Vagrant Queen (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

In a Sticky Spot

[Elida] Okay,
everybody just chill, alright?
-Keep your shoes on.
-[Isaac] It's pants on.
Okay, what I meant
was that it's gonna be fine.
He's happy.
He's eating.
And we can
trust him WHY?
Oh, because I helped him out
a sticky spot a few years ago--
-Aww, that's ni--
--after we were being shot at
by some dudes
we were stealing
-Warlashian Chum from.
[Elida] Yeah.
So he owes me.
So, he's
going to help us
because you
once helped him steal food?
-His loyalty's to his stomach.
-I get that.
Okay. Let's go over the plan.
To get through the force field
surrounding Republic Space
blowing anything up
we'll have to sneak through one
of their border control ports.
Okay, wait.Who is what on this thing again?
[Elida] You're the button.
Hath, you're the tooth,
Amae, you're the bolt,
I'm the dead bug.
[bug skittering]
Here, use this.
this orb represents me.
It's a Harbardarian Sack.
Nasty bit of business
if you pierce the skin.
So THAT is what they look like?
You remember
the week we spent spelunking
in the grey waters of Wreckoor
looking for one of these?
-Thought it'd be bigger.
-Also, pink?
Who knew?
That one is on the house. The
I'll sell later in Port 233.
Right, Port 233.
Which is where we'll cross.
If I may
why aren't we just
using the robot's hologram?
[music dies]
Because this took
me an hour to build.
[Elida clearing throat]
Besides, I built it
before I knew Winni had a holo.
Ahem, so
shall we continue?
-Simple, really.
Ships enter
through there
and continue
through the port for scanning.
And to make it
extra fun, all travellers
have to go through buyerscans before heading to customs.
It's like
a giant airport in space.
[music slowing]
Airport interrogation facility
designed to crush your spirit
before you're
allowed to travel?
Just an Earth thing?
Carry on.
You three will pose as Clive's
crew and you'll enter with him.
And for
the rest of us that's on
the Republic's
most-wanted list
we'll have to jump off the ship
to avoid the bioscanners,
and then enter
through the employee section.
Not only dressed
as port workers, but
as port workers, too.
Every good disguise
needs a good character.
Uh might need
a bit of a wipe down.
They've been marinating
on my ship for a while.
[Elida] So look,
each zone is sealed off
by armoured security doors.
All we have to do
is take out the guard,
get the pass, then go
through all the various levels,
then jump back
on the Winni within an hour
before we get shot
up into Republic Space.
[Clive] And if any of you
meat sticks don't make it back
here in time,
I'm leaving you behind to rot.
Would be such a waste.
[tongue squelching]
[Clive laughing]
That's it.
Let's go.
[electro-pop music]
[Ihred] Uh, perhaps
we could stay together?
Safety in numbers.
Sneaking four of us
through is already a risk.
Let's just
stick to Elida's plan.

I tried.
[upbeat electro-rock music]


[sinister music]
[Admiral Kavar] You've been
avoiding our calls, Commander.
Not at all, Admiral. We keep
missing each other, is all.
Commander, why are you taking
so long to get back to Arriopa?
We recently
received intel on the queen
and we're
following up on it.
[Admiral Kavar sighing]
This again?
This is a lead we must follow.
It places her in an extremely
disadvantageous situation.
But if this next attempt
proves pointless again,
your title will
be stripped along with it.
-Admiral, that hardly seems--
Oh, but it is,
In this Republic,
our actions have consequences.
-Or we are no better
than the corrupt
monarchy we replaced.
[tense music]
Understood, Admiral.

[booming industrial music]

Okay. We're officially part
of Clive's
freighter collection.
I've masked
the code on our ID board.
[music dies]-We'll read as a different ship.
Oh. See, of course
you thought of that.
-We'd get nowhere without you.
-[laughing] Well,
I don't know
a top freight smuggler, so
[delicate electronic music]
[soft sigh]

-How are you feeling?
Yeah, no, as long
as everybody, you know,
sticks to the plan,
we should be good.
I mean,once we get into Republic Space,
you're that much
closer to seeing your mom.
That's big.
I, um
really thought about it.
Kinda like to handle the task
in front of me, you know?
Then let's handle this one
Thank you.
[mid tempo electronic music]
[Hath clearing throat]
I'll go
switch off the power.
We gotta blend in withthe rest of these scrappy ships.
see you soon.
[Winnibot] The odds are not in your favour,
but I hope
for the best.

Here to talk
me out of it, huh?

I've known you
your whole life.
I know very well that once
you set your mind on something,
there's no changing it.
calls it stubbornness.
I call it tenacity.
You're a natural leader
-[both laughing]
You really couldn't
think of any other name?
It was very much
a on-the-spot-type thing.
And anyway, I was 17!
Come on.
[pensive music]
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry you were
ever put in that position.
I tried to find you,
Elida, believe me--
I know I know.
living on a Loyalist space
station isn't the safest way
to avoid the Republic.
There will come a time soon whenyou do not need to fear them.
We can take back
what they stole from us.
-Hath, I don't want to be--
-To be our queen, I know.

But you can still
fight for our home,
for your people,
alongside us.
Your mother trained
you your entire life
to do
what's right for your people.
She also trained
me to be a survivor.
That's what I've been doing,
I've been surviving.
You're destinedfor so much more than that.
One day soon,
you'll be able
to wear your birth name
with pride.

I know once we get my mother,
she'll join you.
And if that's what she wants to
do, then I'm with her.
[clanging and whirring]

time to go, old man.
[uptempo electronic music]

How did I get
into this line of work?
My family?
I come from a long
line of border port workers.
But do I want tofollow in my family's footsteps?
You know what?
I do--
but I'm reluctant.
What are you doing?
Getting into character.
You should, too.
You know,
I'm more improv than method.
[Elida] Alright.
Let's do this.
[epic electronic music]
Alright, meat sticks.
Your countdown
has started.
See you on the other side

[ship engine whooshing]
[Isaac] That is a lot further
than it looked on the map.
You do know
it's not to scale, right?


[woman on PA]
Attention all travellers.
You are now
entering Republic Space.
Please abide by all
Republic regulations.

team Clive, you ready?
Let's go!
[orbs ringing softly]
[Clive chuckles in awe]
[woman on PA]
Attention all travellers.
Failure to comply
with regulations at this port
may result in
severe punishment.

[Elida] The guard station
should be just up ahead.
-[device beeping]
-One guard, one key card.
Fast and quiet.
Only fire if necessary.
[epic orchestral music]

[music dies]
It seems
our intelligence was wrong.
- [Isaac] Well, do we wait?
-That's the only way through.
I can hack the codes.
That's great.
that wasn't an option before?
It takes a lot more time than
just stealing a keycard, Isaac.
Hacking isn't an easy
as it looks; it's complicated.
It's not just tapping
away on buttons and we're in.
[device beeping]
Totally thought it was one
of those, like,
perfectly timed moments.
Door opens.
You know
everything's gonna be fine, El.
Your plan is solid.
Worst case scenario
we blow
some shit up!

[loud whooshing]
Ma'am, I'll need you
to empty this fluid.
I'm not wasting that!
Oh, sod it!

[Man] Next.
Let's just get through,
fast as we can.
The sooner
we get outta here,
the sooner we can
get back wih the others--
Oh my God!
[Clive laughing]
Frequent traveller card.
Looks like you guys
are gonna be here for a while.
I'm headed to
the canteen to get a snack.
You soldiers
want anything?
You look a little thin.
-Thank you so much, we're good.
-I'm sure you are.
[woman on PA] Pleasedo not leave luggage unattended.
Unattended luggage may
be removed or destroyed.
[suspenseful electronic music]

[soft beeping]
Uh, Amae
how much longer until--
Cool, let's just pretend I
didn't even check in just then.

[man whistling]

Ugh, man, they've reallygotta reconsider these uniforms.
[tense electronic music]

Don't Move.
[machine whirring]
-[whirring departs]
Let's just keep on going.
[robotic voice]
Intruder. Intruder.
-[Isaac] Run!
-[voice] Intruder. Intruder.
-Intruder. Intruder.
-You suck!
[robotic voice faltering]
Pleasure doing
business with you.
-These better be ripe, Clive.
Last one's had no
They were dry, Clive.
-Best yet.
[woman on PA]
Code Indigo.
Security personnel
please report to Level 1.
personnel report to Level 1.

[Traveller] Consarnit!Looks like some sort of malarkey
going down-- Better
not be any kind of delays.
We got places to be.
And where the heck is Susan?
Dangit, I told
Susan, I said, Susan,
Route 233
is always gonna give you
a goshdarn headache
every time we cross.
Does she listen?
Does she?
Heck, I don't think
I can get a word in edgewise.
I said to her,
we can't go on the 230--
[voice muffled]

Oh. Look, guys, yeah,
sorry for the misunderstanding.
It's just, you know--
[gun zapping]
[music surging]
[gasping breath]
-It's okay.
You're saving my life.
[gun zapping]
Up ahead!
[guns zapping]
-[chirping laugh] Whoa!
-[screams] No!
-[Hath] Elida, you can't stop!
He's gone.
[music surging]
Come on.
[guns zapping]

hey guys.
I don't suppose either oneof you has any medical training?
Mighta cracked a rib.

[low droning]
[Lieutenant clearing throat]
an alarm was
signalled in Port 233.
The guards have captured
what appears to be the human.
No one leaves.
Even if I have to
burn the entire place down.
[tense electronic music]

Isaac, do you copy?
where are the holding cells?
[Winnibot whispering] They are
located in the lower red zone.
why are you whispering?
[Winnibot] I have adapted my speech patterns for context.
We need to get
back to the Winnipeg.
You two get to the ship.
-Not without you.
-Elida, we've been exposed.
-The whole plan is kaput.
-[Elida] I can get him out.
WE can get him out. If I can
get to a main power console,
I can cut power
to different sectors.
It'll help you
get through quickly.
I know what I'm doing.
This man sold you out.
You'll risk
everything to save him?
It's my fault
he got hit, MY plan.
-Elida, he's--
I don't leave
anybody behind.

-Then I'm coming with you.
Let's go, old man.
You stay safe, okay.
[Winnibot] Your assessment
of the current situation
is incorrect. At no
point have you been at a level
of safety that
you should wish to remain.
Hmm Let's go.

Okay, Winni-Bee,
nearest power console.
[woman on PA]
Security personnel,
please report
to level one.
Security personnel,
report to level one.

That's [indistinct]
colour armour.
Hope all this has
nothing to do with our guys.
Maybe they met Clive
and declared him a biohazard.
As soon as we're through,
we need to locate
-Hath and the others.
[suspenseful electronic music]
Reason for
entering Republic Space?
[deepening voice] Uh, we are
security for Ferryman Ventures.
We trade vessels and we're
here on business trading
[rapid beeping]
Anything to declare?
-[Ihred] No, no.
The power console
should be
around the next corner.
[mysterious chiming music]
[console beeping]
You've got this.
fellow colleague!
What are you doing here?
mostly guarding
the border
to Republic Space,
making sure
no one breaks the law.
Obviously there's
more to my job than that.
[dramatic music]

-Hey, how's it going, Amae?
Uh, looks
like this area is secure.
Um, Timmy said to go
check on the blue sector,
-so I'll just--
-Timmy isn't working today.
-Ugh-What did you say your name was?
Um, um, I'm probably
not on the system, I'm new.
Yep, newbie.
-I'm working on it.
Who are you talking to?
[music swelling]
[radio chatter]
I'm sorry!
[banging, thudding]
I just completely
forgot my entire backstory.
That was a terrible performance.
[muffled rustling]
That should do it.
Powering off in ten
Anyway, so I was like, no,Dad, this is not the dark side--
-[electric thud]
[Amae] Done.
[Elida] Uh, Amae?
The-- the power.
Oh, crackers!
Wrong section.
[console beeping]
[tense instrumental music]

-anytime now.
-Got it.
[ominous music]
Holy shit.
Is that a sign?
-Green zone, now!
-[Together] Yes, sir!
[Lazaro whistling]
Inform me
the moment she's captured.
Yes, sir.
[whistling continues]

[dark music swelling]
The famous
Isaac Stelling.
I'm so glad
to finally meet you.
It's a shame
we never got the chance
when you were selling
out your royal friend.
NOT that your information
was any good, but still.
Mm. I must thank you for
eventually leading us to her.
Now why are you breaking
into Republic Territory?
More secrets to trade?
Come on, there's-- I mean,
a valiant act
will serve no purpose.
This port
is on lockdown.
We WILL find them.
You're a man who's about
to watch his friends die
for what I just
hope is a noble cause.
I'm just a tourist, man.
No noble cause.
See now,
I don't believe that.

You're from Earth,

Is this cause really
worth never seeing it again?
So quid pro quo?
-So you'd trade for my life?
That depends entirely
on what you have to offer me.


We're heading to Kraglon join the rock
band Starburst 5000.
They wanted me for bass,
but I got my eye on vocals.
I am going to get you
a couple tickets to the show,
because you look like
you need to get out more.
[dramatic note]

Okay. The holding cells
should be just below us.
[sinister chord crescendoing]

[Amae screaming]
-[muffled sounds]
I'm okay.
-[Amae] Minor issue.
-No way out.
Amae, both sides
of the stairwell are locked,
-so could you--
-The system shorted.
I'll have
to restart it manually.
Okay, okay.Uh, how long is that gonna take?
And done!
Now we just need to wait
ten minutes for it to reboot.
Ten minutes?
We'll only have 20 left.
[Amae] I'm Sorry.
There's no other way.
Do you think I don't know
how you all snuck in here?
I will deal
with your slimy friend later.
No ships will leave this port.
And you are gonna
watch your friends suffer.
[suspenseful electronic music]
[scanner buzzing, beeping]
Seriously, again?
[woman on PA]
Attention all travellers.
There will be a slight
delay in all departures.
All ships will
be held until further notice.
Please comply
with all security regulations.
-Thank you for your patience.
-That doesn't sound good.
[footsteps stomping]
Doesn't look good either.
-[Ihred gasping]
-On the bright side,
no countdown anymore, right?
So they've got time.
Not if our team are the reasonfor the added security measures.
I think we should
just continue with the plan
and have faith in our queen.
She knows what she's doing.
I see you
brought the sack with you.
[imitating Hath]
"Be resourceful, Elida."
Your training
served you well.
It has, actually.
And that's a terrible
impression of me, by the way.
I know it hasn't
been easy for you, Elida.
The destiny we choose and theone that is divined upon us is--
Or we could talk
about something else.
-This man--
-Not that.
I just don't understand.
This is a risk
that puts his life
over your own,
over your mother's.
[somber music]
You know what divine lesson
I've never really learned?

The one where
just because I'm queen
I value
one life over another.
One way or less, some
suffer while others prosper.
Kind of glad
I never got that one down.
I'm not valuing
his life over my mother's,
I'm just not
playing the hierarchy game.
It's not hierarchy to
value your family, your blood.
My blood is
the reason I'm in this mess.
The reason why I've been
running for most of my life.
That is through
no fault of your own.
You're not responsible for
the actions of your oppressors.
No, I'm not.
[Elida on device] I am
responsible for Isaac and Amae.
They'’re putting their lives on
the line for me, for my mother.
If one of us falls
we all fall.

[sinister music]
Well, if we must
do things your way--
[thudding and grunting]
[pulsing techno music]
[rapid beeping]
Reboot complete!
Are you guys ready?
[Elida] Ready.
Thanks, Amae. Be care--
-Were you gonna say careful?
I was gonna say
be yourself, because
that's all you should be.
The holding cells
are just below you guys.
I'll meet you
back at the Winnipeg.
Opening the doors
[doors buzz]
[futuristic pulsing music]
[footsteps stomping]

We should go up, Elida.
-Get back to the Winnipeg.
You heard what she said, the
holding cells are down there.
I'm not leaving him.
[Lazaro panting]
This is the most
fun I have had all week.
And for that
I wanna thank you,
[music building]
[blood squelching]

[indistinct orders]
[footsteps approaching]


Sure glad my
character isn't claustrophobic.
[footsteps approaching]

[gun zapping]
Are those our guys?
Identify yourself!
Eh, I hate labels.
[upbeat electronic music]

-What's this?
-That orb represents me.
[gun zapping]
[man grunts]
Wow, cool!
[laughs] See,
and that's why the Metaxian mob
was offering 50,000 units
for these things.
Who's the goober now?
Right, the goober?
[man] Hey! Wait!
Don't leave me like this!
[low tempo dark music]

-I'm Sorry!
-[alien] Hey!
[dramatic chord]
Wait a minute,
now hold up.
You gonna tell us
what the hell's going on?

Nobody ever thinks to tell
the accounting department
what is happening
when there's a damn lockdown.
But who
has to stay late
and input all of
the bleeding expenses incurred?
I hear ya.
Just ain't right.
No appreciation
for the work you do.
Don't tell
the bosses I told ya,
but between me and you,
some fugitives on the run.
Yeah, crazy.
Well, back to it.

I'm a transfer from Port 510,
still getting my
head around the new digs.
What's the, uh, easiest
way back to the freight line?
Oh, you just take the crew
elevator, goes right there.
-Go get those fugitives!
-You bet I will!
[peppy electronic music]
[Woman on PA] Please comply
with all security regulations.
Thank you for your patience.
[tense music]
[woman on PA]
Attention all travellers.
There will be a slight
delay in all departures.
All ships will be
held until further notice.
No ship access.
We were just hoping topick up something from our ship.
No. Ship. Access.
Well unfortunately
I'm having quite
an allergic reaction
to some bad
Bodegan fula seeds.
Let me tell you,
it's not pretty.
It's not pretty at all.
So if I could just
quickly run to my
ship and grab my medication?
It's diarrhea.
I'm having
violent diarrhea,
like the Fountain
of Ryvallion.
-[makes sputtering sounds]
There, I said it.
-Move along.
-We're cool. Message clear.
Come on, come on.
Come on.

What was that?
I was
thinking on the spot.
I thought
he'd be more sympathetic.
When did you eat
Bodegan fula seeds?
No, I didn't.

[coughing, panting]
[Elida] Help!
Please help me, help me.
[gun zapping]
I must admit, that manoeuvre
looked better
than what you pitched.
Told you, old man.
[gun zapping]

-He's alive.
-Okay. One two, three--
[gasping breath]
We got you,
buddy, okay?
We got you
[suspenseful clacking music]
[footsteps stomping]

[Elida] Hang in there.
You've had worse
hangovers than this.
We're gonna get
you back to my ship.
It's MY ship.
You die on me and it'll
really be my ship, sucker.
We should be fine,
this passageway
takes us
straight to the freight line.
[Guard] There they are! [guns
Take him!

[Vending machine]
Travelling can be stressful.
Enjoy the refreshing
taste of an ice cold
squirt berry latte and feel
all your worries slide away.
-Where's Clive?
-Who cares about Clive?!
-Where is our team?
-We need to go find them.
Look at this place.
It's a bureaucratic nightmare!
Where would
we even begin to search?
[guns zapping]
[crowd screaming]
Found them.
[gun zapping]

We need to
get those doors open!

I'm on it,
my queen.
[dark electronic music]
[gun zapping, guards screaming]


[uptempo electronic music]
[Winnibot]It is good to see you are alive.
the chance of the others also.
Remind me to give youa lesson on optimism, Winni-Bee.
Elida, I'm back on
the Winni, what's your status?
We're trapped at the boarding
gat, But we got him.
We have Isaac.
Get Winni ready.
Because once these doors open,
we won't have long.
-I'm on it.
-Where's Clive?
We really don't need
to wait for him, right?!
It's us they're after.
He'll be fine.
[woman on PA]
Attention all travellers,
there will be a slight
delay in all departures.
[sinister music]
Clive, I presume?
[music swelling]
Do you know the penalty
for royal sympathizers?
You look
a little salty.
I'm not a fussy eater!
[gun zapping]
[snarls] Ah!
Ugh. Ah!
[poppy vending machine music]
-[guns zapping]

Cover me!

[guns zapping]
[music ends, gun whirring on]
Don't make me do this.
[ominous music]
You wouldn't.
You bet your
sweet patootie I would.
Now scram!
[stomping footsteps]
[epic stirring music]
Uh I mean
It's all yours.

-Suits you.
-Thank you, Your Majesty.
I got ya.
[thumping electro-rock music]

Toss and shoot.

-But super cool.

When this is over,
we gotta make a priority
to get
the hunt for those orbs.
[thrumming electronic music]

[guns zapping]
Come on, come on!

-[Ihred grunting]
-Ihred, let's go!
-It won't hold, Dengar.
-[Ihred groaning]
Ihred, no!
No, Ihred!
-[epic mournful music]
-No! Ihred, no!
I'm so sorry, Hath.
Let her
sacrifice not be in vain.
Let's go.
that's all of us.
[suspenseful music]
Let's go.

Hang on tight.
[Winnipeg revving]
[sinister electronic music]

[crunching footsteps]

The, uh
Admirals are on the line.

[delicate instrumental music]

Look at you.

Hey, buddy.
How you feeling?
I feel like Rocky
at the end of Rocky.
I feel
like Apollo Creed
in Rocky 4.
I feel bad.
[music dies]
-You'll be fine.
Glad I had your back.
[soft electronic music]

I've done
that so many times.
Imagined what I'd say
if I got to
see my mom again.

-Any words of advice?
-Oh, it changes all the time.
Sometimes I tell her
about a new food I've tried.
Or an interesting
person I've met.
I update
her a lot on Chaz.
Especially every
time he gets a new tattoo.

I'm sorry.
I'm totally making
your moment about me.
What? No.
Are you kidding me?
This is helpful.
I, um
I just wanted to say
thank you,
you know,
for everything.
You don't have
to keep thanking me.
I'm glad to be here.
It's been like, what, sevenyears since you've seen your mom
and that's what you're wearing?
Oh, so let me just go
get my ceremonial robe.
-[Amae] Whoa, whoa.
-[Isaac] Uh, that's the sound
I'm supposed to make
behind the wheel, not you.
-What's happening?
-[Amae] Winnibot?
[Winnibot] It appears
that the space surrounding Wix
contains more debris than
recorded in my databases.
how much debris?
-[Amae panting]
That much!


[Winnibot] It also appears the
ship's hull has been damaged.
Oh no.
That looks important.
Oh, Crackers.
That's our fusion coil!

Where is it?!
[Hath] What's happening?
We're in
a freaking asteroid storm!
Hang on!
Oh, this is
going to be ugly.
Really, really ugly.
-This is all I have left.
-That's not gonna help.
-Isaac, buckle up.
-Hold on!
[Amae whimpering]

[gasping and grunting]
[Winnipeg rattling]

[soft crunching]
[Winnipeg crashing]
[animal cooing]




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