Too Hot to Handle: Germany (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Trigger Warning!

Good morning,
old and new participants of my retreat.
Good morning, Lana.
To a new day full of…
Oh! Tobi and Stella? After last night?
But where is he staring?
Ah, got it.
The night was more tense this time.
And I caught myself watching Sophie
a couple of times.
And who kept our blond hottie warm
last night?
Fabio maybe?
Nope. Then who?
Akka! Respect!
Sophie has bewitched this policeman.
Then it was a magical night, right?
I'm curious to see that magic trick.
Sophie definitely looks exactly the way
I had described my dream girl here.
Which side is yours?
Wherever you want. I don't care.
Akka is the perfect type of guy
for me to cuddle with and talk to.
Cuddling and talking is permitted.
But only that!
Sophie, how was your first night?
My first night was interesting.
Wow! That also sounds interesting.
Maybe I would like
to sleep next to her too.
I think Sophie is the type
that all of the guys would go for.
I thought that I'd have an easier time
sticking to the rules,
but I guess it will be difficult.
I think this will get exciting.
Hello, Oliver.
I hope you had a good first night
in my retreat.
Good morning, Lana.
And I hope your date with Emely hasn't
driven a wedge into our dream couple.
Kevin was a little bit worried,
but it would have been exactly the same
the other way around.
Can you picture yourself
getting to know him now, or…
I did miss you a little, I have to say.
Aww, cute!
Emely is giving me a good feeling,
I don't think anything happened.
Check! And who slept next to Oli?
Oh, look! Onyi! How did that happen?
-What's your type?
-Latinos are my type.
I find Onyi very likeable.
Finally, I don't have to sleep alone
Lana heard my wishes
and I finally got my Latino!
That is my bed.
Congratulations on that!
I'm sure Lana is happy too,
if you've been good.
That is correct.
I wish you an insightful day
of abstinence.
Hey, slept well?
Yes, and you?
Yes, of course.
It was really nice last night, I'd say.
I agree.
Wait, stop! So nice?
Did something happen after all?
I think everyone wants
to find a relationship here.
-You smell good.
Thank you.
Yes, I know that perfume,
Eau de Seduction by Sophie.
You take one sniff and…
Yeah, I knew it.
So much for Akka's police service.
We'll just pretend like nothing happened.
If they find out what happened last night,
I don't think they'd forgive me.
Lana, I hope you can forgive me.
-It just happened in the moment.
-Yeah, the moment was just right.
-The moment was right. It was super nice.
Yes, I think that's super unnecessary!
Lana won't be that happy with me.
It's cute how they think
they can outsmart Lana.
Dream on!
I've never really been a jealous person.
Maybe it's because I've never met someone…
…that I feel possessive towards.
I talked to Tobi last night
about their date with each other.
And it's just a little bit like,
if he wanted to get to know her better
on another date,
I think it would be a real shame…
-If he just threw all of this away.
She did tell me last night
that Tobi and Fabio in particular…
-Yes, I heard that.
-…are her types.
Is Tobi your type, or…?
Yeah, I guess.
-Is there anybody else who you like?
-I forgot the name.
-I know it's not Kevin.
-Okay, so you also like Fabio?
What would you think if Fabio was like,
"I think she's nice,
I want to get to know her better"?
I'm pretty sure that,
knowing Fabio the way I do, that…
We already talked about it
and he did tell me
that he finds her really hot.
It triggered something.
She represents pure sex.
Triggered? Well then,
as a man you can't do anything about it.
I don't get what's going on
between Fabio and Sophie.
I can imagine
that he wants to get to know her
and I have heard that she does too.
Sophie hit us like a bomb yesterday.
She turned the head of every guy here.
She came in here like…
Everything was pretty harmonious.
The couples were established,
and now she comes in
and turns our heads like… Wicked.
It's the same for me.
Sophie triggered something.
Sophie does look pretty great,
and she's kind of my type as well.
Can't do anything about it, right?
Because triggers and stuff. Sure.
I didn't expect that.
And I'm the exact opposite of her.
I'm blonde too,
but she's a different type.
Yeah, you're natural
and with her you see that she's "made."
-The breasts? Oh, now I notice it too!
One woman and three hot guys
in the throes of desire.
And all that after only one night
and one morning.
Respect! Sophie is really making a splash.
How do you think
you went down with the guys?
-Yeah. Pretty well, I think.
Onyi said she wanted a spicy Latino.
She told me the same.
There are a lot of pretty women here.
Who caught my eye?
Well, Onyi due to her charisma.
And for the rest,
I still have to evaluate them.
Oli talks to Sophie.
Tobi senses something like that
100 meters upwind.
-Hey, Tobi, all good?
-Yeah, all good.
All's good with us.
How solid are all the couples
by now, anyway?
What would you say in regards to yourself?
Watch out, Tobi! Trick question.
Is someone nervous?
It's not quite solid yet.
Well, Sophie,
looks like the fish is biting.
There's definitely sexual tension
between Sophie and me.
And another one successfully triggered.
Impressive rate.
There's definitely sex in the air here.
Because of the date with Tobi,
I have sexual tension with him.
And Fabio
might be catching my interest too.
How convenient,
because he's already making his move.
Sophie is a beautiful woman
and it's hard to resist.
From the outside
you can't imagine what's going inside
and which emotions are getting triggered.
I'm trying to get to know them better
and to get a clearer picture
so that I can decide where I have a chance
to quickly make a move.
You don't need to be a high-end computer
to know that Sophie
can get really expensive.
Lana, whatever shall we do?
I'm analyzing.
The new participants are rocking the boat
and are really testing the old ones.
The prize money and the success
of the retreat are in danger.
I need to step in.
Therefore, I ask everyone
to come to the palapa.
This is the moment
where everyone looks around.
Where everyone asks,
"Oh God, did I misbehave or not?"
I think we all slept quietly
and virtuously.
Anything to confess?
I think Lana had a very boring night.
If anything happened again,
I'm really going to blow my lid.
-Hello, Lana.
I'm trying to be
as inconspicuous as possible
and draw the attention
away from me and Sophie.
I have evaluated your nightly activities.
This always makes me sweat.
Now the truth comes to light.
Looking around at everyone,
I don't see anyone guilty
apart from me and Sophie.
While you were supposed to be sleeping,
there were unauthorized interactions,
also known as rule violations.
-Oh, that sucks.
-That was it for my G-class.
-Oh, my God.
I cannot believe it.
How could that happen?
I was so sure we behaved.
You cannot be serious, can you?
-Tobi, Stella, how about you?
-It wasn't us.
-I trust you.
-Yes, you can trust me.
-What about you?
You've not done anything in ages.
I'm really pissed right now.
I'm keeping myself tightly in check here.
Could you have just one single night
where we hear
there weren't rule violations?
It is really sad right now.
Akka, you are really loud right now.
I think it's you.
I'm a policeman.
I'll take your badge from you if it's you.
-Bro, calm down.
The policeman is under suspicion.
I think he's corrupt.
If it was a couple, you are done.
I'm telling you.
Maybe you've found another use
for your handcuffs.
How should I use my handcuffs?
On the lovely blonde lady next to you.
Are you trying to distract everyone
from yourself?
He's going too far right now
and everything will come back to him.
And to me too.
My sensors registered a kiss.
Hey, no joking.
Promises were made right here.
It's not funny anymore.
Okay, guys, who the fuck kissed?
Come on, it's enough.
I still think it was those two.
I agree.
-What's up?
-Who kissed?
-Yes. Who?
-Who was it?
-I knew it!
-Yes, but…
-Oh, my God!
Woah, Akka.
I'm sure he lost his police badge forever.
-You are such an actor.
It's not my fault
that Lana sent in such a bombshell.
That was the one freebie you had.
It's over now.
It's over now.
Sophie kisses Akka on the first night,
I don't really have a problem with that.
Well, that's not what it looks like.
I still don't know if Akka
is number one for Sophie.
She did say that Fabio and I
were her priorities.
Do you think it has a deeper meaning?
Do you think that this could turn
into something more?
Well, you don't make out
for no reason, do you?
No, why would you think that?
-I used to.
-Yes, actually.
What do you think?
We just really clicked, we were very…
We talked so much beforehand,
for like four, five hours.
"It felt so good in that moment."
Sophie, your presence
had an impact on the group.
And on the prize money.
This rule violation costs you €6,000.
That's crazy. But it doesn't mean
that I wouldn't have kissed Sophie myself.
The total sum of your prize money
is now only…
And 40 cents.
We have to work as a team.
Now you say that.
Not today.
On your way
to deeper emotional relationships
you are stuck in a dead end.
-Yeah, definitely.
My sensors also pick up signals
that give hope.
Signals for hope.
With my help
there is light at the end of the tunnel.
To further your transformation,
I'm organizing another workshop.
Please go to the garden now.
I want the participants of my retreat
to learn to build
responsible relationships,
both long-lasting and meaningful.
They should acquire the necessary skills
in my workshop.
That's the ambitious plan.
And here comes Lana's expert.
I'm Jenny and I'm a coach
for conscious sexuality and relationships.
My goal is to work with the guests
on their communication skills
to create deeper emotional intimacy
with one another
and thus establish
a more profound relationship.
Today's workshop is about communication.
How is the communication
between yourselves?
I don't really have any problem
with communicating in general.
For me, it's more the emotional side
of not wanting to make myself vulnerable.
I have many walls.
I used to be more careful.
Meanwhile, I have learned
I want to surround myself with people
and spend my time with people
who can really see what I am.
Without pretending.
There is no more of that.
I would say
that I am a communicative person
and empathic towards others.
For me, the thing is that I am afraid
to hurt other people
when I communicate openly.
What do you think would be the worst thing
that could happen?
For it to create a tear in the bond
that you have.
Yeah, thank you.
We'll do an exercise called Eye Gazing
where you look deep
into each other's eyes for a few minutes.
I just like looking into Sophie's eyes
because they're so beautiful.
I love this child-like
and funny side of Akka.
Even though everyone here is so serious.
We try as well, but we laugh about it.
When we look into each other's eyes
you feel so vulnerable
and now that Sophie is here,
it feels more uncomfortable.
I feel that he's trying to provide me
with reassurance,
but at the same time
I see occasional glances
between him and Sophie,
pretty intense ones.
That make me feel unsettled.
In her eyes I can see her vulnerable side.
That she can't really trust yet
and is a bit afraid of the situation.
There is a lot going on in my head.
Honestly, I am looking into his soul, and…
Okay, thank you.
Thanks for engaging so openly
with this exercise.
Emely and Kevin, how was it?
For me, I had no problem
looking into her eyes.
When we look at each other like that,
I always see sort of her sentimental side.
Kevin does make the ice melt a bit, yes.
We'll do a final exercise with one other.
You can sit across from each other again.
And then you'll take your hand
and put it over the heart
of the person opposite you.
I think I'm slowly starting
to be able to show that I am vulnerable.
I can't remember the last time
I got seriously involved with someone
and that I had serious feelings.
I don't think I've ever had
those feelings either.
Not as intense as it feels right now.
Fabio seemed as if everything was okay,
but somehow right now,
this doesn't feel that great anymore.
I'm hearing Oli's heartbeat
and I'm feeling so connected to him.
My queen of hearts is Onyi.
Onyi has an extremely beautiful face,
and you just enjoy looking at it.
Then take one more deep breath in and out.
Okay, to wrap things up, I'd like to know
how you enjoyed the exercise.
For me it was a step to build trust.
To be that close to him
and breathe with him
is definitely a lovely form of intimacy.
I am sure that the workshop showed Tobi
that I am the person
he would like to spend time with
intensively the next couple of days.
Even though we already got close before,
this was a different kind of closeness.
It moved me somehow.
It was a feeling of familiarity.
And I was able to let myself fall
in that moment.
I enjoyed it.
I've become a real love's fool.
Shit, dude.
These feelings…
They came up
because of mixture of vulnerability,
insecurity, tension,
all of it mixed together.
We had a few things come up
that haven't really been processed yet.
It's the most uncomfortable thing
to realize that the only solution
is to truly open up.
It's a little difficult for me
because I'm more of a cerebral person.
Meaning that, well…
All these feelings inside,
that's not really my thing.
It's not easy for me
in this situation right now
to completely open up,
because I'm currently preoccupied
with myself.
That did hit me hard.
I hope you all felt a deeper connection
without the need
to immediately become sexual.
Thank you very much.
I wish for nothing more
than a clarifying conversation.
On a scale of ten, that's at about 100.
To sum up, lots of good insights.
And Fabio better start coming up
with some clever answers.
Tobi an I talked more after the workshop
and I hope that Sophie fades
into the background a bit.
Unfortunately, I am very insecure.
And have you started feeling comfortable
in our group?
I think you've already integrated yourself
really well.
You're all really nice.
Nice, but maybe not entirely honest
with each other.
I'd really like to know
what Fabio is honestly thinking.
What's going on with Sophie?
Could he imagine more happening with her?
What's my place in all of this?
All of that is pretty rough.
But what did we learn in the workshop?
Communication is key.
This conversation is important
because I feel Anna doesn't know for sure
where she stands with me
and I just want to clear that up.
What was going on earlier at the workshop?
Could you share it with me?
Yeah. It's mostly
that I have this feeling like,
wow, okay, purely looks-wise,
I am not exactly your type
or maybe also just not good enough.
I never said that you are not my type.
I know, but those are my insecurities
which then bubble up.
Like when you say, "Wow, that Sophie,
she's 1,000% my type."
I never said that.
Okay, then explain it.
On social media,
there's this ideal type of woman
that just gets idealized.
-And she just fits that ideal.
-Yes. Totally.
Sophie just triggered something in me,
provoked a reaction within me.
Ah, the trigger. There it is again.
That moment when she came up the stairs
and all the boys went like, "Wow!"
That just triggered something for me
in my head somehow.
I think it totally sucks that it even
triggered anything within me at all,
because I wish that weren't the case.
I really have a strange gut feeling.
I don't believe him completely.
And I really didn't mean
to spark that off in you
or pass that on to you,
you know what I mean?
It's hard to understand
if you aren't in that situation.
That's all. For me,
that issue is over and done with.
All right, so what I understood
was that it's the fault of social media.
I just need a bit of space
from all of this now.
I just can't seem to get a grip
on everything going on here anymore.
Good night, you cuties.
-Good night.
-Good night.
-Everyone be good just like always.
It was an exhausting day.
They will be much too tired to--
Oh, no.
Who? What? Where? How?
Whose empty bed is that?
Oh, look here. Very funny.
It's cold, isn't it?
This could be due to the cold water?
I'm just freezing.
Sophie's entire appearance
makes me crazy somehow.
Yeah, it's difficult to look away.
I just focused on my hair.
Her lips, her eyes.
She has beautiful legs, she has curves.
She's had her… breasts done.
Crap. Apparently, the shower was so cold
that they want to warm up
against each other.
I'm wondering
what Sophie has to say about it.
And Tobi. And Fabio.
And who knows who else!
Good morning.
Good morning, Lana.
Well, everyone well-rested?
I had an erotic dream.
So it's possible that I was moaning a bit.
As a duet with Sophie, maybe?
Me and Tobi weren't entirely well-behaved
in my dream.
It satisfied me in some way or another.
I think I dreamt about my flip-flops.
No, seriously.
Erotic dreams
aren't a violation of the rules.
I wish you all a nice day.
And remember, abstinence is the new sexy.
A night with almost no incidents!
Miracles do happen.
And now welcome
to Too Hot to Handle flirt aerobics
with Oli and Onyi!
I want you to start sweating.
So, for Oli, ten more, nine more…
Show me your booty.
Every man likes your fat butt, so…
What? Fat butt? He did not just say that!
-Let's do a couple of squats.
But my butt is nice, right?
Yeah, it's okay. It's nice, yes.
-Okay, he says?
-No. Okay, it's nice.
Barely dodged that one, hmm?
Go on. Why are you done?
Continue, we're only just starting.
I am strict as a fitness coach,
but flirting is part of it,
even as a trainer.
Let's call it flirting Oli-style.
But look, you already made me sweat.
-Look at me, I'm sweating as well.
-Yeah, true.
But for men, sweating is sexy.
You think?
Out of all the guys in the house,
Oli has the best body.
What is your flirting style?
You tell me what my style is.
-I definitely am--
-I get the feeling that you are…
You sneak up from behind, so to speak.
I see. Like a flirting muscle panther.
-You nailed it.
It's interesting to finally get to know
Oli better physically in a different way.
Looks like spooning for athletes.
That's what I meant by you get close
to one another while working out.
I'm sure there could be
more between Oliver and me.
-Yeah, but I really trust you.
And it doesn't matter
that I'm sweating all over you?
Sure, who doesn't like that?
You do have pretty flexible hips.
And I can do even more.
I'm wondering, is that still a workout
or should I let Lana know?
But how was your night?
How do you feel about the situation?
It's like,
he's triggered on a purely visual level,
but not on an emotional one.
I can't wrap my head around it anymore,
but I have to say…
I was good with Fabio,
but now I'm thinking to myself,
what is that boy doing?
It just feels really weird right now,
and I'm so understanding,
but I'm also thinking
that I have to protect myself as well.
-This is really hurting me now.
-You also have to look out for yourself.
You are super understanding,
but some people don't deserve
that much empathy
if they don't offer anything in return,
because really,
where is his empathy in that regard?
I don't know how to deal with this,
because there are really strong emotions,
and that doesn't make any of this easier,
for sure.
Fabio on the other hand
seems to be searching for something.
Either for an epiphany or for… Well?
Of course.
Sophie is a really beautiful woman.
It's just this superficiality
that triggers me so badly.
Even though I don't want stuff like that
to trigger me so much.
Trigger alarm at twelve o'clock.
But I'm not actually interested in her.
Oh, that has made it all… unclear.
But I'm wondering
what Akka has to say about that.
And where is he, anyway?
Hello, Akka.
You're currently turning
from good cop to bad cop.
No. I'm a loyal policeman.
If Sophie hadn't got a grip on herself,
all the money would have been gone.
Why are you taking such a huge risk?
Sophie threw me off balance a little,
but I am not the one who brought her here.
That was you.
Sophie is also at the retreat
to grow emotionally.
However, she is new at the retreat.
You are not.
And yet you break the rules. Why?
Because she looks stunning.
And there was just something between us.
Do you think you will find
your way back to abstinence?
Yes. With your help, of course.
I'm glad to hear that. I'll help you.
But this is your last warning.
I'm looking into your soul.
And what do you see?
She's really got me.
You know, in the beginning,
I totally cursed Lana.
But on the other hand, now,
looking at the last couple of days,
it has helped us move forward.
But she should let us have a kiss.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
She should give us one freebie.
We are at the point
where he just has to touch me like that
and I want to take off all my clothes!
And there isn't that much clothing
to take off anyway.
I just need that, to touch you.
And you can't even have a quick kiss--
We're total model pupils, real geeks.
In school, I was always the worst one.
-And now…
-We started with straight Fs.
And now A+.
We've definitely managed
to get to a B by now.
Yes, definitely.
In real life,
it would never have played out like that.
We would have destroyed a hotel room.
We would have gotten that bill…
And then…
We probably would have spent
just as much money.
I think, in real life, we would have had
just about one night together,
and it would surely have been nice,
but then I would have closed off
my heart again.
So, stay strong, you two.
It'll be worth it!
And I'm not talking about the cash.
Everything all right with you?
Concerning Sophie,
I'd like to find out if it is more
than just this superficial attraction,
because she's totally my type.
I want to find out if there is more to it.
How have things been with you
since our date?
Have you thought about it?
I mean, of course,
I have been thinking about you.
One can also tell from the glances.
Of course,
I can tell from eye contact, etc.,
that Tobi is definitely interested,
but he just doesn't go on the offensive
with me.
I mean, you really did enthrall me.
When I saw you for the first time,
you really captivated me, so…
With us, I always had the feeling
that it would just have been
something physical.
I said so several times, too.
You do look amazing, but for me,
you'd probably be someone
that I just "use."
Who's to say
that I'm not the one using you?
But I don't like to get in the middle.
And you and Stella,
to me, you guys look
like that's a totally steady thing.
My head is exploding like,
Stella, Sophie, Stella, Sophie…
I don't know what to do.
What else do you think will happen today?
-Oh, Emely and Kevin…
-Could become dangerous.
Oh, my God.
Hello. Are you in the mood
for a wild party?
And what do we get to wear, Lana?
Please look in your closets.
Tonight, we're getting kinky.
Welcome to the KitKat Club.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
-That's crazy.
-This is KitKat.
-That's amazing.
-Oh, my God. I'm so excited for this.
-This will look so sick.
-Oh, wow.
-Lana, why are you doing this?
-Exactly my thoughts.
-But remember, white means purity.
What? Who said that?
That's why you got it.
I look like a little angel… on parole.
For the boys there's…?
Okay. I want to see them wear that.
Disco, right? What's going on here?
-Now we're talking.
-Oh, this is some shit!
We were just about dying of laughter
with the other boys.
Hey, don't you have a shirt?
I'm the only one without a shirt?
But, yeah. Looks good.
Hey, you'll turn them on, dude.
I feel erotic in this get-up.
Shall I help you put on the necklace?
-Lush, bro.
-Yeah, man.
Not a bad look.
For the party just now? Awesome.
For everyday life? Probably not.
I can't imagine
how hot the girls will look,
but I think there'll be some money
gambled away today.
The girls are so hot.
I really can't guarantee anything.
-To an awesome evening!
Now let's do a booty drop.
Oh, my God. The girls…
There's a vibe between Stella and me.
My slave.
I can't control myself
with you all standing here like that.
But who knows how to dance on that?
-Let the guys do it.
-Stella can.
Dancing on the pole
is definitely totally up my alley.
Oh, my God.
The boys don't even need to come.
You'll get another show later.
I'm excited for all of the boys.
Oh, wow!
Oh, my God, the boys look amazing.
Especially Akka and Tobi.
Your man has arrived.
Kevin is so hot, but I'd like him
even better if he was naked.
The girls, they're truly…
There is a lot of sexual tension
in the air here.
I love it kinky.
Great. It's just that Tobi's mind
seems to be elsewhere.
I'd like to talk to Stella
about the current state of my mind.
That right now,
I feel a little torn in my mind.
I just need to tell you
what's going on in my mind right now.
Honesty is important…
I really like the progress
we have made with each other.
But right now,
I have come to a point where I'd say…
I have real trouble
building up further trust.
I'm just scared of getting hurt
if I continue like this with Stella.
The worst thing for me
would be if Tobi were to say
that he needs space right now
and that he might want to check out
the other girls a little more.
I'm kind of struggling, especially now
with Sophie, who just came here.
She made me feel insecure.
I really like this thing with you,
but right now, I am just…
It's a mental burden for me
whether we can make this work.
Should I give you some space?
I think the two of us
just need some more time.
I definitely feel a bit vulnerable,
because I know that right now
Tobi in a way holds my feelings
in his hands.
It's this thing that always happens to me.
As soon as I get scared that something
might go wrong, I clam up.
I want to avoid that this time
because we're here to evolve.
I get where you're coming from,
but I'd also like to know
if we're going to continue like this.
I'd really like to continue
this thing with you.
I certainly don't want to grow
more distant from you.
I mean, I always had this feeling
that we are on a similar wavelength
when it's just the two of us.
I noticed that maybe
you didn't talk about it that much,
but as far as what I'm feeling,
it has always seemed
like a good match on both sides.
I think that if we keep walking
this path together,
we'll slowly make more progress.
I definitely feel relieved.
It's so nice to know
where the two of us stand
and that we will continue
to improve ourselves.
So, full speed ahead!
Hopefully, tomorrow we don't wake up
with a prize money hangover.
I just have a bit of a bad feeling
about Emely and Kevin.
I don't know, but Emely was so hot.
She was really…
Yeah, maybe I am a devil tonight
after all.
-Come on!
Lana, are you serious? You party crasher!
I think that can only mean trouble.
It's about your prize money.
-Oh, man!
-That doesn't sound good.
I registered the following.
Don't look at the ground, Akka. Seriously.
Akka, did you do something?
-Don't look at the ground.
Come on, be honest.
Until now, you have been very wasteful
with your prize money.
Today, too, I have watched you closely
and my analysis has concluded
that for the first time
there has been no rule violation.
I'm so proud of us.
Kemely, you two were responsible
for the majority of the prize reduction.
Lately, you have been able
to better control yourselves.
That's why I'm now giving you
the opportunity to truly outdo yourselves.
But to do that,
you have to pass the ultimate test.
Lana, please don't test me.
You'll spend the night
in the private suite.
Oh, my God.
Worst case scenario, no kidding.
But now you can really prove to us
that it's not just a physical thing
between you two,
but that there is more to it.
Guys, you really
have to take this seriously,
because this isn't just about you two,
this is about the whole team.
The pressure from the others is huge,
but we are excited about some alone time.
And we are just so hot for each other.
Living on the edge.
The private suite is now open for you.
I wish you an insightful night
of abstinence.
You can do it.
-Em, you can do it.
-I believe in you.
We believe in you guys.
"Kevin, you can do it."
Well, I can't.
Wait and see
and then throw in Kevin's towel.
Wow! Really?
Well, it's not that tempting…
Yeah, okay. I'll just shut up.
Oh, my God!
Handcuffs and stuff.
Are they totally sick in the head or what?
They've come far enough emotionally
that they can make it through.
I think so too.
Look here. Turned on?
Oh dear. Flying condoms.
This could become expensive.
-Are those enough?
-Honestly, three won't be enough.
I can't imagine remaining steadfast.
I'd like to believe that they can do it.
I think Kevin is more likely to make it,
but Emely…
I'll vouch for Kevin. He'll make it.
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