Trese (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

[ominous music]
[maniacal laughter]
I haven't had a battle like this
in centuries.
- More!
- [gunshot]
[irked groan]
Give him another, Santelmo.
[fire roars]
[fire blasts]
[Talagbusao exhales]
A Trese with a thirst for battle.
- [grunts]
- [puffs]
- Got your back, kid.
- [gunshots]
[suspenseful music]
- [flesh pierces]
- [pained groan]
[blood dripping]
[talisman pieces clink]
Striking from the shadows
like a coward, Anton.
[dagger clinks]
I expected something more from you
than a paltry banishing spell.
Something with more bite.
[aggressive grunt]
- [earth rumbles]
- [gasps]
- [thwacks]
- [Talagbusao grunting]
We won, right, Papa?
The fight's over?
This one is.
There'll be more to come, Alexandra.
We have to be ready always.
[theme music]
[clicks, buzzes]
[reporter 1] Nearly an entire block
of the Pedro Lungsod slums
was decimated when a vigilante group
raided a drug lab in the area.
[faucet running]
The body count is said to be
in the double digits
with severe property damage
in and around the area.
The local barangay hall
was turned into a temporary morgue
due to the large number of casualties.
[slow monotonous music]
The investigation is also linking
the massacre
to ex-Mayor Sancho Santamaria's bid
to clear the land
for the construction of property.
More details as we get them.
[Guerrero] All those Precinct Four cops
are really giving us a bad name.
- [mouse clicking]
- [exhales]
For the boys.
Who got the late shift?
Reyes, Javier, and Nicholas.
They're not back yet.
Probably eating at that tapsi place
two streets down.
[deep inhale]
Remind Ramirez to fix the toilet, huh?
- [Reyes] resisting arrest, too!
- [man coughing]
- [groaning]
- [walloping]
[in Filipino]
[Reyes] Really?
[in English]
Hoy, hoy! That's enough!
Drunk and disorderly, Cap.
Got to set him straight.
For Christ's sake, Reyes.
You're acting like those thugs
from Precinct Four.
Well, they get results, don't they?
He fought back is all I know.
That's not how I see it.
I told you, I want none
of that quota shit here.
[exasperated sigh]
I'm sorry about my men.
We're all assholes here, but
I'm trying to be a lesser one,
if you can believe that.
[man groaning]
You process this guy by the book.
Or what? You'll call this witch on us?
Why bother? Legazpi from Accounting
is enough to take you out.
Get on with it.
[irked groan]
What else do we have for today?
[Tapia] We're still counting,
but it looks like it's
over 50 missing bodies, Cap.
It's always something Tapia, I swear.
You want to call in your friend?
[mysterious music]
[bottle clanking]
No need.
Just some punks who think they're funny.
What's next?
[Alexandra grunting]
[aggressive thudding]
- [thumps]
- [Hank] Whoa!
Didn't figure you
for a hard puncher, bossing.
Had you pegged as an out boxer for sure.
Was it this bad when my father was around?
What's going on, bossing?
The Underworld's starting
to step out of line.
Amang Paso's warning
about "liars amongst your allies"
makes it feel that the accords
will be broken.
But there are consequences
to breaking them.
Your father made that very clear.
With words, Hank, not action.
They aren't afraid of the consequences
because they haven't seen them yet.
So the gloves are coming off.
Respect went out the window
when Kulimlim tried to kill us.
They need to be afraid,
not of a bunch of dusty scrawls,
of me.
Your father would have called
the Council in,
use all the diplomatic channels he could.
He's not here. I'm all we've got.
[Alexandra] Something's coming, Hank.
I'm just sick of being two steps behind.
[phone ringing]
Guerrero's got a case.
Go. Help the Captain.
Thanks, Hank.
You guys need a ride?
We'll be fine.
What's the worst that could happen?
- [horns honking]
- [train whooshes]
[ominous music]
Couldn't we have a magic doorway here?
If this day gets any hotter,
I'm going to have to hit on it.
- [clicks]
- [footsteps]
Dragon gates need
dragon's blood to activate.
We're in short supply as it is.
- [man 1] What is this?
- [woman 1] Where's my father?
Calm down.
We're working to see where the bodies
of your loved ones have gone.
- Why won't you tell us anything?
- [in Filipino] You are animals!
- [in English] Where's my father?
- [man 2] I want answers, now!
Thanks for coming, Alexandra.
Keeping the jacket on, boy, huh?
Style before comfort. Nice.
Captain, I read your message.
How many corpses are missing?
All of them.
In other news, Mayor Santamaria
released a statement from prison
claiming he had nothing to do
with the killings
at the Pedro Lungsod slums
nor the missing bodies
from Barangay Magdalo Hall.
[Crispin] This smells
as bad as Basilio's room.
Hey, that's
[surrendering groan]
actually true.
Whatever took them needed the entire body.
Even aswang scavengers leave something.
This feels like a spell.
It may take a while to know for sure.
Take your time, Alexandra.
I've got a ton of paperwork
waiting back at the precinct.
If all this goes south,
try and keep
the property damage down, okay?
- [clinks]
- [rasps]
[in Filipino]
[Alexandra] Anak ng Inang Buwakaw,
tulungan ang mga namamatay.
- Aguhon.
- [mystical humming]
[engine rumbles]
- [taps]
- [clanks]
[in English]
[Nuno] Store's closed, Hank. I'm busy.
[pieces clatter]
- [gasps]
- [hard stomp]
Amang Paso said some stuff
might be going down,
but he's literally gone to ground.
Bossing's got a hunch
that you might know something.
I don't know. I didn't hear nothing.
Didn't see nothing.
Best to hide.
I'm not playing, Nuno.
Start talking or you
[pained groaning]
Okay! Okay!
A lot of tribes are on edge.
Aswang more than most.
And they're stocking up
on muscle and magic.
[Nuno] Making bad deals with badder folk.
You want my advice?
Keep your heads down.
Hopefully, we all come out
of this in one piece.
[Nuno groans]
You could have been
a bit more polite, Hank!
[in Filipino]
[string stretches]
[mysterious music]
[eerie rustling]
[in English]
Lakan of humanity, good evening.
Good evening, Emissary.
What business does
the Court of Death have with us?
There are souls of the dead
that have not yet boarded
the train as scheduled.
[Emissary] Ibu requests
that you look into it.
The missing souls are tethered
to this plane.
They have been contained.
In what, Lakan?
[Guerrero] Fuck shit!
Internal investigators are saying
you were seen at the slums
during the massacre,
that you shot his brother.
Hmm, what difference does it make?
- [Tapia] Cap.
- What?
You got to see this.
[blinds rustle]
They're coming for revenge.
[grim music]
[zombies snarling]
[foreboding music]
[string stretches]
- [string snaps]
- [bottle cap clinks]
[closet wheels rattling]
[stone rasps]
[Crispin] What is it?
Summoning stone used to raise the dead.
Comes in threes, two wells and one beacon.
We have to find the other two
and destroy them all at once
if we want to break the spell.
Emissary, tell your mistress
to expect the souls soon.
The mistress thanks you for your efforts.
She will remember this favor.
[eerie rustling]
Let's put an end to this.
[meat chopping]
[tense music]
[cleaver strikes]
[meat squelching]
[Hank] Ibwa.
I hear everyone's arming up.
You'll lose more than your other eye
if you don't tell me
what's got you all on edge.
- [meats thud]
- Okay, okay, it's the Mayor, man.
Someone big's backing him up.
Whoever it is, they're moving in
on a lot of business and territory.
We just want to be ready
when they come for us.
That's all I know. I swear.
It better be.
- [gunshots]
- [police 1] Stand back!
- [moaning]
- [blood splatters]
- [screaming]
- [gunshot]
Forget it, Tapia.
Start evacuating the station.
This isn't going to hold.
We get it.
We might not have done right
by those people out there,
but we have to do right
by the people in here.
Yes, sir.
- [bullets clinking]
- [phone ringing]
I hope you're calling
to say that you've got a solution
for all these dead bodies that
are overrunning my precinct, Alexandra.
[Alexandra] What?
- Guess not.
- [splatters]
[Alexandra] Didn't think
they would be there, Captain,
but that saves me the trouble
of finding the third stone.
What stone?
[Alexandra] An end
to all our troubles, Captain.
- Sit tight.
- [metal clanks]
- [zombies growling]
- [gunshot]
[Basilio] These dudes keep coming.
Where's the stone, bossing?
- [wallops]
- [blood splattering]
[Crispin] Oh, it's over there,
surrounded by that massive flesh
and bone and blood that wants to kill us.
It can try.
[tense music]
[grunting, aggressive yell]
How are we doing
with the evacuation, Tapia?
Last few people are
on the way out, Cap. We're good.
Good time as any to abandon ship.
You're sure we got everyone?
It's just that drunk in the cells.
- No sense in going back for him.
- [thwacks]
I got to go back for the prisoner.
[Tapia] Cap, that's suicide.
[deep sigh]
It's always something, Tapia.
[tense music]
[flesh pierces]
[flesh squelches]
Bring it in for Team Trese.
Team Trese on three.
Save the back-patting for later.
The Center and this graveyard
just provided someone
with enough undead to make a small army.
Dragon's blood.
Do we have to, bossing?
I hate dragon gates.
I love them.
You always throw up
when you go through, it's hilarious.
[blood sloshes]
[loud whooshing]
Go, Team Trese.
We are not calling ourselves that.
- [groaning]
- [gunshot]
[tense music]
- [growls]
- [surprised gasp]
[keys jingle]
Are you still alive?
[eerie music]
Easy. I've got you.
- [lock clicks]
- [man groans]
[lock clicks]
You cops scare so easily.
With all the people you've killed,
I expected tougher.
I'm here to get you out, son.
Give me the keys.
Don't need your help, old man.
I'm just here to enjoy the show.
Best seats in the house.
[zombie growling]
[Guerrero grunting]
- [rifle fires]
- [blood splatters]
[heavy exhale]
- [Guerrero panting]
- [rifle reloads]
- [shell clinks]
- I got your back, Cap.
Cutting it a little close there, Tapia.
Oh, here it comes.
I hate you so much.
[Alexandra] Our stop's coming up.
[suspenseful music]
[reloads, fires]
We're not going to last
much longer, Cap. Hurry it up.
You can hate me later, son,
but those things could eat us all
if we don't get out of here.
Save it!
None of you cops are saints.
The ones who gunned down
my brother sure ain't.
You all had this coming.
There's still a chance
that we can all walk out of this.
[loud thump]
What's my name?
We're not people to you,
we're just numbers, statistics.
If you really gave a damn,
you would put names to all our faces.
So say it. What is my name?
[rifle reloads, fires]
Didn't think so.
[Tapia groans]
- Cap!
- [zombies growling]
[warp rumbles]
[tense music]
This is taking too long. Stand back, boys.
[phone beeping]
Hello, Santelmo.
Hello, little Trese.
Care to play?
- [growling]
- [gunshots]
[gun clicking]
Always wanted to go out
in a blaze of glory.
- [distant roaring]
- Huh?
[fire roars]
[ash hisses]
Didn't think
you meant that, literally, Cap.
Captain Guerrero, are you all right?
- [string stretches]
- No, not yet.
[man 3] They all have to suffer.
We have to destroy the stone.
[Guerrero] Wait!
- Wait.
- We don't have the time.
Santelmo can only
hold them off for so long.
It's one man
versus countless others, Captain.
Alexandra, please.
Help me save this one.
Jose Alvarez, Josie Santiago,
Ronaldo Lopez.
Karen Arcilla, Seth Topacio, a lot more.
Names of people like your brother.
Not a day goes by I don't think of them.
So if this is it for all of us,
just tell me your name.
So I can at least remember you, too.
[dramatic music]
Raul Lazaro.
Please, Raul, give us the stone.
[Raul groaning]
[eerie music]
[stones clatter]
- Boys.
- [gunshots]
[ashes rustling]
[dramatic music]
I miss my brother.
I know, son. I know.
[taho squishes]
Hey, it's a little stale,
but it's still the best in Manila.
Thank you. You're a good man, Captain.
[Alexandra] How you keep together
in all this insanity, I'll never know.
[Guerrero] Your father was a good man.
- I'm just a cop.
- [engine starts]
I don't understand half of the shit
that goes down here,
but you do what you can, Alexandra.
That's the job, isn't it?
It is.
[Hank] Holy kamote.
- [alcohol sloshes]
- That is some piece of information.
[glass slides]
Hopefully, this is
the start of reparations
between young Trese and I.
Please send her my regards.
[door squeaks]
Hey, buddy, we're closed.
[in Latin]
Sic itur ad astra.
[tense music]
[button clicks]
[loud explosion]
[vehicle alarms ringing]
There are times at night ♪
Restlessness comes to me ♪
Feels as though ♪
I've committed a grave mistake ♪
Undeniably grueling ♪
Your legacy will never go to waste ♪
Little by little ♪
I'll keep my promise ♪
I fear no one ♪
When I feel you next to me ♪
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