True Story (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Chapter 4: We Should Be Together Too

[high-pitched ringing]
[muffled yelling]
[door opens]
[Todd] Nobody comes in.
- Hey. Hey, what happened?
- [door slams]
[Gene] I followed you last night.
[Todd] You okay?
I'm here, I can fix whatever this is.
Just tell me what happened.
[Gene] Because, um, you were occupied.
- I said keep it locked down! Herschel!
- I'm sorry.
[Todd] Okay, fine.
[Gene] Dumping that body.
- [Todd] What do you wanna do?
- I'm just doing my job.
- Your job is to protect him from fans.
- What the fuck you think I'm doing?
[Todd] Hey! This is not helping!
Both of you, out!
This is a fucking shitshow.
- [glass shatters]
- [ringing stops]
Shut the fuck up!
[Herschel] Kid!
Excuse me.
Yo, Kid. Stop!
Get the fuck off me.
[people gasp]
You only get one, man.
I gotta get out of here, man.
[cell phone vibrating]
[Kid] Goddamn, man.
People gonna be blowing your phone up
all night, man. They gonna get worried.
[cell phone ringing]
Hey, Mo.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, one second.
One second. Kid?
Are you kidding me, man?
Gimme the phone.
So we're going through Hersch
to get to me now?
[Monyca] Are you using again?
[Monyca] Good.
Is this about us?
No, it's not about y'all. I swear.
Do you need me and Christian
to get on a plane and come out there?
I don't need that.
I don't need that. I'm fine.
Look, whatever this is,
a girl, your brother, whatever.
You can handle it.
What do you always tell me?
Don't weather the storm,
be that motherfucker.
Remember that, and you'll be fine.
We love you.
All right.
We're divorced, and she still
gives me the best advice ever.
I'm sorry for swinging on you, man.
I get it.
You thought you could test
a seventh-degree black belt.
But you see
how much love I got for you, man?
We'll be at the hotel in five.
We're not going to the hotel, Hersch.
Take me to Carlton's.
All right, Kid.
[hip hop music playing]
- What the fuck? That was fucking insane.
- Yeah.
- What happened?
- I don't I don't know.
Why are all these
fucking people still here?
Oh, see, um. Grilla has turned this
into a private spotlight for himself.
It's going quite well actually.
That's great. Fucking nightmare.
- You wanna know something crazy?
- Yeah.
I feel like watching Kid lose it on stage
has made me realize that I am
totally overthinking Madison Square.
I'm glad his meltdown
in front of 20,000 people
- could be a life lesson for you.
- [snorts]
I'm not kidding.
You're pissing me off,
this is a nightmare.
Shut up. I'm not laughing at you.
I'm not laughing at Kid either.
I'm just Look, he's a survivor. Right?
He always bounces back, and
that's the type of strength that I need.
As a comic? Shit, if I don't
have that, I'm not gonna be great.
- [phone ringing]
- I'm not gonna be anything.
I should hang it up.
[Todd] Hey, hold on one second.
That's really smart. A piece of advice?
You have it,
do everything you need to become great,
then don't let your personal life
do this fucking thing to you.
- Like somebody we know.
- Yeah.
[Todd] Yeah?
Yes, I fucking saw it! I'm at Wells Fargo.
[Grilla humming happily]
- [Billie] Grilla!
- What's going on, though, man?
- [Billie] Hmm
- Hey!
- Hold on.
- Ugh. Really?
I gotta take 'em out.
It's hard to talk in them shits.
Look, real talk, between me and you.
Any clue why Kid froze up out there,
left a whole crowd
wondering why he lost his shit?
Nah, I am as in the dark as you are.
You need to be like me
and plan your next move.
'Cause that right there
is the start of a long-ass disaster.
They said that about Chappelle.
And he came back and got 60 mil, right?
Nah. Chappelle, he kept that crazy shit
to himself, and he went to Africa.
Fine. You wanna jump ship,
go ahead. But, first,
um, do you still run all those open mics
in the towns we blow through?
Hell yeah. I'm working on the name,
but I'm doing one tomorrow,
it's gonna be called
"Uncle Grilla's Ha Ha ", no, no.
"Cookout with Uncle Grilla at Ha Ha's."
- Tomorrow and you don't know the name?
- We just made it up right now.
Look, I want a slot.
You want a slot?
Aw, shit, you making a comeback?
No. No, I'm just, um
You know, I'm trying to see if I'm more
than someone who writes jokes for others.
we gonna find out tomorrow night!
- Okay.
- [laughs]
I'm gonna give you a slot,
but if your ass is trash
- Thank you.
- We gonna roast that ass ♪
- All right.
- We gonna roast that ass ♪
We don't need to sing
about me being trash.
I won't be trash. I'm very good.
I'm a good comedian. Thank you.
Good ain't good enough, we need gas ♪
[man on video] What's he doing?
[woman on video]
I don't know. Is this part of it?
[banging on door]
[banging continues]
[Kid] Yo, C. Open up!
What you mean, "Yo"? Why the fuck
ain't you answering the phone?
'Cause all the calls
is about your crazy ass.
What the fuck happened?
[Kid] Gene is what happened.
He got videos of us dumping the body, man.
What? The same dude
you was yelling at in the video?
Gene, the fucking fan. He followed us, C.
How, K?
What does it matter how?
What difference does it make "how"?
You and your fucking fans.
Did you hear what I just said to you?
He's got videos of us dumping the body.
It means we now have to do
whatever it is to get it back.
- Whoa. We? What the fuck you mean "we"?
- Yes. We.
Yo, I helped you dump two bodies.
This shit here is on you.
Those are just as much
your bodies as they are mine.
You understand that?
Do you understand that?
- Fuck off, man.
- What the fuck you mean, fuck off?
- Fuck off!
- You fuck off!
How about this? How about I go fuck off?
You want me to fuck off?
I'll go fuck off
with all the shit that comes with it.
That's right. All the money I give you.
All the goddamn responsibilities
that I gotta take on that are yours.
- That'll go fuck off with it.
- Better chill, K.
Chill or what?
What happens if I don't chill?
- What happens if I don't chill, C?
- You gonna get your ass beat.
- I'm gonna get my ass beat.
- Mm-hmm.
That's what's gonna happen to me?
I'm gonna get my ass beat.
Hey, hey, hey. No, no, no.
- Finish saying what you was saying.
- Don't touch me.
- [glass shattering]
- [Kid grunts]
- [grunts]
- [loud bang]
I told you about that shit.
[Kid grunts]
Fuck off me, Carlton!
Get the fuck off me! Get the fuck off.
[cell phone ringing]
What's up, Todd?
What's up? I'm at the hotel.
Where the fuck are you guys?
- We're working shit out.
- Well, do I need to come there?
- No, no, no. He's fine.
- Herschel, are you sure?
- Are you gonna bring him back?
- I'ma call you later. All right.
That boy gotta learn how
to stick and move and slip that jab.
[Kid groans]
When I get up, I'ma fuck you up.
Stay down. Stop talking stupid.
What we gonna do, man?
[cork pops]
Ain't a goddamn thing
we can do about it tonight.
I'm going to bed.
You can take the couch or get out.
C, you gotta listen to me, man.
I can't have another man have
this type of control over my fucking life.
Should've called an ambulance
when Daphne OD'd.
You should have.
[melancholy music playing]
[birds chirping]
[dishes clattering]
[cell phone ringing]
[Carlton] I got this.
Don't worry about it. I got him.
Yes, yes, I got his back.
[mouthing] Mo.
Yeah, don't worry, okay? All right.
And tell Christian
his uncle called to say what's up.
I tried to calm her down, but she ain't
gonna be chill until she hear from you.
Yeah, I figured as much.
Scrapple and eggs.
You still eating like a slave, huh?
Yeah, well, I figured the way
I tossed your ass around last night,
- you need all the protein you can get.
- Mm.
I've been thinking about the situation.
About what to do with your fan.
And as much as I hate to admit it,
you're right.
[suspenseful music playing]
Fan gonna have to go, man.
We're on the same page.
I just don't know how to get to him.
He's your big fan, right?
Call him, he's gonna jump
at the opportunity to see you.
He's on that 'gram shit?
On that 'gram shit,
you tell him to meet you.
Then when he show up
You just do what you gotta do.
No, this is your stan, bro.
- You gotta do it.
- Oh, come on, C.
- I'll be right by your side.
- Come on, C. This is both of us, man.
This murder shit started with you.
It's gotta end with you, man.
Todd's setting up a damn call
with the team for this afternoon.
I gotta get back to the hotel.
If not, it'll look weird.
Knowing Todd's ass, the way he'll panic,
he'll have every
NA sponsor looking for me.
You gotta give him a reason
why you staying longer in Philly.
He already know you need money.
I told him that,
I could ride off of that story.
You know, I'm staying behind,
help you settle a debt.
Yeah, okay. Okay.
Good. I'm gonna go take a shower.
Meet you at the hotel.
[woman on phone] My advice is that
we blame Kid's decision to leave the stage
on something personal, something big.
The divorce? His son maybe?
- No!
- [Todd]No.
You're not bringing Christian into this.
- Why would you think that's a good idea?
- [woman] Okay.
[Terry] God news is, the studio called
to tell me they're still excited
to close this deal.
Okay. Thank you. You could have
led with that. That's great news.
They suggest we get Kid to New York.
Get him on a slew of morning shows.
Tell everyone he's exhausted.
Hint at divorce stuff.
Talk about Anti-Verse, then we're good.
Good idea.
[Kid] That's not gonna work. I need
a couple more days in Philly, I can't.
[woman] To do the right amount of PR,
I need you in New York.
Danica, I need you to listen to me.
I said I can't do that,
I need more days in Philly.
[Danica] We have a short window
to do this type of damage control.
- [Kid] I can't.
- Danica, I gotta mute you. One sec.
Carlton, wanna help me out?
What's going on here?
Carlton's in trouble, Todd.
He owes money and I'm helping him out.
It's that simple, alright?
I'm not trying to explain this
to everybody, so it is what it is.
Unmute the phone.
Unmute the phone.
- Terry.
- [Terry] Yeah?
Send $600,000 to Carlton.
I'm not asking you to do this,
I'm telling you. Do you understand?
You got it, Kid.
All right, I'll circle back later.
Good call. Thank you.
Carlton [clears throat]
your personal,
private shit is a pain in his ass,
and it's a pain in my ass.
Yes, we know how you feel, Todd.
You don't like audibles
because you wanna control everything.
This is a situation that you can't.
It is what it is. Come on, C, let's go.
- I had to lay it on thick back there.
- Yeah, whatever, Mr. Anti-Verse.
You the man, you're sitting on the throne,
you can say whatever the fuck you want.
[Kid] Whatever that's supposed to mean.
- Let me go holler at Billie for a moment.
- No, no, no.
No. We gotta focus, man.
Gotta find this Gene dude.
You know they're fucking, right?
- Herschel and Billie?
- Yeah.
She wouldn't let him get that close
if he wasn't diggin' her down.
You be saying shit just to say it.
[fans clamoring]
- What's up, guys?
- Hey, Kid.
What's up, man? Can I get a photo?
- Back the fuck up. Ain't got time.
- Hey, hey, hey.
Hey! Chill.
I'm sorry, man. Honestly, I apologize.
[Herschel] Kid!
[ominous music playing]
[Carlton] It's a chill spot.
Low-key, no traffic, no nosy folks.
Make sure he hasn't shown it to anyone.
You do him,
then let's get the fuck out of here.
That's him right here. You stay here.
Hey. What's up, Gene?
- Kid. It's so good to see you.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Wait. What happened to your face?
- Oh. Boxing, man.
I went a couple of rounds too long.
What the heck are you talking about?
Do this, K. Do this shit, K.
I really didn't think you'd show.
What happened last night?
Can't believe
you froze up like that at the show.
You serious right now, Gene?
Gene, you happened.
What do you mean what happened? You!
Dude, why did you
follow me the other night?
I wanted to apologize for upsetting you.
Did that person deserve it?
Were you protecting yourself?
Okay, look, I don't
Yes. I was defending myself,
but I don't wanna talk about that.
Gene. Where's the video?
That's what I wanna talk about now.
Where's the video at?
Who's that guy?
That's my brother, Carlton.
- Where you going?
- Oh, shit.
[Kid] Gene.
[suspenseful music playing]
Gene. Listen to me.
That's you!
Right here, that's you.
- Did You played cornerback, right?
- Nah, that's not me.
[Gene] You had a D1 scholarship to Temple!
You set the high school record
for both passing and rushing touchdowns.
I can't believe it's really you!
You're the one who showed Kid
the Robert Townsend special,
Partners in Crime!
Do you remember showing him that?
I mean, that's like
the most important day in his career!
That's where it started!
I mean, if you don't show him that
I mean, without you there is no him!
Okay, Gene, Gene, listen to me.
There is no me
if that video gets out, understand that?
I know. That's why I came to the show.
To tell you you can trust me.
That no one
will ever see that video. I I swear.
- You got that video on your phone?
- Yeah, I showed it to him last night.
You make copies of that?
Just the one.
Gene, listen to me.
I need you to delete that video.
Okay, that's what I need
because that's what a friend would do.
Right? A friend would delete it.
Are we really friends?
After the way
you yelled at me the other day
That was an accident.
That's what that
It was just an accident, Gene.
I consider you a friend. I really
I really consider you a friend.
That means the world to me.
Well, I mean it.
Know what?
Let me show you how much I mean it.
I'm about to go live right now.
So you can see. I'm gonna go live.
Right now. Here we go.
You see this, here come the people.
- Gene. Say what's up right now. We live.
- [softly] What's up?
- No, come on, Gene. Say what's up.
- What's up?
- That's right. We're live.
- What's up?
I know what you guys are thinking.
"Hey, Kid, why were you so mean to Gene?"
First thing I wanna say is this,
I was wrong.
I was out of pocket.
'Cause you don't do that.
You don't do that to friends, man.
You uplift friends.
That's what I'm about to do to my guy,
because that's what he is. He's my friend.
Gene, I want you to do this for me.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Put your hand like this. Come on.
You know what I'm about to do.
I don't do this unless it's real.
I mean this right now, Gene. Close it.
Huh? What did I just do?
I just put him in the circle!
Get used to seeing him.
You're gonna see Gene at shows.
He's gonna be backstage,
he's gonna be at premieres.
As a matter of fact,
we're changing his name.
He's now referred to as
- "Behind the Scenes Gene." You got that?
- [laughs]
[Kid] Behind the Scenes Gene, my guy.
Do me a favor,
welcome my guy to the circle.
Right now, y'all go to his page.
Gene, what's your page?
Oh, It's eugene.aubuchon.
- People misspell it, but it's A-U-B
- They got it.
They got it, Gene!
Go check your page, right now. Come on.
- All right.
- Let's go, blow his damn phone up.
Right now.
Tell me where you at. Talk to me.
Oh, my goodness,
I just passed 200 followers.
- [Kid laughs]
- Oh!
- [Kid] Keep it coming!
- It just went to 600 new followers!
- It's over a thousand new followers!
- This is why I fuck with y'all.
This is why I fuck with y'all.
'Cause you do what I ask.
You respond. It's all love.
Thank y'all. I appreciate y'all.
I'll holler at y'all later.
- Huh? Where's it at?
- It just keeps going up.
- It's gonna keep going up.
- It's 1.5 1.6 thousand!
We're not done.
Put your number in my phone.
Come on. Gimme your number.
[train horn blows]
[Carlton] Hey, Gene. Where you living?
Uh, right now, I'm at the, uh
[chuckles excitedly]
the City Center Hotel,
down by the airport.
I put it under, um,
"Behind the Scenes Gene."
Behind the Scenes Gene.
That's your new name.
Know what? We gotta make this thing real.
We gotta go to lunch, dinner, something.
Tomorrow? What you wanna do?
- I would love that.
- Well, then it's done. Say no more.
Huh? Come here.
Friends don't shake hands, friends hug.
- Oh, man!
- That's what friends do, we hug.
All right?
This is
Thank you.
Oh. Yeah, you were great. Thank you.
You in the circle, Gene.
This is real.
- He's still got the video.
- I know what the fuck he's got, C.
- He's probably got copies.
- You don't think I know what I'm doing?
- Why didn't you shoot this
- You don't have to.
That guy's all about fucking friendship.
That guy idolizes his heroes.
I'm a hero to him.
I can convince him
to delete the fucking video.
The last thing me and you need
is another body on our conscience.
[Carlton groans]
C, let
Let me fucking handle it. I got it.
All right?
What we need to do is go now
and handle the money. Fuck Monday.
Let's take the money
to the Greeks right now.
Let's get this shit over with.
["Wake up Everybody"
by Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes playing]
Wake up everybody
No more sleeping in bed ♪
No more backward thinking
Time for thinking ahead ♪
[Billie] I'm what I like to call
Absolutely, if it makes you happy,
go for it. I'm just not super into it.
But that's like with anything. Right?
Like my friend,
she lost a bunch of weight,
she feels amazing,
and any chance she gets,
she would love to give you her testimony
about her Lord and Savior, the Keto Diet.
I'm like,
"You're not fooling anybody."
You know you're gonna
give up by Labor Day. You are.
You can't change you. As hard
as you try or as much as you smoke.
[crowd laughing]
Yeah, Grilla, you get it.
- He's a weed connoisseur back there.
- Hell yeah.
He can smell the varying notes
of hoodrat shit in anything he gets.
[Billie] So, religion-indifferent,
that's what I say.
Because the problem
with religion and diets and weed
is that they are all just ways
of trying to change who we are.
To pretend that we are
something or someone else.
And, to be honest, we can't.
[tense music playing]
[machine whirring]
[machine continues whirring]
- [Nikos in Greek] Six.
- [Savvas] Okay.
[in English] It's all here.
Damn right it is.
Ah. Now that we've got that taken care of
We still haven't heard from Ari.
Have you?
[Savvas] You're quiet, Kid.
Not like on TV or the movies.
There you're very loud.
I don't really know
what you want me to tell you.
Hey, man,
I hope you guys find your brother.
Did you ever meet him? Ari?
- No.
- 'Cause he wanted to meet you.
- Didn't he love him?
- Yeah, he does.
He asked Carlton to introduce him,
but Carlton said no.
He said you're an asshole,
he wouldn't like you. Is that true, Kid?
Are you an asshole?
I mean, I do come from a family
of assholes, so, um, I don't know.
In all seriousness,
I hope you guys find your brother.
- [Savvas] So do we.
- Yeah.
[door creaks, shuts]
Looks like I wasn't
the only one laying it on thick.
I told 'em you was an asshole
so you'd never have
to deal with them motherfuckers again.
Well, Ari's brothers
wasn't as tough as you made them seem.
Sharks only feed when they're hungry.
- Yeah, I bet they do.
- [cell phone ringing]
It's Julian.
Hey, I know you said
you owed Ari some money.
Looks like your problems
have just been solved.
We just found his body.
[siren wailing]
[Julian] Yo, C. You still there?
Yo, did you hear what I said?
What's wrong?
[ominous music playing]
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