Turner & Hooch (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

In the Line of Fur

[dog toy squeaks]
[Scott] Hooch, let's tell them
what happened last week.
- What do you like to do for fun?
- I jog.
We could jog together
with Hooch and Angel.
- Yeah. How about Thursday?
- It's a date!
- Okay.
- On the calendar.
Scott? I thought that was you.
Brooke! What What are you doing here?
I just transferred
to the US Attorney's office here.
- Now we work in the same building.
- Great.
[Jessica] So that's her, huh?
The ex you've been hung up on
for the past five years?
[Laura] So, you know that Wyatt guy?
The criminal from Dad's file.
I found his trailer.
Laura, you're gonna talk to him yourself?
That's a bad idea.
I'll come tomorrow. Okay?
I'll see you tomorrow.
[Hooch barks]
- [screams]
- [barks]
Stop, we just wanna talk to you.
[Wyatt] No! Get away! Leave me alone!
We got off on the wrong foot!
Let's do a reset!
- Come on!
- [barks]
- I just wanna chat.
- [barks, whines]
You know, this is bull.
You've got no right
chasing me and tackling me!
You threw a frying pan through your window
at my head 'cause I knocked on your door.
What was I supposed to do?
You've got this big old dog.
- I was scared.
- Scared? Scared of what?
Scared he was gonna drool
and flood the place?
He's not Dogzilla.
All right. We're not here to argue.
Look, our father was Officer Turner.
Before he died,
he was conducting an investigation,
and your rap sheet showed up in his files.
We just wanna know why.
Also, trying to brain someone
with a frying pan?
That's assault with a deadly weapon.
So if you'd rather discuss this
with the police
Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Look, hold up, okay?
Your dad was after this guy, John,
I worked for a few times.
Hired me to do some little stuff.
Scare people. Break windows. Slash tires.
Set a small fire one time.
Why did he want you to scare people?
I think he was trying to buy their land
for cheap.
Your dad made me tell him
the places John wanted me to hit.
- I did, and he let me go.
- You know John's last name?
No. It's like I told your dad,
he's just some slick dude in a suit.
He found me at the Crusty Pirate.
Said I could make some extra cash.
I did some jobs, got busted,
moved on to opportunities in the, uh
pre-owned automotive space.
- That's it.
- That's it?
Our dad was investigating
a guy named John?
His files have major criminals in them.
Gangsters. Drug traffickers.
- If you are working with these guys
- Yo, just back off, lady!
How many criminal kingpins you know
get stuck with Aunt Gladys' old sofa, hmm?
Look, I already told you.
I don't know anything.
I believe him. That's the face of a guy
who doesn't know anything.
Yeah, whatever.
- [door slams]
- Hold on That's it?
I mean, aren't there tricks,
like good cop, bad cop?
First of all, I'm not a cop.
Secondly, it takes two cops
for good cop, bad cop.
- Not a cop and a veterinary assistant.
- Okay.
I think he told us everything he knows.
Then let's get Dad's records
and see if there's a John that
As in the most popular name in the world?
No, I can't.
I got a big meeting with Brooke.
- Wait, Brooke?
- Uh, the assistant US attorney.
Oh, my God. "Brooke" Brooke.
Like, the Brooke that launched
a thousand mopey playlists?
- I thought she dumped you.
- She didn't dump me, okay?
She got a job in New York,
where dreams are made.
Anyway, it's strictly professional
and none of your business.
- Okay, fine.
- Hey, hey.
If you're gonna be professional
with your ex soul mate,
I'll see if my ex can get us the records.
What? Grady's a cop. He can help.
Yeah, but doesn't stuff
between you guys get, like, messy?
[scoffs] You're thinking of the old Laura.
I got this.
I like the confidence.
Don't be nervous.
It's just a meeting, right?
She's just a regular old AUSA
like any other.
With perfect hair and flawless skin.
Who played tennis in college
and spent her summers
teaching Somalian kids how to watercolor.
- So, that's cool.
- [elevator dings]
I'm not nervous. You're nervous. No.
- Scott.
- Hey.
- Thanks for meeting me.
- Oh, my
- Oh.
- I'm sorry. My dog's v-very, um, moist.
I think that's why they invented
the elbow bump.
- Ah.
- [chuckles]
I was so surprised when I heard
you were doing security on my trial.
I know. [chuckles] It's so funny.
It's a funny coincidence.
I-I didn't even know it was yours.
Well, I-I hope it's okay.
I thought marshals hated court duty.
Didn't Eleanor Roosevelt say, "You should
do something you hate every day"?
This really smart girl I once knew
used to quote her all the time.
- You survived my women's studies phase.
- Yes.
The summer of hairy pits and kombucha.
- The kombucha was good.
- [chuckles]
You sure this isn't gonna be awkward?
You know, given our history
Come on. It was so long ago.
Okay, good.
Uh Just wanted to let you know
what you signed up for.
It's a murder trial of a Mafia capo.
There have been threats against the judge,
so he will need door-to-door protection.
We can handle it. Who's the judge?
Oh, you didn't know.
Uh, Judge Broderick Nelson.
Judge Nelson.
Forty years I've been on the bench.
I don't need a babysitter.
Especially a Jonas brother.
Scott Turner's an outstanding deputy.
He'll put together a top-notch team.
Team, huh? So him, that and what?
101 dalmatians?
The K-9 unit
enhances door-to-door security.
I have total confidence in them both,
as does the AUSA.
Your Honor, the threat is real.
The FBI confirmed
Thank you, Taylor Swift.
Any of these security experts here
born before the '90s?
Fine, do what you have to do.
Just don't get in my way.
I won't.
Unless I'm stopping a bullet for you.
- [groans]
- Okay.
Not sure why you volunteered for this,
- May God have mercy on your soul.
- Thank you.
All right, buddy. This is Brooke's
big case. We gotta be wired tight.
That means no licking shoes, no drooling.
Professional. Starting now.
- Mmm.
- Wow.
That's professional? I don't wanna see
what casual Friday looks like.
Or sounds like.
- Oh, God. Or smells like.
- It assaults the nostrils.
Hey, uh, so I've got a job.
Oh, I heard.
You need help with Judge Nelson?
[sucks teeth]
Yeah, I'd love to, but, yeah, the baby.
And Chief says it's only desk duty
from here on out.
You know, it's court security.
Yeah, you ride in a car,
you sit in a courtroom.
No bang-bang shoot-shoot.
Sit-sit, chill-chill. No?
I just need a little help.
Do you know he still
makes people pick up trash on the highway
like he did as a state judge?
Everyone's just too scared to tell him
federal judges can't do that.
Come on. This is an important case.
Yeah, important to you.
I read the file.
Your ex-girlfriend's the AUSA.
What's her name? Prosecutor Barbie?
- It's Brooke. Prosecutor Brooke.
- Oh.
And it's not about her. It's about
the judicial process. Heard of it?
Hooch, you buying this?
Yeah, me neither.
Listen, Scott.
Even if I wanted to, which I don't,
the chief is convinced
I'm a bullet magnet.
- He'd never approve it.
- Well, what am I supposed to do?
I had to promise to change the oil
on Barrios's car
and buy 15 boxes of candy bars
from Jenna's kid
just to get a backup team.
I need another deputy for the main detail,
and I-I've asked everyone else.
Oh. Everyone?
What about X?
Everyone from Earth.
Also, X has been a deputy for 15 years.
He's not gonna wanna do court security
with a guy who's been on the streets
a few months.
Or you could just go to your ex-girlfriend
and beg off the case.
I'm sure she'd think that was so hot.
Come on, Hooch.
- Hey, Turner.
- Sorry to interrupt whatever that is.
[whale call on headphones]
You know, I know we don't talk a lot,
but I'm doing court security,
and I need someone for the main detail.
And before you say no, let me just say,
I will owe you forever.
- Like, any job you need me for, I'm th
- Sure.
I mean, it's for Judge Nelson.
- Is the dog in on this?
- [Scott] Yeah.
And I know there have been incidents,
but we have been working tirelessly
I'm gonna learn a lot from you.
You've got an old soul. I can tell.
Reminds me of my grandpa.
So I'll send you the schedule,
and then we'll Okay, thank you.
[sighs] Okay, just gonna go
see your ex-husband.
No big deal.
Just get him to give you
Dad's police files.
Find out about this John guy.
Gonna keep it short.
Gonna keep it professional.
You can do this. [sighs]
- [Matthew] Dad, look out!
- You got it. You got it. Go, go, go.
- Oh! [chuckles]
- Grady? Hello! The door's unlocked.
Yeah, so I don't have to pause
for the pizza guy.
Or an ax murderer.
[both chuckle]
Can we stay for pizza, Mom?
Hello to you too, son that I birthed.
And, no, I have to study. Get your stuff.
Um, hey, can you pause this for a second?
I have a favor to ask.
- Go for it. I'm all about multitasking.
- It's about my dad.
I was hoping you could get some records
from his last investigation
from the police station.
And I thought while you were at work,
you could
Oh, come on! What am I doing wrong here?
You can't beat this level alone.
You need someone to watch your six.
You know I do. Get your controller.
I mean, if your mom says it's okay.
- Grady, I literally just said
- Dad needs help, Mom.
- You always say to put family first.
- Nice.
You do say that.
Okay, just until you beat
this level though.
You could play too, Mom.
He's right.
We will win faster with three players.
That's what you get
for messing with Mommy!
- Boom!
- I used my aura.
There you go.
[Laura squeals]
- Holy bruise!
- Don't you lose me!
- All right. It's right behind me!
- Eat it!
- Oh, there he is! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
- [grunts]
- You need a fourth?
- Yeah!
- [dogs whining]
- [woman] Walter. Walter! Up.
- [Scott] Hey!
- Hi!
[Scott] Thank you for doing this
on such short notice.
I, uh, I remember you said
you liked chocolate.
Ah, cool! I've actually been trying
to train myself with chocolate,
like the same way I train dogs
with treats.
So far I've trained myself
to eat a lot of chocolate.
But it's still early.
Well, you run out,
I got ten more boxes in my trunk.
Uh, like I said on the phone,
I need Hooch
for a judicial protection detail.
Right. Okay, so about K-9 protection,
it covers a lot.
Do you wanna start
with explosives training? Attack training?
Yeah, I think we might wanna
set our sights a bit lower.
I just need to make sure
he doesn't try to get a belly rub
from the defendant.
- [chuckles]
- I just I really need this to go well.
Okay. I say we start with focus.
Keeping his attention where you direct it.
Well, I I don't know if that's Hooch.
Oh, sure, it is. You know how a dog looks
where a human is pointing?
They're one of the only animals
that can do that. It's amazing.
Hooch, look!
Look at the door.
Good. Now look at Scott. Good.
Just directing his attention.
You try. Your focus is his focus.
Okay. Hooch, look.
Look at the chair.
- Try something else? Okay.
- Yeah. Just switch it up.
Hooch, look at the door.
Hoo Oh. Okay, sure. Look at Erica.
Now he's directing my attention
'cause I'm looking at you.
You'll get it. [chuckles]
You're so good-looking
Good at looking for things.
Like keys. You ever lose your keys?
I lose my keys so much
that I trained Angel to find them.
- Huh.
- Do you wanna see?
- Angel! Keys. Watch this.
- [Angel barks]
- Oh.
- Here they are. Pants.
Yep, that's where they are.
They were just there in my pants.
- Yeah.
- What a weird place for them.
Anyways, good look Luck. Good luck!
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Morning. So I planned our route.
If we leave here by 7:30
You changed your hair gel.
- What's that about?
- Nothing.
No one changes their hair gel for nothing.
Maybe we should focus.
I have an itinerary.
Itineraries are two-dimensional.
I like to approach a case holistically.
You know, take in everything.
But my hair gel doesn't have
anything to do
You tied a double Windsor too.
- Are you trying to impress someone?
- No.
- Is it me?
- No.
- The judge?
- I'm not trying to impress anyone, okay?
Ju I I have an itinerary.
Judge expected you five minutes ago.
May God have mercy on your soul.
Why do people keep saying that?
- Good morning, Your Honor.
- It was a good morning five minutes ago.
Now it's a fiasco.
I assure you, sir,
we have more than enough time.
- Not if you include my errands.
- Errands?
A crazy thing my generation does
where we go to actual stores
and get things in person.
Well, sir,
any unplanned route does increase risk.
Risk? Try me without coffee.
Let's get the judge coffee.
Xavier, what's your status?
Is the situation under control?
That's a negative.
Situation is deteriorating rapidly.
This is not light starch! It's heavy!
I can tell the difference!
[cell phone rings]
- [in deep voice] Deputy Marshal Turner.
- [Brooke] Hey! It's me.
What happened to your voice?
Are you getting sick?
Uh, no. No. [clears throat]
It's, uh, weird.
Okay. Just, uh, checking
everything's okay.
Um, court's about to start.
Yeah, we're almost there.
We, uh, we had a couple detours.
You know, forget the mob, I'm pretty sure
every barista and clerk in town
wants to kill Judge Nelson.
Scott, I know Nelson can be tough,
but I just feel a lot better
knowing you're on detail
and everything's under control.
I can't believe they tried to fool me
with the light stuff.
- Sorry. One sec.
- Like I wouldn't know the difference!
- And where's my damn doughnut?
- One Boston cream doughnut.
That's powdered sugar.
Boston cream has chocolate.
That's Bavarian cream!
Duly noted.
- [Brooke] Scott? Scott?
- Sorry.
Uh, yeah, under control.
Everything. I I'll see you soon.
Okay, we gotta roll.
We'll guard the exits,
monitor the gallery,
and I'll be posted next to you
for added protection.
Let me make something clear.
A courtroom needs order.
Disturb that order,
and you'll mull the error of your ways
picking up trash by the highway.
- Understood?
- Understood.
I appreciate the need for order, sir,
but technically a federal judge
can't order people to pick up trash.
Oh, really?
Perhaps you'd like to argue
this bit of constitutional law
in front of one of my colleagues
in federal court?
Good choice, Nick Jonas.
- [whines]
- [Nelson] And this animal
Is it gonna be a problem?
No, sir. He's, um,
he's trained for security work.
Hooch, look.
That's more like it.
Better late than never.
The government will prove
that the defendant, Mr. Bianchi,
is guilty of murder.
We have overwhelming law enforcement
surveillance video and audio
confirming his culpability.
So why not plead guilty?
He wants to frighten and intimidate
those who seek justice.
Smirk again in my courtroom,
and you'll be sorry.
- You're the one that's gonna be sorry.
- Sir, you are in contempt.
You got no idea what I'm capable of.
Counselors, in my chambers, now!
- Your Honor, my client meant nothing.
- Oh, I know what he meant.
He speaks again,
he'll be in cuffs and leg irons.
This dog is better behaved.
That is an insult to my client
and to Italian-Americans everywhere.
Your Honor,
Mr. Bianchi's words were direct threats.
[lawyer] He's just a man
who speaks his mind.
- The counsel is hysterical.
- Hysterical?
Setting aside that sexist dog whistle,
counsel is appropriately concerned
with the judge's safety.
[Scott] Agreed.
Mr. Mancuso,
unless you want your client in solitary,
I suggest you start showing the prosecutor
and the judge a little respect.
You still looking at my hair gel?
- Yes.
- [stammers] Can you stop?
I know you have this whole
"holistic approach" or whatever,
but I assure you,
it has nothing to do with our job.
- And you're sure about that?
- Yeah, I'm absolutely sure.
Can we be sure of anything?
You know, it's not the answers, Scott.
It's the questions.
I have a question. Can we just put
the philosophy aside for a second, okay?
We have, like,
a really important job to do here.
[cashier] May I please take your order?
Hi, can we get three chicken tacos,
With Monterey Jack cheese, not cheddar,
on two corn tortillas, one flour,
in a bag labeled
"Judge only. Do not touch."
Per your request.
Where's the extra hot sauce?
Extra hot sauce is on its way.
[cell phone rings]
- Hey, how's it going?
- Hey.
I just spoke to the chief
about Bianchi's threat.
Already on it. I've doubled up security.
I've got deputies
on the judge's house 24-7,
and starting tomorrow,
we're gonna take alternate routes
to and from the courthouse.
Wow, that's amazing.
Well, you know, it's, uh, what I
trained for. Thinking of every angle.
Judge's tacos are getting cold.
We gotta roll on that hot sauce.
[Brooke] What's that?
- Hot sauce?
- [Scott] Nothing.
It's nothing.
Yeah, it's actually marshal lingo.
"Hot sauce" means, uh, security threat.
So I should go.
It's for the prosecutor, isn't it?
The hair gel?
Okay, fine.
Yeah, it is a little bit for her.
We knew each other a long time ago.
We dated a little bit.
And I don't know,
I just wanted to look nice.
You do look very nice.
Thank you.
Now, why's it so important
to impress the prosecutor?
Not that it's any of your business,
but, um, you know, when we were dating,
I was like this low-level admin
and she was this big, fancy lawyer.
And I wanted to show her
things are different now.
Now I'm wasting my time picking up
hot sauce for a tyrant in a robe.
No such thing as a waste of time.
Every moment matters.
You know, one time I was out by myself
and this wave was coming at me
And you surfed the wave
and something profound happened.
- Am I right?
- No, not that kind of wave.
It was a wave
of insurgents in Afghanistan.
Oh. Um, I
I guess in that situation
every moment does matter.
And I remember thinking to myself,
"If I live, I will waste no experience,
no second of my life."
Which is very wise.
And I-I don't mean
to take anything away from that,
but we're currently picking up hot sauce
at a drive-through.
- You really like hot sauce.
- Yeah.
- Got us some extra. Just in case.
- [Scott] In case of what?
- Exactly.
- Exactly.
- You still here?
- Yeah.
Just finishing time sheets.
Remember to convert yours to dog years,
You know, ten hours of overtime
for driving a judge
back and forth from work.
[chuckles] I'm the world's
most expensive Uber.
And I can't even rate the judge
'cause I'd give him zero stars.
Ouch. Hooch behaving himself?
[Scott] Actually, he's been perfect.
Like, weirdly perfect.
For once, I have no issues with my dog.
Uh, Xavier, on the other hand, wh
[scoffs] What is this guy's deal?
You could learn
"a lot from him."
Yes, you keep saying that.
And you keep ignoring it.
What is supposed
to be so impressive, exactly?
- His, um, his obsession with condiments
- [sighs]
or his keen observation of my hairstyle?
- That is a lot of gel.
- It's been a very long day.
Yeah, and not one strand is outta place.
Listen, Scott, I know Xavier has
his own way of doing things,
but just try to keep an open mind, okay?
[Scott] Okay.
It's open. It's open.
- Hey, Laur.
- Hey, Scotty.
Just leaving work.
Any luck getting Dad's records from Grady?
Well, it's been kinda complicated.
Complicated? Just ask for them.
It's Grady.
I spent six hours searching
for alien overlords.
- I finally got 'em.
- W-Wait. So you got the records?
No, the alien overlords.
Ugh. Gosh! You know, I was so focused.
But then he did that thing
that he always does,
where he uses Matthew to guilt me
into doing stuff.
And before I know it, it's like I'm
in my early 20s just wasting my life away.
Now I'm late studying
for the vet tech exam,
and I'm out of milk
for the mac and cheese.
And the records?
Oh, Grady says he's gonna poke around
at work and get back to me.
Hey, Scott. [sighs]
What if I'm not strong enough?
What if being a princess
at the Cypress Beach Guacamole Festival
is all I'm ever gonna amount to?
Five minutes with Grady,
and I turn into a slacker.
Laura, listen to me, okay?
You are strong.
You're capable. You can do this.
Just replace the milk with water.
Right, yeah. Strong. Capable.
Water! Shoot!
Sorry, Scotty. I gotta go.
- Oh, no. My vet study book.
- Is everything okay?
[Erica] Whoo-hoo.
Loving this power walk.
It is so much easier than jogging.
Yeah. Thanks for coming.
It's good to have the company.
- You wanna rest, or
- Yes, rest.
- Yeah?
- That's a great idea.
- Just a little rest.
- Yeah.
Your hair is different.
Oh, and your skin too. Did you exfoliate?
Uh, the, uh The The judge
I'm protecting's big on appearances.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
That's unusual.
Actually, about that. Um
I wanted to thank you
for your help with Hooch.
He has been amazing. Just totally focused.
That's so great.
For once, he just gets it.
Hey, watch this.
Hooch, look.
- [barks]
- [Erica] Oh.
- [Scott] Hooch, no!
- Oh!
Sorry! He's friendly. Kinda.
It's so weird.
I-I swear he was perfect for the judge.
Did he forget,
or is he just messing with me?
No, I don't think he's messing with you.
Um, maybe you were just
focused on the judge.
You know, dogs always pay attention
to what their owners pay attention to.
Yeah, but not always.
I mean, Angel's not watching me
- because you're pay
- No.
Well, I should probably get back to work.
- I'll get Hooch.
- Okay.
Seriously? Be cool.
Hi. Sorry. Hey, bud.
I know. Just
Grady, I spent an entire afternoon
with you blasting aliens into plasma.
- You said you would get the records.
- And I will.
I mean, I am. They're in storage.
I had to sign a form. It's a whole thing.
[Matthew] Watch me, Dad.
- [Grady chuckles] Sweet, buddy!
- Careful.
Okay, so then why couldn't you
just call me and tell me?
I thought you'd want to hear in person.
Besides, thought maybe the little man
would want to get some breakfast.
Really? Awesome.
No. No, no, no. I have to go to work.
I have things to do.
Matt-Matty, tell your mom she can be late.
Come on. It's breakfast.
You always do that.
You can't just use Matthew against me.
I'm not.
Hey, Matthew.
I'm not using you against your mom, am I?
It's not Dad's fault, Mom.
You just never want to do fun stuff.
It's just errands and work.
What about yesterday?
Didn't we play video games all day?
But that's only because we were here.
- It's always fun at Dad's.
- [chuckles]
Okay, fine. Let's get breakfast!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Here you go.
- We are not BMX-ing.
- You gotta work up an appetite.
- Oh, my
- Hyah.
- Saddle up, partner.
- [Laura] Mom, hi.
Yeah, I'm gonna be a little late
to the clinic this morning.
I believe this building has
a perfectly good front door.
I'm aware of that, sir.
But the defendant
threatened you yesterday.
If he's got someone after you,
they'll be watching the front.
So I get to follow up my breakfast
with a nice stroll by the dumpster?
You. Sunglasses.
You really think this is necessary?
Agent Turner's not wrong.
The streets are wide open.
What are we actually worried about?
Oh. Am I going to get shot by a sniper
if I'm not in a filthy alley?
- We're in Bogotá now?
- With all due respect, sir, it's possible.
Any of these tall structures
could be a sniper location.
That rooftop over there, for example.
Or that parking gar
Shooter! Everyone, down!
- [Hooch barks]
- [gunfire]
[both grunt]
Support team, we have an active shooter
in the parking garage at Orange and Polk!
Requesting backup!
- Sir, are you okay?
- It's "Your Honor"!
Your Honor, are you okay?
No! I am not okay!
There's rancid Chinese food back here.
- I'm sorry, Your Honor!
- Then I suggest you do something!
[whispering] Go, go.
I think he's gone! Everyone okay?
[Nelson] You've got to be kidding me.
Unfortunately, it appears the sniper
got away before backup arrived.
Which leaves us with exactly zero.
What What's that What is that smell?
- It's It's lo mein, sir.
- I can confirm that.
- Lo mein?
- Lo mein.
Might have been a thinner noodle.
A chow mein, perhaps.
Equally as delicious.
What we do know is
that this was a sophisticated attack.
The sniper probably worked
for the Bianchi family.
- We're dealing with a pro.
- Could use a pro or two ourselves.
You led me right into the line of fire.
What kind of idiot does that?
I assure you, Your Honor,
that was the safest route.
Are you arguing with me?
- No, no, I'm just pointing out
- [Nelson] Go ahead.
Keep arguing. I dare you.
You know
[horn honks]
I risked my life for that guy.
And Hooch's!
We should be figuring out
how that sniper knew our location,
instead of being forced
to volunteer and pick up
Is that a diaper, Hooch?
Gross! Put it down!
- You seem upset.
- Oh, do I? Yeah.
I'm upset because this is upsetting.
You think the prosecutor won't
be impressed with you now?
[chuckles] Why wouldn't she be, right?
Yeah, I'm sure she'd be really wowed
by my skills at picking up beer cans
and putting them in orange buckets!
I know it's hard to see,
but it's like riding a wave.
You feel the way a case wants to take you,
and you go with it.
We're on the verge of something.
I can feel it.
No! No!
No, we're not on the verge of anything.
Look, I don't know
what planet you're from, bro,
but I've had enough
of your weird surfer wisdom.
There's no lesson to be learned
from getting extra hot sauce, dude.
Prying filth from my dog's mouth
is not the universe trying
to guide me to anything.
This is how it always feels
right before the wave breaks.
Then everything comes together.
Stop it. Stop talking. Shh.
Stop it.
Where are you getting those diapers?
That's it. I'm getting you out of here.
Erica, it's Scott.
I need a really huge favor.
Check it out!
Awesome, Dad!
[chuckles] Whoo!
Aren't you glad we rode bikes?
Couple more miles,
and those pancakes are gone.
- That garbage truck almost took me out.
- [chuckling] Nice!
It really wasn't.
Still. Up high.
No, no. It's time for us to go home.
- Mom, no. Dad's gonna make waffles.
- Yeah.
But we just had pan
Put your bike away. Get your stuff.
[groans] Just go.
What's the rush?
It's been two hours.
I'm late for work. I'm sweaty.
And And my butt hurts from this stupid,
miniature circus-clown bike.
It's not a clown bike. It's a BMX.
So you can do bunny hops
without hitting your
Do you have the records or not?
- It looks like he's got 'em.
- Great.
They're on microfiche.
Microfiche went out in the 1980s.
What date did you give him?
2018. I wrote it on my arm.
And then?
And then I
And then I went boogie boarding.
And it may have smeared.
Okay! That's on me.
I have an idea.
I'll fix the thing with the records,
and then we'll have a second breakfast.
- Waffle bar!
- [Matthew] Yeah!
- No.
- What? Why not?
Because someone has to be the grown-up.
He hasn't done his homework
or had vegetables in days.
Grady, you cannot do this to me again.
- Do what?
- Create a situation which I can't win.
You come up with some fun idea,
and I have to say yes,
or I'm the mean parent.
- I thought you liked to have fun.
- I do, but I'm not 22 anymore, okay?
Life is more than just fun and games
and shoes that look like gloves.
High five.
Get the records now!
These shoes are awesome.
Animal safety emergency.
Thank you for coming.
I gotta get him out of here
before he eats all the garbage
from here to Marin.
No problem.
So, I guess the judge-protecting thing
didn't go so well?
Not really.
Yeah, about that.
I was thinking about what you said
about how Hooch was paying attention
to the judge
It doesn't matter anymore.
I'm off the assignment.
The judge put the chief on it personally.
But still, it's good to just know
why a dog acts weird.
And I was wondering if you remember
when Hooch started focusing on the judge.
- You know, when he saw Judge Nelson.
- It was after that.
Hooch didn't focus
until after Nelson put on his robe.
Actually, you're right. Why would that be?
Could be so many things. The smell. Sound.
Even basic electronics make
an ultrasonic sound only dogs can hear.
Wait a second.
Xavier, when we went to pick up the
judge's robe, you remember the window?
I can't believe they'd pass off heavy
starch as light to a judge of my stature.
Like I wouldn't know the difference.
It was broken.
Like someone robbed the place.
What if someone broke in
to put something on the judge's robe?
A listening device or a tracker.
That would be how the sniper found us!
Guess it's a good thing
Hooch ate that diaper.
Not what I meant.
That's just a coincidence!
- Can we use your car?
- Yes!
Thank you.
Jess? Jess, it's Scott. Give me the chief.
I can't.
He's radio silent for security reasons.
It's just the chief and the judge.
- Well, then put me through to the court.
- No can do. They just adjourned.
Jess, they're in danger. Get them now!
Hey, hey! You can't just leave!
[tires screech]
- [honks]
- [tires screech]
They couldn't have gotten far.
I don't see the chief or Nelson.
They could be anywhere.
W-Wait, I have an idea.
If the judge has a bug on him,
how far away can Hooch hear him?
Depends on the frequency, but pretty far.
Okay. Hooch, where's your friend?
Go find the funny noise, okay?
- Go find the mean judge. Go find him!
- [barks]
Where is he? Find him.
Find him. Let's go. Let's go!
- This is exciting!
- Clear the way!
US Marshals!
Sorry! Sorry, it's my first chase.
I'm so sorry! Cute top!
- Down! Take cover!
- Get down! Down, down, down!
- [gunfire]
- [screaming]
I'm just a dog trainer!
[screaming continues]
He's up there!
- What are you doing?
- Saving your stupid life!
[Mendez] He's on the move!
I'll cover the judge.
You and the dog got this, Turner?
[Hooch barks]
NorCal ComCenter, Judge Nelson's
security detail is under fire.
We have an active shooter
at the construction site parking garage
at Elm and Third.
- Scott!
- I do not have a visual.
I need USMS personnel to respond
to our location and surround the plaza
- I have an idea. The receiver!
- What?
If Hooch could hear the transmitter,
then he could probably hear
the receiver too.
- Whatever the assassin is using
- He could lead us to him.
- Yes!
- You're brilliant!
Hooch, go find
the other funny noise, right?
Find the other funny noise
and the other mean man.
[Hooch barks]
Erica. Erica, stay with them.
Sniper, remember?
Right, sorry. Be careful.
This is so exciting!
- Get down!
- [screams]
[horn honks]
Where is he, Hooch? Where is he?
Find him, boy.
[Scott] Freeze!
Drop your weapon. Do not move!
Get on the ground!
[panting, grunting]
[grunting continues]
Little help?
Ow, my eye!
Thanks for all the help, Hooch.
The stuff on his teeth is so gross.
The stuff on your teeth is so gross.
That's why I make you brush it.
They're mostly baby teeth.
Dad says I don't have to worry about them
till I get the real thing.
He said that?
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey, Dad.
- What's up, partner?
- This a bad time?
- Depends why you came.
[imitates fanfare]
Hey, bud. It's your lucky day.
You're gonna finish up.
- Remember, gentle circles, okay?
- Okay.
Here, hold his collar.
[dog whines]
- Got the records.
- Amazing.
Sorry it took so long and, you know,
I wasted so much time having fun.
I just kinda miss the old days.
I'm really sorry I blew up at you.
It's not like you made me do those things.
It was fun.
Then why were you so "yell-y?"
Because being an adult is hard.
I'm just really trying
to get my life together.
At the same time,
I don't want all of Matthew's memories
to be of me saying, "No."
It's not fair. You get to be
the cool BMX, video game dad,
and I just get to be vegetable mom.
Aw, come on.
Hey, speaking of video games,
I got the new Call of Duty.
- No.
- Hard no?
- Hard no.
- Hard, hard no?
- Yes. But thank you for this.
- It's your loss.
Yo, little man. Dad hug it out?
Up high! Down low, side, five!
[together] Go us!
Love you, buddy.
- I'll see you around.
- Thank you.
- You stay cool.
- [Matthew chuckles]
Don't feel bad, Mom.
Dad's fun, but I ate so much sugar
I think I pooped a jelly bean.
- Oh, no.
- [both chuckle]
I like vegetables, Mom.
[Laura] Aw.
You okay?
How many times did you get slammed
into that car?
Oh, five? Six? Sneven?
Did I just say "sneven"?
Maybe it was more than I thought.
Hey, um, look, I know I know things got
a little rocky there between us.
- Did it?
- Yeah, you remember the yelling?
The point is, I don't know how,
but I guess you were right
about the hot sauce and the diaper,
and I-I just think I got aggravated
because nothing seems to bother you.
You remember that wave of insurgents
in Afghanistan I told you about?
- Yeah.
- I lost a lot of friends that day.
Went to a dark place.
Until I realized everything is
either all terrible, or it's all good.
You know,
Jess said I could learn from you.
And I guess I did.
You wanna learn?
Question to ask yourself now is,
"What do you do
when the diaper isn't dirty?"
[cell phone rings]
I'm gonna take this call.
Hi, Laura. One sec.
I usually take calls privately.
- Hi.
- Hey, Scotty. Are you busy?
No, no, no. I'm just wrapping up. Uh
You know, I'm I'm not exactly sure.
Okay, cool.
Well, anyway, good news.
I got the records.
Oh, great!
I was hoping you'd come up tonight
and help me go through them.
Tonight? What's the rush?
Scott, I just spent two days
with Grady getting these.
You know what that means.
But, you know, I gotta debrief,
and I got a lot of paperwork.
Please, it would mean so much to me
if you came.
I really think that you believing in me
gave me the strength
to escape the Grady zone for once.
- Wow. Serious?
- Totally.
I don't think it's an accident Dad
gave you a dog that you need my help with,
and gave me a case
that I need your help with.
- I'll be there.
- Thanks.
[phone beeps]
I got a preliminary report from the FBI.
It looks like the assassin was
a known Mafia hit man.
The case against Bianchi
just got a lot stronger.
Excellent work, Chief Mendez.
I knew I was right to insist on you.
Your Honor? Just a little thing.
My partner and I were wondering
if our sanitation service
could be considered complete?
Fine. You've done enough.
Thank you for saving my "stupid" life.
Oh. You heard that, huh?
People say crazy things
in the heat of battle.
One time I screamed, "Banana!"
So, doesn't mean anything.
We'll need to put together
a new security detail for the retrial.
Retrial? What are you talking about?
Well, I thought in light of the attack,
you'd adjourn.
Nothing's being adjourned.
We need to send a message.
- Agreed.
- The trial continues.
Chief Mendez will come on
as head of my security detail.
- Will that be a problem?
- Not at all. Happy to serve.
May God have mercy on your soul.
Hey, I heard about the drama.
- How'd it go with Xavier?
- Honestly, I'm not entirely sure.
Are you kidding? You guys were amazing.
You saved the judge, the chief,
and I'm pretty sure you saved me too.
Nah, Hooch did most of the work.
Well then, Hooch is a hero.
So are you.
I never would have forgiven myself
if something had happened to you.
[Erica] Oh.
- Hi. Is this a bad time?
- Hey.
- It's a bad time.
- No, no, no. Um
Erica Mounir, this is Brooke Mailer.
Brooke, this is Erica.
You know, without Erica, things today
would have gone a lot different.
She figured out
what was going on with Hooch.
Oh, my gosh! You're the dog lady!
Yes! I mean, I'm a lady and I have dogs.
Yep, that checks out.
Scott, you didn't tell me
how adorable the dog lady was.
Oh, thank you.
Scott, you didn't tell me
that the prosecutor had such great hair.
And your skin is just flawless.
And perfect teeth.
- Oh, hey, Jess.
- Hey.
I was just here because I parked my van
next to the courthouse
where I dropped you off,
and I guess it got towed.
- So I was wondering
- We'll take care of that.
Thank you.
That is the only reason I am here.
I am glad you are well.
All of you.
Well, um, I should go too.
Let you get back to saving the world.
Hey, do you think
that once this trial's over,
maybe we could reconnect?
Grab some dinner sometime?
Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that.
Oh, and I like the new hair.
It's cool. It suits you.
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