Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4
What are you doing here?
This isn't the place that you
fl should look for answers.
Let me go.
Tell me what you are
up to so I can move away.
My friend is one of the prisoners.
I came here to save him.
Now, we understood the reason of the punch.
Neither you are a hero
which saved the Sultan..
nor a brave one from a plain.
You are a Fatimids' spy.
Be quick! Search everywhere.
It's not like what you think.
You can't learn anything if I got caught.
You'll be responsible.
Then you'll regret.
Put down the swords.
I aimed at what was going
to hurt the Sultan, Melik Hazrat.
If you saw the snake that
was approaching to Sultan
I wouldn't have to aim at all or
there would be no misunderstanding.
You proved that you're a talented hunter
with your aim and your sharp eye.
be careful next time
when you aim at the Sultan.
Your voice should go before your arrow.
Or an arrow will hunt you too.
You'll learn the truth when the
time comes, Emir's daughter.
Now, let me go.
Tell me who you are and
your intention, I'll let you go.
You'll trust me and
wait. No other solution.
Now, either you'll move
on or I'll go by force.
Are you going to do to me
what you did to my father?
Don't make me tired.
It's not that easy.
You can't go anywhere
unless you tell me the truth.
Guards will come to the dungeon soon.
And I can't save my friend.
- Now, let me go.
- You have many faces
I don't know which one to believe.
Don't blame me, Emir's daughter.
Give me strength, great Imam.
Give me strength.
They're coming.
Let's be quiet.
Let them come, Every
pain they give will make us stronger.
-Who are you?
-From the same hand which raised you.
- Nizam al Mulk.
- Take them out now.
We'll do our part.
- Brother.
- Sanjar.
How did you get in here?
Now, it's time to think about leaving here.
We may fight with IIteber's
men. Can you hold on?
We can, evelallah.
You saved us from the
oppressor's dungeon
..we feel alive now.
Come on then.
Your corpses will leave here!
Let's go before the soldiers arrive.
Mother, please say something! Mother!
You are Turkmens from Anatolia.
Don't worry, we aren't rebels. I
am the Emir of Anatolia, Abu'l-Qasim
Who are you?
What happened?
I am Sultan's daughter Mahmelek,
that's my mother Terken Hatun.
She is Sultan Melik Shah's Hatun.
Don't worry. We'll take you
to the Palace immediately
Sel! Go tell them to prepare the doctor.
Take out the hunting
supplies. Our Sultan's Hatun
and daughter will go to
the Palace safe and sound.
I was going to the hunting area.
I'll inform Sultan Melik Shah.
men will take you to the palace. M
Don't be afraid, mother!
They are here! You'll be fine!
Save my child.
Korkut Bey!
Come in, Basulu Hatun.
Calm down.
What happened, Basulu Hatun?
What is the reason for this rush?
I found this on Sanjar's
pillow this morning.
clear the evil found a way.
The unholy things are at the plain.
They cut the behind of my tent.
Then entered secretly.
What do Alps do?
Are they this much miserable?
Who did enter and leave?
Nobody that we don't know, my Bey.
Those merchants stayed
at the plain, my Bey.
Their car was broken. We
hosted them for one night.
- And they left before sunrise.
- And before sunrise
they did what they needed.
It is clear that their intention
wasn't trade, it was treason.
Didn't you put any men with them?
Did they freely walk around all night?
Do you take care of the
plain like this in my absence?
My Bey.
We learned that we should
help those helpless passengers.
They were miserable.
The custom say let the responsibility
and precaution complete good intentions.
And the proxy of Bey should
accept his mistake and be quiet.
You'll be on guard duty for ten nights.
And those Alp who neglected their duty. ..
their punishment is forty hits.
What do those foreigners want from my son?
Basulu Hatun.
They say there will be
no hero without trouble.
Your son's enemy is our enemy.
Know that.
We won't let this kinda neglect
happen again in this plain.
Enemies entered to your brother's
tent and what are you doing here?!
Time to shoot the enemies
with the arrows you made.
What happened, Basulu Hatun?
Take this to Sanjar now.
I found this on his pillow.
It's obviously a threat.
A danger is coming for him.
He should open his eyes.
When did this happen? Who did it?
We're suspecting the merchants.
It's not the time to stop, Balaban.
Be quick.
My Allah, You protect my son.
Forgive him.
They’ll close the Shalamzar’s entrances.
We have to move on quickly.
How will we get out before
they close the entrances?
I prepared three horses.
We'll run away with them.
Look under every stones!
Nobody will leave Shalamzar today!
Dead or alive, they'll
go to Emir llteber today!
Come on! This way.
Come here.
Come with me.
Get him!
Your Hazrat.
I wanted to inform you before Melik Shah
goes to the Palace from the hunting area.
Did you scare Andreas enough?
Did he come to our side?
I told everything that you've ordered.
And I learned such a thing
nothing can compare to it.
Melik Shah's secret forces
are around Kuvel Castle.
Those secret forces are the
foundation of Melik Shah's Kuvel target.
If they collapse, Melik Shah's
targets will be destroyed.
You brought us such information
not only harming Seljuk,
when the time comes
we'll get what we want from Byzantine.
Tell me the place of the
secret forces, Hassan.
I'm very pleased of the soldiers' place.
From no on, we'll make the practices
bigger. Everyone should get ready.
It'll be good, my Sultan
Because, our soldiers who will go
to Anatolia for the war are with us.
They'll learn how to fight in Anatolia.
My Sultan.
Emir Abu'l-Qasim is waiting to see you.
Let him in.
- My Sultan.
- Welcome, Abu'l-Qasim.
What happened?
My Sultan I didn't want to come here with bad
news but you need to learn it immediately.
We saw a turned down car on
the way and there were two Hatuns.
Terken Hatun and Mahmelek Hatun.
What are you saying, Abu'l-Qasim?
What were they doing there?
They were wounded my Sultan so I
couldn't ask. I sent them to the palace.
My daughter. My Hatun.
- Terken Hatun was carrying a life.
Tapar come with me to the palace.
The hunting is over.
The pride that you're carrying
was my father's charity before you
took his throne with many games.
But when the time comes
we know how to take
it back what we gave.
Soon, mother! Hang on!
Mother, please open your eyes.
We were raising careless
people instead of real soldiers.
What is this?!
Did you give the
prisoners without fighting?
Is your sword too heavy so
you couldn't raise it? You fool!
My Bey.
- Turna Hatun?
- What happened to Turna?
The eagle has left the cage with its prey.
Sanjar. My lion.
We'll be successful when Behram arrives.
What is this worry about?
I got caught by Emir's
daughter at the mansion.
I had to put her to sleep.
If she tells my name to
llteber, things will get harder.
Our brave hero.
Thanks to Him, you left there alive.
Dai Hazrat, first, I owe my life
to you then these two heroes.
You did such a heroic thing
you scared the mean llteber
and made our case stronger.
You did such a heroic thing
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You're okay, right?
Not important.
This hero
didn't say a word even though
mean llteber's many tortures.
He stayed strong just like one of us.
Thank you my hero.
You are dignified just like a wounded lion.
Courage, strength, steadiness.
You showed everything
what our soldiers need to have.
Now, it's time to keep our promise.
- Tuma.
- Father.
I'm good. Don't worry.
Which savage did this to
you? Did you see his face?
It was so dark. I was in the
corridor that leads to the dungeon.
Someone came in front of me.
I said did you see his face?
You can't learn anything if I got caught.
You'll be responsible.
Then you’ll regret.
I didnt see. It happened in a moment.
His face was covered.
Those savages.
Like they didn't do enough, they dared
to enter my house and scare my daughter.
I won't let them go away with this.
I know where to find them.
This is from our head Hazrat.
He ordered us to give it to
you if you do the mission.
So both of you will be our brothers.
This may brighten your way.
Emir llteber won't be okay.
You're right. That's why you should
disappear until things get better.
You'll come tomorrow
after things get better.
Wounded lion will stay with us.
Mean llteber tortured you a lot.
We'll hide you for a while
away from the neighborhood.
With our healing pray and
efforts, we'll make you better.
And during that time, you will put our case
and its purpose in your body well enough.
As you say, Dai Hazrat.
Be careful until I come back. You
never know what they'll do for their prays.
Do you see this disaster?
Should I be worried about their lives
or how to explain this to our Sultan?
You warned them, Hatun Ana.
How could you know
they'd secretly escape?
Result. The result is the
important thing, Gevher Hatun.
They should be alive.
Then I know how to
ask this to Terken Hatun.
Save him.
Make way for Seferiye Hatun!
- What's the situation?
- She has bleeding.,
The damage could affect
the baby. We'll do our best.
Mahmelek. It's okay now.
Your mother is safe now.
Come, let's check you.
My child!
Save him!
Save my child, Hatun Ana.
Hatun Ana.
I told you to not go to the hunting area.
How could a Seljuk Hatun
make such a mistake?
You broke my word and
put your two kids in danger.
Nobody leaves this room until
Terken Hatun and her son get better.
Yes, Seferiye Hatun.
My child
Save my child.
Save him.
Go away.
What are you doing here?
We don't want you here.
Beat if anyone tries to stop you.
I'll start beating from this evil's nest.
Persecution can't enter to
our holy place, Emir llteber.
Stay away.
Behram! Head of the evil!
You escaped from me once.
Who will save you now?
Sultan Melik Shah.
This street is state's
land which they gave us.
You can't do anything
without Sultan's permission.
You entered to my mansion
and kidnapped two prisoners.
It's my right to give what you deserve.
Either you give me the prisoner or I'll
search everywhere and take them by force.
We didn't kidnap anyone.
If you lost them, don't blame us.
Blame yourself who
couldn't even keep two men.
This sword that I put on your neck
is the announcement
of the war that I started.
I'll do everything for this war.
- And nobody will stop me!
- Cut my neck then.
Non of us have the fear of death.
But a single drop of blood without Sultan's
permission will choke you in Sultan's rage.
Keep an eye on this street.
Nobody will go anywhere until I get
the death permission from the Sultan.
Don't come here again!
- Where is Terken Hatun?
- In her room, my Sultan.
Doctors are with her.
My dear friend.
Terken Hatun and Mahmelek Hatun
had an accident. I saw then on the road.
They might have been dead
if I couldn't go there on time.
You'll get a lot of appreciation by
saving Sultan's Hatun and daughter.
Don't you have to be in Anatolia?
- Why did you come?
- To inform Sultan about Anatolia
Right decision. But since you came here
you don't go without taking something.
We'll talk after this hurry ends.
Without your helps, it’d
be difficult. Thank you.
We passed the most important test.
- The proof of their accept.
- Thank to Him.
Thanks to Him.
- And Arslantas?
- Behram said he'd hide him and Rustem.
And they'll teach them their case
I have to take Arslantas
back before they poison him.
I'll go to Fatimids' street tomorrow.
What happened, Balaban?
- I told you to not leave the plain.
- It's important, Sanjar.
They entered your tent and put this arrow.
- My mother?
- Basulu Ana is good. She sent me.
Weren't there any Alp in the plain?
How didn't they see someone
entered my tent, Balaban?
Togan's irresponsibility, Sanjar.
We suspect about a Christian merchant
who came with Sahbender Dukas' permission.
His name is Mihail.
What problem could a Christian
merchant have with you?
He wasn't a Christian merchant.
It seems like a Byzantine spy.
But I don't know what he wants from me.
There is one way to learn that.
I'll go to Sahbender Dukas.
And I'll learn this Mihail.
Then we'll understand
how we hurt Byzantine.
You go to plain with Balaban.
Ilteber may come back if
Emir's daughter gave my name.
Be careful.
Bozkus, Ayaz. Come with me. Come on.
Kuvel Castle.
The closest Seljuk troop is
within three days from us.
Those two spies
. ..even if they understood we
were going to send men after them
they can't inform
Seljuk troop that fast.
Praise be to the supreme god who
surrendered his enemies into his hands.
There is always offers for dedicated ones.
I guess you came with good news.
Our Fatimids friends gave
the answer for your question.
The Seljuk
put a special troop on this exact area.
And the spy who came here..
was Melik Shah himself.
I'll tell to Isfahan that
you are such a smart guy.
And on my next arrival
I'll bring greeting to you from Isfahan.
So he'll bring greetings from Isfahan.
Melik Shah!
He came right here!
He surrounded us like a
nightmare and we don't even know!
Andreas, the whole world
knows how much Melik Shah
wants Kuvel and
even Constantinople.
His first target is Kuvel. That must
be the reason he put his troops here.
There is a trace about
Seljuk under every stone here.
Oh, and Fatimids will as the return for this
important information when the time comes.
If Fatimids could reach
this kinda important info
they must be deeper
than we thought, monk.
You can't measure the price of this info.
Melik Shah, I'll ruin your
game from its beginning now.
I'll need Yorgos for this attack.
Yorgos is after his brother's revenge now.
He can't see anything else.
Unable to rein in his own ambitions,
a soldier cannot serve the holy cause.
Also, I know how to open his eyes.
Don't worry.
Are you sure Sanjar
will come at us, Yorgos?
Dead men don't wait for taking something.
They go and take it.
I know where he'll go.
These soil which I took from where my
brother died, I'll put this to his grave.
The Great Seljuk Palace
Thanks to Him.
Thanks to Him, you are with me.
I am always with you, my crown.
You put your hand on my hair
since that day
I only hold on to you.
Unique smell of apple and peony flowers.
A white jasmine. And pretty springs trees.
They are all completed next to you.
O, the beautiful one who
entered the King's heart
My Melik Shah.
Forever the Sultan of my heart.
Forgive me.
It's enough for me that you
and my child are healthy.
My Terken.
Don't worry by thinking the rest.
Your love.
Your compassion.
They give me life in this palace.
- If you are not with me
- Hush.
I am always with you.
Now, don't make yourself
tired. Get some rest.
My Sultan.
Terken Hatun must have a valid reason.
But she left the palace
without my permission.
I'm responsible. And if it's necessary
If Sultan's Hatun can leave the
palace today without anyone knows it
who am I suppose to leave
the palace after me, mother?
If everyone would have
done what they rank needs
this wouldn't even happen.
Any good news?
Did you catch those traitors?
Not yet, Turna Hatun.
Emir Hazrat went to ask permission from
Sultan about attacking Fatimids' streets.
Then we'll get them all.
Where are you, Sanjar?
If you are not here, you
are not in the plain too.
I’ll find you no matter what.
Nizamiyyah Madrasa
- Assalam Alaikum.
- Wa Alaikum Assalam Khwaja Hazrat.
Allah Allah!
What are those pages?
For what reason did he do it?
I read what scholars
write against the Batininis.
It leaves the questions
they write unanswered
will do more harm than benefit
the one who does not heal has no place
Only the water clears all these mistakes.
We were surprised. We have
not seen such a procedure.
Where is Gazali now?
to understand the ideas
he went to Isfahan Square to
listen and look for answers to his plays.
Come on, be safe.
I saw Baghdad and Isfahan. I have
been to the Assemblies of scholars.
But I have received different answers
to my question in each Parliament.
One calls it haram,
the other calls it halal.
Is it not true that
everyone says differently?
Is there no one left in
the world to show the truth?
Of course there are.
The truth is achieved either by
reason or by listening to a teacher.
But the mind plunges us
into the mud of doubt.
He gets into endless fights.
Reason for doubt and quarrel
how does he deliver the truth?
The truth is one.
And it can only be
learned from one person.
And who is that person?
Our great Imam who
has survived all mistakes.
and knows eveything.
Follow the great Imam.
Get rid of the endless fighting
and the tucks of the mind.
I listened to you thoroughly.
I have a few questions to better
understand what you're saying.
How about a person who claims that colors
can only be ..I seen with the eye or light?
- What does that have to do with our Question?
- Showing colors
it's the eye and the light. He says colors
can be seen only the eye or the light alone
the one who forced us
to choose one of the two
he's either an idiot
or he's cheating on us.
We can see the colors both the eye and the
light, as well as the truth and the mind
it is achieved through learning
from someone who is also known.
What does the greatest teacher
say to us in the Qur’an of Allah?
He is the most worthless of all creatures
that roam the Earth in the sight of Allah
they are deaf and
toothless without a mind.
You ignore the mind, not to
hear the words of faith in people
you do not call them to speak Islam,
but to walk around deaf, dumb and ignorant.
- You invite denial.
- No! What do you mean?
- I only call to Islam.
- Lies and deceit
it's like a shadow covering the truth.
When the sun rises on it,
illuminated by the light of Islam
that shadow will disappear.
- He says it's true.
- It's true.
That sun has illuminated you.
You gave it a shine in the square.
Scientific logic, I think
there's no scholar to compete with you.
Whose student are you?
Where are you from?
Master Nisamu is the head
teacher of Nizamiye school
Imamul Haramey El
Cuvenni. I'll come from there.
And my name is Ebu Hamid Muhammed Gazali.
Happy to meet a scholar like you.
We will meet again.
You're a comrade with the
sword and the pencil, Hace.
The Batinis broke into my pavilion aria
kidnapped the two men I held captive.
They knocked my daughter
out and beat my soldiers.
It is known that their neighborhood is
a special place allocated by the state.
I'm here to get an edict
from them to answer.
Especially nizam-i Mulk
I wonder why he protects them so much.
Because he came all
the way to my pavilion
to free these two Batines I've arrested.
His beheading was too
much of a crime, my Sultan.
If only he had killed the prisoners
all the Seljuk baltinis
would be anxious.
I wanted it for the order of the state.
After all of this
do you want an edict instead
of trying to clear things up?
You don't have an edict!
I have drawn my sword
against them, my Sultan.
Now you say put it in your
sheath. For a handful of Baltinini.
Does their trust outweigh over
mine? Trust of a loyal soldier like me?
Neither you nor they outweigh
the trust of the state, llteber.
And it's not just in Selezam.
Special quarters were
allocated to various sects
and non-Muslims in certain
parts of the Seljuq estate.
We wish that there would be no
conflict between different beliefs
and that order would not be broken.
Years ago, when your father died, your
relatives fought for your father's place.
If we hadn't stood behind you, you
wouldn't havei f dominated that land today.
There is an agreement between us.
And we have to stick to the deal.
And you gave a neighborhood to Batininis.
Because of my abide I didn't say anything.
But the water about brim over, my Sultan.
If the water brim over
I will drwon you and Batininis.
Our state will be remain.
Don't get angry and
draw your sword, llteber.
That sword turns and cuts
off the head of its owner.
Now that you have personally
gone to ilteber's pavilion
there is not only a
state order involved this.
I have my soldiers in them, my Sultan.
I did it to give them confidence
and get a good place in them.
This water is so dirty.
Either bring me an
evidence or close this case.
I will bring it my Sultan.
When my soldiers have a good place in them.
I can't wait, Hace.
I can't wait for the Batunis
with all this trouble ahead of us.
Bring an evidence immediately.
Yes, my Sultan
Have a good idea in my mind.
But your edict is necessary.
Tutus Bey has a chest and
holy relics of our mother Fatma
which he took into his hands
during his excursion with the Fatimids.
You know they're not in Isfahan.
Let's get them on the road.
Than what will happen?
And I will make sure that the Batunis
hear this information through my spies.
So, they take care of the
chest and the holy relics.
They'll take an ambush to capture it.
Well catch them red-handed.
In this way, their bad faces will appear.
Ambassador Dukas?
Ambassador Dukas? 1
Yes? What happened?
I’m from an Oba out of Isfahan,
Recently, a Byzantine
merchant came to Kinik Oba.
Merchant Mikhail.
What are you going to do with Mikhail?
We'd like to trade with him personally.
We have a lot of stuff to help him.
How can we meet him?
He's done his trade.
Who knows what path he's on. I don't know.
Aren't you ambassador?
You need to know every trader who gets
assurances from you and where he's going.
Are you teaching me my job?
If you can find it, go find it yourself.
Why are you asking me?
Look, don't keep me busy. I'll
have chuck you out. Come on.
If you see him anyway,
give him our regards.
Even if we can't find him, a
merchant like him will find us.
I find it.
I knew that he'll come here.
I heard your greeting Sencer.
Don't worry.
- I won't give you so much time.
- Look, this man is not ordinary.
Please close this case.
- What is the situation?
- He didn't tell anything
But I couldn't get anything
because he is working for byzantine.
Even the fly can not fly
without his knowing. He is lying.
We will learn the truth from him.
Wait here. I will come.
-Is it he?
- Yes
He is going to east.
Tell your men, they will go
to north. We will go to south.
We will kill him.
Andreas understood our treat.
Everyone scared in Kuveli.
The stone of castle is really strong.
Without taking it you are always in danger.
But it is not that much
important my Sultan.
The castle always under treat.
Tell me how you take a castle.
There is has to be a group
of soldier near to Kuveli.
If we find their track
we can beat the Seljuk.
My Sultan, to get a castle
sometimes we need to
sacrifice the horses and elephants.
But I don't stop with taking the castle.
I take my shah to front with the castle.
I take my shah to front with the castle.
I know Sultan, after Kuveli you will
go to Constantine and byzantine.
Even you are a pion,
think as a sahs always.
I think we need to take the pion seriously.
You know, when you put your pion
to your opponent it gets important.
When it gets the extremum
point, it will be the one.
And pion can check mate.
I came here to see you.
- How did you find me?
I know where you walk.
You forced me to knocked you unconscious.
- Won't you give up your stubbornness?
-I won't give up until I know the truth.
I could have told my
father his name. But I didn't.
Just to hear the truth from you.
And then a man in his mother's
hurry. I fell for you, I believed you.
It's the only thing that will keep
that flower you gave me alive.
What I see in you is real. But
you're withering him with your lies.
You'll get your punishment by me.
If you want to learn the truth.
Keep the flower I gave you alive.
If you still don't believe me, touch this.
If you can't do it by looking
me in the eye, I'll turn around.
The arrow that will come from
you is not a betrayal for me.
There's an ambush. Hide behind me.
It's not time to hide behind you.
It's time to fight shoulder to shoulder.
Merchant Mikhail.
- Tell me where he is.
- He'll be on you like death soon.
Then you'll see.
Get it, daughter of Emir.
I'm surrounded by the enemy.
I keep it so hidden inside me.
It'll cloud everyone's minds but me.
Now stick your arrow
in my heart if you want.
But don't say lies.
And don't tell me I lied to you.
When the time comes, you'll
be the first to know the truth.
And keep the flower I
gave you alive until that day.
Is your brother's blood more
valuable than our holy cause?
He came right under our noses,
Meliksah. He killed my soldiers.
And he sent a messenger as a mockery.
Revenge is taken when all the
Seljuks are finished. Did you get it?
Or did you bury your oath to
our cause with your brother?
The case is always before
me, but it's on my brother.
He died for the cause. I can't
leave his blood on the floor.
his own killer is no ordinary Turk.
One of the Seljuq spies.
It's worse here, especially
what they care about
 if you hurt someone,
everyone will know.
have some news that will cool you down.
I've come up with information,
if we do what's necessary
We will hear the pain that
meliksah has experienced.
That's enough to cool you down for now.
We'll shed Seljuk blood, won't we?
As much as you want.
Accept. Until the day they die.
Thank god you've overcome the
most difficult part of your mission.
Now it's time to refute them
from among themselves.
Christian merchant business.
Ambassador didn't say anything,
but obviously there's something.
It was the merchant Mikhail's
men who attacked on the road.
I left a man there to follow Dukas.
Don’t do anything.
News meat in them get back.
If anything comes to Dukas on our land
There'll be trouble
between us and Byzantium.
Dukas is like a Fox.
Even if there's something
about it, he'll never leave.
I'll deal with it myself again.
We’ll see what the
Byzantines have against you.
I'll stay in Oba tonight.
I need to see my mom.
We're meeting Berhan tomorrow.
And then I'll start tracking
inside to gather evidence.
Maybe we figured out
what to do to prove it.
Maybe we figured out
what to do to prove it 4
Our Sultan asked me to show The Dirty
Faces of the Westerners as soon as possible.
According to his decree, the
chest and holy relics of the Fatma
We'll have it brought to Isfahan.
When the West finds
out, he'll attack to get them.
- So their dirty faces will be up there.
- Yeah.
I'll come up with the whole plan.
What is my part?
Don't be in the Batinini on the raid.
Because they'll all die.
Be sure to let us know if you have to.
As long as you sharpen the sword
you can strengthen it in
the Square in the pen, Hace.
I saw a scholar in Istifhan square.
It looks like the Batinini
will bend its back too much.
It is a world against Islam
insAllah, he will write knowledge
that will defend all heresies.
His name is Ebu Hamid Gazali. Know him.
What I put in my mind is
what falls into my heart
you're shoulder to
shoulder with him in this case.
You may be the heads of an era
illuminated by a pen polished by a sword.
Hasan sent Road troops to safety.
Then an important caravan
will surely come here.
I also examined it in the palace.
The treasure also has preparation.
This may be related.
Now we'll find out what
you're preparing for.
What preparation is this, Guard?
Is the room being prepared
for our Sultan's child?
Not for the son of our Sultan.
Some things are coming.
We don't know.
Very good. Good luck.
There were the ark of the Prophet Fatma and
the holy relics that they seized from us.
The future can be nothing but them.
Seferiye Hatun.
Of course, this storm will stop.
That's real then..
all accounts will be seen with everyone.
I don't want anyone to
get hurt because of me.
Your own life, your sons ’ lives
obviously, you care less
about other people's lives.
Hurt the kids
it's beyond my life.
It's precious. Do you not know?
Then why did you throw yourself on
the road without knowing, Terken Hatun?
Even if I die, your brother
will be loyal to Kilicarslan
and don't let them give
up their rescue efforts.
 Whoever is in front of
this goal is our enemy.
I know that what I say
has no value in your eyes.
So, tell me.
Elcin Hatun. Mother.
You have to be careful with that woman.
Jealousy and mischief scorches a person.
Don't let that fire in your
heart cauterize your eyes.
Don't let it cauterize your
eyes so you can see your step.
Elcin Hatun who,you doubt.
Thank God she saved our
Sultan's life from a poisonous snake.
That hatun feed your lines.
But my words are flying
like the blind of embers.
One day I will write in ashes the
names of the betrayers one by pne.
I hope she doesn't achieve
her goals until that day comes.
What is the situation?
Thank God she's out of danger.
But she's not supposed
to get out of bed for a while.
Otherwise Otherwise, what?
Both the life of Terken Hatun and
the child in her belly are in danger.
You heard the midwives.
You will stay in this bed until
your child is born
healthy. Terken Hatun.
You, me
your father, your brother Tapar
We all sacrificed a lot for it.
We bore a lot of things.
We've shown patience.
But I only have one
desire left in this world.
What is it, mom?
I have stopped caring for myself, son.
But I don't want you to
die before you are a sultan.
It's not that I want you to rule.
But I want to live to see the day
that your father Melik Shah and
your brother Tapar take you by his side.
Then my last desire in this world would
be satisfied. I would not mind dying then.
Remember what you taught me.
Nobody would suffer
unless it was written for them.
If a man has more wealth than the mountains,
he can't spend it more than it was written.
This is my destiny.
The reign is there but I can't
live it if it wasn't written for me.
I have to be thankful for my fate.
The rest is up to Allah.
My baby
My baby
I am glad you are okay. I'm so glad.
What is this, Elcin Hatun?
Why are you here?
I was very sad when I
heard you had an accident.
I wanted to see you
healthy. I'm glad you are fine.
You are trying to show goodwill
but it is all in vain.
I can see the dark soul
behind your white skin.
Sometimes, what you think you
see deceives you, Terken Hatun.
Remove the curtain from your
eyes and you will see the truth.
I can see the truth very well. You
are just trying to hide your real face.
But a muddy foot always leaves a
mark. You are trying to muddy up our state.
But your destiny is evident.
Your father paid for
his treason with his life.
Your brother is in prison.
Don't think you will end up differently.
The day of reckoning is here, Elcin Hatun.
Be afraid of Sultan Melik Shah's wrath.
Fear is mostly bad
but sometimes it keeps
a person's heart alive.
The people who think they are
safe should be afraid of the wrath.
I met a scholar in Isfahan Square.
His name is Ebu Hamid
Muhammed el-Ghazali.
His wisdom and speech is
nothing like we've ever seen before.
Tell the Dais to work harder.
I'm sure Nizam Al-Mulk
brought him himself.
Watch over him.
Head Dai Hadhrat
preparations for the sacred
items in the palace is under way.
They must have left
Damascus around this time.
And we have to do preparations
before they reach Isfahan.
We have already received the news of
transfer of the sacred items.
How did you find out?
Someone must be faster than you
to bring out news from the palace.
Our friends heard.
I don’t quite like this.
What does that mean?
I came here as soon as it was declared.
If the news are heard before
I tell, it's not a good sign at all.
We must be cautious.
What matters is where the
information comes from, not from whom.
Whatever happens
we won't leave the sacred
relics to the hands of Sheitan.
Whoever gets the sacred relics
gets people's attention.
Even the world can't
stand against those people.
Head Dai, we shouldn't ignore
the possibility of a trap, though.
What happened Hasan?
Have you spent a lot of time among
Shaitans and started overestimating them?
There's a tiny border between
fear and concern, Hasan.
Don't exceed the border of fear.
Even if there is a trap
we've already begun to
set a trap within the trap.
That caravan won't go where
it wants, but where we want it.
Why do they make us do this at night?
There is no time for good work.
We go to duty without questioning it.
But I'm telling you to
satisfy your curiosity.
We'll open a new riverbed and
change the direction of the river.
The reason is to help a
poor village without water.
You're tired. Have some rest.
No, since this is a charity
work then I shouldn't rest.
I should work.
My brother Jahangir.
I've been going to my
duty without you for so long.
Now Non-Muslims are causing trouble for us.
Let's expose the
traitors first, tomorrow
then we'll run at full gallop
with you to destroy them.
Good night, Sanjar.
We were about to follow
Dukas, why did you call us back?
Nizam Al-Mulk will
take-care of the merchant.
And Emir's daughter didn’t
give my name to llteber.
Now it's understood who
I wrapped your wound.
She didn't give your name
even in a situation like this.
There were many who didn't
understand the truth we were shouting
..but she understood the truth
just by looking into our eyes.
So she acted brave and didn't say anything.
You'll be the first to learn
the truth when it’s time.
Until that day, keep that
flower alive I gave you.
Your aim is my aim, your
enemy is my enemy now.
And this is my secret.
Don't worry about your state, my Sultan.
Because you have thousands
of brave men you have raised.
You have thousands of
eyes to protect you.
You have thousands
of wrists to fight for you.
The most precious of
those eyes are my sons.
The son is one of the
two eyes of the father.
My brother Berkerug is an
Emir at one end of our lands.
When the time comes,
you will wave our flag
on one end of our
lands just like your brother.
I want to be your right hand everywhere.
I'll be enough when you
can't, I'll see when you can't.
And I'll die when you command me so.
I know this, son. You prove me this.
The sacred relics will be here tomorrow.
We suspect that Batinis
will ambush the caravan.
If they do something like that
their dirty plans will be
revaled just like Hace said.
Who knows, maybe they're the ones
put strife between us and
our Turkmen brothers in Anatolia.
Tomorrow, you will be there too.
You will take part in this matter
which is very important for our state.
If we are sure, the Anatolian issue
will become completely different.
And we will direct all our power to Kuvel.
My Sultan, if you give me permission
I would like to be in the
front line of the Kuvel war.
One of my two eyes, protect my state.
If one of your names is Tapar,
the other one is Muhammed.
You are named after both Prophet Muhammad
PBUH and my grandfather, Muhammed Alparslan.
What I say is
Don't stray from the path of Mohammed
PBUH and your grandfather Alparslan.
And don't worry about Kuvel,
when placed our claws in there.
When the time comes,
the braves ones, our
claws there will open
the gates of Kuvel for us.
And they are led by
Yalman, whom you clashed
swords with and wrestled
when you were children.
We called the men we
sent after Sanjar back.
They are all killed.
Sanjar is not in my reach
now, but I will get him soon.
I will take the revenge of my men
from Melik Shah's special force here.
These arrows will pierce the hearts
of Melik Shah's task force here.
Move aside!
Are you ready to remove their heads!
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
You are impatient like a
predator that smelled blood.
Yes I am, because this time I will
dance on the dead bodies of my enemies.
God sent us amongst wolves
so we could bless Him with blood.
And the day of our vengeance has come.
Today, blood will be spilt so God's
rule can spread all over the world!
And tomorrow too!
Until we get our revenge
and satisfy ourselves!
Until we are satisfied!
What are you doing here?
Get her out of here!
Get her.
Who, my Sultan?
was here
Attention, Sultan
Melik Shah Hazrat!
Don't tire yourself, my Terken.
Don't get up. You shouldn't get up.
How is your health?
I'm healthy, but I feel something
in my heart, it does not stop.
I'm scared.
What scares you?
Only your absence scares me in this world.
I'm with you.
I'm afraid that your life is in danger.
That woman..
Elcin Hatun.
Do not let her do anything bad to you
It's obvious that things you
experienced made you paranoid.
I'm not paranoid, she is
a traitor, believe me.
Do not let her harm you.
My Terken, calm yourself my love.
And get rid of these evil thoughts.
My Melik Shah, believe me.
That woman will attempt to kill you.
My Terken.
I know your fear comes
out of your love for me.
But now, you need to focus
on yourself and your child.
Don't think about the rest.
Rest now.
Where have you been? I
have been looking for you.
What happened to you?
Last night, we changed the course
of a river to get water to a village.
I'm afraid a different ,
reason lies behind it.
Which river is this?
Goktas River's creek.
They are planning something.
While we are trying to bring
the relics and lure them to a trap
they are trying to
change the course of
the river, to lure the
caravan somewhere else.
They will attack them
there, and get the relics.
What are we going to do then?
The information is correct.
Melik Shah's special force is here.
Get ready, brave ones!
Why did you do that?
Do not strike anyone I fight from behind!
Melik Shah!
We got rid of the problem that
was growing under our noses.
All Seljuk will end up like this.
Gather our dead ones, we are leaving.
How did they find it here?
Melik Shah?
So you were going to poison me with this.
What are you doing here?
Wake up.
Wake up.
Get her out of here.
I'm telling you, wake up!
Now, with even a deadlier poison,
I'm going to take Melik Shah from you!
No, no!
I'm going to kill him.
Guards, get her out of here!
Hatuns! I'm telling you!
Wake up! Get her out!
He will die.
No, no, no!
Stop her!
Stop that Hatun!
I told you to stop her!
Calm down!
You need to rest!
Let go of me!
Let go!
Move away, move away!
Stop her!
Let go!
I'm going to stop her!
Let go!
My Sultan!
My Sultan!
My Sultan? My Sultan?
Are you okay?
Come on, get up, my Sultan.
My Sultan.
Let go of me, she is leaving!
Let go!
Let go!
My Sultan!
She will kill him, she
will kill Melik Shah!
Terken Hatun, you need to rest!
Stop her.
Terken Hatun it's dangerous.
She will kill Melik Shah, stop her!
Stop her!
Call the healers immediately!
Terken Hatun!
Come on, let's bring you to your bed.
It's too dangerous.
Stop her!
I told you to stop her!
Melik Shah!
Stop her!
Catch her!
Stop her!
She will kill our Sultan!
Stop her!
She will kill Melik Shah!
Bring her to her room quickly.
Mother, she will kill Melik Shah!
She will kill Melik Shah.
She will kill Melik Shah
She will kill Melik Shah.
Mother! Mother!
Open your eyes.
Mother, open your eyes.
Melik Shah
Behram Dai waits for you.
Only me? Should I call for Arslantas?
That won't be necessary.
Only you.
Do everything you need, and don't
be among the Batinis during the attack.
All of them are going to be slaughtered.
If you are forced to go, inform us. .
Bring warm water! Quickly.
Be quick.
Take the clothes.
You have a lot of bleeding
Don't push, Terken Hatun Hang in there.
Hang on, mother.
Head Hatun, she's losing a lot of blood.
Do whatever necessary but save them!
Hang in there. There.
Today is a day of sacred
duty for our cause.
You have proven yourself.
You will be a part of this duty.
It's an honor to be a part of the cause.
If you'll excuse me, I will
take my sword from outside.
That’s not necessary.
You need to leave now.
Take this sword.
Take this door so nobody sees you.
Where are you, Sanjar?
Are you trying to say something
by leaving your sword behind?
Where are you going in such a hurry?
To find Sanjar.
He left his sword here.
Don't worry, he has a sword.
He is on an important duty.
Come with me. Behram Dai is
expecting us to join him to eat.
My Sultan, the soldiers checked
everywhere along the road.
There is no ambush.
In fact, nobody else has ever been
here before. There are no tracks.
There is no caravan around,
nor any Batini waiting to ambush.
What happened to your plan, Hace?
My spies brought the news
to the Batinis, my Sultan.
The caravan must be moving slow.
It appears they have
nothing ? to do with the relics.
They won't try anything.
And this means, all your
suspicions about Batinis are empty.
Soldiers, get ready!
We are going back to Isfahan.
And don't come to me with
Batini matter again!
My Sultan.
It's Hace's man, there is an urgent matter.
My Sultan, the caravan won't use this road.
What does that mean?
Batinis changed the course
of the river near the road.
They are luring the
caravan to somewhere else.
They will ambush the caravan there.
Bozkus, get back to your position quickly.
We will go to where the
caravan will pass from.
Kuvel must be covered with the smell
of blood of the task force of Melik Shah.
I would like to see the face of
Melik Shah when he gets the news.
We will see how a pawn can shake a queen.
There is a wounded here, he
is from the special task force,
show immense care to him!
It's him.
We were betrayed.
Attack my brave ones!
Attack, my brave ones!
You fight like we have been
trained together for 10 years.
Who taught you to fight like this?
This is my wrist's skill.
You're hiding yourself but I'll see
that face under the veil when I kill you.
You should push, Terken Hatun.
The baby will be out of breath.
Terken. Daughter. Push.
You should push.
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