Twinkling Watermelon (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Eun Gyeol Becomes Yi Chan's Tutor

[Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, & Korea Creative Content Agency]
[This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, agencies, incidents, organizations, and jobs have no connections to real life. Child actors were safely filmed with a guardian present.]
The bright lights come on
and people call my name.
Se Kyeong, should we pretend to be surprised?
[Episode 4]
Yes, great job.
- Let's smile prettily this time.
- Look at her expression. She's like a doll.
Aigoo, so pretty.
Her smile is so pretty.
- Let's take a break briefly.
- Okay.
We'll take a 10-minute break.
We'll take a 10-minute break.
I thought life was supposed to shine like that.
Good job.
They say you're so pretty.
The ice cream on your face.
Ma'am, Se Kyeong is so pretty.
She's like a doll.
Thank you. We're in your care.
Good job, Se Kyeong. Let's take a short break.
- By the way, Director.
- Yes.
Doesn't she look like some actress?
There was an actress who became famous briefly and disappeared.
Was it Shin Ha Young?
Shin Ha Young?
Until I heard that name.
Who wants to try this?
- Me!
- Get ready.
- Se Kyeong.
- Happy birthday.
Let's keep this mood going and start the treasure hunt.
Raise your hand if you can have a fun treasure hunt.
- I can.
- I can.
Let's start by clapping hands and shouting.
Let's get the treasure hunt started now.
Where should we go? Where could it be?
Wow, where is it?
Aigoo, aigoo.
My gosh. She's a kid, and she has a flair for entertaining.
They say she has the entertainer gene. I guess the rumors are true.
I guess the rumors are true.
That can't be.
I heard they went through a lot to get the daughter through infertility treatment in the US.
She can never replace our Han Na.
Her blood is I mean
she is totally different.
Take your medicine instead of drinking.
Drinking doesn't help at all.
Same with the medicine.
Will Han Na come back to life if I take this?
So, are you suggesting terminating the adoption or something?
Why can't we?
We couldn't even protect our biological daughter.
The lights suddenly turned off.
That's when I started seeing myself clearly.
I was
a living doll that a nice husband gifted his wife
a living doll a nice husband gifted to his wife who was depressed after losing their young daughter.
I'll be right back.
Mom, I want to learn how to play the cello.
I wanted to shine again.
[The 25th Jinsung Classical Contest]
Bravo, bravo!
The lights came back on.
My life started shining again.
Gosh, why won't he come out?
Pretty, right?
That's me.
I was in 11th grade in high school, maybe.
It was probably a little before I left to study in the US.
At least that's what I thought.
Whoa, it's really Ahjumma.
Until I met this jerk.
I never would've thought I'd meet you here. Really.
Wow, you really played the cello.
It suits you so well.
You know how to respect adults.
You're a proper young man.
I can talk casually to you, right?
Of course, you're way older than me-
I'm sorry. You really resemble a lady I know.
How refreshing.
I usually resemble their late mothers or ex-girlfriends.
Oh, don't think we had a connection.
Wait, excuse me.
I'm sorry if I offended you.
But she's very beautiful and intelligent.
Should I be grateful or comforted?
Well, I mean, she's older but still beautiful.
Are you in forbidden love or something?
No, not at all.
She's like a savior to me.
She helped me join a band when I was lost and confused.
Are you in a band, too?
- How imaginative you all are.
- Pardon?
Why do men think women are into rock bands?
I have a show today.
Please come if you're free.
So you were in a band.
My first love was in a band, too.
Why do men think women are into rock bands?
It's really you, isn't it?
Why didn't you come to the show then?
You said you'd come with your daughter.
I have a daughter, too?
Yes, your daughter plays the cello, too-
I'll move my hand now.
Please don't scream.
two, three.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
What a tenacious bastard.
That was a good fight.
Yes, you're right.
I confessed my love to Choi Se Kyeong from the music department.
Gosh, it's kind of embarrassing.
I was immature
for wanting to start a band because I was in love.
I should've introduced myself.
My name is Ha Yi Chan.
Watch out. You can get used to having me around.
Well, could you say something? You're embarrassing me.
Could you smile, at least? I feel too awkward.
Who am I talking to?
By the way, why are you staring at my lips?
Is there something on my lips?
There is. My handsomeness.
You're so quiet.
Anyway, thanks for today
You're bleeding right here. You're bleeding.
Wow, you're so tough.
H-Hold on.
Where did he go to? Shit
Hey, hey, hey, hey! This is really bad!
The PE teacher is in front of the storage room.
He's looking for the key right now.
What do we do?
Hurry. What do we do?
Gosh, that little. He's like a rat.
Where did he learn terrible things like this?
Open the door right now.
No one's in here.
How dare you mock an adult like this?
How dare you? Damn it!
- Calm down.
- Calm down?
- Geez.
- Hey.
What's with you?
Why are you just sitting there?
Should I be doing this alone?
Things would get complicated for you, too, if we got caught together.
And how you look right now probably won't help me.
Hey, please help me just this once. I beg you.
Sir, let's try to talk it out.
You're mistaken about something.
- Open the door right now!
- Please calm down.
It hurts.
Why is she taking so long to get the key?
Sir, it's not like that.
What's this now?
We didn't lock the door on purpose.
- Sir.
- We really didn't.
- My gosh.
- You came.
Did you get the key made or something?
- You little.
- I'm sorry.
Will I see the light when the morning comes after this long night? ♪
When will the cold wind coming through the windowsill stop? ♪
You're my love ♪
You came to my world where I was left behind ♪
You'll ignite a small light in me ♪
You're precious to me ♪
Why won't the car come?
Can I ask you one thing for the last time?
Sorry. Ahjumma is busy right now.
L-Let me ask you just one thing.
Is Grandpa
I mean, is your father doing well?
Why? Aren't you curious how many spoons we have at home?
I don't care about the spoons. I'm asking about your father.
I'm actually his student.
You're my father's student?
Yes, he's like a mentor and a savior to me in my life.
He was so good to me.
I'd love to visit him sometime. How can I meet him?
I'm sorry, but you don't seem old enough to be a college student.
What did you learn from my dad and where?
How to play the guitar.
He was the best guitarist I know.
Who are you, exactly?
Seriously, my grandma is the best.
She always said if you push a wall, it becomes a bridge.
Who would've thought there was a hole there?
Were you trapped in there, not hiding?
No wonder. That's why the metal door was locked with a mop.
I know it's not my business, but tell someone and get help.
No one would know unless you say something.
No, no.
You can't fight on your own.
If you don't have anyone, I'll help you
since we met like this.
There are guys who are PE majors at the boarding house.
Thanks to them, I work out, too.
No need to thank me. Save it for later.
Oh, right. What are the odds we met like this? What's your name?
I told you. I work out, too.
Send me a SOS if you need help.
I'll come with those PE major guys, then.
I'm out now, then.
[Light up your youthful passion]
Tell me.
Don't lie and tell me the truth.
Well, I'm not lying.
I told you just now.
He had an instrument shop in the neighborhood I lived in as a kid and-
You're lying.
My dad is a physics professor, and he never had a business.
There's no way.
He definitely said you're his daughter.
Did he say that?
That I'm his daughter?
- Well
- If you don't mind me asking,
what's your relationship with Grandpa?
I'm his daughter.
I said that?
I said that myself?
You're out of your mind.
I know it's hard to believe.
I can't tell you right now because I'm in a tricky position-
Tell me now. What tricky situation are you in?
It's like science fiction
My gosh, how do I explain this?
Did he send you?
Did he tell you to check my reaction?
Did he tell you to throw a rock if the surface seemed calm?
- Well-
- Did he tell you to insult me if I'm happy?
Did he tell you to trip me if I'm doing well?
Why are you doing this to me, exactly?
Se Kyeong.
What's wrong, Se Kyeong? What's going on?
Se Kyeong?
[Choi Se Kyeong]
Did you want to start a band because of her, then?
Do you know each other?
- Yes.
- No.
I'm warning you, you two.
Don't ever show up in front of me again.
Se Kyeong. Se Kyeong. Hold on.
- Se Kyeong.
- Hold on.
Ahjumma was Dad's first love
and Grandpa wasn't Ahjumma's father?
What's going on?
How dare you make Se Kyeong cry?
Who do you think you are?
Stop sending me flowers.
You should've abandoned your lingering feelings when you abandoned me.
Don't ever come to see me again.
Are you okay?
I'm home.
Hey, you're home, dear.
You must be very tired.
Weren't you on the phone, by the way?
Perfect timing. I just hung up.
Or was it a bad timing?
I was talking to Dad.
I should've come a little earlier.
Wash up and come down. Let's have some tea.
I need to tell you something.
The US? All of a sudden?
Yes, I guess the university wants Dad to stay there permanently.
They said they'd get him a lab, too.
He suggested we all live together.
How about my school, then?
I thought I was aiming to go to the Juilliard next year.
Yes, but I thought it'd be good to go earlier and prepare there.
You'll take a language course and take a master's class, too.
That's what I think. What do you think?
Sounds good.
You don't have to think about it?
It just sounds good. I don't want to stay in Korea, anyway.
Why not? Why don't you want to be in Korea?
Is something going on?
No, not at all.
I'm happy if you're happy.
Thank you.
You'll always be on my side.
Se Kyeong, go outside. Someone's here to see you.
Oh, me?
Hold on. Hold on, Se Kyeong. Hold on.
I'm here to tell you something.
Don't you know what "warning" means?
I do. I'm sorry.
But it's so hard to see you.
Leave before I tell someone.
I'll do it no matter what you say.
I'll make sure to start a band and perform for you.
Yes, I know it started as a playful bet,
but I promised you.
I make sure to keep the promises I made.
So you should keep your promise, too.
Just wait and see how far I go.
You can't even do that?
I think someone's already watching you.
When did he follow me?
Anyway, I came to tell you that.
I'm sorry I've been bugging you.
I'll try not to show up
in front of you again until I keep my promise.
By the way,
do you like Choi Se Kyeong that much?
Just give up.
She'll marry someone else, anyway.
She'll have a pretty daughter and live happily in a nice house.
So, forget about her before you get hurt.
I told you. You're meant to be with someone else-
Are you cursing me right now?
Or are you into getting grabbed by the collar?
I was just telling the truth.
What truth?
Why are you doing this to me, anyway?
You pretended to be Yoon Dong Jin
and you interfere and say bad things about every little thing!
Who the heck are you, exactly?
your son.
What is it?
Why are your eyes all gentle?
I'm from a world you can't even imagine.
What? Are you a boy from the future or something?
How did you know?
You're really crazy.
Can't believe I expected you to make any sense.
Where are you going? I'm not finished yet.
I'm going to the future, okay?
Don't follow me.
Don't follow me.
Shit. Hey!
I said I'm not finished.
That bastard.
[Snail Boarding House]
It really exists.
It's Snail Boarding House. I only heard about it from Dad.
I need to tell you something. Come here.
What? What are you doing?
What? What is it? What is it?
Get out. Get out of my house right now.
Grandma, just talk to me instead.
Humans have been using languages for ages.
Why are you doing this today?
Why am I doing this today?
53rd place?
He's in 53rd place out of 57 in his class, not out of the school or the country?
Dad was a terrible student.
Fold this up and play Pogs with it or something.
I don't care if you become a beggar or not anymore.
Do you want your grandson to become a beggar?
I'll kill you if you come back alive again.
- Ma'am, please-
- You'd better leave, too.
They say you shouldn't take in humans and take care of them.
My life has been a waste. A waste.
You said you'd bring a tutor.
I thought you'd finally start studying for once.
What are you still doing here?
Take him with you and leave.
But I have nowhere else to go.
I'm sorry.
How could you talk to my tutor like that?
I told you. He goes to Chuncheon University of Education.
Tutor, my foot.
He's more like a fly on dead meat.
I-I am a tutor.
I'll try to teach him well.
I'll try my hardest to learn from you.
Grandma, is it really necessary?
Seong Dae.
Okay, you have 25 minutes to finish the quiz with 10 questions.
Okay. Ready.
- I'm done.
- Already?
You have 10 more minutes left.
Aigoo, Teacher!
Aigoo, thank you.
Aigoo, sir.
Yi Chan is lacking in a lot of ways.
But I hope you teach him well.
I beg you.
I'll try to turn him into a human.
Am I not a human, then?
we'll have a pork belly party.
Pork belly! Pork belly! Pork belly!
Cheers, cheers, cheers.
Here we go! Cheers!
Hey, give me a wrap.
Yes, put two pieces on the grill.
Why are you looking at me like that?
He was right about how smart-looking you are.
Seasoned green onions and a piece of kimchi, too.
Did Bal San go somewhere?
He wouldn't miss out on stuff like this.
He went to Yangpyeong for a school trip yesterday.
Speak of the devil.
What? What's this rich and fatty smell like meat?
It's pork belly!
Hey, you ate enough. Get out of here.
Geez, Hyung.
I'll get you plenty of meat. Eat all you want.
- Soju.
- Don't drink too much.
- Okay. Cheers.
- Cheers, cheers.
- Okay.
- Cheers!
We have a new member here.
Hyung, say hello. He's my tutor.
Chuncheon University. Mathematics education department. Sophomore.
Yoon Dong Jin. Yoon Dong Jin. He's Yoon Dong Jin.
Chuncheon University of Education.
Yoon Dong Jin?
Why are you so shocked?
Won't you say hello? You said he's the guitar genius you taught.
You're Dong Jin, aren't you?
How did you get so handsome since the last time I saw you?
I'm Bal San.
Don't you remember?
Dong Jin, please stay like this for a moment.
I'll tell you the details later.
I'm sorry,
but they already know I'm not Yoon Dong Jin.
I knew you didn't look like him.
Hyung, come here. Look at me.
Let's try to be honest.
You don't know Yoon Dong Jin, do you?
Okay, okay. Here.
It'd be sad not to play music on a day like this.
Okay. Grandma, since Yi Chan found his tutor,
you should sing a song for us.
Hey, I'm too old. I shouldn't be singing.
The silent man in a yellow shirt (In a yellow shirt!) ♪
For some reason (for some reason), I like him (I like him) ♪
For some reason (for some reason), I'm fond of him (I'm fond of him) ♪
He might not be good-looking (might not be good-looking) ♪
Dad is singing
with Great-grandma who passed away when I was a kid.
Aigoo, aigoo, aigoo. I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you.
I'm so proud of you. My baby.
I'm so proud of you.
When I was an infant,
she apparently checked to see if I react to sound several times a day.
Aigoo, you're smiling.
Yes, yes. I know, I know.
How much is this mackerel?
It's 5,000 won if you get all three.
It's too expensive.
But they're double the size.
How much is the mackerel? It's expensive.
My gosh, he's already talking.
How old are you?
And when I was able to communicate a bit after I started talking
I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you for coming.
she apparently was able to finally close her eyes in peace.
Back in the day, when Dad was 18,
he laughed a lot, talked a lot,
and he was so loud that it was annoying.
But how did my dad end up becoming mute?
And Grandma must've been so heartbroken
to see him becoming that way.
What exactly happened to Dad, anyway?
What? Hey, are you crying?
What do you mean? I'm not.
No, no.
That's soju, not water.
- Aigoo
- Wow!
A shot is enough to kill this man.
He passed out after a glass of soju.
He drank a beer glass full of soju. That's different.
I told you not to drink so much.
Grandma, goodnight.
Aigoo, seriously.
Why are you making him sleep in my room?
The storage room is empty.
How could I let your tutor sleep in the storage room?
I'll put up wallpaper in there later.
Let him sleep in your room until then.
Grandma. Don't you know I'm a light sleeper?
Wow, it's so warm.
Dad, what's that? It's gross.
How did you get that scar?
I got injured a long time ago.
It must've hurt a lot.
When did that happen?
When was it?
What did you say?
I can't see.
I can't see.
I can't see, Dad.
I can't see, Dad.
Why do you keep
keep calling me?
I got a call from your mother this morning.
I heard you're studying abroad sooner than planned.
Yes. The situation changed a bit.
That's a good thing.
The younger you are studying abroad, the better.
You'll get used to things faster, too.
But I'm sure you'd do well, anyway.
Thank you.
But I want you to keep it a secret for now.
Art students are already sensitive and delicate.
I can't let them waste time being jealous at an important time like this.
It's to create a better atmosphere for studying.
I'll do as you say.
Gosh, you're so considerate, Se Kyeong.
By the way, Se Kyeong.
Being considerate isn't always a good thing.
Feeling superior can damage others' self-esteem.
I heard you're nice to Cheong Ah.
I'm thankful for it,
but pitying her only makes her weak.
She needs to grow strong.
That's also why I enrolled her in a regular school instead of a school for the disabled.
Chairwoman, I don't pity her-
That's what we'll do as far as your studying abroad goes.
Could you tell your mother that I'd like to have dinner with her before she leaves?
Were you waiting for me?
Why did you see the chairwoman?
Was it about Ha Yi Chan of Baegwang High breaking into our school?
Are you curious?
Nothing's free in this world.
I'm leaving to study abroad next week.
That's why I went to the chairwoman's office.
But it's a secret for now.
It's the chairwoman's order.
Only you know about this.
It's a secret.
Did you see this?
[Myeongse Medical School's band, Golden Scapel's 10th concert]
It's at 8 o'clock tonight.
It's at Myeongse University's outdoor theater.
Make sure to come, okay?
get me some water.
My head hurts.
One. Remember, this symbiotic relationship is only temporary.
Two. These are my favorite clothes. Make sure not to damage them.
- Yes, this is Snail-
- I'm glad you answered.
I forgot my gym clothes.
Bring them to me to school.
In five minutes. Hurry.
H-Hello? Hello
- Hello?
- Bring two watermelon popsicles on the way.
Excuse me, where's the classroom for 11th grade, Class 3?
Go in there, turn at the end of the hallway, and go to the third floor.
I see, thank you.
[Clubs - Fake First Love Memory-Makers]
[Fake First Love Memory-Makers]
[School band got disbanded. Astronomy observatory coming soon.]
Wow, this is the same acoustic guitar he played when I was a kid.
I wouldn't have sold it if only I knew.
[Light up your youthful passion!]
Will this really get us new members?
We'll get disbanded if we don't get all members by next week.
We need to do everything we can.
Let's go.
[Light up your youthful passion!]
Why don't we implore the Baegwang band again?
I heard Kang Hyeon Yul used the club room as his bedroom and a secret meeting place.
It won't be good for him, either, if we get disbanded.
You think I haven't tried?
He wasn't willing to listen at all.
I'm thirsty.
Is he harvesting watermelon? Where are the popsicles?
Gosh, I can't believe you.
You're making your tutor run errands.
So what? He'd better do it if he wants to be a freeloader.
So? Did you try talking to him?
If he's not Yoon Dong Jin, who is he exactly?
I don't know. He only talks nonsense whenever I ask him a question.
I think he's probably a runaway teen.
He said he plays the guitar, right? Why don't we listen to him?
Why don't we listen to him playing?
You never know. He might actually be talented.
Aigoo, there's no way.
99.99999% of what he says is a lie.
He's a psycho and says he's from the future. What could I expect?
Are the kids from the broadcasting club out of their minds?
Why are they playing music again?
I don't think this is coming from the speakers.
- It's the band practice room.
- It's the band practice room.
Who was it?
Hey, Kang Hyeon Yul, did you see who was playing the guitar here?
Yes, I did.
Who was it? Where did he go?
- Do you want a bite?
- Geez
J-Just answer the question.
What grade and class is he in?
He doesn't go to our school.
Go to the bus stop if you're so curious.
He just left. You could catch him if you run out now.
Won't you ask me what he looks like?
- What does he look like?
- What does he look like?
- Good-looking.
- Screw you.
Stop, stop, stop.
Search inside the building, just in case.
I'll go toward the bus stop.
Catch anyone handsome who doesn't go to our school.
- Okay.
- Go.
My gosh.
I went to 11th grade, Class 3, but they were already out of the gym class.
Why did you make me bring your gym clothes?
That's why I told you to come out in five minutes.
I'm in a hurry right now. I need to go.
You still have a class left. Where are you going?
Let go. Let go for a second.
I need to go recruit a member.
I'll miss him if I don't go now.
I-I can't save the band otherwise.
I wrote a good example sentence with a compound relative pronoun on the blackboard.
I'll read it and translate it.
"Whoever would be great among you must be a servant."
- Whoever would be-
- Leave, I said.
Ha Yi Chan! Focus!
Yes, Teacher.
My class is legendary.
Tell me about loneliness ♪
This must be a feeling like a wind blowing ♪
I'll tell you about sadness ♪
That must be a feeling like a sleeve that's getting wet in the rain ♪
The left hand
only supports.
In front of the days I let go ♪
I'm stopping right now ♪
Which way should I go? ♪
[Myeongse Medical School's band, Golden Scapel's 10th concert]
If only I had you to hold my hand warmly ♪
I would've leaned on you without a word and face the night approaching ♪
You didn't say you'd leave.
What am I supposed to do?
I miss you, Se Kyeong.
[Myeongse Medical School's band, Golden Scapel's 10th concert]
I took the class.
We were dismissed.
What's the problem?
You'll be in 12th grade next year. What part-time job?
You really won't go to college?
No, I won't.
[Bestin Rabbits 37 Flavors Ice Cream]
I'm here, sir.
- Hey, you came.
- Yes.
Who is he? Is he your add-on?
Don't worry about him.
I'll use him and get rid of him soon.
He's too good-looking for that.
Oh, right.
A female student left this earlier. She asked me to give it to you.
- A female student?
- Yes.
[Myeongse Medical School's band, Golden Scapel's 10th concert]
I was actually surprised that you were into rock bands.
I'm embarrassed that I thought you didn't know music.
Would you like to go to a rock concert with me?
Se Kyeong.
Sir, I can't work today.
He'll work instead. He will. Bye.
Hey, where are you going this time?
Going somewhere?
Yes, I should go.
Oppa, can you take our orders?
I don't work here
Sir, I don't have time for this.
I can't give you ice cream. I'm a customer, too.
You're so handsome.
Thank you, but I can't
[Myeongse Medical School's band, Golden Scapel's 10th concert]
Thank you.
[Myeongse Medical School's band, Golden Scapel's 10th concert]
The girl I'm not interested in keeps calling me ♪
The one I'm calling keeps avoiding me ♪
With so many interesting people out in the streets ♪
Why do I meet only girls like this on my blind dates? ♪
Over here, here, here! ♪
Just like other friends, I also ♪
My gosh!
Ji Hwan is so cool, isn't he?
I also want to date a girl I really like ♪
Just like my other friends ♪
I also want to date a girl I really like ♪
Wow, it's so far away.
The uphill is making me puke.
I'm dying.
What? Is it already over?
Damn it! Hey!
One, two, three.
Se Kyeong!
Isn't that Ha Yi Chan?
Ha Yi Chan?
I told you last time. There's a psycho who's pursuing Se Kyeong.
That's him.
I'm sorry. I came too late.
The ticket
I saw the ticket too late.
Is the show already over?
How did you know I was here?
You gave me a ticket.
To be honest, I didn't think I'd get to see you before the festival.
Thank you for inviting me, Se Kyeong.
Who invited you
Let me make it clear.
I didn't invite you.
Are you writing a novel or something?
What are you talking about?
I definitely have the ticket and letter you wrote-
Enough is enough! Please!
You promised that you'd never show up in front of me again.
You said you always keep the promises you made.
Do you have amnesia?
It's not that. Well, I don't know where things went wrong, but-
Do you even want to be in a band?
You just want to get girls' attention.
You don't even have a band, anyway.
Who said he doesn't have a band?
We meet again.
But you don't look too happy about it.
Who's he-
I'm Ha Eul Gyeol, the guitarist of Fake First Love Memory-Makers.
You two are completely dismissing my warning.
Come on now.
Nice to meet you. I'm Ohn Ji Hwan.
I didn't know Se Kyeong had rocker friends.
Would you like to jam with us since you missed the show?
Oppa, you don't have to do that.
I don't see why not.
Could I borrow your guitar for a second?
Do you want to pick a song?
Get started. We'll follow your lead.
Let's do "Man in a Yellow Shirt" in a rock 'n' roll version.
Hey, what are you going to do?
What's a jam? I only know strawberry jams.
Just do what you normally do. Like what you did last night.
Have fun. That's what rock is all about.
The silent man in a yellow shirt ♪
For some reason, I like him ♪
For some reason, I'm fond of him ♪
He might not be good-looking, but he has strong features ♪
I seem to like him ♪
For some reason, I like him ♪
This strange feeling ♪
I have never felt this way ♪
They're not too bad, either.
I wonder if he likes me, too ♪
The silent man in a yellow ♪
I really hate rock bands.
For some reason, I like him ♪
For some reason, I'm fond of him ♪
I can't believe it.
Dad and I are singing together.
Dad is listening to me playing.
You play the guitar pretty well.
I told you I'm pretty good.
Well, um
You said you'd join instead of Yoon Dong Jin-
Fake First Love Memory-Makers
Yes, yes. That's it.
Are you still interested in joining-
- Do you really have to do it?
- What?
Hey, how many times did I tell you?
I will. I have to.
Because of Choi Se Kyeong?
Even after being humiliated like that?
It's also for my last bit of youth.
As soon as I finish high school,
I'll start making money instead of going to college.
Once I save up money from working hard,
I'll set up a Korean restaurant for my grandma that my dad lost.
That means my high school years are
the last years of my school days.
And that means I have to shine with all the twinkles.
I'll try everything I can try.
Whether it's love or being in a band,
I'll do anything that can make me shine.
Hey, hold on.
Watch out!
Dad, how did you get that scar?
When I was a kid,
I got into a big accident.
When I was in 11th grade in high school.
My gosh, my gosh. Hey!
Hey, what did you do?
Are you crazy? Are you a pervert?
He doesn't have a scar.
What scar?
The accident Dad mentioned hasn't happened yet.
[We'd like to thank Oh Hyeon Kyeong for the special appearance]
Standing on top of the hand of a clock that had stopped ♪
I've been running in the past, all those times ♪
[Twinkling Watermelon]
I'll change Dad's future no matter what.
That's the reason why I time-traveled to the year 1995.
Thanks to you, Se Kyeong thinks I'm a total loser.
Are you happy now?
What's the point? Choi Se Kyeong left to study abroad.
Would anyone truly be sad that I left?
The great Kang Hyeon Yul is having a fight with some bastard.
Let's not just work hard. Let's do well.
I have to find Mom quickly and make them meet in advance.
What did you just say?
Who's going where?
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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