Tribes of Europa (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Chapter 4

How the hell did you do that, huh?
No idea. I just turned it a bit.
What a holographic freak show!
Have you seen it before?
-The fusion module can't be saved.
I'm sorry.
That can't be it!
You must be able to do something.
There's only one guy who can help you.
-Not him.
He's got a trading post
near the Southern Empire.
Collects treasures
that survived Black December.
And he has a fusion module?
Last time I was there he did.
-Let's go then.
-Why not?
-He won't sell it to us.
Doesn't help that Moses owes him money.
Is there anyone on this continent
you've not crossed?
It is what it is. Accept it.
We'll sell the Cube as is.
No way! That was not the deal, okay?
I have to repair it.
Don't you understand? I have to!
Fuck, man!
Why do you want to repair that thing
so badly, huh?
Is it to do with your tribe?
You can't keep your guard up forever.
Are you the last of them?
Was it the Crows?
Shit, buddy.
I'm sorry!
I just ran away.
Don't feel guilty.
The world wouldn't be a better place
if you were buried with them.
And it takes a lot of courage
to deal with a crook like me.
I couldn't agree more.
Here. It's a tablet from '29.
Some stupid junk collector
found it in an old bunker.
-Thank you.
It's not for you.
This and the other stuff
is enough to buy Bracker's module.
What do you think?
Well, he can't use the module
without the Cube.
Maybe he can be persuaded.
Hey. I'm a bit allergic to hugs.
Thank you, Moses!
No problem.
All right, then.
Get lost.
Why don't you come with us?
Crows. You're being followed by Crows?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
Shit. Only three bullets left.
-Get the boy to safety. I'll do this.
I'll be fine.
Take good care of him.
On three! One, two, three!
Shit! Start driving! Come on!
Go on! Shoot!
Come on, start driving! Shit! Fuck!
These are the original Eurocorps uniforms,
from before Black December.
The last prestige project
of the European Union
before everything fell apart.
The Crimsons emerged from it.
Many soldiers before you
have worn this uniform.
People of different origins,
with different skin colors and beliefs.
It's not just some piece of clothing.
With this uniform
you wear a part of history.
You bear responsibility.
But most of all you bear duties.
As a Crimson, Liv,
you have to follow the orders
of your superior.
In this case, my orders.
Is that clear?
Yes, Commander.
Your rank insignia.
Welcome to the Crimsons,
Private Liv of the Origines.
Welcome to the Hakkar!
What is this place?
The Bozies didn't tell him about us.
They hate us.
I'm Dewiat.
And you?
Well, then…
come with me!
We're the Lubovniks.
And so are you.
You'll sleep there.
The middle bed is yours.
Are you preparing for a Boj here?
Why would she risk the lives
of her favorite slaves?
Her favorite slaves?
Amena is a born survivor.
I'm sure she managed to get away.
Impressive, even without ammo.
Please don't shoot!
Please don't shoot!
Why aren't you made up?
Didn't you introduce him
to the conventions, Dewiat?
My wishes.
I did, my Lord.
You think you're beautiful enough.
Kiano of the Origines.
First day in the Hakkar, Kiano.
How do you like it so far?
Much better than the factory, isn't it?
Answer her.
I'm sorry, my Lord!
The garden is nice.
Because it reminds you of home?
Is that why you lost your appetite?
You should eat, or you'll become too thin.
I'm not hungry.
You'll eat Kiano's food.
Like a dog.
Like a dog.
Dinner is over.
Back to the Hakkar, Anon,
and Dewiat.
Take your clothes off.
If you come before me,
I'll cut your throat.
You were with her all night.
Instead of punishing you as you deserved,
she rewarded you.
You've obviously aroused her
with your boundless impertinence.
Don't be so ungrateful, Kiano.
We're slaves, Dewiat.
I would never leave her.
She's all I have left.
And she's all you will ever have,
Kiano of the Origines!
Here. Hold this.
Let me do the talking
when we're inside, okay?
Magic Moses will sort it.
There are young ones too.
Oh my God. Keep going.
Let's find this Bracker.
And I say let's have a drink,
have some fun, and then find Bracker.
Oh, a walking--
You've got balls to show up here again.
What do you want?
Pay off my debts.
Let's go.
Maurice Sparwasser?
Moses, okay? It's Moses.
It's my pseudonym.
-You are no artist.
-Shut up.
Put it all on the table.
What's that?
This, kiddo,
is the old-world on its last legs.
Bracker is even more obsessed
with Black December than you.
Who are they?
It's the Kapitan and his six Highlords.
Yvar's inner circle.
One seat is vacant.
If we're lucky,
our Lord will be one of them.
This is my greatest wish for her.
On your knees!
Hail to the strongest!
Hail to the strongest!
to salvage an Atlantian hover jet.
Nobody can fly it anymore.
But Karakow says
with a bit of luck, we'll recover
the plasma cannon and ion drive.
It would be a great benefit for us,
An even greater benefit
would be a working Cube.
My Bozies will soon return with it.
I hope so.
Pardon me, Kapitan!
I like you, Origine.
You'll see something very special.
This slave will now get a new name.
She'll be a Bozie to her lord.
She's free now.
Yvar's Volnik, he was your leader.
I fought him.
Were you close?
He was our leader.
That's all.
Take off your clothes.
Tell me about life in the forest.
About your tribe, the Origines.
How did it all begin?
Our founder discovered the place,
hidden between rocks.
Your founder, Chloé?
-Her name was engraved on your altar.
Your mother.
Tell me about her death.
I was 13.
She went to the forest to get medicine.
She was attacked by Raiders.
We only found her clothes
soaked in blood.
You still carry
a lot of pain in you, Kiano.
Pain that ties you to the past.
It's making you soft
and weak.
Go now.
I want to stay with you.
Kiano of the Origines.
Subtitle translation by Julia Göllnitz
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