Valley of Tears (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Strength of My Foes

Here's the opening
to the antenna terrace.
Let's go, come on.
You need help, Waxman?
You okay?
Yes, sir.
Gimme the MAG.
You go down first.
Leave it. Leave the MAG.
You go down, jump, secure the exit.
Go, Waxman, go.
Okay, here you go.
- Here, reach.
- Hold on.
- I can't reach, toss it.
- Hold on.
Take off your strap.
Now jump.
Let's go.
Okay. There we go.
Jump. Jump, jump.
Okay, come here.
Jump. Jump.
Take this off.
Yoav, I can't jump.
We left men behind.
There's no turning back.
There are men upstairs, our men.
If you go back there, you're gonna die.
Go on, jump.
Jump! Jump.
- Don't overthink it, jump.
- Aah
- Good. Now you, Avinoam.
- No.
- Jump.
- I won't.
- You can do it.
- I'll hurt myself.
I have weak bones.
I won't jump.
- I won't, no!
- Gimme that.
- Pine-nut.
- Grab this.
Okay. Go, Avinoam.
Jump. Jump.
- Go.
- No, no, no. No, no, no.
Let's do it together.
Avinoam, I got you.
We're doing this together.
Come on, come on,
with me, with me, with me.
Do you wanna get outta here?
Do you want to or not?
Answer me.
Then jump.
You can do it.
Jump, you can do it.
Come with me.
We'll do this together.
Let's do this.
Come on, come on.
Come on. Come on.
Okay. Let's go.
One, two, jump.
One, two
Ow, my leg, my leg.
Gather round, everyone, come on.
Everyone over here.
Waxman, stay there, stay there.
Listen up, everyone.
From this moment on,
no more whispering, guys.
'Cause whispers carry.
You gotta talk softly,
like me now. Got it?
- Okay?
- Mm-hmm.
We're gonna start moving.
We'll move towards Majdal Shams.
From there, God willing,
we'll descend to Bolana Valley.
We only have seven soldiers
so be on the lookout
for any Syrian ambushes.
I'm talking especially to you, Intel.
No one stands out by any means.
If anyone needs anything,
and I mean anything,
you only ask the person
in front of you. Is that clear?
- Mm-hmm.
- We'll advance
in the same formation
as we did in the tunnels,
but this time we'll keep bigger gaps.
Especially when the sun rises.
- Is that clear?
- Yes, sir.
Tapiro, let's get organized.
You go to the back.
A flare!
A flare, take cover.
Take cover.
Everyone, take cover.
Go, go!
Don't worry, it's not aimed at us.
Waxman, Waxman.
Waxman, get over here.
Avinoam, over here.
Waxman, get over here.
Come on, move.
Come on.
Heads down, we're moving out.
Keep going, keep going.
Move it!
Yalla! Go, go!
Hurry it up.
This is real!
They're with me.
Talk to that guy over there, okay?
57, We're doing the best we can.
Hold on, hold on.
We're checking on it.
- Hey
- Just give me a second.
Listen, we found my son's duffel bag
among dead bodies at Anatolia Junction.
Wait a second.
Hey, hey, my son's missing.
Yeah. Whose isn't?
Hey, hey.
I'm Meni Ben-Dror, buddy.
My son is missing!
Okay, I understand,
but unfortunately
I can't help you right now.
57, copy that.
I'm calling him now.
Listen. I'm Meni Ben-Dror,
from Maariv.
Aviram's Soda crew.
Can you check
where they are for me, please?
I found tank 1B, burnt,
near the Roman Path axis.
- Three dead, no commander.
- This is Tokyo, I read you.
Can you just check
where they are, buddy?
- Hold on
- Look, you want me in this war.
I'm a badass tank driver,
I'm telling ya, man.
No one knows where anyone is right now.
Don't you get it, man?
Sit down over there or shut up
and get out of my face.
Get out of my face,
come on! Damti!
What are these two civilians
doing here?
Hey, okay, we're going.
Calm down.
Watch the door!
Stand by the door.
- Move.
- Dafna, find Yoni.
Okay. Just give me one second.
That little white boy threw us out.
Wait outside, I'm coming.
6th company, B platoon, 188.
You heard anything?
Dafna? Dafna!
- Come on, you need to leave.
- Hey, buddy, relax.
What are you doing here?
I told you to stay out of the war zone.
Did you hear from Yoav?
There are 60 soldiers
stationed at the outpost.
It's been a whole day,
and you don't know what's
going on with them?
Dafna, look, I'm sorry.
I already explained this to you.
You can't be here right now.
This is the front.
Tamir, you need help here.
Just look around.
Soon you're gonna need
the female medics, too.
Seriously, Tamir.
I mean, you look awful.
- I'm fine.
- Then tell me what I can do,
put me to work.
How can I help?
They've taken over Sicily.
Here, take this.
Come on, guys, take everything
off the tank.
It's all coming with us.
All the ammo we have.
Give that to me, Fixman.
The stretcher, too.
I think we should organize this better.
Things are everywhere.
Gimme a hand with this.
- Did anyone sweep the cabin?
- Where's the machine gun?
Listen up! Hey!
- Take this, too.
- Listen up.
There are hundreds of tanks out there.
It's still dark right now,
so that means it's our last chance
to leave this hill alive.
Let's get into the tank
that's still intact
and get outta here.
Fine, if you guys don't
wanna say anything,
I'll say it myself.
Caspi, we're not staying.
- Who's we?
- Everyone.
You can stay if you want,
but we won't. Yalla.
Get off the tank.
Let's go.
- No one move an inch.
- Caspi, it's okay.
You can leave, we're staying here.
No one move an inch!
Guys, don't you see what's going on?
Can't you see that you're
following a man
who just wants to die?
This is suicide.
Let's go back, meet with the others,
and fight like men where we're needed.
Why aren't you guys saying anything?
Did the tank fry your brains or what?
Okay, all I need is a driver.
Sulami, what do you say?
We're taking the tank
and getting outta here.
There's room for anyone
who wants to come.
Everyone, get back to work.
I said everyone!
- Caspi, what are you doing?
- Let go of Aviram!
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Let go of Aviram!
- Caspi!
- Right now!
- Marco! Step back!
- Caspi, put down your gun.
- Put down Aviram!
- Caspi, drop your weapon.
I need to make room.
Let go of Aviram!
- Let go right now!
- Caspi, calm down, man!
Everyone stay back!
Stay back!
Everyone stay back.
Don't come near me, you understand?
Let go of Aviram.
He's dead.
We'll come back for him later.
I need room for the poor guys
that are still alive.
- Marco, put Aviram down.
- Oh, do you?
- Stay back! Stay back!
- Stop! Caspi!
Caspi, drop your weapon.
Tell him to put Aviram down.
Stop this, both of you.
Caspi, drop the weapon.
Tell him
to drop Aviram.
Marco, put him down.
If I put him down, he'll take me out.
Caspi, let's get outta here.
Let's go, let's join the regiment.
- We're soldiers, Alush.
- I know.
- We're soldiers, man.
- I know, Caspi.
Let's get outta here
and we can fight where
we're actually needed.
This is your last chance, Marco.
- Caspi, listen to me.
- Back off!
Put Aviram's body down!
Fuckin' traitor.
Alush, I'm gonna kill you!
I'll haunt you in your nightmares!
I'll haunt you in your
nightmares, motherfucker!
- Come on!
- Relax!
I'll kill you, you traitor!
Let me go, motherfucker!
Use your head, man.
- Motherfucker!
- Get away from him!
Hey. Let's go.
Let's get on our tank.
We'll cut through the terrain.
Let's go.
There's room on the cogs
and on the turrets.
Is there room for us, too?
We won't leave you alone out here.
- Okay then, let's go.
- Come on, guys, get organized.
Two minutes, then everyone in the tank.
We can't go without Caspi.
I'll take care of him.
Caspi, we're leaving, get up, let's go.
You don't wanna die here, do you?
I do.
- Leave me here.
- No way, man. Get up.
- Come on, we gotta
- Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
I'm taking you with us.
Dead or alive, that's your decision.
Hey, you okay?
- Let it go, Marco.
- Chill, Marco, chill.
Stay back, everyone.
Stay back!
Everyone stay out of it.
- Stay out of it.
- He's gonna kill him!
He's choking.
- He can't breathe.
- Stay out of it.
You see how
you're fighting? Huh?
You see how you're fighting?
You don't wanna die.
Now decide.
Do you wanna stay here,
or do you wanna keep fighting
for your life?
Go to the tank.
Go to the tank!
Okay, guys. Let's go.
- Go, go!
- Come on, come on.
Come on.
Here. Come on.
- Aah.
- Come on.
Come on.
- Plane!
- Plane!
Watch out!
Box barrage!
Everyone take cover!
Pitzi, where are you?
- Over here!
- Medic!
Medic, over here!
- Come on!
- Medic!
Hammer Stations, this is Ruler 3.
Company Ruler and Deputy Ruler
are dead.
There's no way out of here.
We're boxed in by Syrians.
Request a form of rescue.
Request rescue now! Now!
Now! Hammer Stations,
can you read me? Over!
Hammer Stations,
who can read me? Over!
Ruler 3, this is 20 Gulliver.
Give me exact location, over.
This is Ruler 3.
We're one kilometer west
of the table over the road.
This is CO Gulliver.
I'm sending a Deputy CO.
He'll be there
in a few minutes. Over.
This is Ruler 3, copy that.
As quickly as possible.
The battle is bloody.
I have tons of dead
and wounded soldiers. Over!
Yoav, Syrian choppers from the north.
Get down, get down.
Everyone's here.
Be ready to move out.
Yeah. All right.
It's an ambush!
Avinoam! Avinoam!
Take cover, Avinoam!
In the bushes on the right.
Get the motherfuckers!
Fire at will!
Open fire! Fire at will!
Kill all those bastards!
Open fire on the left!
Open fire on the center!
Let's kill them all.
Albert's down!
- Medic!
- Shoot them! Shoot them!
A medic for Albert!
Get 'em!
Let's go!
Nahum, Tapiro, I'm coming!
Over here!
Nahum, toss a grenade!
Nahum, open an egg!
Tapiro, come on!
Blast them!
Blast them!
- Shoot 'em!
- I'm prepping the grenade!
- Just toss the grenade!
- Toss the grenade!
Toss the grenade!
- On two, three! Now!
- Throw it!
Let's go!
Waxman, cover me!
Pine-nut. Pine-nut?
Are you here?
- Pine-nut.
- Ow!
Pine-nut, Pine-nut.
There you are.
Pine-nut, come here.
What have you done?
Let's go.
Is there something we can do for him?
Who's that, Sulami?
Is that Elad?
How are you?
You drinking enough water?
Come on, let's get that helmet off.
Here, I'll do it.
There. Have some water.
Have some water.
More, more, more.
I will come back and get you.
Wash your face.
How you feeling now?
Is that better?
Guys, if anyone wants to help,
we gotta fill up sandbags.
We should build a wall
at the barricade
Let's do it. Now!
before another plane
attacks us.
There you go.
I'm okay, man, really.
Tokyo, Tokyo, this is 87,
do you read me, over?
This is Tokyo.
I hear you, over.
We have
We have wounded and dead men over here
that need to be evacuated.
When can you get here?
87, we understand.
We're doing all we can on our end.
What's going on around you?
Give me a report.
Hold on.
Tokyo, this is 87.
I read you, 87.
We have about 100 to 120
red tanks on the move.
They're right below us. It looks
like an entire division.
They're moving towards Tiberias.
Roger. Copy that.
Tokyo, I get that we're alone here.
I don't care about myself.
I care about the wounded.
Don't let them suffer.
Get us a medic or something, anything.
This is urgent.
87, we understand.
We're doing the best we can.
More troops are on the way here.
Hold on for just a few more hours.
We're doing all we can to reach you.
Over and out.
- Where are you taking him?
- Over there, with the rest.
Here's a rifle and a vest.
You're not gonna tell us
where you're from?
Let me guess, from a kibbutz?
From the Negev.
You look like the desert type.
Which Paris?
"Paris" Paris?
Mon rêve est d'aller à Paris.
So you left?
Kind of.
I was born here.
So you came back to Israel to enlist?
This is not what I had in mind.
But you know
I guess we can't control everything.
What about your family?
Are they still there?
They must be so worried,
hearing what's going on here.
Plane! Take cover!
Take cover!
Take cover!
They're ours!
Cease fire! Cease fire!
Cease fire, it's the IAF!
- Whoo!
- Yeah!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Caspi! Caspi!
- Where are they going?
- Caspi!
Nurit, did anyone see where he ejected?
Did anyone see a parachute open?
Glasses, did you see a
parachute open at the explosion?
Did anyone get the coordinates,
for fuck's sake?!
The pilot opened parachute near 87.
Change the frequency to 87.
Did you change it?
87, this is Tokyo.
Did you see an IDF plane
being taken out near you? Over.
What's wrong with you?
You wanna get yourself killed?
Let's go. He's right there.
And who's gonna help us?
They wasted 30 of us and no one
even gave a rat's ass.
Seriously, Marco,
are you capable of saying something
that's not completely jaded?
No, the whole world just wants
to screw you over, right?
I see the pilot.
He's alone.
Caspi, our friends were fried
in front of us, too.
He was our commander, too.
You're not the only one
who lost someone.
I see four Syrians.
Three heading for the pilot,
one there next to the jeep.
Yoni, go back to the hill.
No, I wanna help, too.
You can't understand.
- Aah!
- Get back here!
All right.
Caspi and Yoni,
you move in on the left.
Move towards the jeep, 'cause if
they get to it, he's a goner.
Don't draw any attention.
Alush, we'll pin them down from here.
- Got it?
- Got it.
Got it.
Yoni, follow me.
Be careful.
Yoni, let's go.
Let's go, Marco.
Get down, get down.
Marco, don't hit the pilot.
One's down!
Alush, I'm gonna try and flank them.
You got it.
Alush, get down here, I took him out.
Go, Marco! Go!
Yaah! Yaah! Aah!
Yoni, hurry up!
Get his rifle.
Come on, get the rifle!
- Alush!
- Let's go.
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