Triptych (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

¿Me estoy volviendo loca?

- Aleida!
- Eugenio.
- What's wrong?
- Eugenio, call an ambulance.
- Please, the house is on fire.
- What happened?
- Alex is inside. Call the fire department!
- Alex? Alex isn't here. Alex isn't here.
- Listen to me!
- Alex is gone!
- Alex is in the house!
- No, he isn't.
- He is! Please listen to me!
- Alex is gone.
My son is in the house!
I see myself in places
I don't know, doing things
I don't understand.
The weirdest thing is I can feel
what the other Aleida is feeling.
Several months ago,
in one of our sessions,
admitted she was
having visions and dreams
in which she felt
she was experiencing events
in the life of another woman
who looked exactly like her.
At first, I
interpreted these episodes
as symptoms of mild psychosis.
Soon, I realized Aleida's symptoms
were more serious,
and pointed to a personality disorder,
which in lay terms,
means she had multiple personalities.
Did Aleida tell you that she found out
about her sisters?
Her sisters?
There are three of us.
The third one is named Tamara.
I see our service has been satisfactory
this evening, am I right?
He wants his exit fee in pesos.
Ten thousand.
Thank you very much, sir.
Enjoy the rest of your evening.
She never spoke about any of you.
I don't know why.
But what gives you the idea
she was trying to find you?
she had photographs of both of us, and
before she died, she contacted Tamara.
She told her that
she'd found out the truth
and wanted her to know
what happened to the three of us.
She never said this?
Come in.
This is my new crib, huh?
Your what?
You're old.
- My house.
- Your crib?
- That makes sense, I guess.
- Mm-hmm.
We have a lot to do.
What are you doing?
Don't you have a family to take care of?
And yeah.
But they're not about to dive
into a volcano.
What do you mean?
I did my homework and dug up some dirt.
On Eugenio Sáenz.
Turns out your brother-in-law
comes from pretty impressive stock.
Don't call him that.
Did you know Aleida's father
and Eugenio's father
the Humanis Vita hospitals together?
Their fathers were partners?
They met at medical school.
They broke ground
on their first hospital in 1985,
and they were partners until 2005,
when Aleida's father passed away.
The same year my father passed away.
Humberto, isn't that weird?
What're the chances
we'd both lose our fathers the same year?
How'd he die?
You don't need to know that.
Look, it's simple.
You'll show up as Aleida,
follow my instructions, don't deviate,
only sign the documents
that I approve,
and some time in the near future,
we'll get divorced.
Yeah? When?
- What's the hurry?
- Time is money, right?
It'll be when we mutually decide
our differences are irreconcilable.
But here's the interesting part.
Sáenz Sr. had set up
a great future for his son.
Upon Dad's death,
he'd ascend to the presidency
of Humanis Vita.
But in the meantime,
Dad named him Vice President of Finance,
and named the wife, Aleida,
Director of Human Resources.
she was brilliant in the position.
She was so good that in 2016,
when Sáenz knew he was dying,
he stuns everybody and assigns
the presidency not to his son,
- but to Aleida.
- Aleida.
You don't know how hard she worked
all those years to get where she was.
- One million.
- What?
A half million for the signatures,
and another half million
to keep my mouth shut.
One million?
But you don't get a cent
till our play's over.
I'm no idiot.
Look, asshole.
Don't play me, I won't play you.
If you want to grab the company back
from my sister, go for it.
I don't give a shit.
All I want's my fucking money.
The irony of the whole thing
is that Aleida quits.
And resigns from the board
so she can build a company of her own.
Do you think Eugenio
could've forced her to leave?
Imagine his father overlooks him
and advances his wife instead.
And not only does she leave
to build her own very successful business,
he winds up working for her there as well.
That can result in a lot of resentment.
I don't get it.
None of this makes sense.
Unfortunately, very little that happened
in the last few months of Aleida's life
made any sense.
Her hallucinations
were getting much worse.
And there came a point
where she had a total psychotic break.
She was alone at home one night.
She started to hallucinate
and thought that her house was on fire.
She ran out the door calling for help.
That incident was the last straw.
That's when we knew
we had a hard decision to make.
We decided to institutionalize her.
Who's "we"?
You and Eugenio?
Do you know Eugenio?
I mean, no.
I don't
I know
I'm aware that he's her husband, but
it seems suspicious to me
that he took her out of the clinic
to celebrate her birthday.
Did he say that?
Didn't he?
I don't know.
But I guess if he said that
probably that's why he did it.
Having her committed
helped his case.
It also makes sense that Eugenio
would use the psychiatrist
to further entrench the idea
that Aleida was ill.
It helped get Aleida out of the way
so that he could be free
to do as he wanted with the company.
You think the psychiatrist
might've collaborated?
I mean, maybe Aleida's fantasy
about a conspiracy
wasn't so far from the truth.
But something went wrong
with Eugenio's plan.
What caused him to take her out
of the psychiatric clinic?
He couldn't have known she'd run away
and cause the mess she made.
Which is why he had to make sure
she didn't survive.
Makes sense.
I don't buy it.
No, it doesn't work.
None of this makes sense.
Why would he murder her
and then cover up her death?
What about us?
What do Tamara and I
have to do with any of this?
Does he know about us?
Did he hire the motorcycle guy
to follow us?
For sure he did.
You two represent
a big wrinkle for his plans.
It makes me sad.
It's insane, and it's
It's unbelievably unfair.
This kind of thing happens
when a lot of money's at stake.
There are millions.
I'm not talking about Aleida's money.
I'm talking about it all.
They robbed us.
They stole everything that counts.
The three of us
were supposed to be together.
And now that'll never happen.
Because they've killed her.
What else do I have to do?
Are conjugal visits part of the deal?
If you're forking out
a million dollars for a wife,
you might want a good fuck now and then.
Why don't you show me our master suite?
Mm-mm. You'll stay in the guest room.
Fine. Whatever.
That was exploring.
I was working on my character.
I trained in the Stanislavski method.
My best work is rooted
in emotional memory.
- That won't be necessary.
- Hmm.
We have a lot to cover
before Monday's meeting, so get some rest.
-I'm home.
Are you having fun?
Look, Daddy,
we have our floaters on.
I see that.
-Where is Daddy?
Pardon me?
Uh, nothing.
Who's this cutie?
Alex, my son.
We'll talk tomorrow.
Get some rest.
My love.
Make love to me.
I've had similar visions.
And dreams.
Fleeting moments where I saw things
that were happening to Aleida.
I saw her on the roof that day.
I saw how you tried to save her life.
And when she was shot, I felt it.
Doctor, do you believe it's common that
that triplets or twins
can have a connection
in the way that we do?
That's as strong as ours?
Time to get up.
It's breakfast.
What the fuck?
Good morning.
Have a seat.
I fired the housekeeper.
And I don't cook.
Aleida always ate the same thing.
Hard-boiled egg.
It's no wonder
she went out of her mind.
You gonna stare at me or tell me shit?
Please don't talk with your mouth full.
That's the first thing.
Secondly, watch the vocabulary.
Aleida never swore.
She was much too elegant.
You'll need
to speak
to think, to move
just like my wife
if this is gonna work.
Eat up.
She's not there.
She didn't come home.
- Do you know where I can find her?
- Nope.
If you see her, tell her to call me.
That's my number.
It's important.
That's dope.
You have a pool.
Yeah, come here.
Look at this.
These are pictures and names
of the members of the board.
You need to get familiar with them.
Laura Cano.
Can't we start with my family history?
Tell me about Aleida.
We'll talk about your sister later.
This is more important.
Dude, obviously you know fuck all
about acting.
In order for me to play my character,
I need to know
what gets her out of bed in the morning.
I need to understand what motivates her.
Your motivation is to stay out of jail.
And please watch your language.
Thank you.
Pussy. Whatever.
We'll do it your way.
Thank you.
I'm trained in Lee Strasberg's method.
I thought it was Stanislavski's.
Look, it doesn't matter anyway.
I mean, who cares? Honestly.
As long as you know
that I am an experiential actress.
If I can't connect with my character,
if I don't understand who she is,
I won't remember my lines.
So let's try something.
Describe who Aleida is in one word.
Why only one word?
It's the first word
that comes to your mind.
Tell me what you think of
when someone says "Aleida."
I don't know what to say.
One word is not enough.
She was my partner,
my partner-in-crime,
uh, the love of my life.
Oh my God.
Honestly, what a cliché.
But try again.
It's not a story, it's one word.
It can only be one word?
Yeah, one word. Right away, come on.
- So she was Well, she was--
- What was she? Say it.
- Hurry up!
- I don't know. She was a labyrinth.
What's up?
I can't find Tamara.
Nobody's seen her in days.
We have a double homicide.
Tell me about it later.
According to witnesses,
the husband was here
for one of his regular trysts
with his lover.
His wife came and shot 'em dead.
But the lover had a .38 of her own,
and pumped three into the wife.
A classic love triangle.
Geno, hey.
Come for a dip before we go back to work.
It'll clear your mind.
What did you call me?
Geno. Isn't that right?
Get out!
All right, all right.
Keep your shirt on.
The fuck?
First victim is female, 30 to 35.
One gunshot wound to the neck,
two to the pericardium.
- Hey, what's going on?
- Nothing.
You okay?
I'm fine, yeah.
I'm okay.
So what does it mean?
Am I crazy?
I believe in science, Rebecca.
And honestly,
I think we should look at your genetics.
That might explain everything.
Let me help you.
I'll help both of you.
and Tamara.
Doctor, I
Julia. Call me Julia, please, Rebecca.
It's just that
I don't think--
I'll waive my fees, no problem.
Don't worry about that.
You see, I tried with total devotion
to save Aleida from her mania.
It didn't work.
your outcome
will be happier.
You deserve it.
Let's make things right.
Please say yes.
Let's do it for Aleida.
I'm home!
- Daddy!
- Daddy's home.
- Are you having fun?
- Look, Daddy, we have our floaters on.
- I see that.
- Geno, come join us.
- The water's lovely.
- Come in, Daddy. It's great!
Oh, the water's wonderful.
- Come!
-Alex, should I come in?
-Yes, come.
- Whoo-hoo! Where's Daddy?
-Where's Daddy?
- You want your toy?
- Yes, please!
Okay, we gotta go get it.
Mommy! Mommy!
Turn around, champ.
Turn around.
I love you!
-Again, again!
Where'd he go?
I want to play more! More!
You go!
No! No!
-My turn! No, my turn!
- This way.
Miguel is here.
Pleasure to meet you, ma'am.
And likewise, Miguel.
Most pleased to see you.
I realize this is nice,
but I want to return
to the look I had last year.
Let's look at some photos.
Why don't we go to my room?
- Of course, sure.
- Great.
Good luck.
You'd better wait here. I'll look around.
Hey, where the fuck have you been?
Hey, keep your hands off the lady, okay?
I think you might've mistook her
for someone else.
What the fuck is this?
Who are you?
I'm Captain Humberto Solana.
She's my partner, Rebecca Fuentes.
We're looking for one of your dancers.
You know Tamara?
Yeah, I know her.
What'd she do now?
- Thanks for everything, Miguel.
- Always a pleasure. Night!
Good night.
Look, I don't want any trouble.
That'll depend on you, my friend.
So, Tamara is your twin?
You look identical, but she's never said
anything about a twin.
Because she didn't know.
Are you gonna help us or not?
Is Tamara her real name?
It's Tamara Sánchez.
That's how she's known around here.
But you can't believe anything
these whores say. They're liars--
Show some respect, she's my sister.
Sorry, can't help.
My girl's personal info is private.
Did you see his clients
openly using drugs, Fuentes?
I better call it in.
The canine unit
will shut you down in two minutes.
Hey, hey.
Okay, okay, okay, okay. We're fine.
Good evening.
Thank you very much for being here
to celebrate the inauguration
of the Humanis Vita Foundation.
Thank you very much for being here
to celebrate the inauguration
of the Humanis Vita Foundation.
Without the gum, all right?
Thank you very much for being here
to celebrate the inauguration
of the Humanis Vita Foundation.
It's really not bad.
The mission of the foundation
has been inspired by my personal history.
I am the poster child
for what a little boy or girl,
from challenging circumstances,
can achieve when given love, compassion,
and a safe home in which to thrive.
That's why I'd like to dedicate
this evening's event to my parents.
To Federico, who is no longer with us,
and to Pilar, my mother.
She knew that she was adopted.
Did you get that?
The Humanis Vita Foundation commenced
Hey, if her adoption was legal,
then there's got to be
a record of it somewhere.
And there'd be a record
of our birth mother's name.
Candidates will be selected from a pool
of excellent students across the city.
The selection process
for this year's award
It's Marifer.
She never calls while I'm on the job
unless there's an emergency.
Well, answer.
This is a very proud moment
in the foundation.
Marifer, I can't talk right now.
I need you to come home.
I'm bleeding.
Did you call Doctor Vázquez?
All right, you're all right.
All right, all right.
Right over here. Here.
Please, doctor, help us.
- My wife, she needs help.
- Okay.
She's bleeding. Hurry.
We're gonna help you, ma'am.
What're you doing?
Nothing, I
I came to get some water.
I love you.
Yeah, just got home.
It was a long night.
Anyway, they're both fine,
but Marifer will be on bed rest
until she delivers.
Sorry I couldn't call earlier.
Any leads on your sister?
But I'm going to sniff
around Eugenio's office.
No, don't!
No, no, no, no, no.
Not a good idea.
You won't make it out
without getting recognized.
Don't worry, I have a plan. Trust me.
Of course I could use your help.
I'm seeing the lease manager.
Should I go in here or the main entrance?
You can go in this way, sir.
Perfect. Turn left,
then straight to the end,
and you'll see the elevators.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
Let's go.
- Good afternoon, Mrs. Aleida.
- Good afternoon.
Afternoon, sir.
Yes, so nice to see you!
- Welcome back!
- Thank you very much.
- Have a nice day.
- Ciao.
Hi, sir.
Thank God you made it.
How are you?
This is Rogelio Castro.
You gotta watch this guy.
He's two-faced.
Fine, fine. Very well.
Did you just fly in?
Uh, yesterday.
You bastard! You didn't say anything.
- I told you she'd be here for the meeting.
- Mm-hmm.
Well, I suppose Eugenio has let you in
on the move we're expecting
from the Global Group?
Yes, he has.
What's your strategy?
Rogelio, you serious?
You know how I operate.
Your wife's a genius.
- Well, then let's head to the boardroom.
- Absolutely.
Let's head up.
- What did you think of the food?
- Oh, delicious.
I'm not gonna lie.
I got food poisoning on that trip.
- No!
- Was it serious?
It nearly killed me!
- Hello.
- How are you?
- Aleida, what a surprise!
- Hi.
I hate to say this,
but we'd all thought
he buried you in the backyard.
Always in poor taste, Claudio.
- You rascal.
- Good one.
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