Twilight of the Gods (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

The Worm

[dramatic opening theme music plays]
[music ends]
[water lapping]
[eerie music plays]
[footsteps approaching]
[thunder rumbling]
[lightning crackles]
- [moans]
- [Jormungandr bellows]
[tense music plays]
Does nothing in our heaven
delight my husband?
Can your own Sif be of service?
[Thor grunts]
[indistinct conversations]
[ominous music plays]
[Thor] You visit my beach
in your bleeding time?
I want no messy women.
I come to your revels with a honeyed cunt.
Only my steps are stained.
Give your name, girl, or be gone.
I am the goddess of tracks grim crimson.
With the bested and broken I tread.
I am your forced march home from defeat.
Sandraudiga the Dread.
[Thor] That mad bitch.
She bested me.
It is new for me to know you defeat.
You may know me as well as you wish.
What can I offer the son of Odin?
Will you weep?
[somber, ethereal music plays]
I did not know gods could rot.
They are un-worshipped and neglected.
But they are gods yet
and will kill you if they choose.
[Tiwaz speaks in Vanir
in deep, gravelly voice]
King Tiwaz and his holy kin
have eyes in Asgard.
They told him to expect you.
He tested you with his foundling.
You rescued her.
And so the Vanir grant you an audience.
King Tiwaz, we thank you
for your hospitality.
I am Leif, King of Clan Völsung,
and I come here
as my future Queen Sigrid's helpmate.
[Tiwaz speaks in Vanir
in deep, gravelly voice]
We know of your Blood-Bride's revenge.
Then you know we need help.
We are not asking you to march in force.
We ask only for aid.
Or we will not make it past Asgard's wall.
[Tiwaz speaks in Vanir
in deep, gravelly voice]
We mingled our god-gob
with Odin's kith and kin.
We will not break our spit-sworn truce.
Did not Thor violate it first?
[speaks in Vanir in deep, gravelly voice]
We will not burn the world
for a single footfall.
You ask too much.
Then I will not ask.
I will beg.
[Tiwaz] Mm.
My father raised me
with the Vanir in my heart.
Long have my people poured out
good mead and better men in your honor.
Please help us.
[worm chitters]
And what if we bring you
the apples of immortality?
They kept life in your halls
until Odin took them.
Now you wither,
while the Aesir live forever young.
[Tiwaz speaks in Vanir
in deep, gravelly voice]
The orchard of gold is forbidden to us.
But if you mortals will go
where the Vanir cannot,
if you can defeat Fafnir the snow dragon
And reclaim even a single apple
from his hoard,
if you can do the impossible, then yes,
the Vanir will help you.
When I bring back a whole bushel,
I will hold you to that.
[speaks in Vanir
in gravelly, rasping voice]
You will take our mortal with you.
Our servant Thyra will aid in the effort.
And bring back news of your death.
We get to kill a fucking dragon!
No, I get to kill a fucking dragon.
[speaks in Vanir in deep, gravelly voice]
We will have a feast
to honor those about to die.
[grunts softly]
[eerie music plays]
- [bells clinking]
- [mooing]
[slow, rhythmic music plays]
[Sigrid] How long
have you lived with them?
The Vanir found me in the borderlands,
a babe left on the high road.
I served them.
They raised me and were good to me.
Good to you?
You were in danger when we found you.
Only to test you.
I was sent in bonds to the farmers.
The Vanir knew
what they meant to do to me,
what was in their hearts.
But they wanted to know what was in yours.
- [thuds]
- [grunts in triumph]
[laughs triumphantly]
[thuds softly]
- Egill, I brought
- Mm.
[grunts uncertainly]
The apples
How'd that come to you?
I had to do something
while you were on your knees.
We need strength.
You knelt today.
And before that, to my father, to Andvari.
Who won't you kneel to?
- Mercy is not some coin for you to spend.
- It bought us entry here.
You would rather
that I burn the world down to grass,
loading other men's spoils onto my ship,
their women's screams behind me?
I am not that man, Sigrid.
You slew Egill's father
in front of his eyes when he was 15,
took him as a slave,
and made him love you for it.
Leif the Merciless.
That is the man who won me.
[Leif groans]
Egill, you have served ten good years
and walked farther than you owe me.
Your next steps are your own.
You are free.
What? We need every man we have.
I'm I'm free?
I can leave?
Your debt is paid.
So says Leif the Merciful.
[Egill] Sorceress, there's something
I need from you.
Oh? What do you think you need, thrall?
I'm not a thrall.
My king released me,
and now I ask your counsel.
Can't get your sticks up
to see for yourself?
Tell me
Now hear of Egill the Thrall.
Who has never owned his future.
Who has never gazed further,
for a bought man
who invites hope is a fool.
Where do I go?
Do I go?
I see two paths for you.
You have a choice.
Continue to Asgard,
and your story ends sharply.
Or go home, and write many more chapters.
- Would you have me stay?
- Ugh.
So, you want to bed me for the story?
To say you laid with a witch and lived?
No! No, please, I
Gods, I wish I knew your name.
Try King Tiwaz.
Now there's a story.
"Egill far-traveled,
who earned his freedom
and fucked a god, all in one day."
[Egill sighs] I'm sorry I came.
He will hate you now.
But he'll live.
[shouting in Dwarf Tongue]
I wish you well, my king.
I hope, if we meet again,
we can greet each other as friends.
You think it likely that we'll meet again?
Fafnir! I will fuck your skull!
That's a story all its own.
- Last night, Andvari was very drunk.
- [Andvari continues shouting]
And what a tale he told.
One last story then?
For luck.
Now hear of Andvari who holds a grudge.
In an age past,
there lived two dwarf princes,
who took animal shapes
to explore their kingdom.
They befriended another young dwarf
who could change his skin, Andvari.
Fast friends they were,
until Loki came.
Oh, he claimed it was an accident,
but even then,
Loki had plans within plans.
[intriguing music plays]
[Egill] The dwarf's father, the king,
demanded settlement from Asgard.
A ransom he called it.
- Loki agreed
- [coins clinking]
offering treasure untold,
and he delivered it.
But it was not his gold to give.
He'd stolen it from Andvari.
Only then did Andvari realize
that with the crown prince gone
[ominous music plays]
- there was a new heir to the throne
- [squawks]
the prince's own brother.
[Egill] But the usurper didn't know
that Andvari
- had laid a powerful curse upon his gold.
- [dramatic music plays]
And before long,
Fafnir twisted into a new form,
- very like a bird.
- [Fafnir's body groaning]
[Egill] Fafnir could no longer
claim the throne. He had nothing.
Nothing but the otter's ransom,
and his accomplice, Loki,
who by then had
other goods in need of guarding.
[music fading]
Apples of eternal life.
[water lapping]
[ship creaking]
I hear you have
your own vengeance to claim.
- I did not know.
- Loki did.
I suspect he knew
we'd have to go after Fafnir,
and thought I'd be useful.
Fafnir was my forge-brother once.
Loki used him and ruined him.
And thus, he ruined me.
And he will ruin you too.
Unless you grow sane and join me
in the fullness of my revenge
You can't kill Loki.
Not until I have what I want,
but when it's over,
if you end Loki before he ends me,
I won't mourn.
[ominous music plays]
[seagull screeches]
[magic hums]
A rare thing to find worms
- in deep water, Loki.
- [magic whooshing]
[eerie music plays, fades]
Speak soft, my Sigrid.
I'm surprised
you deign to speak to me at all.
I called for you in the wasteland.
You did not heed me.
And still did Thor thunder you
into Vanaheim.
I make my moves,
whether you notice or not.
I have seen little of your fabled "moves."
You promised Thor.
At least deliver us these fucking apples.
Was not Fafnir your servant once?
As Egill was once yours.
If I help you now, Odin will hear of it.
What wounds you worse?
That my work is hushed?
Or that your boy bent the knee
like a beggar?
[chuckling dryly] Oh, I think you are
much more likely to wound me.
But I do fear for Leif.
I want him to survive this.
Leif's a good king.
Kind and just.
[magic whooshing]
[somber music plays]
No, not soft.
You are a king.
Grab the world by the hair and pull!
[music intensifies]
- [Leif grunting]
- [moaning]
[Leif moaning]
[music fading]
- [sniffs]
- Fafnir's venom, no doubt.
These rivers are
naught but the bastard's drool.
[wind whistling]
[clears throat]
M'lady, I wanted to tell you, um,
on the sea it was dark, and
and I could glimpse but little and
That's a shame.
I like my archers to have
good eyes in their head.
- [coins clinking]
- [ominous music plays]
Hand me your bow.
It's no trick.
My magic is the magic of entrails.
And what is a bowstring made of?
Entrails pulled taut.
What will it do now?
Pierce the thing's hide.
With any luck.
Do not fear, girl. You do not die today.
[ghostly whispering]
[slow, tense drumbeat plays]
[drumbeat and whispering intensifies]
- [rumbling]
- [Andvari] Hide!
- [dramatic music plays]
- [thuds]
[Fafnir screeches]
- [crashes]
- [Andvari] Hide!
[Andvari] Fafnir!
If you've forgotten the speech of men,
let's speak Dwarf Tongue.
[in Dwarf Tongue] Let us speak
the echo of the mountain!
Andvari, son of Oin.
You have come a long way for eternal life,
when I can give you only death.
I'm plenty old. I don't need your apples.
People do not need immortality.
They want it.
And I know you want it,
you gelded whoreson.
[suspenseful music plays]
You brought foreign swords to my grove!
[Thyra grunts]
- [Leif grunting]
- [Thyra yelps]
[dramatic choral music plays]
[Fafnir screeches]
[both grunt]
- [rasping]
- [Leif yells]
- [Sigrid yells]
- [music slows, distorts]
[Antler's magic warbling]
- [Sigrid grunts]
- [echoing clang]
[suspenseful music plays]
[Sigrid grunts]
[groans in pain]
[groans in pain]
- [grunts]
- [Fafnir groans]
[Hervor screams]
[Fafnir snarling]
[Leif grunts]
[Leif yells]
[Fafnir snarls]
[Sigrid grunts]
- [Fafnir shrieks]
- [gasps]
[Leif groans in pain]
[Leif grunts]
[Sigrid and Leif grunting]
[both groan]
[thuds loudly]
[Fafnir roars]
[Fafnir snarling]
- [grunting]
- [clanging]
[magic jingles, thrums]
[echoing thud]
[blades slashing]
[Fafnir shrieks]
[music fading]
[Fafnir coughs raggedly]
[in English] You did this, Andvari.
Fucking pike!
Fish spawn!
[ominous music plays]
[sucks air over teeth]
I like turning into a fish.
[music softens]
Better than what you became.
Eat. Be healed.
He was my forge-brother.
Let him live.
- [blood squelches]
- [ominous music plays]
[Leif] Is this what you wanted?
[music fades]
[gentle music plays]
[all grunting excitedly]
[munching, gulping]
- [choking]
- [ominous music plays]
[all choking, groaning]
[all coughing, choking]
- Poisoners!
- [suspenseful music plays]
[Leif groans]
[Leif grunts]
- [Hervor grunts]
- Leif!
[music fades]
- [grunts]
- [wood creaking]
[dramatic music plays]
- [worm chitters]
- [eerie music plays]
[music fades]
[haunting choral music plays]
[music fades to silence]
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