Tracker (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Mt. Shasta



MAN [OVER P.A.]: Reminder, Shelter
Stone Academy is currently in lockdown.
Students should return
to their dorms after class
Erika. Hey.
I came as fast as I could.
Reenie. Thank you
- for meeting me at the school.
- It's gonna be okay.
I got you.
Tell me exactly what happened.
Noah and I have a regular weekly call.
He's never missed it, not once,
but I didn't hear from him last night.
He would never not call me.
I called the school
and they wouldn't let me talk to him.
I think he ran away
and they're not telling me.
Did you look at the enrollment contract?
I did. It's pretty extreme.
They don't have to share
any information with you
when he's on school grounds,
but that's why I'm here.
- If he ran off
- Already got it covered.
That guy I told you about
Can he find Noah?
He's a tracker. If someone's missing,
this is the guy you
want looking for them.
This is Colter Shaw.
Reenie. Mrs. Kennedy.
Erika, please.
I'm not sure how to do this
I'm just so worried about him.
It's gonna be okay.
I did a little research on the school.
Outdoor-based curriculum
with counseling.
Closed campus
ERIKA: I know what you're thinking.
What mother sends her son
to a place like this?
No, I'm not here to judge.
Noah's had some troubles
and the school was
helping him find himself.
At least that's what they claim.
You don't believe that?
I don't know what to believe.
I talked to him last week
and he sounded good.
Happy. He was doing well in class.
I thought
I thought he'd turned the corner.
Why would he run away?
You can trust him.
Noah's had some problems
with substance abuse.
That's why we enrolled him here.
It was his last chance.
Let's get to work.
Come on. He's got this.

GILROY: Mrs. Kennedy, I
understand how you must feel right now.
Is Noah missing or not?
Because if he's here,
we would like to see him.
And if he's not,
I'm going to the police.
He's currently unaccounted for.
You mean run away?
GILROY: These kids
are independent-minded,
often rebellious.
Sometimes they try to find time alone.
We have a large campus.
It's not uncommon
for a student to set out
for an adventure on their own.
- We always find them.
- COLTER: That's good.
So let me get this straight.
You've built a school that's
actually more like a prison.
That by your own admission,
students are trying
to escape from, but you want
parents to believe
that you got everything under control?
Our methods may seem unusual,
but our outdoor-based
curriculum builds confidence,
self-reliance, and we've had
over 30 years of success
in turning young men
and women's lives around.
So, what are you doing to find Noah?
GILROY: We have a safety protocol
when a student is unaccounted for
past the 10:00 p.m. bed check.
We've activated
our 12-member security team,
led by Tom Ritter.
But now, we need to get to work,
- and I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
- COLTER: Mr. Gilroy,
we all want to believe that
you're gonna find Noah,
but you're a little more nervous
about this than you're letting on.
Why is that?
Noah is a good young man.
But as you know, he has
a history of substance issues.
He recently relapse?
Yes. Four months ago.
ERIKA: It was my understanding
that he has been clean
since he's been here.
Unfortunately, not.
Relapse is common
for former drug addicts.
Now, we have to at least
consider the possibility
that he left the campus
in the hopes of finding drugs.
Mrs. Kennedy wants her son located.
So far, you've been unable to do that.
- That's why I'm here.
- With all due respect,
we have experience in these matters.
And I don't have any more time
to waste explaining this to you.
Now, I'll be happy to show you
the way out.
No, we're gonna stay.
Or I can go talk to a judge.
COLTER: I'd just like to get a look
at the place he was last seen.
I'll give you 30 minutes.
Would you go to his
dorm room and see if you
can find something that might
lead to where he went?
- Come on.
Get me Ritter.
You guys got a lot of fences.
- Lot of cameras.
- It can look extreme, but
with the range of kids we have,
sometimes it's necessary.
It's been my experience that oftentimes
when you give kids boundaries,
they find ways around them.
Well, in this case, Noah was last seen
right here on security footage.
But there's no footage
of him coming back.
You got a blind spot back there.
- I'm aware.
- Kids aware of it, too?
Some are.
To your point, some are more
resourceful than others.
Colter Shaw, meet Tom Ritter,
my head of security.
I'm giving him a few minutes
to look around.
Johnny was the last to see Noah.
Where were you when you saw him last?
Leaving the library.
Anybody else see him?
We'll handle the questioning.
We don't have time to mark territory.
We just need answers.
I was, I was by myself.
Anything out of the ordinary?
Did he seem upset?
Like I said, I just saw
him, I didn't talk to him.
Now I really got to prep
for my outdoor life skills.
GILROY: Go on.
Where's Noah's dorm?
Actually, you know, school policy states
we don't allow
Down the hall,
to the right, up the stairs.
I'll have a security guard
meet you there.
You have ten minutes, Mr. Shaw.
That's all I'll need.
[OVER PHONE]: What can I help you with?
I need more information about
the Shelter Stone Academy.
Part school, part rehab.
I need a full download on their history,
methods, how they operate.
Anything that'll help me find
this missing kid.
You got it.
You okay?
What if he's out there alone?
Or worse, high and alone?
You can't go down that road, Erika.
I never should've let Walter
send him here.
We were desperate.
you just wanted Noah to get better.
And he did, right?
He's got the matching one.
Hmm. I gave it to him after the divorce,
when he was having all the trouble
at the other school.
It's a Dara knot.
A symbol of strength.
I told him we could get
through this together,
as long as we were both strong.
GUARD: Right here.
Find anything?
Nothing unexpected.
A class schedule, books, uniform,
toiletries bag.
- Noah ever mention a girlfriend?
- ERIKA: No, I
don't even know if he likes girls.
He's got breath spray,
three different flavors of lip balm
and a hair scrunchie.
I'd say he has a girlfriend.
[SCOFFS] I can't believe
he never said a word about her to me.
Teenagers only talk to teenagers.
Fire detail?
It's my turn to do setup
part of our survival skills
or some crap.
There's a better way to do that.
I got it, big guy.
I spent a lot of time outside as a kid.
Used to build campfires every day.
You get graded on them? 'Cause I do.
- Like it even matters.
- Oh, it does matter.
You kidding? A fire can save your life.
My brother was always way better
at building them than I was.
Used to drive me nuts.
But I learned.
My dad, he, uh,
made it a point to make sure
we could survive in any situation
build a fire, find shelter,
food all the essentials.
Well, if you're such an expert,
what am I doing wrong?
What are you doing wrong?
[GROANS] You going
for a tepee fire, right?
May seem like the easiest way
to build one, but
it's not stable. Right?
You build one like this,
like a log cabin.
You see that? Sturdy.
Stable. Plus
the wood'll burn slower.
Better heat base.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Do you work for the school or something?
No. Noah's mom hired me to find him.
So if there's something, anything
you think I might want to know,
it'll stay between the two of us.
I think Noah may be in danger,
especially if he made it off campus.
Now, I-I don't know, maybe
maybe he had a reason
to run away.
Either way,
he hasn't been seen or heard
from since yesterday, so
Where did you say you saw him last?
Was it the library? You sure?
It it was by the maintenance sheds.
Everybody knows the cameras
don't see behind the sheds.
Yeah, well, look, I mean, I don't
I don't need to know
what you were doing there,
unless it had something to do with Noah.
But you saw something, right?
Was he, was he with someone? A girl?
Not a girl, but I saw Noah and Zeke.
And Zeke, Zeke's a student here?
No, he-he works here.
Mows the lawn, unclogs the toilets.
I couldn't hear what
they were saying, but
Noah looked scared.
That-That's when I took off.
I didn't want to get busted.
- The hell are you still doing here?
- We have a problem.
One of your employees, a man named Zeke,
was seen arguing with Noah
right before he disappeared.
What aren't you telling us?
RITTER: We're pulling up
security footage because
I was just informed that Zeke Steadman
didn't show up for work today.
We need to know when the last time
he was on campus.
And when were you planning
on telling us?
RITTER: Once I verified for certain,
but I didn't want to alarm anyone.
Let me take a look at that footage.
COLTER: Rewind that gate camera.
RITTER: Um here,
this is Zeke leaving campus last night.
What's that right there? Look.
You see that?
No? Look.
Right there.
Oh, my God, that's Noah.
COLTER: I'm sorry, Erika,
I don't think he ran away.
It looks like Noah's been kidnapped.
ERIKA: Why would he take Noah?
Most kidnapped teenage boys
are around Noah's age,
usually taken by a parent
or someone they know.
- We'll figure it out.
What do you got?
RITTER: The authorities
checked Zeke's apartment,
he wasn't there.
Building security confirmed
Zeke hasn't been back since
he left yesterday morning.
REENIE: I want to see everything
you have on this guy.
Employment records,
his emails from the server,
pre-employment background checks.
As I told you, we handed
everything over to the police.
That's great.
I would like to see them, too.
I'm gonna go find Zeke,
see if this mystery
girlfriend is connected.
GILROY: We've already
involved the police.
COLTER: Yeah, who will do everything
within their legal means to find him.
Requires a lot of red tape,
something I don't have to deal with.
He's right. You got my number.
Let me know if you find anything.
I'll be moving fast.
Hey, Bobby, I texted you a number
that belongs to a guy
named Zeke Steadman.
Think he grabbed our missing student.
Skipping the pleasantries today?
- What?
- BOBBY: The part where you say hello.
Ask me how I'm doing.
You know, like two humans
might interact.
Last time, you told me
to cut to the chase.
Just seeing if you're
paying attention. All right.
Chase cut. Let's do this.
I pinged the phone, but I got nothing.
It's offline or the battery's dead.
Maybe it's out of cell range.
Might take me a little time.
Time I don't have.
Can you pull up a call log?
That I can.
- Anything catch your eye?
- Yeah.
Eight calls to one number late
last night and then nothing.
Number's registered to a Lisa Jefferson.
Zeke could be working
with somebody else.
Maybe he took Noah to her.
- You got an address?
- Coming right at you.

- LISA: Go away.
- Looking for Noah Kennedy.
I have reason to believe
you know where he is.
Who are you?
Lisa Jefferson?
- Yeah.
- Noah's mom hired me.
Anybody else in the house
with you, Lisa?
I don't know where Noah is.
I need you to help me find him
before it's too late.
May I?
There you go.
Is it broken?
I don't think so,
but I'd definitely get it looked at.
- And that eye.
- Thanks.
[SIGHS] Noah do this?
God, no. He would never.
Noah is the sweetest guy in the world.
Your boyfriend?
Kind of.
We met back at Shelter Stone.
I left after last semester,
but we stay in touch.
It isn't easy with him being in there,
but we text or talk
when he can get a phone.
When he can sneak away or get off campus
for a school project,
we find a way to meet up.
So, if it wasn't Noah, who did all this?
It's my fault.
I messed up.
Last night, I told my ex I
didn't want to see him anymore.
He was so pissed.
And then, I told Noah.
Your ex is Zeke?
Like, from Shelter Stone?
The maintenance guy? No.
Zeke's a good guy.
- He helped Noah sneak off.
- To see you.
I told him not to.
I didn't want him to see this.
But Noah said he was
going to talk to Ray.
Ray's the guy that did this?
- Ray Vernon. He's crazy.
- Mm.
You dated him?
Sort of.
I mean
Okay [SIGHS]
He was my drug dealer
back when I was using,
and he supplies a lot of the kids
at Shelter Stone with stuff.
We started hooking up,
and we were going pretty steady
for a few months,
but then I got clean,
and I didn't want anything
to do with him anymore.
Noah was helping me with that.
And Ray doesn't like to hear no.
Where was Noah gonna confront him?
Talk to, not confront.
I told him that Ray
works the door at Road Rage.
It's a dive bar just outside of town.
You know if they met up?
I don't know. Um
I just got a call from Noah
saying that he made it off campus.
He said he was gonna talk to Ray
and tell him to leave me alone
or he'd call the cops
about the drug dealing.
I didn't mean to get Noah involved.
I was
I was just scared.
I should've kept my mouth shut.
It's not your fault.
Hey, it's not your fault.
I'd like to, um,
have a friend of mine come over
and be with you, if that's okay.
Her name is Reenie.
I think you'll like her.
That be all right?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Find Noah.
If anything happens to him,
I'll never forgive myself.
I will.
But first, tell me everything
there is to know about Ray Vernon.
COLTER: Thanks for coming.
Didn't feel right leaving
her alone like that.
Of course.
It's good for Erika, too.
Gives her something to do
other than just worrying.
[SIGHS] What were they thinking?
I don't know. This Ray's
a pretty dangerous guy.
Yeah, and she's just a kid.
Gets into drugs, the wrong crowd.
Next thing you know,
some older guy like this
has his claws in her,
and she can't get out.
I hope you find that son of a bitch,
and they lock him away
for the rest of his life.
You okay?
You know
I was one of the first people
to ever hold Noah
after Erika gave birth.
And when he was fussy,
I taught her how to soothe him.
It kills me that he is in danger.
So, you need to find Ray
and put an end to this.
I had Teddi and Velma run his name.
He's got several warrants, one
for a violent smash-and-grab,
one for assault.
He's done time for possession,
for dealing.
This guys is, uh, he's a real lowlife.
Yeah, and he's not gonna
get away with it.
We're documenting everything.
Every bruise, every broken lightbulb.
And I'm encouraging her
to press charges.
At the very least, we'll be able
to get a restraining order.
But, first, I need to find Noah safe.
- Yeah.
Thanks for the call.
- She okay?
- She's pretty shaken up.
[SIGHS] Do you have a line
on what happened?
Zeke wasn't trying to hurt Noah,
he was trying to help him
sneak off campus
so they could go scare
this Ray Vernon guy.
Know who that is?
- No.
- No? Anyway,
Zeke's one of the good guys.
Well, that tracks to me.
Zeke cares about the kids.
I'm gonna check out this biker bar
Ray works at.
RITTER: Mind if I tag along?
It's better if you check out his place.
You have an address?
I will.

We're at capacity, amigo.
Come back some other time.
Not looking for a drink.
Looking for some info on a guy
who was running the door last night.
We don't really do info.
Hit the road.
I'm looking for a missing teenage boy.
He was here last night,
and Ray's involved.
You don't have to be involved.
Of course, I could call the police,
and then, you know, everyone's involved.
Just answer a few simple questions,
you'll never hear from me again.
What do you want to know?
Was there a teenage boy here last night,
maybe with another guy? Talked to Ray?
Yeah, almost, uh, closing time.
Around 1:30 in the morning.
- Anything else?
- Kid and his buddy come up to Ray
talking about drugs and some girl.
I don't know anything else.
It's not really my business.
How'd Ray react?
Ray's a whack job.
He lost it.
All right? He started screaming at them.
Might've pulled a piece.
Couldn't see for sure.
But the kid and his buddy got spooked,
took off back to his car.
But Ray didn't let it go.
Ray jumped in his car,
peeled off after them.
Thanks for the info, amigo.
Did you find Ray?
COLTER: No, but he was
at this bar last night.
So was Noah and Zeke.
I guess they came here to confront him.
Things got ugly.
Then Zeke peeled off in Zeke's car,
and Ray went after 'em.
VELMA: Do you know where they went?
No. Let me see what I can find
between here and where Ray lives.
Head of security at the school right now
is at Ray's house.
Stand by, we're still digging into Ray.

A deed of a remote cabin he owns.
Sending you a new pin, stand by.
It's not his home address. It looks like
he inherited it from his deceased father
a few years back.
You know, it's not too far
from where you are now.
The way Lisa described Ray,
if he's got Noah and Zeke with him,
what are the odds
that they're still alive?
What the hell?
VELMA: Colter? What was that?
Are you all right?
Send an ambulance to my location
right away. I think I found Zeke.


COLTER: Reenie, I've got bad news.
Found Zeke.
Is Noah with him?
Zeke is dead. He was shot.
There's nothing I could've done.
REENIE: Oh, my God.
Was it Ray?
Most likely.
Looks like he ran them off the road.
Noah's definitely injured.
How bad?
Looks like he was able
to crawl from the car.
Then he ran.
Ray went after him.
[WHISPERS]: I got company.

That's far enough.
RITTER: Stand down, Shaw.
It's me, Ritter.
Was coming back from Ray's,
I saw your truck.
And Zeke.
What the hell kind of mess
did Noah step in?
Police and ambulance are
on their way. They'll sort it.
But you won't be waiting around for 'em,
- will you?
- Wasn't planning on it.
Me neither.
I think Ray's out there hunting Noah
right now.
Police will just push him to panic.
I'm coming with you.
two tours overseas.
Don't worry, I won't slow you down.
Happy to have you.
Noah's out there, somewhere.
24 hours, wounded.
He's lost and dehydrated.

I got another bootprint.

Find something?
Drops of blood.
Except they're dry
and there's less quantity than
there was half a mile back.
Well, what does that mean?
Means the blood in the wound
is coagulating.
- that's good news, right?
- Good and bad.
Good news is, there's a 70% chance
that the wounds weren't
And the bad news?
The bad news is, there's not gonna be
much of a blood trail for us to follow.
Where did you go, Noah?
Give me a sign.
RITTER: What's that?
There's no corrosion.
Still works.
Hasn't been out here long.
Ray probably dropped it
when he was chasing Noah.
The only thing that matters is
where they went next.
Did they follow further along
this ridge here?
Or did they go down by the river?
- Should we split up?
- Yeah.
That's probably our best play.
We don't have a lot of time.
I'll take the ridge.
You track down back this way.
The terrain's probably
a little bit rougher.
You'll probably move quicker than me.
COLTER: Hey, Ritter.
Be careful. Watch your back.

Don't you move!
I swear I'll shoot you.
No need for that. No one's moving.
You better not.
- You don't know me.
- That's right.
Your mother hired me.
I help find people.
She's worried about you.
We can call her right now.
Stop! Don't move.
I know you're scared.
I know you don't want to
trust anyone right now.
I know Ray's chasing you.
I know he's still after you.
Let me help you get out of here.
Is this yours?
When Reenie introduced me
to your mother,
I noticed she was wearing
something just like it.
- You know Reenie?
- I do.
I do know Reenie. Yeah,
we work together sometimes.
She's very smart, she's very pretty,
and she's very certain that
she's never been wrong
about anything in her life.
That's Reenie.
Is that Zeke's gun?
Trade you, okay?
There you go.
Ray's still out here.
Yeah, yeah, we do need to go,
but first thing we need is to
take care of that leg.
Have a seat.
Nice job with the tourniquet,
by the way.
I bet my mom is freaking out.
Yeah, yeah, she is.
That's what moms do.
My mom used to freak out
all the time, too.
You're probably going to want to
leave out a couple of details
about your little adventure here.
You know what I mean?
Like that crazy psycho Ray.
We just went to talk to him,
and tell him to leave Lisa alone,
but then he went ballistic
and chased us out of that parking lot
and pulled up next to us and
shot Zeke.
So we went off the side of the road.
I grabbed Zeke's gun
and took off.
Ray almost got me a couple of times,
but I was able to hide
and stay away from him.
Is Zeke dead?
There was nothing
I could do to help him.
- It's my fault.
- No.
- It's all my fault.
- No, no.
- It is.
- It's not your fault.
No, this is Ray's fault.
There's nothing you could've done.
You were brave, what you did,
standing up to a bully like that.
You've been out here, alone, on the run,
for an entire day. Very brave.
All that outdoor crap
they taught us in school came in handy.
That's right. I need you to
be brave for a little bit longer, okay?
Because I got to get you up to the road.
This is gonna hurt,
but I think you can do it.
We've got to go. Come on. It's time.
- What was that?
- Shh. Come on, come on.
Sit down. Get down.
Stay right there.
We've got to stop meeting like this.
I thought you were Ray.
Be careful, he's still out here.
- Yeah, I know.
- He shot me,
but I got a few at him, too.
It's all right, I got you.
Hey, hey, you found him.
- Hey, kid.
- Is he going to be okay?
Just keep your voice down.
Yeah, he got the drop on me.
I messed up, I was just
looking at a footprint.
COLTER: Doesn't matter.
Keep pressure on that, okay?
- Yeah.
- I got you.
- I'm gonna be okay.
- Yeah.
You just get Noah
and get him out of here.
COLTER: Bobby, listen to me.
I'm about ten and a half miles
southwest of Shelter
Stone Academy in the woods.
I got a man down
who works for the school.
I got your location.
Suspect is still out here,
armed and dangerous.
Copy that.
Help is on the way.
Keep your eyes peeled, okay?
Come on, we gotta go.

You got this, all right?
We're almost there.
I can't. I need a
break, just for a minute.
You can't. Come on.
- We're almost there.
- Just for a minute, please.
- Come on.
- Please.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Sit down right here.
We'll take a little rest here, okay,
then tackle the last leg.
- Deal?
- Deal.
Okay. I got some water here.
Finish that. You'll feel better.
- That's better.
- Yeah?
I can make it now.
Ready? Come on.
How about we stay instead?
Throw the kid to the side.
That's not gonna happen.
Come on, man, listen,
why don't we talk this out, huh?
We can come to some kind of solution.
I've already got the solution.
COLTER: Let's not be rash.
You've been out here 24 hours,
you're confused.
Let's talk this through.
Shut up!
Lisa's lucky to have
someone in her life like you,
who cares about her so much.
I just wanted to help her.
Yeah, you did.
Thank God.
I am never letting you
out of my sight again.
Mom, I'm fine.
What were you thinking?
So, I guess you've met.
You're okay?
I heard they found Ray unconscious.
You weren't worried about me
or something like that, were you?
- No.
- You sure?
'Cause it seems like you're worried.
Not even a little bit?
I won't tell anybody.
- Just this much.
- There it is.
- I thought that much.
- Mm.
Ms. Greene, I trust I won't be
hearing from you any time soon.
Oh, well, I don't think I'll be taking
any further legal action,
if that's what you're asking.
Well, that's good to hear.
How's Ritter?
He's gonna make it.
Good. I feel responsible.
You found Noah and brought him back.
I can't thank you enough for that.
Well, I'm just glad
he's back safe and sound.
What I said about
your school yesterday
That it was more like a prison,
but that kids would
find a way to get out.
Yeah, that.
I misjudged this place.
Noah was out in the woods for 24 hours.
He was alone, afraid.
But he managed to avoid his pursuers,
he found water.
He learned all that from here.
Shelter Stone fosters community,
but also teaches
the value of self-reliance.
I'm sorry I misjudged you, too.
I appreciate your help.
What's that?
Well, I-I just must've
heard incorrectly.
Did you say that
you misjudged something?
So-so you were wrong?
[CLEARS THROAT] You got a check for me?
[LAUGHS] I sure do.
And I took it upon myself to apply
the family and friends discount.
Fair enough,
as long as this makes us even.
Oh, there are not enough favors
in the universe that you could do
that would make us even.
- I miss you already.
- Hmm.
Hey, um
you made my friend happy
and that makes me happy.
So, thank you.
You're part of a life there,
you're part of something good ♪
Hey, where are you going?
I got something for Noah.
If you've ever wandered lonely
through the woods ♪

If you've ever wandered lonely
through the woods ♪
Have you ever stared into
Bet you're happy to have a break
from the great outdoors.
I don't know, I might take
another day in the woods
to get out of chemistry.
I hear your mother's not
making you leave Shelter Stone.
It took some convincing,
but she knows I'm happy here.
You know, when I was a kid, um,
my dad would always give us
these-these challenges.
These tasks.
He'd push my brother and I pretty hard.
Sort of like they do here, I guess.
Anyway, every time
we accomplished something great,
he would always give us
something to remember it by.
Found that when I was tracking you.
You earned that.
And every time you look at it,
you'll be reminded of
what you accomplished.
That you survived,
and that you're better for it.
Have you ever been out
walking in the snow? ♪
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
You be good.
Tried to get back
where you were before ♪
You always end up
not knowing where to go ♪
All right, what's next?
TEDDI: Well, I have
actually got something
super interesting.
How do we feel about Manhattan?
COLTER: The Big Apple?
Where am I gonna park this thing?
TEDDI: Well, actually,
it's Manhattan, Kansas.
Oh, even better. Only 1,700 miles away.
If you'd ever been
out walking, you would know. ♪
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