TVF Pitchers (2015) s01e04 Episode Script

Bulb Jalega Boss

Dad, I just made you some coffee
Let me get it for you
No No, Just sit down
Jeetu was just right here
I dozed off for 30 minutes
and he is nowhere to be seen
Did he tell you where he has gone?
No but he must be around the block
He'll be back in a jiffy
Oh yeah?
when does he usually get back
home from the office?
almost by 7PM or 7:30 PM
But watchman told me that he usually
gets back by 2 or 3 in the night
and sometimes he'd get back
next day in the morning
yeah sometimes
But he tells me beforehand on the phone
if he's gonna be home late
oh really?
can you tell from the phone that
he's speaking from the office?
He could be calling from anywhere
I don't follow
Look, I took the contact number from the website
and called his company
They told me that office has been
closed for two days
Now do you know where he's been
for last 2 days?
Umm No Dad
You and him
are getting along with each other, right?
Ofcourse Dad but
But what's the matter?
No It's nothing
Thing is that he's just 26 years old
we don't know who he's been associating with
Do one thing..
Keep an eye on him
Monitor his phones, credit cards and bills
Check for the lipstick marks
on his clothes, if any
oh yes and..
Chop some onion and coriander leaves
and put it in the vegetable..
and cook for 5 more minutes
Jeetu's mom follows the same recipe
So Where were you, Son?
Oh I was just jogging outside
In flip flops?
I.. I was running at a slow pace actually
Try at a fast pace next time
Alright now give me your phone
I have to call your Aunt
Why don't I call her?
It's been a long time
since I've spoken to her
Okay, very well then
You call her then
Call her from Jeetu's phone and
tell me how's she doing
I'll be out here reading newspaper
I can't do this anymore
Why? What happened?
He thinks that you're having
a love affair with someone
He was asking me to spy on you
this is all because of that moronic watchman
gotta write a petition for his expulsion
Also Naveen and team has been going
through a lot lately
We'll know by the evening what
we're gonna do with the startup
Umm you're really not having an affair. right?
Soumya What the
I can't even keep up with my job here
and you're taking about affair?
Then why don't you tell this to Dad?
That you've left the job and about this startup..
It's not the right time yet
So, when it's gonna be?
He's gonna know about it
one way or another
Through Office or by watchman
or maybe from some other place
it's better that you tell him
about it yourself
Guys I'm not joking
My mom used to kiss me
on my forehead for luck
and it worked every time in my exams
We have a sacred purple chakra
in our forehead
I'm telling you, we've been
girdled by bad luck
Someone kiss me on my forehead,
everything will be alright
Hold up Mandal, We gotta find the judges first
You know what I think?
Leave everyone else aside and
let's focus on Narayan Murthy(founder of INFOSYS)
Look, I don't care about entry or permission
but I'm going to make that bitch Apoorva
pay for what she did to us
Hey Yogi! Naveen!
Hey Amitesh!
How're you doing fucker?
I'm well and good. How about you?
Did you have the lunch yet?
Not yet bro
Man, you're missing out on the best
butter chicken out there
I've already eaten 6 plates
Get in the line now, they only
have so much left
But what the fuck are you doing here?
Did you create a startup too?
Can you hold this for me?
Watch out for the pastry
What? what did you say?
Every Sunday there's an Event
or E summit
And I just register only to gulp
a lot of chicken
Look, I even give them a hint (
But still no one has come to know
about my shenanigans
What about you though?
What's the idea of your startup?
we're presenting our idea on the stage most likely
Then you'll know
Why so closemouthed about it?
Tell me now
Okay, so the idea is
Won't it lower your anticipation if
I told you now?
you haven't changed a bit since college
No one could be more melodramatic than you
alright let it be a mystery then
Where the hell is Jeetu?
The fucker's at home, it's because of him that
we're in such abyss
oh really?
We have to talk to the judges now
Is Narayan Murthy here yet?
He abandoned the event at the last moment
So the event staff has seeked
a new replacement now
I've heard that he's a doyen
and very experienced man
I just saw him around here somewhere
Yeah, that's him
In the black suit
I can't recollect his name..
Oh yes Rajat Khanna
Head of Mokart's Mumbai branch
Do you want the kiss here or in the bathroom?
It's been 2 hours but
no one's bothering to unlock this thing
women have a record participation
this year
5 Female entrepreneurs and this?
I tell you there has to be
a limit to gender discrimination
I mean it's everywhere
In business, in sports, in films
Do you know about the Bechdel test?
Come, I'll tell you come
He knows you, try talking to him
Dude, I stomped over his project
to start this startup
There's no chance
Roger that
See you in two
Everything is set
We'll be holding the passes in
our hands in next 15 minutes
What? how?
I just spent some time on mankind's
most creative chair
And I made good use of it
I have 3 amazing plans
to enter this competition
Yogi no violence, no kidnapping
I have 1 amazing plan
to enter the competition
Hear me out, It's foolproof
Here's the plan
You guys think that you've heard
all the masterplans before, right?
But not mine
Some plans are effective,
some plans are brilliant
Mine is both
Right after 5 minutes, Apoorva will recieve
a call on the reception
In order to attend it, she'll go outside
Mandal will then block the CCTV
by balloons
And then my diversion
What? Is that true?
Guys, Sachin was just spotted outside
Not Sachin Tendulkar you morons,
Sachin Bansal
Finally, all Naveen has to do
is replace Jeetu's face on
our company's profile with somebody else's
And that guy will be our fake Jeetu for a day
NO no no no
Whose photo are you gonna upload
in place of Jeetu's?
We need a fake Jeetu beforehand
Plan is foolproof Naveen
We have the 4th guy
I've just hired our first intern
Oh! and he's here
The key is under the doormat
Live Long Suckers
Let's give it up for ChaCha
Yogi, I'm not so sure bro
Do you have a better plan?
Then come on guys lets do this
Why are you taking the balloons inside?
It.. it's my son's birthday
who is your son?
There's no Naveen here
What are you smuggling inside them?
I'm calling the police
I don't want to get locked
behind the bars again
Organizer, call the ploice
Whoa hold on hold on
He's with me
what happened?
Why is he bringing the balloons in here?
You guys again?
Security, please escort them out of here
They have been bugging me for hours
What's going on here?
Wha.. what's the problem?
You guys have been here since morning
You should've come to me earlier
What the hell was that out there?
Sir, the passes sir
I'm really sorry
I didn' know that you know them
Even if I didn't know them
How dare you stop people from
entering the competition?
Haven't they already registered on the website?
Don't they have a product ready?
They do sir, i'm really sorry
So I think you should talk to the
management and get her fired
Yeah we should. shouldn't we?
So that more teams don't get
disqualified for a trivial rule
It's okay sir, she was just doing
her job
If we can ever return your favour
Actually my uncle is an LIC agent
If you ever need a free insurance policy,
here's my card
You guys have worked so hard,
this is the least I could do for My ex employee
Thanks a lot, lucky for us
that you were here
That I would agree with
Just one small thing
Some people might feel that because I know
you from before I'm allowing you to participate
So, god forbids if there's a controversy
to follow, making me a bad person
Can you just get the other teams to sign on a paper
That they're okay with you participating
Others as in? all the other teams?
yeah, it shouldn't take more than
half an hour
Plus they must be having lunch right now
See, I don't want the other teams to feel that
the judges are biased, right?
So, just for safety
please get the signatures
Okay? okay the other judges are waiting for me
I gotta go
But Rajat, what if we don't
get the signatures?
Without the other teams' consent
I can't allow you to talk about your product Naveen
Naveen you know me
However trivial the rules are
you know I always like to follow them
The event's gonna start
Please get the signatures
Yes I'm getting there tonight
No I haven't left yet
I'll leave by 8PM
No, why would I reach the next morning?
I won't be late, I'll be there tonight
I won't be taking train
Jeetu booked me a flight ticket
Yes, he just got a promotion
Alright man, I'll talk to you later
What happened?
Nothing, I'm just going to watch TV
There was a remote around here
Do you see it there?
What are you gonna watch?
3 Idiots is about to start
Have you seen it?
Yeah, it's been broadcasted a lot
I haven't seen the whole movie though
What? you haven't seen the whole movie?
It's a brilliant movie
The climax is awesome, There's a scene
between Madhavan and his Dad
Here, I'll show you if it's airing right now
Have you seen "Husband, wife and her" ?
Sanjeev Kumar's film
It's a brilliant movie too
In the film sanjeev kumar has an affair
with other woman
which sabotaged his life
Have you seen it?
No I haven't
It must be airing on a classic channel, check it
Nope, They are showing Baghban here
Right now it's just commercials
Why are you watching the commercials,
Change the channel
No, I'm just noticing that Ad world
is completely changed now
Its not only shampoo and hair oil
ads anymore
There are a lot of commercials about
website domains and smartphone apps these days
Everything's been done on Internet these days
Even these movie actors are doing
a lot of tech related ads
These apps are very useful though
I even booked your flight through
an app in the morning
These app generating companies are
initially termed as "Startup"
People have been more tech savvy
since the last 7,8 years
So what?
What are you telling me about Startup?
Don't I know about it?
No, there was an ad playing on the TV
that's why..
Do you have a job offer from a startup?
That's where you work post the office hours?
Look, don't be gullible about it
Most startups are just decoys
They won't offer you any money,
Instead they'll give you a share
What'll you do with the share if
company shuts down in mere 6 months?
That's not how it works Dad
That's exactly how it works.
You don't have to tell me about it
Satish's son opened an umbrella factory too,
nothing has come out of it.
We're not making umbrellas
Yeah whatever you're making
Can you give me a guarantee that the
company is not gonna terminate after 6 months?
Don't even think about working in a startup, okay?
Do you hear me?
Your mom gave a list of songs to download,
Get to that
Go now
Actually, he didn't tell you the whole thing
Sir, you've already eaten 7 plates
You're counting down this? huh?
I'm a startup founder, how dare you?
It's not your son's wedding,
keep 'em coming. chop chop
Hey Amitesh bro, there's a problem
Oh! that's a bummer
Has anyone else signatured yet?
No, but everyone's asking the same thing
That's why I came to you
Can I have your signature please?
Just let me finish this sweet dish
then I'll sign on it
I'll be back in 2 minutes
Just a minute
Looking for a pen?
No, my phone is buzzing. Hold on
Yeah Karunesh, yeah speak up. Yeah
You ran out of noodles?
Can you guys just sign here?
Beat it, asshole.
I'm telling you evil eye beads are very useful
Some boy used to harass my cousin sister
and it helped
She's a very sincere girl bro,
your phone hangs because you use lot of profanity
Get out of here
But you guys are..
Beat it, fucker
What? you made an Omelet?
Oh man! I brought those eggs to wash my hair with
You jerk!
Amitesh, Please sign it bro
Oh man! I've to take a shit again
I think I've diarrhea
I'll be right back, okay?
Yeah you're right It's enough talking for the day
Listen, you wanna hear a song?
Just a little bit more
It's alright man,
atleast we tried
Don't fret over it
Should we go home?
We'll beat the traffic jam if we leave now
Tell him to zip it, Yogi
But Naveen for once I agree with him bro
We've had enough of this shit
We shouldn't embarass ourselves on the stage now
Let's go home now
No Yogi
We're not gonna leave it like this
We've been fighting for this competition
for so long
We won't meet so many investors under one roof
anytime again
We have to get on the stage
But what shall we do on the stage?
What's your job in this startup?
If you had to do coding then what's the
point of leaving a well settled company?
Dad, I don't know how to explain
No No try to explain
But look into my eyes while explaining
Dad, there's no job satisfaction
I don't enjoy working in these companies
Do you seek enjoyment by working?
I've been working in a bank for 32 years,
what? for enjoyment?
I have to manage other people's accounts,
what? for enjoyment?
You get the salary on the 1st day of every month
You had such a good job, you had PFLT and
all the company's amenities
Even after all that you decided to choose this?
Alright forget the mistake that you've done
and move on
You have a promising resume
Start applying for a new job,
you'll get one in a month or two, okay?
Dad, I've already
Not okay Dad
He wants to carry on with the startup
Aren't you guys getting anything?
What if the company didn't succeed or
the startup crashes. What then?
Atleast give him a chance to fail, Dad
There's a landmine ahead, and you're asking
me to let him step on that?
When you were having your exams,
I was offered a promotion in Jaipur
For the sake of your studies,
I denied the promotion
I have always said that study as much as you want
I'll pay the loans but I won't let
all the burden fall on you
I'm disallowing this for your own good
But Dad, for how long are you gonna
be concerned?
As a parent all you can do
is prepare him
So that he can think about
his own good himself
And you've done that
You can teach a student but
he has to take the exam himself
Alright then, it seems like my words
have no meaning here
Dad, even you took a risk of your promotion
for his future
Now that he's leaving his job
for his own future, atleast have faith in him
I have faith in a company which is 25 years old
How can I trust a new company
created by 4 amateurs
But that 25 years old company was also
created by some 3,4 amateurs
And the day that company was created,
another 99 companies were shut down
Probability Jeetu..
If you had studied that chapter,
your rank and decision both would've been better
Hey! why are you crying?
He wouldn't have stayed anyway
I shouldn't have said anything
Alright now please don't cry
You know what? No one has ever
stood up for me like you did
You tried your best dear
Why are you saying sorry?
Infact I should say thanks to you
We had an arranged marriage so
I've never said this to you
I love you
I'm sure you must have met me and
my team members an hour ago
We're the same guys who were like
pleading, begging..
And in some cases even threatning you
To get one lousy signature on this page
Which says it's okay for us to
present our product on the stage
But, as you can see,
we didn't even come close
I have some friends in The United states
They work in the silicon valley
They told me that whenever an entrepreneur
starts a startup there
The very first question they are being
asked is "What?"
What is the product?
And here in India "what" is far less likely,
everyone asks "why?"
Why entrepreneurship?
Today we are facing a similar challenge..
Like nobody is willing to listen to our "what?"
So let me talk about The "why?"
Why entrepreneurship?
I don't know
Maybe I was frustrated at my well wisher boss
in a corporate job
Or maybe I was inspired by "The Wolf Of wall street"
and "The social network"
Or maybe I enjoyed solving
the real life problems
Do you guys remember, in 90s when we
used to get those free tazos inside a chips packet?
Circular tazos made up of plastic, like
shining discs which had cartoons imprinted on them
I used to be like crazy about them
You know all I wanted was 100s and 100s
of tazos
So that I could store them in
an empty bottle of fruit jam
But I could only afford 1 packet of chips
a week from my pocket money
While my friends were piling on to 25-30 tazos,
I could manage only 5
You guys must be thinking right now that
how trivial this problem is
But at that time for a 10 years old kid,
it was a huge life problem
And it needed to be solved
and then I got an idea
One day I scratched all of my tazos with a coin
until they became completely white
The next day when I went to school
A news had been spread that Naveen has some unique
tazos, blank tazos
On which you can draw any of your
favourite cartoon character
and suddenly everybody wanted it
People were ready to trade their 10,15 and even 20 tazos
just to get that one special tazo
One month after that, I went to
the shop again
But not to buy a packet of chips
Instead I bought a new bottle of fruit jam
That was my life's first business model
I executed a lot of business ventures after that
I used to write CDs from my computer
and sold them in school
With the help of local sponsors
I managed to print my magazine in college
But there's a huge difference between
then and now
Today I'm scared
Because the competition is very ruthless
You know standing here today,
I don't feel like an entrepreneur
I feel as if I'm a contestant in a reality show
and I'm being eliminated even before performing
Actually today's judge my ex boss Mr Rajat khanna
had summed up the competition..
in a very simple sentence
He says that there's a startup founder sitting in
every office cubicle these days
Then where am I standing among
those thousands of entrepreneurs?
Now I'm dubious about my own
capabilities you see
Then I thought that how am I
different with all these successful entrepreneurs?
What makes them special that I don't have yet?
I have my education, my wits
I have a team that stands resolutely behind me
So, technically I should be successful as well, right?
Well not necessarily
You know those guys had one more
extra thing in common
Which was perhaps the most crucial thing
They refused to give up
Read any entrepreneur's biography
Its filled with phrases
Like a shot in the dark
fighting against the odds
exploring uncharted territories
Then why am I scared to fail
at such an early stage?
Nobody invented an engine their first time
Nobody discovered an Island their first time
But they kept on trying,
they kept on working
If the room is dark and
you have to light a bulb
and if you kept fumbling the switches on
the switchboard
Then one of the switch will light the
fucking bulb
Gandhiji has said..
that whatever problem may come in life,
there's only one solution..
Bow down and get to work
all these mentors, angel investors and events
I don't have all these
external factors in my hands
All I have in my hands is my work
And whenever I'll get an opportunity..
I'll fucking ace it with my work
One such opportunity was being
snatched from me today
Rajat you told me that I cannot sell my
product here on stage
Therefore I sold myself
There was no need to become a hero there
Everyone likes Rajat
And you bashed him on the stage
Do you know how much negative publicity
you have generated?
Atleast its a publicity
No one was giving a shit about us anyway
Infact that publicity got us 4 visiting cards
All the cards are the ones
with "call my secretary" written on them
We're not gonna get a meeting
atleast before a month
Atleast its better than zero visiting cards
and I googled it..
Gandhiji never said "Bow down and get to work"
Yeah I mistakenly uttered that in a flow
Really Naveen? in a flow?
Fucker this is what you say when you're
asking for a blowjob
No man, It creates a double impact if you
add a famous personality in front of a quote
Why are you smiling so much?
Your Dad left your home outraged,
Aren't you worried about it?
Not a tad worried, I'll see about that
You just got laid, right?
What are you looking at Yogi?
Its just 8 in the evening
Every founder and VC is talking about you
Infact the finance minister just
wrote a tweet about you
Just kidding, It wasn't that big a deal
But yeah YourStory wrote an article
about you a while ago
I saw your idea at NASCOM conclave
I'm free on thursday afternoon,
what are you guys doing on thursday?
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