Troppo (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Lars! There's a fucking croc!
[Amanda] If you're a pilot,
you crash into the side of a mountain
or into the ocean, you don't play
a game of chicken with a croc.
If you pull on that thread
and if you unravel something,
I'd like to know about it.
[Yoon Sun]
My husband has taken his own life.
Now my daughter and I
have to live with his decision.
Sorry for what?
For fucking my father?
What you did, dishonours all cops.
It seems impossible
anybody would wanna hurt Lauren.
No, she wasn't hurt.
She was slaughtered.
There any history
between Amanda and Lauren?
She was given a sentence
that reflected the brutality of her crime.
Sometimes it's just not so obvious
why a person does what they do.
Sometimes they know.
But they take it to the grave.
[birds warbling]
[female vocalist sings folk ballad]
[music stops]
- Hey, Lou.
- Joanne.
- It's been a while.
- Yeah.
Three hundred and seventy-nine days.
Got you some milk,
thought you could use a cuppa.
[kettle whistling]
Tea's up.
- So, how's the old camper van?
- [laughs] She's good.
I, um
Had some alignment issues
out there in Derby,
but I found this guy in Broome,
and he sorted her out, so
How's Anita and Georgie?
Er, they're good. Yeah.
Yeah, it's Georgie's birthday tomorrow.
- Can't get her to focus on anything else.
- How old?
She's, er, she's she's 17.
- I'm sorry, I'm-I'm an idiot, I wasn't
- Oh, don't. It's fine.
I wasn't sure you'd actually make it back.
Yeah, me neither, but I
You know, it's home, so
- You plannin' on staying?
- Yep.
Yeah, I am.
Well, um
let's get you unpacked, shall we?
Why is she still here?
[camera shutter clicks]
Could use a glass of water.
You're a long way out of town.
It is a long way.
Discourages all but
the most determined visitor.
Yeah, I am determined.
I found you without even a name to go on.
Steve the pilot calls you Twist.
And you're Amanda Pharrell.
[dog barking]
[engine starts]
[opening theme music plays]
[birds and insects chitter]
[Amanda] This place is wild.
[Twist] Yeah.
There is more wonder and adventure
in a square meter of this place
than anything made by man.
[Amanda] Why were you
hanging around Lars's plane?
[Twist] You mean my plane.
Lars leased it from me.
[Amanda] Then maybe you can
tell me why he was buying more fuel
than he needed for the flights he logged.
Leisure time. Weekends away.
Nope. He spent every weekend
with the kids, made a point of it.
It had to be deliberate.
He was methodical.
His bookkeeping was impeccable.
You have access to his books?
I think he was moonlighting.
And what? That got him killed?
Man, you asked me to tell you
if I found out anything.
- This is what I got.
- [sighs]
You'd know way more about what
happens at the airport, wouldn't you?
'Fraid I don't.
My work is here.
You care for a look?
How do I know I'll come out
if I go in there?
[both chuckle]
It's an invitation, not a command.
Your choice.
[door closes]
Is that what I what I think it is?
- Ah.
- Come on.
Don't look so worried.
I'm sure it's a thing of beauty.
Ah, well, it's the first time Jean's
let me decorate one myself, so
you know, might be the last,
if you think it's a bit shit.
- [both chuckle]
- You want to do the honours?
Oh, Brooke, that's amazing.
She's gonna love it. Come on, it's
So Anita told me how much it was,
but it went in one ear
and out the other so
Oh, well, you can just pay me later.
It's half price.
Twenty-five's fine
For keeping Pharrell off my back.
You know, she hasn't been in again since.
Can't accept gifts.
And you should be paid in full for that.
That must've taken ages, right?
Is it true that Joanne's back?
I thought she was gone for good.
Thanks for bringing it in.
I look forward to, er,
to sampling the goods.
Yeah. Sure.
It's a red belly blacksnake.
Pseudechis porphyriacus.
Highly venomous.
She's about to shed her skin, too.
Symbol of healing and rebirth.
And protection.
So, you breed these?
Is that allowed?
It is. If you got a specialized license.
Venom is in high demand.
What, you milk 'em yourself?
[chuckles] So many questions.
Ha ha.
She's a king brown.
Elapidae Pseudechis.
Our largest venomous snake.
What happens if she bites you?
She'll hang on and chew
till she's injected me
with more venom than any other snake
in the world can muster.
Venom saves more lives than it takes.
It's a multipurpose therapeutic medicine.
Also, it congeals blood
in surgical patients.
Kills tumour cells in cancer research.
So you're a good guy?
Is that the message here?
Whatever that means.
Who have you been talking to?
Do you know where
you're standing right now?
Get the fuck out of my face
or I'll put you in lockup.
Somebody painted a little message
on my house last night.
You give 'em my address?
I got no idea what you're talking about.
Look, you want me out of town,
you grow a pair and do something about it.
Don't send a bunch of kids
to do your dirty work, okay?
What did they write?
What's the matter, you can't tell me?
You want me to guess?
Was it "rapist"?
No, might've been, what, "pedo"?
"Rock spider"?
"Kiddie fiddler"? What was it?
You know if that were true,
I wouldn't be here.
I know you had something to do with it.
Nah, if I did, you'd know.
We done here?
Because, er
I've got a family to get home to.
How about you?
[car door opens, closes]
[engine starts]
My turn to ask the questions.
Why did you and your mate
break into my shed?
I wanted to see what was inside.
Why that shed?
I'm investigating
the death of Park Jong Min.
The address of that shed
was hidden in his study.
Why were you at the Dellagua launch?
You don't trust me.
I don't trust you. [laughs]
But now, I need two things from you.
I want to know what Lars was into.
And I want to know what Park was up to.
Now you have no reason to
share that information with me, so
[claps] I'll pay you in kind.
- In venom.
- Just a micro dose.
I haven't been sick in 20 years.
My version of an apple a day.
[vial rattling]
I'll stick to coffee and head colds.
Thanks, mate.
Suit yourself.
Ah Rah.
[music plays through headphones]
Ah Rah!
[speaking Korean] I think you should go
home to Seoul with your grandparents.
But I'll come as soon as I can.
[speaking Korean]
[speaking Korean]
I'm not asking you.
[speaking Korean]
I said no!
[speaking Korean] I've bought
your ticket. It's been arranged.
Now, you can choose what you take,
or you can let me decide.
[speaking Korean]
You can't just do that.
[speaking Korean]
You're 16. I can.
[speaking Korean] You're ambushing me.
Why wouldn't you talk to me about it?
[speaking Korean] There's nothing
to discuss. I'm trying to protect you.
[speaking Korean]
Then don't make me go.
[speaking Korean] The car is here.
Say goodbye to your mother.
[speaking Korean] I'm sorry.
Grandmother, Grandfather, I'm not coming.
[speaking Korean]
Ah Rah, it's been decided.
This is what is best.
[speaking Korean]
I can't leave my mum here on her own.
Get home safely.
[speaking Korean]
Travel safely.
[speaking Korean] Ah Rah's behaviour
does not show you in a good light.
[cell phone rings]
Hey, Kell.
Hey. Is now a good time?
Yeah. Of course.
I'm sorry about
the whole name change thing.
You were right.
I should've talked to you first.
Er, yeah.
No, I mean
Let's just forget about it.
Are you in the middle of something?
Er, no, it's just-- it's all good.
I'm happy to talk.
Ted, I can tell when you're distracted.
I can hear it in your voice.
Actually, I picked-- I'm I'm
[chuckles] You're not gonna believe this.
I'm working.
- Working?
- Er, it's a temporary
thing. I just, er
lending a hand to a private investigation.
Cash in hand type deal.
Yeah, what?
No, I just thought
you hated that kind of thing.
Ambulance chasing,
going through people's rubbish.
No, not like that.
I'm I'm helping out a family
that's in trouble.
I feel like I could be useful to them.
All right, well, when will you be
done for the day with this
other family?
That's not what I meant.
I mean, Kelly,
you know that's not what I meant.
Can I call you later? I'm sorry.
- I just, er, maybe tonight.
- All right.
That'd be good.
Can you call after Lilly's in bed?
You've been away a long time, Ted.
All right.
Love you. Bye.
After you.
[Ah Rah]
I saw Dad with Olivia one night.
Where? Here?
He brought her here?
No. In a car.
Dad's car, one night.
And roughly about what time was that?
[Ah Rah scoffs] I don't know--
one, maybe two a.m.?
Er, Charlie and I followed them
to a hotel.
We took pictures.
Can we see them?
[Ah Rah speaking Korean]
[Yoon Sun]
She's involved. I know it.
[Ted] These photos don't really
prove that they were lovers.
What? Should we have
followed them into the hotel?
You shouldn't have been out
in the streets at all.
Again, I'm the one in trouble.
Are you finished with me?
I have to remind myself
this has been very hard for her.
She's been angry with me for a long time.
She didn't want to come here.
You say Yong Min
was spending a lot more time at work?
Which meant
a lot more time with Olivia.
You didn't have any inkling
that maybe they were
that they were involved?
I should have.
My husband and I were
trying to fix our marriage.
To start over after
a similar incident in Seoul.
An affair?
You say Olivia came over
to pick up some hardware.
Yong Min's office?
Mind if we take a look?
I'm surprised the police
didn't want the hard drives.
They didn't find them.
But Olivia did?
[woman] Yes.
They were company property.
She found them in here.
- [loud music blares from nearby room]
- Excuse me.
[Yoon Sun speaks Korean
to Ah Rah in nearby room]
Come on.
- What?
- [door closes]
You don't think I can?
Can you?
Of course I can.
[Amanda, softly]
Another address.
[Ted, softly]
This is getting interesting.
[knocking on door]
[Amanda on recording]
This is Amanda Pharrell, P.I.
You know what to do.
[door creaks]
While you were busy breaking and entering,
I bought us dinner.
Yours is the one
featuring the dead animal.
You find what you were looking for?
Or were you just planning on
giving yourself a tattoo?
Not real good with needles.
Don't touch my shit, Conkaffey.
Go on.
Before it gets cold
and even more disgusting.
So logic says
whoever put that first address
in the puzzle box
also put the second one.
But it can't be Park 'cause he's dead.
So that leaves the wife,
the daughter, and the lover,
who all had access to the study.
Let's just
back it up for a second.
The first address was to a shed
full of empty fridges.
Doesn't exactly tell us much.
Yeah, which they cleared out
because of us.
I know who owns it.
Since when?
He was at the Dellagua launch.
Goes by the name of Twist.
What do you know about him?
He's fond of snakes.
Saving the world
one vial of venom at a time.
Well, if you're right
and Dellagua has ties to that shed,
that keeps Olivia in the frame.
My money's on Yoon Sun.
And when I say my money,
I mean your money.
Nah, I'm thinking
the last thing you are is a safe bet.
Maybe that's why Yoon Sun hired you.
She took one look
at those tattoos and she said,
"This girl's never gonna figure me out."
Yeah. And then she took one sniff
of your whiskey cologne and thought,
"Neither is he."
Let's test that theory in the morning.
Twist owns Lars' plane.
Told you they were connected.
[Kelly on recording]
Hi. You've reached Kelly.
It's your turn, baby.
Leave Mom a message, please.
- [giggling]
- [beeps]
Hey, Kell, it's me.
I'm sorry I didn't
call you back sooner, I
I wanted to explain about the job, but
maybe that's not important.
What's important is
I think
what I'm doing up here
I don't know, maybe it's helping me
see the light or something.
You, er, say I've been away a long time.
But, er
I want you to know I'm moving forward.
If you could
just hang on.
And I'll try you tomorrow.
I love you. Bye.
[insects chirp]
[indistinct chatter]
Another address, another shed.
Well, at least they're consistent.
No cameras, though.
Twist had 'em everywhere at his place.
[Ted] Huh.
Yeah, hurry!
- Yeah, right.
- Thank you.
Same bike.
The one that chased us in the cane field.
Hmm. So probably the same guy.
All right, let's get going. Long day.
You call it.
Heads, wife and daughter.
Tails for the mistress.
Good morning, Roy.
Bringing reinforcements
to what you said would be a quiet chat.
I believe that's called an ambush.
Jeremy. Nathan.
It's good to see you both outside
of a board meeting for a change.
If either of you has any questions,
now is the time.
Well, I think we all have
the same question, Olivia.
What the hell was going on
between you and Park?
The rumours about Jong Min and I
having anything other than
a professional relationship are false.
They're also particularly grotesque
when he's no longer here
to defend himself.
So you weren't fucking?
You didn't break his bloody heart,
send him on a midnight swim,
and jeopardize this company?
What you heard
was a grieving child lashing out.
But if you want to publicly dissect
my personal life, go right ahead.
Anyone else care to weigh in?
We have lost Jong Min,
but everything he knew, I know.
I will guide us to launch on schedule,
but the backstabbing stops here.
The police returned Park's laptop.
Did they find anything?
Whiskey in the hard drive.
Can't be sure whether it was
a drunken accident
or something more deliberate.
Either way, it's fried.
Did you get I.T. to look at it?
Yep. They said he was downloading files.
You know anything about that?
Nothing. What files?
Company IP?
Oh, I doubt that.
Look, Olivia, I want to know
what he was stealing
and who he was selling it to.
If Park was breaking protocol,
he did it without my knowledge.
If you want me to look into this,
then ask me.
But if you ever speak to me
like that again, I'll walk.
I think we both know what
that means for this company.
And for you.
[engine starts]
Miss De Grundy?
- Have you been following me?
- Er
At what point does
investigating become stalking?
No, I just thought maybe
we'd meet someplace quiet.
It would give you a chance
to tell your side of the story.
I have nothing to say to you.
So you and Park wasn't strictly
a professional thing.
What you overheard
at Jong Min's service is not true.
Well, his daughter seemed to think it was.
Well, then you'll have
to ask her about it.
I did. Er
Now, if you got another explanation,
by all means
- Where did you get them?
- Ah Rah. She
saw you in the car,
followed you to the hotel.
We were working.
At two o'clock in the morning?
Yeah, we were on a deadline.
So that accounts for
the other four times you were there
in the months leading up to
his disappearance?
I checked with the hotel.
[scoffs] Fine.
We were fucking.
Oh, how long was that going on?
Why does it matter?
Well, who started it?
Oh, this is perverse.
What do you want?
Number of times? Positions?
[scoffs] Should I draw you a diagram?
Was Park gonna leave his family for you?
No, never.
I have been trying to protect
the man's name, all right?
Can we leave it at that?
That's what you want, yeah.
Yeah, it is.
[engine starts]
Afternoon, love.
How you doin'?
- Good.
- All right, well
How much for one of these things?
$59.99 Or we have that sort.
All second-hand. But in good nick.
How are you with
how are you with hard drives?
Mm. Tim?
[man] Who is it?
[woman] Tim.
- Come here.
- What?
- Hey, mate.
- Tell him what you need.
I'm having trouble with a hard drive.
You know? This encryption,
[chuckles] it's a pain in the ass.
I, er
company I work for set it up for me.
But I put a bunch of personal
stuff on there and, er
I'm having a son of a bitch of a time
trying to get it off, you know?
I can't take it back to them because
technically, it's company property.
What do you think?
Another one? Yeah, too easy.
It'll cost you, though.
- All good?
- Mmm.
[woman] Hey. Here.
Thank you.
I see.
[Amanda] Oi!
I want to talk to you.
What you said,
that was braver than you think.
Saying those things in front of your mum,
knowing they'd hurt her.
Maybe I was trying to.
Well, then I take it back.
No more compliments for you.
Why are you talking to me?
I gave you the pictures,
I told you what I saw.
Well, I wasn't planning on talking to you.
- My office is around here.
- You're on my turf.
Sounds like things were pretty strained
between your parents
since way before they got here.
She told you?
What did she expect was gonna happen?
That he'd just forget about it?
He's a man.
What do you mean?
- You said she told you.
- Yeah.
About the affair in Seoul.
That this wasn't the first time
he'd cheated on her.
It was her.
She did it. She slept with another man.
They thought that I didn't know,
but I heard them fight
every night until we left,
and then it was just
quiet all the time.
That's what we do in this family.
We hurt each other
and then we never talk about it.
You're talking about it now.
But there's nothing more to say about it.
Hey, can you stop, please?
- You stop it.
- Stop it. Just get out of it, man.
Meow. [laughs]
Hey, you get any more of these?
Wild birdseed.
Erm, no, we don't,
but we can get it ordered
and delivered to your house,
if you want.
Yeah, that'd be great.
Super. How many?
Shit, make it another four.
- [Jayjay] Damn.
- Make it five.
Yeesh. Must have a lot of birds.
You have no idea.
[clerk chuckles]
Er, I just need your addy there.
And then you're sweet.
I don't have a street address,
but it's the last house on Cypress Road.
- Did you say Cypress?
- [Ted] Yeah.
Right right, um
So how much did you say that was?
96 for those ones.
I could take these out to your car.
- No, no. I got that.
- It's all good.
- I got time.
- I got it. Please.
- Wait, hold up just a mo
- Here. What did you say, a hundred?
- Erm
- Keep the change.
- [girl] Is it this one?
- [Ted] Yeah, just throw 'em in the back.
[girl] Okay.
I got it. Huh?
- That'll do.
- Mm-hmm.
[camera clicks]
[knocking on door]
- Oh! Hi, mate.
- Jesus!
You're not answering a knock these days?
I didn't hear a thing.
You owe me a meal.
Anything new on Yoon Sun?
Yeah, only that she lied.
According to Ah Rah,
the adulterer back in Seoul
was the mother, not the father.
Wow. So a lie by omission.
Still a lie.
Must be contagious.
'Cause Olivia just confessed
to an affair she never had.
They were totally boning.
She denied it
until I pushed her on the hotel.
For some reason,
something about that spooked her.
Made her change her story.
Why the hell would she burn
both their reputations?
Same reason she told Yoon Sun she was
taking Park's drives to the office.
But really she took him here.
I mean, this looks totally chonky.
It is chonky. The only reason you take
those drives to a place like that
is 'cause you didn't want the people
you're working for to see what was on 'em.
Maybe they were filming some kinky shit.
I doubt it.
Before Dellagua poached her,
she used to work for this company
called Green Tide,
which was their biggest competitor.
So she's selling company secrets.
Maybe Park was in on it.
Maybe he found about it.
Either way, there's something
on those drives she's been hiding.
All right, and what about our growing
collection of sheds?
And Yoon Sun?
Eh, my money's on Olivia.
Oh, right. So
when you have a hunch,
it's called experience,
but when I have one,
it's called being naive.
You got it.
Can I have one of these?
Don't need it, mate.
- Really?
- Yeah.
[birds squawking]
Ah Rah.
[speaking Korean]
[speaking Korean]
I know this has been hard for you.
For both of us.
Thank you for staying.
[speaking Korean]
I didn't stay for you.
[engine starts]
[soft music]
[glass shatters]
- Oh, you got the cake.
- [chuckles]
Hi, sweetheart.
Thank you.
Thank you
Oh, no!
- What?!
- Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart.
Is it melted?!
It's perfect.
[Georgie] You're so mean.
[Damford chuckles]
- It looks really cool, Dad. I love it.
- Yeah.
You know what's not cool?
Vandalizing someone's house.
What are you smiling about?
Hey. Look at me.
I told you about that guy
to protect you, all right?
Not so you could go and pay him
a bloody visit with your mates.
- Yeah, okay.
- It's serious. George, it's serious.
- Okay?
- Mm-hmm.
That scumbag's not worth you
getting a record over, okay?
You're smarter than that. All right?
- Okay. We're good, birthday girl?
- We're good.
Yeah? All right.
- [woman] Honey. Joanne's here.
- [Joanne] Hi, sweetheart.
- Hi!
- Oh, my God.
You're so beautiful.
Happy birthday.
Thank you!
Now I have, er,
something I wanted to give you.
Oh! You didn't have to do that!
Thank you!
That is like, seriously vintage.
Let me help you with it.
[Joanne] It was Lauren's.
It is fine. I-- I'm fine.
I'm not gonna fall apart,
I'm just, um
I wanted to, um
let some of her things go and
she'd love you to have it.
It's it's so kind of you.
It's really thoughtful.
Try it on.
[soft music]
Oh. Oh.
- Thank you.
- It's gorgeous.
[Ah Rah]
Too quiet in here.
Here you go.
- You wanna take these?
- I'd--I'd love to.
I love you.
Right. [laughs]
- Thought you'd be out on the dance floor.
- Hi.
I'm under strict instructions,
no daggy dad dancing.
You've done all right, Lou.
She's a great kid.
That's all Anita. I just get to play
bad cop every now and again.
- What the hell is this?
- Lemonade.
You came into their lives for a reason.
All right, don't get
bloody sentimental with me, all right?
I've got a speech to get through, right?
- [Hench laughs]
- Piss off.
- Oh.
- You all right?
Erm [whistles]
Listen up!
Er special request
from the, er, birthday girl.
Speech from the, er
from the doting parents.
Not a long one, I promise!
Of course, not. So what
do you say about Georgie, ay?
Sorry, I know it's my birthday
but, um, I actually want to celebrate
somebody else today.
I want to thank the man
who's been there for me
for almost my entire life,
since I was 7,
which is close enough.
So, I've got this.
What? Okay. All right.
So these are my version
of adoption papers.
[all] Aww!
- [Georgie chuckles]
- [man] Hey! Whoo-whoo!
You've always been my dad,
but I just wanted to ask you formally
before I turn 18.
[applause and cheers]
[man] All right!
All right, you've gone and made me
cry in front of all your mates.
- [laughter]
- Thanks a lot.
Easy. Erm
Let's raise a glass.
To our beautiful daughter
Happy birthday.
[all] Happy birthday!
[crowd sings "Happy Birthday"]
[dance music plays]
Thanks, Carrie.
How's the cake, Jay?
- The cake was good.
- Yeah?
What are you gonna do
about the pedo at the old Salt place?
I'm not gonna spray-paint his front door.
Know what?
He's lucky I stopped at the spray paint.
All right. Don't. Don't tell me that,
mate. I'm a cop, remember?
I don't wanna drag you and Georgie
and the gang down to the station.
I want you to leave him alone.
You seriously sticking up for him?
I'm sticking up for you.
I want him gone as much as you, mate.
- [cell phone rings]
- But until I've got a reason
We didn't have
this conversation, all right?
[cell phone continues to ring]
This better be good.
I appreciate the gesture.
But I can't accept it
until I know who the hell you are.
Great. Fair enough.
So start talkin'.
What, now?
I was accused of a sexual assault.
I absolutely didn't do it.
You're gonna have to do
a little better than that.
The victim's name was Claire.
And I was the last person to see her
on the day that she was taken by
another man who
did some pretty terrible things to her.
Left her for dead.
How old was she?
I was a detective at the time.
I couldn't work on the case.
Conflict of interest.
I was across it.
Every step of the way,
I was across that damn thing.
And I rode him. Hard.
I guess I pissed some people off.
next thing I know, I was a suspect.
oh, she couldn't remember much.
Too traumatized.
So, they couldn't rule me out.
I was arrested,
charged, no bail.
Sent straight to lock-up.
After eight months, they let me go.
"Lack of evidence."
Not exactly an exoneration.
It's not.
So that's why you're here.
Most people come here
to hide from somethin'.
Including you?
I ain't gonna put up with
anyone else's shit no more.
I can recommend it.
You got a family.
Kids make all the difference.
I'm gonna keep the mangoes.
[indistinct chatter]
It'll kill you, that stuff.
If you drink too much,
it drowns your brain.
It's got less chemicals
than your choice of libation.
You and your fancy words.
It's a drink, that's all. A drink.
Met a guy the other day,
he shoots up snake venom for kicks.
No shit. That's twisted.
It's nominative determinism.
It's the theory that your name influences
what you do with your life.
Snake guy does twisted shit,
and his name is Twist.
That's who you're talking about?
I hear a lot of shit in here.
Word is, that guy Twist
has his finger in a lot of pies.
And everyone agrees he's not someone
you wanna get tangled up with.
The guy's dangerous.
[cell phone chimes]
Yeah, but so am I.
[inaudible dialogue]
[siren wails]
It's gotta be the rest of Park.
[Damford] I'd say so.
Er, boss?
No, no. Just walk away!
You found something on your own.
- Good for you!
- Newbie, get her out of here!
I've got it.
I'm going.
[cell phone chimes]
Five minutes.
It's all I need.
- I can't tell you anything.
- I know.
Off the record.
Things have changed.
You found something
that indicates homicide.
[inaudible dialogue]
Wasn't a croc.
Park was dead before he hit the water.
It's murder.
- Hmm.
- What else she say?
What, because
she didn't want you telling me?
Because she's a professional, okay?
It's not always all about you.
I can't believe someone
actually killed him.
- Hang on, I gotta take this.
- Seriously?
Hey! I'm here.
- Ted! Come on!
- Hang on.
- Er
- Oi!
[Amanda] This is a massive breakthrough.
What are you doing?
All right, there's no easy way to do this.
So I'm just gonna say it.
Erm I'm selling the house.
But there's money in the account.
I mean, I haven't touched a dime.
[Kelly] Look, that's not the problem.
People think you still live here, Ted.
Did something happen?
It hasn't stopped happening.
Every time I walk outside,
people stare.
Lilly feels it, too.
She's having nightmares.
[Ted] Ah, Jesus.
Why didn't you tell me?
Because there's nothing
that you can do about it.
Kelly that's our home.
[Kelly] Well, we've gotta move.
So, I've been looking for work elsewhere,
and I think I've found something.
- You don't have to do that.
- It's in Perth.
That's on the other side of the country.
You're saying that--
that it's good for you,
what you're doing up there?
Well, you should stay.
You should see that through.
It wasn't the agreement.
I'm breaking the agreement.
Then I'll come with you. Okay?
We'll start over, together.
No, I don't want you to do that, okay?
I don't want you to come.
Kelly. Come on.
[Kelly] Look
I love you. But I've gotta do this.
For Lilly and for myself.
We're not doing this.
We're gonna have
this conversation face-to-face.
Ted, I've made up my mind.
Kelly, I'm getting on a plane.
And I am
gonna see you tonight.
Please don't do that!
- Jesus Christ.
- What's up?
[cell phone rings]
[grunts] Jesus.
- Yeah?
- [Amanda] What the hell, Ted?
We've got a murder case on our hands,
and you just leave?
[Ted] I can't talk right now.
Why do you sound weird?
Erm I'm going to Sydney.
- I'm leaving tonight.
- Wait. Sydney?
Oh. For how long?
[Ted] I don't know.
I don't know. Just
feed the geese for me.
- Will ya? I gotta go.
- Wait, hold on a second.
- Wait a minute. Wait a minute!
- [line beeps]
[dogs bark]
[Ted] Jesus! Hey, wait!
[end theme music plays]
[Dr. Val] The hospital
just reported a serious assault.
It's Conkaffey.
I'm working with him.
What reason would I have
You've never needed a reason, Amanda.
The Park case is now
a murder investigation.
[Damford] He and Pharrell have been
sniffing around that case all over town.
Maybe they found something.
What was the money for?
Payment after the fact for Jong Min,
or payment in advance for Ted?
[Damford] Find his attacker,
find Park's murderer.
Park's killer might be the one
who just bashed in your partner.
You might be next.
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