Trackers (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

-We'll get the diamonds.
-And what if we don't?
-Do you have news?
-The delivery has been delayed.
There are lives at stake here.
It's time we called
our American friends.
- Yeah?
- You stole my money,
and I want it back.
Inkunzi runs a tight herd.
What, Inkunzi's untouchable?
Nobody's untouchable.
Here's the deal.
You try to warn them,
you come to us.
You should look him up.
I should have killed you
instead of the boy.
I think you probably
Oh fuck!
In progress now?
I'm on my way.
Okay, SUV registered to Nkunzi
just hit a camera
on Adderly Street.
I see him.
I've got the man
in front of me.
Raj, I'm in pursuit.
Come on!
He's turning right.
Heading for
the container yard!
We lost him.
You want coffee?
Just milk, please.
-Stay-- stay back!
-It's me. It's me.
-Stay back!
-I'm sorry.
-What happened?
Lost an argument with a bullet.
But, I'm fine. I'm fine.
Come in.
-I'm good.
They don't like
you very much.
Well, the feeling's mutual.
Are you still
in Cape Town?
So, where did you go?
Could've warned me.
You could've called me.
I-I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, okay?
Did you manage to put him to sleep?
Um, listen,
I have to go, okay?
I love you. Bye.
Forensics get
anything from the SUV?
Someone is targeting
our witnesses.
First Ismael,
now Nkunzi.
Do you think the Allajna is
trying to cover their tracks?
It's not like Nkunzi
had a shortage of enemies.
Anything from the girls?
No. Um, they're
too terrified to
remember anything, so--
Ma'am, I think we
found something.
The camera at the side
of the property
caught this footage.
Looks like a white male,
-mid 30s?
-That doesn't look like
Allajna or some
-rival tsotsi.
Are you gonna
tell me what happened?
Yeah, I was looking
for something.
And I assume you
didn't find it.
My gun.
You came back to
Cape Town for your gun?
And a girl.
You've always had
bad taste in women.
Not always.
Too bad you fucked that up.
-It's the one on the right.
-She's pretty.
And she's a vet.
You obviously have a type.
-You know her?
-Oh, Lemmer
veterinary medicine
is a profession,
not a tennis club.
Do you know every
washed-up state bodyguard
in South Africa?
Most of them.
Well, sorry,
I can't help you.
Is this the Silo Gallery?
At the waterfront.
I have to open up shop.
Next time,
call first?
Residents describe
hearing several
loud shots fired inside
the luxury residence in the
early hours of this morning.
This was the third attempt
on Julius Shabangu's life
in less than 16 months,
the second since he
moved here to Cape Town.
A number of eyewitnesses
claim the assassin
fled the scene in
the victim's own SUV
You're leaving?
Uh, yeah, I've
gotta get to work.
What, you want me to swing
by afterwards to pick you up?
Um, I'll call you.
You can let
yourself out.
Uh, yeah, sure.
he has risen to become one
of the most feared figures
in South African
organized crime.
Often criticized for his
courting of press attention,
viewers may remember
the scenes of anger
and rejoicing outside the high court
in Pretoria last year
when Shabangu was dramatically
acquitted of murder.
Is this the best we
can get off the CCTV?
Yeah, the resolution's
just not there.
Turns out, our kingpin
was cutting corners
in his security package.
We have a possible ID.
An American,
Lucas Becker.
He has been calling
Nkunzi for a week now.
They have been in some kind
of dispute over stolen money.
Yesterday afternoon,
Becker called Nkunzi.
You want money?
Speak to Osman.
Rubbish has my money.
-Then tell me where to find him.
-I don't know!
Fuck off.
Hang on. Why give him
Osman's name?
Maybe he hoped
the American would do
his dirty work for him.
Bring me whatever you
can gather on this
Lucas Becker.
-Sorry, Jess.
-The bull is dead.
-I saw on the news, yeah.
-And we have a prime suspect.
Really? Who?
The American. Lucas Becker.
You correlated
his calls, right?
Uh, he's not connected to
our investigation though.
He is now.
The boss wants you to do
a full briefing on him at 10:00.
You'll be fine.
Lucas Becker came onto
our radar a week ago
with repeated calls to
Julius "Nkunzi" Shabangu.
In the calls, he claims
two of Nkunzi's men
hijacked his rental
and stole a bag of cash.
He wants the money back,
asking politely at first,
and then more threateningly.
Though until yesterday,
when Nkunzi gave him
the name of Osman,
there was nothing
to suggest any connection
to our investigation
into Allajna
or the diamonds.
Becker has a clean record
other than a single
charge for attempting to smuggle
an artifact over
the border of Iraq,
but the charges were dropped.
-A small statue,
13th-century Persian.
Wait, wait, rewind.
What was he doing in
that part of the world?
Becker's ex-US Marine Corps,
and has a degree
in archeology from
the University of Michigan.
He spent the last six years
as a freelance contractor
working with NGOs
to protect antiquities
in places like Iraq
and Afghanistan.
Also with brief stints
in Jordan and Israel.
And why exactly were
the charges dropped?
It seems someone
at the US Consulate
in Erbil intervened
on his behalf.
The Iraqi government accepted
that it was a mistake,
and they dropped the charges.
Anything else?
As I said, there's
there's nothing to
suggest that Becker is
a person of interest
for this investigation.
Thank you, Mrs. Strachan.
Do we know where he is?
We have eyes on his hotel.
Hasn't returned yet.
Slow down. Yeah--
I was just as surprised
as you were--
You gotta trust me on this.
Okay? I will get it to you. Ju--
You think the woman
could have done this?
Must we now tell Daoud?
About Nkunzi.
We brought brother Daoud
here with our promises.
I told him two days,
no problems.
You wanna tell
him about Nkunzi
and how we failed
in our sacred duty?
We stick to the plan.
We wait for the courier
to make contact,
and then we arrange a time
for the exchange at
a place of our choosing,
not hers, and we do
what must be done.
Do we know what
the weapon is yet?
Or how Allajna
plan on getting it
from the boat to the stadium?
How about identifying
the boat it's coming in on?
Well, of all the legitimate
boats scheduled to enter
Cape Town Harbor
before the game,
78 of them pass
through that area
of the Indian Ocean
where that call came from.
And my informant is giving us
a line on some illegal
traffic into the port.
-That's it?
without the help of our friends
from Langley, there is no way
I can pinpoint the vessel
where that call came from.
Also, there's something else.
The imam has made
more concerning calls
to the police about
Osman's behavior.
Nothing concrete yet,
but he's worried.
These guys,
they're not discreet,
How about something we don't know?
-Anybody have anything of use to report?
-I have something else.
It's about Lucas Becker.
-Where is this?
-And when was this taken?
-Yesterday evening.
That bike was reported stolen
from Woodstock in the afternoon.
Who is that with Becker?
-We still don't know.
-Then find out!
Lucas Becker is now
our main priority.
Find him.
Bring him in.
Nkosi's looking for you.
Could it be this
Flea Van Jaarsveld?
We don't know
what she looks like.
Raj and his team are
busy trawling through
the security cameras right now,
trying to identify the route
the bike took from Woodstock.
If we're lucky,
we'll get a clear shot
of the woman's face, but
We need to look
for any connection
between Van Jaarsveld
and Becker.
Yeah, but even if Becker
was staking out Nkunzi,
doesn't mean
he killed him.
We have one blurry photograph.
It's circumstantial at best.
Did you set up
the meeting with the CIA?
For tomorrow afternoon at 2:00.
See if you can move it to today.
Yes, ma'am.
Not even for
an old friend?
-Whoa, how are you, brother?
-Hey, my man.
-Long time.
-Oh, too long.
-You good?
-Good, good.
-What you doing here?
-I need a little help.
Like always.
I'm looking for a guy.
Shaheed Lateef Osman.
-Ring any bells?
-Shaheed Osman
Laurie! Thank you so much for
making time to see us today.
I know how busy
Bruno's diary gets,
-so thank you.
-Not a problem.
-Yeah. You've, uh--
-Actually, Quinn,
I think it's probably better
if I speak to Chief Burzynski
one on one.
My colleague will wait
down here in the lobby.
Sure. If you'd like to follow me,
I'll find Agent Makebe
a comfortable spot
and take you up to see the chief.
Good to see you again.
-No Quinn?
I was really hoping to keep
this just between the two of us,
but I see you've
brought the cavalry.
Janet, Ted.
I'm sure you're all busy,
-so let's get straight down to business.
-Of course. Please.
Oh! So sorry I'm late.
I didn't know you
were joining us.
If the PBI requires assistance of
our friends from Langley,
then the meeting
requires my attendance.
We have reason to believe
there is dangerous cargo
entering Cape Town by sea.
What we know is
a satellite call
was made from the vessel
three days ago,
but we do not have
the ability to pinpoint
the exact source.
Who do you believe
is bringing in this cargo?
A group intent on undermining
national security.
-Can you be more specific?
-Not at this time, no.
Can you tell us if this threat poses
any potential impact
on US interests?
-Not at this time.
as you know,
our government is dedicated to
maintaining and strengthening
our friendship with
our valued allies.
We cannot expect
their support if we
do not give them
the information.
If you can help us identify
the source of this call,
I give you my word,
we will share our intel.
-I don't think that's going to cut it.
-That's a real pity.
I would've thought this
is the ideal opportunity
for the CIA to regain our trust.
-What is she talking about?
-I have no idea.
Please, Janina,
enlighten us.
Bruno, I don't
recall the PBI
ever refusing to aid
your work in defense
-of US interests.
-Nor do I.
But we've always understood
that if you have an agent
actively operating on
South African soil,
you'll do my office the courtesy
of sharing that information.
-And we do.
Um no need to
get into this now.
Can you help us
identify the source of this
satellite call?
On the condition that
any further assistance
is contingent
on complete
transparency between
the two agencies.
Thank you. That is all we need.
Please make me understand.
What is this all about?
It's about
an ex-military Yank
who has spent the last
decade in Israel and Iraq.
A guy who gets his friends
in the state department
to bail him out of trouble.
Does that sound like
a civilian to you?
So, you think the CIA
have an agent on the ground,
and that agent is Lucas Becker.
-Why would the CIA want Nkunzi dead?
-Because they want to carry out
a forced rendition of
Daoud to God knows where,
or because they think we cannot
protect our own republic.
Who told David
about the meeting?
Wasn't me.
Are you sure?
Today and last year?
Hang on.
Do you think it was me who
blew the Pelindaba operation?
Did you?
I've given this
agency my life.
My family life.
And now, you accuse
me of betrayal?
You're still here.
Got us takeout.
Thought you would've taken
your chance and run away.
Now, why would I do that?
If I've
misjudged this
No, no, it's not that.
So, what is it?
I gotta be
somewhere later,
so how's about
we eat this delicious
gourmet meal that
I have cooked by hand
Gourmet, huh?
Did you get any wine?
It's been a long day.
I'll be right back.
Thanks. Good night. Bye.
Hey, Raj, are you coming?
Not yet.
Ever thought you
might need a life?
Now, what would I do
with one of those?
-See ya.
You have a law degree, yeah?
And you know what they're
paying you is a joke.
My father,
he'll make you a partner in under..
No. No. No.
No, Thandie,
this is not about money.
I'm not working
for your father.
This is important.
What we do
is important.
Aren't we important?
Of course you are.
after what
happened last year,
with the world leaders
having to turn around mid-air
'cause we couldn't
guarantee their safety, I
And then there's
the report.
I need to prove myself.
To who?
'Cause it's not to me,
or your son.
-Is it to her?
-No, it's not to her.
It's over for her.
I need for her to trust me.
I need you to trust me.
I remembered you like white!
Hope it's okay.
You went through my things.
I was cleaning up.
You, uh
find anything interesting?
I'm not sure. You tell me.
What do you wanna know?
What are these?
I travel to places where
a US passport isn't
necessarily welcome.
Both documents are
official, 100% legal.
I saw you scouting out that
gangster's place last night.
The one that was murdered.
Where'd you get that?
I'm a journalist,
I'm not an idiot.
I saw the house on the news.
It was Nkunzi Shabangu's men
that carjacked me
outside Langa.
I've been trying to get back
the money that was taken.
How much money?
Why were you traveling
with that much cash?
It isn't mine.
Sometimes, my work involves
making deliveries
to people I wouldn't
ordinarily choose
to do business with.
-Like a gang boss.
-Milla, I promise you.
I never even heard
of this Nkunzi guy
until his boys hit my car.
So, whose money is it?
I was paying off a debt.
Then a few hours later,
Nkunzi's dead.
Wait, y--
You know I didn't
kill him, right?
I was here with you
the whole time.
Uh, I don't know what
to think right now.
Listen, I should've
told you about Nkunzi,
okay? I'm sorry for that.
You know, I think we both need
a little bit of space tonight,
so I'm gonna go.
-I'll call you.
Call, I mean.
It's best if we don't
see each other again.
I'm not a bad person.
Ibrahim, come.
Daoud's made contact.
He wants to meet tomorrow.
Are we failing?
we will all fulfill our parts.
You, me, brother Daoud.
All of us.
This is our destiny.
Of this, I'm sure.
Yes, habibi?
Are you not eating?
You wanna talk?
I have a meeting
before Jumu'ah .
I am your wife.
I have a right to know.
Everything I am
is because of you.
Oh fuck.
Have you been up
here all night?
Yeah, I'm struggling
to find a clear image
of Becker
and the woman he's with.
Jesus Christ. Raj,
we've got three days
until this match,
and you're still up
here chasing this guy.
Daoud arrived at the OC
about 30 minutes ago, okay?
He's down in the basement
with Rayan and Osman.
-She knows.
Fuck! Janina.
Janina! We move in,
and we roll them up.
-Excuse me?
-We move in,
we get Daoud, and we get Osman,
and we're done with this.
-We don't "get" anyone.
-Okay, listen to me.
We can put a stop
to whatever it is
that they're cooking up, okay?
If we just--
What about the boat
that's still out there?
We move in now, we lose
the rest of the network.
And whatever it is they're bringing in,
we face this again
when they regroup
in, what? Six?
-Twelve months?
Okay, fine. Fine.
I get it, okay?
We moved in too soon
last year. I get it!
But we've only got
three days left, Janina.
Three days! Yet you've
got one of our best men
up all night chasing
some random American guy,
instead of focusing
on the real target!
What the fuck are we doing?!
You know what?
Are you okay?
Does he have a point?
I mean,
why all this effort
to track the American?
Because I know
we have a mole
feeding information
to the CIA.
We track Becker,
we find out who.
-You have the stones?
Not good enough, brother.
We're making the exchange
with the courier tomorrow.
I will handle the exchange.
But we--
Go home, brother.
This is my area
of expertise.
We will speak later, hm?
inform brother Rayan
of the new arrangements.
Target B's on the move.
- Alone.
- Copy that.
You guys stay put.
-Raj, I need to get some fresh air.
I'll take Osman, you keep
me posted on the road, okay?
So, who informed you about
my meeting with the CIA?
-Was it Quinn?
-Nina, I've got no time for this.
Felt like an ambush!
If you felt that way,
I'm sorry.
Since when do we have
to ask for permission
to protect our
own borders?
Nina, you know the drill.
South Africa has
a responsibility
towards its
international partners.
They're babysitting us!
Keeping us in the dark
while they run their game
within our borders.
Which game, Nina?
A CIA agent called Lucas Becker.
Who's Lucas Becker?
Can I help you with
something, brother?
whatever this thing
you are involved in is,
it is never too late
to change your mind.
Join us for Jumu'ah.
Stay and talk.
As-salaam alaikum.
Hey, Osman.
Get in the fucking car.
Oh shit.
Whatever conspiracy
theories you're weaving,
whatever CIA
agents you're chasing,
just forget it. Now.
-Are you telling me this as a friend?
-No. I'm telling you this
as your fucking boss.
I have to take this.
Lucas Becker just
kidnapped Osman!
He's heading to town.
I'm in pursuit!
Okay, stay with him.
The primary target of our
investigation has just
been lifted,
in broad daylight.
by the American,
Lucas Becker.
Are we done here?
Who's that following us?
-Who are you?
-I want my money!
Nkunzi took mine,
he says you took his,
now you gotta give it to me.
Nkunzi was a madman!
I don't have his money,
and I don't have yours!
Fuck. Fuck!
Alright, ladies and gents,
I've got him!
You better have some
fucking money, old man,
-or we're both dead.
-I am not well, please!
He's heading south,
everybody, he's heading south!
Nkunzi told me you
have his money,
so don't fucking lie to me!
Nkunzi was a tsotsi !
He'd say anything!
Yeah, well he's dead now,
so you're all I fuckin' got.
Outta the car. Come on!
I need my pills! Help!
-He'll help you.
Please help
Ma'am, I need an ambulance.
Corner of Coventry Road
and Walmer Estate.
Make it quick!
How is he?
He's still under.
Does his family know yet?
I checked him in as John Doe.
I've read the riot act
to the surgical team,
and Paul is still in
the room installing our kit
before they
move our friend.
Assuming he does survive and
actually make it.
I'll stay here.
Go home.
Here we go.
-Everything okay?
Oh. Thanks.
Mrs. Strachan,
you need to come with us.
Looking for someone?
Took your time finding me.
I just want my gun.
Okay. Drive.
I still have to make
the exchange.
What do you want from me?
I want you to cover my back.
Don't play me for a fool.
Who are you working for?
Can't find this briefcase.
You need to tell me
all you know.
Let's take a walk.
You know they don't expect you
to walk away.
I think I'm being followed.
It's all on you.
We need to move.
Raj, in pursuit.
We have two big car chases.
We have the night chase
with Quinn and Lemmer.
They are going to end up
in this container yard.
And we want to feel the danger
they have put themselves in
when they are playing
this cat and mouse.
Lemmer is no stranger
to violence.
And Lemmer is
a very keen observer,
he's never looking
where you think he's looking.
Susan is stitching up his wound,
and we got the vet to do
the stitches on my arm.
And every now and again
I'm like, "Ow."
And she's like, "Stop being
such a wuss."
So we get to the end of the day,
and makeup is presumably
removing the prosthetic scar
but it won't come off.
And we realized that
she stitched the prosthetic scar
onto my actual skin.
She's just too good at her job.
You know I was looking
for something.
She's the one on the right.
Lemmer decides he's gonna
sort this out,
and he follows Flea
back to Cape Town.
And in his search for her,
starts piecing together
what's been going on.
But he doesn't even really
get the upper hand.
She's one step ahead, again.
Which he hates.
Looking for someone?
The other car chase we have
is with Lucas.
Hey Osman.
Get in the fucking car.
Lucas kidnaps
Osman and I think
he doesn't really know
who he's dealing with.
He just kind of makes
a gut decision and acts on it.
Unbeknownst to him,
Quinn is tailing him.
And we have this car chase
through the streets
of Cape Town.
Alright ladies and gents,
I've got him.
We wanted
to be really close
to the characters
inside the vehicles
and feel the heat
and feel the speed.
And on the other hand
show the beautiful landscape
and see and feel the city
as well.
We had to get a sense of what
it was like,
so Lucas and I had opportunities
to go with a stunt driver
and he took us through
the exact sequence
at the exact place and speed.
And so suddenly going through
those twists and those turns
and taking a duck and a dive
and gunning to get through
the traffic lights.
My God, it was like one of
the most frightening things
I've ever done.
Out of the car. Come on!
It's the first time
that we really see
the wheels start to come off
a little bit with Lucas.
And that takes us into
the next act of his story.
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