shiho-chan's
friendship has totally collapsed.
And Yuichi and Shiho-chan's
relationship is showing strain, too.
I didn't expect this to happen
when I wasn't looking.
Lucky me!
Sorry, Shiho-chan. I shouldn't
have said that much.
No, that's not it.
I wanted to talk to her to clear things up,
but she wasn't having it,
and it pissed me off.
It's fine, though. I don't want to talk
to Yutori or Yuichi anymore.
Since Yuichi says he'll believe
Kokorogi-san no matter what,
then I'll believe you, no matter what!
So cheer up!
I know I probably can't
replace Yuichi, though.
That isn't true. I'm really grateful.
Oh, this is great!
Shiho-chan's heart is starting to turn
away from Yuichi and toward me!
Now my next setup will
be even more effective!
Shiho-chan was supposed to like Yuichi-kun,
but now things are looking
good with Tenji-kun.
Women are sensible creatures.
No matter how much they like someone,
they can fall out of love in an instant.
Especially if they connect with someone
else who understands them even better.
Hey, guys! Only Tenji-kun
has submitted a card so far.
Who's up next?
Ah, I guess I'll go.
I'll go next.
Did you all turn them in?
Sixth Period
This time there are two exposés.
Two? One is mine, but who wrote the other?
"Sawaragi Shiho actually
usually wears men's boxers."
"They're usually either grey or black."
Shiho-chan, calm down!
I see. That must be Kokorogi-san's revenge.
And the other one is
Oh, this is pretty interesting.
Mikasa Tenji is actually
lying about his age.
T-Tenji, is that true?
Well, "lying" is a bit of an exaggeration,
but I am one year older than you guys.
After I graduated from junior high,
I went to a different high school.
But I had problems and skipped almost
the whole year, so I dropped out.
After that, I entered our school
and started over from first year.
Sorry, I didn't mean to keep it a secret.
I just didn't want to bring it up.
You don't need to apologize for that.
Although the thing that surprises me is
Shiho-chan and I were childhood friends,
so I thought she was the only one who knew.
This again?
N-No! It wasn't me, Tenji-san!
Oh, sorry.
I didn't mean to doubt you or anything.
Like I said, I trust you.
It's just
You've probably noticed this too,
but you're becoming isolated.
Of course, I will absolutely
never betray you.
I can't speak for the others, though.
From now on, I want you to stay close to me.
Don't do anything on your own.
Perfect. Now Shiho-chan will
have to listen to everything I say!
Q: Who is the most "unforgivable"?
Shibe Makoto
Sawaragi Shiho
Katagiri Yuichi
Kokorogi Yutori
Mikasa Tenji
So, here's the result of the god survey!
Sawaragi Shiho - Move 5 spaces
Mikasa Tenji - Move 4 spaces
Katagiri Yuichi - Move 1 space
Shibe Makoto - Move 1 space
Kokorogi Yutori - Move 1 space
lmao Shiho again
someone doesn't like you lol
it's happening
got what you deserved lolll
lmaooo screw you
good ol' Shiho
hows it feel?
yikes lmao
old content lol
And here is the current status.
Period 06
Spaces Moved
Debt Amount (game 2 only)
18 spaces
10 spaces - 800,000 yen
9 spaces - 1,500,000 yen
9 spaces - 1,000,000 yen
8 spaces - 1,300,000 yen
Uh-oh! What will Shiho-sama get
while she's that far in the lead?
Special Chance
Special chance?
Special Chance
Special Chance
The first person to stop on this space can nominate one member from the group including themselves.
Nominate one of us five?
The person nominated here
will get a bombshell exposé
that we investigated in
the Tomodachi Game office!
We'll then collect votes on whether
that info is forgivable or not.
That person can zip ahead based
on the percentage of the response.
under 10% - move 0 spaces
10% range - move 1 space
20% range - move 2 spaces
30% range - move 3 spaces
90% range - move 9 spaces
100% range - move 10 spaces
Basically, it's a special chance
for a huge turnaround!
Special Chance!!
This puts me in a bind!
Special Chance
The first person to stop on this space can nominate
one member from the group including themselves.
If I get picked, the fact
that I stole the two million
that I applied to play the Tomodachi Game
There's a good chance
they'll both be revealed!!
If that gets out, everything
I've planned will be for nothing!
Well then, Shiho-sama, who will you pick?
Will it be Yutori-chan, now
that she's gotten so cocky?
Or Shibe, simply because
he's safe in last place?
Of course if you're up for self-sacrifice,
you can choose yourself.
Ah, but aren't you interested in hearing
your beloved Yuichi-kun's secrets?
Tenji-kun seems like your ally now,
so maybe you shouldn't pick him.
Yes! That's exactly right!
On the other hand,
picking the person you trust most
might be the best move
because there's a good chance
he isn't guilty of anything.
W-Why, you
If he's truly innocent, we
wouldn't be able find anything
no matter how deep we dig.
If there's nothing to expose,
then nobody will be hurt, right?
O-Oh, no! I built up so much
trust, it's backfiring!
Then, Tenji-san
Pick me for this, Shiho!
W-Why you?
Well, I gave it some thought.
I've been thoughtless and have said
some awful things to you all
I know this won't make up for all that,
but I want to stay friends with you guys.
I see. Now that he knows she
didn't have cosmetic surgery,
he wants to score some points with her.
And I'm confident.
I'm not hiding anything that can hurt me.
Not a thing!
Are you sure?
Of course! Don't hold back.
I'll choose Shibe, then.
That was close!
So, Shibe, you really don't
have anything to hide?
Like I said, no chance!
Too bad! You do!
I've seen that person somewhere
Yup! That's your dad, the public
prosecutor Shibe Masakazu.
According to our investigation,
he's had trouble with women,
abused and sexually harassed
his secretary, and has taken bribes
from business and criminal organizations.
Recently, he's been throwing money
around to cover up some scandal.
In other words, Shibe's dad is
total scumbag
a total scumbag.
I didn't think they'd go after his family!
But those aren't his crimes, yeah?
In his shoes, I wouldn't care.
That's a very childish way of thinking.
What would you do if your child was
friends with the son of a criminal?
"You can't play with kids from that family."
Wouldn't you say something like that?
Y-Yeah, if it was my kid,
I'd probably think about it.
That's how the great majority would react.
No matter how pure their friendship is,
society wouldn't accept it,
and if the parents are aware of that,
they wouldn't want to put
their child through hell.
My dad is
I can use this!
Shibe, I'm really sorry.
But that's about your dad.
I don't hold it against you.
Shiho-chan, keep away from Shibe!
Look Shibe,
is your dad really the only one
who did something bad?
Well, isn't it strange?
Why would you volunteer like that?
W-What do you mean?
No matter how conscious you are
of trying to live a squeaky-clean life,
I'm wondering if you still might have done
something that you just don't remember.
It just isn't normal to volunteer like that.
Don't you guys think so?
But you did anyway.
You even insisted that
you had nothing to hide.
If you're that sure of yourself,
maybe you have done something,
and you just had your dad cover it up
with the power of his money!
That's going too far!
Shiho-chan, do you really think
he had only good intentions?
He wanted to show off for you
once he found out you
didn't have cosmetic surgery.
I-Is that true, Shibe?
It never made sense to me.
How could students like us
get 20 million yen in debt?
You'll be able to repay your
20-million-yen debt in a jiffy!
And what else did Manabu say?
That your dad's been throwing around cash
to try to cover up some big scandal.
Maybe that scandal has
something to do with you.
Yutori! Yuichi!
W-Wait a minute!
Shiho-chan, we should keep our distance
until this is cleared up.
W-Wait, guys! Listen! Listen to me!
Yuichi! Yutori! Shiho!
Listen to me
Sorry, Shibe.
That worked even better than
I expected. I'm a little surprised.
It probably felt good when you
jumped up like a hero to volunteer.
How awkward.
You really are awkward and stupid,
you adorable little thing.
W-Why is this happening to me?
Shibe, you're so lame.
Here's the result of the special chance!
8 spaces - 1,300,000 yen
Period 06 Spaces Moved Debt Amount (game 2 only)
18 spaces - 1,800,000 yen
10 spaces - 800,000 yen
9 spaces - 1,500,000 yen
9 spaces - 1,000,000 yen
Shibe moved nine spaces and
danced into second place.
17 spaces - 1,500,000 yen
Shibe is isolated enough, but maybe
I'll finish him off with the next one
to make sure he can't get close
to Shiho-chan again.
Seventh Period
Let's see. This time there was
one bad-mouth card.
Shibe, seriously? If this is
real, that's so cringe.
"Shibe Makoto has actually"
"killed a person."
What's the meaning of this?
I didn't write anything like that!
I mean, I didn't even write
anything this time!
At first, I wanted to write
something to finish Shibe off,
but I've already stirred up
so much trouble.
If I messed up, I thought
it'd look suspicious,
so I left my card blank!
And Shibe killed someone?
Is that true?
No, whether it's true
or not, that card
Who was it, and why?!
Wait That look
Yuichi, no way! You again?
Senpai, look at this!
Yes, it seems he's starting something again.
Katagiri Yuichi versus the traitor
We can't take our eyes off this now.
Katagiri Yuichi must have already
been setting something up.
Do you remember?
If you were watching closely,
you must have noticed.
As long as you're not some gullible idiot.
NEXT: Yuichi-kun, You're Pretty Dumb, Aren't You?
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