TrollsTopia (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

The Ballad of Holly Darlin - Across The Fashionverse

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
all by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun to share
This one with someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So tune up your voice! ♪
Stand up and sing along! ♪
All different voices ♪
Everybody now! ♪
A melody is ringing ♪
We're living in harmony ♪
Yeah, we're
living in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger ♪
With every Troll singing ♪
We're living in harmony! ♪

Poppy! Thanks so much
for the gift basket you sent!
I didn't even realize
it was my birthday!
No, Cooper.
It isn't your birthday.
Uh! That's a relief 'cause I
did not buy myself a present.
I'm rude!
I'm actually surprising a lot
of my friends with baskets today.
What better way to show someone
how wonderful you think they are
than to give them a gift
for no reason at all, right?
[Smidge laughing]
Back to deliver
more baskets, Poppy.
Everyone loves them!
Some even sent you
thank you cards.
Synth, Dante, Lownote. Oh! And
this one's from Holly Darlin'.
Wow! How great is this?
I mean, to say thank you
for the gift I gave her,
Holly gave me a gift
that's nicer and prettier
and more extravagant
than mine in every way.
Wait, is it just me
or is this confusing?
Yeah! When you put it that
way, super confusing!
You know, I bet this is
all just some mix-up.
Come on, Smidge.
Better go tell Holly
I got this by mistake.

Here we are! The Country Corral!
You lookin' mighty
good in that color.
Mister, them's huggin' words!
Get in here, you!
- Oh!
- Oh!
- Aw!
- Aw!
Poppy? Smidge?
[Holly laughing]
- Holly!
- Holly!
Slow down! Slow down!
Ah! First you give me
that lovely gift basket
and now you pay me a visit?
Well, get ready for girl time,
y'all, 'cause I'm not leaving
'till we share all our
biggest hopes and dreams.
Mine's winning
the Lonesome Flats Cutie Pageant
for a fifth straight
time. Drinks!
Ah, well, we'd
love to chat, Holly,
but first, we think there's a
mix-up with your thank you gift.
[Holly gasping]
You got that from me?
Oh, no. Oh, no.
Y'all, that is so embarrassing.
Oh! So, it was a mix-up.
It sure was. You were
supposed to get this one!
What? But I don't
I am so glad we got that
cleared up. Well, bye, y'all!
Wow! I did not think
it'd go like that.
Me neither, Smidge.
I mean
I really wanted to show Holly how
much I appreciate her, you know?
But, now, somehow,
it doesn't feel like I did.
GUST: I know that
feeling all too well.
Don't think we've
had the pleasure.
Gust Tumbleweed.
Sheriff around this parts.
Let me guess.
You gave Holly Darlin' a gift
and she gave you an even more
impressive gift in return.
Exactly! Why did she do that?
No one knows quite why.
Some say it's her southern
hospitality run wild.
But whatever it is,
Holly Darlin' is simply the most
overwhelmingly generous Troll
that ever lived.
Heck, we even have
a song about it.

Yee-haw! ♪
Holly is the kind of Troll ♪
Who gives with
her whole heart ♪
Golly, you'll always know
The gifts that she imparts ♪
It ain't about the
presents, though ♪
It's all about the thought
That goes into it ♪
Let's go through it ♪
She gave me this hat ♪
She gave me these boots
And I can walk now ♪
She made me this suit ♪
She found out all our favorite
things All we can do is say thanks ♪
Reciprocity it
ain't the answer ♪
She will double
anything you give ♪
Holly Darlin's generosity
Just can't be outdid ♪
Whoo, oh, oh! Whoo, oh, oh! ♪
Holly Darlin's generosity
Just can't be outdid ♪
So, you see, Queen Poppy?
It's impossible to do something
kind for Holly Darlin'
'cause she's always gonna find a way to
do something right back, only kinder.
Wait, I can't show kindness
to someone I care about?
Oh, we'll just see about that.
Almost there!
Here you go, Holly!
[Holly gasps]
Handcrafted from me to you,
- just 'cause I think you're great.
- Oh, Poppy.
Right back at you!
Oh! She's good, Smidge.
If I have any shot
at showing Holly kindness,
I've gotta throw a Hair Mary!
Legend tells of a plant
that grows precious pearls.
Pearls so rare,
Holly could never out-gift it.
[Holly gasps]
Poppy, I can't think of a gift
more incredible than this.
Neither can I!
- Wait! I thought of something.
- Huh?
She gave you the plant?
- Oh, she is good.
- Ugh! Too good, Smidge.
I think I know
what I have to do,
but I'm gonna need one last
amazing gift for Holly Darlin'.
Where's Poppy?
She left the most moving gift
on my doorstep
and I have to give her this
to say thank you.
I got a thank you present
for you, girl.
Well, shoot. She
She's really not here.
Ha! My plan works, Smidge.
I guess maybe this time,
for the first time,
I'll actually have to accept how
wonderful someone thinks I am,
instead of the other way around.
That is unless I round up a whole
mess of Trolls to track her down!
Wait, what?
- I'm forming a Present Posse!
- Yahoo!
I've got a
gift with Poppy's name on it.
So consider her wanted,
alive and well.
I need Annie Applecore,
ace with the ribbon.
- Uh!
- Haystack Wiggins, master of the gift tags.
- And y'all know Slim Stuck 'em.
- Uh!
You want standard?
Or double-sided?
Let me see that.
Gift tag ink's still fresh.
And judging on how her Y
leans to the right,
I bet she was headed that way.
We're gifted, Poppy!
We're gifted!
So, to who should I make this out?
Oh, sorry. My mistake.
To whom should I make this out?
Ah! Ah!
Let's wrap this up.
In here.
We got you surrounded, Poppy.
Now, come on out
and get what you deserve
A thoughtful present,
straight from my heart to yours!
Poppy, I hate to say it,
but I think we're trapped.
I guess we've only got one option.
- We'll dig our way out!
- What?
Whoa, Poppy, you're not thinking
straight. That'll take years!
Yes! Decades maybe,
but if Holly realizes I care
- about her, it'll be worth it.
- No, Poppy, no!
This has gone too far!
Tell Holly that!
She's the one behind all this!
Have you ever met a Troll
this committed to generosity?
Yes, you!
- Wait, me?
- Yes.
Poppy, you always go over the top
to show us how much you care.
That is wonderful and overwhelming,
all at the same time.
How come no one's
ever said anything?
'Cause we see how
happy it makes you.
In a weird way, letting you
show us how much you care
is our way of showing you
how much we care.
This is it, Poppy.
You've left us no choice but to
come in there, gifts a-blazing.
Charge! Huh?
Sorry, Holly. I sort of
came to my senses in there.
Somehow I've had it in my head
that to be kind to you,
I had to give you the last gift.
But, as Smidge said,
maybe the best way to show you
how much I care
is to let you show me
how much you care.
Y'all, that's
Well, that's really
beautiful, y'all.
So, here. It'd be my
pleasure to accept that gift.
You know, come to think of it,
Poppy, I've realized a few things too.
And I think it'd be better if I
let you give me the last gift.
Oh, no. Allow me to
accept your generosity.
- No, no. Allow me.
- No, no, no. Allow me.
- No, allow me.
- No, allow me.
- Oh, my guh, this is never gonna end.
- Oh, it will. I'll make sure of it.

[Chenille snoring]
[Satin gasps]
- Chenille.
- Touching.
- Chenille.
- Touching!
- Chenille!
- Touching!
- Ah!
- Uh!

It's the most marvelous dress
I've ever seen.
Is it a dream?
How can it be a dream?
It's right there!
- Ah!
- Oh, I guess it is a dream.
- That dress was amazing!
- Wait, you dreamed of a dress too?
Was it shimmering
purple with a
Luminescent color-changing sash?
By all that's en vogue,
the same dream!
Satin, I think that
dress was a vision
sent to us by the Fashion Force.
The Fashion Force?
How come I've never heard of this?
Because I just made it up.
The point is, simultaneous fashion
dreams only happen once in a lifetime.
That dream dress is meant to be
our greatest masterpiece!
To the sewing machine!
It's like a yee-haw
that you can wear.
- It's a symphony for my eyeballs.
- Can I get it in Mr. Tinkle's size?
- Yeah!
- Girls, I'm dumbfounded. It's just so
We've tried hundreds of sashes
- and they're all wrong!
- Ah!
Yeah, the camera loves you.
- Oh.
- Wow, girls, it's okay.
I mean, maybe this dress isn't
exactly what you envisioned,
but it is really good.
Poppy, really good
is not good enough.
We cannot compromise
on our masterpiece.
We cannot fail the Fashion Force!
The Fashion Force?
How come I've never heard of
Because I just made it up!
Okay, this is clearly
a problem I can't solve,
but I may know someone who can.
Or should I say someones?
- No, I shouldn't. Sounds super awkward.
- Mm-hm.
POPPY: That's Rhythm and Blues
from the Funk Tribe,
but they just like
to be called R&B.
Their enthusiasm
for funk science
has them solving problems
all over Trollstopia.
Don't worry, Smidge.
Our invention
will solve your problem like

- Uh!
- Good one!
That's right!
Wow, thanks.
But couldn't you have just used
the bottle opener?
What's the fun in that?
- I don't
- Hi! I'm Satin and we need your help.
And I'm Chenille.
Not sure why
she didn't introduce me. Rude.
But we need to finish a dress
we saw in a simultaneous dream.
A simultaneous fashion dream?
- Those only happen once in a lifetime!
- We know!
Can you help us make
a luminescent color-changing sash
so we don't compromise
on our greatest achievement?
Does this answer your question?

Well, yeah. But couldn't
you have just said yes?
- What's the fun in that?
- To the lab!
Oh, right.
We gotta a spaceship now.
- Oh!
- Wow!
Just a heads up.
Some things are a little
different up here, like gravity.
- Amazing.
- Time.
- And reality.
- They're all just a tiny bit
- flexible on the Funk Spaceship.
- Amazing!
This gravity belts will help you
keep your feet on the ground.
Now, we need to know more
about this sash.
Well, we could
draw it for you.
Yeah, you could.
Or we could
Uh, invent
an overly complicated machine
to do it for us?

That's right!
- They get along so well.
- It's freaking me out.
- Aw, there, there.
- Touching!
This machine
will help us make the sash.
Yeah, the Dreamalizer will sort
through your last few dreams
and show us exactly
what it looks like.
Oh, not that one.
That's just my dream
where I'm an only child.
I have that dream all the time!
- That's it!
- The dress!
We got it!
The exact composition
- of the fabric for your sash.
- Triumph!
Which doesn't exist anywhere
in the known universe.
I'm sorry, girls. I know how
important this was to you.
But, sometimes,
it's okay to compromise.
I mean, even if the
fabric doesn't exist,
your vision has already led you to
make an incredible dress, right?
Oh! Not so fast, Poppy.
The sash fabric does exist.
- In another dimension.
- Huh?
Triumph again!
Oh, girls, trust me. Wormholes
are nothing to mess with.
You're right, Poppy.
There's no reason
not to go in that wormhole.
- Ooh!
- Yeah!
No, girls. I think you're so
excited, you're not listening.
Time's a-wastin'.
[Poppy screams]
Oh, right.
We got wormholes now.
An entire forest of
beautiful garments.
- Have we landed in fashion paradise?
- Ooh.
[Giant growling]
So, not paradise?
Ugh! Those fashion
beasts mean business.
And not just with their Fall Line,
which is simply stunning.
This tracker
can lead us to the fabric.
I'm picking up some fabulous
vibes from that cave over there.
You know, right
past the monsters.
Girls, please. You have
to let the dream dress go.
What you've already
made is amazing!
Sorry, Poppy.
No compromises.
We either masterpiece
or get torn to pieces.
Now, style up,
'cause it's time to
Fight fashion with fashion!
Let's fight ♪
Throwin' down,
never giving up ♪
We riot, don't you know? ♪
You don't wanna
rumble with us ♪
We are the fashion fighters ♪
And we won't be backing down ♪
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh!
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh! ♪
We are the fashion fighters ♪
We won't stop 'till
we got the gown ♪
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh!
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh! ♪
We are the fashion fighters ♪
I can't believe fighting fashion
with fashion actually worked.
I know! I just said it to
sound dramatic, but wow!
There it is.
The fabric to make our sash.
- Ooh! Yay! Aw!
- Ooh! We did it! Aw!
- They're so cute.
- Look at the knitted baby bootie.
Oh, I think this fabric
is their blanket and we took it.
Well, it's not that
cold in here, right?
Satin, I know what you're going
to say, but look at this material!
We can make the perfect sash!
I know. But we've
already made a great dress.
Given the circumstances,
it's okay to compromise.
And in your heart,
I know you feel that way too.
Our dress does look pretty
great, doesn't it?
Aren't they cute?
- Yeah.
- Touching!
Just kidding.
That was amaze-ba-bonkers!
I was gonna say "fantabulousity
to the maxvelocity,"
but yours is better.
- Sorry about the sash.
- Meh, perfection is overrated.
Yeah. Plus, we've been inspired to
finish our dress in a funkier way.

[Poppy gasps]
Now, that's a dream dress.
And when we're wearing it,
we can come visit you
on your ship all the time.
Would that be okay?
Does this answer your question?
Ah, yeah, but could you have said
that without destroying our wall?
What's the fun in that?
But, yeah.
We'll fix the wall for sure.
Holly is the kind of Troll ♪
Who gives with
her whole heart ♪
Golly, you'll always know
The gifts that she imparts ♪
It ain't about the
presents, though ♪
It's all about the thought
That goes into it ♪
Let's go through it ♪
Holly Darlin's generosity
Just can't be outdid ♪
Whoo, oh, oh! Whoo, oh, oh! ♪
Holly Darlin's generosity
Just can't be outdid ♪
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