Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

[pelting rain]
[thunder cracks]
-[Ultra Magnus groaning]
-[cuffs buzzing]
[Ultra Magnus] Tarn-Hauser Gate.
[thunder cracks]
More Cybertronians fell at Tarn-Hauser
than at any other conflict
in recorded history.
Alpha Trion sparked a revolution,
and you co-opted
and corrupted his message.
[thunder cracks]
[Megatron] I burned a pathway
to liberate all of Cybertron.
[Ultra Magnus]
You fight for your own control,
not liberation.
Both Optimus and I learned
from Alpha Trion's wisdom.
It's unfortunate that you did not.
[grumbles] I should have known Prime
would hide Autobot Command
underneath Trion's memorial.
So touching.
Jetfire, are all Seeker Divisions ready?
-[thunder cracks]
-[Jetfire] Confirmed, Lord Megatron.
Are ground forces at the ready?
Confirmed. Ready to obliterate them.
[sighs] How does it feel, Magnus,
to betray your Autobot
brothers and sisters?
[weapons cocking]
Open it.
[electricity hums]
-[mechanism clanking]
-[doors squeaking]
[Megatron] What's this?
I will never betray the Autobots.
[Megatron] I will unify Cybertron.
[Ultra Magnus]
You will never win this war.
[Ultra Magnus grunts]
[Jetfire panting] Lord Megatron
He refused to give up
the location of the Autobots
and betrayed me.
[Jetfire] Sir
[Soundwave] Lord Megatron.
[Megatron] What's happening?
Pleasure doing business with you.
Hey, Bumblebee,
where do you keep finding
all that energon?
Just lucky, I guess.
[Bumblebee groaning]
not you,
not now.
what's happened?
The Alpha Trion protocols have activated.
The what?
This can only mean one thing.
Ultra Magnus
is dead.
I want to know exactly what that was.
Find out what it is and where it went!
Affirmative, Lord Megatron.
Laserbeak, prepare for flight.
Objective: track anomaly.
Jetfire, take this wreckage to Shockwave
and tell him I want answers!
[Jetfire] Yes, Lord Megatron.
You may want to delay that order,
Lord Megatron.
[Jetfire gasps]
you are supposed to be on patrol.
And you're supposed to be a Decepticon.
-[Starscream grunts]
-[Jetfire groans]
Give me one reason I don't kill you
where you stand, Starscream.
Jetfire has betrayed you, Lord Megatron.
Just cycles ago, Jetfire murdered Skywarp.
[Megatron] Is this true, Jetfire?
Why would you do that?
[Jetfire breathing heavily]
You're planning a genocide
of the Autobots.
That's not what we were fighting for.
You see? I told you he's a traitor.
[Megatron grumbles]
You disappoint me, Jetfire.
Finish him.
-[weapon cocks]
-[Jetfire gasps]
[Starscream grunts]
[Megatron grunts]
[Jetfire grunts]
Destroy him!
[Starscream grunts]
[rapid firing]
Don't let that traitor escape!
[Jetfire grunting]
[Starscream] Blast him out of the sky!
[Jetfire groans]
[Jetfire yelling]
[loud crash]
Thanks, um
Don't mention it.
So many sparks lost.
The Megatron I thought I knew
would never have gone this far.
Tell that to all the damaged and dead.
Ratchet and Impactor, to the bridge.
Today will test your metal, kid.
Keep at it.
[Bumblebee groaning]
My aching optics.
What happened?
What in the name of Trion?
Why did I say Trion?
[stutters] So… much…
taking hold.
[stutters] Fragments
[groans] We're all just fragments of
[continues groaning]
[Prime] Mirage, you will lead the team
to repair the Spacebridge.
Yes, sir. Optimus. Understood.
That's assuming I can fix it.
Ratchet, you have seen the brutality
Megatron is capable of.
Should he gain possession
of the Allspark--
[Ratchet] I get it, Prime. I get it.
You'll get your Spacebridge.
Spacebridge team,
you know what we have to do.
Optimus, I'm not saying
I know the answers, but you
you haven't really considered
what could happen
when you take it off the planet.
You doubt me.
You're in command, and I respect you.
We carry forward with the plans,
but please
before you take the Allspark
off Cybertron,
consider my concerns.
You will be in charge
of getting the Ark ready.
I will work with the team
to retrieve the Allspark.
I must first attempt
to contact the Guardians.
The loss of Ultra Magnus
affects even them.
You think they would become involved?
The Guardians respected Alpha Trion.
Because Magnus and I were his students,
they extend that respect to us.
thank you.
[groans] Where are they?
[jet engine whirring]
[Sideswipe gasps]
Right on time.
We've got 20 astro-cycles
to get in and repair that thing
before the patrols come back.
[scoffs] That's not much time.
We'll be discovered and executed
before Ratchet can work his magic.
[Impactor chuckles]
No wonder the Autobots
never get anything done.
[Sideswipe] Wait just one micro-second!
Back it up, Sideswipe. He's right.
[scoffs] What?
We don't have a choice.
We figure out a way to make it work.
Let's go.
Did he just agree with a Decepticon?
[Prime transforms]
[Prime] Guardians!
It is Optimus Prime.
I come with
unfortunate news.
Ultra Magnus was killed by Megatron.
With his death, it was my hope
that the Alpha Trion Protocols
would have transmitted to one of you here.
[Guardian] Hmm
It is also my hope
that now you will become involved.
[Guardian grumbles]
The Alpha Trion Protocols
have not traveled here.
Megatron seeks the Allspark
and will use it to reformat
all non-Decepticon life on this planet.
[Guardian sighs]
As you know,
we will not become involved
in a skirmish between two factions.
[Prime growls]
Do you understand what is at stake?
We need your help!
What is the point of the Guardians
if you do not guard the planet?
I will protect Cybertron without you
till all are one.
Can we Spacebridge outta here yet?
He always this annoying?
Usually, he's worse.
[Sideswipe chuckles] I heard that.
That patrol will be back soon.
-[Impactor] Hmm?
How are the repairs going, Impactor?
[groans] Do your job, I'll do mine.
Keeping an optic on you is part of my job.
Prime wants a working Spacebridge,
so he'll get one.
Got it?
Focus, you two.
Impactor, hand me that energon infuser.
[loud swoosh]
[both grunt]
-[Mirage] They're here!
-They're early!
You set us up.
Everyone, calm down.
Maybe they don't see us.
-[Impactor gasps]
-[rapid firing]
[Ratchet grunts]
[Impactor grunts]
[Mirage] Or maybe they do!
[Ratchet grunts]
[weapon fires]
make sure that Seeker stays down.
-I'll check on the other one.
-[Sideswipe pants] Copy that.
-[tires screeching]
-[engine revving]
[Impactor groans]
How many times I gotta patch you up?
Just a scratch, Doc.
We better get this thing online.
When those Seekers don't report in…
Yeah, more company. I get it.
You're sure he was killed?
Yes, Lord Megatron.
We blew that traitor out of the sky!
At attention, Seeker!
Perhaps I should have
promoted you before, Starscream.
Despite your unchecked ambition
you've proven your worth
to the Decepticon cause.
you are hereby granted
command of the Seekers.
[gasps] Thank you, Lord Megatron.
[Starscream breathing excitedly]
Welcome to a new era
of Decepticon aerial superiority!
As your commander,
we will champion the heavens!
We will strike down
every Autobot in sight!
[Thundercracker laughs] Yeah!
[Soundwave] Most inferior.
If we can do what I'm suggesting here,
I bet we can jumpstart the Ark.
I can't imagine we'll find enough
unrefined energon to pull this off.
Did you speak to them?
Will the Guardians help?
They heard my words,
but they will not help.
We'll find another way.
I cannot help but ask myself
is this a hopeless crusade?
Have my actions
led to the extinction of our people?
Optimus, you didn't start this war.
But I did
when I made the decision
to oppose Megatron.
That was the moment
this war started.
You know old Ratchet
will get that Spacebridge running.
And I've just about
got Teletraan-1 online.
This bird will fly, Optimus, I promise!
[Prowl] You don't have permission.
Let me go!
[grunts] I gotta talk to him.
[breathless] I need
[Bumblebee grunting and panting]
Prime, please, tell me,
who is Alpha Trion?
It chose
[Bumblebee] What's
What's happened to me?
It would seem thousands of cycles
of Autobot history and knowledge
have been transmitted to you.
I I don't want it.
You can have it!
That is not how it works.
The Alpha Trion Protocols chose you.
Only my mentor can tell you why.
Hello there.
You must be Bumblebee.
And you You're
No, Alpha Trion died long ago.
The Alpha Trion Protocols
are a vast collection
of information and strategies
designed to protect the Autobots
in times of great crisis.
Alpha Trion wanted
our vast history and collection
passed down to someone who can be trusted
to use that knowledge for the good of all.
Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus
felt that no single Cybertronian
should possess
both the Matrix of Leadership
and the Alpha Trion Protocols.
They agreed to share the power?
[chuckles] Yes, and I agreed with them.
Optimus would benefit
from the power of The Matrix,
and Magnus would benefit
from the knowledge of,
well my experience.
But, I'm nobody.
I just want…
[Bumblebee] Yeah.
Protocol embeds itself
into the most trusted of our brethren.
Ultra Magnus was just one of the worthy.
[Bumblebee] What What do I do with it?
Optimus Prime is still learning.
He will experience
the greatest of victories
and the lowest of defeats.
Be there for him for both.
Till all are one, Bumblebee.
[Bumblebee gasps]
I saw him!
I met Alpha Trion!
kind of.
I envy your experience, Bumblebee.
Alpha Trion is greatly missed.
He believes in you
more than I can describe.
Thank you.
[Bumblebee] Also, he knows
[chuckles] Or I mean, I know
where to find the Allspark.
[loud alarm blaring]
We have an intruder alert.
Prowl and Ironhide are on it.
We've got a bogey
on a direct line to Maintenance Bay 3!
[alarm continues blaring]
A lone Decepticon?
[weapons cock]
[Jetfire transforms]
[breathless] My name is Jetfire.
I'm not here to fight.
I'm here
to join you.
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