Too Hot to Handle: Latino (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Taking Caro Business

[Itatí] In a world
Twelve-way kiss!
[Itatí] full of casual sex
- [woman] Don't get too hot.
- [Itatí] memes and cat videos
- You're very cat-like.
- Wild.
[Itatí] twelve singles are
on an impossible mission.
This is a catastrophe.
- [Itatí] Celibacy.
- We're horny. It's really hard.
- She's fire!
- Forbidden fruit makes you crazy.
[Itatí] In order to win,
they're putting their faith in
[chimes] Hello, humans.
[Itatí] a talking cone.
Some won't be able to control it.
I really want to do it. [moans]
Others will abandon the mission.
[chimes] Say goodbye.
The retreat is over for you.
[Itatí] All this,
while saving the world from
absolutely nothing.
They're not superheroes.
They're super horny.
- I've never moaned like that.
- Those whips did the trick.
I've tamed the mare.
[Itatí] Don't miss
the battle of the impulses.
[Itatí] Too Hot To Handle.
[Lana chimes]
[Itatí] For those busy
on their phones, let's recap.
Israel went straight for Dahiana
as soon as she showed up.
[Itatí] But, back at the house,
Carolina was climbing the walls.
- [man] Hello!
- Girls! Girls, hey!
Come quick!
- [woman] You're kidding!
- [woman 2] Yeah?
I shouted for everyone to come out.
I wanted them
to see them all over each other.
My girls would get her off of him
so I could scold Israel, obviously.
- Hi.
- Hey. How are you?
[Carolina] Welcome.
Dahiana is pretty, tall, nice body,
but I wouldn't lose any sleep over her.
[Itatí] You might not lose any sleep,
but Israel might.
Worried, Carolina?
New housemate? Let's see if she shakes up
all the couples in the house.
These are the beds.
- How many women?
- Two, two, two, and two.
We all sleep with someone.
Two people per bed.
- We'll see what happens tonight.
- Sleep with whoever you want.
[Itatí] Carito, we aren't sure
that Dahiana wants to sleep with Israel
We're in for trouble. Mm.
[Joel] What Israel wants is one thing,
but getting permission is another.
Carolina has him on a leash.
"Here, doggy!"
- Who do you want to sleep with?
- [Dahiana] You.
- [Flor laughs]
- Yeah!
Dahiana is bi, and I love it.
[chanting] Get in line! Get in line!
She's pretty, and she likes girls too.
So we'll see what's up.
This is the only available bed,
but you can choose
where you want to sleep, since you're new.
Caro is very temperamental.
I don't want to see her angry.
To make the situation even harder,
everyone's so pretty.
[Dadvian] I got the cutest one here.
She's good for Dadvian.
Neither has a partner. They should do it.
She won't turn to anyone else.
She's with me now.
[Itatí] She literally turned
the other way.
Another day in paradise.
And Flor starts her day
gossiping with Dahiana.
- How are you?
- Good, processing it all.
- What do you think?
- Everyone has great energy.
- So, you like sex?
- Of course.
[Itatí] That's like asking
if your aunt likes funny cat videos.
So, who do you like?
If you're asking
who I think is the cutest,
I'd say Israel is very handsome.
I think
that if we weren't in this situation,
Israel would be all over me.
The guy you're with, Nico super cute.
Thank you.
But he's free.
He can do whatever he wants.
Maybe a foursome?
Four-way kiss!
Four-way kiss!
We're going to rub bodies.
[Itatí] These singles like their sex
just like their conga lines,
the more, the merrier.
Nick is trying to win Zaira back.
I'm starting to feel
something deep for Zaira.
The first day,
the only connection I wanted was sexual.
If it was with you, nice.
If it was with someone else, fine.
Or with a third girl.
Or if it could be
with all three of you, even better.
[Itatí] That's how
you're trying to win her back?
You didn't want a commitment.
You just wanted to have a good time.
I don't know what will happen,
I'm really confused.
But something was growing
inside of me, but I was afraid.
That's why I hid and covered it up,
acting like I didn't care,
like I could be with anyone.
[Itatí] So, if you could be
with Lana, you would.
I'm interested
in what can come out
of this feeling she and I are forging.
But I was still open
to having something with Lili,
or Manuela, or Flor.
[Itatí] Nick, one example's enough.
I'm afraid of rejection.
That's my deepest fear.
I don't know
what's going on with this guy.
[Itatí] They say you can't love
someone else until you love yourself.
Which is why Lana invited an expert
to hold a self-knowledge workshop.
Is that right, Lana?
[chimes] Yes. In this workshop, the girls
will connect with their bodies,
feeling themselves
and knowing themselves on a deeper level.
I am Diana Nuñez,
a tantric sexuality educator.
Talk to me
Sweet and gentle ♪
- Look at me ♪
- [laughing]
We're going to bend our knees.
I want us to connect
with the energy we have here.
We're going to start
with a self-pleasure technique, okay?
Will they deduct money for this?
[Itatí] Girls, what happens
in the workshop, stays in the workshop.
Oh my God! I'd forgotten
how nice it feels to touch my body.
[sensual music playing]
Rather touch something else.
[Itatí] Zaira,
stop thinking about men for one minute.
[Diana] We're going to raise
and lower the pelvis while breathing.
Inhale, exhale.
[Diana] Do you want to yell?
What do you want to get out?
[moaning, yelling]
At this point,
we're thirsty for everyone, that's all.
Oh, and the teacher. [chuckles]
I'm going to have us talk to our yoni.
"Yoni" is Sanskrit
for temple of creativity,
and ours is our genitals.
I talk to myself sometimes,
but never to my yoni.
[Itatí] Zaira, please concentrate.
Put your hands on your yoni and hug it.
Ah, you're so beautiful.
There it is. Warm, right?
Now, out loud,
we're going to say, "I'm sorry for not"
[in unison] I'm sorry for not
I'm sorry for not valuing you.
For not giving you your place.
For not healing you.
The energy
in your uterus is very powerful.
We have to heal it
and free it from painful energy,
and fill it with love again.
[Diana] And now,
we're going to be thankful for
[in unison] Thank you for
Thank you for giving me pleasure.
- Thank you for orgasms.
- For orgasms!
[Diana] What else?
I neglected you, but now,
we're going to have a deep connection.
[Itatí] Yoni is the only one
receiving any love from Manuela.
Now, stand in front of another woman
and observe her as if she's
a work of art in a museum.
Getting to know
a woman like you is, "wow"!
I want to thank you
because I really wanted
to find women here like you, so much.
Thank you.
I feel this brings us closer
and tears down
all the barriers between us.
I mean this, honestly.
I want to get to know you better
to see who you really are.
[Itatí] That was faker than shrimp
in a cup of instant noodles.
I've said it before. I like Caro.
But if she weren't so jealous,
things would be different.
How are you going to make a connection
with someone else
if you've been with her
from the beginning?
I don't know if you chose her
or just got used to her.
Dude, she doesn't let you do anything.
You have to think about yourself,
how you feel.
He needs some freedom,
or he's not going to have a good time.
I'm gonna talk to her and say,
"You're really jealous."
If she doesn't wanna help herself,
that's her problem.
Carolina needs to work on herself.
[Itatí] Israel looks like
he'd rather be in any other position.
We are going to touch our heart,
to open it to love.
- And you are going to thank it.
- Thank you for being big.
- Thank you for giving me emotions.
- [Carolina] Thank you for feeling so much!
[in unison] Thank you for feeling so much!
[Diana] Thank you for letting me love.
And you all deserve to have
a love that penetrates you,
- a hard love.
- [laughing]
Things are getting hot. [laughs]
[Diana] I want you
to receive the love that's here.
I deserve that.
[in unison] I deserve that.
- [Diana] I deserve all this.
- [Flor] I deserve everything.
- [Diana] Everything. I deserve everything.
- I deserve it.
Lana's tools are helping everyone
understand their mistakes.
Ah, shake it out.
[yelling, laughing]
I'm crying.
I feel like we are goddesses,
masters of our bodies and desires.
[Itatí] Lana, the workshop was delicious.
The girls got out their tension,
stress, and lots of moans.
I've never moaned like that.
So great!
- Come on in.
- Thank you! I love you. I love all of you.
Lana, thanks for that. It was perfect.
Now, we're one with our yoni.
Isra and I are good,
but in the workshop,
I realized he isn't being Israel.
He's being my shadow.
[Itatí] Let's see
if Caro applies what she's learned.
Speaking of learning,
let's check out
some people who are yearning.
He grabs me with his sweaty body.
- [Dahiana] Aha.
- [giggling]
Oh God!
I can't take it. Every day I see
that gorgeous eggplant between his legs,
and it drives me crazy.
Enough! And it's hard.
Between me being so horny
and Nico being so strong,
how much longer can I resist?
[Itatí] Strength is what you need
to control yourself, Flor.
Speaking of control,
what's up with Isra and Caro?
- Hey!
- Hey.
- What's up?
- Nothing. How was it?
Good. I connected with the girls,
and I thought about you.
The workshop helped me.
I don't want him to be my puppet.
I want him to feel good.
I wanted to apologize
because I Ugh
- Go ahead.
- I can be too strict, too bossy.
Sometimes you want
to be with other people,
talking with your friends or whatever,
and I force you to be with me.
And before I had the chance,
she said everything I was going to say,
about being toxic,
that it's time to face things.
[Itatí] Sure, because Carolina
has taken control of the situation again.
- Come, baby.
- Do you forgive me?
- Of course, babe.
- [chuckles]
But we have to give each other space
so you can get to know yourself,
so you can learn to be alone.
It'll help you and help me.
Let's hang out with everyone.
We decided to be friends.
I value him as a person, and he values me.
[Itatí] The retreat has taught them
how to break up
and break other things too.
Things are happening
that I never thought would happen.
Yeah, wow.
I'm starting to feel
a really deep connection.
Everything's falling into place.
Every day I'm surprised.
- I'm having a great time. I love it.
- [chuckles]
I came here to tear the house down.
I came to beat 'em all.
I came to be the head honcho.
But what goes around comes around.
[Itatí] I'm hungry,
but not as hungry as they are.
Speaking of eating,
Isra has already set the table.
- I'm glad you feel better.
- Much better.
Liberated. Like [exhales]
- All gone.
- All gone, bro. And now
Hell yeah!
Welcome to the game, my friend. Have fun!
[Itatí] While Israel's just arriving,
Lana's been around the block.
- Hello, Dahiana.
- Hi, Lana. Nice to see you!
[Lana] Welcome to the house.
I hope your bed is comfortable.
- Comfortable and warm. [laughs]
- Whoo!
[Lana] I've been collecting data,
and as part of your development
in this retreat, you have a date today.
Ooh, all right, Lana!
Choose anyone in the house.
- [laughing]
- [Nick] Think about it.
It could be
Nah, I know.
Lana, Israel.
[Itatí] This is why
I pay my Netflix subscription!
This date is to get to know Israel.
Make the most of it.
Thank you! What a cordial welcome.
It's only fair
that my man Israel has some fun.
He's been suffocating.
- [Israel] There are two couples, right?
- [Lana chimes]
- Look.
- [Lana] Come closer, please.
Dahiana chose you for a date.
- [squealing] Wow!
- [Itatí] Don't get too excited.
These two could cost you a lot of money.
Nice. Let's do it!
The first thing that comes to mind
is that this could get crazy.
Have fun.
Thank you, Lana. Nice of you.
[Itatí] "Have fun"
doesn't mean "break the rules."
Just saying.
[Joel] This is gonna be good.
First, she had you under her thumb,
now she's really gonna mess with you.
Watch out!
[Itatí] They look happy
going out to dinner,
but I don't think Caro shares their joy.
We decided to be friends,
and the idiot goes off on a date.
Please, no!
Your date with Dahiana
is gonna cost you, bro.
- What's yours will return to you.
- [Manuela] Oh my God!
- [Israel] Oh my God.
- [Zaira] Isra! What are you doing?
[Itatí] Looks like someone's
gonna play with Caro's toy.
I could cry.
But Israel doesn't seem too flirty,
does he?
- We're like Barbie and Ken with dark skin.
- I love it!
- [Dahiana laughs]
- [Israel] Ready.
I like him. I let him carry me.
But I could carry him.
You're dealing with a strong woman.
Those muscles are real.
- Touch them.
- Whoa!
Lana, please don't watch.
No, Lana, don't deduct anything.
This is nothing.
I like his energy.
I like his empathy. I like his smile.
So, what's with you and Caro?
[Itatí] Now, the tough questions begin.
Things are fine. We're just friends.
So there's opportunity?
Yeah, the opportunity
to get to know everyone.
Okay. What do you think?
About the rules or her?
- Yeah
- Or about making out?
[Itatí] Ooh, Isra! You're a bad boy
when you aren't tied up.
Mm, hot in here.
- I wanna cry I'm so angry.
- [Joel] Calm down.
- [Joel] Why?
- You think they'll sleep together?
If he kisses her,
I don't wanna be with him.
But he won't.
He won't do anything he doesn't want to.
[Zaira] She might,
but I don't think he will.
[Itatí] He seems to want to, though.
Let's get to know each other.
If the chance
to break the rules comes up, you decide.
It's fine by me.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah, you know.
Can we break them right now?
[Itatí] How could you resist
with Israel on the loose?
We couldn't end it
without a real meaty kiss.
[Itatí] Spend all your money
on those kisses.
Add some avocado while you're at it.
I don't have any regrets.
- Look.
- There's some lipstick.
Sorry, Lana.
- It's fine.
- We'll get the deduction tomorrow.
Of course, I couldn't pass up a kiss.
[Itatí] Isra, this is going to cost you
and cost you and cost you and cost you.
What happened?
- [Dahiana] We drank champagne.
- [Israel] It was a nice party.
Oh! Captain Carolina looks serious,
but Isra looks happy.
[Itatí] Carolina suspects something,
not because of her intuition,
but because there's lipstick
on Isra's mouth.
They kissed.
We all know they kissed.
You're sweating.
- No, I washed my face and my mouth.
- Why wash your mouth?
The deal was
I wouldn't lie to her.
I would always tell her the truth.
Right now, I feel bad.
I feel betrayed.
I know we're not together,
that we're just having fun,
but I'm still anxious
'cause I guess I liked you too much,
and in a way,
I feel like I shouldn't have.
I'm acting like nothing happened,
like it's no big deal.
I said, "If he's yours,
trust him and nothing will happen."
"And if not, fine, friend zone."
That's just something
I've learned along the way.
[Itatí] If you're fine with it,
I'm sure Dahiana is too.
[Itatí] Everyone woke up
wanting to burn off some extra energy.
But wait, where are the Cordobans?
Oh, in the closet.
I'm sure they're getting dressed, again.
Each day we just want more and more.
These two have made it a habit
to go into the closet
and make everyone's money disappear.
Lana, I know how to invest.
Nico knows how to invest,
and we're investing this money together.
[Itatí] If that's how you're investing,
I'll stick to a pyramid scheme.
Keeping a secret is hot.
[Itatí] How romantic, Nico,
but can you keep this secret?
Every time you disappear,
money does too.
What a coincidence.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Itatí] Why so serious?
It's not like you've broken the rules,
I don't know what happened,
if anyone has broken the rules
I have no idea what's going on.
- Hello, everyone.
- [all] Hi, Lana!
[Lana] Despite all the workshops
to help you improve your connections
at this retreat,
someone has broken the rules,
and prize money has been deducted.
Don't be so mean.
I know I misbehaved yesterday.
So, how much are we going to lose?
Israel's a master of seduction,
but having him on your team is the worst.
It's costing us some cash.
Four people couldn't resist temptation
and committed multiple infractions.
Four? We all know two of them.
Who were the other two?
It's the first time
I had nothing to do with it.
The other two don't know who it was.
[Itatí] You and Flor are an example
of lust winning over greed.
I'm the only one
who can spend the money here.
[Lana] A total amount of
nine thousand dollars has been deducted.
[Israel] What the hell?
[Manuela] What did you do?
What else happened on that date?
She said "multiple infractions."
they got to second base or something.
Why is it 9,000 dollars? That's a lot!
Did Israel do more than he told us about?
[Itatí] Or was it the secretive Cordobans?
[Lana] The prize pot is now
at 74,800 dollars.
[Lilian] I don't like that.
My car cost 2,000 dollars,
and it took ten years to buy one.
They're spending money like water,
and on dumb things.
Who had sex? Raise your hand.
- Who had what?
- Sex. Nine thousand dollars.
- [Israel] Come on, no one had sex.
- Sex doesn't cost 5,000 dollars.
[Lana] See you soon.
Thank you for saying "four people"
and not "two couples."
[Itatí] I can't believe that Flor and Nico
have gotten away with not telling anyone.
It could be one couple
and two people who masturbated.
Locho's internal calculator is computing.
[Itatí] Of course, he turns to Zaira.
It would change my life.
I could afford a house.
And they're spending it
without thinking about the team.
And with zero strategy.
They're basically thinking
it's an individual game.
To win, we have to resist our desires
so we can achieve the financial goal.
- But it's hard.
- No, it isn't that hard.
- It isn't hard.
- Sharing the same bed?
- You can resist it.
- There's a connection.
Or you can sleep with me if you can't.
Yeah, you already tried that.
If he could,
he'd make a move and lose money too.
since he can't shoot fish in a barrel,
he says those things
to make himself feel better.
Want to get some mate tea some time?
Zaira, let me tell you something.
A guy who cleans, who irons, a nice guy,
fun to be with, who makes you laugh
That's Antonio Banderas.
I'm Locho, your second option.
[Itatí] Oh, Locho. That's why you can't
even catch a cold in the house.
After taking all that money away,
Lana has a surprise
so they'll know
it's not all about punishment.
Hello again.
[Lana] We're halfway through the retreat
and you've all grown
[Itatí] Sure, I've seen plenty of growth
in their pants.
[Lana] which is
why I have a present
that will help you keep evolving.
Oh, yes!
- [Joel] Nice!
- [Lana] Joel, open the box.
[Dahiana] What's that?
- [Joel] Cell phones?
- [Zaira] All right!
- [Carolina] Oh wow!
- Watches!
- [Lana] Give everyone a watch.
- Yeah.
It'll shock us when we're horny.
It's going to electrocute us
for being horny!
- Thank you, Lana.
- [mimics buzzing]
Right? [laughs]
[Lana] When the watch is neutral,
the house rules apply.
But if you get a green light,
the retreat rules are suspended
for that couple for a limited time.
Tell me more. How about right now?
I'll be checking it all the time.
- [laughing]
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
I want it to be green
so I can give Joel some kisses.
He deserves them.
What if Israel kisses my forehead
and it turns on?
It'll turn green.
- [clock ticking rapidly]
- Green! Green! Green!
[Lana] I hope you're able
to activate your watches
and not just use them to keep time.
Thank you, Lana!
A kiss, a grab.
Come here, over there. I'm getting hot.
[Itatí] It's time to make
deeper connections with the watches.
Get it? Watches, time.
Oh! I'm so good!
I'm preparing a barbecue
for all my friends in the house,
and it will be an S&M barbecue.
They won't be expecting it.
We have harnesses, boxers,
and some interesting games.
Isn't this tasty?
[Itatí] That's why they're dressed
like extras in Fifty Shades of Grey.
[Israel] This is gonna get spicy.
I'm going to enjoy this!
[Nico] Who wants chorizo?
I've never eaten so horny. [laughs]
Maybe my mind is in the gutter,
but look at this bread.
That's some good-looking bread.
Your barbecue is so good,
but she doesn't like meat.
Nico cooked some veggies for me.
It's an honor enjoying this barbecue
in such an amazing location,
with amazing people.
Let's have a good time.
Everything's set up over there.
[cheering, laughing]
- [Nico] Cheers!
- [Locho] You're a pervert!
This party theme is making me hot.
I'm wet. [laughs]
[Itatí] I hope they've digested
because what's next is ooh!
[Carolina] So much fun!
Where should I hit you?
- Where?
- Here.
That's good.
No. No kisses. They'll
[Itatí] Looks like Nico wants dessert.
Go on!
Come here. I'm going to spank you
for being a bad boy.
- Which one do you like?
- [laughs]
Oh my! We're starving.
[house music playing]
- That's right!
- [Manuela] Oh my God!
I'm going crazy, as you can see.
I don't want to get a hard-on.
I don't want to get an erection.
Let it get bigger
so they can see what I'm working with.
[Itatí] This is getting intense,
but how could they not get horny
like this?
I really want to have sex.
[Itatí] The way things are going,
they could wake up tomorrow
hurting and bankrupt.
With this outfit,
I'm sure I'll be getting some tonight.
[Itatí] Is anyone thinking
about the money? Anyone?
[house music continues]
Mom, don't watch.
[Itatí] What? The episode's over already?
But I have to see how they "blow"
the rest of the prize money. Please!
[house music continues]
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