Ultraman (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Release the Limiter!

I'm here.
So, what am I supposed to do?
"What am I supposed to do?"
Isn't it obvious?
Eliminate the scumbag alien.
You mean, kill it?
What else would I mean?
I can't think of anything else.
I don't care why you're here,
but as long as you are,
you better be prepared.
whatever happens,
no complaints.
If you get the picture,
then get out there and kill it.
Moroboshi here.
Just now, our Ultraman is on his way
to the site.
What a jerk. Who does he think he is?
He acts like it's a piece of cake
to kill an alien.
Did you hear that, Edo?
It sounds like it has begun.
I know who you are, pal.
You're that fake Ultraman.
Why you
How can you do this?
They are delicious food.
To me humans are
delicious food!
How dare you
come to our planet
and do shit like this!
Is that kid
really going to be all right?
Goddammit! Quit running away
from me like that, you prick!
Holy shit.
That moron is shooting
the Specium Ray all over the place.
Sure enough, he let him get away.
We're prepared though.
Move out.
Hey, Edo!
That kid went after the escaping alien
and is headed for the city.
Is that so?
"Is that so"? What do you mean?
If they fight there,
people will find out about the aliens!
That's just fine.
Revealing the existence
of aliens to this world
is one of our objectives this time.
He's really going at it up there.
We've been desperately hiding this
until now.
But now we're making it public?
What the hell is that guy thinking?
What the heck is going on?
It's usually not this crowded
at this time.
Dang it.
We'll never make it on time
to your next gig.
There must have been
an accident or something.
I guess so.
Holy shit! What the hell was that?
Something must have happened.
Rena Sayama?
You really are one persistent bastard.
Then quit running away!
You know what?
I'm through with that.
I thought this was awfully strange.
Until now,
the SSSP and the government has
kept us a secret, right?
That's why I kept a low profile
and was out of sight
while I quietly fed on humans.
But then,
you chased me into the middle of the city.
I thought there must be
a good reason for this.
I figured it out now.
an amateur, aren't you?
Rena, let's escape
while we have the chance.
An amateur?
Can you believe this?
You blew your top after seeing me
eating a human,
then you came chasing after me
without considering the consequences.
Just look at the results.
This is why I can't stand amateurs.
No matter how you look at it,
this certainly isn't the work
of a professional.
So, who the hell are you?
Oh, please.
You're not going to say
"You can call me Ultraman,"
or some crap like that, are you?
You're Ultraman! Right?
-Rena, what are you doing?
-You're Ultraman, right?
-Rena, cut it out!
-I saw you on TV!
I saw you help people
when they were in trouble!
Rena! You'll get us in trouble!
Who the hell are you?
You fight to save everyone
from those evil aliens, right?
Then save everyone here right now!
I mean, aren't you
fighting to save everyone?
Shut your mouth, bitch.
To be honest,
even now, I'm not exactly sure
what the heck I am.
at least
for now
I am Ultraman!
You really just said, "I am Ultraman"?
What a joke.
So? What about it?
if I kill you,
then I'll be the alien who defeated
I get it.
So this is what the deal is.
You people have changed your tactics.
You must plan on showing yourselves
to the world now.
You'll make a spectacle of taking me down
so everyone can see the threat of aliens
and the strength of the SSSP.
This pisses me off.
This really pisses me off.
Did you think you could use me?
Like hell, I'll let you use me for that!
Shit! Now I'm the one on the run.
Are you all right, Shinjiro?
Mr. Ide, the suit is kind of lagging.
The suit is operating normally.
I think the time is about right, Ide.
All right.
-Mr. Ide?
I'm going to release the limiter
on the suit now.
Think of it as a way to bring out
your ultimate abilities.
All right.
However, when the limiter is released,
you and the suit can only last
three minutes.
So, the next time he comes at you
will be your last chance.
Release limiter!
You sure are tenacious.
Wow! Isn't that
the danger signal that goes off
just before you fall apart?
This isn't any danger signal.
This is the signal for me
to use all my power
to kick your ass.
My left arm!
I won't stand for this.
I won't stand for this!
How could I be defeated by
this amateur Ultraman wannabe?
I won't fucking stand for this!
I'll slaughter you!
You and everyone else here!
I'll kill everyone
and eat you all!
Crap! I can't finish him off this way.
Blow him to smithereens!
Then I'll just have to mow them all down!
That's not fair
Retrieve him.
I did it.
I defeated
the evil alien.
Well done.
My dad
gave me praise
I see.
This means they have completed
the basic preparations.
I too will advance to the next phase.
Subtitle translation by Brian Athey
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