Tschugger (2021) s01e04 Episode Script


My grandfather was a fisherman.
The best one.
Rest in peace, Marcelo
He only caught the biggest and most
the biggest and most beautiful fish in the Rhone.
So it was practically decided from my cradle
that one day I too
would catch a big fish.
And now you can slowly
discover your partner and the unborn child.
You can now place your partner
and the unborn child in the cuddle position.
Your hands move the energy
directly to the child.
Let the love flow.
Honey, relax,
you are not working.
You can immerse yourself
as a small living being
in the amniotic fluid.
Hey, what are you doing here?
Come on, we have to go to the construction site.
We are in the middle
of the final meditation.
Sorry, the class is for couples only.
We are a couple,
finally, we are partners.
Honey, please take it outside.
There's nothing to settle, go away.
We are all barefoot here,
You are disturbing the energies!
Put your flute back in your mouth
and let us deal with it here.
This is not necessary now.
Sorry, but this is more important
than your esoteric mess here.
We're leaving right now!
But I never saw you.
I have appeared a few times in the newspaper,
in the WB and others, Blick
But it was the policeman
who hit the child!
The child beater?
Yes, precisely.
In the meantime, we even made the front page
with this story thanks to the mothers' association.
I don't traumatize these children
in the prenatal period for that.
Pirmin, listen to me.
It's like with Rappaz,
I can feel it, we have to take the opportunity now!
Hey, my word, no.
Now you listen to me:
Rappaz, it's been ten years,
no one is interested anymore.
You live in the past.
I can't take you seriously
in these pants.
Hey, every time I get on a roll with you
in the end it's messy.
- I'm going to be a dad! -
- What beautiful words!
I see that the course is bearing fruit.
Shit fruits!
And your chattering is breaking me too,
and has been since the first hour.
He doesn't mean it.
I mean it,
stop talking for me!
I am a policeman,
I can take care of myself.
And I won't be
your fucking driver!
And this nagging,
I can't hear it anymore either!
Damn it
You can play the flute again.
Keep playing!
I also went to Puppenstube
for the child seat.
They are doing 20 percent right now.
But the saleswoman is really annoying,
she wanted to give me a playpen, a baby monitor
and a whole lot of junk.
Nowadays, there is an app on the phone
to see and hear everything
what's going on in the child's room,
nobody needs a baby monitor anymore.
What do you think?
Otherwise, my sister still has
some baby stuff in the basement,
I could ask her
if she has anything left for you,
she doesn't need it anymore.
What's going on here? What's going on here?
He's off again?
Who is it?
Well, Pinotti, he left only a week ago with his whole
week ago with all his family in Naples.
Yes, everything is going well for him, since
the new one is in Castello,
it's almost impossible to eat
pizza there.
Right, honey?
every time we go out to eat,
you get diarrhea again afterwards.
Many people say that my brother and I
don't look much alike.
We both have our feet on the ground,
we're successful
and we want to help people.
I had to fly back
from Kitzbühl on purpose.
You were in Kitzbühl?
Yes, since last year I have been accompanying
the Swiss national team.
Almost every year, one of them crashes
on the Zielsprung.
- Mrs. Oggier, are you okay?
- I'm fine.
You'll see, next week you'll be back on skis
on skis with your new hip.
Be a little careful,
I just patched it up
for four hours!
- All amateurs.
- Oh, by the way.
Here are the swabs for DNA analysis,
to compare with the crime scene.
Johannes Schmidhalter and Pirmin Lötscher?
Standard procedure,
they were the first on the scene.
For dead sheep and dead drunk people,
we don't have a medical examiner here.
The thing goes to Lausanne,
and when it has to go fast,
at my brother's place, in the lab.
Yes, well, let's see how he's doing
Hey Peuli, nap time is over!
- Say, Mario, what's the current situation?
- Just a second, I'll be right with you.
Sorry! It's just a relatively old TV.
The values are slowly improving.
Hypothermia has probably contributed to
to keep him above pathology.
Do you mean he will survive?
I am positive.
But it's going to be a while yet.
Can't we speed up a bit? With a
Adrenalin injection?
Ah, damn it, Frängi
Have you been watching too much Grey's Anatomy?
No, I haven't. The adrenaline is flowing that way.
It stabilizes the circulation.
But it doesn't make him more awake.
We should question him as soon as possible.
Listen carefully:
uh Patrick here has been shot.
Pulled spleen, shredded liver,
the whole thing invaded by all kinds of intestinal bacteria
bacteria from all the border tourism.
A classic polytrauma.
There is a high risk of sepsis.
And you want it back now?
Excuse me, Dr. Schmidhalter,
there is a woman
Brotz. From fedpol.
Can I bother you for a moment?
Hmm? fedpol. Here, in Valais.
It is incredible.
A real som-mi-té
in his field.
I wouldn't be surprised
if tomorrow he gets out of the hospital
with no pronunciation errors.
Excuse me,
have you seen my Birchermüsli?
Is this the one?
We are here because of the truck.
What truck?
Uh, well, Fricker said
that I should bring the truck to you.
Fricker said, me kill you with the hammer.
Just kidding, boy!
And as you know, in every joke
is always a bit of truth.
Before coming to Switzerland, Cesario
had a modeling agency on Mykonos,
until some models lost their lives
in tragic motorcycle accidents.
I'll be right back.
Let's go!
So we see each other
Ouch, ouch, ouch.
Shall we go to the construction site now?
Do you have something to write with?
A good cop always has
with him.
But I want again
to get it back!
For five balls you can go around the school
the school
Here we accelerate, and here is the emergency brake
- and when we accelerate -
- The children,
can you leave me alone with Mike for a moment,
What do you want?
I want to know who the man was
who came to see you yesterday with the pickup truck.
St. Nicholas.
I don't have time for jokes.
Either you tell me who it was,
or you can explain to your mother
why she has to pick you up at the station.
Leave my mom out of this.
Yes, what's going on?
I've already told your colleagues everything
I'm coming to see you about another matter.
Oh, right.
Are you the attending physician
of Johannes Schmidhalter?
Yes. My brother
Yes, I know, it's very cliché.
In Valais, in a way,
everyone is related to everyone else.
Could I have a look at his medical records?
You know, because of the hand.
Open heart surgery,
presentations at doctors' conferences,
all this is no problem for my brother.
But as a child, he was already getting pretty nervous
when he had to lie.
You want me to violate
medical and family confidentiality?
You will need a certificate from the
from the attorney general that -
Ah, there you go.
Ciao. And can we pass,
is he lucid, our colleague?
Bax, sorry.
I was forced to show your entire medical
medical records to the fedpol girl.
She came in with a decision
from the attorney general.
But it says
that it's because of a barbecue clip.
Yes, of course,
but if she has any sense,
she'll realize that it wasn't
a barbecue tong.
I'll let you know.
And all of a sudden there was a wiggle
on the end of my hard-on.
What the hell
I felt that now
I had to catch something in the pond.
otherwise I would go home empty-handed.
Damn it
Show him, Juni!
Damn it!
Come on, let's go!
What the hell!
Little shit.
You're going to do it with the crane now.
Do you know how to do it?
What is this?
I wanted him to draw the guy
in the pickup truck, but well
Shall we go to that construction site now?
Can I have my pen back?
Not very good at drawing, are you?
Right in the belly
Now you're going to apply yourself a bit more.
A fucking loudmouth,
but he can draw.
But there's a weird thing,
why does he ask Mike
who was driving the truck?
Yeah, that's weird.
Look, the construction site is ahead.
Damn it!
The game is over. Hands in the air.
Dude, I'm not done yet.
I want to see your hands now!
And where is your friend?
He is not my friend.
Your friend, your boyfriend, your date on Tinder,
your "Gschleiff", your "Gspüsi",
Friends with Benefits, whatever.
Just this guy
who is always with you. Where is he?
Tell me where this guy is!
Something Diego really doesn't think is cool,
it's nice when someone wrecks his car.
So, for us, one thing is clear,
now we can shut them down.
Hey! Come back, it's over!
Damn it!
What the hell. Stop it!
Damn it, don't move!
Hey, fuck you!
Get out.
What does that mean, what are the police doing
the police still doing here,
why are the police still coming here to piss us off?
We can also solve all this
on the ground.
Come on, this is a dead end,
it doesn't go any further.
Hey, man, what are you doing?
Are you crazy? Go back up!
In school, I was good in at least one discipline:
But, hey, with a fucking hole in my hand,
even Donghua Li couldn't have done it.
No cars, and lots of green space.
Get out.
What is this?
You know exactly what it is.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Why are you protecting Schmidhalter?
there is a creed in our police station:
What happened in the forest of Finges
remains in the forest of Finges.
Also in fedpol there is a creed:
When you shoot with an AK-47 and an Uzi
in a nature reserve
and that two days later, in Zurich, these weapons
are seized in a Hells Angels meeting place,
someone has to go to jail.
Is this a good idea?
Yes, should I pee on it, or what?
Frängi, do you have the bag with the weapons?
You had it on the train.
Of course, we tried,
but the SBB lost and found office
SBB lost and found on the Internet is really bad.
You just have to suspend the policeman
who fired the shot
and for me the matter will be settled.
No more administrative paperwork to Bern,
and no more radar parties in a nature reserve.
And if not?
If not, I'll bring a dozen federal cops and I'll knock down your
cops and I'll knock your store down.
Do you know how long Rappaz was on hunger strike
was on hunger strike?
120 days.
And what are you trying to say?
This case here is far from being swallowed.
Listen up everybody, ahoy!
Please, everybody listen, uh
If someone wants to tell a great story
to their grandchildren in 50 years,
come to the back in five minutes,
room E12.
Klaus is there right now.
Then Klaus will have to go out.
I knew I had waited long enough
at the water's edge to catch something big.
That was the most decisive moment.
The moment when the pro stands out from the amateur,
the village bitch's top model
or the cop to the cop.
You don't mess with the one
who hits the children!
You bastards
Stay still and let me do the talking.
Otherwise we can forget about the music video.
Damn, Mo already rented the camera
I know it's not very easy
for you now.
Do you want to drink something?
Coffee, tea?
I'd love a coffee.
That's some shit you're going to get here.
You can of course get a lawyer,
if you want?
I have a buddy who studies law, so
You can't do anything,
no one will help you anymore!
He's playing good cop and bad cop
at the same time.
Do you need some fresh air?
It's still good.
Hey, what exactly are we doing here?
We have no idea what this is about
we're talking about,
and we are detained here because of some
bad mood of some cops.
If it's about the weed, I have a remedy
from Dr. Burgener for my vertigo.
Do you recognize it?
Now pay close attention
what I say.
Do you feel like you met him
by chance on the darknet?
I put him on your trail.
Do you know about fishing?
We throw a bait in the water and hope that the fish will be
the fish will be stupid enough to bite.
You two didn't take long to bite.
time to bite.
And I've had you on the hook for a while now.
on the hook. And very slowly I'm going to
break your neck.
It's up to you to decide
how long you want to suffer.
- How long is your line?
- The hook is probably not there anymore.
Don't talk!
This is really bad.
You only used Smetterling to
get the grass across the border,
and then, when he was no longer useful to you,
you shot him.
No, I didn't!
- Juni, shut up!
- Bullshit!
- You shot him, then shoved him in the shit!
- No, we didn't shoot him.
- Juni, shut the fuck up!
- Juni!
You have to tell me exactly what happened,
otherwise I won't be able to help you anymore!
- No, but
- Look me in the eye!
Come on, spit it out!
Do you want to go to jail for someone else?
What's going on?
They can leave.
What, Diego? Hey, don't!
You can't be serious!
Bax, in my office.
Do you know how much a
bulldozer like this costs?
You don't even earn that in three years
of your miserable life as a cop.
My lawyers will contact you.
No one can blame me for not trying everything in my
tried everything in my power.
But as with fishing,
there is also a case of force majeure here.
And when it doesn't feel right, you can do
what you want.
You go home empty-handed.
Who decided that?
Fricker can't interrupt
an ongoing investigation!
I'm serving you the authors on a silver platter
and nobody supports me!
You know that's not true.
I'm disappointed in you.
Not because you messed up
and didn't follow my orders.
But only because
you didn't tell me the truth!
Did you seriously place a weapon
in the hands of our trainee
and thought you would get away with it?
Yes, what can I say?
How about telling the truth for a change?
I gave it to Smetterling
as a backup.
As a backup?
Service weapon.
And plate.
Diego. It's been more than 15 years that I've been
with you at the station,
we have done so much together! Always wanted
put the right people behind bars!
We are the ones who sought justice
in this canton.
But we both know that sometimes
the big fish are harder to catch.
Not because they don't have dirty hands,
no, but because they are the cousin
the brother-in-law of somebody
and they're loaded with money.
Guys like Fricker.
But you know, I didn't become a cop
to turn a blind eye.
And I thought you didn't either.
If so, I'm disappointed.
And Annette,
I know you went to the hospital,
you should come directly to me.
Of course it wasn't
barbecue tongs.
I did a little shooting in the Finges forest
and then I left the gun on the train.
But the whole police station
had nothing to do with it.
Write that down in your report,
and there'll probably be a promotion.
Nothing but careerists here, damn it.
But maybe one day you'll realize,
when you are sipping your Starbuck's coffee
in a plastic cup in Bern,
that here in Valais there was a cop
who liked you very much and admired you.
A cop who, like you, was only looking
truth and justice.
And I really felt
that something could be born between us,
something very big.
In private, maybe Uh, yes.
But, yes
Whoever does not give time to love
has lost in life, anyway.
Farewell, Madam.
This is the broom closet.
Yes, I know.
They want to bring him out of the coma tomorrow.
We don't want this guy to talk.
And finally find us
the fucking key!
I'll take care of the police.
If you want to know
what I do with groupies,
why Gerda can't
stop touching me after all,
and what she'd better
not to touch here,
how this one plays the doctor
and what Smetterling says about the situation,
and what goes into the composition of a
a delicious smoothie,
Don't miss the next episode of TSCHUGGER.
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