Two Worlds (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Phupha! Watch out!!!
It’s you again?!?
Phupa….Phupha. Stay with me.
You have to stay with me.
Thank you for taking such a good care of me.
Rest in peace, dad.
Umm.. Are you sure you don’t want to report back to the president?
It must be someone in Khumfah who knows I’m not his real son.
We cannot trust anyone now….not even my dad.
The one who died in my world isn’t Wiroj.
It’s actually Phupha.
I don’t even know what to expect now.
We go with our plan….that is to protect Phupha.
can you stay in Bangkok for a while?
What about you?
I’ll stay. I’ll have to find out the whole truth.
Please drop Run off to Bangkok.
But we don’t have to car.
If we use car from Khumfah, I’m afraid they’ll find out.
Take my car then.
Jao, would you drop them off?
Or do you want me to?
I’ll do it.
Take care of yourself.
Take it easy, Phupha.
Take it easy.
You should stay at Jao’s for the night.
Is that a good idea?
Jao rarely stays there.
And his place is far away from people.
It’s a lot safer than my place.
Would it be safe for him to be on his own?
You stay there too.
You want to help Phupha out, don’t you?
Call me if you need anything. I’ll hurry back.
I don’t know why you’re saving me.
But I owe you guys big time.
Phupha!! You’re bleeding!!
Come sit here.
Take it easy.
It doesn’t look good…the bleeding. Let me take a look.
Let’s take this off.
Tell me if it hurts.
What the hell!!
Oh well, you’re not very neat,
are you?
How do you know I’m not very neat?
Sit down. Let me take care of it.
Turn around. Let me take care of this first
Tai. Where do you think you’re going.
Tai…..hang on Tai!
What’s the fuss?
Are you leaving now? Why are you in such a hurry?
Not taking care of Phupha anymore?
I am…I did. I have.
I’ve gotta go now.
Are you mad at me?
Why are you looking fussy?
I’m not fussy. Get out of my way.
Tai…Tai. Where are you going?
You don't answer me!
Why are you mad at me??
What the hell!! Why do I have to go with you.
As if I want you to.
Want me to stop the car?
What for?
So you can get out.
You get out.
You get out.
You should.
You get out.
You do.
You should.
You should.
You go.
Enough now!
Umm.. Should we stop and eat first?
Good idea. I have my favorite place ahead.
Oh yeah. Just like the old time. We used to ride there.
And uncle always scolded us.
You two again!!
You two look close to each other.
No way! I hate his gut!
He liked hanging around me because he had no friends.
This guy’s such a brat.
He used to follow me around all the time…
so annoying!!
You’re the whining one.
You’re the bragging one.
You’re the whining one.
You’re the bragging one.
You’re the whining one!
You’re the bragging one!
You’re the whining one!
You’re the bragging one!
Bingo! I got perfect 9
You cheater!
Watch your mouth!
I don’t care. Got a problem?
Sure you want trouble?
I was just…I was just kidding.
Let me go. I want to see my husband.
I need to see my husband. Why are you tying him up?
Let him go! Don’t speak. You’ll be ok.
Let me go! You’ll be ok.
Let me go! Let me go!!!
I’ve found out something about Tai, sir.
Big boss wants to talk to you.
What’s…what’s up boss?
Nothing much.
I want to know how my son’s doing.
Oh the usual. We hang out all the time.
Just that?
Who is he hiding away from me?
No one, boss.
You have one more chance to answer my question.
Who is he hiding!!!
Hi, Wayu. You’ve dropped Run off already?
I want you to do a background check on Nopporn.
I can feel something fishy about him.
Tai. Why are you here?
What’s up?
I just want to make sure….
I know why you’re frustrated
You can tell me if you no longer want to help me out.
I know what I’m asking for is a lot.
You can just say it. I don’t want to see you frustrated like this.
I’m sorry if I made you feel bad.
I just have a lot on my mind.
Nothing to do with you…really.
I gave you my words.
Whatever happens, I’m here to help.
Thanks. I thought you’re mad at me.
I’m not mad.
I don’t hate you.
I can never hate you.
How are you, son?
What the fuck are you doing here?
It’s been 3 years. Can’t we be nice?
I remember the last time we met. I had a knife on your throat.
I have a job for you.
I know the cops are coming after me and my casino.
I want you to kidnap his son….just to threaten him.
And why should I have to do it?
Here’s why?
Are you threatening me?
I don’t joke. I never joke.
If you don’t do it, I can burn them down.
What the fuck are you doing??
You know what weakens people down?
You’ll get over it as long as you have a heart.
Think about it. Are you gonna do it, son?
Any news?
Nopporn is a fake name.
Tai sometimes calls him Kram.
It’s really strange. There’s only one Kram in Rattha.
And that Kram died 3 years ago…
because of Por.
Maybe Krams’ still alive?
Maybe he’s back for revenge?
He’s trying to get close to us…
because he wants us to take Por.
This is getting too carried away.
Big boss wants to talk to you.
Run Phupha…run!!!
Just go! Run!!! Go!!
I don’t think he can catch up with us now.
How did they find out about us?
You should know it best, Kram?
You tricked us into all this?
In fact you’re Kram.
the Kram who should have been dead 3 years ago.
But you’re still alive.
And you want us to take a revenge for you,right?
You’re all wrong!!! It’s not what you think it is.
So what’s the truth?
You listen to me.
I have my reason why I can’t tell you who I really am.
But I know nothing about Por.
I promise I’ll tell you everything when it’s all over.
Are you alright?
I’m alright…I’m ok.
Get into the car, Phupha! Come on now. Quick!!
Gasohol91 please.
What’s wrong?
I need to pee.
Then go pee!
I’m afraid you’ll leave me here.
I told you I trust you. How can I leave you behind?
I’ll be right back.
Why is it taking so long?
We’ve got a bit of a problem. It’s stuck.
It’s stuck. I can’t take this thing out.
Let go!!
Tai. Wait up! Ouchhh
Are you ok?
My foot! I think I’ve sprained my foot.
You can hardly walk yourself….let alone you can save Phupha.
Come here now.
I have you. I think I’m ok.
What if I’m not around? What are you gonna do?
I know you’ll save me.
You silly kiddo.
What do you think you’re doing?
What do you think you’re doing?
Why are you teaming up with Tai. What are you going to do?
Someone from Khumfah tried to kill me.
I cannot trust anyone now. So I hired Tai to protect me.
We have evidence, sir.
So it’s a misunderstanding?
Oh I’m sorry. Old man’s fault.
I’m sorry.
So you’ll let us go?
If you survive my game.
I’ll let each and every one of you shoot yourselves in the head
Whoever survives, I’ll let you go
You first, Phupha!
Take this
Hahaha. It’s not your time yet eh?
Now you!
Do it!
Don’t fool me you asshole!
What the fuck!!
Your turn now!
Why do you look familiar.
Arrr…’re the one who looks like Kram.
That’s why Tai….
That's because you're. Quick!!!
We’re good now, Phupha! We’re saved!!
Yes, boss.
have I told them only two will survive??
You have to pick the lucky two now.
Phupha, you get to choose!
I’m really sorry.
Nop. Nop….it’s me.
Give him some water.
Drink up, kiddo.
How are you, Nop? Why are you here?
It’s a long story. But I’m alright.
Poor you. You shouldn’t have….
Someone’s coming! You have to go now, aunty!
You go now, aunty!
I’m such a coward. Kram tried to save me many times.
You were forced by Por.
It’s not your fault.
Don’t blame yourself.
Por’s a bastard!!
What would you do if you were me?
I would have pretended nothing happened….
Because I’m the president of Khumfah.
Nop…Nop. I’m here now. I’m here to save you
Aunty! What are you doing here?!?
I’m here to save you. Is it ok now? Is it torn?
Hey!! What the fuck are you doing?
Aunty!! You should go…now!!
Not your business, bitch!
Enough now! Please. I beg you.
I asked her to come help me. She’s blind.
Please let her go. I beg you. Please!!
I beg you. Please!!
Get out of here! Now!
Let’s go now
Get out! Don’t ever let me see you again!
You have to come back no matter what. Promise me.
Hmm… I promise.
Phupha. Help!
Phupha! You have to stay with me. I beg you. Please. I beg you
That's the Phupha you’re talking about?
But the Phupha I know…he’s dead.
I told you, I’ve done it to save Phupha’s life.
Save Phupha?
Phupha. Don’t go. You’re gonna be just fine.
You have to be fine. Phupha.
Now you have to choose who will go out alive.
I’m really sorry.
I told you I’d look after you no matter what.
This way! Quick!!
What would you do..if you were me?
I would have pretended nothing happened….
Because I’m the president of Khumfah.
Everyone would say that.
But I know you well.
Let’s go rescue Kram.
Stop! Let them go.
You both guard the back. Go!
Let’s split up here. I’ve gotta take care of something.
You should be safe here. It’s far from everyone
Stay here for the time being.
Where have you been?
You promised you’d take care of me.
Phupha left me.
And you disappeared.
You promised you’d stay to take care of me.
Yeah right. Am I that worthless? Everyone’s leaving me
Everyone’s leaving me.
I’m really sorry…
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