Twenties (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

You Know How I Like It

-Previously, on "Twenties."
-My old position as VP
is now up for grabs.
-I just don't want the only
two black execs at the studio
trying to kill each other
over a promotion.
-May the best man win.
-What are you passionate about?
-I used to be passionate
about acting.
-What do you
miss most about it?
-I miss feeling alive.
-What have you gotten
accomplished today?
-I was supposed
to work on my script
but I kept getting distracted.
And I still haven't found
my happy place.
-Writing isn't about
being happy,
it's about being disciplined.
-Every time I start getting
my shit together,
here you come.
Everything I say,
you can type ♪
World of collision,
catch my vision ♪
Hunt my flight down ♪
[bell dings]
-What's up with Hattie
and her long-ass showers?
-It relaxes her.
-Well, it's making
my nerves bad.
Our hot water bill's gonna
be through the roof.
-I'm making sure
that she's saving her money
so that she can
get her own place.
-Yeah, remind me not to smoke
right before
I get in the shower.
I just be in there,
staring at the wall,
wondering why there ain't never
been a black Bachelor.
-Why'd you leave
your water running?
-'Cause it was a perfect temp,
so I left it on for Soraya.
-Who the hell is Soraya?
-You ran out of shampoo.
Oh, are these organic eggs?
-Of course they are.
-What did we say about guests?
-To ask first.
-Did you?
-I texted y'all.
-You sent that text
at 3:00 a.m.
We were asleep.
-I mistook your silence
for approval.
-She's like a child.
-What do you want me to do?
-I'm standing right here.
-Just respect my house, okay?
Respect it.
-First of all, it is our house.
And you're the last one
that needs to be talking
about being disrespectful.
-What are you talking about?
-What were you talking
to that waiter about?
-What waiter?
-The one at the merger party.
-Like, a month ago?
-You were lost
in conversation with him.
He handed you
his business card.
-Babe, you know
everybody flirts with me
men, women, dogs.
-Well, you need to stop
flirting back.
-It wasn't even like that.
He gave me his card 'cause
he's got his own sneaker line
made out of recycled tires
by Nigerian orphans,
and he thought I could
hook him up
with some investors.
I don't even know
where that card's at.
-YeI'm gonna get
in the shower
and pray there's still
some hot water left.
-Sometimes a cold shower
can do a body good.
Where is my bagel?
-I'm in a bad mood ♪
Bad mood ♪
Hundred in the trunk
and I don't give a ♪
I'm in a bad mood ♪
-I just wish I could get away
and get some writing done.
-Didn't you get away to
Santa Barbara a few weeks ago?
-You went to Santa Barbara
to write?
That's such a good idea.
It's so peaceful
and beautiful up there.
-She didn't go up there
to write.
-Wow, Marie. Wow.
-Don't "wow" me
when you're the one
trying to be a writer
but you never seem to be
writing anything.
-What were you doing
in Santa Barbara?
-And why don't I
know about this?
Hattie, don't let Lorraine
treat you like a plaything.
-I'm not.
-That's exactly
what you're doing.
She calls and you come running.
-I had another chick
in my bed last night, didn't I?
-You had another chick
on my futon.
-I just sat on that futon.
-And you only had her there
because that's
your way of pretending
you're not thinking
about Lorraine when you are.
You probably don't even know
the girl's name.
-Yes, I do.
-What's her last name?
-I ain't gotta
prove shit to you.
-You need to get
out of my business and worry
about your own relationship.
-What? Are you and Chuck okay?
-We're fine.
[phone rings]
-[sighs] I told you
you could just call.
You ain't gotta use
the FaceTime all the time.
-No, I wanna make sure
you ain't doing nothing crazy.
-What would I be doing?
-Scissoring somebody.
-I told you,
that's not a thing.
-I saw it on a lesbian porno.
-I don't even watch that.
That shit is for dudes.
-I am trying
to understand you better.
-Well, just ask me questions.
Leave that bullshit alone.
-All right. How's the job?
I mean, you know
That bitch still got you
organizing her sock drawer?
-I ain't never did that.
-Well, look,
I ain't pay all that money
for you to go to school
to end up being somebody's
little errand girl.
-It's a very good job,
Miss Esther.
-Marie, if you don't sit
your little bougie ass down
Now, if you gon' do that,
you might as well come drive
for UPS.
-Oh, no.
-First of all,
them trucks don't have no doors
and you know
I don't like the elements.
-Well, I didn't raise you
to be nobody's slave.
-Bye, Ma.
-Bye, Chicken George.
-[call disconnects]
-Man, she is a hot mess,
but she's right.
I need to get in
the writer's room.
-You have to earn that.
-She has.
-Thank you, Ni.
-Then you should figure out
how to charm Ida
into letting you in the room.
-How am I supposed to do that?
-Make it about her.
Narcissists love that shit.
-[inhales sharply]
-I gotta go, boos.
I have an audition.
-A cattle call and an audition
are two very different things.
-As soon as I let the universe
know what I wanted,
an opportunity
presented itself.
Y'all know I'm good
at manifesting shit.
-What's the studio?
-There isn't one.
It's a web series.
Black director.
Zulu Warrior Productions.
It says they have
87,000 subscribers
-Omarosa has more followers.
-Stop being negative.
-I'm just curious.
-Well, whatever it is,
I hope you slay that shit.
-Thank you.
-Are you sure
you're ready for this?
-Yes. I'm ready
to walk in my purpose.
-Well, I'm happy for you, then.
-Me too.
That web series gon' be trash.
-Just let her be happy.
[upbeat music]
-I'm telling you straight up,
Ida, look, now's the day.
-Um, what are you doing?
-I'm gonna go ask Ida
if I can sit
in the writers' room today.
-Are you high?
-No, but I'd like to be.
[both sigh]
-PAs don't get
to sit in the writers' room.
-But I applaud your gusto.
Black girl magic
is in full effect.
-I'm sick of running errands
all day.
I took this job so I could
learn how to be a writer.
-Sit down, be humble.
-Easy, Kendrick.
That's what I've been doing
for the past six weeks.
-If you test
the waters too soon,
you could wind up
losing this job altogether.
we've seen it happen before.
-Remember Shaquila?
-Oh, how could I forget?
She was such a sweet girl.
-Well, at least she's in
a better place now.
-Who the hell is Shaquila?
-She PA'd for this show,
season one.
-And she got killed?
-Even more tragic.
-Ida cursed her out
in front of the whole crew
when she asked to be bumped up
to writers' assistant.
-Because she had a bad attitude
and she liked to talk back.
-She also wasn't
a fan of the show
and she was only using Ida
to get ahead.
-The real tea is
she had a crush on Ida
and she found out about it.
-Okay, either way,
people said Ida
read her for filth
and her soul just got up
and left her body.
-Why'd you say
she's in a better place now?
-Oh, I just meant she's working
for some nice, white gay man.
-Yeah, she's
a script coordinator
on "Vampire Babies."
Isn't that on the CW?
-Yeah, she is. I caught
an episode of it last night.
It's not good.
-Well, I'd rather
work for some nice,
white gay man
than be stuck here
for the rest of my life.
Excuse me.
-I'm gonna miss her.
-I'm not.
[dramatic music]
Okay. Mm-hmm. Right.
-Uh, look, you are amazing.
-And you have
a lot on your plate.
-Yes, I do.
-And my job
is to make your life easier.
-I'm aware of what your job is.
-And I would like to add
a few more responsibilities
to my job description.
-I could use
another landscaper.
My last one got deported.
I hate Trump.
-[chuckles] No.
I mean more work-related stuff.
-Well, look at you,
getting some initiative.
-In episode five,
we're referencing something
the Flatiron Murder case.
-That sounds hilarious.
-It's a real thing.
And I don't wanna
get my facts wrong.
So do me a favor, hm?
Get me the court records
for Walters vs. California
Board of Cosmetology.
-Okay, great.
And where does one find
those court records?
-I mean, I could tell you,
but where's the fun in that?
I need them by end of day.
Ohh, and, um,
get me a smoothie as well.
You know how I like it.
-Yeah, I do.
[light orchestral music]
-I was always a night shift,
so if I'm doing night shift,
how am I supposed to audition?
You know what I mean?
-You're gonna be tired.
-Like, I'm tired.
-Hey! How y'all doing?
-Good. How are you?
-A little nervous. But good.
-Girl, don't be nervous.
This ain't shit.
-Excuse me?
-Yeah, we do this kinda shit
just to pass the time.
-Is this gonna be bad?
-Of course it is!
-This shit was written
by some closeted gay black man
who thinks he's Spike Lee.
-Then why are we waiting in
line to be a part of it?
-What's the alternative?
-But don't we wanna
do good work that challenges us
and forces us to grow
as artists?
-Of course we do,
but we don't have agents.
-Neither do I.
This is what we have to do
while we work our way up,
-But I don't wanna wait
in some long-ass line
for something that's not
even gonna benefit me.
-[laughs] Peoples,
they come in here
thinking they gon' get
discovered by Shonda Rhimes,
blow up and be
on the cover of "Vogue."
-That kinda shit
only happens to Ellen Pompeo.
-Do you look like Ellen Pompeo?
-Uh, no, I do not.
-Neither do I.
-So, we wait in line.
We pay for acting classes
we can't afford.
We try to be
the one black person
in a diversity showcase.
-Oh, and we pray
a half-decent agent is there
and wants to take us on.
-It doesn't matter,
because most casting directors
are looking for a name, anyway.
-And the light-skinned girls
are still
everybody's top choice.
-Mm-hmm. Yeah, they are.
-If it's that bad,
what are we doing?
-Girl, we living the dream.
Are you SAG?
-Not anymore.
-Good, 'cause this
is non-union.
Ready when you are.
-Are you gonna say action
or do I just go when I'm ready?
-Wait for my command.
[sweeping orchestral music]

-What's up, Tom?
I see you've been working out.
And that hair on your chest
is coming in real nice.
[laughs] I'd love to go
to the gym with you
and work on my
-Is that it?
[light music]

Wait for my command.
-Hello, you have reached
the City Courthouse
of Los Angeles.
[speaks Spanish]
[presses button]
If you are calling
for jury duty, press two.
If you are calling to file
a marriage license
-press three.
-Speak with a representative.
-Sorry, all of
our representatives
are currently busy.
Please hold.
Your current wait time
is approximately 15 minutes.
-Man, damn!
[orchestral music]

[phone rings]
-Hi. This is Dorian Graves
calling from CBS.
-"Chocolate Bedtime Stories."
Is this, uh, Tia?
-No, this is Nia.
Then you definitely
didn't get the part.
-Okay, you don't gotta
say it like that.
-I was in the room.
You were awful.
-Well, so is the web series.
-Yeah, but it ain't that bad.
[breezy music]
-Mm-mm, that's too weak.
More protein powder.
-CCLA Hall of Records,
how can I help you?
-Hi, I need to find
the court records
for Walters vs. California
Board of Cosmetology.
-Fax us a written request
and you'll have them
in 72 hours.
-No, I need them today
for my boss, Ida B.
The creator of the show
"Cocoa's Butter."
-"Cocoa Butter"? I'm not
familiar with that show.
-They're for my boss, Ida B.
She does
the show "Cocoa's Butter."
-"Cocoa" what?
-Like the lotion?
-I'm sorry, I have oily skin.
What's that got to do
Hello? Who am I speaking to?
-This D'Manuel,
how can I help you?
[angelic chorus sings]
-Hey, brother.
I work for Ida B.
from "Cocoa's Butter."
-Ooh, that's my show!
I love me
some "Cocoa's Butter."
-You do?
Me and the girls,
we got a whole fan club.
We call ourselves
The Cocoa Puffs.
Wait, you work over there?
-What is
[sucks teeth] Yeah.
-Ooh, girl,
you gotta spill the tea.
Is Cocoa gonna get together
with that beautiful
Michael B. Jordan-looking
construction worker
with the crazy twin baby mamas
while her man's in jail?
-Well, I can't be out here
giving away trade secrets
like that.
But maybe I can give you
some intel if you can get me
these court records
we're looking for.
-Name the case.
-Walters vs. California Board
of Cosmetology.
-Damn! The Flatiron Murder?
Y'all gon'
put that on the show?
Season five about to be fire!
Hold on, girl.
Let me go check.
And just so you know,
they usually try to give you
a 72 hour hold,
but I'm gonna hook you up.
What's a good callback number
for you?
[upbeat music]
[muzak plays over speakers]
-What up, bro?
-Oh. [laughs]
My bad. My apologies
for misgendering you.
-All good.
-My brother's trans,
so I should know better.
You on hormones?
-Uh, I'mI'm not trans.
-I still don't quite know
what that means.
-You know what?
This is a lot.
I'm gonna go get in line.
[phone rings]
-Hey, girl. It's D'Manuel
from the courthouse.
I found you those records.
-Oh, my gosh, D'Manuel.
I love you.
-Yeah, you know we gotta
stick together
and do it for the culture.
But look, you have to get
down here, we close at 4:30.
-It's 4:00.
-Well, hurry
your ass up, then!
-[receiver clicks]
-Hey, baby ♪
I'm watching you ♪
-Sorry, we're closed.
-Come on, man!
It's 4:35.
I know D'Manuel's
still in there.
-Look, I gotta get in there.
I need to get these
court records for my boss.
Can't you just open the door up
and let me in, please?
I'll do anything.
-I mean, not anything.
-I like your style, girl.
-[chuckles] Thanks.
-Mm, mm, mm.
I've always had a thing
for those tomboys, you know?
-[chuckles] Okay.
-Yeah. [chuckles]
-So, um, you gonna
let me in the building?
-Or no, papi?
-Oh Papi.
If I let you up in there,
am I gonna get that number?
-All right, man.
-Local gal, huh?
[upbeat triumphant music]

-I got the court records.
I called and called
till I got a black person
he's your biggest fan.
There was a 72 hour hold,
butI finessed it.
You know.
-We're losing that scene.
-So there's an advance
screening on the lot tonight.
Some young, hot director.
Should be rather dull, but
you're welcome to come along
if you'd like.
-Really? I'd love to.
-Come with me.
[hip-hop music]
Let's see here.
This should work.
-You look good.
-Thank you.
-What are you doing here?
-Same thing you're doing.
Hey, you good?
-I'm fine.
-Yeah, right.
-What's that supposed to mean?
-I'm still at work.
-So am I.
[light music]

[upbeat music]
-The audition was awful,
but at least I met
some other actresses.
-Well, that's good.
-Yeah, they gave me the real.
that being an actor sucks?
-You just have to
go really hard
and be super committed
to the craft.
You'll get there.
-I receive that.
I'm sensing
some real negative energy
emanating from your center.
Your aura
is seriously messed up.
I think we need
to get you checked.
How long is this chakra
cleansing supposed to take?
-Don't make fun.
Your head chakra's
nice and open.
Your heart chakra's
looking good.
-It's doing
that straight line thing.
-Yeah, 'cause you're moving it.
-No, I'm not.
-Yes, you are.
-Oh no, this is your energy.
-Well, what is it saying?
-[sighs] Your sacred chakra,
it's blocked.
That's where your emotions
are held.
Girl, your emotions
are completely shut down.
-I gotta go.
Love you.
-But I want you to love you.
[movie chatter]
[romantic music playing
in movie]

-Thank you.
-Alicia. Oh, this is Hattie.
She works for me.
-I absolutely loved your film.
The layers, the nuance,
the depth.
This is the kind of work
I really wanna be doing.
I'm so inspired.
-Thanks. That means a lot.
Yes, Lauren.
-I know, right?
I got this for, like,
$2 on Melrose.
-I really enjoyed your film,
but the first act
was a little slow.
-Well, she had to establish
the characters.
-It shouldn't take 45 minutes
to do that. Get to the point.
-That's a good note.
I'll be sure
to keep that in mind.
-Well, we should be on our way.
-Congrats on completing
your film.
[orchestral music]

-Who's gonna get it now? ♪
Get it, get it,
get it now? ♪
[electronic music]

-Who's gonna get it now? ♪
Get it, get it,
get it now? ♪

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