Unorthodox (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Part 4

Time for the four questions.
Come on, dear.
You were so excited for this.
"Dear Father,
I'd like to ask you four questions.
Dear Father,
I asked you the four questions.
Now please give me an answer."
"And the answer is:
we were slaves to the pharaoh in Egypt.
And the Lord took us out of there.
And if He didn't take
our forefathers out of Egypt,
then we and our children
and our children's children
would still be enslaved
to the pharaoh in Egypt."
We tell ourselves the story of Passover
to remind us of our suffering.
Not only from the Egyptians.
But also the inquisition,
the Chmielnicki Uprising, the Pogroms,
the Nazis.
May their memories be erased.
In every generation,
they rise up against us.
When we trusted our friends and neighbors,
God punished us.
When we tried to wear their clothes
and speak their tongue, God punished us.
When we forget who we are,
we invite God's wrath.
It's why we are all sitting here now.
Now we accept who we are.
And that is the only way
to be free.
Isn't he cute?
He's very cute.
If you ever want to talk,
let me know.
At the beginning, it was hard for me, too.
But now I've got five and six on the way.
Thank God!
I'm so happy for you.
I need some air.
I have something to tell you.
You left me alone
with your entire family tonight.
Sit down!
My mother says we can't go on like this.
Like what?
We have to change something.
Your mother told you that?
I want a divorce.
A divorce?
She says you'll never
be a good wife to me.
-We finished once!
Only once.
It always hurts you.
It's always something with you.
And I'm still young enough to remarry.
What else can I do?
You're asking me?
Has your mother already
called the matchmaker? Has she?
Calm down!
God help me!
Where were you?
So a Jew is stranded on a desert island.
A ship shows up to save him.
He shows the captain around.
The Jew points out a house he's built
and says, "That's my synagogue."
They walk around
and the Jew points out another house.
"That's the other synagogue," he says.
The captain is confused and asks him,
"You're only one guy,
so why do you need two synagogues?"
The Jew says,
"Oh, I never go into that one."
You stink like an ashtray.
So I found Esty.
Exactly where I told you she'd be.
That's impossible.
Leah Mandelbaum said she'd call me
if she heard anything.
That woman is a deviant, Yanky.
Why would you believe anything she said?
Why would I believe anything you say?
Who is that?
Who do you think?
Who's she with?
Ask her yourself.
How do I make this bigger?
That letter was addressed
to Leah Mandelbaum's apartment.
They had nice cherries
at Mr. Silverman's for 50% off.
We can bake a pie for tomorrow.
my heart
What's wrong?
What is it?
Hold on to me.
Hold on to me.
Mommy, hold on to me.
-Do you need help? Hey!
Don't touch me!
God's watching you.
Both of us.
And what does God think of you, Esther?
Who is this person?
Don't touch me!
What are we doing here?
Do you know Mr. Auerbach?
From the bakery?
Of course I know Mr. Auerbach.
He was born here.
On this playground?
More or less.
There was a building here before the war.
It was bombed.
He was born in the building.
His parents got him out
on the last train to Rotterdam.
He made his way alone to England
and then to New York.
Everyone else was rounded up
on the street over there
and taken away and killed in the camps.
Mr. Auerbach never saw his parents again.
That's a terrible story.
But Mr. Auerbach now has 13 children
and 30 grandchildren
And a thriving bakery in Williamsburg.
Because he got out of this place!
This place is full of Jewish souls, Esty.
The souls of a million dead!
You want to raise a child
among all these dead?
The dead are with us anyway, Moishe!
It doesn't matter where we live.
You think my grandma doesn't eat
every single meal of her life
with the souls
of her dead parents and siblings?
But thanks to your selfish ways,
now she's got another soul to feed.
How's your mother?
Not good. The doctor says
she's had a series of heart attacks.
But she wants to stay home.
She refuses to go to the hospital.
Let me know if we can help.
Thank you.
Yanky's found Esty.
Did he tell her my mother's dying?
Of course not.
He has enough to worry about, chasing
down his crazy wife in a foreign country!
Esty didn't ruin the marriage alone.
What will you do here?
With no skills, no money,
no experience, no contacts.
The world is a scary place.
You still have
a little cash in your pocket.
Your body is still warm from the meals
Yanky provided for you.
Give it a few months.
Talk to me when you're cold and hungry,
a world away
from anyone who ever cared for you!
I'll still have my mother.
Your mother?
The one who abandoned you
to wipe old peoples' asses
halfway around the world?
You think she'll welcome you
and your baby
into the home she shares
with her non-Jew lover?
No, Esty.
You've made your bed.
And now you're all alone in it.
Eventually, you'll come crawling back
to the community, of course.
But then it will be too late.
Things will never be the same.
What is that?
Come back now, Esty.
Or you'll always be
the Jew who lost their way,
waiting for God's final judgment.
There is one other way out.
Put it down!
Foolish girl.
I'm not going to shoot you.
If you don't come back,
you'll do it yourself.
-How long has she been lying here?
-I don't know.
-I found her like this and then I called.
-Does she take medicine?
-Our daughter always brought her medicine.
-Charge 150.
Charge 190.
I have to make some phone calls.
Super! Wow.
What will you be singing?
"An die Musik."
You champion of art
In how many awful hours
Where I was snared up
In life's vicious cycle
All those wretched hours
You have my heart
into a better world
She belongs with us.
The baby, too.
into a better world
When did you get here?
Just in time to hear you sing.
Your hair
Everyone can see it.
You won't believe it,
but it's fashionable here.
I get it.
On the road there is a different Torah.
I didn't know you could sing like that.
You don't know
a lot of things about me, Yanky.
I don't even know
a lot of things about me.
We can discover those things together.
One hundred.
Two hundred.
This is where I'm staying.
-Come upstairs.
-No, Yanky.
I don't think that's a good idea.
I want to show you something.
Is this some trick Moishe cooked up?
I saw this and thought of you.
No. Yanky, please!
No gifts.
Come on.
Open it.
It's beautiful.
Thank you.
I know about the baby.
It's a miracle, actually!
That's true.
Come home with me.
We'll be a family.
It's everything we always wanted.
-Is it?
when you sang that song,
I was reminded of our wedding.
We were so happy that day.
I was happy because I thought marrying you
was the beginning of a new life.
-But instead--
-We'll start over again!
You asked for a divorce.
It was the biggest mistake of my life.
Not just that--
Everything will be different
now that we have a child.
-It's not that simple.
-I know!
You were unhappy all the time.
I told myself
something was wrong with you.
But nothing
is wrong with you.
You're just different.
You said it yourself when we met.
I can't go back.
Yes, you can.
You'll see.
I can be different, too.
-Stop! Yanky!
-You don't believe me?
Yanky, stop.
How about now?
Will you stay with me now?
It's too late, Yanky.
Don't you understand?
It's too late.
Will you stay with me now?
We'll be back for that baby.
There she is.
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