Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Incêndio do Parquinho

[seagulls squawking]
[Bruna] Imagine you're in paradise
and in amazing company.
Do you think you'd be okay
without being able to do
anything naughty?
I doubt it!
We found the horniest people around
[Thuany] Let's agree on
everyone wearing condoms please,
then everyone can have sex with each other
and we're all good.
[Bruna] and offered them
what sounded like
the best trip they could possibly imagine
I hope the debauchery starts soon, man.
[Bruna] and then told them
that in this paradise
almost everything is allowed, except for
having sex.
[Igor] It really throws a wrench
in the works.
[Brenda] This is literal cockblocking.
[Bruna] There's no fooling around
here, my darlings.
I feel like crying.
It makes you wanna cry.
[Matheus] Fuck. My heart is racing, man.
I'm so horny, I'm shivering. For real.
[Bruna] Our guests
will have to stick it out,
unless they want to see
a prize of R$500,000
vanish into thin air.
As they tend to do after a date, right?
This stunning retreat
for the biggest players
is managed by an all-seeing
artificial intelligence.
Lana will be watching them
around the clock,
before announcing the dry spell.
Will they be able to stay sane
without their favorite pastime?
[Gabriela] Do not misalign my chakras!
You were a douchebag so many times.
Look, I'm saying it to your face.
[Bruna] Uh, I don't think so.
[Brenda] I'm pissed, 'cause I worried
a lot about everyone else,
and nobody even cared about me.
I even worried about you.
Now look at us.
We look like a bunch of idiots.
You guys are too focused on me!
Because all I'm really feeling
is disappointment, you know?
[Lana] You have broken a rule
and have incurred the maximum penalty.
[Bruna] With sex off the table,
will they be able
to build stronger relationships?
We're in this together.
Yeah, we are.
[Matheus] I wasn't prepared to find
the love of my life in a few days.
What do you know about me?
Only what is on the surface.
[Bruna] Or will it just be
I need to get laid.
I can't take it anymore.
Be cool and help me, okay?
[Bruna] too hot to handle?
Come on ♪
Yeah, we were born ready
Yeah, we were born wild ♪
Yeah, come on and get ready ♪
- 'Cause we're making a fire ♪
- Come on ♪
[knocking at door]
[knocking at door]
[Thuany] What's going on?
- [Ronaldo] Someone's knocking.
- [shrieks]
- [Matheus] Run! Run!
- [Igor] Let's go, let's go!
[Davi] Come on, come on.
[Rita yelps]
[Bruna] Ouch! In life, I'm like Rita.
Another day, another stumble.
What's up!
Hey, let's go!
[Caio] Holy mother! What's up, homeboy?
Out of nowhere, people.
[all cheering and shouting]
[Caio] Hey, what's going on?
Oh, I knew it!
Oh, my God, Lana. I love you.
[Igor] You all right, babe?
Welcome to the party.
They just pulled up and it's like,
"Start the whole mess over
'cause we're getting new people."
- Wow.
- Look at this.
[indistinct chatter]
How beautiful!
I'm going to play the nice girl card.
I'm here to show
that we don't need to label ourselves.
For me to be studious, hardworking,
study about feminism,
I can also be beautiful, put on a bikini.
I can also be a little frivolous. Why not?
I can kiss anyone I want.
I can kiss a man, I can kiss a woman.
Usually men suck,
but we're here to give it our best.
- I don't know what's going on.
- What's going on here?
I have no fucking idea.
- Party! Party!
- Party! Party!
- Look at all this!
- [Caio] Look at this spread.
What are your goals here inside the house
and with us?
I'm a very open guy.
I'm all about making friends.
But if it's about the hook-up, I'm down.
[Brenda] I love it! That's it!
If it's to marry someone, I don't know.
I'm charming 24/7, for sure.
I'm all about a good chat, my smile.
I think that's part of my secret.
A lot of people
say that I'm hot, man.
And, guys, I won't disagree.
People talk a lot
about me having a nice butt.
I don't know if that's true.
The cameraman said I do,
so what do I know?
I always make an impression.
I'm here, get ready. All right, all us.
What are your expectations, let us know.
I came here not to get stuck
on the shelf, you know? [chuckles]
I'm really looking forward to
getting to know everyone a little better.
Obviously, that's the point
of the retreat, right?
To form a couple, make out.
[Bruna] Do you wanna tell her or should I?
Let's calm down here. Just calm down.
Everything here is nice and wonderful,
but we're in a house
which doesn't quite
live up to your expectations.
Okay, first,
you can't kiss anyone in here.
- No way.
- [Matheus] Oh, it's true.
- You can't have sex with anyone in here.
- No way.
[chuckles softly]
- Not even alone.
- Not even alone.
[Matheus] You can't masturbate,
you can't have
any kind of sexual stimulation.
Damn. That sucks.
[Bruna] Sucking is one thing
that won't be happening. Got it?
The main purpose here
is deepening your own self-knowledge.
You have to know yourself first,
and then move on to having
a deep connection with someone else.
[Bruna] Who would've thought?
Matheus preaching the gospel of Lana.
[Davi] To our new family members!
[all cheering]
[all chanting]
- [upbeat music playing]
- [all cheering]
[Davi] So two new people arrived
to really shake things up.
Caio is an outgoing person,
and I like that a lot
because that's how I am.
Go and dance with her.
It's her first dance. Go!
[Bruna] That's it, Igor.
Go and dance in Rita's friend-zone.
Marina is really hot.
Being here is fucking crazy. Believe me.
We'll show you the rooms later.
[Marina] I wanna know everything.
What happened? Who made out with whom?
Marina arrived at the house,
and, you know, she's
out of the ordinary, spectacular, perfect.
[Caio] How are things going for you?
Everything okay?
I'm the kind of person
who needs to feel the connection.
The immediate connection, the energy,
to enjoy how someone is, you know?
- Enjoy how someone is?
- [chuckles]
Dude, you're really funny.
- Don't talk in code to me.
- It's my accent, damn it.
She's intense. And I'm intense, too.
It's difficult to cause a stir here,
but I came to set the house on fire.
I'm the house, man, just light the fire.
[Bruna] Do we have a lighter, team?
We've got the same energy,
the same smile, the same way.
Really, am I bothering you?
I could take a shower, really.
[Bruna] She wants to give you a shower.
- I'm loving you. [chuckles]
- Already? Wow, on the first day, huh?
- That's really fast.
- No, your personality.
Let's take it easy, Lana. But I love you.
Lana. That little thing over there.
- [Caio] That white thing over there?
- [Thuany] On the table, yeah.
She dictates everything here.
Lana, every day
I'm serious,
every day you surprise me more.
You're changing my life.
And I won't make any mistake
that affects my personal development.
[Bruna] Take him home, Lana!
- Drink some water.
- Let me speak. Don't move her.
- You can't do that.
- Sure I can. I'm sitting here.
I'm gonna get a tattoo
of this virtual guide.
Now, I'm sure that this little lady
It's teaching me a lot.
Lana, is going to change my life.
[Bruna] Look at Keth's face.
The drinks were good, the fun, everything.
But let's enjoy the moment with people,
and not just drink like a fish,
getting hammered.
[Bruna] Things went sour for you, Davi.
- [Lana chimes]
- [Thuany] Hi, Lana.
[Lana] Hello, Caio. Hello, Marina.
[all cheering]
Hey, babe.
[Lana] I welcome you to the retreat.
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
[Lana] As part of my warm welcome,
I'm going to give you both the opportunity
to fit in with the guests
who arrived before you.
[all cheering softly]
What do you mean, "fit in"?
Fitting in is pretty awesome.
I like to fit in things.
[Lana] Caio, who here would you like
to get to know better
and take out on a little date?
- Wow, Caio!
- [squeals]
[Gabriela] Whoa!
That's what we're taking about!
I really like Lana. She's so
Be honest, Caio.
Jeez, man, total honesty,
I think it would be definitely Thuany.
[all cheering]
Man, Thuany is a really special girl.
What's that, Thuany?
[Gabriela] Girl, you just
got some for tonight.
[Ronaldo] What's that?
[Lana] I think your roommates
have already explained to you
how this retreat works.
And I warned them
that they're gonna go bankrupt.
- Just kidding.
- [all] No!
[Lana] Marina, your time
will also come eventually.
[all cheering softly and clapping]
Okay. I'm waiting.
I wanna explore and see who I'm going to
bother with less, you know?
I'm not sure.
[Bruna] Oh. This isn't the buffet
for you to choose from.
Caio, don't spend our money
on your first date, please.
[upbeat song playing]
[Caio] Wow!
[Thuany] How beautiful!
- Wow!
- Awesome.
It's got everything.
I'm gonna pour it for you.
Here you go.
- What are we drinking to?
- To us.
- Sure. To us.
- We just met today,
but the connection was immediate.
- Didn't you feel the same?
- Of course.
No, really. I'm loving you.
Who's this?
Dude, I love a smile,
and your smile is beautiful.
His way of being is what won me over.
- It's a connection, right?
- That's it.
It's crazy.
Connection. But this is the thing.
You can't force a situation.
It has to be natural. Period.
Are you really willing to connect
or are you in a different space?
I'm willing, but it can't be forced.
It has to be natural.
Yeah. Do you think about having kids?
- Say what?
- Kids.
[Bruna] Kids?
I don't feel like having kids.
It's not like I'll never do it.
I don't know, life changes quickly.
But I'm talking about having kids,
not giving birth.
I like the idea of adopting.
- Dude.
- It's because, like
I just need to share the love
that my father gave me
with my own child
because my father passed away.
And, like, the way he raised me
It's really crazy because
he's the one I miss the most in my life.
I really, really miss him.
I really miss my dad.
My father is my reference point for love.
He totally is.
[Bruna] Whoever hasn't cried
on a first date
clearly never dated me.
I think it's flowing. It's really flowing.
What do you think
of Caio and Thuany's date?
Are we gonna lose money?
[exhales deeply] Dude, to be honest,
really honest,
if it's up to Thuany
How would it be
if we bite a strawberry together?
- Let's do it.
- Let's do it.
Lana, please forgive me.
We're just eating a strawberry,
we're not touching.
- Not at all.
- No touching. I'll go first.
Let's go. One, two, three, go.
[romantic music playing]
Why didn't you get any?
You hate strawberries, don't you?
No, that part is yours.
I have mine here. Look.
No way. Just that?
I think it was good for Thuany.
She hasn't found anybody yet
and she was very out of place at times.
We'll certainly lose some money tonight,
but it's okay.
Dude, the probability
of us losing money is huge.
I can't talk.
- Strawberries make me wanna kiss.
- Oh, jeez.
- Do you want a strawberry?
- They're very sweet. Remind me of a kiss.
Are kisses sweet?
Aren't they? Isn't yours?
- I don't know.
- Mine is.
- Come here.
- Wanna find out?
So bad.
We're not eating the last one.
Let's eat the last one.
Oh, jeez, she wants to.
- Let's have the last one.
- Come here.
Come on.
[pop song playing]
I don't think they're gonna kiss,
but they're gonna lose money eventually.
I think anything can happen,
including nothing, you know?
[Thuany moans softly]
Yeah, right?
It doesn't count as two kisses.
[muffled] What? No. It's not two kisses.
We didn't touch any tongue.
We made sure to never stop kissing
once we started.
It was so good, but it was just one kiss.
[Caio laughs]
Man, our kisses really matched crazily.
- Did you like the kiss?
- Did I?
Then imagine the rest
Oh, jeez, don't say that, dude.
Ooh, boy! Do you like cheese?
I wonder how much the kiss would cost.
[Bruna] Oh, I already love this couple.
Loving is allowed, right?
It's just sucking that's not.
[lively music playing]
Hey, there!
- [Caio vocalizing]
- Dude, seriously.
I'm so happy for you.
- [Igor] Wait, wait!
- We spent all the money, all of it.
- [Igor] How much?
- [Thuany] Not all of it. Just a kiss.
A kiss? That's R$10,000.
We kissed.
- 400,000 left.
- We expected it.
- [Thuany] It's all good?
- Yeah. No problem.
I think it's fully deserved.
You deserved it.
[Thuany] It was just a kiss.
I think they supported it.
They didn't like it, you know,
deep down they don't like it,
but they accept it with love.
We're in this together, 100%, brothers.
- Are you happy?
- [Thuany] Yes.
- That's what matters.
- That's what matters, dude.
[Bruna] We'll see how long
they keep that attitude up.
- I'm loving it here.
- It's magical.
- Hey, hey, hey!
- No, no, no!
[Caio] Hey, hey, hey. Relax, relax.
You didn't even clean it.
- Do like this.
- [Leandro] Pfft.
- [Brenda] Caio!
- No! I'm cool, trust me.
- [Leandro] No. No.
- [kissing]
I just said, "Girl, I'm so happy.
I really wanna kiss you."
And I kissed her.
That caused a little problem there.
You know?
Damn, bitches. Both of you, disgraceful.
Fuck you! Now I'm pissed.
- [Thuany] Girl.
- [Leandro] I'm pissed off for real.
- [Thuany] Matheus, I'm sorry.
- [Matheus] No, no, no.
That's nonsense. It's enough for me.
Now you're mocking me. No, fuck you.
I couldn't resist. It was so You know.
They're screaming their heads off.
Oh, I've already argued with him twice.
- Leandro.
- There was no need to do that. Seriously.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Matheus is mad at Brenda,
but I'm mad at both of you.
You just fucking kissed
on a date you enjoyed so much.
It's all on me.
A date you enjoyed so much,
and then you go and kiss Brenda?
It was my fault. I'm sorry. Seriously.
But it was just a peck.
It was the two of you.
I'm pissed at you both.
Calm down, it was just a peck.
I'm really upset.
It was okay. You kissed the guy, nice.
Then you go and ruin everything?
You gotta be kidding me.
She had the chance to bounce back,
but she ruined that a few seconds later.
- [Thuany] So, I'm sorry.
- No. No,
- [Leandro] It's not a nice thing to do.
- [Thuany] I think I was wrong.
- You think? Do you really think?
- [Thuany] No, I'm sure.
Okay, then good.
That's why I'm apologizing.
You made out with Caio, okay,
I was happy, dude.
Hey, you don't have to yell at her.
That's enough. Really.
I think their reaction
was a little over-the-top.
- Because we were kidding.
- Listen to me.
Kidding? Kidding my ass!
[Marina] You don't need to yell at her.
Don't yell at her.
She gets drunk
and fucks up all over again.
So it just shows me that
she didn't get what's going on here.
You were kidding? You were kidding?
I just told you what it looks like,
and you say you're just kidding?
Don't raise your voice to her.
Don't do that.
Matheus, I know it's bad
Let me say what I think.
Calm him down.
He won't yell at a woman in front of me.
Be cool. A little kiss is not a big deal.
I understand I'm wrong. I apologize.
Dude, you already told her
that you're outraged.
There's no need to keep yelling at her.
She's here with an open heart
acknowledging her mistake.
[Thuany] Yeah, I'm sorry. I am. Seriously.
She apologized,
she acknowledged her mistake.
Now a bunch of men are screaming at her,
only over my dead body.
I think that if I hadn't said something,
they'd still be yelling at her.
- I'm gonna take a shower.
- It's okay.
- Everything went upside down.
- It's okay, relax. I'm here.
I didn't even think about
the penalty of a R$4,000 fine.
I was upset about the situation itself.
You didn't have to.
[Thuany] Yeah, but it was like "Yay,"
and then a fuss 'cause [kisses] of a peck.
It wasn't to screw you guys.
It wasn't something I maliciously planned.
Like, "Let's go kiss secretly
just to blow everyone's money."
It's done. There's no going back.
- Come on.
- Relax.
I didn't mean to kiss her.
- She just came and kissed me.
- I know, I saw it.
I just don't wanna blame her, you know?
But she took responsibility.
She admitted it.
I swear I didn't want that.
I'm gonna talk straight to you
because I just got here.
[Matheus] Mmm-hmm.
- [Caio] Just try
- [Igor] Not to yell.
Not to scream, bro. Just don't yell.
Just don't yell at your chick.
Just don't yell at any chick.
They may be wrong up here.
Just sit there in the corner, bro.
You know why?
When you put arguments,
instead of impulsiveness, aggression
She's not trying to help herself,
and she even involved a second person.
Dude, you wanna ride the wave,
but the wrong wave,
you ride alone, you know?
I admit to being the guy
that you're saying I am.
What you just said is true.
But, like, I'm in the midst of a process,
and I really have to work on it.
Yesterday, I held myself together,
but today, again with the same person
It's too much for me to take, you know?
[Caio] I know. I understand.
[Bruna] While the boys attempt to
straighten things out between themselves,
Leandro continues to suffer because of
Rita's enormous and confused heart.
There's a reason I am the way I am.
- No wonder.
- No wonder.
Leandro was already a bit sad
because of how
things were going between him and Rita.
Because it already went wrong before.
Now, it's going wrong again,
even though I allowed myself to feel this.
I was feeling it so intensely
but for her, I saw,
it wasn't happening the same way.
Man, I'm in my head, bro.
I got carried away, like, really fast.
[Leandro sobbing]
So I broke down. I couldn't take it.
I don't understand what's going on,
my thoughts aren't clear.
[Igor] Drink that water.
Leandro's probably feeling deflated
after his thing with Rita.
But we kinda got closer as a result.
Go there, be discreet. No, not you.
At the same time that I really wanna
be with Leandro, I don't wanna leave Igor.
[Thuany] Sorry if I did something to you.
I know I'm wrong.
[Rita] Can I give you a hug?
Because I don't like to see you like this.
- I really don't like to see you like this.
- [cries softly]
I'm really confused.
There's a lot going through my head,
you know?
I don't know what was going on,
then I blew up today.
I screamed for no reason.
[Rita] You were already stressed out
by other things,
you were feeling it all, and then
you poured it out.
[Leandro] I'm still in this place.
How can I put it?
Dealing with strong feelings.
I'm not gonna
dive into these things anymore.
I've taken enough shit already.
I suffered a lot.
As for getting emotionally involved,
all the barriers I created,
you know, they weren't for nothing.
I started letting myself go, and then,
when I allow myself to surrender,
I'm screwed again.
You know, it's something that
What I used to do to myself
had a reason. You know?
I don't have the slightest idea
what I'm doing here, man.
[uplifting music playing]
I'm processing everything,
trying to organize my thoughts.
I was destroyed.
I saw it, bro. I could tell.
I think he's really into Rita,
but Rita doesn't seem to feel the same.
To be honest, I can't do it anymore.
You know?
To be with her the way I am
while she's with Igor the way she is.
- [Davi] That's the problem
- [Leandro] It doesn't work.
provoking Igor and stuff.
He's like, "Oh, my little mermaid,
my love. Blah, blah, blah."
I'm not thinking straight.
And if it continues like this,
I don't know what's gonna happen.
- I can't take it anymore.
- Too messy.
I just can't take it.
I was, like,
really diving into this thing with Rita.
I was really enjoying it.
I was getting really involved.
And this has been very painful for me.
I was talking to the girls about it.
Like, "Did he not like the date?"
I'm used to the guys
drooling over me, you know,
and you didn't do that.
I thought, "He didn't like me."
Your attitude is perfect. I like it.
[Leandro] It's just that
we didn't talk about it.
But between us, it was fun. Right?
That if we did it again
It would be even better.
- But we can't lose money.
- All right, my love.
Would Lana allow it?
Oh, man, I couldn't handle it.
Okay, it's agreed.
Let's be together, get a little closer.
[Rita] Yeah.
When you feel like caressing me,
you can come and do it. I like it.
Not that thing that Igor does.
[both chuckle]
But feel free to come and do it,
'cause I like it.
Everything happens in the right time,
the right moment
and with the right person, bro.
Don't you think that maybe it was
for you to realize
that you're not meant to be together?
You know, that it wasn't meant to be?
In my head, it still is.
I still think it is.
I just want you to promise
that you won't give up.
I don't know, bro.
[Bruna] Don't leave!
I can take care of you.
You can ask me about anything.
I wouldn't know. I don't know.
I just want you not to give up.
That's all.
I don't know.
Oh, God.
[Bruna] I think this is the time
for Super Lana's powers to take action.
- It's Dan again.
- It's Dan!
[all cheering]
My first thought was,
"I don't wanna cry anymore."
[Bruna] But that's exactly the point
of the workshop.
Explaining to you macho men
that you can also be sensitive.
Today, we're going to do
a complementary activity
to expand your senses.
Now, we're going to
understand your masculinity.
- Good. Truer connection.
- [Dan] Exactly.
Some things don't make sense anymore.
The way we talk to other people,
to friends, to women.
As a man, I have a lot of paradigms
to break, you know?
I want to do it as follows.
I want you to grab a spray can
and write the definition of masculine
that you were taught to be.
The one that you're deconstructing,
you know, the one you disagree with.
One at a time.
Go ahead.
Use your creativity.
It's something I've always heard
since I was a kid.
That's it, go on. Let's get this out.
[Igor] Since childhood,
we have been taught
that men don't cry,
that men have no feelings,
that we can't express our emotions.
[Ronaldo] That men are in charge
and women stay home.
[Davi] I had to win everyone over,
be the player, not care about anyone.
- [Ronaldo] Very good.
- [Caio] Even his handwriting is good.
"Just nail her and leave."
[Matheus] Men have no feelings.
[Igor] It's upside down.
There we go.
[Igor] Right on.
Men have to be superior.
Men are bigger, men are better,
men are this, men are that.
[Dan] That's exactly
what we're doing here.
Disconnecting from that crap
we were taught.
I'd like each of you
to choose one end of the rope.
Inside this net
are all the people
and the situations
that made you believe
in that masculine stereotype
that makes everyone suffer,
including yourself.
When I say, "Go,"
you will rip out what's there inside
with all your strength.
[all shouting]
I think I really used my strength there,
I set myself free.
[Igor] I was on the ground,
pulling the rope there,
and a lot of things came through my head.
What I want for my future,
my professional life, my love life.
How to become a better person,
a better man.
[Dan] It's your manhood,
your happiness, your dream!
[all panting]
[Dan] Drop it.
Stop, stop. Okay.
[Caio] So my feeling was like,
"Man, I'm not like this."
"I'm much more than this."
I think that I kinda went into a trance.
I was sort of thinking about it a lot.
I'm gonna touch one of you,
and only this one will open his eyes,
and say
the apologies he didn't say
when they were needed.
Sorry for not obeying.
Sorry for lying.
Sorry for worrying over and over
about nonexistent problems.
For not being truthful,
for being false,
for being a liar.
Sorry for being toxic in any way.
Sorry for trying to force things my way.
I'm sorry.
[breathing heavily]
Sorry for lying.
And I'm sorry for
for all the other things
that I did without thinking.
Are any of you, in this moment, that guy?
- Do you wanna be?
- No.
- [Leandro] No.
- [Dan] It's a choice, it's an option.
So go to the board, consciously,
and write down
the kind of guy you want to be,
that you're going to be.
Nothing's what it seems, girl ♪
You have the strength to rise ♪
[Dan] This is a commitment to yourself.
You're writing it to yourself.
The light pours from your eyes ♪
Today was a very difficult day for me.
A lot of things happened,
several conversations,
a lot of this and that.
I can't think straight.
I don't feel like doing anything.
I'm really in a very bad mood.
I even thought about
giving up at a certain point.
Get on your feet ♪
Get on your feet ♪
Come on, Leo. You got this.
It's gonna be okay. Let it go.
I started to feel lighter,
trying to think less about some things,
or maybe a little bit more
about everything.
Get on your feet ♪
I'll be standing next to you ♪
[all clapping]
- [Dan] Everyone do one?
- [Igor] I did.
[Dan] So go there and write it together.
[Matheus] I wrote, "To control my heart
and to control my emotions."
[Ronaldo] To be a righteous man.
And more loving and caring,
which I have some difficulty with.
I wrote that the true meaning
of being a man, for me today,
is being truthful.
[Caio] To be a less negative chauvinist.
You can cry,
you can be closer to your sensitivities.
I'm going to propose a form of rebirth,
so that you can truly connect
with those words.
Just take a dip.
Go get it.
[uplifting song playing]
The sea really makes us connect
with what we want to achieve.
That dip meant a lot to me.
[Leandro] So many different feelings
that I really enjoyed.
It was an experience that
can't be explained.
[Bruna] I also wanted
the boys to go for a dip,
but to watch them drown.
Kethellen, why didn't you talk to Davi?
I don't know
if I'm taking it too literally,
or if I'm taking everything too seriously,
but I really see something
and I want it to be real.
I wanna feel that it's mutual,
that the other person is also into it.
I allowed myself and I was open,
but it didn't feel like it was
going anywhere, so I won't force it.
And I can talk to everyone here,
but with him, it's harder.
We were talking about Leandro.
He said he was gonna feel him out for me.
[both chuckling]
Then he came and said,
"Mari, he's confused."
I found him so handsome, obviously.
I think everyone noticed that.
I believe he has potential.
But he really needs
someone to help him achieve it.
He's a lot like me.
I know what I want, I have purpose.
He also totally knows what he needs,
but he tried
to find it in the wrong person.
[Bruna] Hey, Lana, give him a hand.
[Lana] Hello, Marina.
How are you feeling so far
here at the retreat?
I'm feeling really good.
[Lana] Do you feel like you are ready
to start deepening
your personal relationships?
I'm ready.
[Lana] Who do you choose
to go on a date with tonight?
Tonight, I'm going to choose
to meet Leandro.
I'm going to give myself a chance
to talk to him,
to hear his story and all that.
I decided to invite him for a date
to get to know him better,
to learn about his story, who he is.
[Bruna] Go, Leandro. Come on
and put your shiny new manhood to use
and just move on from Rita,
for the love of God!
[Leandro] How fancy! It's a good start.
- A toast to Lana.
- [Marina] Cheers.
- To new experiences.
- To new experiences.
Sweet Lana, I never criticized you.
I'm a guy
that likes to keep a low profile.
I'm a good observer.
And I noticed that in you, too.
- Who am I to say anything, right?
- [chuckles]
I also stay quiet,
judging others and observing.
I noticed it just by watching you
because we hadn't really
spoken to each other yet.
I think the only phrase I heard from you
was like, "I am very shy."
[both chuckle]
And I just said that.
So, like, okay
I think it was precisely
because he's so mysterious
that I decided to invite him for a date.
What did you think I was like?
Your first impression.
You were very closed off,
and I figured that was because
you were so focused
on the other thing you were having.
And I didn't wanna get in the way.
I'm a person who doesn't want
to interfere with anyone's life.
I don't wanna be a home-wrecker
or wreck anyone's game.
[Bruna] But Igor
[Igor] I don't know
how things are between you two
[Bruna] Or rather, Cockblocker Igor.
[Igor]if you're not as close
as you were before.
And today, I felt
comfortable enough to tell you
that I don't know anything
about you, you know,
and I feel like
I want to get to know you better,
I wanna know about your life, your family.
I really wanna be able to.
Like, if you want to,
if you're open to it.
One sec.
I'm going to be totally honest.
I'm a bit of a mess, and I don't
quite understand what's going on with me.
We didn't have the opportunity
to really connect,
to have a moment of our own.
[Bruna] There was a couple
talking about having kids,
and you have the nerve
to say you didn't have "a moment"?
So, open up with me.
That's what I really want.
I'm very confused, because I like Leandro.
But I don't know
how to develop what I feel for him.
She's very confused. I understand it.
It's not that
I'm falling in love with you.
But it could happen.
I stopped seeing him
not because I don't like him,
but because I was hurting
his relationships with other people,
you know?
For example,
now he's on a date with Marina.
- Yeah.
- Maybe if we were living a romance,
he would be on that date,
but he wouldn't be enjoying it.
What else can I tell you about me?
Let me see.
I'm an athlete.
No way. Me, too.
- In what?
- I play tennis and I swim.
- Say what?
- [romantic music playing]
[Bruna] Oh, his sweet little heart
can't take that much.
- You're a swimmer?
- Yes, I was.
Now, I just swim for fun.
- Shut up. Are you serious?
- I am. You swim too?
Since I was nine.
Me too.
I was eight or nine when I started.
- How cool.
- [Leandro] That's not possible.
I'm trying to remember
if I ever saw you in any competition.
How crazy.
Where have I been?
Mococa. Do you know Mococa?
[Bruna] What kind of pickup line
involves Mococa?
It's one of
the most important competitions,
junior or higher.
Gosh, she's an ex-swimmer.
You know, that was the icing on the cake.
- Wonderful night.
- [Marina] Yeah.
What a nice setup.
Oh, look how beautiful the house is,
all lit up.
[Leandro] So beautiful.
Oh, God, I think they already kissed
and we didn't see it.
- No, they didn't kiss.
- [Gabriela] But they are very close.
I lost track of what's happening.
Wasn't he so connected, so sad?
- They're facing each other.
- But not kissing.
- What if we ignore the money?
- What?
Ignore Lana.
Oh, my God.
I don't know.
You're the one who'll have to pay for it.
Oh, we can sort it out.
It's not a problem.
[Bruna] Less of a problem, to be exact.
All right.
[both chuckle softly]
- Sorry, I'm so ashamed.
- [kisses]
But I'm not thinking about money.
[romantic music playing]
[Matheus] Did they kiss? They did.
Now look at them. See?
Now that I see that Leandro
is starting to connect with Marina,
I'm actually going to give Igor a chance.
So that's another 10,000 gone.
What to say about this date?
[Bruna] Looked to me like that connection
could win you a gold medal
in Mococa.
But this one
We tried.
We both were on the same wavelength,
but it seems that I'm not
the right person for you
and you're not the right person for me.
We both were working hard,
opening up to things.
But I think the affection
of a loving relationship,
- we don't have it.
- It didn't happen.
And when it doesn't click,
there's no point in forcing it.
[Davi] We're more like friends.
And from the moment
that I was truthful and said it,
I felt so much calmer, so much lighter.
For me to allow myself
to meet someone else,
it's something I want for my life.
- Whether it's here
- Or somewhere else.
I feel the same way.
I'm open and up for going for it,
but I think it should feel
a little bit different, you know?
We don't have that kind of affection,
that couple feeling.
It's really more like a friendship.
- You're getting emotional.
- I can't take it.
We went our separate ways,
the friendship goes on.
I think it's even stronger.
Man, I'm feeling so much lighter
and happier now.
[Ronaldo] I'm listening.
Like, Keth and I talked.
We had a great conversation.
Man, I swear, I feel so much lighter, bro.
I think he's a great love advisor,
so I told him I was feeling lighter,
I was feeling happier.
I joined the house
thinking I'd be the player,
the guy who'd fool around
and do this and that.
Now, I'm the guy who's thinking
about being a better man.
A man who's here to
learn something for life.
[Bruna] Well, it seems like
this retreat really works.
I'm going to refer
some of my exes to Lana.
[upbeat music playing]
When I got here, your hug was different.
The euphoria, man, that's crazy.
You were like,
"Man, I can't believe you're here."
"Yeah, I don't know you, but I know you."
- We look so much alike.
- So much.
So much alike.
I really found a brother in you.
A great brother.
And we're almost the same age. Like twins.
Ronaldo is a gift
that the retreat gave me.
I think Ronaldo's
gonna be a part of my life.
Tell me about Thuany.
What's going on? What's the feeling?
Man, my words are coming back to haunt me.
I got here with no expectations.
Then Thuany came
and struck me with her energy,
struck me with her beauty, with her smile.
I still miss being able
to be closer to her sometimes.
[Ronaldo] Right.
Since I'm a guy who always tries
to respect people's time,
their way of being,
so I'll wait and see what happens,
how we'll adapt to each other,
how we'll harmonize.
But it's nice, isn't it, bro?
Man, I really want her to be in my life.
You have no idea.
- [Ronaldo] Yeah.
- I really want Thuany in my life.
I'm really happy
for everything you brought.
Man, Caio is my bro.
My brother has arrived.
[Bruna] It took my breath away.
[in sing-song voice] Where's my inhaler?
[Lana chimes]
[all exclaim]
[Lana] Hello, people.
[all] Hi, Lana!
Lana is a magical entity.
Always bringing something new.
[Lana] Three more infractions
were detected since the last chat.
Yeah, there was the day
with Thuany's infractions.
Thuany's day and ours.
- Damn it.
- That's it.
[Lana] Breaking these rules
has cost you R$24,000 off the final prize.
I think that
everyone has to create connections,
but there's a prize
that's worth a lot of money in the game.
[Lana] The balance of the prize
is now R$388,000.
Twenty-four thousand real
for everyone's general happiness.
It's money invested.
It's an investment, people.
It could be worse.
I wanna propose something to everyone.
[Kethellen] Let's leave it to the watches.
Let's kiss, but only
when the watches beep.
- [Kethellen] Yeah. That's the best.
- Can everyone commit to that?
[Kethellen] Yes.
Since we have the watch,
we have to wait for it to beep,
so we don't keep cutting into the prize,
because it's worth a lot of money,
and we're losing it fast.
[Brenda] We have a purpose now.
That's why we have the watch.
I like it.
Great. So look, from now on,
whoever commits an infraction
has no excuse.
When the watch beeps, I'm gonna enjoy it.
I'm gonna enjoy it when it happens
as much as possible.
Matheus, just a little something.
Two minutes, man-to-man talk.
You always try to pass the buck.
You always wanna say, "Oh, be like this,"
but that's not how things are.
It's not just about you.
I think the money shouldn't restrict
our feelings, our wishes.
- It's pushy, you know?
- You're always pushing.
[Ronaldo] Right.
[Caio] You can say something like,
"Guys, I think"
And it's not, "It's going to be"
You get what I mean?
I'm not saying what you can or cannot say,
I'm saying, like, the way
And you could put an "I think" first.
You can say, "Guys"
So, I think then that it would be cool
if everyone kisses
only when the watch beeps,
so that no one else commits an infraction.
That's it, dude!
[Bruna] Is it just me
or is Matheus improving?
Caio corrected me about the way
I expressed myself,
which wasn't meant as a tone of authority,
but a tone, you know, of wanting
to propose the best for everyone.
- One, two, three. And let's live better!
- [all cheering]
- [Brenda] Vacation!
- [Caio] Vacation!
[upbeat music playing]
I'm in agony.
To the point of rubbing myself somewhere.
I'm serious.
- Just to see if
- Just to see if
Man, for real. I'm serious, man.
I came here just now,
I looked at the coconut tree
This guy's walking up here like
Did you that I leaned against it?
But I was like, "No, this is crazy."
I'm going crazy, bro.
[Leandro laughing]
Fuck, my heart is racing, man.
I'm so horny, I'm shivering. For real.
[Bruna] For the sake of all coconut trees,
they better put on their pajamas
and go to sleep.
[Marina] Mine are kinda saucy,
you know, but it's all right. No?
[Gabriela] Wow!
[Bruna] Or not.
There are some very good pajamas.
Very interesting.
I'll leave it open.
That's what I was thinking, too.
Looking amazing.
Everyone is dressed in pajamas,
looking very sexy.
The boxer shorts are naughty, too.
Look, freestyle. Look at this.
[Matheus] I can handle this.
I'm in control.
[Bruna] You are, huh?
Shake your booty, just a little wiggle.
[upbeat music playing]
There's champagne, there's wine.
[Bruna] I always thought slumber parties
were just for little kids. Right?
Seems like the atmosphere
for spending a few thousand real.
[Igor] A toast,
because today we're healthy.
[Matheus] And tomorrow we will be too!
- [glasses clinking]
- [all cheering]
[Brenda] Thank you, universe!
[thunder rumbling]
Just me this time. Thank you, universe.
[Bruna] It seems like the universe
is not on board with that, babe.
[Davi] Guys, let's go inside.
Let's go, let's go. It's raining!
[all cheering]
I brought the popcorn
for anyone who wants it.
It can rain, it can snow,
there can be thunder and lightning,
our party won't stop.
You're gonna get your partner,
and simulate
how you will cuddle together tonight.
- [chuckles]
- [Caio] I'm gonna give you an example.
Sleep together? Mmm
[Bruna] Sleep together?
Obviously, with the rain falling,
nothing better than trying out cuddling.
[all] Aww.
[Ronaldo] A classic one.
- [Leandro snoring]
- [laughter]
I wanna wake up with you like this,
every single day of my life.
[all cheering]
- [watch beeps]
- [Kethellen] No way!
[all cheering]
[Gabriela] Kiss!
[Bruna] Kiss before the light goes out.
Come on!
[all cheering]
I want some tongue!
Matheus and I have
a very strong connection.
We like each other a lot.
I wanna go to your wedding!
[Rita] What about Matheus, huh?
[Igor] Wonderful!
- [chimes]
- Yeah!
[Matheus] Dude, it's crazy, you know?
I didn't expect
that we would win this gift.
[Lana] Hello, people.
I see that the way
a couple sleeps together
can reveal the essence
of their relationship.
[murmuring indistinctly]
[Lana] Matheus and Brenda,
you seem to be the couple
that is most prepared
to inaugurate the most intimate place
available in this retreat.
[all cheering]
Would you two like to spend a night
completely by yourselves in the suite?
- [Marina] Yes!
- Of course I fucking want it!
Thank you, Lana!
- Hey, but wait.
- [Ronaldo] Hold on one second.
[Thuany] Lana, what's the deal?
Is everything allowed or what?
[Lana] The rules of the retreat
continue to apply while in the suite.
Make use of your time away
from the distractions of the house
by getting to know each other better.
And before I forget,
the watches never turn green
inside the suite.
[Marina] Without losing money, okay?
- [Ronaldo] From now on, green lights only.
- It's for sleeping, not for sex.
Feel free to do whatever you want.
No. Guys, you've already
had too much sex, it's enough.
I'm afraid of losing money.
[Lana] You can go now.
I think a couple this fiery
will put us in the hole. It'll be tough.
[scattered cheering]
The first time in the suite
for Matheus and Brenda
We will see. Later, right? Coming up next!
- Oh, fuck!
- No way.
Oh, I don't know.
I don't think anything will happen.
[chuckles softly]
I see that he really changed a lot.
- What about a kiss?
- Seriously?
To top it all off.
If you don't want that, that's okay.
[Davi] Seriously, I'm gonna
sleep on my stomach.
It's very difficult
not to break the rules today, huh, Lana?
You were a douchebag so many times.
I'm saying it to your face.
I was very angry with this guy.
[crying] I can't see that, man.
[Marina] Oh, spare me.
You go from devil to saint like that.
Did I suck someone off under the sheets?
No, guys.
[Thuany] Look at that, man!
Guys, what's that? A car is coming.
Holy shit, this is getting bad.
If Brenda wants to hook up
with some other guy, you'll get pissed.
Things got nasty.
The boy was into me,
and your ego got hurt.
[Lana] You are all being deceived.
Guys, what's that?
Many friends disappointed me.
[dramatic music playing]
[upbeat music playing]
[up-tempo song playing]
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