Trickster (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Hey jared, headband?
What, did you invite him?
I was just trying to help.
Maybe you can help.
By just minding
your own business.
How's jared?
You mean the grandson you
haven't seen in 10 years?
I got a lot to make up for.
You can start by helping
me get rid of wade.
Would you like a ride?
My name's georgina.
You're wade's son.
What are you?
A trickster.
Does my mom know?
She's also a witch.
What's he want then?
Guess we better find out.
You got maggie,
tell me your story.
Geez, man.
I'm sorry, jared.
Didn't wanna wake you.
So you thought you'd
scare me to death?
Morning, sunshine.
Did you bring any food
or better yet, beer?
How you holdin' up?
You're a trickster and.
Mom's a witch, like.
What does that make me?
Well I can't speak for witches,
But for tricksters
it's hereditary.
But it skips generations.
Well what's that mean?
I've had a lot of kids,
But none of them's
ever been a trickster.
Well how many kids?
How old are you?
Jared, if you're a trickster,
Big if,
Could be weeks, months,
Even years before you know.
But that's also why
georgina is here,
To find out if you are.
Because she hunts tricksters.
And why you should come
to vancouver with me.
We'll be safe in the city.
They don't like cities.
I've gotta talk to my mom.
You trust your mom to
tell you everything now?
Lay low for now.
I'll track your mom down.
I'm sick of hiding here,
I'm coming too.
It's too dangerous for you.
And you?
I've been avoiding
georgina for a long time.
Why does she hunt you?
It's the way it's always been.
That's it?
That's everything.
You need a bell
around your neck.
Minding my own business,
Like you should.
It's time.
No more avoiding.
I'm not avoiding.
I'm just delaying.
You've lost your way.
The opposite.
There's money to make.
Whiskey to drink.
This is what you've become?
It's the way the world's become.
Open the north door.
Open it!
Return us home.
Come, your son awaits.
What have you?
No sign of the boy.
And weeg'it?
What's he call himself again?
We get him on side.
And if he won't?
Hey mom?
Hey mom!
Hey mom.
Geez, disgusting.
Fuckin' shit, come on.
Lunch is ready.
I've been trying to get a hold
of jared since I got here.
I got no bars.
You're in the bush.
Yeah, no shit.
I gotta let him know that I'm
not dead in a ditch somewhere.
Not gonna get
reception out here.
Your call has been forwarded
to an automated voice.
Hey, I'm still lookin'
for your mom,
But no luck yet.
Yeah, don't bother, she texted.
And nothing.
You all right?
Sure, I'll meet you
back at the shack?
You're not there now?
Stretching my legs.
I told you,
You need to lay low.
Yeah, I heard you.
I'll come by as soon as I can.
Where are you?
Guess it's too late to run away.
No, it's cool.
Yeah well, power's cut off,
The fridge conked out,
And everything spoiled.
You know what that's like.
I get it.
Now, let's get you set up.
Smooth or crunchy?
Ew, but who am I to judge?
Kraft dinner or
canned spaghetti?
Um, that's a tough one.
Both it is.
Hey you got any,
beer back there?
All yours if I did.
Your order, sir.
Thank you, ma'am.
I'm sorry.
Sometimes I stick my nose
where it doesn't belong.
I shouldn't have invited
your dad to the protest.
Honestly, I'm glad you did.
Like, seriously glad.
I'm almost done my shift.
What is this place?
It's, it's my escape.
The cleaners are on holiday.
Holy shit, the pink e.
You made it.
Well it, it's not that hard.
Maybe for the average joe,
But you're not average, are you?
Want some chocolate pudding?
Appetizer first?
What are you doing
with all this?
I don't know yet.
It's good to know our history.
Remember where we come from
and where we're going.
You know when you took off,
I didn't know where
you were going.
Or when you'd be back, if ever.
So I told jared you died.
I didn't know how to
explain to a seven-year-old.
That his gran just dropped
off the face of the earth.
So when you sent him a
birthday card the next year,
He nearly shit himself.
He thought that you
rose back from the dead.
Here it is.
It starts there.
An elder told me a story
her gran told her once.
Someone was poaching
moose on their territory.
They wanted to know who it was,
So they did a calling spell
to lure out the culprit.
Did it work?
Like a charm.
We cast the same spell,
Lure trickster here,
Then kill him right this time.
Fuckin' a.
You know, using medicine
for selfish reasons.
Could bring bad things.
Whose side are you on?
This isn't about sides.
You don't even know why
these voices want wade dead.
You know,
If you walk the red road
you'll find clarity.
Recovering alcoholics.
Are almost as annoying
as self-righteous vegans.
You're impossible,
you know that?
Yeah, well the joke's on
you 'cause you raised me.
Whatever, god.
Takin' off again?
See you in another 10 years?
No, goin' to get firewood.
We got a trickster to bag.
I love this song.
First place I look
and here you are.
Because I'm not hiding from ya.
You should.
A long time since someone's
come at me like that.
Double whiskey, neat.
She's buying.
That's not contagious, right?
You're hiding the boy.
Where's your son?
His name's jared,
And I'm not hiding him.
I'm preparing him.
If jared's a trickster,
And there's no sign he is,
But if he is,
He needs to be ready.
I remember.
You saw it.
But you didn't do it.
You don't have to live with it.
That's not what ruined
you, trickster.
You know that.
Remember how it used to be?
Can't forget.
Everyone else has.
You're the reason I'm here.
You're the reason
I'm still here.
Can't go back to the way it was.
I'll find your son,
With or without you.
Thanks for the drink.
I wish I was soft like you,
But I'm not.
I'm jagged.
No you're not.
You're not jagged at all.
You know I.
I see you in a city somewhere.
And you have purple hair.
What's my future?
You're gonna find your parents.
You think so?
Yeah I know.
I'm sorry.
I have scars.
Like, a lot.
That's okay.
You know, I have scars too.
Like, when I was, um,
I was five-years-old
riding my bike,
I fell off and
it was just rough.
And, um,
Another one.
I hooked myself with a.
With a fishing lure.
It was-it was pretty
stupid, but yeah.
You see them too?
Stitches for snitches,
Rat bastard.
Hey son,
How was school?
She's in there.
Who are you, jelly bean?
He's going to be our son.
I stayed out all night.
Foster unit's probably
called the cops.
Wait, wait, they'd do that?
Yeah, it's routine bullshit.
I gotta go.
You're a bad influence.
Yeah, hey.
Where are you?
Are you okay?
Why, what's the matter?
Nothing, so you're fine?
- Well yeah,
- I was a second ago.
Why, should I not be?
I'm just makin' sure.
I can't stop by for a while.
You're on your own.
Wait, wait, why not?
Georgina, she's
watching my every move.
Well, what am I supposed to do,
Just wait here until
you lead her to me,
Or-or until she
finds me herself?
No, I'll shake her off,
Then I'll come get you,
And we'll head to vancouver
where you'll be safe.
I can't leave without
talking to my mom.
I'll be in touch.
What the hell am I doing here?
And from what I remember,
you wouldn't shut up.
You took a vow of
silence or something?
Pick up, pick up, pick up mom!
Your call has been forwarded.
To an automated voice
messaging system.
You been practicing?
I mean, I do sometimes.
Hexes and protection spells.
Just small shit you
taught me way back when.
Yeah, think you were
about five years old.
When I realized that
you had a gift.
Right about the time you
started smacking me around.
You know, they took
everything away from me.
In residential school.
My language,
They even took my virginity.
And the more I resisted,
the harder the beatings.
I was terrified that that
would happen to you,
If you used your medicine,
So I just made sure
that you never did.
To protect me.
To prepare you.
To survive in a hostile world.
But I was wrong.
Let's get to it then.
You weren't followed?
You were serious about that?
You got, my mom's
number in your phone?
Yeah, I should, what's up?
Call it.
You got maggie,
Tell me your story.
Okay, that's weird.
What number do you have for her?
They're different.
Someone changed the
number in my phone.
Who would do that?
I'm not leaving.
Not yet.
I know what to do.
Don't you look like shit.
You're one to talk.
The hell did you do to me?
I didn't do anything
to you, weeg'it.
Then how'd I get here?
And what was that horror show
you pulled on me, a spell?
We don't cast spells, dummy.
We're communicators.
I wanted you to
hear what I hear.
A thousand cats skinned alive?
I hear the land.
And it screams in pain.
You ever do something
like this before?
Hell no.
Then how do you
know if it'll work?
Or if-if we're even
doing it right?
I don't.
We wait and then we'll know.
What kind of bad could it bring?
Well, hopefully we'll
never find out.
All right, so we're
doing this one okay?
Last chance.
What are you waitin' for?
Here's what's going to happen.
We've got you now,
We get jared,
Then we make right.
We got our differences.
But like I told you,
If the boy is a trickster,
I'll do the right thing.
I trusted you once
before, weeg'it.
Yet, here we are.
That was a long time ago.
And I've lived a few
lifetimes since.
Why did you even
wanna keep going?
Why did I not wanna die?
Tough one.
This world is diseased.
Watching it die is sickness.
Blaming the state of
the world on me too?
No, you're a victim.
You just forgot.
If I'm a victim, does that make.
What's with him?
That's not me.
I have to go.
You're letting him go?
I think he's under a spell.
A spell?
You mean.
We may have found
ourselves a witch.
Holy fucking shit!
Was it hard?
Cleaning yourself up.
Still is at times but.
It gets easier.
The spell didn't work.
You need to be patient.
I need a drink.
You know, just so we're clear,
I left because I
thought you and jared.
Would be better off without me.
Well you weren't wrong.
Did you good though.
The first time I killed wade?
I don't know how I did it.
I just, I felt this.
This burning rage inside of me.
500 years of colonialism
will do that.
He's here.
Wade is here.
What the fuck?
The spell worked,
I'll be damned.
Who are you?
I'm maggie's mother.
So your my grandson's father.
No time for a reunion.
It's time you and I talked,
And I won't take
anything but the truth.
What kind of spell exactly?
A trickster luring spell.
Is jared here?
No, 'cause he's not
an asshole trickster.
Who the hell are you?
Sorry, don't mean to intrude.
Who are your ugly ass friends?
Definitely not my friends.
We've been searching for your
kind for a long, long time.
When was the last
time we saw a witch?
61 years ago.
And now we found two.
What luck!
Please, sit, let's talk.
Who are you?
There was a time when
we were all family.
Tricksters, ancients.
Cycle and balance,
You're called ancients?
I don't give a
shit what you are,
But I do give a shit
why you're here.
Put down your gun and sit.
Party's over!
You get the hell out of here
or feel my wrath up your ass.
There really is
no need for this.
I just wanna talk.
She wants jared.
Don't listen to the trickster.
He spins lies.
So you don't want jared?
God, you're a pain
in the ass, weeg'it.
Why do you want my son?
Your son?
The son of a trickster
and a witch.
Never saw that before.
Either you guys walk
back out that door,
Or get dragged out.
I can't do that.
Are you okay, baby?
What's going on?
Jared, hi.
Tell me, what brings you here?
I told him to come.
That's not true, is it jared?
You talk to me, not my boy.
What are you doing here?
They were just leaving.
No we weren't.
Maggie, no!
Holy fuck.
Hey, hey.
Back to normal?
Yeah, wouldn't-wouldn't
exactly say that.
Yeah, that was fucked up.
Are you okay?
Mhm, yeah.
I gotta-I gotta go.
You can catch a ride
back with your mom.
You hungry?
I get it.
I do.
Where'd you get that?
My truck, in case
of emergencies.
Well, today's certainly that.
You know, deep down in my bones
I always knew that
jared was special.
Just wished he was like us.
That certainly would
uncomplicate things.
So now what?
Well I think we've
still got a job to do.
You mean kill him?
No, I mean find out
what wade really wants.
He's a trickster
for fuck's sakes.
Nothin' but
half-truths and lies.
Tell us everything, now!
- What?
- Mom.
Stay out of this, spill it!
Or I'll spill your
brains into the fire.
I was gonna tell you,
But not an hour after you
found out who you really are.
There's no time
like the present.
Tell me what?
There's a rite of passage,
An ancient ritual that
keeps things in harmony.
What kind of ritual?
As tricksters,
We must pass on our
knowledge and power.
To the next generation.
It's a necessary step
to maintain balance.
It's not an act of violence.
What are you talking about?
It means a trickster, me,
Must die at the hands
of his trickster son.
What, no, no you're
making that shit up.
I wish I was, son.
But I'm not.
One day you must kill me.
Thanks for telling the truth.
It better be the
whole fucking truth.
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