Uncle Samsik (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I caught these punks
at the last second
trying to escape the country.
You trying to abandon me and get away?
you've deceived us.
What did I do?
The Sineui Alliance is worthless.
It's a puppet exploited by your ambitions.
Why should we…
why should we kill people for you?
You shouldn't've made the Sineui Alliance
if you wanted to become an assemblyman.
Is that why you betrayed me?
Mister Kang, listen.
Taemin. We should forgive him.
Our dreams were almost destroyed…
by someone whose head
I put a roof over, someone I raised.
So please, just let Taemin live.
I'll send him off to the salt farms
and keep a close eye on him.
Uncle Samsik
Uncle Samsik
The Great Plan
It was the day that
the president announced his candidacy.
All his supporters
were out in the streets.
Oh, you finally picked up.
No matter how hard I try,
there's nothing that I can do.
Effort is meaningless in this world.
Why not flip it upside down?
And what if it's wrong?
Then spit it out.
You'll know if it's poison
the minute it touches your lips.
And my proposal?
Can we save it?
Save it or kill it, we can do anything.
I'm asking
if we can make it happen naturally?
Letting it happen on its own
will also cost you.
Does the Earth's rotation and revolution
just happen?
Is it a coincidence
that the Sun lights up the Earth?
I want more power. Tell me how to get it.
I will give it to you.
I'm the one who can give it to you.
I'll wait to hear from you.
December 22, 1959
Seoul, South Korea
Banya Hotel
This way.
I assume that you know
what kind of meeting this is?
Yes, sir.
You cannot breathe a word of
what is discussed here outside this room.
I'll keep that in mind.
We have also reviewed
your National Reconstruction proposal.
I have got some big plans for you.
Yeah, great plans too, I'll tell you that.
Whether it's money or power,
I can provide everything.
You want influence?
I can get you married in.
Well, I'm already engaged to be married.
Mister Choo Intae's daughter is,
well, she's my fiance.
What did you say?
You and Choo Intae's daughter are what?
I said we're engaged.
Choo Intae?
You're gonna be his son-in-law?
I have great respect for Choo Intae.
I respect him
more than anyone else I know.
You said they were done.
Yes. I think it's a misunderstanding,
that's all.
He says he respects him!
Yes, it's true,
I have a lot of respet for him, but…
I don't understand why that's…
You clearly don't know
what this meeting is.
Ah, will you excuse us while we go
and straighten this all out?
Please step out with me.
Get up.
Right this way.
Wait. What was all that?
Keep seeing her, but in secret.
Just three more years.
Oh, that is total nonsense.
Three years goes by fast. Huh?
I will not stop seeing Yeojin.
Why did you come here then?
To realize my dream for South Korea.
You've gotta sleep to have dreams.
How are you dreaming without sleeping?
The Cheongwoo Federation's a bed
and Chairman An Yosub is a pillow!
You need to get in that bed
with your head on that pillow.
We're not on the same page.
To get on the same page, you gotta listen.
He's acting so high and mighty.
I think I may have sweet talked him
a little too much.
It's gone to his head.
Should I follow him?
Yeah. Let's see where he goes.
Sir, we…
we don't want to get involved
with Choo Intae, do we?
I mean, there's no benefit.
He would be useless to us.
We should find someone else, right?
We can find someone better.
He understands now. I explained it.
He's not our guy. No.
I get it, but when he left,
he said he would
end things with Choo's daughter,
with Choo Yeojin.
Do you think he is capable
of beating Kang Seongmin?
He's too green.
I just need a little longer
to work on him, sir.
- Oh, they're coming out.
- Hey, she's out now.
- Here they are.
- Here she is.
Congratulations on your discharge.
Ilmo Hospital
Excuse me.
- Will you be okay?
- Yes.
Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Thank you, everyone.
Thank you, fellow citizens. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
He's really there right now?
Choo Intae!
Acting friendly, posing with them.
Posing with them?
Why would he pose with them?
Oh, he just couldn't sit still, could he?
They've got their arms around each other.
Gosh, they look like a family already.
Their arms are around each other?
Sir, did you check
the polls this morning?
Oh yes.
The polls are showing us that the people
are desperate to maintain democracy.
So does this mean your daughter
will be active within the party?
Yes, I will.
This particular incident emphasized to me
the values that we must protect
as well as the importance
of this election.
That's right!
You're Kim San
of the Ministry of Home Affairs, right?
Do you play a particular role
within the Innovation Party?
I am not a politician.
I've come here today on personal time.
All right, now let's leave it there.
We're gonna make our way
to Innovation Party headquarters.
Should we head over there?
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
I'm heading to the office now.
Are you sure you feel up to it?
Yeah, of course.
All right.
Does this mean you're joining the party?
I'm thinking about it.
There's really no need to force it.
I'll be in touch.
How dare you show up here?
I could tell you the same thing.
Why are you here?
All right, how is this, Minister?
You promise me you'll see Yeojin in secret
and I'll recommend you
for the chairman of the Democratic Party's
Economic Policy Committee.
- In secret?
- Away from prying eyes.
How could I possibly become
chairman of that committee?
I've told you before, it's nothing.
Look, we've got a great plan here,
Minister, involving you.
So… so what…
what is this great plan of yours?
Well, what do you plan to do?
- End it?
- No.
Date her in secret?
Tell me what this damn great plan is
you keep mentioning.
Now you're changing the subject again.
I think you're great, but I don't like
this side of you, Minister.
I'm changing the subject here?
That's what you're doing.
I hate when you do this.
Capital Defense Unit, Secret Bunker
How long's it been since you had
any contact with Mister Kim Kwangmin?
You knew that Samsik won him over,
didn't you?
I'm really not sure.
- How about the invite list?
- Here you go.
We were only able to pay
for the print material.
The issue is the campaign vehicle.
At this rate, we won't be able
to keep up with the campaign schedule.
What brings you here?
Well, I was worried.
Ah, that's really kind.
They said no bus for us
until we pay off the balance.
What do we do
about our upcoming events though?
Listen, if you need a campaign bus, I…
I know some folks
who'd be interesting in sponsoring.
Should I get them in touch with you?
Miss Yeojin.
Um, where'd you get these buses?
They're buses that US troops discarded.
Oh yeah, they're great, right?
It's nice to meet you.
Oh, and I am Yoon Palbong.
That's why
Kim Kwangmin introduced Yoon Palbong
to the Innovation Party.
Didn't you know about that?
I was unaware.
I don't like Choo Intae.
I know.
But I still have to do this, don't I?
Did you finish the book?
I almost had an aneurysm reading this,
you jerk.
The path of coexistence
Father, these are some of San's friends.
Oh, sir… No, I… Sir, I, um…
Would you sign this?
That's done then.
Thank you for your hard work.
I said you shouldn't come here, didn't I?
Hey, hey.
I don't have a lot of time right now.
What if someone sees you in here?
Tell Kang Seongmin
that I am now Choo Intae's
campaign security officer.
It's amazing how things work out
when you actually listen.
- Yes.
- And did you hide that book
that I gave you?
Yes, I hid it very well
inside Choo Intae's office.
If Choo goes down,
you'll deserve all the credit.
Can you do me a favor,
and tell Kang that I'm doing a good job?
All right, but why are you worrying
about that, huh?
Thank you.
When will you kill Yoon Palbong?
The plan is in motion.
And why are these plans taking so long?
What if Minkyu finds out about it?
I wanted to ensure it's done in the safest
and most convincing way possible.
And I am telling you that
it would be safest to kill him quickly!
Seriously, Uncle, who else but you
is willing to listen to my nagging?
- I'll speed up the process.
- All right.
Have you met with Cha Taemin?
Not yet.
You mean, you don't want Taemin doing it?
It's not that.
It's just that he's repenting
and keeping a low profile right now, so…
is it necessary?
Taemin tore my heart wide open.
He betrayed me.
During my greatest time of need,
Cha Taemin abandoned me!
He left me!
If he wants my forgiveness,
tell him that no matter what,
he must do this.
- Take those off him.
- Yes, sir.
You must resent me a lot.
I do not resent anyone.
If I did, I would've left already.
Yeah. I'm sure you would have.
Who's he want dead now?
Yoon Palbong.
Yoon Palbong?
Who killed An Yosub's son?
That Yoon Palbong?
Yeah, that Yoon Palbong.
If the job gets done the right way,
then you'll head to Osaka…
I know.
I understand how you feel.
I swear I didn't betray Kang!
Kang Seongmin's the one who betrayed us!
He's the one who manipulated
the Sineui Alliance!
You're right, he did.
All right? Of course I know that.
And yet Yoon Palbong deserves to die
for what he did.
You know, don't you?
There was an opportunity in Busan,
wasn't there?
If Yoon Palbong hadn't killed An Minchul,
Kang Seongmin wouldn't be
the mess that he is now.
Yoon Palbong. Who brought him to us?
Uncle Samsik, was it you?
There is someone I detest.
Look, I'm sorry.
Back then,
I thought he was showing his loyalty.
Kang Seongmin.
What are you planning to do with him?
I'll have to stop him,
and end his political career.
He has to be stopped before
he even gets close to being president.
Go and get your freedom in Osaka.
I have evidence
that Seongmin was
an active member of the Sineui Alliance.
This is where Kang and I
formed the Sineui Alliance.
We created the rules,
regulations, and even homemade bombs.
Wow, this is so old, it's…
It's hard to say exactly who it is.
Ministry of Home Affairs
In the major cities,
Choo Intae has absolutely taken the lead.
We must curb his rise.
And how do we do that?
You people aren't here to write reviews!
And the Local Government Act?
We'll start off by…
by holding a public hearing--
Public hearing? What?
Do you all have time to waste?
Am I the only one concerned?
Get everyone's help on this.
Everyone. Military, civil servants.
Yes, yes.
I'll find out and get back to you.
- They're all having a field day.
They need to be threatened.
There's lots of opposition
within the party, sir.
The longer we take,
the more we have to lose.
Steal it from under their noses
if we have to.
Go and see Assemblyman Pak.
National Assembly
You've seen the export price
Sanae Produce has requested, is that so?
Yes. They've requested flour
as the form of payment.
- No objections?
- No.
All right then.
We'll leave it there.
Well done today.
Stop dozing off during meetings.
Boring, isn't it?
All this about imports and payments.
Gosh, it really gives me a headache.
We need to get our Mister Pak
back to doing what he does best.
We need to get
the Local Government Act passed quickly.
Seems to be a lot of people opposed to it.
And that's exactly why we need your help.
What? Whatever for?
Our time's running out.
It's been a while.
- It's been a long time.
- It's good to see you, man.
Let's head inside.
Boss. We're here.
- Hmm.
- How have you been? Good?
Yeah, yeah. It's been a while.
How have you been spending your time?
I left the police force
and I started a business for a while
but gave that up.
You all seem like
you're a little worse off now than before.
We're all barely surviving.
We'll take any job you've got.
Why didn't you go
to the Innovation Party
when Choo Intae had
a high approval rating?
Why'd you take the chairman position
of the Democratic Party
Economic Policy Committee?
Because of Samsik?
Hey, look who it is.
Will you stop coming here
trying to win me over with stuff to eat?
Oh, I bought this for me.
You want some of it?
Why are you here?
Have you ever heard of
Sun Wooseok of the new faction?
Yes. I know who he is.
Right. Well, this Sun Wooseok,
cannot say the word "no" to me.
Why is that?
'Cause the guy has accepted
so many of my bribes.
Anyway, if you join
the Democrats through Sun,
join their new faction,
I can make you
their Economic Policy Committee chair.
You'll be in charge of
pledges for the election.
This is the last time I'm coming to ask.
If you don't want it, tell me now.
A couple of radishes, some potatoes,
add some scallions, minced garlic,
some chili powder,
let it simmer and enjoy.
Nothing better on cold nights like these.
- Forget it.
- Please enjoy it.
They're also good grilled.
So, I read through the National
Reconstruction Plan of yours, huh?
You really think you got a shot?
Well, with large-scale loans
and investments--
There are so many in America
willing to invest.
And I personally know
a lot of these people.
They've been calling me about it non-stop.
We must push
for US economic agreement--
Yes, the economic agreement.
You know what that is, don't you?
You really think
I don't know what that is?
I'll explain it.
Oh, yeah. Go ahead, go ahead.
The Korean Government
needs to show interest
in attracting foreign capital.
Foreign capital has zero confidence
in Rhee Seungmin's government.
We need a new economic policy
if America's gonna have any faith in us.
Ah, so you're saying we do
what those Liberal Party jerks can't do?
That's it. That's exactly it!
You're finally understanding everything.
Oh, but wait.
In our party,
there's Yoon Bohyun's old faction
and Jang Min's new faction.
I'm aware of that.
We need to make sure that these policies
are initiated by the new faction.
Yes, we've got to.
That way, those of us in the new faction
will support you.
We're gonna need that whiskey
the Assemblyman's so fond of.
Yes, sir.
Look at us, finally on the same page, huh?
Hey, you know Kim San, right? Don't you?
Come over and say hello.
December 31, 1959
Seoul, South Korea
US Army club
Oh, when the saints ♪
Go marching in ♪
Oh, when the saints go marching in ♪
- Kwangmin's here.
- Hey.
Hey, how did it go?
Economic Policy Committee chair.
- Sorry about last time.
- It's all right.
You'll be an assemblyman, huh?
And now we drink.
- Here's to death.
- Cheers.
I'm gonna drink a lot tonight.
Hey, order another round.
- Let's just go for it.
- Five,
- four, three, two, one!
- Four, three, two, one!
Happy New Year!
This feels like when we studied abroad.
Yeah, it does.
So don't you think
that with you in the Democratic Party,
it'll upset Yeojin?
I might not have made the right choice.
- San.
- Hmm?
Do you trust Uncle Samsik?
- Why?
- I'm not sure, I guess…
It's going so well, I'm getting nervous.
Stand down! You will stand down.
On your stomach!
- On our stomach!
- Roll over.
- Kwangmin. What about Uncle Samsik…
- Turn everything in South Korea
upside down!
…is making you nervous?
- Upside down!
- Huh?
- Huh?
- Turn the whole thing upside down!
Hey, where…
where are you going?
Wait, stop. Stop right there.
Stop right there!
They look great.
Now distribute these
around the Innovation Party locations.
Yes, sir. Let's go.
Have a good day.
Chairman of the Economic Policy Committee
Kim San
Kim San, Democratic Party's
Economic Policy Committee Chairman
Where're the others?
I can't reach anyone.
Tonight, Yoon Palbong…
finally goes down.
Do you want in on this?
I've wanted this for a very long time now.
All right.
Is Cha Taemin prepared?
- Yes.
- What did he say?
He says he wants to be sure
to kill Yoon Palbong himself.
That's good.
Make it happen as soon as possible.
Yes, sir.
What did Kang Seongmin say?
I told you to stop coming here.
You told him
about the Innovation Party, right?
We can't be seen together ever again.
God, what did he say?
That you did good.
You stay right next to Choo
and really embrace this spy role.
Did he mention having me killed?
What do you mean?
You're the key
to bringing down Choo Intae.
Look at you, Yoon Palbong. Huh?
You helped someone become
an assemblyman and saved his life.
I told you, do what I say
and you'll be fine. You see?
I should've known, Samsik.
You've got a great mind.
I got a lot of great things,
but especially a great mind.
Samsik, thank you. Thank you so much.
I'll go now.
Don't you ever come back here.
I'll never come back here. Ever.
What do you want? What now? Oh.
Well, Mr. Kang.
I guess you were in the area.
That was Yoon Palbong, wasn't it?
When are you gonna have him killed?
My father gave you
a lot of bread back in the day.
You used to be so efficient.
But now…
you're so slow. Are you just getting old?
Or could it be…
you're hiding something from me?
You are, aren't you?
Tell me. It stays between us.
Yoon Palbong has…
just joined the Innovation Party.
His reason?
He thought if he were next to Choo Intae,
he'd be safer.
That's good.
We can kill Choo Intae while we're at it.
Sir, don't… don't say that.
I'm the one who chooses the target,
and you find the means.
I'm joking.
Killing Choo at the wrong time
would be catastrophic.
I want you to take care of it, Uncle.
Yes, sir.
why does your dad want to become
the president?
Is it good to be president?
Well, he doesn't want to become president
because it's good, that's not it.
He just wants to create a world
where you can do or be anything
that you dream of when you grow up.
That's why he wants to do it.
- Yeojin.
- Uncle San.
Yeojin's been waiting here
for you forever.
What brings you all this way?
I hadn't heard from you
in a few days.
I've been a little busy.
My father keeps getting approached
by people who just want to flatter him.
He just hears what he wants to hear.
And I'm afraid
my father will change who he is.
Are there no other options?
If we join with the Democratic Party,
it could make it easier.
No. The Democratic Party's
in no position for that.
Well, would you know
anybody who works there?
I like seeing you this way.
Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Go away!
- Choo Intae!
- The Democratic Party!
What's going on?
What do you think
you're doing? Stop! Stop!
The country needs the Democratic Party!
Choo Intae!
Who wants to challenge us?
Choo Intae!
Kim San, Democratic Party's
Economic Policy Committee Chairman
Choo Intae!
- All right, gentlemen.
- It is what it is.
It's just policy research--
At the Democratic Party?
Have you joined them?
I can't get into the details
at the moment, but…
in my position…
I'm not able to explain myself.
I guess I always knew…
this day would come eventually.
I understand.
Choo Intae as president
Politics for the people
Innovation is the only way forward!
Innovation is the only way forward!
Peaceful unification
is the only way forward!
Peaceful unification
is the only way forward!
We cannot live this way!
Let's make changes.
We cannot live this way!
Voting for change!
Choo Intae!
Thank you all! Thank you!
Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
Now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
Mister Choo Intae's daughter!
- Choo Yeojin!
- Choo Yeojin!
Choo Yeojin!
- Let's go.
- Choo Yeojin!
Choo Yeojin!
So, what did you discuss with my father?
He wants me to join the Innovation Party.
Did you give him an answer?
I said I'd think about it.
Should we postpone our wedding?
Do you think there might be
a position for me in the Innovation Party?
So you want to get into politics?
Does this mean you're joining the party?
I'm thinking about it.
There's really no need to force it.
My father keeps getting approached
by people who just want to flatter him.
And I'm afraid
my father will change who he is.
Are there no other options?
If we join with the Democratic Party,
it could make it easier.
No. The Democratic Party's
in no position for that.
Well, would you know
anybody who works there?
I like seeing you this way.
Jina likes this one, doesn't she?
Oh, you don't have to do that for Jina.
Uh, I think
this is the one she likes, right?
Oh, it's this one.
- Can we have a bag of these here?
- Oh, sure.
I'd prefer it…
if you stayed out of politics, actually.
Is that selfish to ask?
Choo Yeojin!
Choo Yeojin!
Choo Intae!
Thank you!
Choo Intae!
Choo Intae!
Choo Intae!
Choo Intae!
Thank you, everyone!
Thank you!
Choo Intae!
Innovation is the only way forward!
I will be with you until the very end!
Please excuse me. Yeojin.
We will win the election
and make lasting changes.
Why are you here?
Sorry for intruding like this.
Can you please give me a moment?
We'll do this later.
What is it?
I intend to do whatever it takes
to support Mister Choo Intae.
And being with the Democratic Party
won't change that.
Is that what you came here to say?
I admire and support Mister Choo Intae.
So can you go out there
and declare
that you're Choo Intae's son-in-law?
Can you say
that you support the Innovation Party?
That you're done
with the Democratic Party?
Yes, of course.
Of course.
I love you very much
and I'm sure you know that.
I have this dream.
What dream is that?
There's a version of South Korea…
that I want to create.
Except that's not a real dream.
That's hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy dressed as a dream.
Let's bring change.
Choo Intae!
Yeah! You get that area!
Hey, you sons of bitches!
Why are you doing this?
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