Toughest Forces on Earth (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Mud and Guts

- [tense music playing]
- [electronic warble]
All right, boys.
What the hell did we get ourselves into?
[electronic warble]
Take off your clothes.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
- [Cameron] Okay.
[man] Put mud all over your body.
[electronic warble]
So, literally just landed in Malaysia,
and we're thrown into
some of the most intense survival training
I've ever seen in my military experience.
Holy moly!
This is one of the craziest things
I've ever been a part of.
- [opening theme playing]
- [blades whirring]
[Ryan] We are three former
special operations soldiers
on a mission to go deep inside
the most elite and secretive
fighting forces in the world.
[Dean] I'm Dean Stott,
former SBS British special forces.
Times like this,
you can hear your heartbeat in your ears.
[Cameron] I'm Cameron Fath,
former United States Army Ranger.
- Not bad for a day's work.
- [gun cocks]
[Ryan] And that guy, at home in the swamp,
that's me, former Navy SEAL, Ryan Bates.
I'm not gonna lie. I'm kind of a big deal.
And these are
the Toughest Forces on Earth.
- Good to go.
- [gunshot]
[blades whirring]
[electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] All right. Currently in a SOV,
or Special Operations Vehicle,
with the boys.
We got an awesome GGK escort here
and we're going to meet
the 21st GGK Commando group.
Wherever the baddies are,
these guys can get 'em.
[tense music intensifies]
[Cameron] Grup Gerak Khas, or GGK,
are Malaysia's special forces.
Modeled after the British Commandos,
they are experts in jungle warfare
and counterterrorism.
The GGK were helped formed
by the, uh, Royal Marine Commandos.
So, it'll be exciting to be
with my Commando brotherhood again
and see if they still have
the skill sets of the Green Berets.
[Ryan] I've looked this place up,
and there are six venomous snakes
that could bite us.
- [Cameron laughs]
- And crocodiles.
So, here they come right here.
Check these guys out.
- [man] Morning, gentlemen.
- [Dean, Cameron] Morning.
On behalf of the warriors of 21 GGK,
I would like to welcome you
to Iskander Camp, Malaysia,
home of the Green Beret.
Over the next week, you guys will join us
in a variety of special forces training,
and at the end of the week,
you'll join us in final mission training.
- All right.
- Hell yeah.
Let's rock and roll. Commando!
[Cameron] Commando!
[tense music playing]
I like this room.
[Borhan] Okay, guys,
this is your personal weapon.
I recognize the MP5 from the British.
- We learned a lot from the famous SAS.
- Hell yeah.
- [gun cocks]
- So, the Heckler & Koch MP5.
It's the perfect counterterrorism weapon,
very reliable.
Me and this gun have a lot of history.
It's something I used on selection, and,
yeah, looking forward to using it again.
[Cameron] The MP5 is an excellent addition
to the special operations mission.
The low recoil reduces
the muzzle rise when shooting,
allowing the operator to put fast rounds
and accurate rounds where they need to be.
[gun cocks]
Iconic, dude.
It makes you feel like a man.
- [Borhan] Okay, let's go.
- [Cameron] Sounds good.
First up, we have counterterrorism
or "black ops" training.
- [Dean] Pick it up!
- [Cameron] To kick things off,
the GGK wanna demonstrate
their confidence at close target shooting
with live ammunition.
You have to train like you fight,
so you have to work
with live fire all the time.
[Borhan talks indistinctly]
All right. In the Teams,
we do a lot of live fire.
We don't ever shoot at each other.
[Cameron] There's something
about wearing black.
Feel like a ninja, operate like a ninja.
Move like a ninja.
The GGK displayed
one of the most craziest,
impressive and scariest displays
of marksmanship
I've ever seen in my military experience.
You can see the confidence
that the Malaysians have in each other.
But if I'm getting shot at,
I'd rather it be by the enemy
and not by my teammate.
Hello, guys. I'm Major Samat
from counter-terrorist operations.
For this training, we have
technical fitness agility shooting.
So I propose
Cameron and Dean combine together,
and Ryan, you look strong
and have good skill
You combine with GGK
to conduct the training.
- [Cameron] Let's do it.
- Let's do it.
[Cameron] UK and the USA, baby.
[electronic warble]
[metal clanking]
Doesn't look easy.
[Ryan] In this exercise,
we'll shoot around obstacles,
hit the targets,
transition to other weapons,
and it's all against the clock.
- You see that?
- I couldn't miss it, buddy.
Yeah, this course ends
with a bang, dude. Literally.
All right, the kids are moving fast.
[Dean] It's time me
and my old friend, the MP5,
show these Americans what I'm all about.
We have to engage and hit each target
before we're able to move on.
- [rock music playing]
- [metal clanking]
[Samat] Come on, guys.
This is all kind of a stress test
to get your heart rate up.
A lot of people can shoot statically,
but it's harder when your heart's pumping,
you know, adrenaline's running,
to still be accurate.
[metal clanking]
[Dean] Clear!
And it's good. It's a good, uh, course.
[metal clanking]
[rock music continues]
[Dean] Clear!
- [Ryan] Good job.
- [Cameron] That was a hell of a course.
Good job. Dean, you got all your targets.
Cameron, you missed one.
Not bad for an old bull and young buck.
Just those extra years of experience.
It'll come.
- [Cameron] Sure.
- Yes.
- But you did well.
- [Cameron] Thanks, man.
- I feel safer with you than with Ryan.
- Good.
[Samat] Ryan, you must beat this team.
I'm ready. Let's go.
Yeah, I got my notepad out.
[tense music playing]
[Dean] Ryan's going last,
so he should have the advantage.
He should've been watching us,
seeing what to do right
and what to do wrong.
[Dean] Move that butt, Bates!
- [metal clanking]
- [Dean] One. Two.
[Cameron] This GGK guy is on it.
Hey, coming over this bit Yeah.
[both laugh]
The half jump!
- [metal clanking]
- [Dean] One. Two.
[metal clanking]
- Three.
- [Cameron] Hit it one more time!
- Double tap them. There you go.
- [Dean] He's laughing at you.
Crawl through.
Oh, he lost something.
- [Dean] Hey, Ryan.
- [Ryan] What?
- Left some of your kit on the range.
- [Ryan] Shut up.
- [Ryan] For two.
- [metal clanking]
[Ryan] Oh!
[metal clanking]
You're not done.
- Is there another one?
- [Cameron] Yeah, man.
- Last one.
- Shit.
[majestic music playing]
- There you go.
- There you go, mate.
[Ryan] Hey, Cam? This is for you, buddy.
[metal clanking]
- [Cameron laughs]
- Oh, baby.
Oh my. Circus clown.
[grunts] Well,
it didn't go as expected, boys.
You're lucky he had his mask up.
He was actually laughing.
[Dean laughs]
Thanks, buddy.
[Samat] So, based on my observation,
Dean and Cameron did excellent
because Dean was accurate.
- Cameron has good weapon handling.
- Okay.
[Samat] And for Ryan, also good,
but for Ryan, maybe this body is so big,
it cannot handle everything.
Yeah, man. He says you're so jacked.
- You're a brick wall.
- I didn't get that from that.
I did. [laughs]
[Samat] But all your team did very well.
- Okay.
- [Ryan] Yeah?
[Samat] You can go to the next training.
- Okay. Ready.
- All right. Let's go.
[Cameron] All right.
[Cameron] Before we continue our training,
they want to show us what it takes
to become a GGK Commando.
[Dean] These guys have,
what, done a hundred miles?
Yeah, 160 kilometers
in two days, two nights.
[Cameron] The selection process is
a grueling three-month endurance test
that includes a 100-mile forced march
in full combat equipment.
[Cameron] The heat
is what gets these guys.
[Dean] You do anything like this
in selections?
During Hell Week,
we go six and a half days with no sleep,
working out 24 hours a day.
You just get to a point of
- You drone. You're autopilot.
- Autopilot, yeah.
[Dean] There's some casualties
of war there.
Looks like the sun claimed somebody.
There's a very low chance
that he will continue to be
in the selection course.
On our selection, if you get
an intravenous, you failed the selection.
Really? I've been in that guy's shoes too.
In basic training, I got heat exhaustion
doing the obstacle course,
and, like, you're completely delirious.
You have no control. You're throwing up.
- [Dean, Ryan] Did you cry?
- I didn't cry.
I bet you cried.
- I didn't cry at all.
- Tears.
- It's okay, buddy. [laughs]
- I didn't cry.
[Ryan] So, to get through this,
they get a half scoop of soup
and two slices of bread?
- [Dean] Yeah.
- What?
[Cameron] How does it feel
to be done with your long march?
Really tired.
- [Cameron] Really tired!
- Congratulations. Well done.
- Yeah.
- [Ryan] Good job, guys.
[Cameron] Now, that looked brutal,
so what in the hell
do they have in store for us?
[electronic warble]
[birds chirping]
Guys, where the hell are we, man?
Welcome to the swamp, buddy.
[water splashing]
- What was that?
- [man] Snake.
That's the worst part about the swamp.
In Ranger school, you spend the last phase
operating in this type of environment,
and the worst noise
is just random splashes
because it could be literally anything.
I've never been
in a place like this before in my life.
I've been in the jungle, but not in these,
these swampy mangroves.
[Cameron] Anything out here can hurt you.
The plants can hurt you.
The animals can hurt you.
The environment can hurt you,
Bacteria, leeches.
You name it, it's in the swamp.
- Oh. Look.
- What?
Through the clearing,
you can see something in the tree.
Looks like a little shelter.
[Ryan] What? Look at that.
- [Cameron] Are they covered in mud?
- [Ryan] They 100% are covered in mud.
This is like something
out of Apocalypse Now, buddy.
[Cameron] All right, boys.
What the hell did we get ourselves into?
- [man] How are you?
- [Dean] Hey, nice to meet you.
[Cameron] Hell of a place you got here.
Welcome, guys, to basic selection course.
Today, you're going to do
the swamp survival phase.
- Okay. All right.
- [Cameron] What will we be wearing?
Er, take off your clothes,
and then wear only your shoes.
- [Cameron] Okay.
- [John] Yeah.
- [Ryan] All right.
- Okay.
[Ryan] Swamp survival goes back
to the start of the GGK in the 1960s,
when they were in a long-running war
against communist guerrillas
hiding in the jungle.
- Ready, guys? Let's go.
- [Ryan, Cameron] I'm ready.
[Ryan] The recruits have to live
in this miserable swamp area for a week.
We'll spend the day with them,
see how they survive, and learn from them.
Okay, put mud all over your body.
[Cameron] Okay.
[tense music playing]
This is for the sand flies and mosquitoes.
[Dean] Mud is also
the perfect swamp camouflage.
It keeps us camouflaged from the enemy,
but also to hunt our prey.
[Cameron] So, we're thrown into some
of the most intense survival training
I've ever seen in my military experience.
This is no joke.
Oh man.
How many sit Just you? One?
[man 1] No, three.
- Three fit up here?
- [man 1] Yeah.
- [Cameron] Sleep sitting up?
- [man 1] Yeah.
So, like that?
- Yeah.
- [Cameron] Wow.
Is it hard to sleep like that?
No, you just close your eyes,
and then you sleep.
[laughs] Good for you, buddy.
This is amazing.
And then how much do you eat?
- What I get, I eat.
- [Cameron] Mm-hmm.
We got snake, lizard.
Wow, this is one of the craziest things
I've ever been a part of.
[thunder rumbling]
[thunder crashing]
I've, uh,
been in most environments before,
but I think this is probably
the most difficult environment.
I never would've expected to see
a unit survive for a long period of time
in these conditions.
Swamps may look like harsh places,
but there is food
if you know where to look.
[man 2] We try here, sir.
We try here. In this water.
- [Dean] You drag the knife in the mud?
- [man 2] Yeah. Yeah. Let's
[Dean] Okay.
And the only sound
that makes that sound is a shell.
- [man 2] They live underground, sir
- [Dean] Yeah.
So, we can eat this?
- Yeah, very delicious.
- Wow.
[man 2] When you eat this,
you get energy for six hours.
[Dean] Water snails are perfect
for surviving in this environment.
They're rich in protein, iron,
and other nutrients that you need,
but if that doesn't satisfy your appetite,
you're gonna need something
a lot bigger and a lot longer.
Holy moly!
[tense music playing]
Oh boys.
This is a big damn snake here.
It's like a 12-foot python.
Look at the size
of this bad boy, dude. [chuckles]
This thing is frickin' heavy, man.
[Ryan] Most of the guys
in the GGK are Muslim.
So, they're not allowed to eat snake
unless there's a dire need,
like the situation we're in.
[Ryan] I mean, look at us.
I feel like I'm a tribesman or something.
There you go. Look at that.
All that's meat right there.
I have had some snake before,
a lot smaller.
First python I've ate though.
I'm thinking
these boys are pretty hungry. [laughs]
They've got a huge snake they're gonna
live off for the next five days.
And, uh, much respect for these guys.
Definitely the most gnarliest
survival environment I've ever seen.
All right.
What do we have cooking here, boys?
- We have lizard and python.
- [Ryan, Cameron] Python.
- [Cameron] I've never had snake before.
- [Ryan] Get it down.
[Cameron crunching]
[Ryan laughing]
It has an interesting odor.
[Dean] What about the snails we found?
[man 2] Here, sir.
- Oh yeah.
- [Ryan laughs]
- [Ryan] Is it good?
- Yeah.
[Cameron, Ryan laugh]
When you're in a survival situation,
you eat anything.
Is it worth it to go through this
to become GGK?
We, uh, almost surrender.
But our friends can be
our spirit to be strong.
- [Dean] Yeah.
- Yeah.
We all remember everyone we did
our selection with. Still best friends.
[John] Hey, Ryan.
[Ryan] Yeah.
We have to go.
- Thank you.
- [Ryan] See you later.
- All right.
- See you later, buddy.
[upbeat music playing]
[John] Good luck
for the rest of your training.
- Thank you, Major.
- [Dean] Good luck, boys.
[Cameron] Good luck, boys.
[Cameron chanting]
[Commandos chanting]
[Commandos cheering]
[Cameron cheering]
[Dean] I feel like
I've just left an Amazon tribe.
[Ryan] Yeah, me too.
When somebody tells me
their survival school is the worst,
there's no way.
I have mud in places
that have never seen daylight.
[Western music playing]
That training was unlike anything
that I've ever experienced
or even heard about.
I've got so much mud in my ears
that it is gonna take weeks
to get this stuff out.
Oh man.
- How was that?
- [Cameron] How'd you get that mud out?
- I've been blessed with big ears.
- [Cameron] Yeah.
So it's not too bad.
Just go like It falls straight out.
Whatever they have in store for us,
we better get going. You going like that?
Yeah, this is what I'll wear
for the rest of training.
- [laughs] Get ready.
- Hurry up. Get ready. Come on, let's go.
[rock music playing]
[electronic warble]
[Cameron] Over half of Malaysia
is covered in dense forest
where militia groups
and rebels tend to hide out.
So, jungle warfare is at the heart
of what the GGK are all about.
[captain] Gentlemen, mission.
Based on the information
we get from the GGK intelligence,
a group of enemy has passed the border
of our area of operation.
You all will be prepared
to conduct an ambush
and to attack the enemy.
- You get it?
- Got it.
- [captain] Let's go.
- Okay.
[tense music playing]
So we've just received our set of orders,
and it's a search-and-destroy mission.
The scenario is we have eight enemy
who are conducting espionage.
So, we'll go out as a patrol.
We'll try and flush them out.
So, this is one of the most important
and most common environments
that the GGK operate in.
The terrain is so restrictive
that you can't get eyes on the enemy
until they're right on top of you.
- [radio static]
- [Ghost] Okay, let's go.
[Cameron] We will be up against a unit
of GGK Commandos
posing as enemy forces.
Our aim is to ambush them
before they ambush us.
This Malaysian jungle is no joke.
It's extremely thick.
There are thorns
on almost every single plant.
So, I'm trying to watch my step here.
So this environment is probably
one of the worst environments
to fight a war in,
just because it's so up close.
An ambush could be 20 yards down the road.
You'll never see it.
[tense music continues]
[birds chirping]
The point man just stopped the formation
by giving us a hand sign,
which means, in a nutshell, to get down,
keep your eyes open, and shut your mouth.
We take this time in order to stop,
look, listen, and smell
for any activity in the area.
So, this is a very important step
in the patrol process.
[tense music crescendos]
[tense music stops]
[Dean] Contact right!
[Cameron] Three o'clock, 20 meters.
[Dean] The indicator of where the ambush
is coming from would be the sound
and then also the muzzle flashes
from their weapons.
Because we're not big enough
as a unit to bring the firefight,
you need to let the enemies think
they've stumbled across a bigger patrol
than what they actually have
and put a huge weight of fire down.
- We need to then pull back into safety.
- [gunshots]
So, no one moves
unless there's a weight of fire down.
[Cameron] One half of the unit
is gonna lay down a base of fire
to suppress the enemy,
while the other half maneuvers back.
Up and move.
[Dean] Move!
- [tense music playing]
- [gunshots]
Front cover are moving back now.
Now it's our turn to cover
so we can get out of here.
[Cameron] And we will continue
to leapfrog back in teams
[Dean] Move!
- Move!
- [Cameron] Moving!
[Cameron] until the enemy
can no longer accurately engage us
Last man! Last man!
[Cameron] so we can then reconsolidate,
reorganize, and continue our mission.
Last man. That's everybody. Let's go.
[Cameron] We're not giving up yet.
Time to fight back.
[Ghost] Okay, guys, we got information
from GGK intelligence.
The group of enemy, about three
to four persons, are using a path.
So, what I need is Dean and Ryan
to lay the mine to clear them.
- Get it? Okay.
- [Ryan, Dean] Got it.
[tense music continues]
So, we have an enemy patrol
coming through this area.
We're gonna set up mines
along a known path.
As you see here,
this is our Claymore setup.
The Claymore mine has
hundreds of ball-bearings here
and explosives on the back side.
And as you can see,
it says "front towards enemy"
so you don't mess it up.
[Dean] The Claymore mine was
a very effective and commonly-used weapon
during the Vietnam War.
It could be hidden in the jungle
and set off using a trip wire.
Today, tripwire mines are mostly banned,
but a Claymore can still be used
if operated remotely by a soldier
who can see the enemy.
This'll blow
in an area like this, 700 BBs.
It'll take out the whole platoon.
[Cameron] We'll be using live explosives,
so the enemies are made of paper targets.
[birds chirping]
[metal clanking]
[Cameron] Whoo!
- [Dean] Good job.
- Good job. [laughs]
Mission success. Well done.
I've done a lot of ambushes in my time,
and it never gets old.
It's always a good time,
especially in the jungle.
- [Ghost] Let's go.
- [Ryan] All right.
[birds chirping]
[upbeat music playing]
[Commandos chanting indistinctly]
- [Dean] Ghost?
- [Ghost] Yes, Dean.
[Dean] You have a unique name.
Where does that come from?
[Ghost] My instructor gave me the name
when I attended a sniper course
because I am good
at camouflage and hiding.
[Ryan] That's awesome.
And at the end,
you get the coveted green beret.
What does that feel like, that emotion,
when you're given your beret?
[Ghost] Very proud.
I cried after I wore the green beret.
- Yeah.
- You know why you were crying, right?
'Cause you know
you're gonna get some girls after.
[all laugh]
[boat engine revving]
[Cameron] Malaysia has
over 3,000 miles of coastline,
much of which is remote,
making perfect spots
for terrorists to hideout.
So, for today's training exercise,
we're gonna be doing a stealth insertion
from the ocean.
[electronic warble]
Okay, come. Here's the plan.
We will be conducting
the roll duck by helo deployment.
- Let's do it.
- Let's get going.
A rolled duck is a deflated boat
with the engine and supplies inside.
We're gonna push it out of the helicopter,
inflate it quickly,
and then hit the beach with it.
It's a very good way to stay stealthy,
especially at night,
to avoid enemy detection.
As this is a training exercise,
what is the time to pass in?
Fifteen minutes.
Fifteen minutes? That's the target.
[Ryan grunts, laughs]
Think skinny, dude. Think skinny.
[grunts] God!
So the reason I joined the army
is 'cause I absolutely hate the water.
I don't like the fact
that there are fish, sharks, crocodiles,
but, you know,
luckily I have two seasoned frogmen,
and by that I say seasoned,
it's more like well done.
They've been out the game for a bit.
- [Ryan] What do you mean by "well done"?
- You guys are well done.
- I'm medium rare. It's gonna be good.
- More like rare.
[Cameron, Dean laugh]
The first bundle out will be the boat,
and Cam will be going for this bundle.
[Ryan] The time to beat is 15 minutes.
Cameron and the staff sergeant
will be blowing up the, uh, rubber boat,
so it's really up on Cameron
to not screw up on this at all.
[tense music playing]
There's three packages.
This one is the actual boat itself,
which Cameron's responsible for.
Inside this is the outboard motor, which,
uh, the second pair is responsible for,
and then the big beast in the back is
mine and Ryan, which is all the equipment.
[Ryan] All right, let's go.
We're out of here. Come on guys.
[helicopter blades whirring]
[Ryan] All right, we're off.
We've got the guys here getting ready.
We're going out pretty quick.
The quicker we do it,
the closer we'll be together.
The faster we get this thing blown up,
we're out of here.
Dean, are you ready, buddy?
Always ready.
[tense music intensifies]
[helicopter blades whirring]
[Ryan] Let's go, Cameron.
[Cameron] The drops follow a strict order
to maximize speed and efficiency
once we get in the water.
I'm going in first
'cause getting to the boat
and inflating it
is key to the entire mission.
[electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
[tense music continues]
[Ryan] We're a couple miles out.
GGK says we have to hit the beach
in 15 minutes. The clock is ticking.
Feels like I'm back in the Teams, baby.
So we've entered the water.
We now need to make our way
to the equipment as quickly as possible.
[Cameron] We need to cut the cord
to unroll the craft,
locate the cylinders,
which are wrapped in the bow of the boat,
and release the compressed air
to inflate the craft.
[Dean] Looks like the boat's cylinders
are working, so the boat's inflating.
That's a good start to the mission.
Next stage of the mission
is to get the outboard motor in.
Hey, Ryan, Cam!
Get the equipment in before it inflates.
- [Ryan] Ready?
- [Cameron] Yeah.
[Ryan] One, two, three.
[Ryan grunts]
[Ryan] We got the boat inflated,
but without this engine,
we'll be floating to Vietnam.
Let's get this thing started.
[boat engine revving]
[Ryan] This duck is flying.
[Cameron] Now all that's left
is to assault the beach.
It's an excellent insertion technique,
as long as you're fast enough
to not be detected by the enemy.
[Cameron] All right.
- That was excellent.
- That was fast.
That was fast, homie.
No joke. I've done a bunch of these,
15, 20 of them,
and that was by far
the fastest I've ever seen, dude.
All of our equipment worked perfectly,
and we all hit it at the perfect time.
So, it was awesome, man.
Usually it never happens.
[Ryan, Dean laugh]
So, the Lieutenant Colonel said
that anything under 15 minutes
is an excellent time to do the roll duck.
What time did we get?
[man] We did 12 minutes only.
- Twelve minutes.
- Yeah.
- Experts. Experts.
- I'll take that.
[man] You guys did a great job today.
- [Ryan] Let's go, man.
- [Cameron] All right.
[Ryan] You're
a certified frogman now, buddy. [chuckles]
[thunder rumbling]
- [Dean] So, Colonel?
- [Borhan] Yeah.
- Is this normal for Malaysia?
- Yeah, this is normal weather in Malaysia.
Those guys still in the swamp
are experiencing this?
- [Borhan] Yeah.
- Oh.
Oh man. Can you imagine that?
This is the best condition
to test your mental strength.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
[thunder rumbling]
[Dean] On operation,
do you take advantage of this weather?
- Yeah.
- [Dean] You move closer to the enemy?
[Cameron] Because if it sucks for you
- Yeah.
- it sucks for the enemy.
[thunder rumbling]
[rock music playing]
[boat engine revving]
All right. So, me and the boys,
we just jumped on this rib.
We don't know
what we're doing or where we're going.
But we're excited. We're pumped.
All right, boys, head out.
Ride that pony, Dean. Ride it! Ride it!
[Ryan] It's our final day of training.
It's time to get our instructions.
[Storm] Welcome to ground tactical
combat training for sniper
at the swampy area.
Swamp again?
[Storm] Swamp again.
And again and again and again.
All right.
- [Dean] Let's go.
- [Storm] Follow me.
[tense music playing]
[electronic warble]
[birds chirping]
The sniper is an essential part
of any elite force.
With the GGK snipers,
they have to hit targets hundreds
of meters away through dense jungle
and terrible swamp.
Dean, Ryan, and I
have been separated into three teams
and each given a GGK spotter.
There's a little bit
of a competition going here.
So we'll definitely try
and give Dean and Ryan hell, right?
All right, buddy.
[Ryan] I'm getting prepped up
with my ghillie suit.
Ghillie suits are great
because they break up
your natural line of your body.
People, when they try to see you,
they look at these lines.
Your head to shoulder
and also this V here.
So, what this does is kind of breaks up
your line and distorts that, uh, shape.
[Dean] I've done some sharp shooting
in different environments.
First time in a swamp.
Probably one of the harshest environments
to do sniping in.
[Cameron] So, the challenge is this.
We need to infiltrate the swamp,
locate and engage
one of three targets successfully.
If we miss, it's an instant fail.
You look like an '80s swamp rocker.
I know, mate. I tell you.
- These shampoo and conditioners.
- Yeah.
[Storm] Everyone ready?
[tense music playing]
[electronic warble]
[Dean] The skill here is
actually being able to find the target.
You need to look high.
You need to look low.
You need to look short, medium, far.
- [spotter 1] Can you see?
- [Dean] Yes.
- The right is a bravo, the left is target.
- [spotter 1] Yeah.
[Dean] Yeah, got it.
The second skill
is being able to hit the target.
[gun cocks]
- [spotter 1] Miss.
- [Dean] Miss?
- Are you ready?
- [Cameron] Ready.
Okay. Good to go.
[electronic warble]
[Cameron] What I'm used to
is the rolling hills of California,
but out here in the jungle,
this is a whole new environment for me.
[spotter 2] You see the target?
[Cameron] Oh, yeah.
I see. I see. Okay. Yeah.
[spotter 2] Miss.
[Cameron] How?
[Storm] Okay, team number 3.
[electronic warble]
[Ryan] In Afghanistan, my job was sniping.
In that environment,
it was long, open-distance shots.
In the jungle, it's much tougher
because you're shooting very close
through very dense jungle,
and it's hard to see your target.
[tense music playing]
[metal clanks]
- [spotter 3] Hit.
- [Ryan laughs]
[Storm] Good job.
[majestic music playing]
[Storm] Well done for training today.
The swamp area is
very hot and very difficult.
- Absolutely.
- Yeah.
I think we learned that firsthand today.
- [Storm] But the best one is Ryan's team.
- [Dean] All right.
[Cameron] Congratulations, buddy.
Yeah, I expected nothing less
from a real-life sniper.
- Thanks, buddy.
- [Cameron] Good job.
- Major props to the GGK snipers.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
Every step in the swamp
was a challenge in itself.
- [Storm] Commando.
- Commando!
[rock music playing]
Training is over,
and it's time for the final mission.
[gun cocking]
And the GGK aren't holding back.
This looks like it's gonna be
the most ambitious final mission
we've ever gone through.
We've got land, air,
and sea assets all in the mix,
and to keep it as realistic as possible,
we'll be doing it with live ammo.
It's go time.
[electronic warble]
[rock music ends]
[man] Welcome guys.
The enemy are currently
occupying the temporary camp.
The mission is to rescue a POW.
[Cameron] So this final mission
is based on real-life events
where a terrorist group
carried out kidnappings,
holding prisoners-of-war ransom
in a remote coastal compound.
[Katka] This is the main building
where the POW is being positioned.
We will rescue the POW
and get back in one piece.
- Commando!
- [all] Commando!
[suspenseful music playing]
[Cameron] To kick things off,
a sniper team has infiltrated
the target location by parachute,
led by our head instructor.
Let's rock and roll.
I'm part of the ground assault force,
and my job is to initiate the operation
by using a base of fire to attack
the enemy's front line of defense.
Our priority here
is to move fast and aggressively
and just lay down
as much hate as possible.
If this gun isn't smoking
by the time we're done,
I did something wrong.
[electronic warble]
[Ryan] I'm with the boat assault team.
We're gonna hit the beach,
dismount the boats,
and rescue the POW.
But really it's up to me
to smash all the bad guys
and save everybody.
Well, me and my team at least.
[electronic warble]
[Dean] Last but not least,
our role is the extraction team.
We'll fast-rope onto the beach,
where I'll be linked up with Ryan,
who will have the POW,
and we'll get them home
as quickly as possible.
We're gonna SPIE rig
the prisoner of war out.
The SPIE rig is
a specialist patrol insertion/extraction.
It's a specialist method of getting in
and out of some dangerous areas.
[tense music playing]
[Ryan] This is it. We're all in position
waiting for the GGK snipers
to initiate the assault.
- [engine revving]
- [Cameron] Go, go!
Let's go, boys. Let's go!
Let's get some!
[Cameron] We're using the heavy guns
to take out the enemy's observation posts,
ground personnel, and any vehicles
that they may use to egress the target.
[rhythmic tense music playing]
[Ryan] Hitting the beach now. Stand by.
We're gonna crush these dudes.
[Ryan] Cam has softened up the target.
It's time to rescue the POW.
Coming in hot, baby.
[blades whirring]
[Ryan] We're right up on the target,
about 20 yards away.
Assault Team 1 now is moving in.
After they provide security
in both those buildings,
our teams will assault the last building,
the green building,
where the POW's at.
Best job I ever had! [laughs]
[Cameron] One last barrage of hellfire,
and our job is done.
Now over to Ryan.
[Cameron] Go, go, go, go, go!
[Ryan] Here we go. We're moving now.
[Ryan] We're gonna eliminate
all the enemies, and find the prisoner
as fast as possible.
- [dogs barking]
- [gunshots]
[dogs barking]
Tango's down.
Smoked them.
[tense music intensifies]
All clear. Coming out.
That's him.
Stand up.
Let's go. Got him.
[tense music continues]
[blades whirring]
[Dean] We've now heard that Ryan's team
have got the POW.
The next part of the mission
is to link up with Ryan and his team.
We'll grab the POW.
We'll SPIE rig
and get outta here as quick as possible.
- Hey, buddy. Good job.
- I I delivered your package.
[Dean] Yeah? We'll take it from here.
- Tea and medals. Tea and medals.
- [laughs]
- Let's go, boys.
- [man] Go.
[Dean] The quickest way out
is by helicopter.
It's not always safe for it to land,
so the SPIE rig is perfect
for this environment
to get us in and out
as quickly as possible.
[majestic music playing]
Now, that's one way to exit.
A great means of extraction
before any enemy come on and position.
[blades whirring]
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] We need to ensure
that this compound is never used again.
Okay, we can extract off the target
and blow it sky-high.
I love the smell of C-4
in the Malaysian morning.
[helicopter blades whirring]
That's the camp being destroyed
over my shoulder now.
So that's mission success.
Let's get out of here, boys.
- [upbeat music playing]
- [Ryan] Whoa!
[Cameron] Whoo!
[Ryan] Great explosions.
[chuckles] I think they put
a little something extra with that C-4.
Operation went well.
Everybody's piece
fell into place perfectly,
and to top it all off,
we blew this place sky-high.
I think I'll call that a mission success.
Job well done, boys.
[upbeat music ends]
[upbeat music playing]
Commando. Hoo-ha!
- [Commandos] Hoo-ha!
- Yes!
Congratulations, guys.
You completed your final mission training,
and you guys have done an excellent job.
- Thanks, buddy.
- [Ryan] Awesome.
Before you guys leave, I would like
to present the commander of 21 GGK.
Gentlemen, I hope
that you enjoyed your training
and good job to you guys.
Working with the GGK
was an amazing experience
and absolutely humbling for me.
I would not want to be
on your guys' bad side
'cause you guys are
some of the toughest soldiers
I've ever had the pleasure
of working with. Thank you.
Can't wait to come back
and rock and roll again with you.
Yeah. Rock and roll!
- Rock and roll.
- Rock and roll.
- [chanting]
- [Commandos repeating]
- Awesome.
- Thank you. See you later, boys.
Thank you!
[Commandos chanting]
[Cameron] Final mission done.
Wonder where we're going next.
[Ryan] As long as we're not in the swamp
with 14-foot pythons and gators,
I'm okay.
[Ryan] Next time
All right. Mexican Special Forces.
[Ryan] Hit 'em, baby.
[tires screeching]
[rock music playing]
[Dean] Clear.
[Cameron] Don't do it. Don't do it.
[Ryan] Tranquilo.
- [tires screeching]
- [laughing]
[Ryan] Oh. [laughs]
Yeah, baby!
[tense music playing]
[tense music ends]
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