Uspjeh (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

We were never here.
We know nothing, we saw nothing.
You woke up yesterday and
discovered your conscience?
-Not yesterday. This morning.
-What's that?
-A dead rat.
Who ordered the assault on me? You?
Lujo Kralj? Who?
I want to see him.
Danilo, let's go get him.
No one who knows me
would dare touch Viktor.
If Batur finds the killer before us,
we'll have a new body within 24 hours.
-Where's the car?
-Kiki, we have a serious problem.
-Are you listening?
-We'll talk about everything.
I can't take this anymore. I can't.
-They got him.
-No fucking way!
Nothing in life wakes you up
as a gun pointed at your head.
Are you ready to go all the way?
Figure it out and go even further.
Ladies and gentlemen,
this is the fourth step to success.
-So, you fell down some stairs?
I'm kidding, you know.
Come on, lift your arm. There.
You know, a woman comes in
and says she fell down the stairs.
And the truth is,
her husband roughed her up a bit.
There we go That's it.
There it is.
You just take your arm out.
There we go. See, good as new.
Does it hurt at all?
-Good as new.
That's it?
Now I can do whatever I want with it?
Whatever you want, as
long as it's not painful. Yes.
-Whatever I want?
Yes, it doesn't hurt at all. Thanks.
Forget about that.
17 lipa times 19,000 m,
you saved me a lot.
Enough for lunch at Jole's.
Morning, Mr. Oreb.
Gordana Kalić. Remember me?
I don't have time for you.
I have a meeting.
It's important.
We are investigating a murder.
-Is this your hammer?
-No. What now?
-Again with the same crap?
-Are you sure? Look closely.
This is my hammer. Unfortunately,
that's all I can help you with.
And this is you, with Lujo Kralj
and the chief architect, right?
Well, you've helped me a lot. Thank you.
Fucking shit!
Why the fuck is Jasna's sister
looking for fucking hammers
and murderers in my office?
Come on, man.
I need the car. I'm in a rush.
-What's wrong?
-She's gone. Took the kid as well.
I'm sorry, buddy.
Chin up, come on.
Chin up, we're in the clear.
Today is a great day.
Grab another bottle of wine
and run after her. I gotta go.
-You skipped school again.
-You'll be in trouble.
-What time is it?
-Hurry up, you'll be in trouble.
Who are you, my dad?
Did he bust you
for being wasted last night?
Wait, wait
What day is it today?
Is it pensions day?
-What bloody pensions?
I don't follow.
Wanna come over? I'm alone.
It's me! Where are you?
Hey, I just came to see you,
and your arm.
Screw lunch, the cast is off today.
We should celebrate.
I can't stay long, I
have to go back to work.
Look. Take a look.
They took it off when they put
the cast on, and gave it to me.
It had a small scratch, I had it
fixed. Look, you can't even see it.
If the ring can be fixed, maybe
our marriage can be fixed, too.
Okay, I'll go back to work then.
Boss? There are only partial prints
on the hammer. Nothing usable.
-I want DNA then. What's that?
-Anita Batur's statement.
This is our lead investigator,
Gordana Kalić.
Ante Lopar, Mr. Batur's attorney.
I'm uneasy now, seeing your face.
You knew her?
We went to law school together.
Her sister and I.
These charges of 2 kg of marijuana
have nothing to do with my client.
Sure, he only does cocaine
and heroin.
Why so sarcastic?
We'll cooperate fully
with the investigation.
Thanks. He could have thought of
doing that earlier. Excuse me.
Anita Batur mentions a silver Opel.
Yeah. She didn't see the plates.
Someone came at night, talked to Danilo,
she didn't hear what about.
Look, she's in shock.
Remember who drove a silver Opel?
A week ago?
-On the bridge?
I want footage from all
security cameras at the house. Now.
There's none there.
It's all on a server somewhere.
We have to get passwords, access
It'll take time.
Mr. Lopar? If you are
serious about cooperating,
I want your client
to tell me everything.
We have to clear something up.
What exactly are the charges?
Murdering his son or
possession of marijuana?
Your client is being investigated.
Who knows what will come up.
And you were just at the wrong
place at the wrong time last night?
I was framed, ma'am.
-A trap, an ambush. Classic.
-Who framed you?
A guy showed up yesterday,
saying he's Blanka's friend.
He gave me the address. I went to
the garage for the first time ever.
And then you showed up,
at the right place at the right time.
Did your son ever have
any dealings with Lujo Kralj?
Lujo Kralj, my ass! Ma'am, if
Lujo Kralj showed up at my door,
I'd know who I was dealing with.
You don't have to worry about
who screwed me over and why.
-I'll handle that.
-Danilo, please.
I'll find them. One by one
I'll kill them all.
I don't think
this is what cooperating looks like.
Wait, come on.
What's your definition?
For starters, I want
the security footage,
without having to get warrants
and bother the state attorney.
Call the security company.
They have it all.
I can get that.
Web address, password, everything.
You don't need that footage, ma'am.
The girl knows everything.
Just make her talk.
Was this your first time?
Come, come.
Blanka! Blanka!
-Close the door!
-Open up!
-Blanka! Open up!
What, you're skipping
school so you can fuck around?
Open the door! You know what?
You and the skinny kid
You are so screwed!
-Mr. Antić, everything's fine!
-You'll hear from Mr. Antić
when I fuck you six ways from Sunday!
Open the door! Blanka!
Open up! Blanka!
Open the door! Blanka!
Leave it!
-He's drunk.
-Mr. Antić, are you okay?
Leave him, he's drunk. Not the
first time. Grab your stuff, let's go.
The investigating judge. In an hour.
He has some questions.
-No clue.
The Narcotics guys are
up to something, looks like.
-What did Batur say?
-He'll kill them all when he finds them.
I think the woman from the bridge
is involved. I'll talk to her.
What woman?
-I'll see you in an hour.
-I'll be there.
-Here you go.
-Thanks, Vera.
Is this over now?
I mean Maybe you could call
the others to come back to work.
Yeah, maybe I could. Thanks.
-Hey. What happened?
-Is everything all right?
-Yes, why?
-Is something not What?
-Why are you calling me?
Jesus, Vinka. Everything's fine.
I just wanted to talk to you.
-Sorry. I'm losing it.
-I just called, basically
I guess we can talk
even if everything's fine.
I thought you were busy
building our town's future.
I always have time for
true friends and girlfriends.
And you have a lot of friends
and girlfriends?
Not true ones.
Sorry. I'll call you back, okay? Bye.
Hello. I hope I'm not interrupting.
Can I come in for a minute?
-Sure, come on in.
-Thank you.
I didn't think you dealt
with cases like mine.
I don't, but you were assaulted
by a pro.
I'm thinking, who would target you?
That's him, the man
who assaulted you.
How do you know?
Do you know anything about
the murder of Viktor Batur?
No, how would I?
The man who assaulted you bought
a rat that we found by the body.
-A rat?
Maybe the assault has
something to do with the murder.
Have you ever met Viktor?
Or his father?
I'm sorry, I am
Am I under investigation?
I investigate anything
relevant to the case.
Do you know who this man works for?
-Have you ever heard of Lujo Kralj?
Mrs. Čorić?
No. I think it's all a coincidence.
A coincidence?
Well, yes. Maybe you're right.
It's just, you know,
there are too many coincidences.
For example, last night, someone
came to Danilo Batur's house
in a car just like the one you have.
Is that also a coincidence?
I don't know anything about that.
Fine. That'll be all. For now.
Hey. We have a problem.
I have to see you. Where are you?
So what's the problem now?
Inspector Kalić came to see me,
asking where I was last night.
-I think she knows we went to Danilo's.
-How could she know?
I have no idea, she didn't say.
She just asked me questions.
-And she found the rat.
-What rat?
When they discharged me from the ER,
after the bridge, I went home
and there was a dead
rat outside my apartment.
I went out to toss it, and
I saw you four at he park.
I completely forgot
I left the dead rat there.
So now they have
evidence placing you there?
-What did you tell her?
-Nothing. I avoided giving answers.
-But had she pressed me
-Vinka, you can't tell her anything.
I know.
I know.
What if she knows I'm lying?
If she knows you went to Danilo Batur's,
then she most likely
knows I was there, too.
-Panicking won't do you any good.
-What do we do now?
We're the only ones
who know what happened.
-Hari! Hari! Where is he?
-I don't know.
Tell him Lujo is looking for him,
asking where his fucking hammer is.
And when the police shows up,
not a word. Understood?
-What's wrong?
I'm just thinking about everything
we've done to protect me,
and it's still not over.
It might have started out like that,
but it's not just about you anymore.
It's about us.
Vera, what exactly did he say
about a hammer?
Haris, what hammer?
What are we going to do now?
Haris, where are you going?
We got access to Batur's footage.
The Narcotics guys are asking
we hand over everything
have on Danilo and the drugs.
Mind every word.
No theories, just facts.
You brought them on, you
can't let them take our case.
-Hello, guys.
I'll leave you.
-Mr. Lijevak.
What have you found in
connection to the murder?
The garage was his hideout.
Once we process it, we'll know more.
Is the marijuana relevant or not?
The issue is that if they determine
that the marijuana is Viktor's,
we have no evidence
against Danilo Batur.
Wait. We?
Your Department?
Will you be charging Batur
I should hand over the
investigation related to marijuana?
It's all connected.
We can't split the case in two.
Connected. How?
-I can't answer that right now.
-So, you have nothing.
Why were the tires slashed? Why
did he place the photos in the car?
-I can't say.
-If that's the case, then fine.
We have the hammer.
It belongs to Lujo Kralj's associate.
We also have a rat, bought
by another associate of his.
We'll sit down in the morning
and you'll explain everything.
I'll decide based on evidence,
not circumstantial evidence
or crazy theories. Chief
I've heard enough from you. Thank you.
Fuck, Kalić, everything they
say about you, it's all true.
-You left the hammer in the garage.
-Is it not in your car?
-The police have it. You're an idiot.
-I had to break the lock.
It would have been
better if you broke my head.
I've been struggling for days now,
trying to get away
Fuck you. I didn't kill Viktor.
Everthing we're doing,
it's not to save my ass.
If they find prints, I'm the
one who's screwed! Not you!
So, thanks a lot for sending
me to the garage to do shit.
And I'm not screwed?
He knows about the hammer.
Do you know who Lujo Kralj is?
You better pray the police
find you before he does!
He's been calling me all day over
this hammer! We're all screwed!
-Because of the hammer!
-I'm already screwed.
I've lost everything, man.
That morning, I went to Vinka's.
I was ready to turn myself in.
Take the fall for her.
Just so she saves my place.
Screw you, motherfuckers!
I should have stayed home!
-I'd have my wife and kid here.
-We had to do it. For Blanka.
Fine. Do something for me now.
Get me out of trouble.
We could go to Milan. You'd be
a great model for gay magazines.
You're not worried about
what happened with your old man?
You have to learn to work the camera.
Grab your balls.
-I'm serious.
-So am I. Why would I stay?
-Graduate? Clean rooms in Dublin?
-You need a degree for that, too.
That's what I'm saying. Fuck, why
waste time? Would you come with?
I think I can get my hands
on some cash. Then we go.
What cash?
Just to tide us over
for a couple of months.
-Are you serious?
Okay, now duckface. But give
me a gay one, you know how.
Pucker up, motherfucker.
Is he certain it was Janjić's wife?
He is. The judge mentioned
Gordana Kalić is looking into
the assault on the bridge.
Jan went to check it out.
He followed Vinka Čorić
and saw them together.
I want you to go through
every detail of the investigation.
How does Haris know this Vinka?
Ask the judge to give you
everything they have. Everything.
Right away. I'll deal with Haris. Go on.
Biser Dry Cleaners
Surprise, 10 p.m.
tonight, new home opening
Biser Dry Cleaners
Mujadžević. Haris Mujadžević. Yes.
Okay, great. Sure, man.
Thanks. Talk to you soon, bye.
Nothing. You can relax.
If I give you some more names,
can you run those as well?
Hari, it's not that simple.
I owe favors now.
Why worry so much? They
can't trace you using the hammer.
-God knows how many there are.
-Exactly three:
mine, Petar Oreb's one,
and Lujo Kralj's one.
Fuck. Lujo knows?
That's why you've not been
answering his calls.
Don't be crazy.
Call him back, explain.
He makes two calls and
this can all be much easier.
-Nothing's ever easier with him.
-Hari, they have the hammer.
-You want me to call him?
-No, no.
I'll call him when I know more.
Boss, Topoljak wants a
copy of the entire case.
Notes, reports, findings I have to
take them to the Minister's cabinet.
-Is there something going on?
-Make copies, do what you want.
I'm busy.
This is how it started last time
when I investigated Lujo Kralj.
I find evidence,
and they take it away.
-Can I help you?
-Thanks, I'm waiting for my client.
Called in to expand the statement.
-By who?
-Your boss.
Two of your colleagues have
questions about the marijuana.
Mrs. Kalić, who's actually running
the investigation against my client?
What? You're fantasizing
about running away from home?
I've fantasized about worse things.
Can you give me
a straight answer for once?
You really think now's the time
to be giving me attitude?
No, now's the time for you
to drink some more.
Look, my old man is
flying off the handle.
I can't, and I won't take it anymore.
I'll stay at my grandfather's country
house for a while, then sell it.
Then I'm out.
-I couldn't open the fucking dumpster.
Have you lost it? What's with you?
They're gonna get us over the
stupid rat, the dumpster, Danilo
-Haris just drove off.
-No word from him.
-Drove off where?
Where's he now?
I'll find him and you
get yourself together.
No, boss. I get that part.
But you gave them the go ahead
to talk to my detainee and brought
the two of them on my case.
So now I'm asking you to
handle it somehow. That's all.
No, that's all under control now.
It'll be as I promised.
Yes, we did have a situation,
but starting tomorrow,
we'll regain control.
I didn't cause the problem.
I'll solve it, but I get the message.
Everything is going as agreed.
Understood. Talk to you tomorrow.
You've cost me ten years
of my life. Sit.
-Give me that. Is this shit big?
-Lijevak was right.
This is the police file
mentioning your name.
I've been looking for you all day,
calling people, calling in favors,
offering anything to anybody
And I'm in the dark.
Do you even know who
we're dealing with here?
You think it's just my head on the
line if the deal goes south now?
Can I see what they have?
What it says?
What it says?
It says you're fucked, in short.
Your life's in my hands from now on.
They have you on tape with
the father of the murdered kid.
They have a picture of Jan.
They have a picture of Jan right
next to the picture of your hammer.
My name comes up, too.
If this weren't you If somebody
else landed me in shit like this
They'd be scraping them off
the pavement right about now.
I didn't mean to land you in anything.
Fuck, it just happened.
Sorry. Can you help me?
-Can you do anything?
-Now you're in deep shit
I should announce you
pulled out of Kalem a week ago
and you're no longer
involved in the project.
That's what you wanted, right?
This is Kalem v3. If you
help me out with the police,
I'll stay on the project and we'll
develop the cheaper version,
the one you wanted.
Now that's better.
I'm already in touch with the judge.
He'll be forthcoming.
I promised we'll help
with the investigation,
and you don't even
have to be witness.
We just have to be smart
in choosing who's going to jail.
I'm offering to stay as chief architect,
but nobody's going to jail.
There's no other way.
I can get you off, but only you.
Either find a way,
or don't save me at all.
Haris? Those anti-wrinke
creams you use at night,
they use those as lubricant in prison.
-Hi, Blanka.
He's not in his office.
Tell him he can't hide forever.
I know about Mujadžević,
you, Vinka Čorić.
You are in with some tough fuckers.
I've had my run-in with them.
When shit hits the fan,
they'll screw you over.
-Thanks for your concern.
-It's over.
I'm done telling you
to stop lying to me.
You know what you're doing, right?
Bye now.
-Where's Haris?
-He's not in.
-When will he be back?
-I don't know.
-Vera, where is he?
-I don't know.
What's going on here?
I called Fran.
I start at the pizzeria tomorrow.
And I sold my car.
-For the down payment.
-Down payment for what?
Fuck the apartment. Fuck the bank.
Let them take it. Screw them.
Check this out.
A small token of appreciation
for the bailiffs
when they get to the apartment
in the morning.
Yuck. Kiki, you're a real idiot.
-I'm sorry. I really am.
-Nothing to be sorry about.
Piece of shit
What's the rush, you vulture?
Hey, listen
You said you were done.
You said you'd quit.
Listen, I lost a hundred kuna.
Don't get upset over peanuts.
Look, I promise. No more.
This was the last time.
-Everything will be like before.
-Already is, with you lying again.
100 kuna here, 300 betting
That's how it all started, Ivo.
How long will it take you
to get me beat up again?
It's not the same now.
I swear to you.
No, it'll be even worse.
Last night, just before
the anonymous phone call,
these three paid
Danilo Batur a visit.
Haris Mujadžević,
architect and owner of M45,
Vinka Čorić and Blanka Antić.
The call came from a withheld
number, but I asked the operator
for a list of calls, and the
line is owned by M45.
Wait. So Danilo was right
and this is a setup?
They either killed Viktor or
they know what happened.
I believe the hammer
belongs to Mujadžević.
If the DNA matches
the traces on the victim,
we'll know he was there
when Viktor was murdered.
Can you connect these three?
I'll get them to the station
for an interview tomorrow.
We'll see what happens when
I put pressure on all three.
Look, we need confessions
or they'll take the case from us.
Don't mention Lujo Kralj's name.
Boss, the architect, Mujadžević,
he works for Kralj.
Jan, who bought the rat,
he works for Kralj.
-Are you certain about that?
-He did when I first investigated Kralj.
Okay. If you're right, we'll need
more than the hammer and the rat.
The Minister's cabinet is not
calling me because of Batur.
Last time you got transferred.
This time, they'll fire you.
I'm right.
-Want some coffee?
-What's the time?
-Come over.
-You got your stuff for PE?
-Bye, mom.
Hello, Mrs. Čorić. Please
come with us to the station.
-We need to get your statement.
-Okay. Let me get dressed.
-Vinka just got arrested.
Where the fuck are you?
What the fuck is going on?
Haris? Hello?
I have to inform you the
interview is being recorded.
I'll ask the question
I asked yesterday.
Did you go to Danilo Batur's
house the night before last?
Please state your answer
in words. Were you there?
I can arrest you
for giving false testimony.
Mrs. Čorić? Now only
the truth can help you.
Just a moment.
She's gone.
-Have you checked the school?
-The architect?
The judge will be here any minute.
I promised new testimonies.
If we have nothing, he'll give
the case to those Narcotics idiots.
So? What do we do now?
Should I arrest you?
Who killed Viktor Batur?
There are three things I don't get.
What's the connection among you,
Blanka, and Haris Mujadžević?
Where is the knife? And why
did Lujo Kralj want Viktor to die?
Lujo Kralj?
First he had someone
beat you up and then? What?
You had to lure Viktor?
Why are you protecting a man
who had someone beat you up?
I'm not interested in you.
I'm interested in him.
Five years ago, he had a truck
full of sand run my sister over.
They killed her.
That's who you're protecting.
And I'll prove he's behind it all.
Let's start over. Why did Lujo
Kralj have his guy beat you up?
My husband owed money.
You don't understand.
I'm not protecting him.
None of it has to do with him.
That night, I
It all happened so fast.
-The rat was at the doorstep.
-Not now!
I killed Viktor Batur.
You can let Vinka Čorić go.
She has nothing to do with it.
Let her go.
Get her out.
We're not done yet. Go home now,
we'll pick this up later. Go.
Don't, Haris.
Get him to call his attorney.
No questions before that.
They can screw us over if you do.
They've already let you go?
You looked for my client
at home and at his office.
Your client has just confessed
to the murder of Viktor Batur.
Until we find out what's going on,
suspend the investigation.
Gordana? Gordana? Gordana?
-Why did you murder Viktor Batur?
-Let my client go!
Someone ordered you?
Gordana, open up! That's an order!
You hear me?!
Who ordered you to do it? Lujo Kralj?!
If you committed a murder, if you
cooperate and admit everything
The confession is worth nothing if
he doesn't have a lawyer, Gordana!
Is that true?
Nino, come here!
Nino! Come here!
-So my confession is not valid?
-Just answer my question.
We'll deal with the procedure later.
You're crazy!
I ask anything incriminating my client
is dismissed due to procedural issues.
I expected a more professional job.
You've jeopardized
the entire investigation.
-Go to my office.
-I don't just stick to procedures.
My office!!!
I expect inspector Kalić to be
suspended and sanctioned.
We'll nip this in the bud.
With all due respect,
I'll decide how to run my department.
Fine. Expect a call from the
Minister of the Interior about it.
Haris, let's go.
I'm sorry about this.
The deal is still on.
You'll get a suspect
and two witnesses.
Mrs. Čorić. Nice to meet you.
Lujo Kralj. We have to talk.
Good morning.
Everything's fine, Mrs. Čorić.
Please, get in the car.
-I'm very sorry.
I was very disappointed by what he did
when I heard your daughter was
with you in the car.
I'm sorry she saw it. That was
uncalled for. I'm sorry about that.
I don't want your apologies,
or anything.
I understand,
but please oblige me and get
in the car. It's important we talk.
Haris is at the police.
He turned himself in.
Get in.
When I give you an order,
I'm not asking or suggesting.
It's an order.
He was about to confess.
Vinka Čorić, too.
Yes, and our secretary wanted
to confess, and all of the officers,
and all of them together
killed him with a knife
Febo's on the case,
you're suspended.
Now the Minister's office is
going to call telling me to fire you.
You know what type of connections
he has? I can get fired
if I don't convince him he's got
what he wanted.
-Who? The judge?
-Lujo Kralj.
Lujo Kralj? So you believe
Lujo Kralj is behind it all?
You're crazy. I've been getting calls
every day since you started this.
So now go home. If the Disciplinary
Committee calls you, and they will,
tell them you made a mistake and
maybe you get back on the job.
Gordana? Hand over
your badge and gun.
No problem, Nikola.
Whatever you say.
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